Pilot Safety
Pilot Safety
Pilot Safety
and Warning
Member of GAMA
Original Issue - 2 October 1985
D5139-1-13 Reissue - 1 June 1998
Reissue 2 - 28 September 2018
Physiological . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Aircraft Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Single Engine Flight Information (Multi-engine Airplanes) . . . . . . . 4
Pilot Proficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fuel Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Airframe Icing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Seat and Restraint Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Exhaust and Fuel Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Retractable Landing Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Pressurized Airplanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Potential Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fatigue continues to be one of the most treacherous hazards to flight
safety. It generally slows reaction times and causes errors due to
inattention, and it may not be apparent to a pilot until serious errors are
made. Fatigue is best described as either acute (short-term) or chronic
(long-term). As a normal occurrence of everyday living, acute fatigue is
the tiredness felt after long periods of physical and/or mental strain,
including strenuous muscular effort, immobility, heavy mental workload,
strong emotional pressure, monotony, and lack of sleep. In addition to
these common causes, the pressures of business, financial worries,
and unique family problems can be important contributing factors.
Consequently, coordination and alertness, which are vital to safe pilot
performance, can be reduced. Acute fatigue can be prevented by
adequate rest and sleep, as well as regular exercise and proper
Chronic fatigue occurs when there is insufficient time for full recovery
between periods of acute fatigue. Performance continues to degrade
and judgment becomes impaired so that unwarranted risks may be
taken. Recovery from chronic fatigue requires a prolonged period of
rest. If a pilot is markedly fatigued prior to a given flight, he or she
should not fly. To prevent cumulative fatigue effects during long flights,
pilots should conscientiously make efforts to remain mentally active by
making frequent visual and radio navigation position checks, estimates
of time of arrival at the next check point, etc.
Stress from the pressures of everyday living can impair pilot
performance, often in very subtle ways. Difficulties can occupy thought
processes enough to markedly decrease alertness. Distractions can
also interfere with judgment to the point that unwarranted risks are
taken, such as flying into deteriorating weather conditions to keep on
schedule. Stress and fatigue can be an extremely hazardous
It is virtually impossible to leave stress on the ground. Therefore, when
more than usual difficulties are being experienced, a pilot should
consider delaying flight until these difficulties are satisfactorily resolved.
Certain emotionally upsetting events, including a serious argument,
death of a family member, separation or divorce, loss of job, or financial
catastrophe can seriously impair a pilot's ability to fly an airplane safely.
The emotions of anger, depression, and anxiety from such events not
A pilot should not fly with a known medical condition or a change of a
known medical condition that would make the pilot unable to meet
medical certificate standards. Even a minor illness suffered in
day-to-day living can seriously degrade performance of many piloting
skills vital to safe flight. An illness may produce a fever and other
distracting symptoms that can impair judgment, memory, alertness, and
the ability to make decisions. Even if the symptoms of an illness are
under adequate control with a medication, the medication may
adversely affect pilot performance, and invalidate his or her medical
The safest approach is not to fly while suffering from any illness. If there
is doubt about a particular illness, the pilot should contact an Aviation
Medical Examiner for advice.
Pilot performance can be seriously degraded by both prescribed and
over-the-counter medications. Many medications, such as tranquilizers,
sedatives, strong pain relievers, and cough suppressant preparations,
have primary effects that may impair judgment, memory, alertness,
coordination, vision, and ability to make decisions. Other medications,
such as antihistamines, blood pressure drugs, muscle relaxants, and
agents to control diarrhea and motion sickness, have side effects that
may impair the body's critical functions. Any medications that depress
the nervous system, such as a sedative, tranquilizer or antihistamine,
can make a pilot more susceptible to hypoxia.
FARs prohibit pilots from flying while using any medication that affects
their faculties in any way contrary to safety. The safest advice is to not
fly while taking medications, unless approved to do so by an Aviation
Medical Examiner. The condition for which the drug is required may
itself be very hazardous to flying, even when the symptoms are
suppressed by the drug. A combination of medications may cause
adverse effects that do not result from a single medication.
Do not fly while under the influence of alcohol. Flying and alcohol are
definitely a lethal combination. FARs prohibit pilots from flying within 8
hours after consuming any alcoholic beverage or while under the
influence of alcohol. A pilot may still be under the influence 8 hours
after drinking a moderate amount of alcohol. Therefore, an excellent
Hypoxia, in simple terms, is a lack of sufficient oxygen to keep the brain
and other body tissues functioning properly. Wide individual variation
occurs with respect to susceptibility to and symptoms of hypoxia. In
addition to progressively insufficient oxygen at higher altitudes,
anything interfering with the blood's ability to carry oxygen can
contribute to hypoxia (e.g., anemias, carbon monoxide, and certain
drugs). Also, alcohol and various other drugs decrease the brain's
tolerance to hypoxia. A human body has no built-in alarm system to let
the pilot know when he is not getting enough oxygen. It is difficult to
predict when or where hypoxia will occur during a given flight, or how it
will manifest itself.
Although a deterioration in night vision occurs at a cabin pressure
altitude as low as 5000 feet, other significant effects of altitude hypoxia
usually do not occur in a normal healthy pilot below 12,000 feet. From
12,000 to 15,000 feet of altitude, judgment, memory, alertness,
coordination, and ability to make decisions are impaired, and
headache, drowsiness, dizziness, and either a sense of well-being
(euphoria) or belligerence occurs. The effects appear following
increasingly shorter periods of exposure to increasing altitude. In fact, a
pilot's performance can seriously deteriorate within 15 minutes at
15,000 feet. At cabin pressures above 15,000 feet, the periphery of the
visual field grays out to a point where only central vision remains
(tunnel vision). A blue coloration (cyanosis) of the fingernails and lips
develops and the ability to take corrective and protective action is lost in
20 to 30 minutes at 18,000 feet and 5 to 12 minutes at 20,000 feet,
followed soon thereafter by unconsciousness.
