Comparison of Conservative Exercise Therapy With and Without Maitland Thoracic Manipulative Therapy in Patients With Subacromial Pain: Clinical Trial
Comparison of Conservative Exercise Therapy With and Without Maitland Thoracic Manipulative Therapy in Patients With Subacromial Pain: Clinical Trial
Comparison of Conservative Exercise Therapy With and Without Maitland Thoracic Manipulative Therapy in Patients With Subacromial Pain: Clinical Trial
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5 authors, including:
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Comparison of conservative exercise therapy with and without Maitland
Thoracic Manipulative therapy in patients with subacromial pain: Clinical trial
Rizwan Haider,1 Muhammad Salman Bashir,2 Muhammad Adeel,3 Muhammad Junaid Ijaz,4 Azhar Ayub5
Objective: To determine the effect of conservative exercise therapy with and without Maitland thoracic
manipulation in patients with subacromial pain.
Methods: The randomised controlled trial study was conducted at the Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, from
June 2015 to February 2016, and comprised patients with subacromial pain (group 1) and controls (group
2).Pre-assessment was done by using numeric pain rating scale and shoulder pain and disability index as
subjective measurements, while range of motion was taken as objective measurement. SPSS version 21 was
used for data analysis.
Results: Of the 40 participants, there were 20(50%) in each group. The baseline pain intensity on numeric pain
rating scale for group 1 was 5.05±1.538 and for group 2 was 5.35±1.137; the values later changed to 0.70±0.923 and
2.30±0.979, respectively. The baseline functional status score according to shoulder pain and disability index for
group 1 and 2 was 40.25±12.354 and 43.15±7.343 that changed to 12.30±4.714 and 22.55±5.577, respectively.
Conclusion: Maitland thoracic spinal manipulation with conservative exercise therapy was more effective than
conservative exercise therapy alone.
Keywords: Shoulder impingement syndrome, Manipulation, Spinal, Physical therapy modalities. (JPMA 68: 381; 2018)
results in pain reduction and physical function arthrosis, concomitant shoulder pathology, cognitive
improvement in subacromial impingement syndrome impairments and pregnancy were excluded.
In group 1, patients received thoracic manipulative
The results of one systematic review has shown the therapy included 1 non-thrust mobilisation and 3
impact of physiotherapy with activities in regard to different thrust manipulation techniques directed at
decreasing pain and enhancing functional capacity in thoracic spine and exercise therapy including hot or
patients with SIS.15 In physical therapy, neck and shoulder cold pack, mobility exercises (flexion and extension
pathologies are commonly managed by thoracic spinal exercises with arms in front of the wall, shoulder flexion
manipulation.16 Physiotherapy interventions for 90°, and exercises with shoulder circles)and
subacromial pain are stretching and strengthening strengthening exercises (resistance exercise with elbow
exercises, joint mobilisation and manipulation, scapular flexion 90° and an elastic band, shoulder flexion with
and proprioceptive training, taping, acupuncture and elbow extension holding bar (1-4 kg), body lift from a
physical modalities.17 The current study was planned to seated position with elbows extended, and resistance
determine the effect of therapeutic exercises with and exercises for external rotation).19 In group 2, patients
without Maitland thoracic manipulation in patients with received conservative exercise therapy including hot or
subacromial pain. cold pack, mobility exercises and strengthening
exercises. Each patient's first assessment was done
Patients and Methods before the first treatment session and terminal
This randomised controlled trial was conducted in the assessment after the sixth treatment session. Patients
outpatient physiotherapy department of Mayo Hospital, were treated for two weeks with three sessions per
Lahore, Pakistan, from June 2015 to February 2016, and week. Patients were followed for another week for any
comprised patients with subacromial pain and controls. change in signs and symptoms (Figure).
Simple random sampling technique was used. Patients
were divided into two groups (group 1: experimental, and The patient came to physical therapist either after
group 2: control) by even and odd randomisation in being referred by an orthopaedic surgeon or by
which both groups have equal number of participants themselves. The therapist assessed patients using Neer
with a ratio of 1:1. By computer-generated random impingement test (specificity=30.5, sensitivity=88.7)
number table, each participant was assigned a random and Hawkins Kennedy impingement test
number. The sample size was measured by using G power (specificity=25%, sensitivity=92%).(20) The physical
priori analysis 3.1 software by assuming power 0.80 with therapist completed the assessment after obtaining
95%confidence interval (CI) on the difference. The mean consent from the patient and then used numeric pain
difference between groups and effect size were rating scale (NPRS) to measure pain intensity, range of
calculated for the pain and function/disability outcomes motion for mobility and shoulder pain and disability
using the equation: index (SPADI) for functional status. The study was
approved by the institutional ethics committee.
The data were analysed using SPSS version 21. Data was
presented in the form of mean ± standard deviation
In the equation, d = effect size; X1 and X2 are the group (SD) along with its range, frequency tables, percentages
means, and S1 and S2 are the group standard deviations. and appropriate graphs. P<0.05 was considered
significant. Pre- and post-assessed parameters for pain
The effect sizes for studies that showed added benefit intensity, ROM and functional status were compared by
from manual therapy intervention ranged from 0.34 to mean difference. The comparison between pain
1.29 for pain measures and 0.34 to 1.66 for intensity and functional status for experimental and
function/disability outcomes.18 control groups was done by repeated measures analysis
of variance (ANOVA).
The inclusion criteria were: shoulder impingement
syndrome with positive physical test, shoulder pain for Results
two to three months, shoulder pain score of at least 3 on Of the 45 patients, 40(88.9%) were included. Of them,
the 10-point numeric pain rating scale, age 25-60 years, there were 20(50%) in each group. The overall mean
available documentation of patient consent. In contrast, age was 49.55±9.706 years. Moreover, 22(55%)
patients with systemic rheumatic disease, operative participants were females and 18(45%) males. Besides,
interventions on shoulder, spine and thorax, shoulder 19(47.5%) participants had right shoulder
Study Source Pain Functional Type III Sum df Mean F Sig. Partial Eta
Group Intensity Status of Squares Square Squared
Study Group Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Active Range of Motion Study Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Figure: Consort Flowchart showing the flow of participants through each stage of a randomised trial.
pain intensity and functional status scores after treatment population with shoulder pain was high. In a previous
were significant (p<0.05) (Tables 3-4). study, the mean age was 31.15±12.2 years. 21 The
duration of onset of shoulder pain symptoms in the
Mean values for active ROM of shoulder flexion, current study was 4 to 8 weeks as compared to >12
extension, abduction, external rotation and internal weeks in a previous study.21 The difference can be
rotation ranged between 33.25±12.698 and 161±5.525 explained by the fact that about 50% patients in the
(Table-5). present study had one- to two-month history of onset
of shoulder pain and that the age group differed
between the two studies.
Our study findings suggest that subacromial pain was
more common in females as compared to males. Impingement syndrome is the most common cause of
Moreover, the patients of subacromial pain belonged shoulder or subacromial pain.2 The main findings of
to the age group of 49-50 years because we collected this study suggest that thoracic spinal manipulative
data from a public hospital where the ratio of old therapy (SMT) with conservative physical therapy have
greater effect on pain reduction and shoulder better and yielded improved outcome than conservative
functional status improvement in subacromial physical therapy.
impingement syndrome than conservative physical
therapy alone. Disclaimer: None.
Pain intensity scores in comparison to the control group Conflict of Interest: One of the authors was also Incharge
changed 4.3 points on the numeric pain rating scale of the ethics committee during that tenure. That article
from pre- to post-treatment in the experimental group. has been retrieved from thesis work.
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significant in the experimental group. The previous
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