WJCC 5 384 PDF
WJCC 5 384 PDF
WJCC 5 384 PDF
Clinical Cases
Submit a Manuscript: http://www.f6publishing.com World J Clin Cases 2017 October 16; 5(10): 384-389
Mandible is a significant structure in lower third of face
constituting to function and esthetics. It is a single bone
that creates peripheral boundaries of the floor of the
mouth, facial form (lower third), speech, swallowing,
mastication and respiration. Disruption of mandible due
to trauma, surgical resection for benign and malignant
neoplasm disrupts any of these functions. Both form
and function should be considered in rehabilitating Figure 1 Midline shift and loss of occlusal contact.
hemimandibulectomy patients. Loss of mandibular
continuity causes deviation of the remaining mandibular
segments towards the defect and rotation of the
Retentive partes (Clasp)
mandibular occlusal plane inferiorly due to muscle pull
and scar contracture. Mandibulectomy with radical
neck dissection increases this deviation. This results in
facial disfigurement, loss of occlusal contact, in many
cases, loss of lip competency for saliva control and
to initiate the swallowing process . Literature shows
techniques to correct mandibular deviation that can
vary from intermaxillary fixation with elastics, palatal or
mandibular guiding flange (GF) prosthesis anchored on
natural teeth or the dental flange . The GF is probably
the simplest and most useful in maintaining position
of the remaining jaw . This article describes different Figure 2 Mandibular guiding flange prosthesis.
types of GF prosthesis with modifications for three
hemimandibulectomy patients at different time interval
after surgery. Type Ⅲ Dental stone (Goldstone, mfg. by ASIAN
CHEMICALS). Interocclusal record was made with
modelling wax (the Hindustan dental products) by
CASE REPORT asking the patient to move the mandible away from
Case report 1 resected site as far as possible and manually guiding
A 36 years old male patient was referred to the hospital the mandible to centric occlusion. This record was
with the history of carcinoma left buccal mucosa transferred to a mean value articulator. Three clasps
for which he underwent hemimandibulectomy and were made using 21 gauge wire - “C” clasp on canine
modified radical neck dissection one month back and and premolar; adams clasp on molar for retention
reconstructed with pectoralis major myocutaneous purpose. Considering the amount of deviation and
flap. Patient complained of difficulty in mastication and reduced mouth opening, mandibular GF prosthesis was
speech. fabricated on the nondefect side using autopolymerising
Extra oral examination revealed facial asymmetry acrylic resin (DPI Cold Cure pink; Dental products of
and deviation of mandible towards the resected site India). After applying sufficient separating medium,
and the deviation increased on opening the mouth. the resin was added on buccal and lingual aspect of
The mouth opening was reduced to 25 mm. Intra oral nondefect side of mandible and on the buccal side the
examination revealed partially edentulous mandible extension was till the maxillary buccal vestibule. The
and loss of occlusal contact (Figure 1).The mandibular prosthesis was tried in patient mouth and checked for
defect was classified as Cantor and Curtis Class Ⅱ that is retention and stability. It was trimmed and adjusted so
lateral resection of the mandible distal to cuspid . It was that the mandible is guided to centric occlusion without
noted that mandible can be guided to centric occlusion delivering excessive force to maxillary teeth. Acrylic
manually but the patient could not achieve this position resin was added little by little to the guide flange until
consistently on his own. So the treatment objective was there was smooth guidance of the mandible to proper
to correct the deviation of mandible and to restore proper occlusion without any interference. The prosthesis
occlusion for mastication. was finished and polished (Figure 2). After insertion
Impressions were made with modified stainless of the prosthesis, midline coincided and occlusion was
steel stock tray and irreversible hydrocolloid (Tropicalgin, achieved (Figure 3). The patient was advised to use
IDS DENMED Pvt. Ltd.) followed by pouring cast with the GF throughout the day except at night and during
Figure 3 Correction of deviation after insertion of the prosthesis. Figure 5 Occlusion contacts established with prosthesis.
Extension to
prevent supra
Occlusion eruption
Figure 4 Palatal guiding flange prosthesis. Figure 6 Palatal guiding flange prosthesis with functionally generated
acrylic occlusal table on non-resected site and stabilization ramp for
resected side.
meals. Physiotherapy exercises were also insisted. It
included maximum mouth opening and grasping the
chin to move the mandible away from surgical side. This this position consistently. Since mouth opening was
will help in reducing trismus, minimize scar contracture normal compared to previous case, an acrylic GF on
and improve occlusion . Review after a month, there maxilla was planned as interim prosthesis.