The altitude at which significant effects of hypoxia occur can be
lowered by a number of factors. Carbon monoxide inhaled in smoking
or from exhaust fumes, lowered hemoglobin (anemia), and certain
medications can reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood to
the degree that the amount of oxygen provided to body tissues will
already be equivalent to the oxygen provided to the tissues when
exposed to a cabin pressure altitude of several thousand feet. Small
amounts of alcohol and low doses of certain drugs, such as
antihistamines, tranquilizers, sedatives, and analgesics can, through
their depressant action, render the brain much more susceptible to
hypoxia. Extreme heat and cold, fever, and anxiety increase the body's
demand for oxygen, and hence, its susceptibility to hypoxia.
Current regulations require that pilots use supplemental oxygen after
30 minutes of exposure to cabin pressure altitudes between 12,500
and 14,000 feet and immediately upon exposure to cabin pressure
altitudes above 14,000 feet. Every occupant of the airplane must be
Smokers are slightly resistant to the initial symptoms of hypoxia.
Because of this, smokers risk the possibility of delayed detection of
hypoxia. Pilots should avoid any detrimental factors, such as second
hand smoke, which can cause such insensitivity. The small merit of
hypoxic tolerance in smokers will do more harm than good by rendering
them insensitive and unaware of the hypoxic symptoms.
Smoking in the cabin of the airplane exposes other passengers to high
concentrations of noxious gas and residue. Furthermore, many of the
systems of the airplane are contaminated and deteriorated by
long-term exposure to smoking residue. Due to the large number of
known dangers and hazards, as well as those which are still the subject
of research, it is strongly recommended that smoking not take place in
As an airplane climbs and the cabin pressure decreases, trapped air in
the middle ear expands and escapes through the eustachian tube to
the nasal passages, thus equalizing with the pressure in the cabin.
During descent, cabin pressure increases and some air must return to
the middle ear through the eustachian tube to maintain equal pressure.
However, this process does not always occur without effort. In most
cases it can be accomplished by swallowing, yawning, tensing the
muscles in the throat or, if these do not work, by the combination of
closing the mouth, pinching the nose closed, and attempting to blow
gently through the nostrils (Valsalva maneuver).
Either an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold or sore throat, or a
nasal allergic condition can produce enough congestion around the
eustachian tube to make equalization difficult. Consequently, the
difference in pressure between the middle ear and the airplane cabin
can build up to a level that will hold the eustachian tube closed, making
equalization difficult, if not impossible. This situation is commonly
referred to as an "ear block." An ear block produces severe pain and
loss of hearing that can last from several hours to several days.
Rupture of the ear drum can occur in flight or after landing. Fluid can
accumulate in the middle ear and become infected. If an ear block is
experienced and does not clear shortly after landing, a physician
should be consulted. Decongestant sprays or drops to reduce
congestion usually do not provide adequate protection around the
eustachian tubes. Oral decongestants have side effects that can
During climb and descent, air pressure in the sinuses equalizes with
the airplane cabin pressure through small openings that connect the
sinuses to the nasal passages. Either an upper respiratory infection,
such as a cold or sinusitis, or a nasal allergic condition can produce
enough congestion around the openings to slow equalization, and as
the difference in pressure between the sinus and cabin increases,
eventually the openings plug. This "sinus block" occurs most frequently
during descent.
A sinus block can occur in the frontal sinuses, located above each
eyebrow, or in the maxillary sinuses, located in each upper cheek. It will
usually produce excruciating pain over the sinus area. A maxillary sinus
block can also make the upper teeth ache. Bloody mucus may
discharge from nasal passages. A sinus block can be prevented by not
flying with an upper respiratory infection or nasal allergic condition. If a
sinus block does occur and does not clear shortly after landing, a
physician should be consulted.
Of all the pilot's senses, vision is the most critical to safe flight. The
level of illumination is the major factor to adequate in-flight vision.
Details on flight instruments or aeronautical charts become difficult to
discern under dimly lit conditions. Likewise, the detection of other
aircraft is much more difficult under such conditions.
In darkness, vision becomes more sensitive to light, a process called
dark adaptation. Although exposure to total darkness for at least 30
minutes is required for complete dark adaptation, a pilot can achieve a
moderate degree of dark adaptation within 20 minutes under dim red
lighting. Since red light severely distorts colors, especially on
aeronautical charts, and can cause serious difficulty in focusing the
eyes on objects inside the cabin, its use is advisable only where
optimum outside night vision is necessary. Even so, white flight station
lighting must be available when needed for map and instrument
reading, especially while under IFR conditions. Dark adaptation is
impaired by exposure to cabin pressure altitudes above 5000 feet,
carbon monoxide inhaled in smoking and from exhaust fumes,
deficiency of vitamin A in the diet, and by prolonged exposure to bright
sunlight. Since any degree of dark adaptation is lost within a few
seconds of viewing a bright light, pilots should close one eye when
using a light to preserve some degree of night vision. In addition, use of
sunglasses during the day will help speed the process of dark
adaptation during night flight.
Pilots planning to engage in aerobatic maneuvers should be aware of
the physiological stresses associated with accelerative forces during
such maneuvers. Forces experienced with a rapid push-over maneuver
will result in the blood and body organs being displaced toward the
head. Depending on the forces involved and the individual tolerance,
the pilot may experience discomfort, headache, "red-out", and even
unconsciousness. Forces experienced with a rapid pull-up maneuver
result in the blood and body organs being displaced toward the lower
part of the body away from the head. Since the brain requires
continuous blood circulation for an adequate oxygen supply, there is a
physiological limit to the time the pilot can tolerate higher forces before
losing consciousness. As the blood circulation to the brain decreases
as a result of the forces involved, the pilot will experience "narrowing"
of visual fields, "gray-out", "black-out", and unconsciousness.
