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Ahmed Mohammed Abd El-Tiff Shamerden: Prof. Dr. Mostapha El-Gmmal

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Faculty of Engineering Dep.

Of Marine Engineering
Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

Alexandria University

Faculty of Engineering

A Seminar Report

Submitted to the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine


Faculty of Engineering – Alexandria University

For the partial fulfilment of the requirements of the B.Sc. degree


Ahmed mohammed Abd El-Tiff Shamerden

Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Mostapha El-Gmmal

February 2020
Faculty of Engineering Dep. Of Marine Engineering
Alexandria University And Naval Architecture


I want to thank Allah for blessing me with all the unlimited mercy and support.
I’m thankful to :

Prof.Dr: Mostapha El-Gmmal

for his support and for providing necessary guidance concerning projects
implementation.Without his superior knowledge and experience, the Project would
like in quality of outcomes……

Nevertheless, I express my gratitude toward my families and colleagues for their kind
co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project….

There are many who have contributed in the completion of this dissertation and to
whom I give special thanks for what they have given and what I have learned from

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture


I declare that no part of the work referred to in this thesis has been submitted in
support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other
University or Institution.

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

Table Of Content

I. Abstract .......................................................................................1

II. Introduction .................................................................................2

III. Preliminary estimates for new ships Main Dimensions ............4

III.1 The first estimate that the Naval Architect makes is to estimate the
lightweight of the new ship: ....................................................................4
III.1.1 Estimations of the length for a new design ...............................5
III.1.1.1 Depth Mid (D) for the new design ......................................5
III.1.2 Optimisation of the Main Dimensions and CB .........................6
III.1.3 Estimation of steel weight for a new ship ................................7
III.1.3.1 Consideration of steel weight estimations ..........................7
III.1.3.2 Methods for estimating steel weight in ships .....................8
III.2 Wood and Outfit weight .................................................................8
III.2.1 Non-ferrous metals ...................................................................9
III.2.2 Use of plastics for Merchant ships ...........................................9
III.2.3 Fibreglass ...............................................................................10
III.3 Estimations of machinery weight .................................................10
IV. The Ship specification ...............................................................11

IV.1 Main Dimension ............................................................................11

IV.2 Weight distribution .......................................................................17
IV.3 Power & Resistance of full scale..................................................18
IV.4 Geometrical similarity ..................................................................21
V. References .................................................................................29

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

List of Figures

Figure (III. 1)1nested plate with wastage material regions............................................ 8

Figure(IV. 1) ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure(IV. 2): Model in Marine field ........................................................................... 14
Figure(IV. 3): lines plan ............................................................................................... 14
Figure(IV. 4): General arrangement plan..................................................................... 15
Figure(IV. 5): Model Design ....................................................................................... 16
Figure(IV. 6): Tanks .................................................................................................... 18
Figure(IV. 7): Model of Power & Resistance .............................................................. 18
Figure(IV. 8): Froude number & Resistance ............................................................... 19
Figure(IV. 9): Froude number & Power ..................................................................... 19
Figure(IV. 10) .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure(IV. 11) .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure(IV. 12): Spline of all marker ............................................................................ 23
Figure(IV. 13): Spline of all marker with station. ....................................................... 23
Figure(IV. 14): No Fairing ........................................................................................... 24
Figure(IV. 15): Fairing lines ........................................................................................ 24
Figure(IV. 16): Fairing line and smooth hull ............................................................... 25
Figure(IV. 17): Center of gravity & Center of buoyancy & Center of flotation ......... 26
Figure(IV. 18): Total parts of model............................................................................ 27
Figure(IV. 19): Complete model design with dimension ............................................ 28

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

List Of Table

Table (IV. 1): Tanks General Arrangement ................................................................. 17

Table (IV. 2): Speed & Resistance & Power ............................................................... 20

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

I. Abstract

This project describes the overall design process and its steps to achieve the final
design with the help of computer-programs and engineering formula. Each major
phase of design (General Arrangements, Stability Calculation, resistance calculation,
and Scantling Calculation) is discussed in detail with the aid of pictures of how the
computer can effectively optimize the boat design process

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

II. Introduction

Design is a process of synthesis bringing together a wide range of disciplines and

analysis methods. In the past, ship design was a process of evolution, the starting
point for a new design being a type ship to which changes were made. With modern
analysis tools and powerful computers, the naval architect can be more innovative.
Ships, however, are complex and their design must be approached in a methodical
manner. There are no prototypes so the designer must ‘get it right’ first time. There
are three distinct phases – concept, contract and detail design. It is in the concept
phase that the designer will establish the broad characteristics of the design in
consultation with the owner. The actual design process within each phase varies with
the type of ship and how novel it is.

