AC-0018 Practical Assessor Handbook
AC-0018 Practical Assessor Handbook
AC-0018 Practical Assessor Handbook
1. Purpose................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Practical Assessor Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 3
4. The simulator ........................................................................................................................ 3
The simulator environment ................................................................................................. 3
Simulator exercises ............................................................................................................ 4
5. Before the practical assessment............................................................................................ 4
Pre-assessment checks ..................................................................................................... 4
Pre-assessment briefing..................................................................................................... 5
Permitted materials ............................................................................................................ 5
6. The practical assessment procedure ..................................................................................... 6
The plot/graph .................................................................................................................. 20
Calculating the final scores .............................................................................................. 20
Debrief the candidates ..................................................................................................... 20
7. Re-sit options for the practical assessment ......................................................................... 20
8. Completing the paperwork................................................................................................... 21
Paperwork sent to IWCF .................................................................................................. 21
Retention of candidate records......................................................................................... 21
9. Grading sheets .................................................................................................................... 21
10. Assessor accreditation ........................................................................................................ 23
11. Auditing ............................................................................................................................... 23
12. Reference documentation ................................................................................................... 23
13. Contacting IWCF ................................................................................................................. 23
1. Appendix 1 – Practical assessment re-sit options ................................................................ 24
1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide practical assessors with a handbook that explains the practical
assessment procedure. This document should be used as a guidance document to assist practical
assessors to conduct IWCF practical assessments to IWCF standards.
2. Scope
be accredited at the centre location where the practical assessments are conducted.
be competent in the operation and programming of the simulator.
understand the content and procedure for carrying out IWCF practical assessments.
conduct practical assessments in accordance with IWCF procedures.
be able to perform the role of the Level 3 (Driller) and Level 4 (Supervisor) candidates when required.
not coach, advise or help candidates in any way during the practical assessment.
4. The simulator
The centre is responsible for ensuring the simulator has been approved for use by IWCF. The practical
assessor must ensure the simulator is set up for use according to IWCF requirements.
The only people allowed in the simulator room during IWCF practical assessments are the
candidates being assessed, the IWCF accredited assessor, any assessors undergoing training and
an IWCF Auditor (if present).
Only one practical assessment at a time can take place in any simulator room.
During the kill phase of the practical assessment, the Level 3 candidate must operate the pump
while the Level 4 candidate must operate the choke.
When portable simulators are used, the pump control panel and the remote choke control panel
must be-angled. This is so that the Level 3 candidate cannot see the remote choke panel and the
Level 4 candidate cannot see the pump control panel.
Panels/displays must be positioned so that the assessor can discreetly observe the activity of the
Level 3 and Level 4 candidates.
The assessor must be able to make adjustments to the simulator during the assessment without the
candidates seeing what changes are being made such as initiating the problem during the kill.
Therefore, the assessor must position the instructor station so that the candidates cannot see any
changes he/she makes.
The following notices must be displayed in the simulator room:
Simulator exercises
All exercises loaded on the simulator must meet IWCF requirements, which are outlined in the IWCF Well
Design Rules. In summary these are:
Exercise wells used for practical assessments must be different to those used for training and
practice sessions.
There must be at least three different exercise wells for each stack type to use during practical
Each exercise well must meet the minimum design rules with respect to depths, configuration,
formations and pressures.
Pre-assessment checks
Before the start of a practical assessment the assessor must:
check the candidate’s photographic identification and write the candidate’s name on the front page
of the grading sheet in accordance with the identification provided.
must confirm the candidate’s identification has been checked by completing the ‘Candidate’s ID
checked’ box on the front page of the grading sheet.
ensure the combination of candidates is one of the following:
ensure the simulator plotting has been set to record from the start of the exercise and that the
parameters below are in different colours from one another on the plot. The minimum parameters
to be recorded are:
ensure the correct grading sheets below are ready and have been completed with the appropriate
centre, candidate and assessor details for the practical assessments:
Pre-assessment briefing
Before the start of a practical assessment the assessor must advise the candidates that:
the assessment must be conducted as a single non-stop exercise. If the assessment being
conducted is for a Level 4 candidate only, the pre-drilling preparation stage must still be completed
up to the time the Supervisor leaves the simulator room. Once the pre-drilling preparation has
been completed, the assessor can load a snapshot with the well shut in and pressures stabilised.
