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Discovery of an iridacycle catalyst with improved

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reactivity and enantioselectivity in the hydrogenation of

Cite this: Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 2760
dialkyl ketimines†
Open Access Article. Published on 09 April 2013. Downloaded on 26/09/2016 16:16:25.

York Schramm, Fabiola Barrios-Landeros‡ and Andreas Pfaltz*

Received 1st March 2013
Accepted 9th April 2013
Catalytically active iridacycles are formed by cyclometalation of acetophenone imines with Ir–PHOX
complexes under hydrogen atmosphere. These complexes show unusually high reactivity and
DOI: 10.1039/c3sc50587a
enantioselectivity in the hydrogenation of alkyl methyl ketimines. The structure of the cyclometalated
www.rsc.org/chemicalscience imine has a strong effect on the conversion and enantiomeric excess.

Introduction from lower yields and very long reaction times compared to
transition-metal catalyzed hydrogenations. Furthermore, they
Chiral amines play an important role as building blocks for the require hydride donors such as dihydropyridines that generate
synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. They are also stoichiometric waste products. So a practical readily accessible
of great importance as chiral auxiliaries, catalysts and resolving catalyst for the asymmetric hydrogenation of dialkyl ketimines
agents. Therefore, asymmetric hydrogenation of ketimines has remains elusive.
received much attention as an attractive, very direct route to We have recently begun to reinvestigate Ir–phosphinoox-
enantiomerically enriched amines.1 High yields, perfect atom azoline complexes that we originally introduced as catalysts for
economy and mild conditions make this approach ideal for imine hydrogenation in 1997.6a Aer evaluation of a wide range
industrial applications. This is impressively demonstrated by of phosphinooxazoline (PHOX) derivatives and careful optimi-
the multi-ton scale production of the herbicide metolachlor, zation of the reaction conditions, excellent enantioselectivities
based on an extremely active and productive Ir-diphosphine and high turnover numbers have been achieved in the hydro-
catalyst.2 genation of aryl alkyl N-arylketimines such as I1 (Scheme 1).6b
During the last two decades a wide range of chiral Ti, Rh, Ir, However, analogous dialkyl ketimines still gave disap-
Pd, Ru,1 and most recently Fe1,3 complexes have been developed pointing results. We therefore decided to conduct a mechanistic
that catalyze the hydrogenation of various imines with high study, in the hope that it would guide the development of
enantioselectivity. However, the scope of most catalysts is rather improved catalysts with broader substrate scope.
narrow and there are still important classes of imines that give
unsatisfactory results with the available catalysts. Especially the
hydrogenation of imines derived from dialkyl ketones remains a
Results and discussion
challenging problem. With the exception of the dual catalyst Here we report the outcome of this study that led to surprising
system reported by Xiao and co-workers,4 consisting of a chiral insights into the structure of the catalytic intermediates and,
Ir(Cp*)–diamine complex and an elaborate chiral binaphthol- ultimately, to a new catalyst system that gave promising results
derived phosphoric acid (TRIP), most catalysts give very low in the hydrogenation of dialkyl ketimines.
enantioselectivities with these substrates. Organocatalytic Experimental mechanistic studies of imine hydrogenation
asymmetric imine reduction and reductive amination has also with Ir-PHOX complexes have not been reported. However,
been developed to afford chiral aliphatic amines with high
enantioselectivities.5 However, these reactions generally suffer

University of Basel, Department of Organic Chemistry, St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056

Basel, Switzerland. E-mail: andreas.pfaltz@unibas.ch; Fax: +41 61 2671103; Tel:
+41 61 2671108
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Protocols for procedures
and experimental data. CCDC 916564. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or
other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c3sc50587a
‡ Current address: Yeshiva University, Department of Chemistry, New York, NY,
10033, USA. Scheme 1 Asymmetric hydrogenation of acetophenone N-phenylimine I1.

