Code Division Multiple Access
Code Division Multiple Access
Code Division Multiple Access
N.N.V.Pradeep (Y3EC241)
M.N.Rajesh (Y3EC243)
Code Correlation
In this context, correlation has a specific mathematical meaning. In general the
correlation function has these properties:
• It equals 1 if the two codes are identical
• It equals 0 of the two codes have nothing in common
Intermediate values indicate how much the codes have in common. The more they have
in common, the harder it is for the receiver to extract the appropriate signal.
There are two correlation functions:
• Cross-Correlation: The correlation of two different codes. As we’ve said, this
should be as small as possible.
• Auto-Correlation: The correlation of a code with a time-delayed version of itself.
In order to reject multi-path interference, this function should equal 0 for any time
delay other than zero.
The receiver uses cross-correlation to separate the appropriate signal from signals meant
for other receivers, and auto-correlation to reject multi-path interference.
Pseudo-Noise Spreading
The FEC coded Information data modulates the pseudo-random code. Some terminology
related to the pseudo-random code:
• Chipping Frequency (fc): the bit rate of the PN code.
• Information rate (fi): the bit rate of the digital data.
• Chip: One bit of the PN code.
• Epoch: The length of time before the code starts repeating itself (the period of the
code). The epoch must be longer than the round trip propagation delay (The epoch
is on the order of several seconds).
In general, the bandwidth of a digital signal is twice its bit rate. The bandwidths of the
information data (fi) and the PN code are shown together. The bandwidth of the
combination of the two, for fc>fi, can be approximated by the bandwidth of the PN code.
Processing Gain
An important concept relating to the bandwidth is the processing gain (G p). This is a
theoretical system gain that reflects the relative advantage that frequency spreading
provides. The processing gain is equal to the ratio of the chipping frequency to the data
There are two major benefits from high processing gain:
• Interference rejection: the ability of the system to reject interference is directly
proportional to Gp.
• System capacity: the capacity of the system is directly proportional to Gp.
So the higher the PN code bit rate (the wider the CDMA bandwidth), the better the
system performance.
Transmitting Data
The resultant coded signal next modulates an RF carrier for transmission using
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK). QPSK uses four different states to encode each
symbol. The four states are phase shifts of the carrier spaced 90_ apart. By convention,
the phase shifts are 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees. Since there are four possible states
used to encode binary information, each state represents two bits. This two bit “word” is
called a symbol. Figure 3 shows in general how QPSK works.
First, we’ll discuss Complex Modulation in general, applying it to a single channel with
no PN-coding (that is, we’ll show how Complex Modulation would work directly on the
symbols). Then we’ll discuss how we apply it to a multi-channel, PN-coded, system.
Complex Modulation
Algebraically, a carrier wave with an applied phase shift, Y(t), can be expressed as a sum
of two components, a Cosine wave and a Sine wave, as:
I(t) is called the real, or In-phase, component of the data, and Q(t) is called the imaginary,
or Quadrature-phase, component of the data. We end up with two Binary PSK waves
superimposed. These are easier to modulate and later demodulate.
This is not only an algebraic identity, but also forms the basis for the actual
modulation/demodulation scheme. The transmitter generates two carrier waves of the
same frequency, a sine and cosine. I(t) and Q(t) are binary, modulating each component
by phase shifting it either 0 or 180 degrees. Both components are then summed together.
Since I(t) and Q(t) are binary, we’ll refer to them as simply I and Q.
The receiver generates the two reference waves, and demodulates each component. It is
easier to detect 180_ phase shifts than 90_ phase shifts. The following table summarizes
this modulation scheme. Note that I and Q are normalized to 1.
CDMA's better coverage and capacity result in cost benefits. Increased coverage
per BTS means fewer are needed to cover a given area. This reduces infrastructure costs
for the providers. Increased capacity increases the service provider's revenue
Potential. CDMA costs per subscriber have steadily declined since 1995 for both cellular
and PCS applications.
CDMA phones are usually dual mode. This means they can work in both CDMA
systems and analog cellular systems. Some CDMA phones are dual band as well as dual
mode. They can work in CDMA mode in the PCS band, CDMA mode in the cellular
band, or analog mode in an analog cellular network.
Customer satisfaction
CDMA results in greater customer satisfaction because CDMA provides better:
• Voice quality
• Longer battery life due to reduced power requirements
• No cross-talk because of CDMA's unique coding
• Privacy--again, because of coding
CDMA's popularity has steadily risen over the past few years and is now widely
deployed. This communication technology has revolutionized the way in which
communication took place. Later many technologies have invaded the
telecommunications industry like the Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMax etc. This invasion of
various technologies elevated the second generation (2G) to 2.5G and to 3G (third
generation) communication. Many devices like the multifunctional cellular phones,
personal digital assistants etc utilized this technology (though now they have upgraded to
much cheaper and faster ways of communication).