Physiologically, humans progressively adapt to imposed strains and
stresses, and with practice, any maneuver will have a decreasing
effect. Tolerance to "G" forces is dependent on human physiology and
the individual pilot. These factors include the skeletal anatomy, the
cardiovascular architecture, the nervous system, blood make-up, the
general physical state, and experience and recency of exposure. A pilot
should consult an Aviation Medical Examiner prior to aerobatic training
and be aware that poor physical condition can reduce tolerance to
accelerative forces.
Airplane checklists are available for those persons who do not wish to
use the operating handbook on every flight. These checklists contain
excerpts from the operating handbook written for that particular
airplane and are designed to remind pilots of the minimum items to
check for safe operation of the airplane, without providing details
concerning the operation of any particular system. Checklists should be
used by the pilot and not placed in the seat pocket and forgotten. Even
pilots who consistently carry the checklists tend to memorize certain
areas and intentionally overlook these procedural references.
Consequently, in time, these individuals find that operating something
as complex as an airplane on memory alone is practically impossible,
and eventually, could find themselves in trouble because one or more
important items are overlooked or completely forgotten. The consistent
use of all checklists is required for the safe operation of an airplane.
Abbreviated checklists can be used in place of the airplane
operating manual. However, they should be used only after
the pilot becomes familiar with the airplane operating
manual, and thoroughly understands the required
procedures for airplane operation.
Most large airplanes in the transport category are flown by consistent
use of all checklists. Experience has shown that pilots who consistently
use checklists on every flight maintain higher overall proficiency, and
have better safety records. The pilot should not become preoccupied
inside the cockpit and fail to remain alert for situations outside the
Reissue 2 - 28 September2018 1
The word “moment”, as used in airplane loading procedures, is the
product of the weight of the object multiplied by the arm.
The following discussion is intended primarily for pilots of
propeller-driven, light twin-engine airplanes, powered by reciprocating
engines and certified under CAR Part 3 or FAR Part 23. This discussion
is not intended to apply to specific models, but is intended, instead, to
give general guidelines or recommendations for operations in the event
of an engine failure during flight.
airplane weight and single engine climb capability under the prevailing
conditions, among others. The pilot should abort the takeoff, following
an engine-out, even if the airplane has lifted off the runway, if runway
conditions permit. However, under limited circumstances (i.e., short
runway with obstructions) the pilot may have to continue the takeoff
following a liftoff and an engine-out.
While it may be possible to continue the takeoff at light weights and with
favorable atmospheric conditions following an engine failure just after
liftoff, long distances are required to clear even small obstacles.
Distances required to clear an obstacle are reduced under more
favorable combinations of weight, headwind component, or obstacle
The pilot's decision to continue the takeoff after an engine failure
should be based on consideration of either the single engine best
angle-of-climb speed (VXSE) if an obstacle is ahead, or the single
engine best rate-of-climb speed (VYSE) when no obstacles are present
in the climb area. Once the single engine best angle-of-climb speed is
reached, altitude becomes more important than airspeed until the
obstacle is cleared. On the other hand, the single engine best
rate-of-climb speed becomes more important when there are no
obstacles ahead. Refer to the Owners Manual, Flight Manual or Pilot's
Operating Handbook for the proper airspeeds and procedures to be
used in the event of an engine failure during takeoff. Refer to the
warning placard "To Continue Flight With An Inoperative Engine" in the
airplane's operating handbook and/or on the instrument panel for
additional information.
Should an engine failure occur at or above these prescribed airspeeds,
the airplane, within the limitations of its single engine climb
performance, should be maneuvered to a landing. After the airplane
has been "cleaned up" following an engine failure (landing gear and
wing flaps retracted and the propeller feathered on the inoperative
engine), it may be accelerated to its single engine best rate-of-climb
speed. If immediate obstructions so dictate, the single engine best
angle-of-climb speed may be maintained until the obstacles are
cleared. In no case should the speed be allowed to drop below single
engine best angle-of-climb speed unless an immediate landing is
planned, since airplane performance capabilities will deteriorate rapidly
as the airspeed decreases. After clearing all immediate obstacles, the
airplane should be accelerated slowly to its single engine best
rate-of-climb speed and the climb continued to a safe altitude which will
allow maneuvering for a return to the airport for landing.
To obtain single engine best climb performance with one engine
inoperative, the airplane must be flown in a 3 to 5 degree bank toward
the operating engine. The rudder is used to maintain straight flight,
compensating for the asymmetrical engine power. The ball of the
Flying other than published airspeeds could put the pilot and airplane in
an unsafe situation. The airspeeds published in the airplane's operating
handbook have been tested and proven to help prevent unusual
situations. For example, proper liftoff speed puts the airplane in the best
position for a smooth transition to a climb attitude. However, if liftoff is
too early, drag increases and consequently increases the takeoff
ground run. This procedure also degrades controllability of multi-engine
airplanes in the event an engine failure occurs after takeoff. In addition,
early liftoff increases the time required to accelerate from liftoff to either
the single-engine best rate-of-climb speed (VVSE) or the single-engine
best angle-of-climb speed (VXSE) if an obstacle is ahead. On the other
hand, if liftoff is late, the airplane will tend to "leap" into the climb. Pilots
should adhere to the published liftoff or takeoff speed for their particular
The pilot should be familiar with the stall characteristics of the airplane
when stalled from a normal 1 G stall. Any airplane can be stalled at any
speed. The absolute maximum speed at which full aerodynamic control
can be safely applied is listed in the airplane's operating handbook as
the maneuvering speed. Do not make full or abrupt control movements
above this speed. To do so could induce structural damage to the
Aircraft position (navigation) and anti-collision lights are required to be
illuminated on aircraft operated at night. Anti-collision lights, however,
may be turned off when the pilot in command determines that, because
of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of safety to do so. For
example, strobe lights should be turned off on the ground when they
adversely affect ground personnel or other pilots, and in flight when
there are adverse reflections from clouds.