One approach is to regard the ship as possessing certain capabilities and attributes
which confer upon it the ability to float, move and trade – the three key functions.
Everything in the ship has a part to play and the design configuration is key to the
development of a good design. Also an understanding of the relationships between
equipment and systems, enabling them to contribute to the functions, is important.
Embedded within the design process are assessments of the ship’s characteristics such
as stability, strength, powering, manoeuvrability and motions. The design must be
cost-effective, require minimum manning, be available when needed and not be
unduly vulnerable. The safety of the ship, the people on board and the environment in
which it sails are all important.

One of the most important considerations for a naval architect is the powering
requirement for a ship. Once the hull form has been decided, it is necessary to
determine the amount of engine power that will enable the ship to meet its operational
requirements. Knowing the power required to propel a ship enables the naval architect
to select a propulsion plant, determine the amount of fuel storage required, and refine
the ship center of gravity estimate.

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

Throughout history, naval architects have endeavored to increase the speed of ships.
Increased speed would enable a warship to close with its opponent, or conversely, to
escape from an attack. Increased speed enables merchant vessels to reach port sooner
and maximize profit for its owner.

Until the early 19’s, wind was the force used to propel ships through the water, and
ships could only go as fast as the wind would propel them. Additionally, because
ships were constructed of wood, the structural limitations of wooden hull
configurations drove hull designs to primarily meet the structural needs while
hydrodynamic Performance was only a secondary concern. With the advent of steam
propulsion in the early 19’s, naval architects realized that ship speeds were no longer
constrained by the wind and research began into the power required to propel a hull
through the water using this new propulsion medium. Testing of full-scale ships and
models determined that the power required to propel a ship through the water was
directly related to the amount of resistance a hull experiences when moving through
the water.

The development of iron hull construction produced radical changes in hull strength
and hull design. Gone were the blunt bows and full hull forms of early sailing vessels.
Capitalizing on the added strength of iron hulls, naval architects could design ships
with fine bows and as a result, ship speeds increased.

The modern screw propeller was developed, replacing the paddle wheel as the prime
mode of ship propulsion. The screw propeller, with many modifications to its original
design, remains the principle method of ship propulsion to this day.

In determining the Main Dimensions for a new ship, guidance can be taken from a
similar ship for which basic details are known. This is known as a ‘basic vessel’ and
must be similar in type, size, speed and power to the new vessel. It is constantly
referred to as the new design is being developed.

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

III. Preliminary estimates for new ships

Main Dimensions

In determining the Main Dimensions for a new ship, guidance can be taken from a
similar ship for which basic details are known. This is known as a ‘basic vessel’ and
must be similar in type, size, speed and power to the new vessel. It is constantly
referred to as the new design is being developed. When a shipowner makes an initial
enquiry, he usually gives the shipbuilder four items of information:
 Type of vessel
 Deadweight of the new ship
 Required service speed
 Route on which the new vessel will operate

III.1 The first estimate that the Naval Architect makes is to estimate
the lightweight of the new ship:
Starting with some definitions:

1. Lightweight: This is the weight of the ship itself when completely empty,
with boilers topped up to working level. It is made up of steel weight, wood
and outfit weight and machinery weight.
2. Deadweight: This is the weight that a ship carries. It can be made up of oil
fuel, fresh water, stores, lubricating oil, water ballast, crew and effects, cargo
and passengers.
3. Displacement: This is the weight of the volume of water that the ship
displaces. Displacement is lightweight (lwt) _ deadweight (dwt). The
lightweight will not change much during the life of a ship and so is
reasonably constant. The deadweight however will vary, depending on how
much the ship is loaded.

Deadweight coefficient CD:

This coefficient links the deadweight with the displacement:

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

As a good first approximation, for General Cargo ships and Oil Tankers, it can be
stated that at the SLWL, the CB approximately equals the CD where:

L = Length between perpendiculars (LBP),
B = Breadth Mid,
H = Draft Mid.

