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Direct Shear ASTM D 3080-90 PDF

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Designation: D 3080 – 03

Standard Test Method for

Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3080; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 1.8.1 The method used to specify how data are collected,
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the con- calculated, or recorded in this standard is not directly related to
solidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct the accuracy to which the data can be applied in design or other
shear. The test is performed by deforming a specimen at a uses, or both. How one applies the results obtained using this
controlled strain rate on or near a single shear plane determined standard is beyond its scope.
by the configuration of the apparatus. Generally, three or more 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
specimens are tested, each under a different normal load, to safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
determine the effects upon shear resistance and displacement, responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
and strength properties such as Mohr strength envelopes. priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.2 Shear stresses and displacements are nonuniformly dis- bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
tributed within the specimen. An appropriate height cannot be 2. Referenced Documents
defined for calculation of shear strains. Therefore, stress-strain
relationships or any associated quantity such as modulus, 2.1 ASTM Standards:
cannot be determined from this test. D 422 Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils2
1.3 The determination of strength envelopes and the devel- D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
opment of criteria to interpret and evaluate test results are left Fluids2
to the engineer or office requesting the test. D 698 Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Character-
1.4 The results of the test may be affected by the presence of istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft)2
soil or rock particles, or both, (see Section 7). D 1557 Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Character-
1.5 Test conditions including normal stress and moisture istics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56 000 ft-lbf/ft)2
environment are selected which represent the field conditions D 1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Geotechnical Tube Sam-
being investigated. The rate of shearing should be slow enough pling of Soils2
to ensure drained conditions. D 2216 Method for Laboratory Determination of Water
1.6 There may be instances when the gap between the plates (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock2
should be increased to accommodate sand sizes greater than the D 2435 Test Method for One Dimensional Consolidation
specified gap. Presently there is insufficient information avail- Properties of Soils2
able for specifying gap dimension based on particle size D 2487 Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engi-
distribution. neering Purposes2
1.7 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded D 2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
as the standard. Within this test method the SI units are shown (Visual-Manual Procedure)2
in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact D 3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
equivalents; therefore, each system must be used indepen- Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and
dently of each other. Rock2
1.8 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the D 4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil
guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in Samples2
Practice D 6026. D 4318 Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils2
D 4753 Specifications for Evaluating, Selecting, and Speci-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and fying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil Rock and
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.05 on Structural
Properties of Soils.
Current edition approved Feb. 10, 2003. Published April 2003. Originally
approved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D 3080 – 98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 3080 – 03
Construction Materials Testing2 middle of the specimen. The fixed location of the plane in the
D 6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechni- test can be an advantage in determining the shear resistance
cal Data3 along recognizable weak planes within the soil material and for
testing interfaces between dissimilar materials.
3. Terminology 5.4 Shear stresses and displacements are nonuniformly dis-
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test tributed within the specimen, and an appropriate height is not
method, refer to Terminology D 653. defined for calculating shear strains or any associated engineer-
3.2 Description of Terms Specific to This Standard: ing quantity. The slow rate of displacement provides for
3.2.1 Relative Lateral Displacement—The horizontal dis- dissipation of excess pore pressures, but it also permits plastic
placement of the top and bottom shear box halves. flow of soft cohesive soils. Care should be taken to ensure that
3.2.2 Failure—The stress condition at failure for a test the testing conditions represent those conditions being inves-
specimen. Failure is often taken to correspond to the maximum tigated.
shear stress attained, or the shear stress at 15 to 20 percent 5.5 The range in normal stresses, rate of shearing, and
relative lateral displacement. Depending on soil behavior and general test conditions should be selected to approximate the
field application, other suitable criteria may be defined. specific soil conditions being investigated.