To enhance the "see-and-avoid" concept, pilots are encouraged to turn
on their rotation beacon any time the engine(s) are operating, day or
night. Pilots are further encouraged to turn on their landing lights when
operating within ten miles of any airport, day or night, in conditions of
reduced visibility and areas where flocks of birds may be expected (i.e.,
coastal areas, around refuse dumps, etc.). Although turning on airplane
lights does enhance the "see-and-avoid" concept, pilots should not
become complacent about keeping a sharp lookout for other airplanes.
Not all airplanes are equipped with lights and some pilots may not have
their lights turned on. Use of the taxi light, in lieu of the landing light, on
some smaller airplanes may extend the landing light service life.
Propeller and jet blast forces generated by large airplanes have
overturned or damaged several smaller airplanes taxiing behind them.
To avoid similar results, and in the interest of preventing upsets and
injuries to ground personnel from such forces, the FAA recommends
that air carriers and commercial operators turn on their rotating
beacons anytime their airplane engine(s) are operating. All other pilots,
using airplanes equipped with rotating beacons, are also encouraged to
participate in this program which is designed to alert others to the
potential hazard. Since this is a voluntary program, exercise caution
and do not rely solely on the rotating beacon as an indication that
airplane engines are operating.
Many different illusions can be experienced in flight. Some can lead to
spatial disorientation (See related information in following pages).
Others can lead to landing errors. Illusions rank among the most
common factors cited as contributing to fatal airplane accidents.
Various complex motions and forces and certain visual scenes
encountered in flight can create illusions of motion and position when
visual references deteriorate, and the pilot is not trained to rely and fly
Spatial disorientation is the confusion of the senses affecting balance,
which occurs when a person is deprived of the normal clues upon
which he or she depends for "indexing" a sense of balance. Loss of
control can result from the pilot unable to understand what the airplane
is doing. These clues include, most prominently, his or her visual
reference to the earth's horizon and celestial bodies, and his or her
acceptance of the force of gravity as acting vertically. When flying an
airplane, the pilot may have all outside visual references obscured by
clouds or complete darkness, and his interpretation of the direction of
gravity may become confused by forces imposed on his or her body by
centrifugal force, accelerations of maneuvering, and turbulence, which
may act in any direction.
Spatial disorientation usually leads to vertigo, but is not necessarily
identical to it. Vertigo is an uncertain feeling of disorientation, turning, or
imbalance, which is usually accompanied by feelings of dizziness or
incipient nausea.
During instrument flight, the attitude of the airplane must be determined
from the gyro horizon (“attitude indicator”) with cross-reference to other
flight instruments.
Sometimes during conditions of low visibility, the supporting senses
conflict with what is seen or what the pilot believes he sees. When this
happens, there is a definite susceptibility to disorientation. The degree
of disorientation varies considerably with individual pilots, their
proficiency, and the conditions which induced the problem. Complete
disorientation, even for a short period of time, can render a pilot
incapable of controlling an airplane, to the extent that he cannot
maintain level flight, or even prevent fatal turns and diving spirals.
Lack of effective visual reference is common on over-water flights at
night, and in low visibility conditions over land. Other contributing
factors to disorientation and vertigo are reflections from outside lights,
and cloud reflections of beams from rotating beacons or strobe lights.
A pilot's first experience of flying over mountainous terrain (particularly
if most of his or her flight time has been over flatlands) could be a
never-to-be-forgotten experience if proper planning is not done and if
the pilot is not aware of potential hazards. Those familiar section lines
in some regions are not present in the mountains. Flat, level fields for
forced landings are practically nonexistent; abrupt changes in wind
direction and velocity may occur; severe updrafts and downdrafts are
common during high wind conditions, particularly near or above abrupt
changes of terrain, such as cliffs or rugged areas; and clouds can build
up with startling rapidity. Mountain flying need not be hazardous if you
follow the recommendations below:
Poor fuel management is often the cause of aircraft accidents. Some
airplane accident reports have listed such poor fuel management
techniques as switching to another fuel tank after the before takeoff
runup was completed, and then experiencing engine problems on
takeoff. Other reports tell of pilots switching fuel tanks at a critical point
on the approach to a landing and inadvertently selecting an empty tank
when there is not enough time to compensate for the subsequent loss
of power. Flying low during day crosscountry, or moderately low at
night, can be hazardous if a fuel tank runs dry. Too much altitude may
be lost during the time it takes to discover the reason for power loss,
select a different fuel tank, and restart the engine. Pilots should be
thoroughly familiar with the airplane fuel system and tank switching
procedures. Furthermore, it is an unsafe technique to run a fuel tank
dry as a routine procedure, although there are exceptions. Any
sediment or water not drained from the fuel tank could be drawn into
the fuel system and cause erratic operation or even total power loss.
Airframe icing is a major hazard. It is at its worst when the supercooled
(liquid below freezing temperature) water droplets are large and
plentiful. Droplets of this type are usually found in cumulus clouds and
are the cause of "clear ice". Clear ice is transparent ice deposited in
layers, and may be either smooth or rough. This ice coats more of the
wing than "rime ice" because the droplets flow back from the leading
edge over the upper and lower wing surface before freezing, and the
rate of accumulation is higher.
