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Welcome To The Course On Digital Image Processing. Convolution (Refer Slide Time 00:29)

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Digital Image Processing

Prof. P. K. Biswas
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Module Number 01 Lecture Number 04
Signal Reconstruction Form Samples: Convolution Concept

Welcome to the course on Digital Image Processing.


(Refer Slide Time 00:29)

you find that we have represented our sampled signal as Xs(t) = x(t).comb(t,Δt) , Ok.
(Refer Slide Time 00:54)

So what we are doing is, we are taking 2 signals in time domain and we are multiplying these
2 signals. Now, what will happen if we take Fourier Transform of these 2 signals? Or let us
put it like this. I have 2 signals, x(t) and I have another signal say h(t). Both these signals are
in the time domain. We define an operation called convolution which is defined as h(t)* x (t).

(Refer Slide Time 01:37)

This convolution operation is represented as h(t)*x(t)=  h(τ)x(t-τ)dτ .
(Refer Slide Time 01:59)

Now what does it mean? This means that whenever we want to take the convolution of two
signals h(t) and x(t) then, firstly what we are doing is, we are time-inverting the signal x(t).
So instead of taking x(τ) we are taking x(τ). So if I have 2 signals of this form, say h(t) is
represented like this and we have a signal say x(t) which is represented like this

(Refer Slide Time 02:37)

Then, what we have to do is, as our expression says that the convolution of h(t) and x(t) is

nothing but h(t)*x(t)=  h(τ)x(t-τ)dτ .
(Refer Slide Time 03:02)

and h(t) is like this and x(t) is like this.

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This is the h(t) and this is x(t).

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Then what we have to do is, for convolution purpose we are taking h of tau and x of minus
tau. So if I take x of minus t, this function will be like this. So this is x of minus t.

(Refer Slide Time 03:34)

And for this integration, we have to take h(τ), for a value of τ and x(-τ), that has to be
translated by this value t and then the corresponding values of h and x have to be multiplied
and then you have to the integration from -∞ to ∞.

So if I take an instance like this, Ok. So at this point I want to find out what is the
convolution value. Then I have to multiply the corresponding values of h with these values of
x, each and every time instance I have to do the multiplication, then I have to integrate from -
∞ to ∞.

(Refer Slide Time 04:32)

I will come to application of this a bit later. Now let us see that, if we have a convoluted
signal. Say we have h(t), which is convoluted with x(t); and if I want to take Fourier
Transform of this signal, then what we will get?

(Refer Slide Time 05:05)

The Fourier Transform of this will be represented as,

 
F{h(t)*x(t)}=    h(τ)x(t-τ)dτ e-jωt dt .
   
(Refer Slide Time 05:41)

So this is the Fourier Transform of the convolution of those 2 signals, h(t) and x(t). Now if
you do this integration, you will find that the same integration can be written in this

  -jω
   x(t-τ)e dt  e dτ
-jω(t- )
form, F{h(t)*x(t)} = h(τ)

(Refer Slide Time 06:38)

Now you will find that what does this inner integral mean? From the definition of Fourier
Transform, this inner integral is nothing but the Fourier Transform of x(t).

 h(τ)X( )e
So,So this expression F{h(t)*x(t)} = dτ
(Refer Slide Time 07:11)

Now what I can do is, because this X(ω) is independent of τ, so I can take out this X(ω) from

this integral. So my expression will now be, F{h(t)*x(t)} = X( )  h(τ)e-jω dτ .
(Refer Slide Time 07:51)

Again you will find that from the definition of Fourier Transformation, this is nothing but the
Fourier Transformation of the time signal h(t). So effectively this expression comes out to be
X(ω).H(ω), where X(ω) is the Fourier Transform of the signal x(t) and H(ω) is the Fourier
Transform of the signal h(t).

(Refer Slide Time 08:18)

So effectively this means that if I take the convolution of 2 signals x(t) and h(t) in time
domain, this is equivalent to multiplication of the two signals in the frequency domain.
(Refer Slide Time 08:42)

So convolution of two signals x(t) and h(t) in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication
of the same signals in the frequency domain. The reverse is also true. That is, if we take the
convolution of X(ω) and H(ω)in the frequency domain, this will be equivalent to
multiplication of x(t) and h(t) in the time domain.

(Refer Slide Time 09:16)

So both these relations are true and we will apply these relations to find out

how the signal can be reconstructed from its sample values?

So now let us come back to our original signal. So here we have seen
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that we have been given these sample values and from the sample values, our aim is to
reconstruct this continuous signal x(t). And we have seen
(Refer Slide Time 09:51)

that this sampling is actually equivalent to multiplication of two signals in the time domain,
one signal is x(t) and the other signal is comb function, comb(t, Δt). So these relations as we
have said that these are true that if I multiply 2 signals x(t) and y(t) in time domain that is
equivalent to convolution of the two signals X(ω) and Y(ω)in the frequency domain.
Similarly, if I take the convolution of two signals in time domain, that is equivalent to
multiplication of the same signals in frequency domain.