4. Summary of Test Method NOTE 1—Notwithstanding the statement on precision and bias con-
tained in this standard: The precision of this test method is dependent on
4.1 This test method consists of placing the test specimen in the competence of the personnel performing the test and the suitability of
the direct shear device, applying a predetermined normal the equipment and facilities used. Agencies which meet the criteria of
stress, providing for wetting or draining of the test specimen, or Practice D 3740 are generally considered capable of competent and
both, consolidating the specimen under the normal stress, objective testing. Users of this test method are cautioned that compliance
unlocking the frames that hold the test specimen, and displac- with Practice D 3740 does not in itself assure reliable testing. Reliable
ing one frame horizontally with respect to the other at a testing depends on several factors; Practice D 3740 provides a means of
evaluating some of these factors.
constant rate of shearing deformation and measuring the
shearing force and horizontal displacements as the specimen is 6. Apparatus
sheared (Fig. 1).
6.1 Shear Device—A device to hold the specimen securely
5. Significance and Use between two porous inserts in such a way that torque is not
5.1 The direct shear test is suited to the relatively rapid applied to the specimen. The shear device shall provide a
determination of consolidated drained strength properties be- means of applying a normal stress to the faces of the specimen,
cause the drainage paths through the test specimen are short, for measuring change in thickness of the specimen, for
thereby allowing excess pore pressure to be dissipated more permitting drainage of water through the porous inserts at the
rapidly than with other drained stress tests. The test can be top and bottom boundaries of the specimen, and for submerg-
made on all soil materials and undisturbed, remolded or ing the specimen in water. The device shall be capable of
compacted materials. There is however, a limitation on maxi- applying a shear force to the specimen in water. The device
mum particle size (see 7.2). shall be capable of applying a shear force to the specimen
5.2 The test results are applicable to assessing strength in a along a predetermined shear plane (single shear) parallel to the
field situation where complete consolidation has occurred faces of the specimen. The frames that hold the specimen shall
under the existing normal stresses. Failure is reached slowly be sufficiently rigid to prevent their distortion during shearing.
under drained conditions so that excess pore pressures are The various parts of the shear device shall be made of material
dissipated. The results from several tests may be used to not subject to corrosion by moisture or substances within the
express the relationship between consolidation stress and soil, for example, stainless steel, bronze, or aluminum, etc.
drained shear strength. Dissimilar metals, which may cause galvanic action, are not
5.3 During the direct shear test, there is rotation of principal permitted.
stresses, which may or may not model field conditions. 6.2 Shear Box, a shear box, either circular or square, made
Moreover, failure may not occur on the weak plane since of stainless steel, bronze, or aluminum, with provisions for
failure is forced to occur on or near a horizontal plane at the drainage through the top and bottom. The box is divided
vertically by a horizontal plane into two halves of equal
thickness which are fitted together with alignment screws. The
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09.
shear box is also fitted with gap screws, which control the
space (gap) between the top and bottom halves of the shear
6.3 Porous Inserts, Porous inserts function to allow drain-
age from the soil specimen along the top and bottom bound-
aries. They also function to transfer horizontal shear stress
from the insert to the top and bottom boundaries of the
specimen. Porous inserts shall consist of silicon carbide,
aluminum oxide, or metal which is not subject to corrosion by
FIG. 1 Test Specimens in (a) Single and (b) Double Shear soil substances or soil moisture. The proper grade of insert

D 3080 – 03
depends on the soil being tested. The permeability of the insert 6.9 Balances—a balance or scale conforming to the require-
should be substantially greater than that of the soil, but should ments of Specification D 4753 readable (with no estimate) to
be textured fine enough to prevent excessive intrusion of the 0.1% or better.
soil into the pores of the insert. The diameter or width of the 6.10 Deformation Indicators—Either dial gages or displace-
top porous insert or plate shall be 0.01 to 0.02 in. (0.2 to 0.5 ment transformers capable of measuring the change in thick-
mm) less than that of the inside of the ring. If the insert ness of the specimen, with a sensitivity of at least 0.0001 in.
functions to transfer the horizontal stress to the soil, it must be (0.0025 mm) and to measure horizontal displacement with
sufficiently coarse to develop interlock. Sandblasting or tooling sensitivity of at least 0.001 in. (0.025 mm).
