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I S/PCM Stereo Dac + Multiple Analog Inputs, Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

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Rev. 1.2
26 June 2009
Track ID: JATR-1076-21

Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047
©2009 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any
means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind. Realtek may make improvements
and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document
could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document are
trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.


This document is intended for the hardware and software engineer’s general information on the Realtek
ALC5627 Audio DAC IC.
Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information
may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide.

Revision Release Date Summary
1.0 2008/11/07 Preliminary version.
1.1 2008/12/24 First release.
1.2 2009/06/26 Revised Figure 3, page 6.
Revised Table 3, page 7.
Revised Figure 20, page 41.
Revised section 11 Mechanical Dimensions, page 42.
Revised Table 50 Ordering Information, page 43.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, ii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................................................1
2. FEATURES .........................................................................................................................................................................2
3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................3
4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................................................................................4
4.1. FUNCTION BLOCK ........................................................................................................................................................4
4.2. AUDIO MIXER PATH.....................................................................................................................................................5
5. PIN ASSIGNMENTS .........................................................................................................................................................6
5.1. GREEN PACKAGE AND VERSION IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................6
6. PIN DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................................................7
6.1. DIGITAL I/O .................................................................................................................................................................7
6.2. ANALOG I/O.................................................................................................................................................................7
6.3. FILTER/REFERENCE......................................................................................................................................................7
6.4. POWER/GROUND ..........................................................................................................................................................8
6.5. NOT CONNECTED .........................................................................................................................................................8
7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................9
7.1. POWER .........................................................................................................................................................................9
7.2. RESET ..........................................................................................................................................................................9
7.2.1. Power-On Reset (POR) ..........................................................................................................................................9
7.3. CLOCKING ..................................................................................................................................................................10
7.4. I2C CONTROL INTERFACE ..........................................................................................................................................11
7.4.1. Addressing Setting ................................................................................................................................................11
7.4.2. Complete Data Transfer .......................................................................................................................................11
7.4.3. Odd-Addressed Register Access ...........................................................................................................................12
7.5. DIGITAL DATA INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................12
7.5.1. I2S/PCM Interface ................................................................................................................................................12
7.6. ANALOG SIGNAL PATH ..............................................................................................................................................14
7.6.1. Line Input .............................................................................................................................................................14
7.6.2. Auxiliary Input......................................................................................................................................................14
7.6.3. Speaker Output .....................................................................................................................................................15
7.6.4. Headphone Output................................................................................................................................................15
7.6.5. Stereo DAC...........................................................................................................................................................16
7.6.6. Headphone Mixer .................................................................................................................................................16
7.6.7. Speaker Mixer.......................................................................................................................................................16
7.7. POWER MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................................................17
7.8. GPIO AND JACK DETECT (JD) FUNCTION ..................................................................................................................17
7.8.1. GPIO Interface .....................................................................................................................................................17
7.8.2. Interrupt ...............................................................................................................................................................17
7.9. HEADPHONE DEPOP ...................................................................................................................................................17
7.10. AVC CONTROL ..........................................................................................................................................................18
7.11. ZERO CROSS ..............................................................................................................................................................19
8. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................20
8.1. REG-00H: SOFTWARE RESET ......................................................................................................................................20
8.2. REG-02H: SPEAKER OUTPUT VOLUME .......................................................................................................................20
8.3. REG-04H: HEADPHONE OUTPUT VOLUME .................................................................................................................20
8.4. REG-08: AUXILIARY INPUT VOLUME .........................................................................................................................21

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, iii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier
8.5. REG-0A: LINE INPUT VOLUME .................................................................................................................................21
8.6. REG-0C: STEREO DAC DIGITAL VOLUME .................................................................................................................22
8.7. REG-16H: SOFT DELAY VOLUME CONTROL TIME ......................................................................................................22
8.8. REG-1CH: OUTPUT MIXER CONTROL ........................................................................................................................23
8.9. REG-34H: STEREO AUDIO SERIAL DATA PORT CONTROL ..........................................................................................24
8.10. REG-38H: STEREO DAC CLOCK CONTROL ................................................................................................................24
8.11. REG-3AH: POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 1..........................................................................................................25
8.12. REG-3CH: POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 2 ..........................................................................................................26
8.13. REG-3EH: POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 3 ..........................................................................................................27
8.14. REG-40H: GENERAL PURPOSE CONTROL ...................................................................................................................27
8.15. REG-42H: GLOBAL CLOCK CONTROL ........................................................................................................................28
8.16. REG-44H: PLL M/N CODE CONTROL.........................................................................................................................29
8.17. REG-48H: INTERNAL STATUS AND IRQ CONTROL .....................................................................................................29
8.18. REG-4AH: GPIO CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................30
8.19. REG-5AH: JACK DETECT CONTROL ...........................................................................................................................30
8.20. REG-5CH: MISC1 CONTROL......................................................................................................................................31
8.21. REG-5EH: MISC2 CONTROL ......................................................................................................................................32
8.22. REG-68H: AVC CONTROL..........................................................................................................................................32
8.23. REG-6AH: PRIVATE REGISTER INDEX ........................................................................................................................33
8.24. REG-6CH: PRIVATE REGISTER DATA .........................................................................................................................33
8.25. PRIVATE-21H: AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 1 ...............................................................................................33
8.26. PRIVATE-22H: AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 2 ...............................................................................................33
8.27. PRIVATE-23H: AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 3 ...............................................................................................34
8.28. PRIVATE-24H: AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 4 ...............................................................................................34
8.29. PRIVATE-25H: AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 5 ...............................................................................................34
8.30. PRIVATE-39H: DIGITAL INTERNAL REGISTER ............................................................................................................35
8.31. REG-7CH: VENDOR ID 1 ............................................................................................................................................35
8.32. REG-7EH: VENDOR ID 2 ............................................................................................................................................35
9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........................................................................................................................36
9.1. DC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................36
9.1.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................................................................36
9.1.2. Recommended Operating Conditions ...................................................................................................................36
9.1.3. Static Characteristics ...........................................................................................................................................36
9.2. ANALOG PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................................................................................37
9.3. AC TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................................................38
9.3.1. I2C Control Interface............................................................................................................................................38
9.3.2. I2S/PCM Interface Master Mode ..........................................................................................................................39
9.3.3. I2S/PCM Interface Slave Mode.............................................................................................................................40
10. APPLICATION CIRCUITS .......................................................................................................................................41
11. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................42
12. ORDERING INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................43

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, iv Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