Before loading the new snapshot, a simulator plot/graph must be printed off showing the
preparation stages, the exercise will then continue. The assessor may, however, choose to go
through the drilling phase in which case there will only be one plot/graph.
a problem will be given at some time during the kill but only one problem will be given per
the simulator must run at normal speed (real time) until after the problem and can run at an
accelerated speed from then on. The simulator must be returned to real speed at least 100 strokes
before the gas reaches the BOP.
Permitted materials
During the assessment candidates may only use the following materials:
Blank paper, pens, pencils, ruler and non-programmable calculator. Devices with internet
capability are not allowed.
The Level 4 candidate may be given a pre-kick data sheet completed with volumes and strokes for
the exercise depth (equivalent to page one of the IWCF kill sheet) and a blank kill sheet for use
when the well has been shut in (equivalent to page two of the IWCF kill sheet), all kill/kick sheets
must be approved by IWCF prior to use. In some cases, the pre-kick data sheet and the kill sheet
will be the same document. For clarity, the only details that can be given on the pre-kick data
sheet are:
a) The current mud weight
b) The shoe MD/TVD
c) The well MD/TVD at the start of the exercise
d) Leak-off test information/shoe fracture pressure or gradient/maximum mud
weight/Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pressure (MAASP) - any or all
e) String, open hole, annular, total well and surface line volumes and strokes for the
depth at the start of the exercise
March 2017 AC-0018 Version 3.0 Page 5 of 24
Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED: It is the user’s responsibility to verify printed material against the controlled document
Practical Assessor Handbook
f) Riser and choke line lengths, volumes and strokes (for subsea exercises only).
g) The driller parameters i.e. Pump Speed, RPM and Weight on bit may also be given.
This section details the running order of a practical assessment from start to end. The running order assumes
it is a double assessment with a Level 3 (driller) candidate and a Level 4 (supervisor) candidate. Comments
are made for single candidate assessments when applicable. Subsea elements are clearly shown as being
such. Surface candidates do not have to meet the subsea elements.
Each step must be scored on the appropriate grading sheet as it happens. The practical assessment procedure
details the points that must be awarded for each step. Please refer to these grading notes throughout the
1. Check the drill floor set up
The Supervisor is called to the 1 Choke manifold. The assessor must not
drill floor and is expected to 1 BOP Panel – Position of BOPs correct any mistakes that are
check that the line-up is correct. and Valves. not noticed.
1 BOP Panel – All gauges.
For subsea assessments, the 1 Confirm choke and kill line The Supervisor must ask the
Supervisor must also confirm the contents Driller what is in the choke
choke and kill line contents. ‘Y/N Grading’. and kill lines. The assessor
can confirm it is current mud
in both but only when the
Driller has been asked.
For subsea assessments details 2 Hang-off procedure, space out Supervisor must state reason
must be included on spacing out ‘Y/N Grading’. for correct space-out for both
the tool joint. shut in and hang-off. Also
agree correct space-out
position with Driller.
(2) (1)
The Driller must measure and
record Choke Line Friction (CLF) 2 Determine Choke Line Friction For subsea assessments, the 1 Instruct Driller on method to Separate lines on the plot
for subsea assessments at the for kill rate circulating Supervisor must instruct the use to record CLF for KRCP must show where CLF was
same rates as KRCP on the pressures Driller on which method is to be ‘Y/N Grading’. measured and added to the
same pumps. ‘Y/N Grading’. used to measure/record CLF. kill sheet.
If CLF’s not taken before
Driller starts drilling, then
zero (0) score.
4. Set the alarms (6) (2)
4. Check the alarm settings
Set alarms according to 3 Adjust and activate flow 1 Give Driller alarm settings
Supervisor instructions. Ensure indicator alarms, can be done Give the Driller the alarm ‘Y/N Grading’.
the audible alarm has been with the help of the Supervisor settings and ensure they have If not set by the time the
switched on/activated. ‘Y/N Grading’. been set accurately. 1 Physically check Driller has Driller starts drilling, then
set alarms accurately zero (0) score.