the insert may help, but the surface of the insert should not be 6.11 Apparatus for Determination of Water Content, as
so irregular as to cause substantial stress concentrations in the specified in Test Method D 2216.
soil. 6.12 Equipment for Remolding or Compacting Specimens,
NOTE 2—Exact criteria for insert texture and permeability have not if applicable.
been established. For normal soil testing, medium grade inserts with a 6.13 Miscellaneous Equipment, including timing device
permeability of about 0.5 to 1.0 3 103 ft/yr (5.0 3 10−4 to 1.0 3 10−3 with a second hand, distilled or demineralized water, spatulas,
cm/s) are appropriate for testing silts and clays, and coarse grade inserts knives, straightedge, wire saws, etc., used in preparing the
with a permeability of about 0.5 to 1.0 3 105 ft/yr (0.05 to 0.10 cm/s) are specimen.
appropriate for sands. It is important that the permeability of the porous
insert is not reduced by the collection of soil particles in the pores of the
insert; hence frequent checking and cleaning (by flushing and boiling, or 7. Test Specimen
by ultrasonic cleaning) are required to ensure the necessary permeability. 7.1 The sample used for specimen preparation should be
6.4 Loading Devices: sufficiently large so that a minimum of three similar specimens
6.4.1 Device for Applying and Measuring the Normal can be prepared. Prepare the specimens in a controlled tem-
Force—The normal force is applied by a lever loading yoke perature and humidity environment to minimize moisture loss
which is activated by dead weights (masses) or by a pneumatic or gain.
loading device. The device shall be capable of maintaining the 7.1.1 Extreme care shall be taken in preparing undisturbed
normal force to within 61 percent of the specified force specimens of sensitive soils to prevent disturbance to the
quickly without exceeding it. natural soil structure. Determine the initial mass of the wet
6.4.2 Device for Shearing the Specimen—The device shall specimen for use in calculating the initial water content and
be capable of shearing the specimen at a uniform rate of unit weight of the specimen.
displacement, with less than 65 percent deviation, and should 7.2 The minimum specimen diameter for circular speci-
permit adjustment of the rate of displacement from 0.0001 to mens, or width for square specimens, shall be 2.0 in. (50 mm),
0.04 in./min (.0025 to 1.0 mm/min). The rate to be applied or not less than 10 times the maximum particle size diameter,
depends upon the consolidation characteristics of the soils (see whichever is larger, and conform to the width to thickness ratio
9.12.1). The rate is usually maintained with an electric motor specified in 7.4.
and gear box arrangement and the shear force is determined by 7.3 The minimum initial specimen thickness shall be 0.5 in.
a load indicating device such as a proving ring or load cell. (12 mm), but not less than six times the maximum particle
6.4.3 The weight of the top shear box shall be less than 1 diameter.
percent of the applied normal force: this will most likely 7.4 The minimum specimen diameter to thickness or width
require that the top shear box be supported by counter force to thickness ratio shall be 2:1.
and might require modifications to the equipment. NOTE 4—If large soil particles are found in the soil after testing, a
particle size analysis should be performed in accordance with Method
NOTE 3—Shearing the test specimen at a rate greater than specified may
D 422 to confirm the visual observations, and the result should be
produce partially drained shear results that will differ from the drained
provided with the test report.
strength of the material.
6.5 Shear Force Measurement Device—A proving ring or 7.5 Specimen Preparation:
load cell accurate to 0.5 lbf (2.5 N), or 1 percent of the shear 7.5.1 Undisturbed Specimens—Prepare undisturbed speci-
force at failure, whichever is greater. mens from large undisturbed samples or from samples secured
6.6 Shear Box Bowl—A metallic box which supports the in accordance with Practice D 1587, or other undisturbed tube
shear box and provides either a reaction against which one half sampling procedures. Undisturbed samples shall be preserved
of the shear box is restrained, or a solid base with provisions and transported as outlined for Group C or D samples in
for aligning one half of the shear box, which is free to move Practice D 4220. Handle specimens carefully to minimize
coincident with applied shear force in a horizontal plane. disturbance, changes in cross section, or loss of water content.
