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Olivera C. Djordjevic, MD, a Danijela Vukicevic, MD, b Ljiljana Katunac, PT, c and Stevan Jovic, MD d


Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of Mobilization with Movement (MWM) and
kinesiotaping (KT) techniques with a supervised exercise program in participants with patients with shoulder pain.
Methods: Twenty subjects with shoulder pain were included if subjects were diagnosed by the referring physician
with either rotator cuff lesion with impingement syndrome or impingement shoulder syndrome. Participants were
randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups after clinical and radiologic assessment: group 1 was treated with MWM and KT
techniques, whereas group 2 was treated with a supervised exercise program. The main outcome measures were active
pain-free shoulder abduction and flexion tested on days 0, 5, and 10.
Results: Improvement in active pain-free shoulder range of motion was significantly higher in the group treated with MWM
and KT. Repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated significant effects of treatment, time, and treatment × time interaction.
Conclusion: This study suggests that MWM and KT may be an effective and useful treatment in range of motion
augmentation of subjects with rotator cuff lesion and impingement syndrome or impingement shoulder syndrome.
(J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012;35:454-463)
Key Indexing Terms: Musculoskeletal Manipulations; Athletic Tape; Shoulder Impingement Syndrome; Range of
Motion Articular

houlder pain is a frequent musculoskeletal problem, The major symptoms include pain over the shoulder area

S with prevalence ranging from 7% to 36%. 1,2 The

most common cause of shoulder pain is secondary to
subacromial impingement and often involves lesions to the
(frequently irradiating along the ipsilateral arm), restricted
range of shoulder motion (ROM), and impeded activities of
daily living. Without proper treatment, symptoms can last
rotator cuff, long head of the biceps, or may be due to several months or longer and are prone to chronicity. 4
subacromial bursitis, glenohumeral, and acromioclavicular Conservative treatment of the shoulder impingement
osteoarthritis. 1,3 Diagnostic procedures should differentiate syndrome consists of a wide range of procedures such as
these conditions, including nonshoulder pathology that also exercise therapy; infiltration of corticosteroid; and/or local
results in shoulder pain such as cervical spine pathology, anesthetic, prolotherapy, ice/heat therapy, kinesiotaping
neuromuscular disorders, and infiltrative pulmonary lesions. (KT), electrotherapy, acupuncture, various types of manual
therapy based on massage, manipulation, and joint
mobilization procedures. Increasing number of references
Medical Doctor, Specialist in Physical Medicine and Reha- is engaged in researching chiropractic management tech-
bilitation, Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Clinic niques of the shoulder impingement syndrome. 5-7
for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav Zotovic,” Belgrade, Serbia.
Medical Doctor, Specialist in Physical Medicine and These procedures are aimed at reducing pain and restoring
Rehabilitation, Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav Zotovic,” a full range of pain-free shoulder movement. Effects of the
Belgrade, Serbia. conservative therapy in terms of reducing pain, improving
Physiotherapist, Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav ROM, and overall function may depend on the underlying
Zotovic,” Belgrade, Serbia. cause of shoulder pain and on the types of therapies applied.
Medical Doctor, Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav
Zotovic,” Belgrade, Serbia. Nevertheless, substantial prolongation of symptoms despite
Submit requests for reprints to: Olivera C. Djordjevic, MD, the application of various therapy modalities has inspired
Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 115/IV/19, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia research to look for evidence on their effect.
(e-mail: odordev@Eunet.rs). The concept of Mobilization with Movement (MWM),
Paper submitted February 27, 2010; in revised form November developed by Brian Mulligan, 8-14 is a manual therapy
1, 2011; accepted November 16, 2011.
0161-4754/$36.00 technique in which the therapist manually sustains a
Copyright © 2012 by National University of Health Sciences. specifically oriented glide to a painful joint, while a patient
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.07.006 actively performs movement in the same joint. If the active

