PathfinderStory06 PDF
PathfinderStory06 PDF
PathfinderStory06 PDF
Believe it or not, youth, ages 10-15 have always been an important, contributing
part of the movement known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. At times, that
importance has been placed in the shadows, but it has been there none-the-less. We
often hear of the exploits of our pioneers, thinking them to be “old folks” simply
because the technology of photography was
not readily available nor used until most of our
founding pioneers were well along in life. The
courage, leadership, and dedication shown by
leaders such as James and Ellen White, Uriah
and his sister Anne Smith, John Loughborough,
John Andrews and so many others did not just
all-of-a-sudden appear when they were older.
Those traits were all there from the time they
were still young. An incident in the life of John
Andrews will illustrate:
John was about 10 years old; his family had
just recently heard and chosen to follow William
Miller’s preaching. Small groups of “Millerites”
John Andrews with gathered Wednesday evenings after the day’s
daughter Mary hard work in the fields to study their Bibles.
John loved to attend these evenings because
he had not been able to attend school more
than about 3-4 years. One evening he was on his way to meeting with an
older man—Mr. Davis. They came to a small bridge over a stream and were met
by a group of bullies. Their leader had a big bull whip and intended to “whip
some sense” into Mr. Davis. When John realized what was happening he
immediately stepped between the two men and demanded that if Mr. Davis
was to be whipped then he must be whipped first. The bully was ashamed to
whip a boy, relented and allowed them on their journey.
For the first several decades, juniors and early teens were an integral part
of the total youth program that was slowly emerging in the church. They
were involved in all of the early efforts at organizing youth societies in the
various conferences and were considered part of the picture when in 1901
the General Conference voted to establish a specific recognized organization
for youth that was temporarily placed under the Sabbath School leadership
until such a time as it would be wise to give wings of its own. During these
early years, many older members of the church had somehow forgotten what
it was like to be a young person, and they resisted any and all efforts to
provide activities and outlets for the energy that young people naturally bring
to the table. Especially juniors and younger childrewn were supposed to be
seen and not heard. They “might be fit for service some time in the future,
not now.” Any effort at giving this age group any kind of active role was
deemed to be from the devil. Fortunately, there were a few older folks who
at key times and in key places would rise and defend the young and provide
them with the guidance and oversight to participate and succeed. The official
recognition given by the General Conference in 1901 went a long way toward
overcoming those initial ill-notions.
Enter Flora Plummer. Ms. Plummer was the Director of the Sabbath
School Department for the world church. She was given the responsibility
of putting together some kind
of effective package of activity
that would ignite the youth of
the church to service and to a
new level of spiritual growth and
understanding. Apparently she
was more than amply qualified
for the job. She lit into her new
assignment with such energy
and enthusiasm that within but
4 years the new MV Societies
(Missionary Volunteers) had
sprung up on nearly every
continent and many islands of
the oceans. (Read more about
this in the book, The AY Story,or
By 1907 it had become clear that the youth work of the church would
require a department of its own, so at the mid-term council held in Switzerland
that year the General Conference voted to establish the Young People’s
Department under the leadership of Milton Kern, who had been a teacher
at Union College in Nebraska and longtime promoter of youth ministry.
More important for junior youth was the naming of Matilda Erickson as
his assistant. She spent much of her time developing materials for juniors.
During the next few years a number of programs specifically designed to
enrich the devotional growth of the younger ages were introduced—programs
that are still an integral part today of Pathfinder ministry.
The year, 1908, was the first year that a “Junior Reading Course” was issued.
Our church has always taught what enters our minds is what we become;
therefore, it is essential to select with care that which we read. The reading
courses select on an annual basis a few of the very best books appropriate to
the age of the reader to encourage them to read quality books that will expand
their view of the world around them in a wholesome fashion. The Pathfinder
classes today still carry this tradition within their requirements.
5 IN THE BEG I N N I N G ( P RE - 1 9 2 0 )
In 1909, a small pamphlet was issued setting the foundations for organizing
the first JMV Societies, and reports began to arrive at the world headquarters
almost immediately. Many of these Societies were organized in our church
schools, where Wednesday mornings became a traditional JMV meeting
time. While a further challenge for youth, called the Standard of Attainment,
was first introduced in 1907, the junior edition first appeared in 1915. This
program was to become the forerunner of the Progressive Classes—Pathfinder
Classes. It consisted of a set of requirements that covered Bible knowledge,
church history, healthful practices and outreach activity.
A n d T h e n T h e r e Wa s L i g h t
Thus far, we have seen the origins of a number of the elements that today
form an integral part of Pathfinder Ministry, even to the level of organized
weekly events under the title of
JMV. The next logical step was
to begin experimenting along
lines that would provide the
remaining activities—outdoor
education. A number of local
church leaders involved with
children began taking them
into the out-of-doors on hikes
and similar short excursions
into God’s world; camping
soon followed. By 1919, A. W.
Spaulding’s club in Tennessee
had included camping in their
repertoire of activities. The
following year, at the annual
fall council of the General
Conference (1920), the Youth
Department added a young lady
Harriet Holt by the name of Mrs. Harriet
Holt to its staff. Her specific
assignment was caring for the junior age level in the church. Harriet was a
woman who, in spite of her somewhat dainty/stylish appearances, was a fun-
loving, daring, adventuresome and creative sort that enjoyed taking risks and
loved the outdoors. She was a perfect combination of talents to begin the
next phase of junior-teen ministry in the church.
Mrs. Holt immediately began experimenting with a small group of girls
by having outdoor activities, handcrafts and outreach events. Her letters
tell of canoe trips, camping during storms and other exciting activities. By
1922, she was ready to introduce two programs. The first was to fit into the
JMV Societies representing two levels of development she called Friend and
Companion. The second was in leadership training; it was called the Comrade
Band and included two levels of leadership: the Comrade and Master Comrade.
Among the requirements in this second category was a set of requirements
in Health and Healing which eventually led to the Honor in the same along
with another 15 vocational topics, which were ready for introduction in 1928
by her successor, C. Lester Bond. The first reference that has been found
regarding the use of a uniform comes from a committee action taken in 1926
to study a uniform, with Bond being asked to lead out in that study.
Camping and other outdoor skills were being developed during this time.
Mrs. Holt writes of visiting some of these early camps. There were several
persons who began taking kids out into camping environments for overnights
or weekends and even several days. In 1925 W. J. Gilson, Youth Director for
the Victoria Conference in Australia held a camp by the Yarra River about
11 And Then T h e re Wa s L i g h t ( 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 4 6 )
40 miles from Melbourne with 14 boys attending. Then, in 1926, the Youth
Director of the East Michigan Conference, Grover Fattic, and several others
organized a boy’s camp at Town Line Lake, and camping as an integral part of
youth ministry, became part of
history. The next year, Miss Irene
Walker a teacher in Michigan,
organized a girl’s camp with the
help of Mrs. Holt. That same
summer, Wisconsin held both a
boy’s and a girl’s camp. Almost
immediately, conferences began
to purchase land so as to have
a permanent facility that could
be developed in such a way as to
enhance campers’ experiences.