If compression or any type of noticeable disturbance would be
6.7 Controlled High Humidity Room, if required, for pre-
caused by the extrusion device, split the sample tube length-
paring specimens, such that water content gain or loss during
wise or cut it off in small sections to facilitate removal of the
specimen preparation is minimized.
specimen with minimum disturbance. Prepare trimmed speci-
6.8 Trimmer or Cutting Ring, for trimming oversized
mens, whenever possible, in an environment which will
samples to the inside dimensions of the shear box with a
minimize the gain or loss of specimen moisture.
minimum of disturbance. An exterior jig may be needed to
maintain the shear box alignment. NOTE 5—A controlled high-humidity room is desirable for this purpose.

D 3080 – 03
7.5.2 Compacted Specimens—Specimens shall be prepared subtracted from the observed deformations. Therefore, only
using the compaction method, water content, and unit weight deformation due to sample consolidation will be reported for
prescribed by the individual assigning the test. Assemble and complete tests. Calibration for the equipment load-deformation
secure the shear box. Place a moist porous insert in the bottom characteristics need to be performed on the apparatus when
of the shear box. Specimens may be molded by either kneading first placed in service, or when apparatus parts are changed.
or tamping each layer until the accumulative mass of the soil 8.2 Assemble the direct-shear device with a metal calibra-
placed in the shear box is compacted to a known volume, or by tion disk or plate of a thickness approximately equal to the
adjusting the number of layers, the number of tamps per layer, desired test specimen and up to 1/4 in. (5 mm) smaller in
and the force per tamp. The top of each layer shall be scarified diameter or width of the shear box.
prior to the addition of material for the next layer. The 8.3 Position the normal displacement indicator. Adjust this
compacted layer boundaries shall be positioned so they are not indicator so that it can be used to measure either consolidation
coincident with the shear plane defined by the shear box or swell from the calibration disk or plate reading. Record the
halves, unless this is the stated purpose for a particular test. The zero or “no load” reading.
tamper used to compact the material shall have an area in 8.4 Apply increments of normal force up to the equipment
contact with the soil equal to or less than 1⁄2 the area of the limitations, and record the normal displacement indicator
mold. Determine the mass of wet soil required for a single reading and normal force. Remove the applied normal force in
compacted lift and place it in the shear box. Compact the soil reverse sequence of the applied force, and record the normal
until the desired unit weight is obtained. Continue placing and displacement indicator readings and normal force. Average the
compacting soil until the entire specimen is compacted. values and plot the load deformation of the apparatus as a
NOTE 6—A light coating of grease applied to the inside of the shear box function of normal load. Retain the results for future reference
may be used to reduce friction between the specimen and shear box during in determining the thickness of the test specimen and compres-
consolidation. However, the upper ring in some shear devices requires sion within the test apparatus itself.
friction to support the ring after the shear plates have been gapped. A light 8.5 Remove the calibration disk or plate.
coating of grease applied between the halves of the shear box may be used
to reduce friction between the halves of the shear box during shear. NOTE 9—Other methods of proven accuracy for calibrating the appa-
TFE-fluorocarbon coating may also be used on these surfaces instead of ratus are acceptable.
grease to reduce friction.
NOTE 7—The required thickness of the compacted lift may be deter- 9. Procedures
mined by directly measuring the thickness of the lift, or from the marks on
the tamping rod which correspond to the thickness of the lift being placed. 9.1 Assemble the shear box.
