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Coniproof PPC DL: Car Park System According EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026 Class OS 11a - System Set Up

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Car park system according EN 1504-2 and DIN V 18026

class OS 11a - System Set Up
System for multi-storey car park, with separate membrane and wear coat,
enhanced dynamic crack bridging properties, for areas with pedestrian and
vehicle traffic, slip resistant, polyurethane system with low to medium mechanical
Fields of application exposed and intermediate parking decks

System data
Product Consumption Application Remarks

Concrete CONIPROOF 190/1 0.3 – 0.5 kg/m² brushing in / roll moisture level of concrete ≤ 4%
/ squeegee (CM-measure).
or or CONIPROOF 191/1

If no scratch coat is applied, the

cementitious primer must be broadcasted
screed with fire dried quartz sand, in
excess with grain size
0.3 - 0.8 mm.
CONIPROOF 190/1 0.7 – 1.3 kg/m² trowel / notched as scratch coat for unevenness
squeegee > 0,5 mm.
or CONIPROOF 191/1 including sand
Scratch coat

filled with oven dried

optional quartz sand, grain size Mixing ratio primer : quartz sand
0.1 - 0.3 mm 1 : 0.5 - 1 in parts by weight
depending on the thickness of
the layer and on the temperature
fire dried quartz sand, 2.5 – 4.0 kg/m2 broadcast in
of the sub-base
grain size 0.3 - 0.8 mm excess
water proofing

CONIPROOF 490/1 2.1 – 2.3 kg/m² trowel / notched no filling or broadcast with sand
High elastic



CONIPROOF 491/1 2.25 – 2.5 kg/m² trowel / notched mixing ratio resin : quartz sand
rubber 1 : 0.25 in parts by weight
filled with oven dried including sand
Wear Coat

quartz sand, grain size resin share = 1,8 – 2,00 kg/m2
0.1 - 0.3 mm Quartz sand = 0,45 - 0,5 kg/m2
oven dried quartz sand, broadcast in
grain size 0.3 - 0.8 mm or excess Quartz sand which is after curing
0.6 – 1.2 mm still loose or not bonded is to
CONIPROOF 590/1 0.6 - 0.9 kg/m2 trowel / rubber epoxy top coat, solvent-free

squeegee and

Trowel / rubber

UV-resistant, solvent-based
alternative CONIPROOF 591/1 0.6 - 0.7 kg/m2 squeegee and
polyaspartic top coat

CONIPROOF PPC dl, Mai 2017 / Rev. 2 page 1 of 3

Top Coat

Trowel / rubber UV-resistant, solvent-based

alternative CONIPROOF 592 0.6 - 0.7 kg/m2 squeegee and roller polyurethane top coat

Total thickness of the system: min. approx. 4 mm

CONIPROOF PPC dl - Technical Data

Property Standard Result

Adhesive strength at TNORM EN 1542 > 2.2 N/mm² (> 1.5 N/mm²)

Adhesive strength after freeze-thaw with de-icing salt EN 13687-1 and -2 > 1.5 N/mm² (> 1.5 N/mm²)

Dynamic crack bridging (-20°C) EN 1062-7 IIT+V (B 3.2)

Grip and slip resistant EN 13036-4 ≥ 56 Skt (≥ 55 Skt)

DIN 51130 R12 V6

EN 13529 Test liquids DIBt no. 1, 3, 10

Chemical resistance

Abrasion resistance (H22 wheel) EN ISO 5470-1 1375 mg /1000 U (≤ 3000)

Carbon dioxide permeability EN 1062-6 class III > 61 m (> 50 m)

Water vapour permeability EN ISO 7783-1 and -2 class III > 52 m (> 50 m)

Water absorption coefficient EN 1062-3 < 0,01 kg/m² x h0,5 (< 0,1)

Impact resistance EN ISO 6772-2 4 Nm – no cracks

Fire behaviour class system EN 13501-1 Bfl-s1

CE-Label: See Declaration of Performance

CONIPROOF PPC dl, Feb. 2019 / Rev. 3 page 2 of 3

Preparation In case the maximum over coating time is exceeded, the
Substrates to be coated must, be firm, dry, load bearing and primer must be broadcasted with oven dried quartz sand
free of loose and brittle particles and substances, such as (grain size 0.3 – 0.8 mm) whilst still wet - without excess
oil, grease, rubber skid marks, paint or other contaminants, sand / no bald patches to ensure the adhesion of the
which impair adhesion following epoxy-based layer.

