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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Akshay Hirudkar#1 , Chetan Bhusari#2 ,Akshay Khedkar#3,Akshay Parekar#4 , Prof.S.P. Daf#5

1234Student, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering, PBCOE, Maharashtra, India
5Asst. Professor, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering, PBCOE, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - Nowadays, in India the number of disabled stretcher also it will be convenient for hospital staff to
individuals is increasing every year. For patients mobility aids move a patient, also it will be easy if we provide a
electrical system to control the overall movement and
are useful for transportation and a replacement for walking
functioning of stretcher cum wheelchair. Understanding
especially in indoor and outdoor environment as well. various issues regarding mobility equipment, the better
Wheelchairs and stretchers are commonly used medical design will be an asset for medical field and helping
equipments for the transportation. There is always an issue hand for disabled individual. The present project
faced by the attendant or nurse of transferring the patients proposes a development of wheelchair cum stretcher
from wheelchair to stretcher or to the medical bed. with ability to transfer patients from normal staircase
also with automated electronic control over stretcher
Understanding the various issues regarding the mobility
cum wheelchair for movement and functioning. Self
equipment and introducing a better design will be an asset for proceed wheels invention was created enormous demand in
the medical field for disabled individuals. The need for a the market and it was better helping aid for the disabled
wheelchair cum stretcher to facilitate the disabled patient’s individuals..These will be one of the walking aids which can
mobility and to provide a novel medical equipment for use in help with impaired ability to walk using wheelchairs for the
the hospitals. Adopting various kinds of research were helped to disabled peoples.
obtain more information about hospital mobility aids and for
data collection. The numbers of disabled individuals are
increasing by different kinds of accidents are being observed
every year. Presently wheelchairs and stretcher are the
commonly used mobility aid for all purpose wherever needed.
After the user study the asset of a need of wheelchair cum
stretcher was found out for the Indian hospitals. The presently
used wheelchair and stretcher design is not meeting the user’s
Figure 1. Wheelchair
need. From the identified need, new features like convertible
wheelchair which can be converted into stretcher is introduced
which can be control by electrical system. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
Key Words: Latest inventions in wheelchair and stretcher, [1] Jerin Joseph John…, ettal “MULTIPURPOSE MEDICAL
Mobility aid device, Wheelchair cum Stretcher, Convertible BED” Our country, India is seeing a tremendous rise in the
type, Safety. number or disabled personalities. Mobility aids are useful
for patients for transportation and it’s a substitute for
1.INTRODUCTION patients for walking in environments both indoor and
A wheelchair is a wheeled by mobility device designed outdoor. Wheelchairs and stretchers or medical beds are
especially for disabled individuals. The device is propelled usually employed medical equipment for the transportation
either manually or via various automated systems. of patients..Thus a need arises for a wheelchair cum
Wheelchairs are used by that people for whom walking is stretcher cum medical bed to facilitate the disabled patient’s
impossible due to some problems physiological or physical. mobility and to provide a simple cheaper and an efficient
Huge amount of people have congenital disabilities, so the medical equipment for use in the Indian hospitals. Hence
percentage of the victim of accidents and that is the our project “MULTIPURPOSE MEDICAL BED” is introduced
inevitable part of their life. Mobility scooters for more severe to solve problems related to the conventional medical care
disability or longer journeys are used. Mobilizing or shifting equipment and would be cheap and affordable and could be
of patient from wheelchair to stretcher or vice versa efficiently used in hospitals to save space, time and to
causes discomfort. With the help of this wheelchair cum provide better care to the required.
stretcher a patient can be seated on wheelchair on
which he can also be operated by converting it to
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1659
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[2] G. Mamtani…, ettal “AN INTEGRATED DECISION

