5775.6 Tones: Load 300.0t
5775.6 Tones: Load 300.0t
5775.6 Tones: Load 300.0t
length 86m, breadth 18.2m, depth 10m and floats at a draught of 3.6m in salt water (RD 1.025).
(b) What draught will the vessel float at if it is towed into dock water RD 1.012?
(c) 300 tonnes of rock ballast is now loaded into the vessel whilst floating in the dock water.
(d) How much more rock ballast must be loaded so that the vessel will float at its maximum permitted
draught of 5.62min salt water (RD 1.025)?
(e) How much rock ballast must be loaded to sink the vessel near the shore as part of a coastal
protection scheme?
DISPL.BOX = (L x B x d) x r
DISPL.BOX = (86 x 18.2 x 3.6) x 1.025
Current Displacement 5775.6t
Load 300.0t
New Displacement 6075.6t
DISPL.BOX = (L x B x d) x r
DISPL.BOX = (86 x 18.2 x 5.62) x 1.025
DISPL.BOX = 9016.3 tones
DISPL.BOX = (L x B x d) x r
DISPL.BOX = (86 x 18.2 x 10) x 1.025
DISPL.BOX = 16043.3 tones