was trivial reduction in the deviation. Hence, palatal GF Impression, cast, interocclusal record and articulation
prosthesis was made which wouldn’t affect esthetics. were made following the same procedure as in case
report 1. Palatal GF prosthesis was planned for this
case considering the stability of prosthesis, esthetics,
Case report 2
A 49 years old male patient presented to the hospital occlusion and downward rotation of mandible. The guide
with the complaint of difficulty in mastication and flange extended till the lingual sulcus on the nondefect
facial disfigurement for the past three years owing to side. The prosthesis was tried in patient mouth. The
carcinoma left buccal mucosa for which he underwent inclination of the guide flange was adjusted until it
composite resection of mandible and reconstructed guided the mandible to centric occlusion (Figure 4). But
with Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap following as both maxillary and mandibular teeth were attrited,
preoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On clinical functional cusps were worn out. The mandibular teeth
examination, there was deviation of remaining mandible glided beyond centric occlusion. To prevent this and to
towards the resected site and also downward rotation train the patient in centric occlusion, the acrylic resin
of mandible. It was noted that intermaxillary fixation was extended on the palatal cusps of maxillary teeth. A
was not done at the time of surgery. The mandibular functionally generated path was recorded and an occlusal
defect was classified as Cantor and Curtis type Ⅲ .
[4] table was fabricated accordingly so as to stabilize the
Since it was resected till the midline the deviation and occlusion. The occlusal table was also extended on the
downward rotation of mandible was more due to loss maxillary teeth of defect side to prevent supraeruption
of muscular support. The mouth opening was 35 mm. as there were no opposing teeth (Figures 5 and 6). The
Intra oral examination revealed generalized attrition, patient was recalled after a month for review.
supraeruption and partially edentulous mandible.
Patient was able to bring remaining mandible to centric Case report 3
occlusion with guidance and he was not able to achieve A 35 years old male patient came to the hospital with
Figure 8 Mandibular first molar contacting the palatal ramp that guides
the mandible to occlusion.
1 To prevent supraeruption Occlusal table on Maxillary teeth on defect side
2 To stabilize occlusion Functionally generated occlusal table on Maxillary teeth on
nondefect side
Intervention Prognosis
1 From the time of planning and surgery Better
2 Long time interval after surgery Guarded
Physiotherapy is recommended to reduce trismus deviation was trivial in the third patient as he reported
and to loosen scar contracture. Without this, masticatory one week following surgery, maxillary GF was given.
ability may decrease and lateral movement toward the In the second case report, the downward rotation of
nonresected side may not be possible . It must be mandible was significant as the resection involved
started two weeks postoperatively. Patient is asked to mandibular canine. For this case, maxillary GF was
gently push the mandible away from the defect toward given with functionally generated occlusal table on non-
more normal position. While holding mandible in position, defect side. For all the three patients, physiotherapy was
the patient should open the mouth as wide as possible to insisted along with the insertion of GF. The patients had
stretch the musculature at the resection site . In all the pain only due to scar contractures and deviation leading
three cases, physiotherapy was insisted. to pain on mandibular movements. This was addressed
Various literature shows different techniques for by correcting the deviation, and trying to maintain a
managing the deviation that include cast metal guidance stable occlusion. Guideline for GF is listed in Table 1.
prosthesis which is more technique sensitive, time Rehabilitation is an essential phase of cancer care
consuming, expensive and require more number of and should be considered from the time of diagnosis in a
patient visits. Acrylic GF is comparatively simple in design, complete and comprehensive treatment plan. The primary
cost effective, less patient visit and more importantly the objective is restoration of function and appearance.
ease of adjustability . GF prosthesis serves both the purpose. This article
A common complaint without such an appliance is pain gives a comprehensive explanation about rehabilitation
in the remaining temperomandibular joint which results procedures carried out for three patients who were
from the abnormal position of the condyle . Definitive surgically treated for carcinoma with hemimandibulectomy
treatment of these patients takes at least a year from the and neck dissection.
date of surgery as definitive treatment requires complete
healing and no recurrence of cancer. Till then the acrylic GF COMMENTS
prosthesis can be used as a training device for mandibular
movements and to avoid further compilations. Case characteristics
All three cases complained of difficulty in mastication and facial disfigurement
In the cases presented above, acrylic GF was used as
following hemimandibulectomy reconstructed with flap.
a training prosthesis. Out of three patients, one patient
was referred immediately after surgery, one patient five
Clinical diagnosis
years after surgery and other patient one month after
All three cases showed deviation of mandible towards the resected site, los of
surgery. In the first and third case report, resection was lip competency and occlusal contact and reduced mouth opening.
distal to canine. The amount of deviation was more in
the first patient as the patient reported one month after Treatment
surgery, mandibular GF was given for a period of three Guiding flange (GF) prosthesis to correct deviation of mandible and to stablise
weeks later replaced with maxillary GF. The amount of occlusion enhancing mastication and esthetics.