Among the very first, and the
only one to continue at the same
location ever since, was Wawona
Camp in the Central California
Clair Marie Hodges-Wolfson Conference. A small acreage
was purchased in 1929 on what
then was just outside of Yosemite
National Park. Clare Marie Hodges-Wolfson, a school teacher and the first
woman park ranger in the U. S. National Park System and a Seventh-day
Adventist, then donated several acres
of her own land adjacent to the camp
and became the camp’s first naturalist.
It was at one of these early camps
(1928) in Southern California that A.
W. Spaulding found himself telling
a story of the adventures of one of
America’s early Western explorers
known as Mountain Men, named John
Fremont. He carried the nickname
“Pathfinder”. The nickname caught
on; the camp was dubbed “Pathfinder
Camp.” It became the name of a local
church junior club directed by John Mr. Pathfinder
McKim. Eventually, it became the name of the club that put all the various
pieces together that were developed over the previous couple decades thus
transforming the JMV Society into today’s Pathfinder Club.
C. Lester Bond held the title of Junior Youth Director from 1928 to
1946. Almost immediately upon taking office he introduced the first sixteen
“Merits”, changed to Vocational Honors, with another 19 added the very
next year and today known as Pathfinder Honors or AY Honors. Bond was a
prolific writer; nearly every year a new revised edition of the Junior Missionary
Volunteer Handbook and the
Master Comrade Manual came
off the press. Every revision
that came out included several
more new Honors. He also
wrote a number of yearly Junior
Devotional Books. It wasn’t
all that hard to do in those
days. Travel was primarily
by steamships and trains. He
traveled the world, so had
plenty of time available to
study and write. It should be
mentioned that while Bond was
a strong believer in the JMV
Society he did not support the
growing movement during the
later years of his office toward
the Pathfinder Club. That step
was given into the hands of the
next generation of leaders. The Bond’s Camping
We mentioned above that a
man named John McKim was
running a small club that carried the name Pathfinder Club. His church was
in Anaheim of the Southeastern California Conference. The club met in his
13 And Then T h e re Wa s L i g h t ( 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 4 6 )
home. Previously, he had been a scoutmaster and felt that the children of
his church needed something similar. Recently, scouts had expanded rapidly
into the United States from its roots in Britain, and a number of children
of Adventist parents had joined the organization. In response to what was
happening, Elder M. E. Kern had been asked to write an article. In the
February 16th issue of the Review for 1928, Elder Kern’s article appeared. In
it he outlined the primary reasons why it was in the best interest of our youth
not to join the Scout organization: “In the first place, the most important
element in the character building is left out, namely, religion.”
By 1930, Lester and Ione Martin were directing a small club with the help
of Dr. Theron and Ethel Johnston in the Johnston’s home in the nearby town
of Santa Ana, California; and the two clubs would meet together monthly.
These clubs worked on the two classes (Friend and Companion), did honors,
had a joint choir, and spent time in witnessing and other such activities.
Due to pressure brought on by some of the members of these churches who
did not understand the value of what was happening, the clubs eventually
disbanded. (See also page 43)
The summer camping program for children had now become a well-
established tradition. The JMV Society was also well-developed with a
fairly broad range of programming. Yet, there was something missing. A
mother came to John Hancock, the new Youth Director in the Southeastern
California Conference (1946). She had seen the positive impact summer
camp had on her boy and wondered why they couldn’t have summer camp
kinds of activities functioning year-around. Hancock went to the Riverside
Church, and with the leadership of La Sierra College ministerial student,
Francis Hunt, as Club Director, he started a club for about 15 boys and girls
and gave it the name that had been used earlier in those other churches of the
same conference—Pathfinders. It didn’t take long for the idea to spread to
other churches. Lawrence Paulson, at the Glendale church, caught the idea,
and soon had a club of 150 members who is considered by the other pioneers
of Pathfinder ministry to be one of the greatest club directors of all time.
From 1947 forward he was responsible for beginning and directing at least 11
other Pathfinder Clubs. As a volunteer, he led out in staff training seminars
nationwide well into retirement. Hancock, who was also an artist, designed
a logo—the triangle. He asked his colleague, Henry Bergh, from the Central
California Conference to write a song appropriate for such an organization,
and the Pathfinder Song was born (1949). John also combined the triangle
with an additional design and asked Helen Hobbs to sew it all together, and
so the Pathfinder Flag was born.
Henry Bergh is another of those pioneers in this club who preferred to
keep a low profile. When asked to write a song he properly protested that he
was neither a musician nor a composer and promptly dismissed the notion.
He says, “But along in May of 1949, I was driving to an appointment out
on Monterey Peninsula about 70-80 miles (110-130 km) from home. I was
thinking about our Pathfinders and how they needed a tune. Then I thought,
well, at least I should write some words. So I tried to compose a poem. I
thought about the MV Pledge—pure and kind and true, with a message to
go to the world. I pulled to the side of the road, took a piece of scrap paper
out of my Bible, and began to write:
Clark Smith and Harry Garlick wrote the first drill manuals with advice from
Henry Bergh that they “be sure and make them kinder and gentler than
military manuals.”
In 1946 Laurence Skinner had been called
from the Northwest to go to the General
Conference in charge of Junior Youth Ministry,
replacing C. Lester Bond, who was retiring. One
of his first decisions was that it was time for this
new club to reach beyond the sphere of the West
Coast of the U.S. He contacted J. R. Nelson
of the Pacific Union and asked him to get his
team together and develop a complete package
program that would be useful everywhere. This
they did, and after several sessions and piloting
projects had a package to present by 1950. It
Laurence Skinner was voted at the General Session (Skinner thus
became the first World Pathfinder Director) of the
church held that year. A couple months later, in
the fall, Elders John Hancock and Lee Carter were called to Washington,
where they put the final touches on a Pathfinder Staff Manual and the little
book entitled “How to Start a Pathfinder Club” which was based on two earlier
local editions, one written by Henry Bergh and the other written by Lawrence
Paulson. And, it could be said… “The rest is history.”
The 1950’s
Over the past four years, beginning in 1946, a carefully constructed
foundation had been built. Now Pathfindering would no longer be a North
American club or ministry exclusively. It was first brought to Fall Council in
1949 when administrators of the world church gathered to set the agenda for
the General Conference Session. Those meetings gave the green light for it to
be presented the following year; as soon as it was approved by the world church
it became a truly international organization. Other countries immediately
took the concept and adapted it to their realities. During the next decade
there were many firsts. Some of these were still happening in North America,
and many of them were happening now in every other country.