The Conceptual design phase generates various design Journal papers are explored here which are related directly
concepts and these are then evaluated in order to identify or indirectly to the proposed area of that work, is design
the ‘Best’ concept. Identifying the Best concept is important and development of a Automatic Stretcher cum
because much of the product life cycle cost is decided in - Wheelchair.
making. Different criteria are weighted against concepts for
3.1 Wheelchair and Stretcher
the this phase. Various evaluation techniques are performed
so as to aid decision comparison. This paper describes the A wheelchair is chair with wheels, designed to help the
research being carried out at the University of Glasgow on disabled individuals.Mobility devices are the stretcher used
design evaluation. for transport. These both medical mobility aids are used in
hospitals and clinics for the patients.In construction
stretchers are simple and the patient needs the assistant as
[3] Kulkarni S…, ettal “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF a support to transport from one place to other. The purpose
WHEELCHAIR-TO-BED SYSTEM USING FLUID POWER” of wheelchair to be designed in such a way that the patient
Wheelchair is a chair with wheels used to move a can control the device manually or with the help of
person/patient from one location to another due to their someone’s assistance. The device consists of proper handle
inability to move. This may be due to the user/patient being with cushion in hand rest.. When it comes to emergency
situation the direction movement is a critical part. Proper
physically disabled, weakness due to their disease or old
selection of caster wheels is easier to overcome the
age. Hence after they arrive back to or when they are situations.
moving away from their beds, there is a transition from
wheelchair to bed or bed to wheelchair. This transition is
3.2 Smart Power Assisted Wheelchair
tedious and is proved to be harmful to both the patient and
the helper by many studies and surveys. A provision can be Mr. Richard Simpson, says almost 10% of all individual who
provided to convert the wheelchair into a bed using are legally blind also have a mobility impairment, the
hydraulics majority is dependent on others mobility. A SPAM (smart
power assistance module)is being developed for manual
[4] Nomula Srinivas…, ETTAL “IMPROVE THE wheelchair for providing mobility for this population
PERFORMANCE OF SMART WHEELCHAIR FOR independently. The power assist wheelchair that provides
MULTIPURPOSE APPLICATIONS BASED ON ARM7” These for obstacle detection and avoidance for those with low
days, power wheelchairs are available to seniors and the vision. The control will be carried out by the microprocessor
disabled people, and they have expanded the active range of and also allow the SPAM to provide a smoother and nuanced
these people. The purpose of our study is to develop a control of a wheelchair.
power wheelchair that gives the aged and disabled the same
degree of mobility that healthy people enjoy, enabling users 3.3 Patients Transfer System
to rejoin society fully and heartily. To accomplish this, we
Dr. Daniel E. Jolly, says proper preparation should be taken
adopt a holonomic Omni-directional mechanism that
before transferring the patient from bed to wheelchair or
provides three DOF mobility, the same as healthy people
vice versa. For paraplegic patients use of sliding boards will
have. In addition, we propose a novel steering interface for
be helpful. The best sliding board is made of hard wood,
holonomic Omni-directional power wheelchair that
observes user's body action such as tilting an upper body or smooth, tapered on ends. Support of belts, two assistance,
twisting a waist in order to get user's intention. To design a support straps etc will facilitate easy transfer. Slide into
new wheelchair, we made a large omni wheel and decided chair of patient should not be there, the optional and safety
measurements of a seat referring to values of standard method for patient transfer is to lift from the wheelchair.
Japanese physical constitutions. We also made a model of
human who ride on wheelchair to analyze a movement of 3.4 Structure of a common stretcher
his upper body. The developed wheelchair has high The common transportation devices in hospitals is
acceleration and speed enough to play a sport such as stretcher, in order to carry a patient who can’t walk or stand
tennis. with the help of others assistance. It is a simple design with
tubular frame fixed with swivel caster wheels and metal
platform form on the top side for lay the patient.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1660
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.6 Bench Marking

The wheelchair cum stretcher type of medical equipments
in the hospitals are commonly used. Some of the features
are like foldable frame, foldable arm rest, foldable and
detachable foot rest, dual brake system and detachable and
adjustable type of head.
rest. The product is manufactured with high quality of
materials like stainless steel, carbon fiber etc.