III.1.1 Estimations of the length for a new design

1. Ship length is controlled normally by the space available at the quayside.

2. Ship breadth is controlled by stability or canal width.

3. Ship depth is controlled by a combination of draft and freeboard.

4. Ship draft is controlled by the depth of water at the Ports where the ship will
be visiting. Exceptions to this are the ULCCs and the Supertankers. They off-
load their cargo at single point moorings located at the approaches to Ports.

III.1.1.1 Depth Mid (D) for the new design

Again guidance can be given by careful selection of a basic ship or basic ships. The
following approximations can be considered:

For Oil Tankers H/D = 80% approximately

For General Cargo ships H/D = 75% approximately
For liquified natural gas (LNG) and
liquified petroleum gas (LPG) ships H/D = 50% approximately

Faculty of Engineering Dep. Of Marine Engineering
Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

After obtaining draft H, simply transpose to obtain value of D. Freeboard

(f) is the difference between these two values

III.1.2 Optimisation of the Main Dimensions and CB

Early in the design stages, the Naval Architect may have to slightly increase the
displacement. To achieve this, the question then arises, ‘which parameter to increase,
LBP, Breadth Mid, depth, draft or CB?’

 Increase of ( L ) :
This is the most expensive way to increase the displacement. It increases the first cost
mainly because of longitudinal strength considerations. However, and this has been
proven with ‘ship surgery’, there will be a reduction in the power required within the
engine room. An option to this would be that for a similar input of power, there would
be an acceptable increase in speed.

 Increase in ( B )
Increases cost, but less proportionately than L. Facilitates an increase in depth by
improving the transverse stability, i.e. the GMT value. Increases power and cost
within the machinery spaces.

 Increases in Depth Mid and Draft Mid

These are the cheapest dimensions to increase. Strengthens ship to resist hogging and
sagging motions. Reduces power required in the Engine Room.

 Increase in CB
This is the cheapest way to simultaneously increase the displacement and the
deadweight. Increases the power required in the machinery spaces, especially for
ships with high service speeds. Obviously, the fuller the hullform the greater will be
the running costs. The Naval Architect must design the Main Dimensions for a new
ship to correspond with the specified dwt. Mistakes have occurred. In most ship
contracts there is a severe financial penalty clause for any deficiency in the final dwt

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

III.1.3 Estimation of steel weight for a new ship

The Naval Architect will always attempt to make the lightweight as low as possible
without endangering the safety and strength of the new vessel. The Department of
Transport (DfT) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO) keep a watchful eye
on the safety standards whilst Lloyds are more concerned with the strength
considerations. Other countries have equivalent Classification Societies

III.1.3.1 Consideration of steel weight estimations

The main factors affecting the steel weight are:
 Dimensions L, B, D, H
 Block coefficient
 Proportions L/B, B/H, L/H, etc.
 Deckhouses
 Length of superstructures
 Mast-houses
 Number of decks
 Deck sheer
 Number of bulkheads
 Engine seatings

Net scantling weight:

This is the steel weight that is actually ordered in by the shipyard. It is subjected to a
rolling margin of _2.5% to _2.5% of the thickness of each plate. Invoice weight: This
is the steel purchased by the shipyard. Net steel weight: This is the weight that ends
up in the new ship. It takes into effect the wastage caused by plate preparation. The
steel that ends up on the cutting floor can be 8–10% of the delivered plate. Figure
shows a nested plate with wastage material regions.

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Figure (III. 1)1nested plate with wastage material regions.

III.1.3.2 Methods for estimating steel weight in ships

There are several methods for obtaining the steel weight of a new design some them
1. Cubic Number method
2. Weight per metre method
3. ‘Slog-slog’ method
4. Method of differences
5. Computational techniques.

