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Green Chemistry: Multicomponent Hydrosulfonylation of Alkynes For The Synthesis of Vinyl Sulfones

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Published on 22 September 2023. Downloaded by Kaohsiung Medical University on 10/12/2023 5:06:38 PM.

Multicomponent hydrosulfonylation of alkynes for

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/d3gc02284f
the synthesis of vinyl sulfones†
Lan Mei, Xiao-Rong Shu, Fa-Liang Liu, Jiao-Zhe Li, Jian-Feng Zhang, Keqi Tang *
and Wen-Ting Wei *

Vinyl sulfones are important structural motifs with a wide range of applications in the biomedical field.
Although the hydrosulfonylations of alkynes have provided straightforward strategies for the synthesis of
vinyl sulfones, these methods still exhibit several drawbacks, such as the use of large amounts of transition
metal catalysts or/and additional additives. Herein, we report an efficient and mild multicomponent reac-
tion (MCR) for the preparation of vinyl sulfones achieved by carrying out hydrosulfonylation of alkynes
with the corresponding aryl diazonium salts, K2S2O5 and thiophenols at room temperature without any
metal catalysts or additives. This transformation was the first example of a thiophenol as a hydrogen
Received 26th June 2023, source reacting with vinyl radical with the advantages of high chemoselectivity and step-economy.
Accepted 21st September 2023
Notably, the method was found to also be applicable to aliphatic alkynes, circumventing the limitations of
DOI: 10.1039/d3gc02284f existing methods, and a gram-scale experiment proceeded smoothly, proving the practicality of the
rsc.li/greenchem methodology.

Metal-catalyst-free approaches are promising for the synthesis potential drug for the therapy of Parkinson’s disease (Nrf2 acti-
of valuable compounds uncontaminated by metal catalysts vators), radiation protection agent (Recilisib sodium), cysteine
with simplified post-treatment processes, and have garnered a protease inhibitor (WRR-483), antibacterial agent (BAY 11-
tremendous amount of attention for chemical transform- 7085) and potent anti-Chagas agent (K11777) (Fig. 1).4 Thus,
ations.1 Moreover, multicomponent reactions (MCRs) have the construction of vinyl sulfones remains a long-term goal of
gradually become a research hotspot in chemistry, due to the synthetic chemistry due to their unique pharmaceutical
ability to deploy them for constructing multiple chemical activity and vital synthetic applications.
bonds in one pot and rapidly synthesizing complex functional Over the past few decades, various classic synthetic routes
molecules, thus maximizing the incorporation of starting for the construction of vinyl sulfones have been established,
materials and avoiding the employment of hazardous and including the Knoevenagel condensations of sulfonylacetic
toxic reagents, as well as minimizing the number of steps and acids with aromatic aldehydes,5 Horne–Wadsworth–Emmons
waste generation.2 Thus, developing metal-catalyst-free MCRs reactions of sulfonyl phosphonates with carbonyl com-
for the construction of multifunctional molecules has been pounds,6 β-elimination of halosulfones or selenosulfones,7
highlighted as one of the top challenges in green chemistry. decomposition of tosylhydrazones,8 and oxidation of the
Vinyl sulfones have attracted considerable interest in corresponding vinyl sulfides.9 Recently, the cross-coupling/
organic chemistry, because they are not only versatile building addition of alkenes/alkynes with sulfonyl derivatives has
blocks in organic synthesis, but also privileged scaffolds that
have been extensively studied in a wide range of biologically
and pharmaceutically active compounds.3 For example, mole-
cules containing vinyl sulfones have been applied as a non-
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) competitive multiple-kinase-tar-
geting anticancer agent (Rigosertib) in phase III clinical trials,

School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Institute of Mass

Spectrometry, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, China.
E-mail: weiwenting@nbu.edu.cn, tangkeqi@nbu.edu.cn
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 2267588. For ESI
and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: https://doi.
org/10.1039/d3gc02284f Fig. 1 Representative vinyl-sulfone-based drug candidates.

