Accepted Manuscript: Physiotherapy
Accepted Manuscript: Physiotherapy
Accepted Manuscript: Physiotherapy
PII: S0031-9406(15)03814-6
Reference: PHYST 853
Please cite this article as: Kuni B, Mussler J, Kalkum E, Schmitt H, Wolf SI, Effect of
kinesiotaping, non-elastic taping and bracing on segmental foot kinematics during drop
landing in healthy subjects and subjects with chronic ankle instability, Physiotherapy
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*Title Page (with authors and addresses)
B. Kuni*, J. Mussler, E. Kalkum, H. Schmitt, S.I. Wolf
Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Centre for Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and
Spinal Cord Injury, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Parts of this material were presented at the ESMAC Meeting 2012 and published as an abstract in Gait Posture
Surgery and Spinal Cord Injury, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, SchlierbacherLandstr. 200a, 69118
Heidelberg, Germany. Tel.: +49 6221 452343; fax: +49 6221 5626725.
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Objective To compare kinesiotape with non-elastic tape and a soft brace with respect to their
effects on segmental foot kinematics during drop landing in patients with chronic ankle
SettingThree-dimensional motion analysis laboratory.
ParticipantsTwenty participants with chronic ankle instability and 20 healthy subjects.
Interventions The subjects performed drop landings with 17 retroflective markers on the foot
and lower legin four conditions: barefoot, with kinesiotape, with non-elastic tape and with a
soft brace.
Main outcome measures Ranges of motion of foot segments using a foot measurement
ResultsIn participants with chronic ankle instability,midfootmovement in the frontal plane
(inclination of the medial arch) was reduced significantly by non-elastic taping, but
kinesiotapingand bracing had no effect. In healthy subjects, both non-elastic taping and
bracing reduced that movement. In both groups, non-elastic taping and bracing reduced
rearfoot excursion significantly, which indicates a stabilisation effect. No such effect was
found with kinesiotaping. All three methods reduced maximum plantarflexion significantly.
instability, while kinesiotaping did not influence foot kinematics other than to stabilise the
Keywords:Foot kinematics; Chronic ankle instability; Tape; Soft brace; Kinesiotape; Jump
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More than 20% of high school and collegiate athletes [1] and up to 75% of young
dancers [2] have been identified as having chronic ankle instability (CAI). CAI is associated with
significantly lower functional ankle scores [3]. External support via tape or a brace may help to
prevent recurrent ankle injuries, especially in previously injured individuals [4–7]. However,
motion-restricting supports may not be suitable for all subjects with CAI in clinical practice (e.g.
professional dancers on stage). Therefore, newer, more flexible methods, such as elastic taping,
could be investigated with regard to stabilisation effects in patients with CAI by means of
segmental foot kinematics. As elastic taping (compared with non-elastic taping and barefoot
conditions) could lower the inversion rate on tilting platforms [6], there may also be some
kinematic effects.
An adhesive, elastic tape in different colours is used for ‘kinesiotaping’ [8]. This is
lymphatic drainage [9] via the elastic pull effect that reaches the deeper tissues. This method is
often applied for rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injuries [10]. It is promoted as a means of
positively influencing the motor outcome. Proprioceptive measures could improve in patients
with functional ankle instability 72 hours after applying kinesiotape [11]. Kinesiotaping and non-
elastic taping improve performance time in single-leg hurdle jumps in patients with CAI [12]. No
negative effects have been found for kinesiotaping, while non-elastic taping has been found to
landings [13]. Non-elastic taping significantly reduces the maximum inversion while standing on
a platform and tilting sideways [14], and brings the foot into a more neutral ankle position during
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walking and jogging [15]. Non-elastic taping also affects hip kinematics [16]. It seems to provide
mechanical stability due to the non-elastic material and because multiple strips are applied.