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Djordjevic et al 455
Volume 35, Number 6 Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping

movement performed is pain free, the orientation of the KT of painful shoulder may be helpful in improving pain-
glide will be considered adequate. The principles for this free abduction immediately after taping when applied
type of joint mobilization are based on analyzing and according to the protocol for rotator cuff tendonitis/
correcting any minor positional fault in the joint, which impingement as suggested by Kase et al, but they also
according to the MWM theory 14 occurs due to various soft state that utilization of KT for decreasing pain intensity or
and/or bony tissue lesions in/around the joint. Positional disability for young patients with this pathology is not
faults in a painful shoulder have been documented by supported. It is believed that KT may be helpful in the
several kinematic studies: small but significant changes in reduction of poststroke shoulder pain, soft tissue inflam-
anterior-posterior translations of the humerus, registered mation, muscle weakness, and postural malalignment by
during elevation in the scapular plane in persons with improving the position of the glenohumeral joint. It may
impingement syndrome. 15,16 Harryman et al 17 have provide the proprioceptive feedback for achieving a proper
demonstrated, in fresh cadavers, that tightening of the body alignment. 28 KT has been found to be more effective
posterior portion of the humeral joint capsule (here than the local modalities (ultrasound, transcutaneous
produced experimentally, but otherwise often associated electrical nerve stimulation, exercise, and hot pack) in
with impingement syndrome) increased the anterior trans- the first week of treatment and was similarly effective in the
lation of humeral head on flexion and cross-body movement second week. 32 KT may be an alternative option in the
causing it to occur earlier in the arc of motion compared treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome especially
with the intact glenohumeral joint. Operative tightening of when an immediate effect is needed. 32
the posterior part of the capsule also resulted in significant The aim of this study was to determine whether MWM and
superior translation with flexion of the glenohumeral joint. KT give different results at the initial phase of the
Imaging studies have confirmed positional faults in a rehabilitation process when compared with a supervised
sprained ankle 18 and in a case study of injured first exercises program in participants with shoulder pain who were
metacarpophalangeal joint. 19 The MWM treatment aims to diagnosed with rotator cuff lesion or/and impingement
realign these disturbed relations in a joint via manually shoulder syndrome.
applied specifically oriented glide to recreate conditions for
the smooth, painless active movement in the joint. 9,20 The
principles of MWM include accessory glide, physiologic
movement, pain-free or pain alteration, immediate or METHODS
instantaneous effect, and overpressure. 9 It is considered Participants
that further improvement in pain reduction can be achieved In this double-blind randomized cross-sectional study,
through the application of pain-free passive overpressure at we followed the rehabilitation process of 20 participants,
the end of ROM during the MWM procedure. 9,20 The glide aged 34 to 79 years, who were diagnosed with rotator cuff
applied in a shoulder pain MWM treatment is oriented in a lesion and/or impingement shoulder syndrome by the
posterior or posterolateral direction. In a fresh cadaveric referring physician. Their main complaints were shoulder
shoulder specimen study of the humeral translation during pain and painful, restricted ROM in the shoulder that
MWM, Kai-Yu et al 21 showed that the timing and degree of compromised the activities of daily living. All the
posterior and lateral translation during shoulder abduction participants were treated during 2008 at the Clinic for
were different when the MWM procedure was applied, Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav Zotovic” in Belgrade, Serbia.
suggesting that MWM could effectively prevent humeral Ethical clearance for the procedure in this study was
head from superior and anterior translation in subacromial obtained from the Review Board for Science and Research
impingement syndrome. Potential analgesic mechanisms of of the Clinic for Rehabilitation “Dr Miroslav Zotovic,”
the method have been studied widely. 11,19,22-25 Belgrade. Before the research was conducted, all the
KT is an increasingly popular method for preventing participants have given their signed and informed consent.
and/or treating sports injuries. Applying stretching tapes This trial was registered with the Australian New Zealand
within KT has been introduced widely by Kase et al 26 who Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12611000359932.
proposed several benefits of the method: KT provides The exclusion criteria were shoulder girdle fractures and
positional stimulus through the skin, aligns fascial tissues, dislocation, shoulder surgery in the last 12 months,
creates more space by lifting fascia and soft tissue above the physician diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis, full thickness
area of pain/inflammation, provides sensory stimulation to rotator cuff tear, cervicobrachial pain due to cervical spine
assist or limit motion, and assists in the removal of edema pathology, neuromuscular disorders in upper extremities,
by directing exudates toward the lymph duct. KT can be and use of corticosteroid and/or nonsteroid anti-inflamma-
applied to any joint or musculoskeletal region. Results on tory therapy within 10 days before the first day of
proprioception, stability, and reducing pain in various kinds measuring ROM. No subject could identify any acute,
of musculoskeletal painful conditions and in different age clearly defined traumatic event that provoked pain and
groups have been reported. 27-31 Thelen et al 31 show that restricted shoulder motion. All subjects were evaluated
456 Djordjevic et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping July/August 2012