NOTE 8—The decision to dampen the porous inserts by inundating the 9.1.1 Undisturbed Specimen—Place moist porous inserts
shear box before applying the normal force depends on the problem under over the exposed ends of the specimen in the shear box; place
study. For undisturbed samples obtained below the water table, the porous the shear box containing the undisturbed specimen and porous
inserts are usually dampened. For swelling soils, the sequence of inserts into the shear box bowl and attach the shear box.
consolidation, wetting, and shearing should model field conditions.
Determine the compacted mass of the specimen from either the measured NOTE 10—For some apparatus, the top half of the shear box is held in
mass placed and compacted in the mold, or the difference between the place by a notched rod which fits into a receptacle in the top half of the
mass of the shear box and compacted specimen and the tare mass of the shear box. The bottom half of the shear box is held in place in the shear
shear box. box bowl retaining bolts. For some apparatus, the top half of the shear box
7.6 Material required for the specimen shall be batched by is held in placed by an anchor plate.
thoroughly mixing soil with sufficient water to produce the 9.1.2 Compacted Specimen—Place the shear box containing
desired water content. Allow the specimen to stand prior to the compacted specimen and porous inserts into the shear box
compaction in accordance with the following guide: bowl and attach the shear box.
9.2 Connect and adjust the shear force loading system so
Classification D 2487 Minimum Standing Time, h that no force is imposed on the load measuring device.
SW, SP No Requirement
M 3 9.3 Properly position and adjust the horizontal displacement
SC, ML, CL 18 measurement device used to measure shear displacement.
MH, CH 36 Obtain an initial reading or set the measurement device to
indicate zero displacement.
7.7 Compacted specimens may also be prepared by com- 9.4 Place a moist porous insert and load transfer plate on the
pacting soil using the procedures and equipment used to top of the specimen in the shear box.
determine moisture-density relationships of soils (Test Meth- 9.5 Place the normal force loading yoke into position and
ods D 698 or D 1557), and trimming the direct shear test adjust it so the loading bar is horizontal. For dead load lever
specimen from the larger test specimen as though it were an loading systems, level the lever. For pneumatic loading sys-
undisturbed specimen. tems, adjust the yoke until it sits snugly against the recess in
the load transfer plate, or place a ball bearing on the load
8. Calibration transfer plate and adjust the yoke until the contact is snug.
8.1 The calibration is to determine the deformation of the 9.6 Apply a small normal load to the specimen. Verify that
apparatus when subject to the consolidation load, so that for all components of the loading system are seated and aligned.
each normal consolidation load the apparatus deflection may be The top porous insert and load transfer plate must be aligned so

D 3080 – 03
that the movement of the load transfer plate into the shear box tendency before the minimum time to failure can be determined. The
is not inhibited. Record the applied vertical load and horizontal time-consolidation curve for subsequent normal stress increments are then
load on the system. valid for use in determining tf.
NOTE 15—Some soils, such as dense sands and over consolidated clays,
NOTE 11—The normal stress applied to the specimen should be may not exhibit well defined time-settlement curves. Consequently, the
approximately 1 lbf/in.2 (7 kPa). calculation of tf may produce an inappropriate estimate of the time
required to fail the specimen under drained conditions. For over consoli-
9.7 Attach and adjust the vertical displacement measure- dated clays which are tested under normal stresses less than the soil’s
ment device. Obtain initial reading for the vertical measure- pre-consolidation pressure, it is suggested that a time to failure be
ment device and a reading for the horizontal displacement estimated using a value of t50 equivalent to one obtained from normal
measurement device. consolidation time-settlement behavior. For clean dense sands which drain
9.8 If required, fill the shear box with water, and keep it full quickly, a value of 10 min may be used for tf. For dense sands with more
for the duration of the test. than 5 % fines, a value of 60 min may be used for tf. If an alternative value
of tf is selected, the rationale for the selection shall be explained with the
9.9 Calculate and record the normal force required to
test results.
achieve the desired normal stress or increment thereof. Apply
the desired normal stress by adding the appropriate mass to the 9.13 Determine the appropriate displacement from the fol-
lever arm hanger, or by increasing the pneumatic pressure. lowing equation:
dr 5 df / tf
NOTE 12—The normal force used for the specimen will depend upon
the data required. Application of the normal force in one increment may
be appropriate for relatively firm soils. For relatively soft soils, application
of the normal force in several increments may be necessary to prevent
dr = displacement rate (in./min, mm/min),
damage to the specimen. df = estimated horizontal displacement at failure (in., mm),
tf = total estimate elapsed time to failure, min.