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rapidly emerged as an efficient and appealing strategy for the this strategy involving hydrosulfonylation of alkynes
construction of vinyl sulfones, since alkenes/alkynes are one of (Scheme 1c), initially forming aryl radicals from aryl diazo-
the most abundant and readily available chemical raw nium salts, followed by in situ generation of aryl sulfonyl rad-
materials and are highly reactive. However, the current conver- icals with inexpensive and readily available K2S2O5, and
sion methods rely on systems (1) having a transition metal,10 further synthesis of vinyl sulfones with alkynes via radical
(2) mediated by a strong oxidant,11 (3) using the cooperativity addition and extraction of hydrogen from HAT reagents (RY–H,
of a transition metal with oxidant,12 or (4) mediated by base, Y = S, O, Si). In comparison with existing methods for the syn-
Published on 22 September 2023. Downloaded by Kaohsiung Medical University on 10/12/2023 5:06:38 PM.

and are limited to activated aryl alkenes13 (Scheme 1a). Yet, thesis of vinyl sulfones, the present method has the following
the sulfonylation of alkynes is considered to be one of the distinctive advantages: (1) metal-catalyst-free and additive-free
most efficient and straightforward methods for synthesizing reaction at room temperature; (2) highly chemoselective and
vinyl sulfones (Scheme 1b).10a,e,12b,13c The sustainability and step-economical MCR; and (3) the first example of a thiophe-
practicality of these transformations, however, are impacted by nol as a hydrogen source reacting with a vinyl radical.
several factors such as their including metal catalysts, stoichio- At the outset of our investigation, we used of 4-methyl-
metric oxidants, bases and high temperatures. Additionally, phenylacetylene 1a, 4-methoxybenzenediazonium tetrafluoro-
these methods are not applicable to aliphatic alkynes, limiting borate 2a and K2S2O5 3a as the model substrates for evaluating
the versatility of these preparations of vinyl sulfones. These reaction parameters including solvent, reaction temperature
reactions have each also been found to severely suffer from and substrate dosage (Table 1). We obtained the target hydro-
one of the following drawbacks: (1) the need for prefunctiona- sulfonylation product 4a in 85% yield by using 4-(trifluoro-
lized coupling partners (such as phenylpropiolic acid),10a,12b methyl)benzenethiol (1.5 equiv.) as a hydrogen source in 1,2-
(2) the use of poorly stable and poorly available sulfinic acids dichloroethane (DCE) under N2 at room temperature for 10 h
as sulfonyl sources, and (3) the production of harmful (entry 1). Notably, the structure of 4a was unambiguously
benzene, sulfuric acid, or benzene sulfinates.10e,13c By contrast, characterized using X-ray crystallography (CCDC 2267588†). To
the realization of hydrosulfonylation of alkynes in metal-cata- further improve the yield of 4a, we screened various solvents
lyst-free and additive-free conditions has not yet been reported. and found that DCE was the best one (entries 2–10). Notably,
Notably, hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) reagents are widely we found that this medium-polarity solvent was most favorable
used in radical reactions, and especially thiophenols are con- for the reaction and the relatively good solubility of the sub-
sidered to be excellent HAT reagents owing to their weak S–H strate led to the high yield of the desired product. However,
bond dissociation energy, which can effectively provide hydro- increasing the reaction temperature from room temperature to
gen in transformations without the use of metal catalyst.14 40 °C did not significantly improve the reactivity (entry 11).
Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, there are few
reported examples of thiophenols as hydrogen sources used to
directly react with vinyl radicals. Herein, we developed a novel
strategy for the preparation of vinyl sulfone derivatives, with Table 1 Screening of optimal reaction conditionsa

Entry Variation from standard reaction conditions Yield of 4ab (%)

1 None 85
2 CHCl3 instead of DCE 84
3 DCM instead of DCE 80
4 MeCN instead of DCE 78
5 THF instead of DCE 57
6 EtOAc instead of DCE 55
7 DMF instead of DCE Trace
8 MeOH instead of DCE 53
9 H2O instead of DCE 8
10 Toluene instead of DCE 45
11 40 °C 87
12 Na2S2O5 instead of 3a 81
13 1.5 equiv. of 3a 71
14 3.0 equiv. of 3a 85
15 1.5 equiv. of 2a 86
16 1.2 equiv. of 4-CF3C6H4SH 72
17 2.0 equiv. of 4-CF3C6H4SH 87
18 O2 instead of N2 11
Reaction conditions: 1a (0.2 mmol), 2a (1.2 equiv.), 3a (2.0 equiv.)
Scheme 1 General strategies for the synthesis of vinyl sulfones and and 4-CF3C6H4SH (1.5 equiv.) in DCE (2.0 mL) under N2 at room temp-
hydrosulfonylation of alkynes. erature for 10 h. b Isolated yields.