Neuromuscular effects [17,18] and some mechanical effects (lasting for 15 to 45 minutes) [19]
Previous studies have shown that kinesiotaping affects ankle range of motion [20] and
kinematics [12,21–23]. However, the literature does not provide any information about the effect
of kinesiotape on segmental foot kinematics in patients with CAI. If kinesiotaping could provide
the same effects on segmental foot kinematics as non-elastic taping and bracing, in spite of being
less mechanically restrictive, kinesiotape may be suitable as a stabilisation device for primary
and secondary prevention in sports activities in which it is not possible to use more restrictive
After an initial ankle sprain, residual structural damage of the ligaments and the soft
tissue of the rear- and midfoot may play an important role in the incidence of recurrent ankle
sprain [24]; as such, these foot segments need to be analysed separately. Previous studies have
examined the biomechanical impact of braces on foot kinematics [7,25–27] and functional test
situations [26]; however, the effects on the mid- and hindfoot have not yet been differentiated by
means of a segmental foot model. Quantifying the specific effects of kinesiotaping, non-elastic
taping and bracing on foot kinematics in jump landing would provide helpful data for secondary
still lacking. Furthermore, none of the studies cited above compared non-elastic taping,
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As such, the aim of this study was to analyse the effect of these methods on mid- and
hindfoot kinematics in order to quantify the stabilisation effect. The main hypothesis was that the
non-elastic tape would stabilise the mid- and hindfoot best, followed by the brace. The non-
elastic tape was expected to be stiffer than the soft brace due to the means of application
described below. The kinesiotape was not expected to provide mechanical stabilisation as it is an
elastic tape and only two strips would be applied, but it may influence neuromuscular control
and, therefore, indirectly influence the kinematics.
Twenty participants with CAI {nine men and 11 women; mean age 25.5 [standard
deviation (SD) 4.8] years; mean height 175 (SD 10) cm; mean weight 72.8 (SD 15.4) kg} and 20
healthy subjects (10 men and 10 women; mean age 25.4 (SD 3.2) years; mean height 175 (SD
8.6) cm; mean weight 69.5 (11.5) kg] participated in the study. The patients were recruited from
the archives of the Centre for Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and Spinal Cord Injury, as well as
via advertisements at the University of Heidelberg. Patients with CAI had suffered supination
trauma at least once within the last 2 years, but not within the last 3 months. Reports of the date
of the injury/ies and of the initial medical treatment were collected. In addition, at least one
second event had taken place. After the initial trauma, a history of episodes of the ankle joint
giving way and/or reports of subjective ankle joint instability, especially during sports, were
observed in all participants. The ankles were checked for mechanical instability by performing a
thorough clinical examination of the ligaments (anterior drawer sign of the talus and lateral tilt
when performing supination; each test was compared with the non-injured foot). However,
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absence of mechanical instability was not an exclusion criterion if the patient reported subjective
instability or recurrent giving way. Other injuries and surgery of the lower limbs constituted
exclusion criteria. Healthy subjects with a history of ankle injury were excluded. The sample size
Before participation, all subjects were informed about the procedures and gave their
written, informed consent. The procedures and the test protocol were approved by the Ethics
Committee of the Medical Centre for the University of Heidelberg, and followed the tenets of the
Declaration of Helsinki.
<B>Study protocol
<C>Taping methods an
The 40 participants were tested under four conditions: barefoot [Fig. Ai (see online
supplementary material), on the non-injured and the unstable foot], with kinesiotape (NASARA
Kinesiology Tape), with non-elastic tape (Leukotape non-elastic, BSN Medical GmbH & Co.