Outside of continental United States, clubs began organizing just as soon
as the delegates returned to their fields with the news from the Session. Puerto
direct what was to be the first Pathfinder Club in South America. Pohle
helped her get things going, using the manuals he had brought back with
him. “Pathfinders” did not translate well into Spanish, so they chose
“Conquistadores.” Today, Conquistadores account for a major language block
in the world of Pathfindering, as the name was soon adopted by all Spanish-
speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Until now, there had only been the two original classes for Pathfinders:
Friend and Companion. The requirements had gone through several revisions
through the decades, but now it was time for a major change. In 1956, the
Explorer Class was added, the Guide became the highest level of achievement
for Pathfinder Club members, and the Master Guide was presented with two
Another large number of Honors were introduced, bringing the total now
to around 160 of
them. (Back in
1951 they realized
that Vocational no
longer really fit, Friend Companion
since by now there
were many topics
Explorer Guide
included that were
not necessarily
Advanced Class Bar (circa 1958)
oriented toward
a vocational
21 BE FRUITF U L A N D MU LT IP LY ( 1 9 4 6 -- -)
After the revision of the Class concept, leaders noticed that there were
always some Pathfinders in nearly
every club that were so excited by
the program they really needed
advanced opportunities for further
growth. So, in 1958 each of the
four Classes was given an Advanced
Level to be represented on the
uniform by a special bar-ribbon in
the colors of the matching Class.
The 1960’s
8-page mimeographed manual about Pathfinders, got all excited and began
her own club that same year. One administrator told her pastor/husband it
was not proper for her to be seen doing these kinds of things, while another
asked her to go other churches and help them start. Today, 45 years later, she
is still directing a club with some 80 Pathfinders.
More and more Pathfinders found it interesting to stay in the club after
turning 16, but there had been little thought given to that idea by the
leadership, assuming that the MV Societies would fill the void. However, by
this time, MV Societies in many places consisted of little more than Sabbath
afternoon programs with but little to hold the interest of its youth—especially
those who had been in very active
Pathfinder Clubs. So, new ideas were
piloted for these die-hard Pathfinders
who wouldn’t quit. Clubs began
incorporating Junior Counselors (16-17
year-olds) in their club units, training
under older-aged Counselors; an L.I.T.
(Leaders in Training) program was
experimented with in some areas. Later
there would be a C.I.T. (Counselor in
Training) and J.T. program and others
Teen Leadership Training Patch
until there finally emerged the T.L.T.
(Teen Leadership Training) in use
today. By 1962, the Pathfinder Staff
Training program was expanded from the original 10 hours to 6 units of 10
hours each. The original Basic Course remained as the first unit, and then an
advanced unit in Club Administration
was added along with units in Drill
and Ceremonies, Field Games, MV
Honors, Nature and Camping.
Since National Camps for Blind Children began in 1967 with 23 campers, over 47,000
campers have experienced the joy, affirmation, and challenge they find at these camps. NCBC
camp are an integral part of Christian Record Service’s goal: to help the blind see Jesus.
The 1970’s
Brazilian Pathfinders, in keeping with the
very nature of Brazil itself, had grown and
matured so much during its first decade that
the South Brazil Union Youth Director, Leo
Ranzolin was seen as a natural to succeed
Hancock as World Pathfinder Director. So
the 1970’s began with the third, and first
non-American, World Pathfinder Director.
Leo completed the entire decade (till 1980), Ranzolin & Hancock
25 BE FRUITF U L A N D MU LT I P LY ( 1 9 4 6 - - - )
then again succeeded Hancock upon his retirement as World Youth Director.
Eventually, Leo would move on to a Vice Presidency of the World Church and
retire, but he was always a favorite invitee to any large Pathfinder gathering
and never turned down an invitation.
Now, for 10 years, Unions had been holding camporees that were ever
getting larger and larger. Of course it was only a natural thought that one day
Divisions might begin holding International events of this nature. In 1971
the Northern Europe-West Africa Division (today’s Trans-European Division)
held their first of these events in Vasterang, Sweden; it was followed the next
year by the Euro-African Division in Villach, Austria. The Australasian
Division (today’s South Pacific Division) was third when in 1975 they held
their first Division Camporee in the beautiful spot called Harramundi near
Sidney, Australia. By 1977, the two European Divisions were already in the
next rounds of their Division Camporees with EUD holding one in Italy and
TED holding theirs in Finland. The Southern Asia Division held their first
camporee in 1974 in Karnataka under W. J. McHenry and followed it with a
second one in 1978 at Bangalore, India under J. S. Singh.
In 1976, various groups all over the world celebrated the 50th Anniversary
of camping ministry in the church.
One daring group of 30 would-be
Master Guides in Lima, Peru chose
to celebrate it by camping just
above 4,843 meters (over 16,000
feet) at a place called Ticlio in the
high Andes. It was the first time any
of the participants had seen snow
up close. Learning how to handle
altitude sickness as well as learning
survival techniques were the major
Ticlio Camp Patch
challenges over the course of the
event. Serious study was also given
to the last few chapters of the book,
Great Controversy, and how the
events described there might apply to participants “stuck” at those kinds of
Pathfindering also entered the multi-media world with its first film
produced on Pathfinder Drill (1971), filmed by a crew managed by Jan
Doward, featuring a club from the Chesapeake Conference.
Mexico Patch
The Pathfinder World emblem used on the left sleeve of our uniforms
changed from the old MV world in 1982 as the last of the vestiges of the old
system finally disappeared. This same year, the 6th of the Pathfinder Classes
with its advanced level was added, finally completing the series of a class for
each age level represented in Pathfinder Ministry—called the Voyager. The
advanced level had no requirements at the time of introduction, and it was
left up to the Illinois Conference Pathfinder clubs to experiment with and
develop the requirements in ine with those of the previous classes.
years: “With the growth of new members came new leadership, many of whom
had no denomination orientation but were enthusiastic to work for young
people. Old concepts of youth ministry that were biblically-based and handed
down from generation to generation meant nothing to these new leaders. One
could not assume anything was known, and so resources must be rewritten
to provide a firm foundation and background for the continued growth and
advancement in the Pathfinder movement.” To give support to this need, a
video was produced in 1989 titled “The Pathfinders Strong” that recapped the
first 40 years of Pathfinder Ministry.
When Allen realized the deficiency in training being created by the church’s
rapid growth, he dedicated most of his travel time to attending Union-wide
training sessions conducting 15-18 such programs per year over the 10 years
of his leadership. Among them were some firsts such as the 1987 program
conducted in the Southern Asia Division where over 100 youth directors from
all over the Division came together for seven days of intense training. The
countries of the former Soviet sphere also opened up to Pathfinder Ministry,
and Allen had the privilege of participating in more “firsts” in Romania, the
Czech and Slovak Republics, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and others.