List of Tables
TABLE 1. DIGITAL I/O PINS ...........................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 2. ANALOG I/O PINS ...........................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 3. FILTER/REFERENCE PINS ................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 4. POWER/GROUND PINS ....................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 5. NOT CONNECTED PINS ...................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 6. RESET OPERATION .........................................................................................................................................................9
TABLE 7. POWER-ON RESET VOLTAGE .........................................................................................................................................9
TABLE 8. PLL CLOCK SETTING TABLE FOR 48K (UNIT: MHZ) ...................................................................................................10
TABLE 9. PLL CLOCK SETTING TABLE FOR 44.1K (UNIT: MHZ) ................................................................................................10
TABLE 10. MX00 SOFTWARE RESET .............................................................................................................................................20
TABLE 11. MX02 SPEAKER OUTPUT VOLUME ..............................................................................................................................20
TABLE 12. MX04 HEADPHONE OUTPUT VOLUME ........................................................................................................................20
TABLE 13. MX08 AUXILIARY INPUT VOLUME ..............................................................................................................................21
TABLE 14. MX0A LINE INPUT VOLUME ......................................................................................................................................21
TABLE 15. MX0C STEREO DAC DIGITAL VOLUME ......................................................................................................................22
TABLE 16. MX16 SOFT DELAY VOLUME CONTROL TIME.............................................................................................................22
TABLE 17. MX1C OUTPUT MIXER CONTROL ...............................................................................................................................23
TABLE 18. MX34 STEREO AUDIO SERIAL DATA PORT CONTROL .................................................................................................24
TABLE 19. MX38 STEREO DAC CLOCK CONTROL .......................................................................................................................24
TABLE 20. MX3A POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 1.................................................................................................................25
TABLE 21. HEADPHONE DRIVE ABILITY SELECTION .....................................................................................................................25
TABLE 22. MX3C POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 2 .................................................................................................................26
TABLE 23. MX3E POWER MANAGEMENT ADDITION 3 .................................................................................................................27
TABLE 24. MX40 GENERAL PURPOSE CONTROL ..........................................................................................................................27
TABLE 25. MX42 GLOBAL CLOCK CONTROL ...............................................................................................................................28
TABLE 26. MX44 PLL M/N CODE CONTROL................................................................................................................................29
TABLE 27. MX48 INTERNAL STATUS AND IRQ CONTROL ............................................................................................................29
TABLE 28. MX4A GPIO CONTROL ...............................................................................................................................................30
TABLE 29. MX5A JACK DETECT CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................30
TABLE 30. MX5C MISC1 CONTROL.............................................................................................................................................31
TABLE 31. MX5E MISC2 CONTROL .............................................................................................................................................32
TABLE 32. MX68 AVC CONTROL.................................................................................................................................................32
TABLE 33. MX6A PRIVATE REGISTER INDEX ...............................................................................................................................33
TABLE 34. MX6C PRIVATE REGISTER DATA ................................................................................................................................33
TABLE 35. PR21 AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 1...............................................................................................................33
TABLE 36. PR22 AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 2...............................................................................................................33
TABLE 37. PR23 AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 3...............................................................................................................34
TABLE 38. PR24 AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 4...............................................................................................................34
TABLE 39. PR25 AUTO VOLUME CONTROL REGISTER 5...............................................................................................................34
TABLE 40. PR39 DIGITAL INTERNAL REGISTER ............................................................................................................................35
TABLE 41. MX7C VENDOR ID 1 ...................................................................................................................................................35
TABLE 42. MX7E VENDOR ID 2 ...................................................................................................................................................35
TABLE 43. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ..................................................................................................................................36
TABLE 44. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................36
TABLE 45. THRESHOLD VOLTAGE .................................................................................................................................................36
TABLE 46. ANALOG PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................37
TABLE 47. I2C CONTROL INTERFACE TIMING................................................................................................................................38
TABLE 48. I2S MASTER MODE TIMING..........................................................................................................................................39
TABLE 49. I2S SLAVE MODE TIMING ............................................................................................................................................40
TABLE 50. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................43

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, v Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

List of Figures
FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM ..........................................................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 2. AUDIO MIXER PATH......................................................................................................................................................5
FIGURE 3. PIN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 4. DATA TRANSFER OVER I2C CONTROL INTERFACE ......................................................................................................11
FIGURE 5. WRITE WORD PROTOCOL ..........................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 6. READ WORD PROTOCOL ...........................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 10. I2S DATA FORMAT (SEL_I2S_DATA_FORMAT=00’B) ..................................................................................................13
FIGURE 12. AVC BLOCK OF DAC MODULE..................................................................................................................................18
FIGURE 13. AVC BEHAVIOR .........................................................................................................................................................18
FIGURE 14. ZERO CROSS DISABLED WHEN OUTPUT MUTED .........................................................................................................19
FIGURE 15. ZERO CROSS ENABLED WHEN OUTPUT MUTED ..........................................................................................................19
FIGURE 16. GLOBAL CLOCK CONTROL .........................................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 17. I2C CONTROL INTERFACE WAVEFORM .......................................................................................................................38
FIGURE 18. I2S MASTER MODE WAVEFORM .................................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 19. I2S SLAVE MODE WAVEFORM ....................................................................................................................................40
FIGURE 20. APPLICATION CIRCUITS ..............................................................................................................................................41

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, vi Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

1. General Description
The ALC5627 is a highly-integrated I2S/PCM interface audio DAC with multiple input/output ports, and is
designed for multimedia handheld devices. It provides a Stereo Hi-Fi DAC for playback via the I2S/PCM
To reduce component count, the ALC5627 can connect to:
• LINEIN_L/R stereo Single-Ended analog inputs that can be configured to Differential analog input
• AUXIN_L/R stereo Single-Ended analog inputs that can be configured to Differential analog input
• Single-Ended stereo Headphone
• MONO Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) Speaker
Multiple analog input and output pins are provided for seamless integration with analog connected wireless
communication devices. Differential input/output connections efficiently reduce noise interference,
providing better sound quality. Class-D amplifiers can be directly connected to an up to 2.4 Watt Mono
Speaker, removing the need for an additional amplifier, further cutting both cost and required board area.
The ALC5627 AVDD operates at supply voltages from 2.3V to 3.6V. DCVDD and DBVDD operate from
1.8 to 3.6V, and SPKVDD operates from 2.3 to 5V. To extend battery life, each section of the ALC5627 can
be powered down individually under software control. Leakage current in maximum power saving state is
less than 10µA.
The ALC5627 is available in a 5x5mm ‘Green’ QFN-32 package, making it ideal for use in handheld
portable systems.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 1 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

2. Features
„ Digital-to-Analog Converter with 100dB SNR, and –86dB THD+N at 3.3V

„ Two analog stereo single-ended or one stereo differential input, LINEIN_L/R and AUXIN_L/R

„ BTL (Bridge-Tied Load) Class-D Speaker output with on-chip 2.4W speaker driver (SPKVDD=5V,
4Ω load)

„ Supports playback soft-mute, digital volume, digital AVC

„ Stereo headphone output with on-chip 45mW headphone driver (AVDD=3.3V, 16Ω load)

„ Supports pop noise suppression with external capacitor

„ Speaker amplifier power supplies from 2.3V to 5V

„ Digital power supplies from 1.8V to 3.6V

„ Analog power and headphone power supplied from 2.3V to 3.6V

„ Power management and enhanced power saving

„ Internal PLL can receive wide range of clock input

„ Supports sampling rate 8KHz ~ 192KHz

„ Supports I2C control interface

„ Supports three programmable data interfaces

‹ I2S, left justified, or DSP
‹ 16/20/24 bits word length
‹ Master or Slave clock mode

„ 32-pin QFN 5x5mm package for small footprint

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 2 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

3. System Applications
„ Portable media player

„ MP3 player

„ Bluetooth A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) headsets

„ Portable Navigation Device (PND)

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 3 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

4. Block Diagram
4.1. Function Block

Figure 1. Block Diagram

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 4 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

4.2. Audio Mixer Path

Figure 2. Audio Mixer Path

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 5 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

5. Pin Assignments






LI N E _I N _ R/J D 2

LI N E _I N _ L/J D 1



Figure 3. Pin Assignments

5.1. Green Package and Version Identification

Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 3.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 6 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

6. Pin Description
6.1. Digital I/O
Table 1. Digital I/O Pins
Pin Name Type Pin No Description Characteristic Definition
LRCK IO 7 Digital Audio Input Frame Sync Schmitt Trigger Input, Output
BCLK IO 8 Digital Audio Serial Clock Schmitt Trigger Input, Output
A1 I 9 I2C Address A1, Must Be Directly -
Connected to VCC or GND
SDAC I 10 Digital Audio Serial Data Input Schmitt Trigger Input
MCLK I 11 Main Clock Input Schmitt Trigger Input
GPIO IO 15 General Purpose I/O, IR Remote Output Schmitt Trigger Input, Output
SCLK I 16 I2C: Clock Input Schmitt Trigger Input
SDA IO 17 I2C: Data Input and Output Schmitt Trigger Input, Output