KG) and with a brace (MalleoTrain, Bauerfeind), in that order. The kinesiotape was applied in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and following the video spot of the product: ‘K-
Tape for me – ankle’ (biviax GmbH & Co. KG, article number: 10010), and as introduced by
Mommsen et al. [28]. First, a single strip from the distal end of the gastrocnemius medialis belly
was wrapped over the medial malleolus, under the foot and over the lateral malleolus up to the
height of the starting point on the medial side. Next, a second strip was applied horizontally
around the ankle over both malleoli (Fig. Aii, see online supplementary material) [28]. The non-
elastic tape (3.75-cm-wide tape) was applied as follows. First, proximal anchors encircling the
distal lower leg, 5 to 10 cm (depending on the height of the person) proximal to the malleoli, and
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distal anchors proximal to the first metatarsophalangeal joint were applied. Next, with the foot in
a neutral position (0° in the ankle joint), heel locks, two stirrups, starting medial and tensioning
in eversion, with horizontal fixation slings after every stirrup (proximal of the Achilles tendon’s
insertion, crossing in front), and figure eights were applied. Subsequently, anchors as described
above were added again. The taping was finished by applying closure straps (Fig. Aiii, see online
recommendations, whereby the silicone cushion had to be around the malleolus medialis and
lateralis (Fig. Aiv, see online supplementary material).
A device (Fig. Ai, see online supplementary material) was developed to accurately
reproduce the marker positions on anatomical landmarks of the foot skeleton. This plate has
multiple fixed laser pointers that are focused exactly on the marked points of the foot model.
All tests were conducted by the same investigator, who is a trained physiotherapist. He
patients with CAI [27,29]. The subjects stood on a box (30-cm high) with both legs positioned at
a distance of one-third of the patient’s height behind the centre of the force plate. The leg to be
measured was brought forward 30° in hip and knee flexion. The subject stood on the other leg
with the toes flush on the podium, the direction focusing on the force plate. On command, the
subject stepped off the podium on to his/her leg and stabilised or at least stopped for 2 seconds in
a one-legged stance, without touching the floor with the free leg. The arms were held on top of
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the iliac crests. This test was performed three times. If the subject set off the foot during the one-
<B>Data acquisition
Kinematic data were collected at 120 Hz using a 12-camera Vicon 612 system (Oxford
Metrics, Oxford, UK), capturing data at 120 Hz. The Vicon system was calibrated before each
test session. Kinematic data were synchronised using Vicon hardware.
All trials were performed according to the following protocol. The marker placement was
first drawn on the bare foot with an ink pen, and recorded by means of the laser device (Fig. Ai,
see online supplementary material) in order to reproduce it exactly for the other conditions
(elastic tape, non-elastic tape and brace). Seventeen retroreflective markers (6 mm in diameter)
were attached to the skin on each leg according to the Heidelberg foot measurement method
(HFMM) [30], namely on the distal phalanx of the hallux, the metatarsal heads (DMT1, DMT2
and DMT5), proximally at the first and fifth metatarsal (PMT1 and PMT5), the navicular (NAV),
the medial and lateral malleolus (MML and LML), and the dorsal position of the calcaneus
(CCL), each placed with the subject barefoot in a standing position. The medial and lateral heel
markers (MCL and LCL) were placed with the aid of an alignment device while the person was
sitting and the foot was not bearing any load. Five markers were placed at the tibia (LEP, MEP:
lat./med. epicondyle; TTU: tibial tuberosity; SH1/2: two points on the medial side of the shin). A
static reference measurement was performed in a standing position before every test session
under a new condition. Data acquisition was repeated until three drop landings from the 30-cm-
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Intersegment and joint angles were calculated with the custom-made software ‘MoMo’
within Matlab Version 6.5.1, following the method described by Simon et al. [30]. This program
also served to average trials for each participant, to visualise charts and to make temporospatial
calculations. The HFMM determines talocrural and subtalar motion via the motion of the three
calcaneal markers (CCL, LCL and MCL) and the navicular marker (NAV) with respect to the
tibial markers (LEP, TTU, SH1 and SH2). All other angular parameters are derived as projection
angles between two-dimensional (2D) segments defined by the markers, as described in detail in
Simon et al. [30]. Unlike typical models that assume a series of two or three rigid and rather
artificial segments in the foot, and allow artificial joints of typically three degrees of motion
(rotations) as represented by Euler- or Euler-Cardan angles, the HFMM describes the angular
orientations of anatomical landmarks, possibly spanning more than one anatomical joint, rather
than relying solely on rigid segment modelling. Such a ‘functional segment’ is then described by
its relative motion via projection angles defined as the angle between two vectors (or 2D
segments) in the perspective view along the axis of rotation. For ease of interpretation, the
medial arch is defined directly as the angle spanned by the triangle of the markers MCL, NAV
and PMT1. The medial arch and its inclination are functional parameters. The inclination of the
medial arch describes frontal plane foot motion by monitoring the mediolateral excursion of the
NAV marker in the triangle of the markers MCL, NAV and PMT1. The reliability of these
The repeatability for placing the markers assisted by the laser device was determined by
comparing the following marker distances in the static trials while barefoot and after applying
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the devices: MML–MCL: intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.89 [confidence interval
(CI) 0.83 to 0.94); NAV–DMT1: ICC = 0.88 (CI 0.82 to0.93); and CCL–DMT1: ICC = 0.94 (CI
0.91 to 0.97). Two exemplary Bland and Altman plots for the most and least reliable
comparisons of these three parameters between the four conditions (barefoot, kinesiotape, non-
elastic tape and brace) are shown in Fig. Ba and ii (see online supplementary material).
