Welcome To The LTE CPE!: Online Help
Welcome To The LTE CPE!: Online Help
Welcome To The LTE CPE!: Online Help
Online Help
1 Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Welcome to the CPE......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Computer Configuration Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Logging In to the Web Management Page ....................................................................................................... 1
2 Home................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Viewing the Internet Usage ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Viewing the Wi-Fi Status ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.4 Viewing the LAN Usage ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Product Information ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Viewing the Product Information ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Viewing the Device List .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Quick Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Update .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.1 Updating on Local................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Updating Online ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Internet ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Network Connection ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Selecting a Network Mode ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Selecting a Connection Mode ................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Selecting an APN Profile ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Selecting PDP Type ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.5 Setting Data Roaming ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 APN Management ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 PIN Management ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 Viewing the Status of the USIM Card ................................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Enabling PIN Verification ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.3 Disabling PIN Verification .................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.4 Verifying the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.5 Changing the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.6 Setting Automatic Verification of the PIN ............................................................................................ 11
3.3.7 Verifying the PUK ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Setting the Internet MTU ............................................................................................................................... 11
4 LAN ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 DHCP Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 13
5 Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Wi-Fi Settings................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.1.1 Setting General Parameters ................................................................................................................... 17
5.1.2 Setting SSID Profile .............................................................................................................................. 17
5.2 Access Management ....................................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.1 Setting the Access Policy ...................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.2 Managing the Wi-Fi Access List ........................................................................................................... 19
5.3 WPS Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.4 Wi-Fi Multi-SSID Settings ............................................................................................................................. 21
5.5 Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 22
5.6 WDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
6 Security.......................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Setting Firewall Level .................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 MAC Filtering ................................................................................................................................................ 24
6.2.1 Managing MAC Address Whitelist ....................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2 Managing MAC Address Blacklist ....................................................................................................... 25
6.3 URL Filtering ................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.3.1 Managing URL Whitelist ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.3.2 Managing URL Blacklist ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.4 IP Filtering...................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.4.1 Managing IP Address Whitelist ............................................................................................................. 27
6.4.2 Managing IP Blacklist ........................................................................................................................... 28
6.5 Setting Service Access Control ...................................................................................................................... 28
6.6 Setting ALG ................................................................................................................................................... 28
6.7 Setting Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................................. 29
6.8 Setting UPnP .................................................................................................................................................. 30
6.9 Setting DMZ................................................................................................................................................... 30
7 Services.......................................................................................................................................... 31
7.1 Setting DDNS................................................................................................................................................. 31
7.2 SMS Management .......................................................................................................................................... 31
7.2.1 Viewing SMS Messages ........................................................................................................................ 31
7.2.2 Sending SMS Messages ........................................................................................................................ 31
7.2.3 Saving SMS Messages .......................................................................................................................... 32
7.2.4 Forwarding SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 32
7.2.5 Replying to SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 32
7.2.6 Deleting SMS Messages ....................................................................................................................... 32
8 System ........................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.1 Restart ................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.2 Reset...................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.3 Downloading a Configuration File........................................................................................................ 34
8.1.4 Uploading a Configuration File ............................................................................................................ 35
8.2 Changing the Password .................................................................................................................................. 35
8.3 Setting the Date and Time .............................................................................................................................. 35
8.4 Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
8.4.1 Ping ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
8.4.2 Traceroute ............................................................................................................................................. 36
8.4.3 System Check........................................................................................................................................ 37
8.4.4 Checking the Wireless Status ................................................................................................................ 37
8.5 Logs ................................................................................................................................................................ 37
8.6 System Notification ........................................................................................................................................ 38
9 FAQs .............................................................................................................................................. 39
10 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 40
1 Getting Started
Additional information
Optional methods or shortcuts for an action
Item Requirement
CPU Pentium 500 MHz or higher
Memory 128 MB RAM or higher
Hard disk 50 MB available space
Operating system Microsoft: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Mac: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Display resolution 1024 x 768 pixels or higher
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
Firefox 3.6 or later
Opera 10 or later
Safari 5 or later
Chrome 9 or later
To protect your CPE from unauthorized access, change the password after your first
The CPE supports diagnostic function. If you encounter problems, please contact
customer service for the specific using method.