So for sampling when you have said that you have got Xs(t),
that is the sampled values of the signal x(t) which is nothing but multiplication of x(t) with
the series of Dirac delta functions represented by comb(t, Δt). So that will be equivalent to, in
frequency domain I can find out Xs(ω),
(Refer Slide Time 10:53)
which is equivalent to the frequency domain representation X(ω) of the signal x(t) convoluted
with the frequency domain representation of the comb function, comb(t, Δt) and we have
seen that this comb function, the Fourier Transform or the Fourier series expansion of this
comb function is again a comb function.
So what we have is, we have is a signal X(ω)

(Refer Slide Time 11:25)

we have another comb function in the frequency domain and we have to take the convolution
of these two
Now let us take this convolution in details.
(Refer Slide Time 11:35)
What does this convolution actually mean? Here we have taken 2 signals h(n) and x(n), both
of them for this purpose are in the sample domain. So h(n) is represented by this and x(n) is
represented by this. You will find that this h(n) is actually nothing but a comb function where
the Δts, in this case, we have value of h(n) = 1, at n = 0, we have value of h(n) = 1 at n = -9,
we have value of h(n) = 1, at n = 9. And this thing repeats. So this is nothing but
representation of a comb function. And if I assume that my x(n) is of this form that is at n =
0, value of x(n) = 7, x (-1) that, n = -1 it is 5, for n-1, it is 2. Similarly, on this slide, for n = 1,
x(1) = 9 and x(2) = 3; and the convolution expression that we have said in the continuous
In discrete data domain the convolution expression is translated to this form, that is

y(n)=  h(m)x(n-m) . So let us see,
m 

(Refer Slide Time 13:11)

that how this convolution actually takes place. So if I really understand this particular

expression that y(n)=  h(m)x(n-m) , we said that this actually means that we have to take
m 

the time inversion of the signal x(n). So if I take the time inversion, the signal will be
something like this, 3, 9, 7, 5 and 2 and when I take the convolution, that is, I want to find out
the various values of y n that particular expression can be computed in this form. So if I want
to take the value of y(-11), so what I have to do is, I have to give a translation of -11 to this
particular signal x(-m), so it comes here. Then I have to take the summation of this product
from m = -∞ to ∞. So here what does it do? You will find that I do point by point
multiplication of these signals. So here 0 multiplied with 3 + it will be 0 multiplied with 9 + 0
multiplied with 7 + 0 multiplied with 5 + 1 multiplied with 2, so the value I get is 2. And this
2 comes at this location y(-11).

Now for getting the value of y(-10), again I do the same computation and here you find that
this 1 gets multiplied with 5 and all other values get multiplied with 0. And when you take
the summation of all of them I get 5 here. Then I get value at -10, I get 7 here, following the
same operation, sorry this is at -9. I get at - 8, I get at - 7. I get at - 6. At - 6, you find that the
value is 0. If I continue like this here, again at n = - 2, I get value = 2. At n = - 1, I get value =
5. At n = 0, I get value of 7. At n = plus 1, I get value of 9, at n = plus 2, I get value of 3, at n
= 3, again I get the value of 0.

So if I continue like this, you will find that after completion of this convolution process, this
h(n) convoluted with x(n) gives me this kind of pattern. And here you notice one thing, that
when I have convoluted this x(n) with this h(n), the convolution output y n, this is, you just
noticed this that it is the repetition of the pattern of x(n) and it is repeated at those locations
where the value of h(n) was = 1. So by this convolution, what I get is, I get repetition of the
pattern x(n) at the locations of delta functions in the function h(n).

(Refer Slide Time 16:27)

So by applying this, when I convolute 2 signals, x(t) and the Fourier Transform of this comb
function that is COMB(ω) in the frequency domain, what I get is,
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something like this.

When x(t) is band limited, that means the maximum frequency component in the signal x(t) is
say ωo, then the frequency spectrum of the signal x(t) which is represented by X(ω) will be
like this. Now when I convolve this with this comb function, COMB(ω), then as we have
done in the previous example what I get is at those locations where the comb function had a
value 1 .I will get just a replica of the frequency spectrum X(ω). So this X(ω) gets replicated
at all these locations.

So what we find here? You find that the same frequency spectrum X(ω), when it gets
translated like this, when x(t) is actually sampled. That means the frequency spectrum of Xs
or Xs(ω) is like this. Now this helps us in reconstruction of the original signal x(t). So here
what I do is, around ω = 0, I get a copy of the original frequency spectrum. So what I can do
is, if I have a low pass filter whose cutoff frequency is just beyond ωo, and this frequency
signal, this spectrum, the signal with this spectrum I pass through that low pass filter, in that
case the low pass filter will just take out this particular frequency band and it will cut out all
other frequency bands. So since I am getting the original frequency spectrum of x(t), so
signal reconstruction is possible. Now here you notice one thing. As we said we will just try
to find out that what is the condition that original signal can be reconstructed. Here you find
that we have a frequency gap between this frequency band and this translated frequency
band. Now the difference of, between center of this frequency band and the center of this
frequency band is nothing but 1 /Δts or ωs, that is the sampling frequency.

Now as long as this condition, that is 1 /Δts – ωo is greater than ωo, that is the lowest
frequency of this translated frequency band is greater than the highest frequency of the
original frequency band, then only these 2 frequency bands are disjoint. And when these 2
frequency bands are disjoint, then only by use of a low-pass filter, I can take out this original
frequency band. And from this relation, you get the condition that 1 /Δts or the sampling
frequency ωs, in this case it is represented as fs must be > 2 ωo, where ωo is the highest
frequency component in the original signal x(t). And this is what is known as Nyquist rate.
That is, we can reconstruct, perfectly reconstruct the continuous signal only when the
sampling frequency is greater than,

(Refer Slide Time 20:01)

more than twice the maximum frequency component of the original continuous signal.

Thank you.

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