6.2. Analog I/O

Table 2. Analog I/O Pins
Pin Name Type Pin No Description Characteristic Definition
LINE_IN_L/JD1 I 3 Line Input Left Channel/Jack Detect 1 Analog Input
LINE_IN_R/JD2 I 6 Line Input Right Channel/Jack Detect 2 Analog Input
AUXIN_L I 19 Aux Input Left Channel Analog Input
AUXIN_R I 20 Aux Input Right Channel Analog Input
SPK_OUT O 23 Speaker Out Left Channel or Positive Out Speaker Amplifier Output
SPK_OUT_N O 25 Speaker Out Right Channel, Negative Speaker Amplifier Output
Right Channel, or Negative Output
HP_OUT_R O 29 Headphone Out Left Channel Analog Amplifier Output
HP_OUT_L O 30 Headphone Out Right Channel Analog Amplifier Output

6.3. Filter/Reference
Table 3. Filter/Reference Pins
Pin Name Type Pin No Description Characteristic Definition
Cdepop IO 18 De-Pop Capacitor, Connect 1µF Capacitor Capacitor to Analog Ground
to Analog GND
VREF O 27 Reference Voltage Output, Connect 4.7µF Capacitor to Analog Ground
Capacitor to Analog GND
VMID O 32 Reference Voltage Output, Connect 4.7µF Capacitor to Analog Ground
Capacitor to Analog GND

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 7 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

6.4. Power/Ground
Table 4. Power/Ground Pins
Pin Name Type Pin No Description Characteristic Definition
DGND P 12 Digital GND -
DCVDD P 13 Digital VDD 1.8V~3.6V (Core)
DBVDD P 14 Digital VDD 1.8V~3.6V (IO Buffer)
SPKGND P 24 Speaker Amplifier GND -
SPKVDD P 26 Speaker Amplifier VDD 2.3V~5V
AGND P 28 Analog GND -
AVDD P 31 Analog VDD 2.3V~3.6V
SPKGND P Exposed Pad Speaker Amplifier GND -
Must be Connected to System DGND

6.5. Not Connected

Table 5. Not Connected Pins
Pin Name Type Pin No Description Characteristic Definition
NC - 1, 2, 4, 5, 21, 22 Not Connected -

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 8 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7. Functional Description
7.1. Power
The ALC5627 has many power blocks. The power supplier limit conditions are DBVDD ≥ DCVDD and
SPKVDD ≥ AVDD ≥ DCVDD. To prevent pop noise, we suggest that you power on DCVDD before
powering on AVDD.

7.2. Reset
There are two type of reset operation: Power-On-Reset (POR) and Register reset.
Table 6. Reset Operation
Reset Type Trigger Condition Codec Response
POR Monitor Digital Power Supply Voltage Reach Reset all hardware logic and all registers to default
VPOR values.
Register Reset Write Reg00 Reset all registers to default values.

7.2.1. Power-On Reset (POR)

When power is on, DCVDD passes through the VPOR band of the ALC5627 (VPORH~VPORL). A Power-On
Reset (POR) will generate an internal reset signal (POR reset ‘LOW’) to reset the whole chip.
Table 7. Power-On Reset Voltage
Symbol Min Typical Max Unit
VPOR_ON 1.0 - 1.6 V
VPOR_OFF - 1.3 - V
Note: The VPOR_OFF must below VPOR_ON.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 9 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.3. Clocking
The ALC5627 supports an external oscillator as internal system clock. The audio system clock can be
selected from MCLK or PLL. If an external oscillator is applied, 256/384/512/768Fs is required from
MCLK. If using internal PLL as audio internal clock, set the PLL output to 512Fs.
A Phase-Lock Loop (PLL) is used to provide a flexible input clock from 2.048MHz (64Fs of 32KHz) to
40MHz. Typical choices are 2.048MHz, 4.096MHz, and 13MHz. The source of the PLL can be set to
MCLK or BCLK by setting sel_pll_sour (Reg42[14]). F/W can setup PLL to output the desired frequency
as the system clock.
The PLL transmit formula is: FOUT = (MCLK*(N+2)) / ((M+2)*(K+2)) (Typical K=2)
Table 8. PLL Clock Setting Table for 48K (Unit: MHz)
MCLK M Code N Code Fvco K Code Fout
2.048 0 94 98.304 2 24.576
3.6864 1 78 98.304 2 24.576
4.096 0 46 98.304 2 24.576
12 14 129 98.25 2 24.5625
13 14 119 98.3125 2 24.57812
15.36 3 30 98.304 2 24.576
16 5 41 98.28571 2 24.57143
19.2 15 85 98.25882 2 24.5647
19.68 0 8 98.4 2 24.6

Table 9. PLL Clock Setting Table for 44.1K (Unit: MHz)

MCLK M Code N Code Fvco K Code Fout
2.048 0 86 90.112 2 22.528
3.6864 0 47 90.3168 2 22.5792
4.096 9 241 90.48436 2 22.62109
12 15 126 90.35294 2 22.58824
13 15 116 90.23529 2 22.55882
15.36 15 98 90.35294 2 22.58824
16 12 77 90.28571 2 22.57143
19.2 15 78 90.35294 2 22.58824
19.68 15 76 90.29647 2 22.57412

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 10 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.4. I2C Control Interface

I2C is a 2-wire half-duplex serial communication interface, supporting only slave mode. The host must
support MCLK during register access.

7.4.1. Addressing Setting

0 0 1 1 0 0 A1 RW
Note: A1 must be directly connected to VCC or GND.

7.4.2. Complete Data Transfer

Data Transfer over I2C Control Interface

Figure 4. Data Transfer Over I2C Control Interface

Write WORD Protocol

Figure 5. Write WORD Protocol

Read WORD Protocol

S: Start Condition A: 0 for ACK, 1 for NACK

Slave Address: 7-bit Device Address Data Byte: 16-bit Mixer data
Wr: 0 for Write Command …: Master-to-Slave
Rd: 1 for Read Command …: Slave-to-Master
Command Code: 8-bit Register Address
Figure 6. Read WORD Protocol

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 11 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.4.3. Odd-Addressed Register Access

The ALC5627 will return ‘0000h’ when odd-addressed and unimplemented registers are read.

7.5. Digital Data Interface

7.5.1. I2S/PCM Interface
The Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) serial data is input via the SDAC pin. The serial data is shifted in
on the rising edge of BCLK (ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=0’b) or the falling edge (ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=1’b).
The Left/Right Clock (LRCK) signal is the frame sync signal. Left/Right data can be swapped by
The ALC5627 I2S/PCM interface can be configured as Master mode or Slave mode. In Master mode
(sel_i2s_mode=0’b), BCLK and LRCK are configured as output. In Slave mode (sel_i2s_mode=1’b),
BCLK and LRCK are configured as input. The MCLK provides BCLK synchronized clock externally as
Stereo System Clock.
The ALC5627 supports three independent I2S/PCM interfaces for Stereo Audio data formats:
• PCM/DSP mode
• Left justified mode
• I2S mode

Figure 7. PCM Stereo Data Mode A Format-1 (sel_i2s_data_format=10’b, ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=0’b)

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 12 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

Figure 8. PCM Stereo Data Mode A Format-2 (sel_i2s_data_format=10’b, ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=1’b)

Figure 9. PCM Stereo Data Mode B Format (sel_i2s_data_format=11’b, ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=0’b)

Figure 10. I2S Data Format (sel_i2s_data_format=00’b)

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 13 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

Figure 11. Left-Justified Data Format (sel_i2s_data_format=01’b, ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity=0’b)

7.6. Analog Signal Path

7.6.1. Line Input
LINE_IN_L and LINE_IN_R provide 2-channel stereo single-ended inputs that can be mixed into any
analog output mixer. In addition, LINE_IN_L and LINE_IN_R can be configured as mono channel
differential input by en_li_diff, which can only output to the HP mixer.
• LINE_IN_L/R volume and mute are controlled by Reg0A.
• sel_li_l_vol and sel_li_r_vol can be used to power down LINE_IN volume control.
• LINE_IN_L is pin shared with JD1 and can be configured by sel_jd_source.
• LINE_IN_R is pin shared with JD2 and can be configured by sel_jd_source.

