Choral Handbook
Choral Handbook
Choral Handbook
Kelly Wildermuth
EDUC 474
Austin Choral
September 10th: Choral Dues DUE
October 15th: Fall Concert*
October 30th: Fundraising Deadline
December 5th: Holiday Concert*
Feb 10th: Fundraiser – Spirit Night
Mar 7th: MPA Concert*
March 10th: MPA*
May 7th: Spring Concert*
May 15th: Choral Banquet
♫ Table of Contents ♫
Uniform Information……………………………………………………………10
Financial Obligation…………………………………………………………...11
Grading System……………………………………………………….....…12-13
Acknowledgement Page………………………………………………………15
♫ Letter to Parents ♫
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the Austin High School Choral Program! You and your student
are now an important part of the high-achieving growing program here at
Austin. I sincerely believe your experience and involvement in our program
will be rewarding for both you and your student. You will connect with music
while your student does the same, all while being part of a program which
continues to build a tradition of superior performance, musical excellence,
and vital socio-emotional development.
I am looking forward to working with each of you. You and your students’
talents and hard work will make this year at Austin very exciting, successful,
and musically rewarding for all of us. Please look out for our monthly
newsletter in future emails and on our website!
Kelly Wildermuth
Austin High School Choral Director
♫ Rules, Policies, and Procedures ♫
♫ Rules ♫
Your Choral Folder and water bottle should be with you at your seat.
Electronic Devices
Students are expected to bring their school issued laptops to school
every day charged and ready for use. This technology can have a
positive impact on the learning environment and should be used
appropriately in the classroom. However, because of the
distractions electronic devices often cause, students should ONLY
use their personal electronic devices during class if they are told
by the teacher to do so for an educational purpose.
Students in violation of this policy will be asked to place their phone
in their cubby. If cell phone usage becomes an issue, parents will
be notified. Students may use their personal electronic devices in
the hallways during class changes, during lunch, and before and
after school.
Rehearsals are a very fast-paced environment – this should help you stay
focused and engaged.
At the end of rehearsal, please place your choral folder back into your
assigned folder slot.
♫ Room Maintenance ♫
♫ Folders and Materials ♫
Each student will provide their own 1 inch, BLACK three-ring binder for
their music.
Please keep your folder neat and your folder slot clean.
The calendar has been provided and any changes will be communicated
fully and in advance. Sporting events and other extra-curricular
activities, etc. are not considered excused absences.
Upon arrival at the concert, each student must check in with the
designated person in charge of attendance.
♫ Sequence of Consequences ♫
(all result in deduction in daily grade)
Student conference with teacher to try and correct failure to meet class
Contact parent
♫ Attendance Policy ♫
Tardies: Students are expected to be punctual to the class time
rehearsal and performances. A student tardy to class or a performance
will have 2 points deducted from the daily or performance grade.
♫ Uniforms ♫
Option #1:
Black Choir Dress designated
Closed-toed, black shoes no higher than a two-inch heel (flats are
highly recommended)
Black socks or hosiery
Pearls designated – no other jewelry
Please hem the dress neatly one inch from the floor.
Hair must be pulled back from your face and out of your eyes.
Option #2:
Black formal tux with white dress shirt and bow-tie
Black dress shoes and black socks
Hair must be pulled back from your face and out of your eyes.
No jewelry
♫ Financial Obligation ♫
Families with more than one student in the Choral Department will pay
less per student. The director will reach out to those families
If your family is unable to pay dues, please contact the director privately
and we will discuss possible remedies!
Also, students are responsible for buying their uniforms. However, the
Choral Department does keep an inventory of used dresses and tuxes
that will be available for purchase or rent at a discounted rate.
♫ Grading System ♫
You earn your grade through showing growth of musical skills and
knowledge, active participation in choral activities, and adherence to
the daily expectations listed in this handbook. Each grading period, the
student's grades will be calculated from three weighted categories:
Vocal Assessments
This will come in the form of formative assessments throughout
rehearsal. These may include singing posture, breathing techniques,
accurate pitches and rhythms, diction, vowel formation, etc. This grade
will also include part-checks completed through our virtual classroom
throughout the semester. This grade will show that students are making
improvements and in their vocal and musical abilities and achieving
instructional goals set by the director.
The performance grade will be determined by attendance, punctuality,
appropriate attire, and demonstration of vocal skills. A performance
grade will be assigned for each performance.
The quizzes/activities grade will consist of sight-singing quizzes, written
quizzes/activities, ear-training quizzes, and other graded assignments.
A student who is absent from daily rehearsal cannot truly “make up” the
missed rehearsal. For this reason, to make up a rehearsal, the student
should spend extra time working on their part making use of virtual
practice files when available. It is the responsibility of the student to
speak with their section leader or the director to determine the music
rehearsed during their absence and spend an appropriate amount of
time working with the website practice files.
A student with an unexcused absence from a calendared after school
rehearsal will receive no points for that rehearsal.
♫ Officers ♫
Each class within the Choral Program will elect the following officers to
serve the members of the class:
The President is a model chorus member and serves as a leader in the
The President will be the lesion between the performance ensemble
and the director.
The Secretary assists the Choral Boosters Publicity Committee,
distributes programs at concerts, and helps with administrative tasks.
The Secretary takes attendance at every performance/event.
The Librarians keep the choral library clean and orderly.
The Librarians are responsible for music filing, making folder
assignments, inspecting music when it is returned, and passing out new
Student Conductor
The Student Conductor sets an example for other students.
The Student Conductor conducts rehearsal in the absence of the
The Student Conductor runs sectionals and may conduct a piece on the
spring concert.
Section Leaders
Section Leaders will be designated by the director to assist in
Section Leaders will lead their respective sections in break-away
(sectional) rehearsals.
They will mark their music accurately and learn their parts thoroughly
enough to help others.
The will inform a singer of missed material in the case of an absence.
♫ Parent/Student Acknowledgment Page ♫
Please read, sign, and return to Ms. Wildermuth NO LATER than August
Student Signature .
Date Signed .
Parent/Guardian Signature .
Date Signed .