Approaches To Increasing The Salt Tolerance of Wheat and Other Cereals
Approaches To Increasing The Salt Tolerance of Wheat and Other Cereals
Approaches To Increasing The Salt Tolerance of Wheat and Other Cereals
1025–1043, 2006
Plants and Salinity Special Issue
doi:10.1093/jxb/erj100 Advance Access publication 1 March, 2006
ª The Author [2006]. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology]. All rights reserved.
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1026 Munns et al.
The halophytic relative of wheat, tall wheatgrass (Thinopy- starting earlier in the former studies, and reducing the yield
rum ponticum, syn. Agropyron elongatum), is grown for potential through the reduction in tiller formation, or it
forage on saline soils. Distant halophytic relatives of barley, may have been due to the number of irrigations being
such as sea barleygrass (Hordeum marinum), are even more less or the ambient conditions hotter and drier so that
salt tolerant (Garthwaite et al., 2005), but are not useful for the salt concentration around the roots was greater (for
forage. The salt tolerance in these halophytic relatives of a given EC) than in the experiments reported by Maas and
wheat and barley has not yet been used to improve the Hoffman (1977). This raises the problem that screening in
tolerance of the related crop species, as the mechanisms one environment may not select the right genotypes for
conferring tolerance to the wild relatives are unknown, and a different environment. Field conditions vary from site to
the genomes do not recombine at meiosis, so a forward site, not only in soil salinity, but also in soil physical and
genetic approach cannot be used. The potential of wild chemical properties such as sodicity, high pH, and possibly
relatives to improve the salt tolerance of wheat is reviewed toxic trace elements such as boron (Rengasamy, 2002).
by Colmer et al. (2006). Further, there are differences across seasons in temperature
and drought, which, particularly in dry-land agriculture,
Relationship between salinity and yield in grain crops will directly affect the build-up of salts around the roots.
Chlorophyll content (SPAD units)
Cl- flux (mol m-2 s-1)
0 1 2 3 30 35 40 45 50 55
Water flow (mmol m-2 s-1) Time after salt added (d)
Fig. 3. The relationship between ion concentrations in the xylem, ion Fig. 4. Effect of 150 mM NaCl on chlorophyll content in leaf 6 of low
fluxes to the shoot, and transpiration rates (Munns, 1985). The data sodium (circles) and high sodium (squares) genotypes. Leaf 6 emerged
shown are for Cl, but Na+ and K+ concentrations and fluxes showed 21 d after the salt treatment started. Bars show the standard error of the
a similar relationship to transpiration rate (Munns, 1985). mean. Modified from Husain et al. (2003).
1034 Munns et al.
100 mM NaCl (0.45 MPa) they showed that the yield of the builds up with time. In the older leaves, the salt concen-
(low Na+) bread wheat was reduced by only 7% compared tration will soon become high enough to kill the cells,
with a 38% reduction for the (high Na+) durum wheat. At unless they can compartmentalize the salt in vacuoles,
a higher salinity, equivalent to about 150 mM NaCl (0.65 thereby protecting the cytoplasm from ion toxicity.
MPa), there was less difference between genotypes, the This compartmentation is exemplified by halophytes,
bread wheat being reduced by 43% and the durum wheat which hold concentrations of over 500 mM on a leaf tissue
by 54% (Maas and Grieve, 1990) basis, but which show no sign of injury. Barley leaves can
Does Na+ exclusion pose a problem for turgor mainte- tolerate concentrations close to this without showing injury
nance? The low Na+ trait did not restrict turgor maintenance (Greenway, 1962; Rawson et al., 1988a), as can numerous
as K+ uptake was enhanced (Rivelli et al., 2002). Four other species. In these species, salt must be sequestered in
wheat genotypes with contrasting degrees of Na+ exclusion vacuoles. This is difficult to measure directly, but it must
were selected to see if low Na+ uptake adversely affected happen when the leaf contains at least 100 mM on a tissue
water relationships or growth rates during exposure to saline water basis (i.e. 0.5 mmol g1 DW), as this concentration
conditions. Plants were grown in supported hydroponics, cannot be tolerated by most enzymes, as described above.
with and without 150 mM NaCl, and sampled for measure- To understand the physiology of tolerance to high
10 LSD (0.05)
No of selections
6 Wollaroi
durum wheat
4 Skiff
0.0 2
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Leaf Na+ concentration (mM)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 5. Relationship between leaf Na+ concentration and the estimated
K+:Na+ ratio in the cytoplasm of leaves from barley (cv. Franklin) and Na+ per %DL (µmol)
durum wheat (cv. Wollaroi) grown in a range of high salinities leading
to different leaf Na+ concentrations. Cytoplasmic Na+ and K+ concen- Fig. 6. Frequency distribution of Na+ content per percentage dead leaf
trations were estimated from vacuolar concentrations measured using of 47 tetraploid wheat selections, grown in 150 mM NaCl for 21 d. The
cryo-SEM X-ray microanalysis, whole tissue analyses, and volume bars represents LSDs at P=0.05 for selection comparisons. Reproduced
fractions of cell compartments in different cell types (R James, R Munns, from Munns and James (2003), with kind permission of Springer Science
unpublished results). and Business Media.
1036 Munns et al.
Photosynthesis Osmotic tolerance: mechanisms and
screening methods
Screening methods based on gas exchange are not feasible
as the measurements are too slow to handle large numbers. The osmotic or water stress effect of salt in the soil quickly
The chlorophyll fluorescence measurement of Fv/Fm can reduces the growth rate in proportion to the salinity level
be made quickly and can handle larger numbers but, as (the Phase 1 effect; see Fig. 7). In species that produce
mentioned earlier, it may not be significantly better than multiple stems such as wheat, the growth reduction occurs
chlorophyll level as measured with a SPAD meter. The mainly in the reduction of tiller number (Maas and Grieve,
more easily measured fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm de- 1990; Francois et al., 1994; Husain et al., 2003) which, for
creased only when chlorophyll content decreased, indicat- a farmer, means fewer spikes and therefore less poten-
ing that a simple meter for measuring chlorophyll density in tial yield per plant. Developing salt injury will cause the
leaves (such as the SPAD meter) is a more cost-effective sensitive genotypes to grow even slower than the more
measure of photosynthetic capacity than chlorophyll tolerant (Phase 2 effect; see Fig. 7). In the example shown
fluorescence. in Fig. 7, the osmotic effect of 150 mM NaCl reduces the
biomass after 40 d by roughly 75% and the salt-specific