7.6.2. Auxiliary Input

AUXIN_L and AUXIN_R provide 2-channel stereo single-ended input that can be mixed into any analog
output mixer. In addition, AUXIN_L and AUXIN_R can be configured as mono channel differential input
by en_auxi_diff, which can only output to the HP mixer.
• AUXIN_L/R volume and mute are controlled by Reg08.
• sel_auxi_l_vol and sel_auxi_r_vol can be used to power down AUXIN_L/R volume control.

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.6.3. Speaker Output

SPK_OUT provides one-channel differential output and can be configured to dual single-ended output.
The SPK_OUT source is selected in sel_spk_vol_in as below:
• No Input (VMID)
• Headphone mixer
• Speaker mixer
The ALC5627 Speaker-out supports a Class-D type amplifier. As the power voltage of SPKVDD is usually
higher than AVDD, it must set Class-D VMID ratio at spk_ampd_ratio_clsd in order to extend the output
The SPK_OUT volume and mute are controlled by Reg02. Reg3E[12]: pow_spk_vol can be used to power
down Speaker output. Reg3C[14]: pow_clsd is used to power down the Class-D amplifier.
SPK_OUT supports ‘Soft Volume Delay Mute’ and ‘Zero-Crossing Detect’ functions which can be
enabled by Reg5C[15]:en_sp_l_dezero, Reg5C[14]:en_sp_l_softvol, Reg5C[13]:en_sp_r_dezero, and

7.6.4. Headphone Output

HP_OUT_L/R provides 2-channel single-ended output. The source of HP_OUT_L/R can be selected from
sel_hp_l_in & sel_hp_r_in as below.
• Headphone mixer
The HP_OUT_L/R volume and mute are controlled by Reg04. Besides, Reg3E[10]: pow_hp_l_vol and
Reg3E[9]: pow_hp_r_vol can be used to power down the HP output volume.
HP_OUT supports ‘Soft Volume Delay Mute’ and ‘Zero-Crossing Detect’ functions which can be enabled
by Reg5C[11]:en_hp_l_dezero, Reg5C[10]:en_hp_l_softvol, Reg5C[9]:en_hp_r_dezero, and
HP_OUT_L/R source can be selected from DAC Stereo output (Reg1C[1]: en_dac_hp) for high quality
performance playback.

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.6.5. Stereo DAC

The stereo DAC can be configured to different sample rates by driving 256Fs/384Fs into audio SYSCLK,
and individual set to sel_i2s_bclk_ms (Reg38[12]).
dac_l_vol & dac_r_vol can be used to control the DAC output volume.

7.6.6. Headphone Mixer

The headphone (HP) mixer is used to drive stereo output, including HP_OUT_L/R and SPK_OUT (P/N)
The following signals can be mixed into the headphone mixer:
• LINE_IN_L/R (Controlled by Reg0A)
• AUXIN_L/R (Controlled by Reg08)
• Stereo DAC output (Controlled by Reg0C)
When the SPK_OUT source is from HP mixer, SPK_OUT can be configured to stereo single-ended or
mono differential output by setting spkon_source_clsd (Reg1C[15:14]). The headphone mixer can be
powered down by setting pow_mix_hp_l (Reg3C[5]) & pow_mix_hp_r (Reg3C[4]).

7.6.7. Speaker Mixer

The speaker (SPK) mixer is used to drive SPK_OUT.
The following signals can be mixed into the speaker mixer:
• LINE_IN_L/R (Controlled by Reg0A)
• AUXIN_L/R (Controlled by Reg08)
• Stereo DAC output (Controlled by Reg0C)
Note: The speaker mixer can be powered down by setting pow_mix_spk (Reg3C[3]).

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.7. Power Management

The ALC5627 supports detailed Power Management control registers within Reg3A, 3C, and 3E. Each
particular block will be active only when individual bits of Reg3A, 3C, and 3E are set to enable.

7.8. GPIO and Jack Detect (JD) Function

7.8.1. GPIO Interface
The ALC5627 supports one GPIO that can be configured as Input/Output by Reg4A[3]: sel_gpio_io. When
GPIO is configured as Input, The status will be indicated in Reg4A[0]:status_gpio_in. When GPIO is
configured as Output, Reg4A[2]:sel_gpio_o_logic is used to drive GPIO to High (1’b) or Low (0’b), and
the status can be read in Reg4A[0]:status_gpio_in.
GPIO input polarity can be changed by setting Reg4A[1]:sel_polarity_gpio, and setting Reg48 in order to
generate the interrupt (IRQ).
The ALC5627 supports Jack Detect (JD1/JD2/GPIO) to switch ON/OFF the Analog Output (Headphone
Out and Speaker Out) and Mute (VMID). JD1 and JD2 can be pin-shared from LINE_IN_L/R, and are used
to enable specified Analog Output configured in the Reg5A Jack Detect Control Register.
In addition, GPIO can be configured to PLLOUT or IRQ_Output by setting Reg4A.

7.8.2. Interrupt
Independent of GPIOs, some Internal Event Signals (over-temperature or over-current) are handled the
same as GPIO input, and can be treated as Interrupts sources. The application of an Internal Event Signal is
the same as GPIO.

7.9. Headphone Depop

The ALC5627 provides a headphone depop mechanism in order to eliminate the pop noise of headphone
out. An external 1µF Capacitor is required in this application. Refer to the ALC5627 Application Notes
(separate document) for details.

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.10. AVC Control

The Automatic Volume Control (AVC) function dynamically adjusts the input signal quantized by the
DAC to an expected sound level by setting THmax and THmin.
When the average level of input signal quantized by the DAC is higher than THmax, the AVC will decrease
the selected analog gain to attenuate the quantized Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) signal to a lower
amplitude than THmax. When the average level of input signal quantized by DAC is lower than THmin, the
AVC will increase the selected analog gain to amplify the input signal. The quantized PCM signal is then
set to a higher amplitude than THmin. The quantized PCM has an average level between THmin and
In order to avoid outputting a strong amplified signal when the gain detector input level is transiting from a
very small signal to a normal signal, the AVC block will limit the selected analog gain to unit gain (=0dB)
when the input level of the gain detector is lower than THnonact.

Figure 12. AVC Block of DAC Module

Figure 13. AVC Behavior

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

7.11. Zero Cross

When Zero-Cross detect is enabled, the ALC5627 will change each output volume or mute only if the
signal swing crosses the zero point. This function can avoid pop noise when volume is changed or muted.

Figure 14. Zero Cross Disabled when Output Muted

Figure 15. Zero Cross Enabled when Output Muted

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8. Register Descriptions
8.1. Reg-00h: Software Reset
Default: 0003’h
Table 10. MX00 Software Reset
Name Bits RW Default Description
id 15:8 R 00’h Chip ID
Reserved 7:0 R 03’h Reserved

8.2. Reg-02h: Speaker Output Volume

Default: 9F9F’h
Table 11. MX02 Speaker Output Volume
Name Bits RW Default Description
mute_sp_l 15 RW 1’h Mute Speaker Output Positive/Negative
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
Reserved 14:13 R 0’h Reserved
sel_sp_l_vol 12:8 RW 1F’h SPK Left Output Volume (SPKL[4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps
mute_sp_r 7 RW 1’h Mute SPK Right Channel
Reg1C[15:14] = 01’b, Mute by Reg02[15]
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
Reserved 6:5 R 0’h Reserved
sel_sp_r_vol 4:0 RW 1F’h SPK Right Output Volume (SPKR[4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps
Note: For SPKR/SPKL: 00h: 0dB attenuation.
1Fh: 46.5dB attenuation.

