Rangkuman Eltc
Rangkuman Eltc
Rangkuman Eltc
Class/ Semester : A/ IV
Subject : English Language Teaching Curriculum
Principles Underlying Language Curriculum Design and Renewal
1. Curriculum Design
Curriculum design is an organization of goals, content, and processes learning that
students follow at various stages of development education. According to Longstreet (1993),
curriculum design is a design knowledge centered curriculum (knowledge centered design)
which is designed based on the structure of the scientific discipline, therefore the design model
is also called the academic subject curriculum model aimed at developing student intelligence.
According to McNeil (1990), the function of design curriculum is for develop cognitive
processes or thinking abilities students through practice scientific research process.
2. Principles
a. Content and sequencing
There are the content and sequencing of language courses :
A language course should provide the best possible coverage of language in use through
the inclusion of items that occur frequently in the language, so that learners get the best
return for their learning effort.
A language course should train learners in how to learners a language, so that they
Learners should have increasingly spaced, repeated opportunity to give attention to
wanted items in a variety of contexts.
This principle does not imply that all of the attention of the teacher and learners is
directed towards formal features of the language. What it means is that where attention is
directed to language features these features should be predominantly regular features.
A language course should progressively cover useful language items, skills and
strategies. This principle means that the course should have explicit language teaching
goals and that there should be some way of ensuring that there is opportunity for the
goals to be reached.
The teaching of language items should take account of the most favourable sequencing
of these items and should take account of when the learners are most ready to learn
The course should help the learners to make the most effective use of previous
The items in a language course should be sequenced so that items which are learned
together have a positive effect on each other for learning, and so that interference effects
are avoided.