The following parameters were chosen to describe the kinematics in drop landing:
rearfoot excursion, inclination of the medial arch, and dorsi-/plantarflexion in the tibiotalar joint.
In order to describe the relative movement of the hindfoot compared with the tibia, the parameter
‘tibio-talar flex’ (HFMM) [30] is referred to when using the term ‘ankle dorsi-/plantarflexion’ in
this paper. The term ‘rearfoot excursion’ describes the movement in inversion/eversion that is
<B>Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Version 17 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Measures of central tendency and dispersion were
calculated for all variables, and goodness-of-fit to normal distribution was assessed using the
Kolmorogov–Smirnov test. Non-parametric tests were used as some parameters were not
normally distributed: the Friedman test for overall differences, the Wilcoxon test for
comparisons between the different conditions, and the Mann–Whitney U-test for group
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In both groups, the rearfoot excursion in eversion/inversion was significantly lower in the
non-elastic tape and brace conditions than in the barefoot condition, whereas the differences
compared with the kinesiotape condition were not significant (Table 1). In patients, non-
elastic taping was the only method that significantly reduced the maximum lateral inclination of
the medial arch (Table 2), while in healthy subjects, bracing also showed some effect (Table 2).
<insert Tables 1 and 2 near here>
All three methods (kinesiotaping, non-elastic taping and bracing) reduced the maximum
plantarflexion in landing compared with the barefoot condition (Table 3).
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different stabilisation methods on
the segmental kinematics of the ankle–foot complex in patients with CAI and healthy subjects.
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to quantify the influence of these methods on
The principal finding was that, in patients, non-elastic taping provided stronger
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The effects of kinesiotaping were less than expected. It seems that the stabilisation
provided by the other two devices (non-elastic tape and brace) was mainly achieved by
mechanically restricting the joint excursion, as kinesiotaping did not show a significant
stabilising effect on foot kinematics other than on hindfoot motion in the sagittal plane. An
indirect kinematic effect by a neuromuscular influence of the kinesiotape on the skin was
expected. Very little evidence can be found in the literature concerning the effect of
kinesiotaping on ankle kinematics [12,21–23] and its influence on functional parameters in
patients with CAI. The present results suggest that, when applied in this manner, kinesiotape
only affects hindfoot kinematics in the sagittal plane by restricting plantarflexion in landing. No
positive effects were found on rearfoot excursion or the lateral inclination of the medial arch.
Whereas the non-elastic tape covered part of the midfoot, the kinesiotape did not reach this area
of the foot. This could be one reason why kinesiotaping was not found to affect the inclination of
Non-elastic tape and the brace also cover a greater total amount of skin than kinesiotape.