Please change the default Wi-Fi password as soon as possible.
To ensure your data safety, it is recommended that you turn on the firewall, and
conserve your login, Wi-Fi and FTP password carefully.
2 Home
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status
To view the Internet connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Internet Status area, view the Internet status, such as USIM card status, Network
mode, and IP address.
View the LAN status, such as IP address, MAC address, DHCP server.
View the statistics of the LAN, including the total traffic, packets, erroneous packets, and
discarded packets transmitted and received over the LAN.
2.4 Update
This function enables you to upgrade the software version of the CPE to the latest version. It
is recommended that you update the software because in the new version, certain bugs have
been fixed and the system stability is usually improved.
During an upgrade, do not power off the CPE or disconnect it from the computer.
5. Click OK.
The software upgrade starts. After the upgrade, the CPE automatically restarts and runs the
new software version.
After updates are found, the CPE retains the server address and informs you if any
subsequent updates are found on the server.
If... Then...
Updates are found. Go to step 3.
Updates are not found. The upgrade ends.
During an upgrade, do not disconnect the power supply or operate the CPE.
3 Internet
Value Description
Auto The CPE automatically selects its working mode, with an order of preference
of 4G, 3G and 2G.
4G The CPE accesses 4G networks only.
3G The CPE accesses 3G networks only.
2G The CPE accesses 2G networks only.
3. Click Submit.
Value Description
Always on If the conditions permit, the CPE automatically connects to the Internet.
When roaming, accessing the network automatically may incur
additional charges.
Manual The CPE disconnects from the Internet upon startup. You can connect or
disconnect the CPE to or from the Internet manually.
3. Click Submit.
Value Description
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) that is the foundation for current Internet
technologies. Because IP resources are limited, an IP address is shared by
different persons in different time periods, that is, an IP address is not
allocated to only one network subscriber. Thus, the real-name system
cannot be implemented over the IPv4-based networks.
IPv4v6 IPv4-to-IPv6 transition technology that is used when IPv4 and IPv6 coexist.
3. Click Submit.
A local area network (LAN) is a shared communication system to which multiple devices are
When correctly configured, devices on the LAN can use the CPE to share data.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings
area, but they must be on the same network segment.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings
area, but they must be on the same network segment.
6. Click Submit.
After you change the settings, click Submit for the changes to take effect. The
DHCP server may need to restart.
To delete all items from the setup list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. Click Edit List.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.
5 Wi-Fi
4. Click Submit.
The SSID can contain 1 to 32 ASCII characters. It cannot be empty and the last
character cannot be a blank character. In addition, the SSID cannot contain the
following special characters: / ' = " \ &
The Wi-Fi client connects to the CPE using the found SSID.
This parameter indicates the maximum number of Wi-Fi clients that connect to the
A maximum of 32 clients can connect to the CPE.
8. Click Submit.
5. Set one of the SSID to Enable to make the MAC address take effect for the SSID.
6. Click Submit.
To modify an item in the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
4. Set MAC address.
5. Set one of the SSID to Enable to make the MAC address take effect for the SSID.
6. Click Submit.
To delete an item from the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Choose the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all items from the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.
If WPS Mode is set to PBC, the client can connect to the CPE after you press the
WPS button on the CPE and the client.
If WPS Mode is set to Route PIN, the client can connect to the CPE after you enter
the Router PIN on the client.
If WPS Mode is set to Client PIN, the client can connect to the CPE after you enter
the correct PIN and click Connect to Client.
4. Click Submit.
The SSID can contain 1 to 32 ASCII characters. It cannot be empty and the last
character cannot be a blank character. In addition, the SSID cannot contain the
following special characters: / ' = " \ &
This parameter indicates the maximum number of Wi-Fi clients that connect to the
A maximum of 32 clients can connect to the CPE.
