The Cambridge School Doha, Qatar: Subject: Information & Communication Technology Grade 10
The Cambridge School Doha, Qatar: Subject: Information & Communication Technology Grade 10
The Cambridge School Doha, Qatar: Subject: Information & Communication Technology Grade 10
Doha, Qatar
Subject: Information & Communication Technology
Grade 10
Q1. Students can use CDs or pen drives for storing their work. Give three reasons why students
may prefer to use pen drives. [3]
1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Q2. Tick() three advantages of using computers, rather than students, to control the growing conditions.
Tick ()
Computer readings are more accurate
Q3. The students want a printed record of the computer readings as they are taken. They want to
put the printer inside the greenhouse. Their teacher has suggested a dot matrix printer. The
students suggested an inkjet printer.
a) Give two reasons why the teacher has suggested a dot matrix printer. [2]
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) Give two reasons why the students have suggested an inkjet printer. [2]
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Q4. Data can be input to a computer using direct data entry methods.
Write down the most appropriate device to input the following:
a) information from the chip in an electronic passport
. .......................................................................................................................................... [1]
........................................................................................................................................... [1]
c) account details from the front of a credit card at an EFTPOS Terminal
d) account details from the back of a credit card at an EFTPOS terminal
........................................................................................................................................... [1]
Q5. Nicholas is the manager of a sports club. The club has football, cricket, netball and hockey
When he needs to send a letter to members of a team he types out the letter, prints it and
makes several photocopies of it to send to members.
He has a database of members and has decided that in future he will use mail merge to print
the letters.
Give any three advantages of using mail merge instead of photocopying the letters. [3]
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
True False
Scanner produces a hard copy from a given soft copy input
Sensors are used in Computer controlled green houses
Internal memory comprises of hard disk and DVDs
A desktop computer has built in Bluetooth and Wifi
Q7. Circle two items which are input devices. [2]
Q8. A motor car company has some designers based in London and some in Beijing. The cost of travel
between the two cities is very high, so when they wish to meet to discuss new products they use video-
(a) The designers all have PCs with a keyboard and a mouse in order to take part in
Name two other devices used to input or output data which would be needed to take part in
the video-conference.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) Describe three potential problems of the designers using video-conferencing systems
rather than meeting in either London or Beijing.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
(c) Documents that are sent between the two cities are encrypted. Explain what encryption is
........................................................................................................................................... [3]
Q9. Using computers can lead to a number of physical safety issues. Describe four of these
types of issue.
1 .................................................................................................................................... [4].
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................................
Q10. Complete each sentence below using one item from the list. [4]
(a) Data about the details of a tin of beans is stored on the tin using a ……………………………………
Q11. People use several types of computers like PC/Desktops, Laptops, Tablets or Smart phones in
their profession.
a. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of a Smartphone over a laptop [2]
Adv ....................................................................................................................................................
Disadv ...............................................................................................................................................
Q12. Define the role of each of these components with 2 examples each: [6]
b. Explain how the uses of biometric systems have had an impact on our daily lives. [1]
b. Name any one sensor used in robots [1]
a. Html.....................................................................................................................................
b. gif.........................................................................................................................................
b. Application software
17. Johann is going on holiday to a different country. He will need to take his passport. He has a
new type of passport which has an RFID chip in it. He will be passing through automated s
sport control gates.
Q18. Match the sensor with the correct application by drawing straight connecting lines. [4]
Sensor Application
Temperature Production line control
Pressure Computer controlled green houses
Light Air conditioning systems
Humidity Burglar Alarm systems
Q19. For each use, tick() the most appropriate type of application software. [4]
Typing a letter
Q20. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to a teacher of using a tablet computer instead of
another type of computer. [6]
Q21. Give two uses, one advantage, one disadvantage of a 3D printer. [4]
Use 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................
Use 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................
Adv .....................................................................................................................................................................
Disadv ................................................................................................................................................................
(a) Blog
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Wiki
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
Q24. The number of people who now shop online has increased over the past few years.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to a customer of shopping online rather than
travelling to a mall to shop.
.................................................................................................................................................. [8]
Q25. A student is designing a web page about herself which she plans to publish on the internet.
The web page will contain a picture of herself as well as other details.
Write the line of HTML markup to display the picture or to display the words ‘‘play sport’’ if
the browser cannot locate the picture.
........................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) She has been advised by her teacher that she needs to be aware of e-safety.
Describe the e-safety issues that she should be aware of before she publishes this web page.
Q26. There are a number of health and safety issues associated with the use of computers. [4]
Draw arrows from the terms Health or Safety to the matching issue. Use a maximum of four
Clicking a mouse
repetitively causing RSI.
Overloading sockets
causing fire.