The decade closed out
in 1989 with the second
NAD Camporee, held in
Pennsylvania with Ron
Stretter directing. This
camporee used Noah and
the Ark as its theme. There
was a partially constructed
life-size model of the Ark
near the program stage
with daily presentations
by “Noah”. This camporee
attracted around 17,000
Pathfinders with an ever-
increasing representation
from outside of North
In some ways, the NAD Friendship Camporee Patch
1980’s introduced a
difficult time for Youth Ministry in the church. In 1985 the department was
merged with several others into a “super-department” called Church Ministries.
While the intent was one of more effective streamlining of department efforts
and programs, it was seen by many administrations as an opportunity to cut
back personnel and save money. Youth ministry paid a heavy price; fortunately,
Pathfinder Ministry came away from the experiment in much better shape than
most others. This was due to there being a strong base established through the
high level of trained and dedicated volunteers with which the club functions
and the fact that at the higher levels of leadership, Pathfinder Ministry was
able to keep a focused leadership in place. By 1995, the experiment in Church
Ministry was dropped and the Youth Department returned under a restructured
The decade began with a much needed updating of the Master Guide
curriculum that also included two levels of continuing education—the
Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) and Advanced Pathfinder Leadership/
Pathfinder Instructor Award (APLA/PIA) as a continuation of the resources
that were to fill the huge void in leadership training brought on by the rapid
growth of church membership referred to in the previous decade.
Leadership Patches
31 BE FRUITF U L A N D M U LT I P LY ( 1 9 4 6 - - - )
1990 also had on the calendar a camporee in the South Pacific Division,
held at Treasure Bend that attracted 4,500 Pathfinders and was the largest
such event outside of the United States of America up to that time. However,
the record was not to last very long—4 years to be precise (January of 1994)
when South America held its 2nd Division-wide Camporee, guided by Jose
Maria de Silva, that brought together 8,500. Allen describes his arrival at
this event: “I had been traveling for 24 hours. The opening ceremony was
concluding and I could have closed my eyes and thought I was at the grand
final of the world soccer match except they were all in Pathfinder uniform…
You would have to give them 100 percent for enthusiasm and 110 percent
for volume.”
That attendance record was to fall just 8 months later when (August 1994),
the (then) East Africa Division held its first camporee near the spectacular
Victoria Falls. Its leader was Baraka Muganda, who would soon become the
World Youth Director. Attendance exceeded 10,000. Particularly poignant
at this camporee was the fact that every country of the Division was present,
including delegations from Rwanda and Burundi that had just come through
a most horrific internal war. Yet kids could come together here under the
theme “We are Family”; note of the contrast was made publicly by the
government authorities in attendance. On a somewhat humorous side, the
Sabbath baptism of 157 candidates had to be held in a large dump truck bed,
filled with water, because the Zambezi River, a few hundred meters away, had
crocodiles and hippos—not your ordinary obstacle for baptisms!
In the category of “absolutely spectacular”, one would have to place the
Pathfinder participation over 3 years in the Tournament of Roses- Rose
Parade held each January in California. This parade is broadcast worldwide,
and when in 1993, China began receiving it, the viewer audience jumped
from an estimated 700 million to over 1 billion around the world. This was
a fantastic opportunity for people who had never even heard the name of our
church to hear it and see it for the first time.
All floats must be made with only natural materials such as flowers and
seeds; literally hundreds of hours are spent on each float to prepare it for the
parade. In all, five of six floats that Pathfinders decoration, won special awards
for their themes and excellence. After the parades were over, Pathfinders
again helped to dismantle these huge floats; the flowers were then turned into
potpourri and sold, with the proceeds going to Children’s Miracle Network,
a charity organization. Norm Middag, Division Pathfinder Director, along
with Dixie and Arnold Plata, Pathfinder Historians, were the primary movers
behind this spectacular idea.
Chile in January
of 1998. It was
followed the next
month in North
America with a
convention held
in Los Angeles,
California. This
same year, the
Division held its
2nd Pathfinder
Camporee in NAD Pathfinder Camporee Patch 1999
Puerto Rico led by
it youth director
Alfredo Garcia-Marenko who later became the World Senior Youth Director,
serving from 1998 to 2005. The decade closed with the 4th North American
Division Camporee, held during August 1999—the largest such event in the
world up to that time with 25,000 participants at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
The 2000’s
Believe it or not, this decade still has room for “firsts.” Many local conferences
are still beginning Pathfinder Ministry, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia.
Islands who thought themselves too isolated or small to have anything special
are waking up to their potential and having fun experimenting on their scale
with those activities that others have had for some time. Such an example is
Saint Helena Island, out in the middle of the South Atlantic; though it has had
a Pathfinder Club
for a long time,
the club held
its first Island-
wide Pathfinder
Fair in 2003,
involving nearly
every person
living on the
island. The event
was developed
by Pastor Glen
Africa, who
was serving as a
retired volunteer St. Helena Is. Pathfinder Club on Parade
pastor and is
known in all of
South Africa as “Mr. Pathfinder” for his
decades of service in that country.
The Sahel Union of West Africa
organized the first-ever Camporee
in all of Western Africa. This Union
comprises 11 countries of the Sahara
regions of Africa. Poverty and Islam
make them very difficult to work in.
So, to have a Camporee there, and
have most of the countries represented
,was nearly as difficult as pulling off a
Division Camporee. It was held near a
small community that had no Christian
presence; the impact the Pathfinders Sahel Union Camporee Pennant
made was of such positive value that the
35 BE FRUITF U L A N D M U LT I P LY ( 1 9 4 6 - - - )
In 2003, another
one of those “nearly
impossible” events
actually materialized.
During a World Youth
Leadership Conference,
held in Brazil in 2001,
the idea of holding a
Pan-African Camporee
ignited. The idea was that
the three new divisions Pan African Camporee Patch 2003
recently reorganized,
that included most of the
continent of Africa, plus that portion which remained under the Euro-Africa
Division would gather at some central location for a massive continent-wide
Camporee. As many as 62 countries might be involved. The logistics for
such an event would be very difficult compared to similar events anywhere
else in the world. Africa’s international transportation problems and visa
restrictions are much greater than most other continents. And that is before
even beginning to consider the venue itself—infrastructure to handle multi-
day gatherings of thousands is minimal in most if not all countries. Yet, after
all was said and planned, Division Youth Directors Eugene Fransch and Jean-
Pierre Mulumba, managed to pull it off. In the end, Western and Northern
Africa were not able to work past their travel problems, but the countries of
the two Divisions of East-Central and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (30
countries) were there—over 6,000 Pathfinders in Nairobi for 10 days of
adventure, fellowship, activity and spiritual growth.