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Hopmann and Bayer7 carried out DFT calculations with catalyst

1a on nine different catalytic cycles based on proposed mech-
anisms for imine hydrogenations with other types of Ir
complexes. The computed energies of the turnover-limiting
transition states indicated a pathway involving proton transfer
from an Ir–hydride complex to a free, uncoordinated imine,
followed by hydride transfer to the resulting iminium ion. As all
proposed mechanisms included Ir–dihydride complexes as
Scheme 3 Preparation of iridacycle 5.
intermediates, we decided to prepare a dihydride complex from
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the Ir(PHOX) precursor 1a following the procedure of Mazet

et al.8 and to study its reactivity with I1 as a typical substrate
Open Access Article. Published on 09 April 2013. Downloaded on 26/09/2016 16:16:25.

(Scheme 2). What are the possible conclusions that can be drawn from
When the dihydride complex, generated by reaction of 1a with these results? The iridacycle formed under hydrogenation
H2 in THF at 25  C, was treated with I1 at 0  C, rapid formation conditions could be an inactive species outside the catalytic
of an iridacycle 2 was observed. This complex proved to be very cycle that is in equilibrium with an active catalytic intermediate
sensitive and rapidly decomposed upon exposure to air. Attempts through reversible cyclometalation/reductive elimination,
to obtain suitable crystals for X-ray analysis failed and, therefore, similar to the reaction scheme proposed by Marcazzan and
the BArF (tetrakis[(3,5-triuoromethyl)phenyl]borate) counterion James.12
that, in our experience, oen impedes crystallization, was Alternatively, it could be directly involved in the catalytic
exchanged with chloride or hexauorophosphate. The chloride cycle. In this case, it could either react via reduction of the
complex 3 was readily obtained by treatment with LiCl and silica cyclometalated imine, followed by reductive elimination
gel in ethyl acetate and puried by ash chromatography on releasing the saturated amine, or the cyclometalated imine
silica gel. Ion exchange with NaBArF in THF led back to the BArF could serve as a stable ligand that remains bound throughout
complex 2. the catalytic cycle.
While crystallization attempts of 3 were unsuccessful, the To distinguish between these possibilities we carried out the
hexauorophosphate salt 5 furnished suitable crystals for X-ray cross-over experiment shown in Scheme 6. If a catalytic inter-
analysis (Scheme 3 and Fig. 1).9 Furthermore, a preliminary mediate derived from 3 would release the free imine I1, the
crystal structure of the analogous iridacycle 7 prepared from cyclometalation product of substrate I2 along with amine A1
SimplePHOX complex 6 (Scheme 4 and Fig. 2) could also be would be formed. However, we did not observe even traces of I1
determined.10 or A1 in the course of the hydrogenation reaction by GC anal-
An analogous cyclometalation reaction of [Ir(H)2(PPh3)2- ysis.13,14 These results are consistent with the hypothesis that
(acetone)2]PF6 with benzaldehyde N-benzylimine has been repor- cyclometalation is irreversible and the imine remains bound to
ted by James and co-workers.11 The resulting iridacycle was tested iridium throughout the catalytic reaction. The enantiomeric
in the hydrogenation of imines but showed no catalytic activity.11a excess of A2 remained constant throughout the reaction.13
When complex 3 was tested as catalyst for the hydrogenation We speculated that the cyclometalated complex formed
of I1, no reaction was observed. However, when the chloride was under hydrogenation conditions could be a superior catalyst
replaced with the non-coordinating anion BArF by addition of compared to complex 1a and that the poor results in the
an equimolar amount of NaBArF, an active catalyst was gener- hydrogenation of aliphatic ketimines could be a consequence of
ated that furnished the same enantiomer of amine A1 with the inability of these substrates to form cyclometalated
identical enantioselectivity as the reduction catalyzed by the complexes.
parent complex 1a (Scheme 5).

Scheme 2 Formation of cyclometalated imine complexes. Fig. 1 Crystal structure of 5 (PF6 counterion omitted for clarity).