Rime ice is an opaque, granular, and rough deposit of ice that is usually
encountered in stratus clouds. Small supercooled droplets freeze
instantly when struck by the leading edges of the airplane. Rime ice
can quickly change the drag characteristics of the airplane. Under
some conditions, a large "double horn" buildup on the leading edges
can occur which drastically alters the airfoil shape. Altitude changes
usually work well as an avoidance strategy for rime ice. In colder
temperatures, these types of supercooled water droplets quickly
convert to ice crystals.
Icing in precipitation comes from freezing rain or drizzle which falls from
warmer air aloft to colder air below. This results in a very rapid buildup
of clear ice, and must be avoided by all means available to the pilot.
Airplane performance can be severely reduced by ice accumulation.
Accumulation of 1 /2 inch of ice on the leading edges of the wings and
empennage can cause a large loss in rate of climb, a cruise speed
reduction of up to 30 KIAS, as well as a significant buffet and stall
speed increase. Even if the airplane is certified for flight into known
icing and the equipment is working properly, ice remaining on
unprotected areas of the airplane can cause large performance losses.
With one inch of residual ice accumulation, these losses can double, or
even triple. Ice accumulation also will increase airplane weight.
Most pilots pay particularly close attention to the business of flying
when they are intentionally operating in instrument weather conditions.
On the other hand, unlimited visibility tends to encourage a sense of
security which may not be justified. The pilot should be alert to the
potential of weather hazards, and prepared if these hazards are
encountered on every flight.
Published distance from clouds and visibility regulations establish the
minimums for VFR flight. The pilot who uses even greater margins
exercises good judgment. VFR operation in class D airspace, when the
official visibility is 3 miles or greater, is not prohibited, but good
judgment would dictate that VFR pilots keep out of the approach area
under marginal conditions.
Precipitation reduces forward visibility. Although it is perfectly legal to
cancel an IFR flight plan whenever the pilot feels he can proceed VFR,
it is usually a good practice to continue IFR into a terminal area until the
destination airport is in sight.
While conducting simulated instrument flights, pilots should ensure that
the weather provides adequate visibility to the safety pilot. Greater
visibility is advisable when flying in or near a busy airway or close to an
The following tips are not necessarily based on Federal Aviation
Regulations, but are offered as recommendations for pilot
consideration. They do, however, address those elements of IFR flight
that are common causes of accidents.
1. All pilots should have an annual IFR proficiency check,
regardless of IFR hours flown.
2. For the first 25 hours of pilot-in-command time in airplane type,
increase ILS visibility minimums and raise nonprecision
approach minimums.
3. An operating autopilot or wing leveler is strongly recommended
for single pilot IFR operations.
4. Do not depart on an IFR flight without an independent power
source for attitude and heading systems, and an emergency
power source for at least one VHF communications radio, or a
hand-held communications radio.
The keys to successfully counteracting the effects of wind are
proficiency, understanding the wind response characteristics of the
airplane, and a thoughtful approach to the operation. Some operating
handbooks indicate a maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity, but
this value is not considered to be limiting. There is an ultimate limit on
While an airplane is moving on the ground, it is affected by the direction
and velocity of the wind. When taxiing into the wind, the control
effectiveness is increased by the speed of the wind. The tendency of an
airplane to weathervane is the greatest while taxiing directly crosswind,
which makes this maneuver difficult. When taxiing in crosswind, speed
and use of brakes should be held to a minimum and all controls should
be utilized to maintain directional control and balance (see Crosswind
Taxi Diagram, Figure 1).
Takeoffs into strong crosswinds are normally performed with the
minimum flap setting necessary for the field length. With the ailerons
deflected into the wind, the airplane should be accelerated to a speed
slightly higher than normal (on multi-engine airplanes, additional power
may be carried on the upwind engine until the rudder becomes
effective), and then the airplane should be flown off abruptly to prevent
possible settling back to the runway while drifting. When clear of the
ground and any obstacle, the pilot should execute a coordinated turn
into the wind to correct for drift. The pilot’s ability to handle a crosswind
is more dependent upon pilot proficiency than airplane limitations.
A crosswind approach and landing may be performed using either the
wing-low, crab, or combination drift correction technique, depending
upon the training, experience, and desires of the pilot. Use of the
minimum flap setting required for the field length is recommended.
Whichever method is used, the pilot should hold a straight course after
touchdown with the steerable nose or tailwheel and occasional
differential braking, if necessary.
Much has been written about thunderstorms. They have been studied
for years, and while considerable information has been learned, the
studies continue because questions still remain. Knowledge and
weather radar have modified our attitudes toward thunderstorms. But
any storm recognizable as a thunderstorm should be considered
hazardous. Never regard any thunderstorm lightly, even when radar
observers report the echoes are of light intensity. Avoiding all
thunderstorms is the best policy.
The following are some do's and don'ts of thunderstorm avoidance:
1. Don't land or takeoff in the face of an approaching thunderstorm.
A sudden gust front of low level turbulence (wind shear) could
cause loss of control.
2. Don't attempt to fly under a thunderstorm, even if you can see
through to the other side. Turbulence and wind shear under the
storm is likely and hazardous.
3. Don't fly near clouds containing embedded thunderstorms.
Scattered thunderstorms that are not embedded usually can be
visually circumnavigated.
4. Don't trust the visual appearance to be a reliable indicator of the
turbulence inside a thunderstorm.
5. Do avoid, by at least 20 miles, any thunderstorm identified as
severe or giving an intense radar echo. This is especially true
under the anvil of a large cumulonimbus.
6. Do circumnavigate the entire area if the area has 6/10
thunderstorm coverage.
7. Do remember that vivid and frequent lightning indicates the
probability of a severe thunderstorm.
