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Lesson Plan 4

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Date:​ 22 February 2020 Teachers Name:​ Bella Melnikov

Subject:​ ELA Grade Level: ​11th

Unit:​ Argumentative Essay Lesson Length: ​45 min

Central Focus:
This learning segment will focus on the analysis of the critical text that focuses on critical events.
Through the text, they will be required to pinpoint different pieces of evidence in order to
construct a proper claim and counterclaim of different academic articles. They will be working
together in groups in class to practice different forms of evidence identification and organization
practices of an argumentative paper. It is important for students to have an understanding of their
own political standpoint based on these critical texts and develop an unbiased perspective of
them through the formation of counterclaims and their own personal claims.

Lesson Title​:
For unit​, 4 out of 5:

Essential Question(s):​ How do you find proper evidence for your claim? How do you form an
argumentative thesis?

Learning Standards:
WHST1b: Develop claim(s) and counterclaims objectively and thoroughly, supplying the most
relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both
claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form that anticipates the audience's
knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.

Pre-Assessment: N/A
Learning Objectives​: Students will: Assessments​: This will not be graded.
● Work together to formulate a claim. ● Do Now: Students will meet with
● Highlight key points on their their pairs and go over their
persuasion map. homework from the night before.
● Group Work: Students will be
placed in groups and given an
article. Each group will create a
persuasion map to organize their
thoughts and evidence.
● Exit Ticket: Students will be asked
to write, in their own words, a
thesis to go with the argument that
they formed in class.

1. ELL: These students will work with one other student with the same language, so help
translate and practice English speaking with their other peers.
2. Slow reader: These students will be grouped together so no feels rushed, they would be
extra time and would be able to complete work at home.
3. Gifted Students: These students will work together to clearly annotate and mark the
critical text and given a more in-depth article compared to the rest of the class.
4. Students with Disabilities: The students will have the teacher read an easier article and
give them time to communicate their thoughts together. Then work with the teacher to fill
out the Map.
Academic Language:
Language Function: Identity, cite, argue, explain
Language Demand: Read, write, discuss, annotation
Vocabulary: Argument, claim, counterclaim, audience, evidence-based, thesis, and rebuttal
Syntax: guided worksheet (Persuasion Map)

Anticipatory Set
1. “Do Now” on the board requiring them to reflect on the prior classes homework.
2. Students will share what they found and why they made that claim with their partner.
This should take approximately 3-5 minutes.
Initial Phase
Direct Instruction
1. Regroup on the homework from last night.
2. The students share what their partners talked about.
3. Model the say something method using yesterdays reading (Link:
a. Read the short passage, stop, think about what was read, and say something about
b. Model text annotation, underlining material, highlighting, and circling key points:
to help them read a critical event text.
This direct instruction should take 10 minutes.
Middle Phase
Group Work
1. In their groups they will be asked to use the Say something method:
a. Students read the passage (Link:
als.pdf) on their own
b. Students will then take the time to think about what was read until everyone in the
group is done.
c. When everyone is done, they will each say something about the passage.
2. Once done with the “Say Something” method, students will write down what their peers
were saying.
a. Use this to form a collective claim.
b. Annotate and underline specific quotes that conjured certain emotions.
3. Then they will have to then as a group fills out a persuasion map.
This should take approximately 25 minutes.
Concluding Phase
At the end of class, as an exit ticket, the students will have to write a short thesis using their own
words, connecting to the critical text that their group evaluated.
This should take approximately 2-3 minutes.
Follow up:
The students should begin to think about what they want to research for their own personal text
argumentative analysis.
Materials:​ texts, Persuasion Maps, Smartboard, notebooks, pen, pencil, link:
Persuasion Maps:
PowerPoint Link:
References and Resources:

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