Because West Africa was left disappointed in not being able to participate
in the Pan-African Camporee, the next year (2004), their Division Youth
Director organized what was to be the very first ever, Division Camporee in
western Africa, and only the second camporee at any level for that region.
Few of the leaders had ever attended a camporee before of any type at any
This brings us to the year 2005. South America begins the year in early
January with another record–setting Camporee outside of North America
when 22,000 of the 165,000 possible Pathfinders from the 8 countries of
their Division gathered in a small town of southern Brazil for Camporee #3
in their Division. Erton Kohler and his team of youth directors and hundreds
of volunteers ran one of the most inspiring such events in the history of
Pathfindering. When one begins to evaluate the impact on the communities
surrounding these events, the impact on the spiritual lives of the participants,
the smoothness of the daily operation of the event, one begins to understand
just how far Pathfindering has indeed come from its beginnings nearly 60 years
ago and how God continues to guide, direct, and teach us all—Pathfinders
and Staff alike. “By the grace of God…”
A r o u n d T h e Wo r l d
come and introduce the idea at River Plate College. So, in 1960, the training
was presented and by mid-week the first Club de Conquistadores, held its first
meeting with some 80 children attending. The very next Sabbath, the club
was presented to the church—already in full uniform! A short while later,
Youngberg traveled to Uruguay and Brazil and helped establish the first clubs
in those countries. Back at River Plate College the Club director was Lucas
Schulz. Along with teaching the classwork and Honors, their first activities
included the making of tents for the club, since such commodities were either
nonexistent or too expensive. In 1962, the club began a small paper they
called, El Conquistador in which upcoming events were advertised and club
members could practice their journalism skills. By 1966, this club had raised
the funds, constructed and now had their own building to meet in.
4. Establishing structures
In 1963, SDV (South German Union) and WDV (West German Union)
delve into the idea of organization and structures for the “Jungfreunde”
ministry. Previous experiments, based on individual initiative,s were welcome
and resulting ideas accepted. The organizational placement of “Jungfreunde”
as part of the Adventist youth ministry was defined, and clothing rules were
introduced (blue-gray shirt, yellow scarf with knot); which were not widely
accepted until the end of the 60’s. The badge system was standardized. For
the first time, training material was issued and a training concept created.
In 1964, the first seminar for “Jungfreunde” leaders of the WDV took place
in Mühlenrahmede. (The standardized and systematic training of leaders is
a pre-condition for public funding.) The first “Jungfreunde”-camp in the
SDV area, took place in Tannenlohe, in 1968.
5. Basic planning
The importance of “Jungfreunde” ministry for the church was finally
recognized. Students enrolled in pastoral studies were required to take part in
the training for Master Guide in the course of their studies. For the first time
ever, in 1969, group leaders from all over Germany met for the first seminar
of “Jungfreunde” leaders in Mühlenrahmede.
The ministry experienced its first boom and the following educational
seminar for group directors of the SDV in 1971 was attended by many. Both
Unions agreed to work closely together and have remained so ever since. In
subsequent years both Unions published a joint-effort guide for “Jungfreunde”
and their leaders. After the restructuring of divisions, the first international
camporee of the Euro-Africa Division took place in Malcesine, Italy, in 1977
with a large German participation.
founded after the fall of the wall in East Germany under the title of “Christliche
Pfadfinder der Adventjugend” (Christian Pathfinders of the Adventist Youth).
This new name could be used without restrictions.
9. Structures of CPA
Structure by age:
Children Young Pathfinders Pathfinders Scouts
6-7 years of age 8-11 12-15 from 16 on
CPA ministry wants to offer a program for young adults from the age of 16
on as well. The Scout group is meant to integrate assistants as well.
EAU did its third Union Camporee at Rusinga Island in December 2001,
attended by 2,086 Pathfinders, with Passmore Mulambo of Zambia Union
as guest speaker. This prepared Kenya to host the first Pan-African Camporee
hosted at Jamhuri Park, Nairobi which attracted Pathfinders from three
African Divisions and with participants coming from as far as The United
Kingdom, Brazil, Asia, and the United States. The GC Pathfinder Director,
Bob Holbrook, and NAD Camporee Executive Director, Ron Whitehead,
also participated. This historic camporee was covered by the Kenyan news
Pathfindering is very much alive and kicking in Kenya and now has
programs and honors in Self Esteem, HIV/AIDS awareness and is involved in
ABY, (Abstinence Behavior-change for the Youth endeavor), thanks to the US
government, which has channeled funds for this worthy project thru ADRA-
Kenya and ADRA-Tanzania. We held a Training of Trainers seminar at Tausi
in Ranen Field, which has Master Guides in training, June 19-30, 2005.
Youth, chaplains and education directors joined them June 27-29, 2005. This
targets Pathfinders and youth around Lake Victoria, a major HIV/AIDS–
vulnerable zone in Kenya and Tanzania. Current membership is divided into
two categories active (reporting) with over 53,000 listed and inactive (not
reporting) with over 40,000 as of 2005.
I came back to Latvia and told about this exciting organization to our
youth leaders, and to my big surprise nobody wanted to join in this work.
I tried to persuade in different ways, but nothing worked. I started to pray.
After some time, Pauline White from Arizona, came to Latvia as a tourist and
visited our church in Riga. After the sermon we started conversation, and I
told about my dream about Pathfinders in Latvia. As a result, she started to
send me boxes of materials and books for Pathfinders. I read and prayed.
A couple of years passed, and one of the Teen Sabbath school teachers,
Sanita, was sent to a course for camp leaders. These courses were organized by
the Baptist church. She came back all excited about organizing something like
this in our church as well. Sanita presented the idea about camping ministry
to the other Sabbath School teachers. After the presentation I told her that
the Adventist Church has an even better program, I had all the materials, so I
proposed that we work together and start a Pathfinder club.
In 1998, we founded the first Pathfinder club in Riga. Four years passed
from the moment when I first met Pathfinders and could open a club. During
these years, I had to understand that God organizes this work; we are only
helpers. When God works, miracles happen on each step. We prayed and
went where God led us.
The first Pathfinder camp in Latvia took place in Cesis, 1998. In July
the same year we went to the Trans-European Divison (TED) camporee
Alliance Scouting), in order to find out whether scouting could really be used
as a part of the Dutch SDA youth program.
In spite of the fact that some church members objected to scouting because
of its military elements, the first national Camporee turned out to be a success.
During the years that followed, it appeared to be very well possible to obtain
a suitable mix of scouting elements and religious (Adventist) elements. Many
youth members joined and AJV-Scouting became a substantial part of the
Dutch SDA youth department.