Fig 1. MWM. We have applied posterolateral glide to humeral

head as an accessory glide needed to correct positional fault.

clinically, by radiography and ultrasound imaging of the

painful shoulder. Clinical assessment included the follow-
ing: assessment of posture and trophic in the scapular and
shoulder region; cervical ROM; test for cervical nerve root
affection (Spurling test); active shoulder ROM; passive
shoulder ROM; assessment of scapulohumeral rhythm; Fig 2. KT was applied as a standardized shoulder application.
tests to rule in/out rotator cuff tear: empty can test for the
supraspinatus muscle, tests for infraspinatus muscle and between the 2 groups, we used a minimization process as a
teres minor muscle, and lift-off test for subscapular form of restricted randomization. Minimization was run by
muscle 33,34; test to rule in/out shoulder impingement: Minim version 1.5, a minimization program for allocating
Neer 35 and Hawkins Kennedy, 36 test for evaluation of the patients to treatments in clinical trials, written by Stephen
biceps brachii tendon (Speed test), 34 and manual muscle Evans, Simon Day, and Patrick Royston, from the Department
testing of shoulder girdle muscles' strength. Radiographic of Clinical Epidemiology, London Hospital Medical College,
evaluations consisted of routine anteroposterior and axillary which can be downloaded from the Internet (http://www-
shoulder radiographs. Ultrasound imaging of the shoulder users.york.ac.uk/~mb55/guide/minim.htm). 38 Group 1 re-
was performed with a linear array 11-MHz transducer of the ceived MWM and KT treatment, whereas group 2 received
Toshiba Nemio 30 apparatus (SSA-550A-20) (Otawara-shi, the supervised exercises program. The range of active pain-
Tochigi-ken, Japan). We examined cortical bone contours, free flexion and abduction in the painful shoulder was
long head biceps tendon, bicipital groove, and rotator cuff measured again on days 5 and 10 of treatment.
tendons. We searched for effusion and bursas and explored To avoid bias, a clinical and ultrasound examination was
the humeroscapular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and carried out by the first author. Outcome measures were
glenohumeral groove. We used von Haslebeck criteria for measured by the second author, who also remained blind to the
diagnosis of rotator cuff tendon rupture. 37 After assess- group assignment. The third author, a physiotherapist and
ment, participants were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 certified MWM and KT practitioner with experience in
intervention groups: group 1 was treated by MWM and KT orthopedic rehabilitation of more than 15 years, was
treatment, and group 2, by a supervised exercise program. responsible for both groups' treatments. This third author
was blind to the group assignment and also to the ROM
measured on days 0, 5, and 10. She was also instructed not to
Procedure discuss with the subject if his/her treatment was any different
After clinical and radiologic assessment (radiographic and from the usual program applied to the painful shoulder.
ultrasound imaging of the painful shoulder), shoulder ROM
measurements for each participant were then completed.
Active pain-free flexion and abduction were measured, and Outcome Measures (Dependent Variables)
these initial measurements were marked as flexion of day Outcome measures were taken by the second author who
0 and abduction of day 0, respectively. Participants were was blinded to the allotted treatment. Outcome measures
randomly allocated to group 1 or group 2. To ensure balance (dependent variables) were pain-free active abduction and
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Djordjevic et al 457
Volume 35, Number 6 Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping