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Next, 3a was replaced by Na2S2O5 but this replacement did not Table 3 Scope of aryldiazonium tetrafluoroboratesa
exhibit better reactivity (entry 12). In addition, we tested the
amounts of 3a and 2a and found that 2.0 equiv. of K2S2O5 and
1.2 equiv. of 4-methoxybenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate
were optimal (entries 13–15). Furthermore, we investigated the
amount of 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol and the results
showed that, from the point of view of atom economy, using
Published on 22 September 2023. Downloaded by Kaohsiung Medical University on 10/12/2023 5:06:38 PM.

1.5 equiv. of 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol was the best

choice (entries 16 and 17). Finally, in the presence of O2 atmo- a
Unless otherwise noted, the reactions were performed with 1
sphere rather than N2, the yield was dramatically reduced (0.2 mmol), 2 (1.2 equiv.), 3a (2.0 equiv.) and 4-CF3C6H4SH (1.5 equiv.)
(entry 18), which may have been due to the oxidation of the in DCE (2.0 mL) under N2 at room temperature for 10 h.
alkyne to ketone by oxygen, thus preventing its further partici-
pation in the reaction.
With the optimal reaction conditions established, we next Table 4 Scope of alkynesa
investigated the scope and limitations of the HAT reagents
(Table 2). A series of substituted aryl and alkyl thiols were
tested. We found that use of the aryl thiols with electron-with-
drawing groups resulted in higher yields than did the use of
that with an electron-donating group. However, when alkyl
thiols were used as HAT reagents under the standard reaction
conditions, only a trace amount of the desired product 4a was
detected, possibly because of the relatively stronger dis-
sociation energy of S–H bonds of alkyl thiols or the effect of
the electron transfer (ET) pathway.14 In addition, when phenol
or triethylsilane was used as the HAT reagent, the yield of the
desired product 4a in each case was extremely low. Eventually,
we discovered that the highest yield of 4a was achieved when
4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol was used as the HAT reagent.
After investigating the scope of HAT reagents, we turned
our attention to assessing the generality of our established
hydrosulfonylation by examining different aryldiazonium tetra-
fluoroborates (Table 3). Various functional groups on the aryl-
diazonium salt were well tolerated and provided the desired
products 4b–4e in good yields. Our experimental results
showed for each of various cases that an aryl diazonium salt
benzene ring bearing an electron-donating group afforded a
higher yield of the expected product than did that bearing an Unless otherwise noted, the reactions were performed with 1
electron-withdrawing group. (0.2 mmol), 2a (1.2 equiv.), 3a (2.0 equiv.) and 4-CF3C6H4SH (1.5
equiv.) in DCE (2.0 mL) under N2 at room temperature for 10 h.
Encouraged by the above-described results, we examined
the scope of substituted alkynes under the optimal reaction
conditions (Table 4). As illustrated in Table 4, meta- and ortho-
methyl-substituted aryl alkynes efficiently provided the desired electronic properties of the para-positions of the phenyl substi-
products 4f (84%) and 4g (83%). Then, we tested the various tuents. Regardless of whether the substituents were electron-
donating (–OMe, –nBu, –tBu and –Ph) (4h–4k), electron-neutral
(–H) (4l) or electron-withdrawing groups (–F, –Cl, –Br, –NO2,
Table 2 Scope of HAT reagentsa CF3 and –CHO) (4m–4r), the desired products were observed in
our experiments to be obtained in moderate to good yields
under the standard conditions. In addition to the phenyl
derivatives, the naphthyl and thienyl groups provided the
desired products 4s–4t in 65%–74% yields. Strikingly, the
scope of the reaction could be extended from aryl alkynes to a
variety of aliphatic alkynes. Different straight-chain alkynes
were tested and led to the corresponding hydrosulfonation
a products (4u–4w) in acceptable yields, and we also discovered
Unless otherwise noted, the reactions were performed with 1
(0.2 mmol), 2a (1.2 equiv.), 3a (2.0 equiv.) and HAT reagents (1.5 that 4-phenyl-1-butyne reacted smoothly, affording the desired
equiv.) in DCE (2.0 mL) under N2 at room temperature for 10 h. products 4x in 52% yield. Furthermore, we used internal