Figure 2. Structure of stretcher

3.5 Wheelchair Mechanisms

Kinds of mechanism are incorporated with useful
wheelchairs and stretchers. This helps to get more
accessibility and usability to the product. Some of the
commonly used mechanisms in the wheelchairs are Figure 5. Bench marked product
explained below:
 Cross Brace Bar Mechanism
To form an “X” shape cross bracing is a construction
technique in which braces are crossed to support a frame.
The main feature of this mechanism is the folding facility, 4.1 Gemba Study and User Survey
which helps to fold a product. This folding technique helps
In order to experience the user and its environment user study
the wheelchair a portable type and can be carried easily
needs to be conducted. This may help the designer to design an
with less weight and less space consideration.
appropriate product which suits the environment. To find the user
experience and various issues regarding wheelchair and stretcher
user study has been conducted around in 8 hospitals. Initially all
the stake holders are considered and study has conducted in order
to get more information.
Figure 3.Cross brace bar mechanism The study of Ethnography helps to identify the product
environment, need of product and users experience. This
technique helps to gain more knowledge about the
 Caster wheel mechanism wheelchair/stretcher which affect their working
The angular displacement is a caster angel from the vertical environment usage in various situations. Wheelchairs and
axis of the suspension of a steered wheel in a vehicle stretchers are useful to transport the patients from one
measured in the longitudinal direction. The pivot line and place to other by the mobility equipments and various
vertical will be the angles. Car racers sometimes adjust problems are identified by the user study. Medical
caster angle to optimize the characteristics in particular equipments, hospital environment and the stake holders
driving situations for handling the car’s. It is applied to related to the product are considered for conducting the
ensure by means of stability of direction of a special gemba study.
arrangement. θ is the caster angle, rthe pivot line is in red, Observations from the Gemba study are,
the tire area is grey. A positive caster angle is shown with • The patients have to wait in the wheelchair if they need to
the front of the vehicle being to the left. transfer to the stretcher due to availability of numbers of
stretchers are less comapared to wheelchair.
• With the help of 2-3 people transferring of patients from
vehicle to the stretcher can be done .
• Transferring of patient from stretcher to the bed also a
problem for the patient.

Figure 4. Caster wheel mechanism

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1661
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.2 Ergonomic details

According to Indian anthropometric data all dimensions are

considered. Human dimensions are considered for both
male and female and there is a 95th percentile of elbow to
elbow, hip breadth and buttock to popliteal is taken for the
sitting posture. Elbow rest and popliteal dimensions are
being taken as 50th percentile and combined that dimension
into 210mm and 419mm
respectively for the design. Stature dimension is taken as
95th percentile and the dimensions as 1771mm.
Figure 7. Concept I

5.2 Concept II
This concept is different from the concept one. The back
rest is providing with an adjustable handle with a
comfortable holding position. The length can be maintained
by adjusting the knob and can be adjusted. The frame design
is made in such a way that proper strength is provided to
the wheelchair.

Figure 6. Anthropometric data

Visualization of various ideas mind mapping technique is
used. So this classification considered all the aspects for the
concept design.
5.1 Concept I
This concept is main criteria considered to be the
convertible wheelchair and stretcher. So in order to convert Figure 8. Concept 2
the wheelchair into stretcher, some sort of mechanism
needs to be added. In this concept at the back rest of the 5.3 Concept III
wheelchair a sliding tubular frame is attached. A handle is This is the concept which is operated with hydraulic
provided in the back rest so that the user can be pulled the mechanism, so that height can be adjusted according to the
stretcher easily .So a proper balance should be maintained user’s convenience. The user won’t get any difficulty while
in the back side .A caster wheel support is given to achieve handling the product in such a way that it is designed to
the proper balance. A pair of bigger wheels is provided in handled . A simple design of oxygen cylinder holder is
the middle of the wheelchair, so that more strength will be provided below the seat so that it can help to withstand
attained. The provision for oxygen cylinder is another stretcher with a supporting element for
demand which has observed during the user study and the adjusting the weight.
drip holder location is provided . The hand rest is designed
in such a way that, it can be rotated and a removable type so
that it will act as a support side for transferring patents.

Figure 9. Concept III

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1662
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The present study was intended to develop a concept for a
automatic wheelchair- cum- stretcher, with the motivation
of saving space and precluding exertion by the patient. By
provide remote control for the ease of patient to move
without being dependent on anyone or applying extra force
for movement. Also to remove difficulties for shifting
patients from stretchers to wheelchair.

Figure 10. Concept III Wheelchair


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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1663

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