Adjust and activate PVT ‘Y/N Grading’.
3 alarms, can be done with the
help of the Supervisor
‘Y/N Grading’.
The Supervisor may help the Driller in running to bottom but must leave the drill floor when the Driller has tagged bottom. The Driller must now drill ahead with agreed drilling parameters of
Weight on Bit, RPM and SPM.
If there is no L3 (Driller) candidate, the assessor can load a snapshot with the well shut in on approximately ten barrels of kick with the pressures stabilised.
In this case, print out a plot/graph of the drill floor preparation stage before loading the new snapshot. This graph must be signed off in addition to the graph of the kill at the end of the assessment.
This will be an extra graph as two snapshots will be used.
If the assessor chooses to continue with the same snapshot and drill into the kick, then there is no need to print a graph off at this stage. The final end of assessment graph will be enough.
5. Drilling break
The Driller must recognise and 5 Recognise drilling break Not on the drill floor during this
respond correctly to a drilling ‘Y/N Grading’. stage.
Inform the supervisor. 2 First thing to be done once it is The Driller must call for the
confirmed the well is shut in Supervisor immediately after
and flow has stopped. If BOP the well has been shut in and
failure incident has been it has been confirmed that the
selected then Supervisor flow has stopped. The
should be called, after closing assessor should wait for a
another BOP and confirming period of time before calling
flow has stopped. the Supervisor to the rig floor.
‘Y/N Grading’. This is to allow time to
assess whether the Driller
starts to record the build-up
of shut in pressures.
If the Driller fails to shut in the well as described above, and there is a Supervisor candidate, then the assessor takes over as Driller.
If a new snapshot has to be loaded to continue the exercise, then a plot/graph must be printed out before the new snapshot is loaded.
For subsea assessments, the 2 Positioning drill string, hang off The Supervisor must check
Supervisor must check the tool checking, BOP closing the tool joint position and give
joint space-out position. pressure adjustment if instructions for hanging off
required. the drill string.
(4) (8)
7. Collect shut-in data Correctly record pressure 5. Collect and check data The Driller record must show
readings. 2 Physically check hole depth the pressures recorded over
The Driller records shut-in data. The Supervisor must collect and ‘Y/N Grading’. time.
3 3 pts – If properly recorded check the shut-in data.
following pressure evolution 2 SIDPP The Supervisor must check
on correct gauge. 2 pts- If checked with evolution the data and not just take the
1 pts – If taken too soon or too 1 pt – If just collected from figures from the Driller.
late or on wrong gauge. Driller and not physically
0 pts – If not taken at all. checked. Permeability setting has to
allow a proper study of
2 SICP pressure build up.
2 pts – If collected and
1 pt – If just collected from
1 Correctly record gain Driller and not physically
‘Y/N Grading’. checked.
Physically check Pit Gain
‘Y/N Grading’.
The Driller must record the 3 Monitor surface pressures and The Supervisor must instruct the 5 5 pts – Instruct Driller to
pressure on a trend sheet or report to Supervisor. Driller to monitor and record monitor pressure changes on
blank paper and report it pressures and to advise both gauges, to avoid possible
regularly to the Supervisor. Driller has to do it whether or Supervisor regularly. losses at the shoe and state
not he/she receives why, e.g. to monitor for
instructions from Supervisor. NOTE: These instructions must migration that may cause
be given before starting to MAASP to be exceeded.
‘Y/N Grading’. complete the kill sheet. 3 pts – If just asked to check
that annular pressure is not
The Supervisor must complete a reaching MAASP.
useable kill sheet.
If the Supervisor fails at this point the assessor must take the role of Supervisor to allow the Driller to complete the assessment.
Check the line-up of the 3 Line up circulating system in Check the line-up of the 3 Check circulating system in The Driller and Supervisor
circulating system, adjusting if preparation for the kill method circulating system. preparation for the kill method must check the manifolds.
necessary. ‘Y/N Grading’. ‘Y/N Grading’.