Therefore, the greater influence on skin receptors could explain the more intense effect of the
basketball players with CAI in a single-limb hurdle test [12]. This finding suggests that both tape
types may enhance neuromuscular pathways. Therefore, further investigations may be needed to
analyse the effects of kinesiotaping other than kinematic effects. Potential effects on
present study adds important knowledge about the quantitative amount of primary kinematic
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effects of kinesiotaping in comparison with other methods. The foot joint excursions were not
influenced other than in the sagittal plane by kinesiotape. However, a previous study revealed
The clinical value of kinesiotaping in stabilising the foot in other planes and segments
needs to be proven, and its value for primary or secondary prevention of ankle sprains is still
unknown. Interestingly, most participants reported that kinesiotaping was the most
comfortable/best of the three conditions. The idea to investigate the potential segmental kinetic
effects of kinesiotaping was prompted by the need to find a form of support for athletes/dancers
with CAI that does not restrict them in daily practice (i.e. on stage or in gymnastics). Restricting
devices such as non-elastic tape or a brace would prevent them from performing all the
movements required for their technique, and also showed the aforementioned negative effects
while performing other sports. However, injuries of the ankle are most common in dancers;
consequences for these individuals. Therefore, one of the other two devices should be applied.
If kinesiotaping does not provide the necessary stabilising effect, there is a need to
determine whether non-elastic taping or bracing is more suitable for patients with CAI in clinical
comprehensive review [24]. Primarily, the non-elastic tape procedures, such as basket-weave,
figure of eight and heel lock, restrict inward and lateral displacement of the hindfoot within the
frontal plane. The lateral subtalar sling procedure may also limit the subtalar inversion and
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anterolateral rotary subluxation of the talus [24]. The more anterior on the foot a tape sling is
applied, the longer the moment arm [24], which also implies that the midfoot is stabilised. The
chronic instability may mainly be due to damage of the subtalar ligament structures, and to the
soft tissue injury/scars and the resulting rotational instability of the talocrural joint [24].
The effects of the external supports on these structures, which possibly cause CAI, could
be analysed by means of the experimental setup as the HFMM shows movements of the midfoot
and the hindfoot in all planes. The subtalar ligament structures and the soft tissue represent the
restricting elements of the rearfoot.
Bracing and non-elastic taping were found to have a comparably restrictive effect on
rearfoot motion. Talocrural motion was also influenced by bracing, but to a lesser extent than
non-elastic taping. Previous studies also found that bracing restrict ankle motion in the sagittal
plane [25] during jump landing. In passive tests of ankle motion, semi-rigid orthoses reduced
talar and calcaneal plantar flexion, internal rotation and varus angulation in patients with CAI
[32]. Semi-rigid ankle braces seem to limit the rearfoot angular displacement and angular
velocity more than a lace-up style brace in the ankles of healthy subjects [33].
Despite the fact that motion needs to be restricted (in the sense of stabilisation of the foot
structures) in patients with CAI, potential negative effects of these devices should also be
A review of eight studies concluded that neither ankle bracing nor non-elastic taping has
any effect on proprioceptive acuity in participants with CAI [34]. The present study only tested a
soft ankle brace as rigid braces have been shown to have significant performance restrictions,
both in different jump and run tests and subjective values [35] and also in sports practice. Braces
of different types have been analysed with respect to their effect on sports performance. Only
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rigid braces showed some negative effects on vertical jumps compared with semi-rigid and soft
braces [35].
In summary, this study showed that soft braces have a quantitative effect on talocrural
and rearfoot kinematics. However, in patients with CAI, non-elastic taping provided additional
stability in the midfoot. Therefore, the initial effect of non-elastic taping seems to be superior in
patients with CAI, while the two methods were equally effective in healthy ankles.
In conclusion, non-elastic taping in the aforementioned manner provides the best
stabilisation. However, there are also disadvantages in comparison with the use of a brace,
including loosening, higher costs [36] and the need for professional help for application.