assessed for eligibility Table 1. Baseline demographics, clinical and ultrasound findings,
n=20 and pretreatment (day 0) mean values (SD) for outcome variables
Group 1 Group 2 P
Age in years 51.80 (5.3) 54.10 (6.8) N.05 a
Sex (male:female) 4:6 3:7 1.000 b
Arm dominance 6 D and 5D and 5 ND 1.000 b
4 ND
Pain duration in months 4.7 (0.6) 4.8 (0.9) N.05 a
Hypotrophy 4 5 .315 b
randomized n=20 Empty can test positive 10 10 –
Hawkins Kennedy's test positive 10 10 –
Neer's test positive 10 10 –
Speed's test positive 4 4 –
Rotator cuff tendinopathy 9 8 .4209 b
Partial rotator cuff tendon tears 6 6
Effusion around tendon of long 3 4
allocated to MWM and KT group allocated to supervised exercise head of M biceps brachii
n=10 group n=10 SASD bursitis 4 5
Flexion 0 day in degrees 53 (28.48) 69 (14.63) .151 a
Abduction 0 day in degrees 53 (21) 46 (14.28) .419 a

lost to follow up day 5 n=0 lost to follow up day 5 n=0 D, dominant arm; ND, nondominant arm; SASD, subacromial subdeltoid.
lost to follow up day 10 n=0 lost to follow up day 10 n=0 Student t test.
discontinued intervention n=0 discontinued intervention n=0 Fisher exact probability test.

participant's painful shoulder. The therapist applied the thenar

analyzed n=10 analyzed n=10
excluded from analysis n=0 excluded from analysis n=0
of one hand on the anterior aspect of the participant's humeral
head and the other hand on his/her scapula. The hand on the
humeral head performed a posterolateral glide, while the other
hand stabilized the scapula. During this maneuver, the
Fig 3. Flow diagram showing the progress of participants at each
stage of the study. participant was encouraged to perform active shoulder
movement to the point of the first onset of pain. Prescription
flexion of the shoulder, expressed in degrees. The ROM was details of MWM for experimental group were as follows: 10
measured using the universal goniometer. Standardized repetitions in 3 sets daily, 30-second rest periods between sets;
goniometric measurements have been shown to have good 10 sessions with 24 hours between sessions. We followed the
intrarater reliability and validity. 39 The subject was positioned MWM principle of reduction or elimination of pain. We have
as for clinical assessment. The starting position of the shoulder not specified the exact amount of posterolateral pressure
was 0° glenohumeral joint abduction, 90° elbow flexion, and applied, but we allowed up to 4 attempts to determine which
neutral supination/pronation forearm position. The fulcrum of amount was the best to eliminate the pain during the active
the goniometer or its axis was always placed over stationary movement in the shoulder (Fig 1).
bony landmark, such as acromion. The subject moved the KT Technique. Participants from group 1 received KT after the
affected extremity to the end of a pain-free active range of initial, 0 day measurements of shoulder ROM were taken.
shoulder flexion and abduction. The flexion angle was formed Before therapeutic KT was applied on the painful shoulder, the
by aligning the moving arm of the goniometer with the lateral participant was first checked for allergy to the tape. It was
epicondyle and the midline of the humerus, whereas a done by applying a small (1 × 1 cm 2) patch of tape on the
stationary arm remained in its starting position, aligned with volar side of contralateral forearm while looking for redness or
the lateral midline of the thorax. The abduction angle was other skin changes in 15 minutes. After the initial measure-
formed by aligning the moving arm of the goniometer with the ment and allergy testing, KT was applied. On day 5, tapes
medial epicondyle and midline of the humerus, and the were taken off, ROM measurements were taken, and then KT
stationary arm remained still, parallel to the sternum. 40 was reapplied. The tapes were taken off definitively on day 10,
just before the day 10 measurements of ROM were taken.
We used a standard 5-cm black Kinesio Tex tape for all
Techniques (Treatments, Independent Variables) the participants in the group 1. Taping procedure followed
MWM Technique. The physiotherapist, who was not involved this order: supraspinatus muscle, deltoid muscle, and
in taking outcome measures, performed the treatment in both glenohumeral joint. The first strip of tape was torn down
groups. Treatment for group 1 consisted of MWM and KT. just above the anchor point where Y strip was formed. The
During the MWM treatment, the participant was seated, and anchor point of the strip was taped to the projection of
the therapist was positioned on the opposite side of insertion of the supraspinatus muscle on the greater
458 Djordjevic et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping July/August 2012

Fig 4. Partial rupture of the supraspinate muscle tendon.