3 pts – If done according to Co-ordinate the start up with the 3 ‘Y/N Grading’. The Supervisor must give
Co-ordinate the start up with the Supervisor’s instructions with Driller. instructions for the start-up
Supervisor. 3 full communication. and the Driller must follow
1 pt – If done too quickly or them.
with no communication.
0 pts – If Driller stops or
decreases the pump speed Maintain correct pressure. 5 Maintain correct pressure For subsea assessments,
without instructions. 5 pts – If good manipulation CLF must be accounted for
with reference to correct correctly.
Inform the Supervisor when the 1 ‘Y/N Grading’. 3 pts – If constantly opening
kill rate is reached. and closing the choke to
maintain correct start-up
pressure, or BHP falls below
formation pressure during the
start up.
0 pts – If not referring to the
correct gauge.
The failure is first recorded at the point on the grading sheet where it happened and again at the end of the grading sheet where the point score is normally calculated. All sections in between must
be left empty.
Print off the plot/graph, have the failed candidate (Supervisor) sign the plot/graph and explain reason for failure. The failed candidate then leaves the assessment room. The assessor now
explains to the remaining candidate that the assessment will continue. Reload a new snapshot. The assessor takes the role of Supervisor to allow the Driller to complete the assessment.
On completion of the assessment the remaining candidate (Driller) will need to sign both plots/graphs.
There must be a problem initiated during each assessment. If it is an L3 (Driller) candidate on their own with the assessor acting as the L4 (Supervisor), then BOP failure is the most applicable.
If it is an L3 (Driller) only assessment and BOP failure has been used, then there is no need for an additional problem to be initiated during the kill phase.
If there is an L4 (Supervisor) candidate, then a problem must be initiated during the kill phase. The simulator must be run at ‘real time’ speed until after the problem has been dealt with. A
minimum of 250 strokes must be pumped in the kill phase before the problem is given.
Inform the Supervisor and shut 3 Driller has to recognise the Take the correct action. 5 Supervisor’s reaction has to The Supervisor loses marks if
down on his instruction. pump has failed and inform be quick enough not to let the BHP drops below the
the Supervisor, if not 0 pts. BHP drop below formation formation pressure.
2 2 pts – If done according to
Co-ordinate the restart with the Supervisor’s instructions. 5 pts – If reaction of
Supervisor. 1 pt – If done too quickly. Supervisor doesn’t allow BHP
0 pts – If he/she stops or to drop below formation
decreases the pump speed pressure.
without instructions.
2 pts – If additional influx less
than 800 I (5 bbl).
0 pts – If additional influx
greater than 800 I (5 bbl).
Problem 2 - One bit nozzle (5) Problem 2 - One bit nozzle (7) NOTE: Drill pipe pressure
plugged plugged should increase by at least
Identify the problem and take 100 psi.
Recognise any sudden change 2 ‘Y/N Grading’. Identify the problem and take the 5 the correct action (the
in the pump pressure, inform the correct action. Supervisor has to stop the The correct action is to shut
Supervisor and follow circulation and review the down and marks are lost if
instructions. cause of the problem). the Supervisor does not shut
5 pts – If reaction of
Supervisor doesn’t allow BHP The Supervisor loses marks if
to drop below formation the BHP drops below the
Stop pump as requested by 3 3 pts – If done according to pressure and problem is formation pressure.
Supervisor and coordinate Supervisor’s instructions. correctly identified.
restart of operations with 1 pt – If done too quickly. 2 pts – If BHP is allowed to fall
Supervisor. 0 pts – If Driller stops or below formation pressure
decreases the pump speed during reaction to problem.
without instructions. Give appropriate instructions 2 0 pts – If problem is not
and co-ordinate the restart with identified correctly.
N/A If Supervisor doesn’t stop, the Driller.
deduct these three points Give appropriate instructions
for Driller from total 2 pts – Supervisor has to give
maximum points. instruction correctly.
1 pt – If this is not done
0 pts – If no instructions given.
