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Project Phase 3: "Modeling, Fabrication and Testing of Hexacopter "

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Project Phase 3



Group members: Under the guidance of :

Anjan Jai Kumar .J Madhusudhan.S.V
(1SJ12ME010) Asst. Professor
Satish .K Dept. of Mechanical
(1SJ12ME040) Engineering
Magesh Balaji .G S.J.C.I.T
Manjunath .R

Project work carried out at

BGS Research &
Development Center
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,

Department of Mechanical Engineering

S.J.C.I.T, Chickballapur-562101

Objectives And Scope
Survey Details
Design Of The Model
Material Cost
Plan Of Work
 This proposal presents the latest research carrying-out
on the unmanned air vehicles (UAVs).
 There are several existing UAVs in the market with
various configurations and built for a designated
 These vehicles may carry visual, acoustic, chemical or
biological sensors for such missions as traffic
management, hostage situation surveillance, rescue
operations and a few more.

The Hexarotor project is aimed at the design of a hover-

capable rotary wing UAV that could perform such
missions. The key advantages are as follows
1. More and smaller motors with equal and higher
2. The Hexarotor should be able to land safely even if a
motor or propeller fails.
3. Other benefits are lower thrust per motor, even at higher
payloads, resulting in less vibration.
4. Capable of carrying more than 1liter payload in order to
carry a camera setup with high definition imaging capacity.
Literature Survey
Eisenbeiss, H.; Sauerbier, M. Investigation of UAV
systems and flight modes for photogrammetric
applications. Photogramm. Rec. 2011, 26, 400–421.

Unmanned aircraft systems are drastically used from

past decades. Consequently with increase in new
technologies they are widely used not only in national
defence but also used for surveillance, disaster
response and rescue operation

Vega, F.A.; Ramirez, F.C.; Saiz, M.P.; Rosua, F.O.

Multi-temporal imaging using an unmanned
aerial vehicle for monitoring a sunflower crop.
Biosyst. Eng. 2015, 132, 19–27.

The main objective of Falcon group of companies was

to increase yield and reduction of labour cost. Jobs
can be performed accurately with less human efforts
and labour costs.
Gatti, M.; Giulietti, F. Preliminary design analysis
methodology for electric multirotor. In Proceedings of
the RED-UAS 2013, 2nd IFAC Workshop Research,
Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial
Systems, Compiegne, France, 20–22 November 2013;
pp. 58–63.

The agricultural industry is one of the application

areas barely touched upon by UAV technology. Given
the large, open and obstruction less areas involved,
UAVs are well suited t applications in the industry.

Hruska, R.; Mitchell, J.; Anderson, M.; Glenn, N.F.

Radiometric and geometric analysis of
hyperspectral imagery acquired from an unmanned
aerial vehicle. Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 2736–2752.

The software system was proved to successfully

control a hexacopter in autonomous flight. GPS
waypoint navigation was achieved with a path
deviation comparable to last year. Camera image
processing streamlined, effectively doubling
previous frame rates. Finally the object tracking
was sustained for 1.13 minutes, he entire length of
the test.
 Survey on the agriculture field.

 Designof the model by using CATIA


 Fabrication of the model.

 Testing of the model.

 The purpose of the project is to build and fly a Hex
copter for agriculture applications such as pesticide
and fertilizer spraying.
 The product will be well suited for Grape or Pulses
farms where the farmers have difficulty in spraying
the pesticides and in reaching the mid portion of the
farm land. A wireless camera can report suspicious
findings by using sensors.
 The product will also be used as mobile first-aid kit
at the time of emergency in deserted areas.
 Our vision is that with few of this robots
autonomously monitoring and surveying the farm
land will drastically reduce the potential for human
endangerment and risk factors.
Objective 1:Survey Details

 For area of one acre agriculture land the

requirement of pesticide is around 200-250ltrs.
 It takes two hours for a farmer to spray fertilizer
on agriculture land such as cauliflower, tomato &
 The height at which the farmers spray pesticide

 For commercial crops like tomato, potato, chilies

three feet.
 For cultivation of flowers like rose, marigold two
to three feet.
 Every time they spray fertilizer on agricultural
land ,they need to pay Rs400/- per head.
 Minimum requirement of manpower for 1acre
land 2 to 3 persons.
Objective 2: Design of the

All Dimensions In
Fig : Carbon Rod
Fig : Cowl
Fig : Motor With
Front View
Isometric View
Top View
 Power transmitted by the motors to the propeller
in terms of rotation per minute (rpm)
Power=Propeller constant*rpm Power Factor
A NTM Propeller has propeller constant of 0.015
and power factor of 3.2.Given rotational speed is
Power=0.015*100003.2 =24w
 Thrust produced by a propeller
Flight time=Battery capacity/amps

Capacity( Flight time at Flight time at

mAh) 100% 50%
Discharge Discharge
rate (min) rate (min)
1000 1.5 3

1200 1.8 3.6

1400 2.1 4.2

1600 2.4 4.8

1800 2.7 5.4

2000 3 6

2200 3.3 6.6

2400 3.6 7.2

Table: Time with respect to battery capacity and

discharge rate
Material Cost
Sl. Components Specifications Cost (INR)
1 Frame Tarot FY680 1100

2 Propellers - NTM Prop 12000

(6 nos) Drive 28 Series
3 Battery – (1 Li-Po Battery 3000
no) (1800 mAh
4 Flight OrangeRx R710 8000
Controller Spektrum
DSM2 7Ch
Total 24100
Plan Of Work
 Feb1st- Feb16th : Survey on
agriculture field

 Feb18th- March 15th: Design of


 March18th – April 16th :Fabrication of

the model

 April17th – April 27th :Testing of the

 Eisenbeiss, H.; Sauerbier, M. Investigation of UAV
systems and flight modes for photogrammetric
applications. Photogramm. Rec. 2011, 26, 400–

 Vega, F.A.; Ramirez, F.C.; Saiz, M.P.; Rosua, F.O.

Multi-temporal imaging using an unmanned aerial
vehicle for monitoring a sunflower crop. Biosyst.
Eng. 2015, 132, 19–27.

 Gatti, M.; Giulietti, F. Preliminary design analysis

methodology for electric multirotor. In Proceedings
of the RED-UAS 2013, 2nd IFAC Workshop
Research, Education and Development of
Unmanned Aerial Systems, Compiegne, France, 20–
22 November 2013; pp. 58–63.

 Hruska, R.; Mitchell, J.; Anderson, M.; Glenn, N.F.

Radiometric and geometric analysis of
hyperspectral imagery acquired from an unmanned
aerial vehicle. Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 2736–2752.

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