As a result of this fact, the Dutch are involved in the scouting program
instead of the Pathfinder program, some interesting differences between
the Dutch scouts and the Pathfinders exist. For example, you will be able
to recognize the Dutch scouts by their uniforms, their different scarves and
badges. An interesting feature of Dutch Adventist scouting is that every club
is named after an Adventist pioneer. Of course, most differences are related
to externals; you can be assured that the Dutch Adventist scouts treasure the
same beliefs and the same mission as Pathfinders do. After all, Dutch scouts
are Adventist youth, just like Pathfinders.
creative person, open for new ideas. Together ,with the youth directors from
the six conferences, he started to rebuild the youth work in Romania. First
information about the Pathfinder ministry was brought in 1992 by Malcolm
Allen, World Pathfinder Director, John Gratz and Jose Figols from our Euro-
Africa Division. They presented different seminars about youth, Pathfinder
and Adventurer Ministry to 300 participants at two Youth Leadership
Conventions held in Brasov and Alexandria. Because of the novelty of the
program, the event did not produce concrete results, but rather opened a
door and created an atmosphere for the other events and people that soon
were to influence the start of Pathfindering.
practical skills. Here are the names of some of these teenagers that played a
great part in the Pathfinder history: Zsoka Banga, Iulia Nagy, Tibor Galaczi,
Attila Banga, and
Daniela Vadan.
The team was
invited by Leon
Roman, the
official responsible
for Pathfinders
in the Union, to
hold a national
training camp, in
1994, in Busteni.
Some of the
participants went
back and started
Pathfinder clubs. Training Camp Leadersip Team
Total number of
children involved
was a hundred and twenty, in five cities (Bucharest, Targu Mures, Campina,
Ploiesti, and Slobozia). Eighty of them participated at Padina during the first
camp organized in Romania for Pathfinders. Photo above shows the training
camp’s leadership team: Left to right, Tibi Galaczi, Zoltan Szallos, Daniela
Vadan, Emese Osz, Istvan Madaras, Zsoka
Banga, Julia Nagy, Gyorgy Banga, and Attila
along with requirements for the pastors to get involved. This improved greatly
the efficiency of the training as was clearly seen by the fact that the majority
of leaders receiving this new training immediately got involved in Pathfinder
In 1996, the youth directors from all Conferences and the Union
participated in a Master Guide Seminar held in Switzerland. This event
convinced all the youth directors to fully support Pathfindering. Also, Cristian
Modan, the National Pathfinder leader, was invited to visit and be trained
in Georgia Cumberland Conference, USA. He met with their Pathfinder
Executive Council and had the chance to ask questions about unclear topics
for Romanians. He completed and was invested as a Master Guide and, with
the vision of what Pathfindering really is, returned home and implemented
some adjustments in the program. (Later Cristian also completed a Master’s
program in Outdoor Education at Southern Adventist University.) The new
vision was implemented in a National Camp held in 1996 at Codlea, where
most of the active Pathfinder leaders participated (86 leaders).
Romania was blessed with a great team of Pathfinder leaders that did their
work with passion, enthusiasm and sacrifice. In later years, every conference
hired an assistant youth director for Pathfinders that worked closely with
the youth director to implement and lead the program. This was the team
that organized 152 Pathfinder camps in ten years, leadership conventions and
four National Honor Camps. According to the World Pathfinder Director, in
2002 the Romanian Union youth leadership led out in a record number of
honors to be introduced at a camp (80), in addition to 24 other seminars and
a multitude of other activities.
Now, it was the turn for Romanians to do something for other countries.
In 1999, a team of Pathfinder leaders organized the first Leadership Training
Camp for the Moldova Republic, followed by a convention organized for
leaders in the same country. Also, Moldavians were invited to participate
at training camps or honor camps organized in Romania. Romanian teams
also organized training and taught honors to the Pathfinders in Ukraine. The
Romanian Pathfinder leader, Cristian Modan, was invited twice to be the
speaker for the camporee organized by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
for their Pathfinders.
Beyond the events, resources and valuable trainers mentioned above, some
of the most important gains of the Pathfinder program are difficult to measure.
Still, they can be seen easily, as more and more Pathfinders, when grown
up, decide to get involved in Pathfinder leadership or in other areas of the
mission of the church. Pathfinders have a stronger bond to the church than
the kids that have never been involved in the program. They love the church
and decide to stay in it and do something
for its mission. A good number of the
Pathfinders (about 25 %) were introdued
to the church for the first time through the
Pathfinder club. Some of them met Christ
there and decided to join the church and
serve the Lord with all their hearts. They
were followed by members of their family,
which made their joy even bigger. Here is
the story of Cristina Neagu, one of them:
“I always loved books. I grew in their
world trying, at the same time, to bring
their characters into my world. Above all,
Cristina Neagu
the 7 Cherry Kids (teenage personages of a
famous Romanian adventure book), I always wanted to be real. I remember
that I had a club of friends in the public school, and we called ourselves The
Cherry Kids. We planned to have a great expedition in the summer vacation
before entering the eight grade. We dreamed about new discoveries and
adventurers similar to the ones of our heroes. The time went by and our plans
changed. The summer, when our great expedition was going to take place was
near, but my friends were acting like they had never thought about it. I was
feeling disappointed. Then it happened!
It was the last day of school: June 13, 1997. I was listening to a show for
vacation on the Voice of Hope Radio, which I had previously discovered. They
were talking about the Pathfinder Club. It was enough to hear about nature
activities, camps and kids of my age that want to go there. It was a live show,
so I called and asked, what I can do to participate in a Pathfinder camp?
Probably, my question was surprising for them, because initially they said that
Pathfinders need to learn many things before being able to participate in a
camp. In spite of the fact that I was a shy person, I insisted, so the next
Sunday, at noon, I participated in my first Pathfinder club. Adriana
Mohanu and Christian Modan, my Pathfinder leaders, opened before
me a world that previously, I thought, did not exist. After two weeks, I
participated in a Pathfinder camp that was for me a fulfillment of my
childhood dream: to be a Cherry Kid. In that camp I met a God who
cared about my dreams and wishes. After coming back from the camp
I started to participate every week at the Pathfinder Club, and on Sabbath
day, in the Adventist church. And, exactly one year after my phone call to the
radio show about Pathfinders, on June, 13, 1998, I got baptized.
After that, because I was fifteen, and that’s the age when you finish being a
Pathfinder, I decided to prepare to be a Pathfinder leader. Then, with my unit,
(called Emerald), I continued to grow and learn new things. My Emeralds are
actually the Cherry Kids I always dreamed about; but more than that, they are
kids without whom I cannot imagine how my Sundays could be or— why
not the Everlasting Life.