Stop the pump when instructed 2 Stop pump Identify the problem and take the 5 Identify the problem and take The choke must wash out
by the Supervisor and restart ‘Y/N Grading’. correct action. the correct action (the gradually and cause a steady
when instructed by the Supervisor has to stop the reduction in casing and drill
Supervisor. 3 Co-ordinate restart circulation and review the pipe pressures.
3 pts – If done according to cause of the problem).
Supervisor’s instructions. The Supervisor loses marks if
1 pt – If done too quickly. 5 pts – If reaction of the BHP drops below the
0 pts – If Driller stops or Supervisor doesn’t allow BHP formation pressure.
decreases the pump speed to drop below formation
without instructions. pressure and problem is
correctly identified.
2 pts – If additional influx less
than 800 I (5 bbl).
0 pts – If additional influx
greater than 800 I (5 bbl).
Give appropriate instructions 2
and co-ordinate the restart with 2 pts – Supervisor has to give
Driller. instruction correctly.
1 pt – If this is not done
0 pts – If no instructions given.
When the kill has been restarted after the problem has been resolved, the simulator speed can be increased to bring the gas to the surface more quickly. The Supervisor must have the kill under
control and confirm this to the assessor before the speed is increased.
The simulator must be returned to normal speed at least 100 strokes before the gas reaches the BOP. The assessor must inform the Supervisor that the simulator is running at normal speed.
There is no need for the Driller to record pressures during the accelerated phase but this must be resumed when the simulator speed is returned to normal.
10. Monitor circulation (8) 9/10 BHP control since start (5)
Maintain the pump speed, 4 ‘Y/N Grading’.
record pressures and pit level. Maintain the BHP, during and 5 5 pts – If BHP greater than or NOTE: The Supervisor loses
after evacuation of the influx. equal to formation pressure marks if the BHP drops below
Advise the Supervisor. 4 ‘Y/N Grading’. during evacuation of influx and the formation pressure,
immediately after mud returns excluding any start-up and
NOTE: The Driller must record to surface. shutdown operations (e.g.
data and report to the 2 pts – If any influx less than during a well control
Supervisor regularly during the 800 litres (5 bbl). problem).
complete kill (except the time 0 pts – If any influx greater
when the simulator speed was than 800 litres (5 bbl). NOTE: If the Supervisor
increased). fractures the formation when
the gas is evacuated or when
the mud returns are re-
established, the well must still
be shut in under instruction
so the Driller can finish off the
assessment (see section 11
below). There is no need to
reload a snapshot for this.
11. After evacuation of influx (4) 11. After evacuation of initial (10)
Shut in under instruction and 3 3 pts – If done according to
advise the Supervisor when the Supervisor’s instructions. Co-ordinate the shutdown with 3 Shut the well in. The Supervisor loses marks if
pump is off. 1 pt – If done too quickly. the Driller. BHP must stay above the BHP drops below the
0 pts – If Driller stops or formation pressure. formation pressure.
NOTE: The Driller must shut in, decreases the pump speed ‘Y/N Grading’.
follow the Supervisor’s without instructions.
instructions and advise when the
pump is off. 1 Inform Supervisor when pump Interpret the pressures and 2 Check pressure and Gauges must be interpreted:
is stopped explain how to continue. interpretation of gauge
‘Y/N Grading’. readings: The Drillers’ Method
2 pts – Supervisor has to Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure
explain the Shut in Drill Pipe (SIDPP) should equal the
and Casing Pressure readings original SIDPP - if not, the
and relate them to any overall Supervisor must explain why
difference between actual not, (such as trapped
BHP and formation pressure. pressure or not removing the
Complete the scoring and print out the log/graph before giving the de-brief.
The plot/graph
A plot/graph must be printed out and sent to IWCF for every practical assessment. At the end of the
assessment, the assessor must:
print out one colour copy, which covers the complete assessment.
if it is a Level 4 candidate only and the assessor loads a snapshot after the drill floor preparation
phase, print out a colour graph, which shows the drill floor preparation phase and another, which
shows the kill phase,
if a candidate is an instant fail and a new snapshot has to be loaded, print out a colour graph before
the new snapshot is loaded and another at the end of the assessment,.
ensure candidate(s) and the assessor sign all plots/graphs.