III.2 Wood and Outfit weight

This weight generally includes everything in the hull weight except the net steel
weight. Many weights have to obtained separately. In certain cases the finished
weight can be obtained from the sub-contractors. They could be supplying equipment
such as winches, windlass, lifeboats, fridge machinery, galley equipment, hold and
tween deck insulation, navigation instruments, etc. Most of the Wood and Outfit
(W&O) weight will be generally situated within the accommodation spaces. There are
two popular methods for obtaining the final (W&O) weight for a new ship.
 The coefficient procedure
 Proportional procedure

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

III.2.1 Non-ferrous metals

Non-ferrous metals may be included in the final W&O weight. The use of these
metals is extensive throughout a ship. They include:
 Aluminium alloys: Fitted in navigation spaces because of their non-magnetic
characteristics. Lighter in weight than steel. Not as corrosive as steel.
 Brass: Used for small items such as sidelights, handrails, sounding pipe caps,
plus rudder and propeller bearings.
 Copper: Used mainly for steam pipes. Copper is a soft pure metal that is
malleable and ductile.
 Zinc: Used as sacrificial anodes around a ship’s rudder and sternframe.
 Lead: This is a soft heavy pure metal often used for service piping.
 Manganese bronze: Used in the construction of propellers. Note that this item
of weight will be included in the machinery weight total for a new ship.

III.2.2 Use of plastics for Merchant ships

Since 1980, plastics have been used more and more for ship structures. They have for
some structures replaced steel, wood or aluminium. The main advantages of fitting
plastics on ships can be one or more in the following list:
 Weight saving
 Smooth frictional characteristics
 Non-corrosive
 Chemical resistant
 Non-magnetic
 Heat/electrical insulator
 Rot-resistant
 Moisture non-retainer
 Abrasion resistant
 Decorative – aesthetically pleasing
 Easy maintenance/renewal
 Transparency qualities
 Ability to tailor

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 Adhesive properties

III.2.3 Fibreglass
for example does not rot, warp or twist. This makes it particularly advantageous over
wood. To be used effectively on ships, thermoplastics and thermo-setting plastics
must offer certain basic qualities. For example:
 adequate strength,
 resistance to corrosion (oxidation and galvanic),
 ability to be worked into structural shapes,
 least weight, but with adequate strength,
 lower first costs,
 low fire risk.

III.3 Estimations of machinery weight

The total machinery weight includes:
 the main engine,
 the auxiliary machinery,
 propeller,
 propeller shaft,
 engine spares.

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

IV. The Ship specification

IV.1 Main Dimension

 Summer load waterline or design waterline: The line that runs along the
water planes, from aft to the fore of the ship is known as summer load
waterline. It is the line at which the ship is generally floating with its load.

 Fore perpendicular: It is the vertical line passing through the point of

intersection of the summer load line with forward side of the stem.

 Aft perpendicular: It is the line perpendicular to the water plane and passing
through the centerline of the rudder pintles.

 Length between perpendiculars (LBP): The distance measured along the

summer load water plane from fore to aft perpendicular is known as length
between perpendiculars

 Length overall (LOA): It is the distance measured parallel to the summer

load waterline between the extreme points at the forward and the aft. The
extreme point at the forward can be taken on the bulbous bow.

 Length on the waterline (LWL): It is the distance measured between the

intersections points of the bow and the after end with the summer load
waterline. In case it is not mentioned, the length of the summer load waterline
is taken into consideration as the length of the waterline.

 Midship or amid ship: The midpoint between the aft and the forward
perpendicular is known as midship or amid ship. The section passing through
this point and which is normal to the waterplane is called midship section.
The term ‘Beam’ is quoted at amid ship. The breath extreme is measured at
amid ship. It is also known as moulded breadth line.

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

 Depth (D): The depth of the ship varies along the length. But the depth of
the ship is taken as the distance between the undersides of the deck amid ship
to the bottom of the keel. You might not get an exact value of depth as the
hull is symmetrical and the depth varies thorough out the ship. For example,
the depth is greater at stern than at midship.

 Width or beam or extreme breadth (B): The width of the ship is also
known as the extreme breadth. It is generally measured at the amid ship. It is
the greatest distance between the two sides of the ship at the greatest width.

 Sheer: It is measured as the rise of the deck towards the stem or stern. It is
the height of the deck at the side above the deck at sides amidships.

 Camber or round of beam: It can be defined as the side of the deck going
from side to the center of the ship.

 Rise of floor or dead rise: At the amidships region, the bottom of the ship is
extended out to intersect the moulded breadth line. The rise or the height of
this intersection above the keel is known as rise of floor or dead rise.

 Draught (T): It is the distance between the keel and the waterline at any
point along the length of the ship. Moulded draught is measured from the
inside of the keel plating.