Ultrasound image.

tubercle, and then the whole strip was taped along the
supraspinatus muscle along the spine of the scapula to the
muscle's origin, with paper-off tension and with approxi-
mately 20% to 25% stretch. Deltoid muscle was taped using
Y strip as well, which was applied from anchor site, 3 cm Fig 5. Effusion around tendon of long head of M biceps brachii.
Ultrasound image.
below deltoid insertion to its origin, with paper-off tension.
The front tail of Y strip was taped along the anterior edge of
the deltoid, and the back tail was applied along the posterior shoulder flexion and abduction (outcome, dependent vari-
edge of the deltoid muscle. Finally, glenohumeral joint was ables). Repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
taped using an I strip, which was applied from a coracoid was conducted for dependent variables, flexion and
process following laterally, below the acromion, and around abduction on days 0, 5, and 10 (time) as the within-subject
the posterior deltoid edge (Fig 2). variable, and the 2 groups (treatments) as the between-
Supervised Exercises Program. Group 2 received the usual subject variables. Differences were considered statistically
initial exercise program for impingement syndrome. It significant when P b .05.
consisted of pendulum exercises and pain-limited, active
ROM exercises of shoulder elevation, depression, flexion, RESULTS
abduction, rotations, and strengthening exercises. Strength-
ening exercises were isometric in nature, working on the All subjects went through each phase of the study (flow
external shoulder rotators, internal rotators, biceps, deltoid, diagram showing the progress of subjects at each stage of
and scapular stabilizers (rhomboids, trapezius, serratus the clinical trial) (Fig 3).
anterior, latissimusdorsi, and pectoralis major). Prescription Baseline demographics and descriptive statistics (pretreat-
details of supervised exercise program for group 2 were as ment frequencies and pretreatment mean values [SD]) for
follows: 10 repetitions in 1 set daily, 30-second rest periods outcome variables of each group are represented in Table 1.
between sets of different types of exercises; 10 sessions with No significant differences between the 2 groups' age, sex,
24 hours between sessions. The participants were instructed duration of shoulder pain, pain occurrence in dominant/
to perform all the exercises to the first onset of pain. nondominant arm, and clinical findings were found (Table 1).
The mean age in the groups were 51 years, 80 ± 5.3
years, in group 1 and 54 years, 10 ± 6.8 years, in group 2
Data Analysis (t = 0.843; P N .05). Both sexes were equally present in
STATISTICA 8 software (StatSoft, Inc, Tulsa, OK) was the 2 groups (Fisher exact, P = 1.000). Mean duration of
used for the statistical analysis. The Fisher exact probability pain was 4.7 ± 0.6 months in group 1 and 4.8 ± 0.9
test and the Student t test were conducted to determine months in group 2 (t = 0.09; P N .05). Pain occurred
whether the 2 groups differed on the demographic (age and equally in dominant and nondominant arm in both groups
sex) and day 0 (pretreatment) characteristics: pain occur- (Fisher exact, P = 1.000) (Table 1).
rence in dominant/nondominant arm, duration of pain, Clinically identified impairments included decreased
clinical and ultrasound findings, and day 0 active pain free shoulder ROM active, positive tests for rotator cuff lesions
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Djordjevic et al 459
Volume 35, Number 6 Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping

Table 2. Average ROM (SD) for outcome variables on days 0, 5,

and 10 for both groups
Average ROM in degrees Group 1 Group 2
Flexion day 0 53 (28.48) 69 (14.63)
Flexion day 5 105 (41.10) 72 (17.35)
Flexion day 10 166 (20.59) 86 (21.89)
Abduction day 0 53 (21) 46 (14.28)
Abduction day 5 112 (46.49) 47.5 (15.21)
Abduction day 10 170 (17.89) 60.5 (15.72)