This study did not support the hypothesis that kinesiotape would provide a kinematic
effect comparable with that of these commonly used devices. Therefore, these data do not
support the notion of using kinesiotape as a preventive stabilisation measure in sports when other
Based on the present data, it is suggested that non-elastic taping, including the midfoot, in
patients with CAI is the optimal stabilisation method in clinical practice. It seems to provide
sufficient support of all the structures responsible for the CAI symptoms. For previously
uninjured athletes, non-elastic taping or bracing can be used equally well for stabilisation.
Applying the foot measurement method, skin motion may produce a relevant systematic
bias, underestimating the joint excursion. Previously, others have attempted to quantify skin
motion [37–39]. This study aimed to reduce examiner-induced marker inaccuracies by using a
very strict protocol [30] and a laser-supported device. One examiner set all the markers.
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The present results are valid for the brace and tape types applied in this study, but not
necessarily for other types of braces and other taping techniques. In particular, other
kinesiotaping techniques could produce other results. Therefore, the authors will continue to
Using an unblinded assessor could have influenced the means of taping and therefore
indirectly enhanced the effects of the tapes. However, the method of brace application would not
be biased in any case. Generally, taping has to be performed with a specific, standardised tension
in order not to restrict blood supply or cause discomfort. Therefore, it is considered that the
<A>Conclusion an
Segmental foot analysis clearly showed the stabilising effect of both non-elastic taping
and bracing on the subtalar structures and the talocrural joint. Non-elastic taping seems to
provide more restricted conditions in the midfoot. As this study analysed a dynamic situation, the
results are useful in the clinical setting as advice for athletes with CAI. The effect of
neuromuscular control. Interesting goals for subsequent studies include investigation of any
The authors would like to thank Prof. Frank Braatz, MD, and Dipl.-Ing. Merkur Alimusaj for
advice on the choice of brace; Thomas Bruckner and Simone Gantz for statistical support;
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Sherryl Sundell for English language revision; and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Nikolaus Alexander
Streich, MD PhD and Dr. med. Alexander Barié, MD, Heads of the Sports Orthopaedics
Ethical approval: The procedures and the test protocol were approved by the Ethics Committee
of the Medical Center for the University of Heidelberg (407-05) and followed the tenets of the
Declaration of Helsinki.
Funding: The study was funded by the Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg, Germany. No
funds were received from industrial companies (tape or brace producers). These products were
purchased commercially.
Conflict of interests: None declared.
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Table 1
Patients Controls
Median IQR P Median IQR P
Barefoot 8.2 6.6 to 10.2 8.6 5.6 to 10.5
Elastic tape 8.9 6.4 to 11.1 0.55 7.4 6.6 to 8.9 0.30
Tape 5.7 3.5 to 6.7 <0.001 5.8 4.1 to 8.2 0.004
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Table 2
Patients Controls
Barefoot 10.3 5.9 to 17.9 11.8 7.1 to 16.0
Elastic tape 8.9 6.5 to 19.6 0.97 10.9 6.6 to 14.7 0.22
Brace 11.7 4.0 to 20.0 0.97 5.6 2.1 to 14.6 <0.001
P-value for Wilcoxon test compared with barefoot condition.
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Table 3
Patients Controls
Barefoot 24.7 19.5 to 27.3 20.8 14.3 to 25.0
Elastic tape 18.6 16.0 to 23.0 0.006 17.0 15.1 to 21.8 0.023
Brace 21.3 16.5 to 23.7 0.003 19.0 12.3 to 22.7 0.001
P-value for Wilcoxon test compared with barefoot condition.
Fig. A. Device with laser pointers for reproduction of the correct anatomical position of the
markers according to the Heidelberg Foot Measurement Method in (i) the barefoot condition, (ii)
with kinesiotape, (iii) with non-elastic tape, and (iv) with a soft brace.
Fig. B. Exemplary Bland and Altman limits of agreement for the comparison between (i)
barefoot and kinesiotaping conditions for the distance between the navicular (NAV) and the first
metatarsal head (DMT1), and (ii) between barefoot and non-elastic taping conditions for the
distance between the medial malleolus (MML) and the medial heel marker (MCL). SD, standard
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