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Indeed, the catalyst generated in situ from the iridacycle 3 by

treatment with NaBArF gave much higher conversion and
enantioselectivity (Table 1, entry 1) in the hydrogenation of
cyclohexyl methyl ketimine I3 than the parent Ir–PHOX complex
1a (entry 2) or iridacycle 3 alone (entry 3). Identical ee and
higher conversion was obtained when the catalyst was gener-
Scheme 4 Preparation of iridacycle 7. ated by treating complex 1a with H2 and an equimolar amount
of acetophenone imine I1 (entry 4). At 50 bar H2 pressure 71%
ee and full conversion were observed aer activation with imine
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I1 (entry 5), compared to 27% conversion and 35% ee with

complex 1a alone (entry 6).
Open Access Article. Published on 09 April 2013. Downloaded on 26/09/2016 16:16:25.

These ndings clearly indicate that the new more efficient

catalyst is a cationic cyclometalated complex that arises by
chloride abstraction from 3 or by reaction of precatalyst 1a with
H2 and imine I1 (cf. structure 2 in Scheme 2). Because cationic
complexes such as 2 or 5 with very weakly coordinating anions
proved to be too unstable and impractical to be used as catalysts,
in situ activation of precatalyst 1a with acetophenone imine I1 or
derivatives thereof was the method of choice for further
If the imine remains bound to the catalyst throughout the
Fig. 2 Preliminary crystal structure of 7.
catalytic cycle, it is also involved in the enantiodiscriminating
step. Cyclometalation of a chiral additive to an achiral complex
would thus provide a chiral imine hydrogenation catalyst. We
therefore prepared chiral complex (S)-11 derived from an achi-
ral iridium–PHOX complex 8 and a chiral imine 9 (Scheme 7).
NMR analysis indicated the presence of two diastereomers of
complex (S)-10. However, upon treatment with an equimolar
amount of NaBArF in CD2Cl2, a single hydride species (S)-11 was
Both enantiomers of complex 11, formed in situ from the
diastereomeric mixture of (S)-10ab or (R)-10ab, were tested as
catalysts for the hydrogenation of I1 (Table 2). While low
conversion was observed at atmospheric hydrogen pressure,
hydrogenation at 5 bar afforded A1 with 54% conversion (entry 3).
The resulting ee values showed a weak but reproducible
inuence of the chiral imine 9. Analogous catalysts derived
from 1,3-benzoxazines were tested as well (Table 3) and gave
reproducible enantioselectivities of up to 23% ee.
Scheme 5 Comparison of complexes 1a and 3 as precatalysts for the hydro-
genation of imine I1. Table 1 Hydrogenation of imine I3 using catalyst 1a in the presence or absence
of imine I1 or using iridacycle 3 in the presence or absence of NaBArF

Entry Catalyst Additive p(H2)/bar Conv.a (%) eeb (%)

1 3 NaBArF 1 40 73 (R)
2 1a — 1 5 69 (R)
3 3 — 1 0 —
4 1a I1 (2 mol%) 1 50 73 (R)
5 1a I1 (2 mol%) 50 >99 71 (R)
6 1a — 50 27 35 (R)
a b
Scheme 6 Hydrogenation of imine I2 with iridacycle 3 in combination with Determined by GC analysis. Determined by HPLC analysis on a
NaBArF. chiral stationary phase.

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Table 3 Hydrogenation of imine I1 using iridacycle 12–14

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Entry Catalyst H2/bar Conv.a (%) eeb (%)

1 (S)-12 1 63 15 (S)
2 (S)-13 1 31 23 (R)
3 (S)-13 5 97 14 (R)
4 (R)-13 1 20 23 (S)
5 (R)-13 5 99 14 (S)
6 (R)-14 1 40 17 (S)
a b
Determined by GC analysis. Determined by HPLC analysis on a
Scheme 7 Preparation of chiral iridium complexes (S)-10 derived from achiral Ir- chiral stationary phase.
PHOX complex 8 and chiral imine 9. Upon addition of NaBArF, chloride abstrac-
tion results in the formation of one single hydride complex (S)-11 in solution.