Table 3. Repeated-measures ANOVA for flexion in time as

within-subjects variable and treatment as between-subject variable
Observed power
Flexion F P Partial η2 (α = .05)
Treatment 10.76 .004 0.374 0.873
Time 59.16 .000 0.766 1.000
Treatment × time 32.01 .000 0.640 1.000

Fig 6. Subacromial subdeltoid bursitis. Ultrasound image. There was no statistically significant difference in ROM
between the 2 groups at the beginning of the rehabilitation
(day 0, Table 1) (for flexion, mean flexion range for group 1
and impingement syndrome, rotator cuff, and scapular
was 53 ± 28.48°, mean flexion range for group 2 was 69 ±
mobilizers weakness (Table 1). Outcome for manual muscle
14.63°; t = −1.499, P = .1511; for abduction, mean abduction
testing for rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers was
range for group 1 was 53 ± 21°, mean abduction range for
inconclusive due to pain. Alternatively, we could have
group 2 was 46 ± 14.28°, t = 0.827; P = .419).
administered local anesthetic or corticosteroid injection for
The average range of movement in time (days 0, 5, and
obtaining more objective results on muscle strength, but this
10) for both groups is presented in Table 2 and graph forms
would not respect exclusion criteria. Outcome for posture of
(Figs 7 and 8).
the scapular and shoulder region: in neutral position
Repeated-measures ANOVA showed a significant
(shoulder abduction 0°), no winging of scapula nor
treatment × time interaction effect for both flexion and
asymmetry of the scapular position was found. Asymmetry
abduction: for flexion, F2,36 = 32.012, P = .000, partial
of the scapular position at 45°, 90°, and 120° shoulder
η 2 = 0.640, observed power (α = .05) = 1.000; for
abduction was not obtainable for all subjects, due to
abduction, F2,36 = 5.34, P = .009, partial η 2 = 0.229,
restricted ROM. Slight hypotrophy of shoulder region was
observed power (α = .05) = 0.808 (Tables 3 and 4). The
found in 9 cases: 4 in group 1 and 5 in group 2 (Fisher exact,
effect of treatment as between-subjects variable was also
P = .315) (Table 1). These were all the subjects whose
found to be significantly different (for flexion, F1,18 =
duration of pain was 5 months or more. Empty can test,
10.760, P = .004, partial η 2 = 0.374, observed power [α =
Hawkins Kennedy's test, and Neer's test was found positive
.05] = 0.873; for abduction, F1,18 = 43.022, P = .000, partial
in all subjects (Table 1). Test for subscapular tendon lesion
η 2 = 0.705, observed power [α = .05] = 0.999). The effect of
was inconclusive due to painful shoulder internal rotation.
time as within-subject variable was also found to be
Speed's test was found positive in 8 subjects: 4 in group 1
statistically significant (for flexion, F2,36 = 59.158, P =
and 4 in group 2 (Table 1). No signs of cervical nerve root
.000, partial η 2 = 0.766, observed power [α = .05] = 1.000;
affection were found. X-ray results were normal in all the
for abduction, F2,36 = 59.610, P = .000, partial η 2 = 0.768
subjects (no bone lesions, joint subluxation/luxation, or
observed power [α = .05] = 1.000) (Tables 3 and 4).
calcification was found). Ultrasound findings (Table 1) in
both groups were related to the impingement syndrome:
tendinopathy (tendinosis) and partial rupture of the
supraspinate muscle tendon (Fig 4), effusion around long DISCUSSION
head biceps tendon (Fig 5), and subacromial subdeltoid Both groups experienced improvement in ROM of the
bursa (Fig. 6). Because there were frequencies less than 5 painful shoulder after the 10-day period, although the
(Table 1), we regrouped ultrasound findings into 2 treatment in time effect was found to be significantly
categories and applied Fisher exact P. There was no different between the 2 groups, with greater effect in the
statistically significant difference in ultrasound findings MWM/KT group (group 1). MWM and KT seem to have a
between the 2 groups (Fisher exact, P = .4209). quicker effect on ROM of the painful shoulder than the
460 Djordjevic et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping July/August 2012

average flexion in both groups in time Table 4. Repeated-measures ANOVA for abduction in time as
180 within-subjects variable and treatment as between-subject variable
160 Observed
140 Abduction F P Partial η2 power (α = .05)