Airplanes are significantly affected by the wake turbulence of any
heavier aircraft or helicopter. Wake turbulence dissipation and
displacement are functions of elapsed time and prevailing wind speed
and direction. During calm conditions, severe turbulence generated by
large aircraft can persist as long as 10 minutes. Delay takeoff to ensure
dissipation and displacement of wake turbulence. When it is necessary
to take off behind a heavier aircraft or helicopter, avoid wake
turbulence, particularly wake vortices, by vertical or lateral spacing or
an appropriate time delay.
Vertical avoidance is appropriate to longer runways where operations
can be completed on portions of the runway not affected by the vortices
of preceding aircraft and flying above areas where vortices will be
present is possible. Become airborne well before the preceding aircraft
rotation point and climb above its flight path, or lift off beyond the
touchdown point of a landing aircraft. When it is necessary to land
behind another aircraft, remain above its approach path and land
beyond its touchdown point. Touchdown prior to the rotation point of a
departing aircraft.
Lateral movement of wake vortices is only possible when a significant
crosswind exists and is not detectable unless exhaust smoke or dust
marks the vortices. Consider offsetting the takeoff path to the upwind
side of the runway.
Records of general aviation airplane accident injuries reveal a
surprising number of instances in which the occupants were not
properly using the available restraint system, indicating the presence of
a complacent attitude during airplane preflight briefing inspections. An
unbuckled restraint system during a critical phase of flight, such as
during turbulence, could cause loss of control of the airplane and/or
injuries. Although the ultimate responsibility lies with the
pilot-in-command, each user of a restraint system should be cognizant
of the importance of proper use of the complete restraint system.
Pilots should ensure that all occupants properly use their individual
restraint systems. The system should be adjusted snug across the
body. A loose restraint belt will allow the wearer excessive movement
and could result in serious injuries. The wearer should not allow sharp
or hard items in pockets or other clothing to remain between their body
and the restraint system to avoid discomfort or injury during adverse
flight conditions or accidents. Each occupant must have their own
restraint system. Use of a single system by more than one person
could result in serious injury.
Occupants of adjustable seats should position and lock their seats
before fastening their restraint system. Restraint belts can be
lengthened before use by grasping the sides of the link on the link half
of the belt and pulling against the belt. Then, after locking the belt link
into the belt buckle, the belt can be tightened by pulling the free end.
The belt is released by pulling upward on the top of the buckle.
Restraint systems must be fastened anytime the airplane is in motion.
Before takeoff, the pilot should brief all passengers on the proper use,
including the method of unlatching the entire restraint system, in the
event that emergency egress from the airplane is necessary.
Small children must be secured in an approved child restraint system
as defined in FAR 91.107 "Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and
child restraint systems". The pilot should know and follow the
instructions for installation and use provided by the seat manufacturer.
The child restraint system should be installed in an aircraft seat other
than a front seat. If the child restraint system is installed in a front seat,
the pilot must ensure that it does not interfere with full control
movement or restrict access to any aircraft controls. Also, the pilot
should consider whether the child restraint system could interfere with
emergency egress. Refer to AC 91-62A, "Use of Child Seats In Aircraft"
for more information.
If shoulder restraints are not installed, kits are available from Cessna or
from other approved sources. Cessna strongly recommends the
installation of shoulder harnesses.
Solid contamination may consist of rust, sand, pebbles, dirt, microbes
or bacterial growth. If any solid contaminants are found in any part of
the fuel system, drain and clean the airplane fuel system. Do not fly the
airplane with fuel contaminated with solid material.
Liquid contamination is usually water, improper fuel type, fuel grade, or
additives that are not compatible with the fuel or fuel system
components. Liquid contamination should be addressed as set forth in
the section entitled "Proper Sampling from Quick Drains", and as
prescribed in the airplane's approved flight manual.
Under hot, high altitude conditions, or in situations during a climb that
are conducive to fuel vapor formation, it may be necessary to utilize the
auxiliary fuel pump(s) to attain or stabilize the fuel flow required for
proper engine operation. Use the auxiliary fuel pump(s) in all conditions
where there is any possibility of excessive fuel vapor formation or
temporary disruption of fuel flow in accordance with operating
handbook procedures.
Many cabin heaters in general aviation airplanes operate by allowing
ambient air to flow through an exhaust shroud where it is heated before
being ducted into the cabin. Therefore, if anyone in the cabin smells
exhaust fumes when using the cabin heater, immediately turn off the
cabin heater and open all cabin vents. Land as soon as possible at the
nearest airport and seek medical attention if needed.
If carbon monoxide is suspected in the cabin at any time, it is
imperative that immediate ventilation be initiated, including the opening
of cabin windows. Observe the maximum speed for window opening in
flight. Opening a cabin window is probably the best means of ventilating
the cabin while on the ground. However, care should be taken when
parked with engine(s) operating or when in the vicinity of other
airplanes that have their engines running. The exhaust gases from your
airplane or the other airplane could enter the cabin through the open
window. Also, engine exhaust could be forced into the cabin area
during taxi operations or when taxiing downwind.
Refer to the operating handbook and/or approved flight manual for
appropriate ventilation procedures.
The turbocharger system's purpose is to elevate manifold pressure and
thus engine power to a level higher than can be obtained without it. A
failure of the system will cause either an overboost condition or some
degree of power loss. An overboost can be determined on the manifold
pressure instrument and can be controlled by a throttle reduction.
If turbocharger failure results in power loss, it may be further
complicated by an overly rich mixture. This rich mixture condition may
be so severe as to cause a total power failure. Leaning the mixture may
restore partial power. Partial or total power loss may also be caused by
an exhaust system leak. A landing should be made as soon as practical
for either an overboost or partial/total power loss.
A preflight checklist is provided to aid the pilot in detecting conditions
which could contribute to an airplane fire. Flight should not be
attempted with known fuel, oil, or exhaust leaks, since they can lead to
a fire. The presence of fuel or unusual oil or exhaust stains may be an
indication of system leaks and should be corrected prior to flight.