9.10 Apply the desired normal load or increments thereof to
the specimen and begin recording the normal deformation NOTE 16—The magnitude of the estimated displacement at failure is
dependent on many factors including the type and the stress history of the
readings against elapsed time. For all load increments, verify soil. As a guide, use df = 0.5 in. (12 mm) if the material is normally or
completion of primary consolidation before proceeding (see lightly over consolidated fine-grained soil, otherwise use df = 0.2 in. (5
Test Method D 2435). Plot the normal displacement versus mm).
either log of time or square root of time (in min).
9.13.1 Select and Set the Displacement Rate—For some
9.11 After primary consolidation is completed, remove the
types of apparatus, the displacement rate is achieved using
alignment screws or pins from the shear box. Open the gap
combinations of gear wheels and gear lever positions. For other
between the shear box halves to approximately 0.025 in. (0.64
types the displacement rate is achieved by adjusting the motor
mm) using the gap screws. Back out the gap screws.
9.12 Shear the specimen.
9.13.2 Record the initial time, vertical and horizontal dis-
9.12.1 Select the appropriate displacement rate. Shear the
placements, and normal and shear forces.
specimen at a relatively slow rate so that no excess pore
9.13.3 Start the apparatus and initiate shear.
pressure would exist at failure. The following equation shall be
9.13.4 Obtain data readings of time, vertical and horizontal
used as a guide to determine the estimated minimum time
displacement, and shear force at desired interval of displace-
required from the start of the test to failure:
ment. Data readings should be taken at displacement intervals
tf 5 50t50 equal to 2 percent of the specimen diameter or width to
where: accurately define a shear stress-displacement curve.
tf = total estimated elapsed time to failure, min, NOTE 17—Additional readings may be helpful in identifying the value
t50 = time required for the specimen to achieve 50 percent of peak shear stress of over consolidated or brittle material.
consolidation under the specified normal stress (or NOTE 18—It may be necessary to stop the test and re-gap the shear box
increments thereof), min. halves to maintain clearance between the shear box halves.

NOTE 13—If the normal displacement versus square root of time used, 9.13.5 After reaching failure, stop the test apparatus. This
t50 can be calculated from the time to complete 90 % consolidation using displacement may range from 10 to 20 percent of the speci-
the following expression: men’s original diameter or length.
t90 9.13.6 Remove the normal force from the specimen by
t50 5 4.28 removing the mass from the lever and hanger, or by releasing
the pressure.
where: 9.14 For cohesive test specimens, separate the shear box
t90 = time required for the specimen to achieve 90 halves with a sliding motion along the failure plane. Do not
percent consolidation under the specified normal pull the shear box halves apart perpendicularly to the failure
stress (or increment thereof), min. surface, since it would damage the specimen. Photograph,
4.28 = constant, relates displacement and time factors at 50 sketch, or describe in writing the failure surface. This proce-
and 90 percent consolidation. dure is not applicable to cohesionless specimens.