120 Treatment 43.02 .000 0.705 0.99


Time 59.61 .000 0.768 1.000

Treatment × time 36.36 .000 0.669 1.000
40 group 1
automatic pattern correction, which all integrate well with
20 group 2
MWM. 40 MWM was found to have immediate positive
effects on both ROM and pain among subjects with painful
0 5 10
limitation of shoulder movements. 10 In a case report by
DeSantis and Hasson, 45 dedicated toward exploring the
response of the glenohumeral joint to MWM (in a subject
Fig 7. Average flexion in time (0, 5, and 10 days) for both groups. with supraspinatus tendinopathy due to impingement and
Dark line represents group 1; light line represents group 2. restricted active shoulder abduction up to 95°), it was found
that the subject had reached full abduction ROM after 12
MWM sessions. It is stated that MWM may be an effective
average abduction in both groups in
treatment intervention for patients with subacromial
impingement. 45 Comparison of 3 manual therapy tech-
niques with therapeutic exercise in the treatment of shoulder
200 impingement showed that the MWM group had the highest
percentage of change in active ROM. 22 A systematic

review of randomized controlled trials, conducted to
100 determine the effectiveness of different manual techniques
group 2 for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders of the
group 1 shoulder, showed that MWM may be useful for short-
0 term outcomes on shoulder dysfunction. 46 Quite a number
0 5 10 of studies on the MWM technique's effects on other joints
have reported its effects on subjects with de Quervain
tenosynovitis, 47 acute and chronic ankle sprain, 41,48–50
Fig 8. Average abduction in time (0, 5, and 10 days) for both elbow lateral epicondylalgia, 12,24,25,51,52 and intervertebral
groups. Dark line represent group 1; light line represent group 2. joints of the lumbar spine in low back pain. 53 KT, applied
to rotator cuff tendonitis/impingement syndrome, showed
improvement in pain-free shoulder abduction, but without
supervised exercise program. Although there are several any other significant ROM and functional improvements. 31
studies that deal with either MWM or KT in painful Thelen at al 31 also conclude that utilization of KT for
shoulder, none has ever dealt with MWM and KT at the decreasing pain intensity or disability for young patients
same time. However, taping has been described as a form of with suspected shoulder tendonitis/impingement is not
therapy adjunctive to MWM treatment, with the helpful role supported. KT was also found to be effective for immediate
of maintaining the effects of MWM treatment on some functional outcome improvement in shoulder impingement
other joints, such as in case reports on ankle sprain 41 or syndrome. 32 It is stated that KT may help to support joint-
tennis elbow 42 treatment. Mulligan 9 states that the effects creating structures and reduce soft tissue inflammation and
of MWM can be maintained further via taping and self- pain. 28 Through its effect on sensorimotor and propriocep-
MWM, which may further enhance its potential long-lasting tive systems, it can assist in postural trunk and scapula
effects. It is stated 43 that taping can help maintain joint alignment and support weak rotator cuff and deltoid muscle
position and increase proprioceptive awareness. In cases of in subluxated shoulder in hemiplegic patient. 28 KT was also
ankle sprain, taping applied to the fibula, while the therapist found to be helpful in improving arm and hand motor
holds the anteroposterior glide, can complement the function and providing needed stability of the shoulder and
treatment effects. 43,44 In addition, a home program of hand in acute pediatric rehabilitation setting. 54
appropriate and correct movement patterns (program aimed Keeping in mind the original idea of the MWM
at correcting muscle imbalance often found in painful technique, namely, correcting the positional fault in
shoulder, such as poor activation of the trapezius muscle) malaligned ergo painful joint, while also supporting any
with the addition of taping can ensure a prolonged and corrective effect that KT may have on joint alignment, our
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Djordjevic et al 461
Volume 35, Number 6 Mulligan Method and Kinesiotaping