ligand is replaced by imine I1 resulting in a complex with two

achiral ligands, which produces racemic product. However, the
Table 2 Hydrogenation of imine I1 using iridacycle 10
high initial enantioselectivity of 44% ee clearly demonstrates
that the cyclometalated ligand is involved in the enantiodis-
criminating step of the reaction.
Attempts to improve the enantioselectivity by using catalysts
prepared from a combination of chiral PHOX complexes with
chiral benzoxazines gave disappointing results. However,
systematic evaluation of various achiral N-aryl acetophenone
Entry Catalyst H2/bar Conv.a (%) eeb (%) imines as additives was more successful (Table 4).
1 (S)-10 1 16 4 (S)
The inuence of substituents in the acetophenone phenyl ring
2 (R)-10 1 18 6 (R) showed no apparent trends that could be correlated with steric or
3 (S)-10 5 54 4 (S) electronic effects. Surprisingly, meta-substituents distinctly low-
4 (R)-10 5 44 6 (R) ered the enantioselectivities (entries 4–8),15 while an ortho-methyl
Determined by GC analysis. b
Determined by HPLC analysis on a or ortho-uoro substituent had essentially no effect (entries 2 and
chiral stationary phase. 3). Overall, introduction of substituents in the acetophenone
phenyl ring did not improve the enantioselectivity. In contrast,
ortho-alkyl groups in the N-aryl ring resulted in enhanced

Erosion of enantioselectivity was observed when hydroge-

nations were conducted at 5 bar (entries 2 vs. 3 and 4 vs. 5).
Furthermore, complex 14 gave higher conversion but lower
enantioselectivity than complex 13 (entries 2, 4 and 6). To get a
more accurate correlation of the ee with conversion, the reac-
tion was followed by GC and HPLC analysis (Fig. 3).
While complex 13 reacted with almost constant enantiose-
lectivity, 14 showed a strong erosion of the enantioselectivity
with increasing conversion. Furthermore, an overall higher
conversion and faster reaction was observed for 14.
The following conclusions were drawn from these observa-
tions: while in 13 the benzoxazine remains bound to the iridium
center throughout the reaction, complex 14 is not stable under Fig. 3 Conversion (dotted) and enantioselectivity (dashed) of A1 using iridacycle
the reaction conditions. As a consequence the benzoxazine 13 (blue triangles) and 14 (red diamonds) as the catalyst.

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Table 4 Screening of different imines as additives Table 5 Asymmetric hydrogenation of N-phenyl aliphatic imines
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Entry Substrate Catalyst Additive T/ C Conv.a (%) eeb (%)

Entry Additive R R0 Conv.a (%) eeb (%)
Open Access Article. Published on 09 April 2013. Downloaded on 26/09/2016 16:16:25.

1 1a I1 23 >99 71 (R)
1 I1 H H >99 71 (R) 2 1a I1 5 >99 73 (R)
2 I4 2-Me H >99 69 (R) 3 1a I24 23 >99 85 (R)
3 I5 2-F H 90–95 71 (R) 4 1a I24 5 >99 92 (R)
4 I6 3-NO2 H 75–99 48 (R)
5 I7 3,5-(NO2)2 H 10 15 (R)
6 I8 3,5-Me2 H >99 3 (S)
7 I9 3,5-iPr2 H 34 42 (S)
8 I10 3,5-tBu2 H 11 10 (R) 5 1a I24 5 33 84 (R)
9 I2 4-MeO H >99 67 (R)
10 I11 4-tBu H >99 64 (R)
11 I12 4-Me H >99 63 (R)
12 I13 4-Cl H >99 56 (R) 6 1a I1 5 >99 49 ()
13 I14 4-F H >99 66 (R) 7 1a I24 5 >99 70 ()
14 I15 4-CF3 H 95 50 (R) 8 1b I24 5 >99 80 ()
15 I16 4-NO2 H 40 45 (R)
16 I17 4-Me 2-Br >99 68 (R)
9 1a I24 5 >99 62 (+)
17 I18 H 2-Me >99 78 (R)
10 1b I24 5 94 72 (+)
18 I19 H 2-MeO >99 71 (R)
19 I20 H 3-MeO >99 68 (R)
20 I21 H 4-MeO >99 69 (R)
21 I22 H 4-CF3 >99 59 (R)
22 I23 H 2-iPr >99 81 (R)
23 I24 H 2,6-Me2 >99 85 (R) 11 1b I24 5 >99 52 ()
a b
Determined by GC analysis. Determined by HPLC analysis on a
chiral stationary phase.