8.3. Reg-04h: Headphone Output Volume

Default: 9F9F’h
Table 12. MX04 Headphone Output Volume
Name Bits RW Default Description
mute_hp_l 15 RW 1’h Mute Left Headphone Amp Control
0: On 1: Mute Left Channel (-∞ dB)
Reserved 14:13 R 0’h Reserved
sel_hp_l_vol 12:8 RW 1F’h Headphone Output Left Volume (HPL[4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps
mute_hp_r 7 RW 1’h Mute Right Headphone Amp Control
0: On 1: Mute Left Channel (-∞ dB)
Reserved 6:5 R 0’h Reserved
sel_hp_r_vol 4:0 RW 1F’h Headphone Output Right Volume (HPR[4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps
Note: For HPR/HPL: 00h: 0dB attenuation.
1Fh: 46.5dB attenuation.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 20 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.4. Reg-08h: Auxiliary Input Volume

Default: C8C8’h
Table 13. MX08 Auxiliary Input Volume
Name Bits RW Default Description
mute_auxil2hp 15 RW 1’h Mute AUXIN Left Volume Output to Headphone Left Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute
mute_auxil2spk 14 RW 1’h Mute AUXIN Left Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute
Reserved 13 R 0’h Reserved
sel_auxi_l_vol 12:8 RW 08’h AUXIN Left Volume (AUXLV [4..0]) in 1.5dB Step
mute_auxir2hp 7 RW 1’h Mute AUXIN Right Volume Output to Headphone Right Mixer Control*
0: On 1: Mute
mute_auxir2spk 6 RW 1’h Mute AUXIN Right Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control*
0: On 1: Mute
en_auxi_diff 5 RW 0’h AUXIN Differential Input Control
0: Disable 1: Enable. Only output to HP right mixer
sel_auxi_r_vol 4:0 RW 8’h AUXIN Right Volume (AUXIRV [4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps*
Note: For AUXIRV/AUXI LV: 00h: +12dB gain.
08h: 0dB attenuation.
1Fh: 34.5dB attenuation.
Note: ‘*’ indicates no function when Reg-08[5] = 1’b.

8.5. Reg-0Ah: LINE Input Volume

Default: C8C8’h
Table 14. MX0A LINE Input Volume
Name Bits RW Default Description
mute_lil2hp 15 RW 1’h Mute Left Volume Output to Headphone Left Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute
mute_lil2spk 14 RW 1’h Mute Left Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute
Reserved 13 R 0’h Reserved
sel_li_l_vol 12:8 RW 08’h Line-In Left Volume (NLV[4..0]) in 1.5dB Step
mute_lir2hp 7 RW 1’h Mute Right Volume Output to Headphone Right Mixer Control*
0: On 1: Mute
mute_lir2spk 6 RW 1’h Mute Right Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control*
0: On 1: Mute
en_li_diff 5 RW 0’h Line-In Differential Input Control
0: Disable 1: Enable. Only output to HP left mixer
sel_li_r_vol 4:0 RW 08’h Line-In Right Volume (NRV[4..0]) in 1.5dB Steps*
Note: For NRV/NLV: 00h: +12dB gain.
08h: 0dB attenuation.
1Fh: 34.5dB attenuation.
Note: ‘*’ indicates no function when Reg-0A[5] = 1’b.

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.6. Reg-0Ch: Stereo DAC Digital Volume

Default: FFFF’h
Table 15. MX0C Stereo DAC Digital Volume
Name Bits RW Default Description
mute_dacl2hp 15 RW 1’h Mute DAC Left Channel Digital Volume Output to Headphone Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
mute_dacl2spk 14 RW 1’h Mute DAC Left Channel Digital Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
dac_l_vol 13:8 RW 3F’h DAC Left Channel Digital Volume (PLV[5..0]) in 0.75dB Steps
mute_dacr2hp 7 RW 1’h Mute Right Channel DAC Digital Volume Output to Headphone Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
mute_dacr2spk 6 RW 1’h Mute Right Channel DAC Digital Volume Output to Speaker Mixer Control
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
dac_r_vol 5:0 RW 3F’h DAC Right Channel Digital Volume (PRV[5..0]) in 0.75dB Steps
Note: For PRV/PLV: 00h: +12dB gain.
10h: 0dB attenuation.
3Fh: 35.25dB attenuation.

8.7. Reg-16h: Soft Delay Volume Control Time

Default: 0009’h
Table 16. MX16 Soft Delay Volume Control Time
Name Bits
RW Default Description
Reserved 15:4 R 0’h Reserved
sel_sync_softvol 3:0RW 1001’b Soft Volume Change Delay Time (Default=1001b)
0000: 1 SVSYNC 0001: 2 SVSYNC
0010: 4 SVSYNC 0011: 8 SVSYNC
0100: 16 SVSYNC 0101: 32 SVSYNC
0110: 64 SVSYNC 0111: 128 SVSYNC
1000: 256 SVSYNC 1001: 512 SVSYNC
1010: 1024 SVSYNC Others: Reserved
Note: SVSYNC=1/Fs, Step: -1.5dBFS.

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.8. Reg-1Ch: Output Mixer Control

Default: 8004’h
Table 17. MX1C Output Mixer Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
spkon_source_clsd 15:14 RW 2’h
Reg1C Any Mixer to SPKOUT
Control Control
Config Config
Register Register
00'b VOL_LP Reg02[15:8] VOL_RN Reg02[7:0]
01'b VOL_LP Reg02[15:8] VOL_RP Reg02[7:0]
10'b VOL_LP Reg02[15:8] VOL_LN Reg02[15:8]

Reserved 13:12 R 0’h Reserved

sel_spk_vol_in 11:10 RW 00’h SPK Volume Output Source Select
00: VMID (No input) 01: HP Mixer
10: Speaker mixer (diff out) 11: Reserved
sel_hp_l_in 9 RW 0’h HPL Volume Output Source Select
0: VMID (No input) 1: HP Left Mixer
sel_hp_r_in 8 RW 0’h HPR Volume Output Source Select
0: VMID (No input) 1: HP Right Mixer
Reserved 7:3 R 0’b Reserved
en_spk_vol_diff 2 RW 1’h SPK Volume Differential Negative Signal Output Enable
0: Disable negative signal 1: Enable negative signal
en_dac_hp 1 RW 0’b DAC Direct Output to HP Amplifier Control
0: Normal 1: Enable direct output
Reserved 0 R 0’b Reserved

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.9. Reg-34h: Stereo Audio Serial Data Port Control

Default: 8000’h
Table 18. MX34 Stereo Audio Serial Data Port Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_i2s_mode 15 RW 1’h Main Serial Data Port Mode Selection
0: Master 1: Slave
Reserved 14:8 R 0’h Reserved
ctrl_i2s_bclk_polarity 7 RW 0’h Stereo I2S BCLK Polarity Control
0: Normal 1: Invert
Reserved 6:5 R 0’h Reserved
en_dac_lrck_swap 4 RW 0’h DAC Data L/R Swap
0: DAC data appear at left phase of LRCK
1: DAC data appear at right phase of LRCK
Note: Support to I2S & PCM.
sel_i2s_data_len 3:2 RW 0’h Data Length Selection
00: 16 bits 01: 20 bits
10: 24 bits 11: Reserved
sel_i2s_data_format 1:0 RW 0’h Stereo PCM Data Format Selection
00: I2S format
01: Left justified
10: PCM Mode A (LRCK One Plus at Master Mode)
11: PCM Mode B (LRCK One Plus at Master Mode)

8.10. Reg-38h: Stereo DAC Clock Control

Default: 2000’h
Table 19. MX38 Stereo DAC Clock Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_i2s_pre_div 15:13 RW 1’h I2S Pre-Divider
000b: ÷1 001b: ÷2
010b: ÷4 011b: ÷8
100b: ÷16 101b: ÷32
Others: Reserved
sel_i2s_bclk_ms 12 RW 0’b Master Mode Clock Relative of BCLK and LRCK
0b: 32bits (64FS)
1b: 16bits (32FS)
Reserved 11:3 R 0’h Reserved
sel_dac_filter_clk 2 RW 0’b Stereo DAC Filter Clock Select
0b: 256Fs
1b: 384Fs
Reserved 1:0 R 0’h Reserved