 Trim: The difference between the draughts at forward and aft is known as
the trim. Trim is mentioned as by the bow or by the stern depending upon
which one is greater.

 Freeboard: It is essential in determining the stability of the ship. It is the

difference between the depth at side and the draught, i.e. it is the height of the
deck above the waterline. Freeboard is generally less at amidships than at
bow and stern.

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Figure(IV. 1)

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Figure(IV. 2): Model in Marine field

1. Lines plan

Figure(IV. 3): lines plan

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2. General arrangement plan

Figure(IV. 4): General arrangement plan

My Model Dimensions :

Length overall (LOA): 105 cm

Length on the waterline (LWL): 101 cm
Breadth (B): 15 cm
Depth (D): 8.5 cm
Draught (T): 5 cm

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Model :

Figure(IV. 5): Model Design

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IV.2 Weight distribution:

(Reference : aft extreme and base line )

1. Light ship = 5 kg
2. LCG = 53.856 cm
3. VCG = 7.67 cm

4. Tanks are showed in general arrangement plans and with the following percentage

Table (IV. 1): Tanks General Arrangement

Tank Name Percentage

Ballast .F.P. 100%

Ballast .F.SB. 100%

Garbage .F.P. 100%

Garbage F.SB. 100%

Black water F.P. 100%

Black water F.SB. 100%

F.O.1.P. 100%

F.O.1.SB. 100%

F.O.2.P. 50%

F.O.2.SB. 50%

Fresh 1.P. 50%

Fresh 1.SB. 50%

Fresh 2 .P. 50%

Fresh 2 .SB. 50%

Ballast .A.P. 50%

Ballast.A.SB. 50%

Pool 100%

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Figure(IV. 6): Tanks

IV.3 Power & Resistance of full scale

Figure(IV. 7): Model of Power & Resistance

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Figure(IV. 8): Froude number & Resistance

Figure(IV. 9): Froude number & Power

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Alexandria University And Naval Architecture

Table of Speed & Resistance & Power

Table (IV. 2): Speed & Resistance & Power

Speed(kn) Holtrop Resistance(N) Holtrop Power(KW)

11 57885.63 327.568
11.225 60822.54 351.228
11.45 63900.22 376.397
11.675 67127.16 403.175
11.9 70514.25 431.68
12.125 74073.49 462.044
12.35 77814.86 494.388
12.575 81742.48 528.803
12.8 85852.17 565.327
13.025 90132.53 603.946
13.25 94570.01 644.626
13.475 99156.71 687.368
13.7 103898.35 732.264
13.925 108819.28 779.542
14.15 113962.92 829.58
14.375 119387.63 882.888
14.6 125159.07 940.056
14.825 131340.75 1001.688
15.05 137984.01 1068.326
15.275 145118.53 1140.362
15.5 152744.24 1217.966
15.725 160825.82 1301.023
15.95 169291.18 1389.1
16.175 178034.95 1481.454
16.4 186927.27 1577.085
16.625 195827.26 1674.84

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16.85 204598.93 1773.543

17.075 213126.91 1872.136
17.3 221329.15 1969.805
17.525 229164.67 2066.066
17.75 236635.59 2160.812
17.975 243784 2254.305
18.2 250685.13 2347.137
18.425 257438.62 2440.168
18.65 264159.56 2534.45
18.875 2709708.68 2631.136
19.1 277996.18 2731.56
19.325 285357.51 2836.921
19.55 293170.92 2948.534
19.775 301546.42 3067.674
20 310587.64 395.602

IV.4 Geometrical similarity

the ratio of a linear dimension (length, width, draft, etc.) of a full-scale to a model
scale is constant

 = = = =√ =√ =√ . √ =𝜆

 =√

 =

 = =

 =

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Figure(IV. 10)

Figure(IV. 11)

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Figure(IV. 12): Spline of all marker

Figure(IV. 13): Spline of all marker with station.

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Figure(IV. 14): No Fairing

Figure(IV. 15): Fairing lines

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Figure(IV. 16): Fairing line and smooth hull

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Figure(IV. 17): Center of gravity & Center of buoyancy & Center of flotation

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Figure(IV. 18): Total parts of model

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Figure(IV. 19): Complete model design with dimension

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I. References


Mates, S. D. (n.d.).


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