12 1b I24 5 >99c 56 ()

enantioselectivity (entries 17, 22 and 23). Other iridium

complexes were screened as well, but none of them reached the
enantioselectivities achieved with PHOX complex 1a.13 13 1b I24 5 >99 57 (R)
With an optimized catalyst system in hand we studied the
scope for the hydrogenation of aliphatic ketimines (Table 5).
Higher conversions and enantioselectivities were obtained in all
14 1a I24 5 8 63 ()
cases compared to reactions using complex 1a alone. The high
reactivity of this catalyst system allowed lowering the reaction
temperature to 5  C. Under these conditions imine I3 fur-
nished the product A3 with an improved ee of 92% and full
conversion (entry 4). Isopropyl methyl ketimine I25 gave 84% ee 15 1a I1 5 8 46 (R)
but only 33% conversion (entry 5). The ee was further improved
when the more bulky complex 1b was used as precatalyst for
isobutyl methyl ketimine I26 and benzyl methyl ketimine I27 a
Determined by GC analysis. b Determined by HPLC analysis on a
(entries 8 and 10). However, for a-branched alkyl methyl keti- chiral stationary phase aer purication by ash chromatography.
mines such as I3, I25, I31 and I32, no reaction was observed Contained <3% of fully saturated product.
with complex 1b. The sterically less demanding n-alkyl methyl
ketimines I28, I29 and I30 gave markedly lower enantiose-
lectivity (entries 11–13). Chemoselective hydrogenation of an To see whether the N-phenyl group was essential for achieving
imine double bond in the presence of a trisubstituted olen can high enantioselectivity, we investigated N-alkyl imines I33–I36 as
be achieved as shown in I29 (entry 12). substrates (Table 6). Asymmetric hydrogenation of imines of this

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type has not been reported yet apart from I33. As these substrates in an autoclave (60 mL) and purged with argon for 5 min.
proved to be less reactive, hydrogenations were conducted at Anhydrous CH2Cl2 (1 mL) was added by syringe under a stream
room temperature. Using imine I1 as additive the N-benzylimine of argon and the autoclave was closed. For reactions at low
I33 furnished a moderate ee of 44% (entry 1). An even lower temperature the autoclave was immersed in a cooling bath for
enantioselectivity is observed for the N-n-butylimine I34 (entry 2). 60 min before starting the reaction. The autoclave was pres-
On the other hand almost the same ee as for corresponding surized with hydrogen gas, hydrogen was released and the
N-phenylimine I3 was observed in the hydrogenation of I35 (entry autoclave pressurized again. It was then placed on a stirring
3). The N-cyclohexyl analogue I34 reacted with even higher plate for the time indicated. Aer releasing the pressure, the
enantioselectivity of 77% ee (entry 4), demonstrating that purely solvent was evaporated under a stream of nitrogen. The residue
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alkyl-substituted imines are suitable substrates for this catalyst was suspended in pentane–diethyl ether (5 : 1) and ltered
system. The more bulky complex 1b and the sterically demanding through a short elution plug (cotton bottom, 40  5 mm silica
Open Access Article. Published on 09 April 2013. Downloaded on 26/09/2016 16:16:25.

N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)imine I24 afforded lower yields and gel). The crude ltrate was analysed by GC for conversion before
enantioselectivities with these substrates. being puried by ash chromatography (SiO2, pentane–diethyl
ether (20 : 1), 15  2 cm) and analysed by HPLC on a chiral
Conclusions stationary phase for determination of the enantiomeric excess.