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.11. Reg-3Ah: Power Management Addition 1

Default: 0000’h
Table 20. MX3A Power Management Addition 1
Name Bits RW Default Description
en_main_i2s 15 RW 0’h I2S Digital Interface Enable
0: Disable
1: Enable
pow_zcd 14 RW 0’h All Zero Cross Detect Power Down (Include Digital)
0: Disable
1: Enable
Reserved 13:9 R 0’h Reserved
pow_softgen 8 RW 0’h Power on Softgen
1: Power on
0: Power down
Note: When pow_softgen=1, whether the HP can be driven depends
on the level on Cdepop (depneds on depop mode selection)
Reserved 7:6 R 0’h Reserved
en_hp_out_amp 5 RW 0’h 1: Enable HP Output buffer for normal loading (used to drive High
0: Disable (DPOP mode)
en_hp_enhance_amp 4 RW 0’h 1: Enable HP Enhance Output buffer
0: Disable (DPOP mode or normal loading mode)
Reserved 3:0 R 0’h Reserved

The following table describes Bit 4 & Bit 5:

Table 21. Headphone Drive Ability Selection
en_hp_out_amp en_hp_enhance_amp Description
0’b 0’b HP Output Off
0’b 1’b Not Used
1’b 0’b HP Output for High-Impedance Loading (>KOhm)
1’b 1’b HP Output for Low-Impedance Loading (<100Ohm)

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.12. Reg-3Ch: Power Management Addition 2

Default: 0000’h
Table 22. MX3C Power Management Addition 2
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15 R 0’h Reserved
pow_clsd 14 RW 0’b 0: Disable
1: Enable All Class-D Power
pow_vref 13 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable VREF for All analog circuit (control to Vref pin)
pow_pll 12 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable PLL
pow_thermal 11 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable thermal shutdown (temp sensor)
pow_dac_ref 10 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable DAC reference circuit (Vref+/Vref-)
pow_dac_l 9 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable left STEREO DAC and its filter clock
pow_dac_r 8 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable right STEREO DAC and its filter clock
pow_dacl2mixer_direct 7 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable left DAC to mixer and direct path power
pow_dacr2mixer_direct 6 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable Right DAC to mixer and direct path power
pow_mix_hp_l 5 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable left headphone mixer
pow_mix_hp_r 4 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable right headphone mixer
pow_mix_spk 3 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable Speaker mixer
Reserved 2:0 R 0’h Reserved

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.13. Reg-3Eh: Power Management Addition 3

Default: 0000’h
Table 23. MX3E Power Management Addition 3
Name Bits RW Default Description
pow_main_bias 15 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable Main bias of analog circuit
Reserved 14:13 R 0’h Reserved
pow_spk_vol 12 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable SPK_OUT output
Note: Power speaker volume controls the Class-D speaker output.
Reserved 11 R 0’h Reserved
pow_hp_l_vol 10 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable HP_OUT_L Volume control & HP_L Amplifier
pow_hp_r_vol 9 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable HP_OUT_R Volume control & HP_R Amplifier
Reserved 8 R 0’h Reserved
pow_li_l_vol 7 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable LINE_IN Left Volume control
pow_li_r_vol 6 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable LINE_IN Right Volume control
pow_auxin_l_vol 5 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable AUXIN Left Volume control
pow_auxin_r_vol 4 RW 0’h 0: Disable
1: Enable AUXIN Right Volume control
Reserved 3:0 R 0’h Reserved

8.14. Reg-40h: General Purpose Control

Default: 0100’h
Table 24. MX40 General Purpose Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15:12 R 0’h Reserved
spk_ampd_ratio_clsd 11:9 RW 0’h Speaker Class-D Amplifier VMID Ratio Control (Output Gain
000: 2.25Vdd 001: 2.00Vdd
010: 1.75Vdd 011: 1.5Vdd
100: 1.25Vdd 101: 1Vdd
Others: Not allowed
en_dac_hpf 8 RW 1’h STEREO DAC High Pass Filter
0: Disable 1: Enable
Reserved 7:0 R 0’h Reserved

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.15. Reg-42h: Global Clock Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 25. MX42 Global Clock Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_sysclk 15 RW 0’h Clock Source MUX Control
1: PLL
sel_pll_sour 14 RW 0’h PLL Source Select
0: From MCLK
1: From BIT_CLK
Reserved 13:3 R 0’h Reserved
sel_pllout_div_ratio 2:1 RW 0’b PLL Output Division Ratio
PLL output to GPIO divider
00: ÷1
01: ÷2
10: ÷4
11: ÷8
sel_pll_pre_div 0 RW 0’b PLL Pre Divider
0b: ÷1
1b: ÷2


Figure 16. Global Clock Control

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.16. Reg-44h: PLL M/N Code Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 26. MX44 PLL M/N Code Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_pll_n_code 15:8 RW 00’h N[7:0] Code for Analog PLL
00000000: Div 2 00000001: Div 3
…………... 11111111: Div 257
sel_pll_m_bypass 7 RW 0’h Bypass PLL M
0b: No bypass 1b: Bypass
sel_pll_k_code 6:4 RW 0’h K[2:0] Code for Analog PLL
000: Div 2 001: Div 3
…………... 111: Div 9
sel_pll_m_code 3:0 RW 0’h M[3:0] Code for Analog PLL
0000: Div 2 0001: Div 3
…………… 1111: Div 17

8.17. Reg-48h: Internal Status and IRQ Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 27. MX48 Internal Status and IRQ Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
en_irq_over_curr 15 RW 0’h IRQ Output Source Configure of Over Current Status
0: Bypass 1: Normal
en_irq_over_temp 14 RW 0’h IRQ Output Source Configure of Over-Temperature Status
0: Bypass 1: Normal
en_irq_jd_conf 13 RW 0’h IRQ Output Source Configure of Jack Detection Status
0: Bypass 1: Normal
Reserved 12:6 R 0’h Reserved
sel_polarity_over_temp 5 RW 0’h Over-Temperature Sensor Status Polarity
0: Normal 1: Output Invert
status_over_temp 4 R 0’h Over-Temperature Sensor Status
Read: Return status of each status pin
Reserved 3:2 R 0’h Reserved
sel_polarity_over_curr 1 RW 0’h Speaker Amplifier Over Current Status Polarity
0: Normal 1: Output Invert
status_over_curr 0 R 0’h Speaker Amplifier Over Current Status
Read: Return status of each status pin

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.18. Reg-4Ah: GPIO Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 28. MX4A GPIO Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_gpio_o_conf 15:14 RW 0’h GPIO Output Pin Select
00b: Logic Output (GPIO_out_logic)
01b: IRQ
10b: Reserved
Reserved 13:4 R 0’h Reserved
sel_gpio_io 3 RW 0’h GPIO Pin Configuration
0: Output
1: Input
sel_gpio_o_logic 2 RW 0’h GPIO Output Pin Control
0: Drive Low 1: Drive High
sel_polarity_gpio 1 RW 0’h GPIO Pin Polarity
0: Normal
1: Output Invert
status_gpio_in 0 R 0’h GPIO Pin Status
Read: Return status of each GPIO pin