A pre-treatment of the substrate by grit or shot blasting, high Consumption of the quartz sand is approximately 1 kg/m2
pressure water jetting, grinding or scabbing including the (primer) and up to approx. 2 - 4 kg/m2 (scratch coat).
necessary post-treatment is only necessary, if the layer is
soiled or the re-coating intervals have been exceeded. Quartz sand, which is – after curing – still loose and
unbound needs to be pushed off with a steel scraper. The
After the pre-treatment the bond strength of the concrete whole surface has to be cleaned (before the next coat is
must be at least 1.5N/mm2. applied) either sweeping or by vacuum cleaning.

The sub base must contain a moisture barrier (damp proof Wear Coat
membrane D.P.M.). The moisture level must not exceed 4 The crack bridging membrane CONIPROOF 490/1 is
%. applied, either directly with trowel or notched rubber
The temperature of the substrate must be at least 3°C The wear coat CONIPROOF 491/1 is applied, either directly
above the current dew point temperature. with trowel or notched rubber squeegee. CONIPROOF
491/1 is applied filled 1:0.25 parts by weight with fire dried
As for the rest the sections of the requirements concerning quartz sand (grain size 0.1–0.3mm) in this system.
substrates to be coated shown in the according guidelines The consumption of the resin CONIPROOF 490/1 is min.
apply. 1.8 - 2.1 kg/m2 (no additional filling) depending on the
conditions on site and of the subbase. The consumption of
Application method CONIPROOF 491/1 is min. 1.9 - 2.3 kg/m2 including sand.
For this see also the product data sheets.
Priming This wear coat coat is directly and full broadcasted with
CONIPROOF 190/1 or CONIPRROOF 191/1 are rolled on oven-dried quartz sand (grain size 0.3–0.8mm).
the pre-treated substrate by a roller or applied with a rubber Please do not grind the wear coat.
squeegee and back rolling to a thin layer – puddles need to Quartz sand, which is – after curing – still loose and
be avoided. unbound needs to be pushed off with a steel scraper. The
whole surface has to be cleaned (before the next coat is
The consumption of CONIPROOF 190/1 or CONIPRROOF applied) either sweeping or by vacuum cleaning.
191/1 is approximately 0.3 - 0.5 kg/m2, depending on the
conditions on site and of the subbase. Top coat
Then the coating CONIPROOF 590/1 or CONIPROOF
A 2nd application of CONIPROOF 190/1 or CONIPRROOF 591/1 or CONIPROOF 592 is applied, either directly with
191/1 with approx. 0.2 - 0.4 kg may be necessary to ensure trowel or squeegee and roll with a “Microtex” roller (tuft size
that all pores and capillaries are completely sealed. 8-10 mm). Roll out well and keep the overlap areas to a
minimum. The consumption is min. 0.5 until max. 0.9 kg/m2.
When there is unevenness of >0.5mm, a scratch coat has
to be applied general in order to equalize the substrate.
Sanding Please contact our Technical Department, if there are any
When applying the epoxy-based coating within the time questions.
frame of 1 day (20°C), there is no need to broadcast quartz
sand into the wet primer.

CONICA AG Tel.: + 41 52 644 3600 Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given
Industriestrasse 26 Fax: + 41 52 644 3699 or implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the professional
8207 Schaffhausen info@conica.com competence involved in the application of the product are beyond our control.
Suisse www.conica.com

As all CONICA data sheets are updated on a regular basis, it is user’s responsibility to obtain the most recent issue. Registered users can obtain the
actual data sheets from our webpage. Hard copies are available upon request.

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