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alkyne diphenylacetylene as the reaction partner, but only a trace

amount of the desired product 4y was detected, possibly due to
the effect of steric hindrance.
To assess the utility and scalability of the developed
approach, we evaluated this hydrosulfonylation of alkynes on a
preparative scale (Table 5). Fortunately, this reaction could be
performed at the 1.0 g scale, affording 4a in 67% yield after
Published on 22 September 2023. Downloaded by Kaohsiung Medical University on 10/12/2023 5:06:38 PM.

extending the reaction time to 36 h. Overall, the results illus-

trated the simplicity of the operation and the prospective
utility of this hydrosulfonylation based on the generation of
Scheme 3 Proposed mechanism.
sulfonyl sources by aryl diazonium salts with K2S2O5 in fine
chemical synthesis.
To gain insight into the possible reaction pathway of the
hydrosulfonylation, mechanistic studies were performed the coupling product 8a in 82% yield, which demonstrated the
(Scheme 2). When the radical scavenger 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1- intermediacy of the sulfonyl radical and demonstrated that 4-
piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) was added to the reaction, the conver- (trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol was the source of hydrogen in
sion appeared to have been completely inhibited; and TEMPO- this transformation (Scheme 2b).15 Lastly, deuterium labeling
aryl radical adduct 5a was detected using gas chromatography- experiments were performed (Scheme 2c): (1) use of D2O
mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (Scheme 2a), which confirmed under the standard conditions afforded the mixed H/D
that the aryl diazonium salts produced aryl radicals during the product in 84% yield (27% of D); and (2) including D2O
reaction. Moreover, a radical clock experiment with (1-cyclo- without 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol in the reaction did
propylvinyl)benzene 6a under the standard conditions exclu- not work. In addition, when only 4a was reacted in D2O, no
sively furnished the ring-opened product 7a in 79% yield and deuterated product was detected. Therefore, from the results
of the isotope labelling experiments, this hydrosulfonylation
was concluded to proceed through an HAT pathway.
On the basis of the above experimental results and the pre-
Table 5 Gram-scale reactiona
vious related reports,16–18 a plausible mechanism for this
transformation was derived, and is shown in Scheme 3.
According to this mechanism, initially, the instability of aryl
diazonium salts produces aryl radicals at room temperature,
followed by in situ generation of aryl sulfonyl radicals I with
Unless otherwise noted, the reactions were performed with 1a the release of SO2 from K2S2O5 accompanied by the production
(8.62 mmol), 2a (1.2 equiv.), 3a (2.0 equiv.) and 4-CF3C6H4SH (1.5 of K2SO3.16 Subsequently, the sulfonyl radical undergoes
equiv.) in DCE (10.0 mL) under N2 at room temperature for 36 h. radical addition to the alkynes to produce the sulfonylated
vinyl radical intermediate II, which then abstracts the hydro-
gen atom from 4-CF3C6H4SH to afford the final product 4.17
Also, two equivalents of thiyl radicals coupled together from
two consecutive reactions were proposed to produce the di-
sulfide by-product 8a,18 which was isolated and characterized
using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

In conclusion, we have developed a mild, efficient and practi-
cal hydrosulfonylation of alkynes with aryldiazonium salts,
K2S2O5 and thiophenol, with this reaction proceeding in a
highly chemoselective and step-economical manner at room
temperature under metal-catalyst-free and additive-free con-
ditions, and readily scaled in batch. Mechanistic studies
showed that the thiophenol acts as a HAT reagent in this reac-
tion, and that the hydrogenation of the alkyne proceeds as a
result of a capture of the hydrogen atom from the thiophenol.
Applying this method, both aryl and aliphatic alkynes can
efficiently achieve hydrosulfonylation under mild reaction con-
Scheme 2 Mechanistic studies. ditions, delivering a range of high-value vinyl sulfones in mod-

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erate to good yields. Further extensions of this hydrosulfonyla- J. C. Carretero, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2022, 51, 6774–6823;
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M. Pichowicz, G. Povie and P. Renaud, Chem. Rev., 2014, 10991–10997.
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Green Chem. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023

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