Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Network For Underwater Autonomous Vehicle in Confined Spaces
Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Network For Underwater Autonomous Vehicle in Confined Spaces
Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Network For Underwater Autonomous Vehicle in Confined Spaces
Abstract—As a kind of small size mobile platform, autonomous relay node, which perform the data transfer and information
underwater vehicles (AUV) are playing more and more collection respectively.
important role in different marine fields such as underwater As most of the current underwater acoustic networks are
monitoring and construction. While acoustic communication evaluated in terms of the communication and network
offer an effective communication link for AUV, under the
confined spaces in which small AUVs usually work, the
performance, few investigations has been reported on the
structured obstacles and closure or semi-closure barriers pose cross-media link supporting of small AUV in confined space.
serious challenges to communication link due to acoustic Therefore, performance evaluation the underwater acoustic
sheltering and significant reverberation. The underwater networks is performed in this paper for supporting cross-media
acoustic network is capable of improving acoustic connectivity of connectivity, in the presence of acoustic sheltering in confined
AUV via the distributed communication link of different nodes. space.
In this paper, an acoustic network is designed and evaluated for To be specific, connectivity supporting of small AUV is
communication support of AUV in a small lake with dense piers. equivalent to a cross-media data relay network as indicated in
While the presence of piers lead to obvious performance
Fig.1. Thus, from the viewpoint of AUV cross-media
degradation of point-to-point acoustic communication, the
experimental results verified the effectiveness of acoustic network
connectivity, the performance of AUV communication link in
for improving connectivity of AUV in confined space. confined space was evaluated based on an UWA(underwater
acoustic) communication network, in terms of its improvement
Keywords—AUV, Acoustic Network, Confined space with respect to the traditional point-to-point approach.
In underwater confined space such as tunnel, harbor, cave
or pipeline, the small size AUVs are playing more and more
important role for various missions like detection,
search-rescue and picturing. While the acoustic
communication does provide an effective communication way
for AUV, the structured or un-structured barriers in underwater
confined space poses significant challenge to the reliable
point-to-point acoustic communication. As a result, the
application of small AUV in confined spaces is seriously Figure1. Illustration of the acoustic network for AUV link supporting
In recent years underwater acoustic networks (UANs) have
a wide range of applications such as (i) underwater II. DESIGN OF THE ACOUSTIC NETWORK
environment monitoring, (ii) oceanic surveillance applications, A. Pyhsical layer
(iii) disaster prevention, (iv) offshore mining or drilling, (v)
As shown in Fig.2, the modem used in the proposed
tactical surveillance applications and (vi) assisted
network consists of a high performance float-point
micro-processor, a DAC(Digital to analog converter), an
Meanwhile, compared with the traditional point-to-point ADC(Analog to Digital Converter), an RS232 serial port, a
communication of underwater link, underwater acoustic power amplifier, a preamplifier, and a transceiver transducer.
network can provide a powerful support for the small AUV The micro-processor serves as the modem’s processing core.
with improved connectivity of distributed link. [4,5] Fig.3 shows the modem and transducers used in the
In view of the cross-media connectivity requirement of experiment.
small AUV in confined space, an experimental underwater We use DSSS(Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
acoustic networks is designed and tested. As indicated in Fig.1, modulation schemes at physical layer because it has good
the proposed underwater network consists of gateway node and anti-multipath and anti-jamming ability, can reduce the impact
of multipath effect and improve communication performance. For the design of MAC layer, we compared the features of
The DSSS modulation schemes are implemented on the same two popular MAC (Media Access Control) protocols, including
processor[6]. the ALOHA protocol and the MACA (multiple access collision
avoidance) protocol. Although ALOHA is low-complexity and
easy to implement, it may cause serious conflicts. Meanwhile
MACA can avoid data packet collision to some extent for the
handshake mechanism utilized. [8]
Figure 4 Small AUV used and lake trial network topology
In our investigation, the performance of underwater The Fig.7 provides the result of collision rate of each node,
acoustic networks and the traditional point-to-point way are which reveals that node 4 exhibits a much higher collision rate
analyzed and compared. As the node 1 and node 6 are compared with other nodes. Similarly the reason is the
connected with wireless link thus no error bit between, only the sheltering effect of piers.
performance of node 1 was investigated.
In our research, the throughput of the relay node is defined B.Results and analysis of AUV connectivity performance
as the ratio of the number of data packet successfully received As mentioned in previous section, the performance
to that totally transmitted. Specifically, throughput of node 1 is evaluation of the AUV connectivity supporting is based on the
defined as the number of data packet successfully received to number of the total receiving data packet that is originally
that totally transmitted by the node 5 (AUV). transmitted by the AUV.
As indicated in Fig.5, the throughput of all node generally Consider the hostile channel condition in confined space
exceed 60%, with node 2 and 3 exhibits a throughput of 100% caused by barriers or multipath, the advantage of acoustic
while node 4 achieves a relatively low throughput due to the network is that acoustic link can be achieved via different node
shading effect of piers as revealed in Fig.4. to improve the reliability of connectivity. With the underwater
The end to end delay is defined as the time delay between acoustic networks, the same data packet is received by several
the instant of data packet transmitting and that of its successful relay nodes and then transmitted to the same control node, thus
reception. The mean end to end delay is defined as the sum of the accumulative number of data packet received in node 1 can
end to end delay divided by the number of data packet be used to assess the connectivity supporting capability.
Thus, while the data packets that transmitted by the AUV V. CONCLUSION
node and directly received by each relay node are countered as In view of the difficulties of connectivity supporting for
the performance metric of the traditional point-to-point small AUV in confined space, the hardware, software, network
acoustic link approach, the number of those data packet protocol of a cross-media UWA sensor network is provided for
receipted by the node 1 are countered for evaluating the enabling distributed link for small AUV. The experimental
networked sensing. results obtained from the lake trial are analyzed and discussed,
which verified the performance improvement of the
outperforms in AUV connectivity supporting.
The authors are grateful for the funding of the Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 11274259 and No.
11574258), as well as the Open Funding of National Key
Laboratory of Science and Technology on Underwater
Acoustic Antagonizing (No. 614221401050217) in support of
the present research.
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