Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Towards Service Orientation in Hospitals: A Review
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Towards Service Orientation in Hospitals: A Review
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Towards Service Orientation in Hospitals: A Review
Review Article
Article history: Customer relationship management (CRM) is significant for hospital services as it has been
Received 27 October 2016 for any other businesses. A hospital helps in restoring and maintaining the health of the
Accepted 11 November 2016 people. In healthcare facilities, CRM practices are mainly patient focused strategies which
Available online 2 December 2016 involve a combination of patient interaction and management of hospital interface which is
effective. A CRM system is an innovative technology which makes the process of acquiring,
Keywords: developing and maintaining relationships with customers more effective and efficient. The
CRM benefits of CRM could be improved customer service, reduction in cost and better retention
Service orientation of clients.
ICT # 2016 Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hospital healthcare
* Corresponding author at: 94, Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110025, India. Tel.: +91 9810809090.
E-mail address: (A. Vaish).
0976-0016/# 2016 Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
apollo medicine 13 (2016) 224–228 225
performance of the company and customer value. Also, the and maintains the health of the patients. Preventive health-
research conducted by scholars found out that customer- care, care of injured and sick people, training of medical and
oriented companies can increase the value and customer paramedical staff and health research are the general
satisfaction by meeting the expected demands of the functions of a hospital. CRM is a management strategy that
customers and also by providing high-quality service. Service unites information technology like ERP with marketing for
orientation can be conceptualized at three levels as strategic, delivering better services. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource
individual and organizational.4 The individual level is con- Planning. ERP is a software for business process management
cerned about whether an employee is more service-oriented as that helps the organization to use a system of the integrated
compared to the other staff members. Hogan et al.5 in 1984 application so as to manage their business and automate
defined service orientation as 'the disposition to be helpful, various functions related to services, technology and human
thoughtful, considerate and cooperative.' resources.11 These systems are complex information systems,
The strategic level is business strategy related. Wu et al.6 and implementation can be high cost and difficult. CRM in
stated that service-oriented companies are capable of actively private healthcare services includes communication services,
providing professional and complete services to consumers strategic planning, database construction, consulting services,
throughout the whole service process. Homburg et al.7 even predictive segmentation, campaign management and com-
proposed that service orientation should be defined regarding munication strategies. CRM systems enable the company to
three dimensions: (a) number of services being offered, (b) to gather and also constantly generate customer knowledge.
how many customers these services are provided to and (c)
how strongly these services are emphasized.4
5. Role of ICTs
The organizational level refers to whether the organization
establishes and delivers excellent service and how it develops
quality constructs. The organizational level differs from the Since the last ten years, the focus on service across
strategic level in the sense that organizational level looks at socioeconomic sectors coupled with transformational devel-
establishing and planning processes whereas the strategic opments in ICTs has been increasing. The value of ICT to
level mainly looks at how these services are being provided to organizations involved in the service sectors has been
the customers. Lytle & Timmerman8 defined service orienta- recognized. ICTs are technological tools in the process of
tion as when organization's plan, pro-actively engage in, and service delivery, which plays an important role to achieve
reward service giving practices, processes and procedures that efficiency and productivity. ICTs can also lead to new markets
reflect the belief that service significantly affects the creation over time.12 ICTs combine with resources such as knowledge
of superior value and excellent services.4 and skills to help information to be repackaged and trans-
ported in various contexts to generate opportunities for
innovation and service exchange.
3. What is CRM?
Private healthcare is becoming one of the fastest growing Training to the employees must be given by professionals
sectors in India with the major private hospitals like Apollo from across the world on relationship building and to teach the
Hospitals expanding its chain into various cities of the country. latest and advanced know-how in the healthcare industry.
Healthcare marketing has passed its earliest stage of develop- Any changes made by the management so as to provide the
ment and is now developing its character. There is an obvious services in a better way must be clearly and promptly
need for hospital management to have a sense of basic conveyed to all staff members. Information must be stored
understanding of healthcare marketing concepts. The survival safely and securely at every interaction with the customer
of the corporate hospitals will depend on the ability of the so as to generate a wider customer view. It is also important
hospitals to respond to the needs and expectations of the to make a note of what things went wrong and not according to
patients through innovation and quality services more the plan, as it is important to learn from the previous mistakes
efficiently and effectively, hence aiming at customer satisfac- and ensure that they do not get repeated the next time. The
tion which is the main goal of the marketing philosophy. In importance of taking the opinions of the staff members is
today's private healthcare marketing in India, there is much crucial when deploying a system because at times they can
competition to attract the attention of patients in all fronts. provide a very good idea which could improve service
The main objective of these private hospitals is not only to orientation.
provide the specialized services more efficiently but also to
maintain the overall quality of services provided.19
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