NOTE 14—If the material exhibits a tendency to swell, the soil must be 9.15 Remove the specimen from the shear box and deter-
inundated with water and must be permitted to achieve equilibrium under mine its water content according to Test Method D 2216.
an increment of normal stress large enough to counteract the swell 9.16 Calculate and Plot the Following:

D 3080 – 03
9.16.1 Nominal shear stress versus relative lateral displace- volume is determined by measurements of the shear box
ment. lengths or diameter and of the measured thickness of the
10. Calculation
11. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s)
10.1 Calculate the following: 11.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re-
10.1.1 Nominal shear stress, acting on the specimen is, corded on the data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below is covered
F in 1.8
11.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa-
tion (data):
where: 11.2.1 Sample identification, project and location.
t = nominal shear stress (lbf/in.2, kPa),
11.2.2 Description of type of shear device used in test.
F = shear force (lbf, N),
A = initial area of the specimen (in.2, mm2). 11.2.3 Description of appearance of the specimen, based on
Practice D 2488 (Test Method D 2487 may be used as an
10.1.2 Normal stress acting on the specimen is,
alternative), Atterberg limits (Test Method D 4318), and grain
N size data (Method D 422), if obtained (see 7.4).
11.2.4 Description of soil structure, that is whether the
where: specimen is undisturbed, remolded, compacted, or otherwise
n = normal stress (lbf/in.2, kPa), prepared.
N = normal vertical force acting on the specimen (lbf, N). 11.2.5 Initial and final water content.
11.2.6 Dry mass and initial and final wet unit weight.
NOTE 19—Factors which incorporate assumptions regarding the actual 11.2.7 Initial and final dry unit weight.
specimen surface area over which the shear and normal forces are 11.2.8 Initial thickness and diameter (width for square shear
measured can be applied to the calculated values of shear or normal stress,
or both. If a correction(s) is made, the factor(s) and rationale for using the
correction shall be explained with the test results. 11.2.9 Normal stress, rate of deformation, shear displace-
ment, and corresponding nominal shear stress values and
10.1.3 Displacement Rate—Calculate the actual displace- specimen thickness changes.
ment rate by dividing the relative lateral displacement by the 11.2.10 Plot of log of time or square root of time versus
elapsed time, or report the rate used for the test. deformation of those load increments where t50 was deter-
dr 5 dh / te mined.
11.2.11 Plot of nominal shear stress versus percent relative
where: lateral displacement.
dr = displacement rate (in.,min, mm,min), 11.2.12 Departure from the procedure outlines, such as
dh = relative lateral displacement (in.,mm),
special loading sequences or special wetting requirements.
te = elapsed time of test (min).
10.1.4 Percent Relative Lateral Displacement—Calculate 12. Precision and Bias
the percent relative lateral displacement for each shear force 12.1 Precision—Data are being evaluated to determine the
reading. precision of this test method. In addition, Subcommittee
dp 5 di / dh D18.05 is seeking pertinent data from users of the test method.
12.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
where: method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
dp = percent relative lateral displacement (%),
di = incremental displacement (in.,mm), 13. Keywords
10.1.5 Compute the initial void ratio, dry unit weight and 13.1 compacted specimens; consolidated; direct-shear test;
degree of saturation based on the specific gravity, initial water drained test conditions; Mohr strength envelope; shear
content, mass and volume of the total specimen. Specimen strength; undisturbed

D 3080 – 03

In accordance with Committee D18 policy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since
the last edition (D 3080–98) that may impact the use of this standard.

(1) New Sections 1.8 and 1.8.1 were added to address signifi- (8) An editorial correction (grammatical) was made to section
cant digits. 9.14 — “described” was changed to “describe”.
(2) Previous section 1.7 was renumbered to 1.8. (9) Add calculation equation for percent relative lateral dis-
(3) D854 was removed from Referenced Document section as placement in section 10.1.4, and renumbered following section.
the standard does not appear in the text. (10) Note 13 was moved to the Scope section and subsequent
(4) Practice D 6026 was added to the Referenced Document sections were renumbered.
section. (11) Requirements for the calibration disk or plate was
(5) An editorial correction was made to 6.4.3. changed in Section 8.2.
(6) Permissive language was eliminated in sections 6.4.3, (12) Section 11 was reformatted.
7.1.1, and 7.5.2 (“should” was changed to “shall”). (13) A note was moved to the Scope section as 1.6.
(7) Wording in section 6.9 was changed concerning balances. (14) A grammatical correction was made to section 10.1.5.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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