We have found that the active catalyst in the hydrogenation of Preparative reaction
acetophenone-derived imines with Ir–PHOX precatalysts is an
Imine I3 (1.005 g, 5 mmol), 1a (0.1 mmol), I24 (0.1 mmol), and a
iridacycle generated under hydrogenation conditions by cyclo-
stir bar were added to a 25 mL Pyrex oven-dried glass vial that
metalation of the substrate. Cyclometalated complexes of this
had been placed in an autoclave (60 mL) and purged with argon
type, formed in situ by addition of an equimolar equivalent of
for 5 min. Anhydrous CH2Cl2 (5 mL) was added by syringe under
acetophenone imine, show higher reactivity and better enan-
a stream of argon and the autoclave was closed. The autoclave
tioselectivity in the hydrogenation of N-phenyl and N-alkyl
was immersed in a cooling bath for 60 min at 5  C before it
aliphatic ketimines than the corresponding Ir-PHOX complex
was pressurized with hydrogen gas. Hydrogen was released and
alone. Obviously, the reaction proceeds through a pathway that
the autoclave pressurized again before being placed on a stir-
differs from the catalytic cycles proposed in the literature.7
ring plate for 18 h. Aer pressure release the reaction mixture
Although at present the scope is still limited, our ndings
was transferred to a 50 mL round-bottom ask and solvents
indicate many opportunities for further improvement of this
removed under reduced pressure. The residue was suspended
catalyst system by structural variation of both the chiral P,N
in pentane–diethyl ether (20 : 1) and puried by ash chroma-
ligand and the cyclometalated imine.
tography (SiO2, pentane–diethyl ether (10 : 1), 21  3 cm).
Solvents were removed under reduced pressure and the residue
Experimental section was dried in vacuo to afford A3 (998 mg, 4.92 mmol, 98%).
Imine (0.1 mmol), catalyst (2 mmol), additive (2 mmol), and a stir Acknowledgements
bar were added to an oven-dried glass vial that had been placed Support of this work by the Swiss National Science Foundation
(SNF) and the Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation
Table 6 Asymmetric hydrogenation of N-alkyl aliphatic imines (KTI) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr Markus
Neuburger for the crystal structure analysis, Robin Wehlauch
for synthetic contributions and Prof. Dr Klaus Dittrich from
BASF for generous gis of chemicals.

Notes and references

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C. A. Willoughby and S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
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Entry Substrate (R) Conv.a (%) eeb (%) Chem. Soc., 1994, 116, 8952; C. A. Willoughby and
S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1994, 116, 11703;
1 I33 (CH2Ph) >99 44 (R)c Y. N. C. Chan and J. A. Osborn, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112,
2 I34 (nBu) >99 33 (R)
9400; F. Spindler, B. Pugin and H.-U. Blaser, Angew. Chem.,
3 I35 (iPr) >99 73 (R)d
4 I36 (c-C6H11) >99 77 (R)c Int. Ed. Engl., 1990, 29, 558; J. Bakos, I. Toth, B. Heil,
G. Szalontai, L. Parkanyi and V. Fulup, J. Organomet. Chem.,
Determined by GC analysis. b Determined by GC or HPLC analysis on a
1989, 370, 263; for more recent work, see A. Trifonova,
chiral stationary phase aer derivatisation. c Determined aer
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derivatisation to the acetamide. 2318–2328; C. Moessner and C. Bolm, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,

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Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 5120. Bull., 2003, 52, 2715. See also (b) J. F. van Baar, K. Vrieze and
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Ed., 2005, 44, 7424; K. Saito and T. Akiyama, Chem. 14 Control experiments showed that even 0.1 mol% of I1 or A1
Commun., 2012, 48, 4573. would have been detected by GC analysis.
6 (a) P. Schnider, G. Koch, R. Prétôt, G. Wang, F. M. Bohnen, 15 Cyclometalation of I10 was not observed in a preparative
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