If Security is set to WEP, set Authentication mode, Password length and Current
password index, and configure the corresponding keys.
If Password length is set to 128-bit, the 128-bit encryption key must contain 13 ASCII
characters or 26 hex characters.
If Password length is set to 64-bit, the 64-bit encryption key must contain 5 ASCII
characters or 10 hex characters.
9. Click Submit.
Auto indicates that the channel with the best signal quality is selected.
The value 6 to 11 indicates the selected channel.
If this parameter is set to 100%, the Wi-Fi client transmits at full power.
If this parameter is set to 80%, 60%, or 40%, the Wi-Fi client transmits signals at
low power. The Wi-Fi client located far away from the CPE may fail to access the
5.6 WDS
The CPE supports the wireless distribution system (WDS). All Wi-Fi devices in a WDS must
be configured to use the same radio channel, encryption mode, SSID, and encryption key. You
can set the WDS encryption mode to NONE or WPA/WPA2. If you set the WDS encryption
mode to NONE, the Wi-Fi clients can use NONE or WEP encryption mode. If you set the
WDS encryption mode to WPA/WPA2-PSK, the Wi-Fi clients can use WPA/WPA2-PSK
encryption mode. After WDS is enabled, disable DHCP on CPEs that are not directly
connected to the WAN port.
If WDS is enabled, the WPS function will not take effect. If the channel is set to
Auto, go to the Advanced Settings page to set the channel.
6. Click Submit.
6 Security
To delete all MAC address whitelist rules, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > MAC Filtering.
2. Set MAC filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.
6.4 IP Filtering
Data is filtered by IP address. This page enables you to configure the IP address filtering rules.
If Access Source is set to LAN, the IP address must be on the same network
segment as the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings page.
If Access Source is set to Internet, the IP address must be on different network
segments from the IP address that is set on the LAN Host Settings page.
4. Set Status.
5. Click Submit.
It is recommended to retain the default port 5060. If you use another port, you
cannot use VoIP software.
4. Click Submit.
This IP address must be different from the IP address that is set on the LAN Host
Settings page, but they must be on the same network segment.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings
page, but they must be on the same network segment.
4. Click Submit.
7 Services
8 System
8.1 Maintenance
8.1.1 Restart
This function enables you to restart the CPE. Settings take effect only after the CPE restarts.
To restart the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Restart.
3. Click OK.
The CPE then restarts.
8.1.2 Reset
This function enables you to restore the CPE to its default settings.
To restore the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Reset.
3. Click OK.
The CPE is then restored to its default settings.
To synchronize the time with the network, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Date & Time.
2. Select Sync from network.
3. From the Primary NTP server drop-down list, select a server as the primary server for time
4. From the Secondary NTP server drop-down list, select a server as the IP address of the
secondary server for time synchronization.
5. Set Time zone.
6. Select Daylight saving time.The CPE automatically provides the default DST time based on
the time zone.
7. Click Submit.
8.4 Diagnosis
If the CPE is not functioning correctly, you can use the diagnosis tools on the Diagnosis page
to preliminarily identify the problem so that actions can be taken to solve it.
8.4.1 Ping
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the ping command to preliminarily identify the
problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Ping.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field, for example, www.google.com.
4. Set Packet size and Timeout.
5. Set Do not fragment to Enable.
6. Click Ping.
Wait until the ping command is executed. The execution results are displayed in the Results
8.4.2 Traceroute
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the Traceroute command to preliminarily identify
the problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Traceroute.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field.
8.5 Logs
Logs record user operations and key running events. To view logs:
1. Choose System > Logs.
2. Select the corresponding log level from the Log level drop-down list.
The number of logs in this level is displayed to the right of the drop-down list, and all logs are
displayed in the output box.
3. Select the operation mode.
9 FAQs
The POWER indicator does not turn on.
Make sure that the power cable is connected properly and the CPE is powered on.
Make sure that the power adapter is compatible with the CPE.