Fires in flight must be controlled as quickly as possible by identifying
and shutting down the affected system(s), then extinguishing the fire.
Until this process is complete, the pilot should assume the worst and
initiate action for an immediate landing. A pilot must not become
distracted by the fire to the point that control of the airplane is lost. The
pilot must be able to complete a deductive analysis of the situation to
determine the source of the fire. Complete familiarity with the airplane
and its systems will prove invaluable should a fire occur.
The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the distinct odor of
burning insulation. Once an electrical fire is detected, the pilot should
attempt to identify the effected circuit by checking circuit breakers,
instruments, avionics, etc. If the affected circuit cannot be readily
detected and flight conditions permit, the battery/master switch and
alternator switch(es) should be turned OFF to remove the possible
sources of the fire. If at night, ensure the availability of a flashlight
before turning off electrical power. Then, close off ventilating air as
much as practical to reduce the chances of a sustained fire. If an
oxygen system is available in the airplane and no visible signs of flame
are evident, occupants should use oxygen until smoke clears.
If electrical power is essential for the flight, an attempt may be made to
identify and isolate the effected circuit by turning the Master Switch and
other electrical (except magneto) switches off and checking the
condition of the circuit breakers to identify the affected circuit. If the
circuit can be readily identified, leave it deactivated and restore power
to the other circuits. If the circuit cannot be readily identified, turn the
Master Switch on, and select switches that were on before the fire
indication, one at a time, permitting some time to elapse after each
switch is turned on, until the short circuit is identified. Make sure the fire
is completely extinguished before opening vents. Land as soon as
possible for repairs.
Fire or smoke in the cabin should be controlled by identifying and
shutting down the affected system, which is most likely to be electrical
in nature, and landing as soon as possible. Smoke may be removed by
opening the cabin air controls. However, if the smoke increases in
intensity when the air controls are opened, they should be closed as
this indicates a possible fire in the heating system, nose compartment
baggage area, or that the increase in airflow is aggravating this
In pressurized airplanes, the pressurization air system will remove
smoke from the cabin. However, if the smoke is intense, it may be
necessary to either depressurize at altitude, if oxygen is available for all
occupants, or execute an emergency descent to 10,000 feet, terrain
permitting. "Ram Air Dump" handle may be pulled to aid the clearing of
smoke from the cabin.
It is often difficult to distinguish an autopilot malfunction from an electric
trim system malfunction. The safest course is to deactivate both. Do not
re-engage either system until after you have safely landed. Then have
the systems checked by a qualified service facility prior to further flight.
Depending upon the installation on your airplane, the following
additional methods may be available to disengage the autopilot or
electric trim in the event the autopilot or electric trim does not
disengage utilizing the disengage methods specified in the
Supplements and/or the Garmin CRG and PG.
1. Push the autopilot or autopilot trim disconnect switch on the
yoke, if installed.
2. Operate the electric trim switch on the yoke, if installed.
3. Push the autopilot (AP) switch or button on the autopilot
controller (this switch or button when pushed alternately
engages and disengages the autopilot), if installed.
4. Turn off the autopilot master switch, if installed.
5. Pull the autopilot and trim circuit breaker(s) or turn off the
autopilot switch breaker, if installed.
6. Push the go around (GA) switch or button on throttle grip or
located on the instrument panel by the throttle control.
The above ways may or may not be available on your autopilot. It is
essential that you the pilot, read your airplane's AFM supplement and/
or the Garmin CRG and PG, for your autopilot system and check each
function and operation on your system.
The engagement of the autopilot must be done in accordance with the
instructions and procedures contained in the airplane operating
handbook and/or the Garmin CRG and PG.
Particular attention must be paid to the autopilot settings prior to
engagement. If the autopilot is engaged when the airplane is out of
trim, a large attitude change may occur.
All repair facilities and personnel should follow established repair
procedures. Cessna does not support modifications to Cessna
airplanes, whether by Supplemental Type Certificate or otherwise,
unless those modifications are approved by Cessna. Such
modifications may void any and all warranties on the airplane, since
Cessna may not know the full effects on the overall airplane. Cessna
has not tested and approved all such modifications by other
companies. Operating procedures and performance data specified in
the operating handbook and maintenance procedures specified in the
Service/Maintenance Manual may no longer be accurate for the
modified airplane. Operating procedures, maintenance procedures and
performance data that are effected by modifications not approved by
Cessna should be obtained from the STC owner.
Corrosion can cause structural failure if left unchecked. The
appearance of the corrosion varies with the metal. On aluminum and
magnesium, it appears as surface pitting and etching, often combined
with a grey or white powdery deposit. On copper and copper alloys the
corrosion forms a greenish oxide and on steel, a reddish rust. When
grey, white, green or red deposits are removed, each of the surfaces
may appear etched and pitted, depending upon the length of exposure
and severity of the attack. If the damage is not too deep, it may not
significantly alter the strength of the metal. However, the pits may
become sites for crack development. Some types of corrosion can
travel beneath surface coatings and spread until the part fails.
Remove corrosion as soon as possible because it attacks and holds
moisture in contact with the metal, which causes more corrosion to
form. Every visible trace must be removed by some mechanical or
chemical means. The surface must then be chemically treated to form a
film which prevents oxygen or moisture from contacting the surface.
Then, the protective surface (paint) must be restored.
The conventional and air-stair doors on pressurized airplanes have a
series of pins, actuated by an overcenter locking handle, to maintain
the door seal during the pressurization cycle. Some air-stair doors are
sealed by pressurization air pressing against the cabin door windlace
which covers the door gap. Door security can be verified by visually
checking the locking indicator for the door handle safety lock, in the
case of single-engine airplanes, and checking for correct locking
indications provided in the door of multi-engine airplanes. It is
recommended that pilots check the locking pins and door seals for
cracks or damage during each preflight. Any damaged parts should be
repaired prior to pressurized flight.