8.19. Reg-5Ah: Jack Detect Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 29. MX5A Jack Detect Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
SEL_JD_SOURCE 15:14 RW 0’h Jack Detect Select
00: OFF
01: GPIO
10: JD1 and enable Line in Left Ch. pin share
11: JD2 and enable Line in Right Ch. pin share
en_jd_vref 13 RW 0’b Enable Jack Detect Trigger Vref
0: Disable 1: Enable
polarity_jd_tri_vref 12 RW 0’b Selected Jack Detect Polarity Trigger Vref
0: Low trigger 1: High trigger
en_jd_hpout 11 RW 0’h Enable Jack Detect Trigger HPOUT
0: Disable 1: Enable
polarity_jd_tri_hpout 10 RW 0’h Select Jack Detect Polarity Trigger HPOUT
0: Low trigger 1: High trigger
en_jd_spkout 9 RW 0’h Enable Jack Detect Trigger SPKOUT
0: Disable 1: Enable
polarity_jd_tri_spkout 8 RW 0’h Select Jack Detect Polarity Trigger SPKOUT
0: Low trigger 1: High trigger
Reserved 7:4 R 0’b Reserved

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Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier
Name Bits RW Default Description
polarity_jd_out 3 RW 0’h Jack Detect Polarity
0: Normal 1: Output Invert
status_jd_internal 2 R 0’h Jack Detect Status
Read: Return status of Jack Detect Select output
Reserved 1:0 R 0’b Reserved

8.20. Reg-5Ch: MISC1 Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 30. MX5C MISC1 Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
en_sp_l_dezero 15 RW 0’h SPK Volume Zero Cross Detector Control
(SPK Left Volume Zero Cross Detector when Reg1C[15:14] = 01’b)
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_sp_l_softvol 14 RW 0’h SPK Soft Volume Change Enable
(SPK Left Soft Volume Change Enable when Reg1C[15:14] = 01’b)
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_sp_r_dezero 13 RW 0’h SPK Right Zero Cross Detector
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_sp_r_softvol 12 RW 0’h SPK Right Soft Volume Change Enable
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_hp_l_dezero 11 RW 0’h HP Out Left Zero Cross Detector Control
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_hp_l_softvol 10 RW 0’h HP Out Left Soft Volume Change Control
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_hp_r_dezero 9 RW HP Out Right Zero Cross Detector Control
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_hp_r_softvol 8 RW HP Out Right Soft Volume Control
0: Disable 1: Enable
Reserved 7:4 R 0’h Reserved
en_dac_zc 3 RW 0’b Enable DAC Digital Volume Zero Crossing Detect
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_dac_soft_vol 2 RW 0’b Enable DAC Digital Soft Volume
0: Disable 1: Enable
Reserved 1:0 R 0’h Reserved
Note: When zero cross detector is enabled, change mute volume only on zero crossing or after timeout.

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 31 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.21. Reg-5Eh: MISC2 Control

Default: 0000’h
Table 31. MX5E MISC2 Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
en_vref_fastb 15 RW 0’b Enable Fast Vref (This Bit must be Disabled in Normal Use)
0: Enable fast Vref 1: Disable fast Vref
en_thermal_shutdown 14 RW 0’b Thermal Shut Down Enable
0: Disable 1: Enable
Reserved 13:10 R 0’h Reserved
en_dp2_hp 9 RW 0’h Enable De-Pop Mode 2 of HP_Out
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_dp1_hp 8 RW 0’h Enable De-Pop Mode 1 of HP_Out
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_smt_hp_l 7 RW 0’h Enable HP_L Mute-Unmute Depop
0: Disable 1: Enable
en_smt_hp_r 6 RW 0’h Enable HP_R Mute-Unmute Depop
0: Disable 1: Enable
smt_en 5 RW 0’h Mute-Unmute Depop
0: Disable 1: Enable
Reserved 4 R 0’h Reserved
mute_dac_l 3 RW 0’h Mute Main DAC Left Input
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
mute_dac_r 2 RW 0’h Mute Main DAC Right Input
0: On 1: Mute (-∞ dB)
Reserved 1:0 R 0’h Reserved

8.22. Reg-68h: AVC Control

Default: 100B’h
Table 32. MX68 AVC Control
Name Bits RW Default Description
EN_AVC 15 RW 0’b AVC Enable (Default: 00b)
0: Disable AVC 1: Enable AVC to control Digital gain
sel_avc_ref_ch 14 RW 0’b AVC Reference Channel Selection
0: Left Channel 1: Right Channel
sel_nonact_action 13 RW 0’b Gain Action of Non-active Region
0: Keep previous Gain 1: Unit Gain
Reserved 12:5 R 80’h Reserved
sel_monitor_window 4:0 RW 0B’h Monitor Window Control (Unit: 2^(n+1) Samples) (Default: 01011b)
00000b: 2^(1) samples 00001b: 2^(2) samples
00010b: 2^(3) samples ………
10000b: 2^(17) samples Others: Reserved

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 32 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.23. Reg-6Ah: Private Register Index

Default: 0000’h
Table 33. MX6A Private Register Index
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15:7 R 0’h Reserved
private_reg_index 6:0 RW 0’h Private Register Index

8.24. Reg-6Ch: Private Register Data

Default: 0000’h
Table 34. MX6C Private Register Data
Name Bits RW Default Description
private_reg_data 15:0 RW 0’h Private Register Data Port

8.25. Private-21h: Auto Volume Control Register 1

Default: 0400’h
Table 35. PR21 Auto Volume Control Register 1
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15 R 0’h Reserved
sel_avc_thmax 14:0 RW 0400’h The Maximum PCM Absolute Level After AVC, Thmax (=0 ~ 2^15-1)

8.26. Private-22h: Auto Volume Control Register 2

Default: 0390’h
Table 36. PR22 Auto Volume Control Register 2
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15 R 0’h Reserved
sel_avc_thmin 14:0 RW 0390’h The Minimum PCM Absolute Level After AVC, Thmin (=0 ~ 2^15-1)

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 33 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.27. Private-23h: Auto Volume Control Register 3

Default: 0040’h
Table 37. PR23 Auto Volume Control Register 3
Name Bits RW Default Description
Reserved 15 R 0’h Reserved
sel_avc_thnonact 14:0 RW 0040’h The Non-Active PCM Absolute Level AVC Will Keep Analog Unit
Gain, Thnonact (=0 ~ 2^15-1)

8.28. Private-24h: Auto Volume Control Register 4

Default: 03FF’h
Table 38. PR24 Auto Volume Control Register 4
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_avc_cntminth 15:0 RW 03FF’h The CNTMAXTH1 to Control the Sensitivity to Increase Gain (unit:2^1)
This value should be less than CNTMAXTH2

8.29. Private-25h: Auto Volume Control Register 5

Default: 0400’h
Table 39. PR25 Auto Volume Control Register 5
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_avc_cntmaxth 15:0 RW 0400’h The CNTMAXTH2 to Control the Sensitivity to Decrease Gain
(Unit: 2^1)
This value should be less than Monitor Window (Optimalized: 1/2
Monitor Window)

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 34 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

8.30. Private-39h: Digital Internal Register

Default: 8800’h
Table 40. PR39 Digital Internal Register
Name Bits RW Default Description
sel_pad_drive 15 RW 1’h Pad Drive Capability
0b: 5mA 1b: (5+6) 11mA
Reserved 14:12 R 0’b Reserved
osc_curr 11:9 RW 100’b Oscillator Drive Current Control
000: 1x bias current 001: 2x
010: 4x 011: 8x
100: 16x ………..
111: 128x
Note: The oscillator startup current is set to maximum, and controlled by
osc_curr after 512 clocks. The digital clock input is enabled after 1024
Reserved 8:0 R 0’b Reserved

8.31. Reg-7Ch: Vendor ID 1

Default: 10EC’h
Table 41. MX7C Vendor ID 1
Name Bits RW Default Description
vender_id1 15:0 R 10EC’h Vender ID ‘10EC’

8.32. Reg-7Eh: Vendor ID 2

Default: 2700’h
Table 42. MX7E Vendor ID 2
Name Bits RW Default Description
device_id 15:8 R 27’h Device ID ‘27’
version_id2 7:0 R 00’h Version ID ‘00’ for A Version

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 35 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

9. Electrical Characteristics
9.1. DC Characteristics
9.1.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 43. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Power Supplies
Digital Power for Core DCVDD -0.3 - 3.63 V
Digital Power for IO and PLL DBVDD -0.3 - 3.63 V
Analog and HP Amplifier Power AVDD -0.3 - 3.63 V
Speaker Amplifier Power SPKVDD -0.3 - 7 V
Ambient Operating Temperature Ta -20 - +85 C
Storage Temperature Ts -40 - +125 C

9.1.2. Recommended Operating Conditions

Table 44. Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Digital IO Buffer DBVDD 1.8 3.3 3.6 V
Digital Core DCVDD 1.8 3.3 3.6 V
Analog AVDD 2.3 3.3 3.6 V
Speaker SPKVDD* 2.3 3.3 5 V
Note: A 10µF Capacitor must be connected from SPKVDD to SPKGND, and should be placed as close as possible to the
SPKVDD pin of the ALC5627.