It may be interesting for you to know that since the story was written,
Cristina was called to work in the team of the youth department at the
Romanian Union. Her older sister, Oana, also joined the church because
she has witnessed what Pathfinders have done for Cristina. Later, Oana also
got involved in the Pathfinder Club and is working as the assistant of the
director of the Bible Correspondence Course, with about 20,000 students
each year.”
More and more the mission became an important part of the Pathfinder
program, and Pathfinder clubs became involved in the community with
incredible projects. This was made more effective since, in 2001, the
Pathfinder organization was officially recognized by the Romanian State as
NGO, and many of its projects have gained the attention of the national and
local press.
One of the best–known projects was writing the whole “Bible from
memory” in 28 minutes. This was done by 3,500 Pathfinders and youth
in the “Freedom
Park,” Bucharest, in
September 1999.
They used 66 rolls
of paper (as many
as the Bible books)
with a total length
of 2 miles, and each
participant wrote
about 10 verses that
had previously been
assigned to learn by
heart. A few verses
were also written by
the President of the Jan Paulsen
General Conference,
Pastor Jan Paulsen.
Also, the
was widely
recognized for
its role in the
It was one
of the first
organizations to
start this kind
of campaign Inauguration of the Bucharest Declaration Monument
in Romania,
and the events organized in most of the cities of the country during eight
years (marches, exhibitions, meetings, contests, seminars and so on) gave
Pathfinders a special place in media coverage and desired partners of the State
Authorities and other NGO’s. In 2003, this culminated with the inauguration
of a monument for 62 million victims of smoking (1950 – 2000) created and
built by Pathfinders and sponsored by the Adventist Church. The Bucharest
Declaration that was read at the inauguration and signed by 3,500 youth
was later published by the Government (Antidrug National Agency - ANA)
with the help of ICAA (International Council on Alcohol and Addictions).
This poster, which included eight Ministries and Governmental Agencies,
and eleven preeminent NGO’s that signed the declaration, also has the logo
of the Pathfinder Organization, and the one of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church (the sponsor of the monument). The posters spread in Romania,
Eastern Europe and Central Asia by ANA and ICAA.
These big projects were actually just a few of many hundreds of other
mission projects (educational, ecological, social, and evangelistic) similar to
the projects that Pathfinders are conducting all over the world. But Romanian
Pathfinders, think that these are just the beginning, because the Lord has
promised that “greater works than these shall (you) do” (John 14:12), and
consequently they are, as their greeting says: “For the Lord, always ready.”
The first Pathfinder Rally was held on March 20, 1965, on the Riverside
grounds; followed by the first Pathfinder Fair on Sunday, September 26,
By 1974, there were 42 clubs in the Conference, with just over 1,200
Pathfinders. They also had just organized their first marching band. By then,
two Federations were in operation, one in Johannesburg and one including
the Cape Peninsula and Boland.
In 1971, the Division held its first Division-wide camporee at the Swedish
camp of Vasterang, with Pastor Sundquist leading out now, as Division Youth
Director. Today there are about 200 Pathfinders in Sweden; each year a half-
dozen leaders earn their Master Guide. Their activities, honors, camps, etc.
may all be found on their web site at:
The Italians call themselves, “Esploratori” (Explorers), as do many other
countries of Europe. They began in 1972, with Ugo Visani getting them
going and today are also affiliated with the Scouts.
Josef Stöger, began Pathfinders in 1960, using the same name as the Swiss:
“Wächter.” First staff training came in 1967, under Walter Schultschik.
Opened their first Pathfinder Club in November of 1970, using the name
of “Desbravadores”, as was current in other Portuguese speaking countries.
One of the most recent countries to introduce Pathfinders—once the iron
curtain vanished. Jose Figols, the Division Youth director, introduced the
idea during a training seminar in May of 1995. They use the Bulgarian name
of “Izsledovateli.”
Began with JMV’s in 1939, with Sylvain Meyer as leader, and called them
Pathfinder Pledge in Different Languages:
“By the Grace of God,
I will be pure, kind and true.
I will keep the Pathfinder Law.
I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
Por la Gracia de Dios,
Seré puro, bondadoso y leal.
Guardaré la ley del Conquistador.
Seré un siervo de Dios y amigo de la humanidad.
Pela Graça de Deus,
Serei puro, bondoso, e leal.
Guardarei a lei do Desbravador.
Serei servo de Deus e amigo de todos.
French (Quebec)
Par la grâce de Dieu,
Je serai pur, aimable et sincère.
J’observerai la loi des Explorateurs.
Je serai un serviteur de Dieu
et un ami de tous.
Durch Gottes Gnade will ich
in Gedanken, Wortenund und Taten rein sein
freundlichund aufrichtig sein und die ADWA-Regeln beachten
Gott dienen und ein Freund der Menschen sein.
Prin harul lui Dumnezeu, voi fi un serv al Sau,
ii voi iubi pe oameni si voi ocroti natura.
Bahasa Malaysia
Ikrar Pathfinder
Degan anugerah Allah-
Saya akan menjadi suci,menjadi pengasih dan menjadi benar.
Saya akan berpegang teguh kepada undang-undang pathfinder.
Saya akan menjadi pelayan Allah dan menjadi sahabat kepada manusia.
“The Pathfinder Law Is for Me to
Keep the Morning Watch.
Do my honest part.
Care for my body.
Keep a level eye.
Be courteous and obedient.
Walk softly in the sanctuary.
Keep a song in my heart, and
Go on God’s errands.”
La Ley me manda
Guardar la Devoción Matutina
Cumplir con la parte que me corresponde
Cuidar de mi cuerpo
Mantener una mirada franca
Ser cortés y obediente
Andar con reverencia en la casa de Dios
Mantener una canción en mi corazón
e ir adonde Dios mande.
A Lei do Desbravador ordena-me:
Observar a devoção matinal
Cumprir fielmente a parte que me corresponde
Cuidar do meu corpo
Manter a consciência limpa
Ser cortês e obediente
Andar com reverência na Casa de Deus
Ter sempre um cântico no coração
Ir aonde Deus mandar.
Observer la Vigile Matinale.
Être honnête et véridique.
Prendre soin de mon corps.
Regarder tous bien en face.
Être courtois et obéissant.
Révérer le lieu de culte.
Être toujours joyeux.
Être toujours au service de Dieu.
Ich will
täglich Morgenandacht machen
meine Aufgaben ehrlich erfüllen
auf meinen Körper achten
mir ein reines Gewissen bewahren
höflich und gehorsam sein
mich in Gotteshaus ehrfurchtsvoll verhalten
mir “ein Lied im Herzen bewahren”
Gottes Aufträge ausführen
The Pathfinder Song as it first appeared. Later the word “kindness” was deleted
without authorization from Henry Bergh and was reinstated in 1998
Voi respecta Legea Exploratorului care pentru mine este:
Sa studiez si sa ma rog zilnic.