Review of propeller accidents indicates that most were preventable. A
propeller under power, even at slow idling speed, has sufficient force to
inflict fatal injuries. Pilots can be most effective in ensuring that
passengers arrive and depart the vicinity of the airplane safely by
stopping the engine(s) during loading and unloading.
Cessna airplanes are delivered with propellers using paint schemes to
increase visibility of the blades. Owners should maintain the original
paint scheme.
Pilots and Service personnel should develop the following safety
1. Before moving a propeller or connecting an external power
source to an airplane, be sure that the airplane is chocked,
ignition switches are in the OFF position, throttle is closed,
mixture is in IDLE CUT-OFF position, and all equipment and
personnel are clear of the propeller. Failed diodes in airplane
electrical systems have caused starters to engage when
external power was applied regardless of the switch position.
2. When removing an external power source from an airplane,
keep the equipment and yourself clear of the propeller.
3. Pilots should make certain that all personnel are clear of the
propeller, prior to engine start.
4. Attach pull ropes to wheel chocks located close to a rotating
5. Before removing the wheel chocks, the pilot should hold brakes
or apply the parking brake.
6. Be absolutely sure that all equipment and personnel are clear of
the airplane before releasing the brakes.
7. Ground personnel should be given recurrent propeller safety
training to keep them alert to the dangers of working around
The pilot should carefully inspect the propeller during each preflight
inspection. Some constant speed propellers manufactured by
McCauley are subject to a requirement that they be filled with a
red-dyed oil. This oil helps lubricate and prevent corrosion of internal
Before servicing any airplane with oxygen, consult the specific airplane
service/maintenance manual to determine the proper type of servicing
equipment to be used. Airplanes should not be serviced with oxygen
during refueling, defueling, or other maintenance work which could
provide fuel and a source of ignition. Also, oxygen servicing of an
airplane should be accomplished outside, not in hangars.
Oxygen is a very reactive material, combining with most of the chemical
elements. The union of oxygen with another substance is known as
oxidation. Extremely rapid or spontaneous oxidation is known as
combustion. While oxygen is non-combustible in itself, it strongly and
rapidly accelerates the combustion of all flammable materials; some to
an explosive degree.
The following are some do's and don'ts when handling or using
1. Do check that only "aviators breathing oxygen" is going into the
airplane system.
2. Don’t confuse aviators breathing oxygen with “hospital/medical”
oxygen. (The latter is pure enough for breathing, but the
moisture content is usually higher which could freeze and plug
the lines and valves of an airplane oxygen system).
3. Do reject any oxygen that has an abnormal odor (good oxygen
is odorless).
4. Do follow the published applicable instructions regarding
charging, purging, and maintenance of airplane oxygen
5. Don't use oil or grease (including certain lipsticks and lip balms)
around oxygen systems.
6. Don't expose oxygen containers to high temperatures.
Compressed air is a mechanic's tool as versatile as electricity, and can
be as deadly. The use of compressed air to blow dust or dirt from parts
of the body or clothing is a dangerous practice. As little as 12 psi can
dislocate an eyeball. Air can enter the navel through a layer of clothing
and inflate and rupture the intestines. Compressed air has been known
to strike a small wound on a person's hand and inflate the arm.
Never look into or point any compressed air apparatus toward any part
of the body. Always wear prescribed personal protective equipment.
Also, continuously check the condition of air tools and air hoses to
Static electricity, by definition, is a negative or positive charge of
electricity that an object accumulates, and creates a spark when the
object comes near another object. Static electricity may accumulate on
an airplane during flight or while it is on the ground, as long as air is
flowing over its surfaces. Unless static electricity is carried away by
ground wires, an explosion may be caused during any fueling
Grounding an airplane is a good safety precaution because static
electricity cannot be seen until it's too late. To properly ground an
airplane, attach one end of a static ground wire to an unpainted point
on the airplane and the other end to an approved grounding stake.
Attaching the ground wire to the airplane first will ensure that any spark
of static electricity will occur at the grounding stake and not at the
airplane. Do not attach a ground wire to any antenna. Antennas are
poor grounding attachment points because they are insulated from the
airplane structure.
On some airplanes, wick-type static dischargers are installed to
improve radio communications during flight through dust or various
forms of precipitation (rain, snow or ice crystals). Under these
conditions, the build-up and discharge of static electricity from the
trailing edges of wings, rudder, elevator, and propeller tips can result in
loss of usable radio signals on all communications and navigation radio
equipment. Usually the ADF is first to be affected and VHF
communication equipment is the last to be affected. Installation of static
dischargers reduces interference from precipitation static, but it is
possible to encounter severe precipitation static conditions which might
cause the loss of radio signals, even with static dischargers installed.
Static dischargers lose their effectiveness with age, and therefore
should be checked at every scheduled inspection by a qualified
technician. If testing equipment is not available, it is recommended that
the wicks be replaced every two years, especially if the airplane is
operated frequently in IFR conditions.
Hearing loss due to overexposure to loud noise levels is a real
possibility while working near operating airplane engines. Continuous
exposure to excessive noise diminishes hearing acuity, with high
frequency response failing first. If the overexposure continues, the
middle frequencies, most important in conversation, are also lost.
Earmuffs, some headset types, and earplugs are very useful to avoid
hearing loss. By far, the earplug has proven to be the best protection
overall. Limits have been established which relate sound level (dB) to
exposure time. These limits are based on daily exposures for long
Sound Level
(dB) 115 110 105 100
Maximum Time
(min.) 15 30 60 120