idea was to apply both techniques simultaneously to followed during the initial 10-day period, and the time
perpetuate the same goal. Mechanisms of MWM action course of these effects is still unknown. Besides that, only
have been studied before. The positional fault hypothesis active ROM was measured, but no measures of pain,
states that injuries lead to positional faults in the joint, which disability, or function were followed.
result in pain and limited ROM; hence, correction of the Further research is planned with a larger sample size, an
positional fault would consequently reduce pain and increase additional MWM-only-treated group, and an additional
ROM. Evidence of radiographic positional faults in chronic control (no treatment) group with more outcome measures
ankle sprain supports this hypothesis. 23 A randomized related to the pain and functional outcome and with long-
controlled trial by Collins et al 11 showed significant lasting effects of the methods, to be followed.
immediate improvement of ankle dorsiflexion in 14 subacute
ankle sprains after MWM application. On the other hand, a
case study by Hsieh et al, 19 using magnetic resonance
imaging to evaluate position of the proximal phalanx of the
injured thumb before and after MWM treatment, did not show Our results suggest that MWM and KT may be useful
long-term changes of the proximal phalanx positional fault therapy modalities in improving active ROM in painful
despite long-term pain-relieving effects. Paungmali et al 24 shoulder.
found that hypoalgesic effects after MWM for chronic
epicondyalgia concurred with signs of sympatoexitation; they
also found that these hypoalgesic effects seem to be of
nonopioid origin. 12,25 It is also suggested that improving Practical Applications
function and reducing pain after MWM may be due to the • MWM technique and KT are widely applied to
promotion of active movement in this technique, which may different painful joint conditions.
engage additional proprioceptive tissues, such as the Golgi • They can be applied in impingement shoulder
tendon organ activated by tendon stretch. 22 Although there is syndrome at any time.
no substantial evidence of any long-term effect on correcting • MWM technique intends to realign subtly mal-
the positional fault by MWM on painful shoulder, improve- positioned relationships in shoulder joint and to
ments in ROM have been shown. 10,22,45,46 On the other hand, practice active movement within these corrected
a beneficial role of an isolated KT application in painful circumstances. KT seems to have a helping role in
shoulder due to impingement and rotator cuff injury generally maintaining these corrected relationships of the
showed immediately after application, although not in a long- joint-creating structures.
term period. 31,32 In our study, posterolateral supports of • Initial effects in improving ROM and reducing
glenohumeral joint in MWM and KT were crucial procedural pain in impingement shoulder syndrome are better
differences between groups 1 and 2. Mindful of the anterior comparing with supervised exercise program.
translation of humeral head found in numerous studies on
painful shoulder with impingement syndrome, 15–17 the
positional effect of MWM or MWM and KT seems to be of
some importance for improving active ROM.
The authors thank the staff at the Clinic for
Limitations of the Study Rehabilitation; the physiotherapists, and medical doctors
Although our idea was to unite the corrective principles in the Diagnostics and the Physiotherapy Ward; and the
of both techniques and examine their effects on ROM in Scientific Board of the Clinic for their assistance with this
shoulder impingement syndrome, it would have been useful project.
had we also an additional group with only MWM treatment.
Having the additional group with only MWM treatment and
also the additional control group (with no treatment) would FUNDING SOURCES AND POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
allow us to isolate the effects of MWM and KT therapy and
to judge if the improvement in active ROM in group 1 was No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported
due to synergistic effect of these 2 treatments or the result of for this study.
one of them. Another limitation of this study was a small
sample size. Larger sample size would improve the
accuracy of the results and would probably allow us
segmentation (younger vs older participants, among 1. Green S, Buchbinder R, Hetrick S. Physiotherapy interven-
different pathologies in impingement syndrome, and so tions for shoulder pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003:
on). In addition, the effects of the MWM and KT were CD004258.
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