When the assessment has finished, the assessor must determine the final score for each candidate by:
adding up the total marks scored on each page and writing the total at the bottom of each page of
the grading sheet in the page total box; alternatively, this can be done during the assessment.
adding each page total together to get the total marks scored and writing the total in the exercise
total box on the last page of the grading sheet.
calculating the total marks scored as a percentage by dividing the total marks scored by the total
marks available and then multiply by 100. The percentage scored is rounded down to the nearest
whole number:
In addition:
When the assessment has finished and before the candidates leave the assessment room, the assessor must:
If a candidate fails their second attempt, (first re-sit), of the practical assessment, they must try the written
examinations and pass at least one component before they try a third and final attempt of the practical
If the candidate fails their second attempt, (first re-sit), of the practical assessment and fails both written
examinations, then they cannot progress any further and must re-register as a new candidate.
If the candidate passes their second attempt, (first re-sit), of the practical assessment, they must pass at least
one of the written examinations or the results of the second attempt will not stand.
The following practical assessment documentation must be securely stored at the Primary Centre for the
duration of the candidate’s certification:
9. Grading sheets
IWCF practical assessments must be scored using the current IWCF grading sheets for each step of the
assessment. Scoring must be done as outlined in the guidance given in this document; assessors have no
flexibility to adjust the scoring.
The most up-to-date versions can be found on the IWCF website. Printed copies cannot be guaranteed as
being current. It is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure they are using the correct grading sheet. The
current grading sheets are:
The following sample page shows how the grading sheet must be scored, marked and completed.
1 Choke manifold. 1
1 BOP panel - Position of BOPs and valves. 1
1 - All gauges. 1
(1) 2. Set choke position (10) 2. Instructions
1 Set remote or manually operated choke in 4 Procedures to follow to shut the well in, and
1 4
accordance with instructions. check choke position.
2 Reason for choice of shut-in procedure. 2
4 Action to take in case of a drilling break
and/or influx detection.
(2) 3. Prepare to drill (4) 3. Instruct Driller to record kill rate
circulating pressure at given pump
2 Record kill rate circulating pressures as 2
requested by Supervisor or on Driller's own
initiative. Pump n° 1
1 1st kill rate circulating pressure. 1
1 2nd kill rate circulating pressure. 0
Pump n° 2
1 1st kill rate circulating pressure. 1
1 2nd kill rate circulating pressure. 0
7 6 17 PAGE TOTAL 15
Maintain a current IWCF Drilling Well Control Certificate at level 4 in the highest level programme that they
intend to assess, (for example, surface BOP or combined surface and subsea BOP). The assessor must
achieve at least 90% in each assessment.
Submit evidence they have conducted four practical assessments at level four. Applicants for surface BOP
assessor accreditation must submit copies of four surface BOP practical assessments on IWCF candidates.
Applicants for combined surface and subsea assessor accreditation must submit four practical assessments of
which a minimum of two must be subsea BOP practical assessments on IWCF candidates. Each of the four
practical assessments must cover a different one of the four problems set in the IWCF Practical Assessment
In addition to the assessment evidence above, the following must also be sent in with the application:
The Practical Assessor Application Form Renewal must be submitted within 90 days of the assessor’s
certification/accreditation expiry date. If this is received after the 90 days, the assessor must submit a new application.
Please allow 20 working days for IWCF to process the renewal.
The expiry date of an assessor’s accreditation is governed by the date their IWCF certification expires.
11. Auditing
The practical assessor’s performance and record will be audited during the routine, regular audits of the Assessment
In addition, the assessor may be audited at any time at the discretion of the IWCF.
The materials submitted to the IWCF by the assessor on completion of each candidate assessment are subject to audit by
the IWCF.
If non-conformances are found during an audit, the IWCF assessor will be asked to take corrective action, which may
include re-training, suspension or termination of their accreditation. Corrective action requests may also be issued to the
accredited centre concerned.
Failed initial
practical assessment Applicant can proceed
N to written papers
achieving < 70%
Applicant must
proceed to written