Sa-mi indeplinesc constiincios datoria.
Sa am grija de corpul meu.
Sa-mi pastrez constiinta curata.
Sa fiu politicos si ascultator.
Sa ma port cuviincios in Casa Domnului.
Sa am intotdeauna un cantec in inima.
Sa merg oriunde ma trimite Dumnezeu.
Bahasa Malaysia-
Undang-Undang Pathfinder bagi saya adalah-
1. Memelihara kebaktian pagi.
2. Menjalankan tugas saya dengan Jujur.
3. Menjaga tubuh saya dengan sempurna.
4. Menetapkan pandangan mata.
5. Bersopan dan menurut.
6. Berjalan perlahan-lahan dalam kaabah.
7. Menyimpan satu nyanyian dalam hati saya.
8. Melaksanakan suruhan bagi Allah.
Oh, the Pathfinder girls of Santa Ana,
Are Pure and Kind and True.
They keep the Junior Law,
The Pledge and Morning Watch, too.
They are honest and care for their bodies,
Then hurrah, for the Pathfinder girls,
Three cheers for their leaders too.
Vict’ry’s flag will help unfurl,
If you counsel with a Pathfinder girl.
They walk softly in the Sanctuary,
They Keep a Song in their heart.
They’re happy and stand ever ready
In God’s work to have a part.
They have something they’ll give to you,
It is free and makes shorter the mile.
If you are to know if this is true,
Just watch for their big, pleasant smile.
Repeat Chorus:
Pathfindering Milestones
In the Beginning
1890 Our Little Friend is first published
1907 Morning Watch published
1908 Junior Reading Course begins
1909 Junior Missionary Volunteer Societies organized
Camporees by Division:
ECD East-Central Africa Division
1994 (EAD) Zambia, Muganda Director
1999 (EAD) Uganda, Mfune, Director
2003 (Pan Africa) Kenya, Fransch/Mulumba Directors
Laurence Skinner
(1946—[1950] 1962)
John Hancock
Elder Hancock and his wife, Helen, had three children, two sons and a
When Elder Hancock died on February 22, 2001, he left behind a loving
family and a multitude of friends and memories. All looking forward to that
bright day when we are all “Safe In His Hands” (the 1962 Youth Congress
theme song, John wrote).
Leo Ranzolin
studies first.” So they did that; came to America, completed a 4–year degree
(the Brazil College was considered a Junior College yet), completed an M.A.
and an M. Div. and found work (of all things) as a practical male nurse in
California, to keep food on the table while he waited for God to open the
next doors. That soon happened when a call came for the same job he had
been offered a few years earlier—Youth Ministry Director for the Parana-
Santa Catarina Conference. From there he was called to the South Brazil
Union, and in 1970, when still but 36 years old, was invited to the General
Conference Youth Department as the 3rd World Pathfinder Director. Today,
there is a very active Pathfinder Club in the Central Church of Curitiba,
Brazil, not far from where he began his ministry as pastor that carries his
name. In Papua New Guinea their youth camp on the Island of Mussau,
also carries his name as Camp Ranzolin. It should be noted that his family
includes 3 sons: Leo Jr. (Susan), Luis Robert (Wilma), and Larry; as well as 2
grandchildren—Larissa and David.
Mike Stevenson
Michael Stevenson
was born August 22,
1939 in Stellenbosch,
South Africa, to Ernest
J. Stevenson & Thora
Commins Stevenson. He
had five brothers, Hugh
(deceased), Ernest, Brian,
Mike presenting the new Pathfinder cap to Patrick and Stanley.
Elder Neal Wison, President of the General Conference.
He attended
Helderberg College,
where he met and married Jennie May Webster. They were the parents of
Michael, Jr. and Miles, who were born in South Africa; James, and Jason who
were born in Maryland, USA.
Elder Stevenson gave distinguished service to the Seventh-day Adventist
Church beginning in 1961 in South Africa, where he served as pastor, singing
evangelist and youth director. In 1966 he was called to be a pastor in Texas,
where he served for four years.
In 1970, at the age of 30, Stevenson began serving as the General
Conference Campus Ministries Director. In 1975 the Northern Europe-
West Africa Division elected him as youth and temperance director.
The Stevensons returned to the World Headquarters in 1980, where
he again served in the General Conference Youth Department as World
Pathfinder Director (1980-1985); director of Adventist Youth Services—
better known as the Student Missionary program (1985-1990), and senior
youth director (1990-1993).
February 7, 1993, after a heroic struggle with brain cancer, Michael
Herbert Stevenson died at age 53, in Silver Spring, Maryland. For many who
loved him as well as Adventist youth around the world, this was a huge loss.
He was a special person who will not soon be forgotten.
Millions of young people who have been blessed by Stevenson’s ministry,
will remember his favorite phrase, “Don’t be afraid; be of good cheer.”
Malcolm Allen
Malcolm was born in Australia, the son of Percival John Allen and
Winefred Eugenie Harker. He was educated in Australia and attended
Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia, 1955-1958.
November of 1960, he married Valda May Keith in the Wahroonga
Adventist Church. Valda and Malcolm have four children. Brett was born
in 1962, Gregory was born in 1964, Jamie was born in 1974 and Jenni, their
only daughter, was born in 1980.
In 1960 Malcolm became involved in youth ministry and became a Youth
Director in the South Pacific Division. He was an Assistant Youth Director of
the West Australian Conference in 1966 – 1970. In 1970 – 1974, he became
the Youth Director of the Tasmanian Conference, and 1974 – 1977, he was
the Youth Director of the Victorian Conference, all within Australia. These
positions carried both Youth and Pathfinder responsibilities.
In 1977 – 1980, Malcolm was transferred to New Zealand, where he was
Youth Director for the North New Zealand Conference. 1980 – 1986, he
was the Youth Director for the Trans-Tasman Union Conference (this covered
the Eastern half of Australia and New Zealand).
Robert Holbrook
(1997- 2005)
When asked where he’s from; his answer is often “from where I hang my
hat.” Often, he then proceeds to count the countries that make up his family
and heritage; beginning with his parents and ending with his three boys, the
list runs something like this: Norway, Germany, England, Brazil, Bolivia,
USA, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti, and Canada. He has lived in 4 countries and
traveled to nearly 80. Comparing favorites is not a question to ask, because
he finds something about every country that fascinates him.
When his parents returned from overseas service, Bob had the opportunity
to belong to the College View Trailblazers—a Pathfinder Club in Lincoln,
to help young people find the narrow gate that Christ asks us all to go through.
He recognizes that it is the most important work adults can be involved in
and is concerned that so few seem to realize the seriousness of it and the
impact adults can and do make on the youth whether they want to or not.
Findland 19777
Malawi Camporee