9.1.3. Static Characteristics

DBVDD= 3.3V, Tambient=25°C, with 25pF external load.
Table 45. Threshold Voltage
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Input Voltage Range Vin -0.30 - DBVDD +0.30 V
Low Level Input Voltage VIL - - 0.33*DBVDD V
High Level Input Voltage VIH 0.66*DBVDD - - V
High Level Output Voltage VOH 0.9*DBVDD - - V
Low Level Output Voltage VOL - - 0.1*DBVDD V
Low Level Input Voltage (JD2) VIL - - 0.33*AVDD V
High Level Input Voltage(JD2) VIH 0.66*AVDD - - V

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 36 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

9.2. Analog Performance Characteristics

Standard Test Conditions • Tambient=25 oC, DBVDD=DCVDD=1.8V, AVDD=3.3V, SPKVDD=5V,
1kHz input sine wave; Sampling frequency=48kHz; 0dB=1Vrms,
10KΩ/50pF load; Test bench Characterization BW: 10Hz~22kHz,
0dB attenuation

Table 46. Analog Performance Characteristics

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Full Scale Input Voltage
LINE_IN Inputs (Gain=0dB) - 1.0 - Vrms
Full Scale Output Voltage
DAC Outputs - 1.0 - Vrms
HP_OUT Outputs - 1.0 - Vrms
SPK_OUT Outputs - 1.5 - Vrms
S/N (A Weighted)
DAC - 100 - dB FSA
Headphone Amplifier Output (RL=32Ω, PO=20mW) - 95 - dB FSA
DAC - -86 - dB FS
Headphone Amplifier Output (RL=32Ω, PO=20mW) - -80 - dB FS
Power Supply Rejection (217Hz) - -50 - dB
Amplifier Gain Step - 1.5 - dB
Crosstalk Between Input Channels - -80 - dB
HP Amplifier Quiescent Current (RL=32Ω @ 3.3V) - 600 - µA
HP Amplifier Output Power (RL=16Ω) 25 45 - mW
SPK Class-D Amplifier Quiescent Current (RL=8Ω @ 5V) - 4 - mA
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=4Ω @ 5V, 0.1% THD+N) - 1.6 - W
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=8Ω @ 5V, 0.1% THD+N) - 1 - W
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=4Ω @ 5V, 1% THD+N) - 1.7 - W
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=8Ω @ 5V, 1% THD+N) - 1.1 - W
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=4Ω @ 5V, 10% THD+N) - 2.4 - W
SPK Class-D Amplifier Output Power (RL=8Ω @ 5V, 10% THD+N) - 1.5 - W
Digital Power Supply Current (Power Down Mode)
DCVDD=1.8V, DBVDD=1.8V (Include POR Circuit) - - 10 µA
Analog Power Supply Current (DAC to Headphone Without Load)
Analog Power Supply Current (Power Down Mode)
AVDD=3.3V - - 1 µA
VREF Output Voltage - 0.5 - AVDD
VREF Rising Time at Fast Mode (C=4.7µF) - - 50 ms

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 37 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

9.3. AC Timing Characteristics

9.3.1. I2C Control Interface
Table 47. I2C Control Interface Timing
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Clock Pulse Duration tw(9) 1.3 - - µs
Clock Pulse Duration tw(10) 600 - - ns
Clock Frequency f 0 - 400K* Hz
Re-Start Setup Time tsu(6) 600 - - ns
Start Hold Time th(5) 600 - - ns
Data Setup Time tsu(7) 100 - - ns
Data Hold Time th(6) - - 900 ns
Rising Time tr - - 300 ns
Falling Time tf - - 300 ns
Stop Setup Time tsu(8) 600 - - ns
Pulse Width of Spikes Suppressed tsp 0 - 50 ns
Input Filter
Note: ‘*’ indicates the host must provide MCLK higher than 4MHz to the ALC5627 during I2C control interface access.
If MCLK provides 128*8KHz, the I2C clock frequency only can support 100KHz.

tW(9) tW(10) tSP


th(5) th(6) tsu(7) tsu(8) tsu(6)


Figure 17. I2C Control Interface Waveform

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 38 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

9.3.2. I2S/PCM Interface Master Mode

Table 48. I2S Master Mode Timing
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units
LRCK Output to BCLK Delay tLRD - - 30 ns
Data Output to BCLK Delay tADD - - 30 ns
Data Input Setup Time tDAS 10 - - ns
Data Input Hold Time tDAH 10 - - ns

Figure 18. I2S Master Mode Waveform

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 39 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

9.3.3. I2S/PCM Interface Slave Mode

Table 49. I2S Slave Mode Timing
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units
BCLK High Pulse Width tBCH 20 - - ns
BCLK Low Pulse Width tBCL 20 - - ns
LRCK Input Setup Time tLRS 30 - - ns
Data Input Setup Time tDAS 10 - - ns
Data Input Hold Time tDAH 10 - - ns

Figure 19. I2S Slave Mode Waveform

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 40 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

10. Application Circuits

Application circuits are for design reference only. System designers are suggested to visit Realtek’s web
site to download the latest application circuits. To get the best compatibility in hardware design and
software driver, Realtek should confirm modifications of application circuits.

Close to IC DVDD

C1 C2
1uF 1000pF

Close to IC


1 30 HP_OUT_L CA1 CA2

2 NC
29 HP_OUT_R POWER / GND 1uF 1000pF

SPK_OUT_N Close to IC
NC 21
NC 22 CS2 CS1 +
LINE_IN_L 3 NC 1000pF
Cdepop C6
AUXIN_L 19 Cdepop 27 VREF C8
AUXIN_R C10 1u
9 A1 0.1u 4.7u





C15 C16
22p 22p




C25 PH4
C11 C17
5 5 HP_R 1

3 3 3
C12 C18
2 2 C27 HP_L 4

1 LI_N 1u LINE_IN_R 1 AXI_N 1u AUXIN_R HP_OUT_L 100u 5


Figure 20. Application Circuits

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 41 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

11. Mechanical Dimensions

QFN-32 Package; 5x5mm Outline

Symbol Dimension in mm Dimension in inch

Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
A 0.75 0.85 1.00 0.030 0.034 0.039
A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.001 0.002
A3 0.20REF 0.008REF
b 0.18 0.25 0.30 0.007 0.010 0.012
c - - 0.6 - - 0.024
D/E 5.00BSC 0.197BSC
D2/E2 3.10 3.35 3.60 0.122 0.132 0.142
e 0.50BSC 0.020BSC
L 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.012 0.016 0.020

I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 42 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

12. Ordering Information

Table 50. Ordering Information
Part Number Package Status
ALC5627-GR QFN-32 in ‘Green’ Package (Tray) Mass Production
ALC5627-GRT QFN-32 in ‘Green’ Package (Tape & Reel) Mass Production
Note: See page 6 for package and version identification.

Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

No. 2, Innovation Road II
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047
I2S/PCM Stereo DAC + Multiple Analog Inputs, 43 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2
Headphone, and Mono Class-D Speaker Amplifier

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