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Freeman Assignmentthree

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Purpose and Audience:

The purpose of this writing unit is for students to learn how to and effectively be able to write informative and
explanatory pieces of writing to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

2. Genre and Mentor Texts:

The genre that I will be teaching is informational text. By teaching students how to write an expository text, they
will be meeting the standard and purpose for learning this genre. Throughout this lesson, I will be using a
variety of mentor texts. Some of these include: Firefighters by Katie Daynes, Strength in Numbers by Frances
Bacon, and Deadliest Animals by Melissa Steward.


Students will write an informational text

about a topic that they know well.

They will brainstorm and draft potential

topic ideas. They will also share these
potential topic ideas with their peers
and teachers and receive feedback.

They will work on developing a topic

that they have a strong understanding
on by brainstorming a list of possible
topics, subtopics, and include details
for their chapter breakdowns.

4. Rationale:
Selecting a topic is a vital part of writing informational text. Students need to be sure that they have a strong
prior knowledge regarding their topic, and that they know enough about their topic to present an authentic and
concert informational writing piece.

5. Common Core State Standards:

Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

6. Differentiated Instruction:
There are specific students in my combined class of 52 students that will need scaffolding. To assist these
students, the two mentor teachers will work with these students in a small group setting to provide additional
supports for them. During this portion of the lesson, I do not anticipate that students will be completed with their
final writing piece, but if they are, I will use a number of strategies to redirect them back to improving their
writing piece. I will have them go back and reread their writing several times to proofread. After they have done
this, I will also provide them with a checklist for them to go back and visually make sure that they have all of
the essential components of informational writing. After they have done this, I will ask them to share their
Google Document with a partner in the class and then that partner will make suggestions on their writing.
7. Teaching Outline Chart:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Date: Date: Date:

18 October, 2017 23 October, 2017 24 October, 2017

Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:

Students will be given a prompt, and then Students will begin the immersion phase of Students will explore potential topic ideas by
instructed to write for at least thirty minutes. this unit. The purpose of this is to help referencing what they know. By the end of
This piece of writing will function as an on- students gain a substantial understanding of this lesson, students will have a list of
demand informational writing sample that I can the genre of text that they will be writing, and potential topic ideas.
use to assess where students are at with this in this case, it is informational.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus:

Students will be briefly introduced to Characteristics of an effective informational How to make lists of potential topics for
informational writing and what that genre looks book informational writing and what those look
like. like.

Mentor Text: Mentor Text: Mentor Text:

Firefighters by Katie Daynes Sample of third grade writing from last year. My personal list of topics.

Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:

Read examples from Firefighters Share that informational texts are writing I will begin by explaining that writers write
I do: Model writing a story about a topic I know pieces that the author is an expert on. In about topics that they know really well. They
well, e.g. figure skating. their writing, they use facts, details, ideas, also need to write about topics that they can
We do: Work with your shoulder partner for a observations, and questions to compose a elaborate on and write for a long period of
few minutes to decide on your topic you wish writing piece that is made up of an time on.
to write. introduction, body, and conclusion. I do: Model writing long on a topic I know a
You do: Have students write independently for I do: Plan a sample informational text out lot about, and model writing short on a topic
30 minutes. loud to give them an example of a possible I do not know much about.
Share: Summarize your topic and subtopics to topic and subtopics. We do: Work with your shoulder partner to
your shoulder partners. We do: Together as a class we will brainstorm topic ideas and make sure you
construct an anchor chart of the know enough about the topic you choose.
characteristics of an effective information You do: Have students select a topic and
book. write independently for 30 minutes.
You do: Have students write independently Share: Students share their selected topic
for 30 minutes. After talking to my mentor, and what details that they have so far.
we decided to incorporate a different activity,
so we did not have time for independent
writing time.
Share: Point out examples of students’ that
contain elements from our anchor chart.
Being that we did not have time for
independent writing time, our share for the
lesson was also changed.

You do: Instead of independent writing time,

we had students explore nonfiction mentor
texts as a continuation of the immersion
I gave each student a scavenger hunt
worksheet, and they had to look through a
vast variety of mentor texts and try to find
elements of nonfiction text in these books.
Some examples of things that they were
looking for were: headings, subheadings,
captions, sidebars, timelines, etc.

Share: After this activity, I then had students

share out what elements they could find,
where they found them, and what they
thought their purpose for having those in the
text were.

Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring:

Meet with Sydney, Tilden, Jada, and Meet with Alana, Lucius, and Chase Meet with Vincent, Casey, Delaney, and
Jacqueline Clare

Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:

Collect students’ writing and score them using Collect students’ notebooks and take Collect students’ notebooks and take
the 3rd grade informational writing rubric. Code anecdotal notes on understanding of anecdotal notes on the development of their
for proficient, needs some support, needs informational text. Code for proficient, needs topics. Code for proficient, needs some
lesson retaught. some support, needs lesson retaught. support, needs lesson retaught.
This assessment also changed. I instead
collected their scavenger hunt worksheets
and looked over their notes and comments
about their findings.

Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes:

Will need: Will need: Will need:
Firefighters Firefighters Topics
Timer Conf. notebook Conf. notebook
Lined paper for students Chart paper
Conf. notebook Markers
Over 30 different nonfiction texts
Scavenger hunt worksheet

Resources: https://oaklandk12-

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

I did not actually get to do much teaching for This lesson did not necessarily go as This lesson went really well,
this lesson. I basically gave them the prompt, planned. I had assumed that the students I thought. The students were very engaged
and then gave them 30 minutes to write. My had a lot of experience working with and participating the whole time. I think the
mentor advised me that this would work best nonfiction text. However, when I went to mini-lesson went very smoothly and the
because she really wants me to analyze the create the anchor chart with the students, students were excited to be exploring topics
most authentic piece of informational writing they struggled to come up with points that I that they know well. I learned that most of
possible, without giving them any instruction anticipated would be very easy for them. the students really have a strong
beforehand. That being said, later in the day, my mentor understanding on one or two topics. For
and I decided that they need more exposure example, one of my students loves to fish,
to this text in general, which is why we and she was able to list at least 15 different
decided to incorporate the nonfiction subtopics regarding this topic. This was very
scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt went similar to the majority of the students in the
very well! It was a very fun, interactive, and class. That being said, my lesson tomorrow
physical activity where students got to move on selecting smaller topics and focusing in
around the room, and get their hands on on a particular angle is going to be very
actual nonfiction books. I would definitely beneficial to their drafting process.
teach this lesson again using the scavenger
hunt in the future.
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Date: Date: Date:

25 October, 2017 27 October, 2017 30 October, 2017

Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:

Students will focus on selecting a topic by Students will continue to work on selecting a Students will continue to work on selecting a
considering their own areas of expertise. topic by analyzing their own areas of interest. topic by rehearsing their writing.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus:

Good writers choose smaller topics or one Good writers use planning tools to develop Giving mini-lectures to rehearse their writing.
particular angle of a topic when writing an subtopics.
informational text.

Mentor Text: Mentor Text: Mentor Text:

Previous 3rd grader’s informational writing Firefighters by Katie Daynes Strength in Numbers by Frances Bacon

Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:

Explain to students that good writers narrow I will explain to students that today we are Today, we are going to explore the
their topics down by thinking about what their going to work with our most important topics relationship between teaching about a topic
readers need to know. They select smaller and organize our information into sub topics and writing about a topic. Hopefully, you will
topics or angles that they have about a bigger or categories. see that they are very intertwined. I will then
topic, and then they inform their reader all I do: I will model how to use a graphic go into a mini-lesson actually teaching the
about the smaller topic. organizer such as a web organizer and a class about my topic, figure skating.
I do: Model writing a story about a topic I know table of contents paper to outline my story We do: The class will be split up into eight
well, e.g. figure skating, and narrow my topic into different sub categories. groups. There will be 6 students in each
down to something more specific, such as We do: Students will think for a few minutes group, and a few groups with 7 students.
figure skating competitions. about possible subtopics and how they will Then, within the groups, students will each
We do: Work with your eyeball partner for five organize them into a constructive piece of take turns teaching their group about their
minutes to generate a list of smaller potential writing that flows well. They will then share topic.
topics based off your list of big topics from their thinking with their partner. You do: Students will then work individually
yesterday. You do: Have students write independently and use the feedback from their groups to
You do: Have students write independently for for 30 minutes. edit and revise their writing so far.
30 minutes. Share: Have students volunteer and share Share: Students will take 3 minutes to turn
Share: Tell your eyeball partner what your their organizational strategies to the whole and talk to their partner and share with them
original topic was, and how you narrowed that class. what they did after they received feedback
down into a smaller topic. from their group members.

Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring:

Meet with Allison, Lila, Miles, and Brendan. Meet with Amelia, Thomas, Ellie, and Meet with Bryson, Mia, Kate, and Ethan.

Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:

Formative assessments of students that I Collect students’ organizational graphics I will observe each group that is sharing and
worked with during conferences. I will make such as their web organizer and table of take notes on the students’ abilities to teach
sure that they understand how to narrow down contents draft and take notes on them. their topic.
their main topic.

Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes:

Will need: Will need: Will need:
Timer Firefighters Timer
Conf. notebook Conf. notebook Conf. notebook
Web organizer Student’s notebooks
Blank table of contents organizer Web organizer
Timer Table of contents

Resources: https://oaklandk12-

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

This lesson went fairly well, but I think it was This lesson also went fairly well. I provided This lesson was a nice change of pace for
slightly too structured. My mentor teacher and I the students with a web organizer that had the students. They got to share in depth their
agreed that it would have been more beneficial one bubble in the center, and four bubbles writing with their peers and ask for feedback.
for students to explore topics with less connecting to it. They used this as a guide to I noticed when I was floating around the
instruction. This lesson was very lecture based, plan out their main topic and then pick the room that they consider feedback from their
and I think it would have been better if I four most important subtopics. I learned that peers differently than they might do when I
modeled how to narrow down some topics with they have lost of great ideas that they are provide them feedback. Some students were
the whole group and have it have been more eager to get started on. One thing that I much more reluctant to incorporate feedback
interactive. would maybe do differently next time from other students than they would be if
From the student conferences and teaching this lesson is model how to make a other teachers in the room or myself would
assessments, it was made aware to me that graphic organizer with the class, and then have given them feedback. This is
the students are really enjoying this lesson. have them make their own. My reason for something that I want to address with the
Even the students that are very hesitant to doing this would be because many of them class when we return from our Big Science
write are excited and have started drafting showed frustration trying to condense their Unit at Impression 5.
potential topics. subtopics into just four main points. Many of I want to explain to the students that of
them had a great deal of information to say, course they are not required to incorporate
and they asked me if they could add more feedback into their writing pieces, but that
subtopic bubbles to their organizer. When I really listening to their teachers and their
was going over their organizers as an peers and taking what they have to say into
assessment, I am slightly concerned that consideration is highly recommended and
they may not have enough information to would prove to be beneficial to their writing.
form a full informational chapter on their
subtopic bubbles, so this is definitely
something that I am going to need to address
in future lessons.

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Date: Date: Date:

7 November, 2017 8 November, 2017 9 November, 2017

Daily Objective: Daily Objective: Daily Objective:

Students will begin working on organizing their Students will continue to work on managing Students will continue to work organizing
work so far into chapters. the information that they have so far and and formatting their information to form
forming them into constructive chapters. chapters.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus: Mini-Lesson Focus:

Good writers make a plan for what to write Good writers form paragraphs with the big Writers use an informational writing checklist
within each chapter. ideas first and then use the smaller details for to set goals for their writing.

Mentor Text: Mentor Text: Mentor Text:

Deadliest Animals Firefighters by Katie Daynes Strength in Numbers by Frances Bacon
Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:
I will begin this lesson by explaining to students Today I will work on teaching students Today I will teach the students how to use a
that planning to write out chapters is like productive paragraph writing for informational checklist to edit and revise their writing. I will
planning the overall organization of our books. writing. I will emphasize that their paragraphs go through each point on the checklist and
One way that writers plan their chapters is by should be structured with a topic sentence explain how to set goals using this tool.
making a mini table of contents for each and supporting details. I do: I will read a part of my draft to the
chapter. I do: I will model how to do follow this format class, and then I will use the checklist to go
I do: I will model breaking down my planned using the document camera and putting my back and make sure that I have all of the
chapters and making a mini table of contents own writing about figure skating into this necessary components. I will then use that
for each designated chapter. format. checklist to make sure that I make goals on
We do: The class will try doing this by using a We do: Together as a class, I will have areas that I need to work on.
mentor text. They will work with their partners students come up with a solid topic sentence We do: I will have the students pair up with
to try to organize a chapter of a mentor text into and three supporting details. their writing partners and use the checklist to
a chapter that makes logical sense and flows You do: Have students write independently peer edit their partner’s writing sample.
well. for 30 minutes and work on organizing their You do: Students will then work individually
You do: The students will work on organizing paragraphs in this format. and use the feedback from their partner to
their own chapters independently for 20 Share: Have students volunteer and share edit their writing themselves and set goals
minutes. their organizational strategies to the whole using the checklist.
class. Share: After this, I will have four students
share their goals that they set for
themselves based off of the writing checklist.

Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring: Planning for Conferring:

Meet with William, Sawyer, Connor H., and Ava Meet with Peyton, Levi, Chase, and Julia. Meet with George, Jack, Jackson, and

Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:

I will collect their writer’s notebooks and look at Collect students’ notebooks and taking notes I will collect students’ writing checklists to
the progress that they have so far on on their understanding of putting big ideas analyze where they are at in the writing
organizing their chapters. I will take anecdotal first and using the smaller ideas as process, and what more instruction they will
notes regarding their thinking and progress. supporting details. need to meet their personal writing goals.

Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes: Teaching Notes:

Will need: Will need: Will need:
Timer Firefighters Timer
Conf. notebook Conf. notebook Conf. notebook
Web organizer Timer Teacher draft
Mentor text Student checklist

Resources: https://oaklandk12-

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

This lesson was one that I might try to do This lesson proved to be very beneficial for Today’s lesson was my favorite one to
differently in the future. It was very concrete the students. Previously, many of them teach so far. I loved watching the students
and structured, and I felt as if I was basically struggled to break up their writing into work together to give constructive criticism
beginning to write their nonfiction pieces for the paragraphs. I saw many many students that on their writing pieces thus far. It was very
students. There was some confusions when would write one big paragraph or none at all, nice to see the students working so hard and
they were using the tool of the table of and they struggled with how to break them being so invested. I learned that most
contents. Many of the students were asking me up into smaller sections. I found that asking students are farther along in the writing
questions and I tried to give them suggestions. the students to use their draft of their table of process than I thought. One important
That being said, I learned that how important it contents proved to work very well for this. We aspect that I think i would do differently next
is to use very explicit instruction when looked at mentor texts and with these tools, time I teach this lesson would be to have the
explaining simple things. However, some students were able to grasp the concept of students look over their writing first and
students were not very invested in this lesson breaking their writing into smaller make any changes before handing it off to a
so if I were to do this lesson again, I would try paragraphs. This lesson was my favorite one peer. They had not had the chance to review
to make it more interactive and try to get the to teach thus far, and it was definitely one their writing before giving it to a peer, and
students’ interest and attention focused on the that I would teach again in the future. If I many of them mentioned to me that they
lesson. were to teach this lesson again, I might try to wished they had time to review it themselves
teach this lesson sooner in a writing before receiving criticism from another
sequence, so they can understand clearly student. However, overall, I thought this
from the beginning how to organize their lesson went very well, and I think it was
ideas. beneficial for the students to read someone
else’s writing and give them feedback.

Day 10

10 November, 2017

Daily Objective:
Students begin to work on building their
informational writing with greater

Mini-Lesson Focus:
Good writers push themselves to write more
by writing partner sentences.

Mentor Text:
Teacher Draft

I will emphasize to students that good writers
ask themselves if there is anything more that
they can write about their sentences/story.
This is a form of elaboration, and really
showing the reader what you mean, not
simply telling them.
I do: I will model this strategy by using my
own draft, and elaborating on three or four
sentences to make my writing more
interesting and detailed.
We do: I will have students turn and talk with
their shoulder partner to share how they could
elaborate one of their sentences.
You do: Students will work independently for
20 minutes on making their sentences more
Share: I will pull sticks and randomly ask
students to share to the whole group one of
their sentences that they changed.

Planning for Conferring:

Meet with Henry, Silas, Jace, and Greyson.

I will collect their writing samples and make
notes on their progress dealing with
Teaching Notes:
Will need:
Conf. notebook
Teacher draft

Resources: https://oaklandk12-

This was the last writing lesson that I taught
for my guided lead teaching. It was a solid
lesson, and I think the students spent their
independent work time really trying to work
hard and were trying to extend and elaborate
on their writing. If I were able to continue
teaching this unit, I would say that my next
steps would be to really dive deeper into the
specifics of the writing rubric such as, the
introduction, body, conclusion, grammar
mechanics, transitions, etc. Overall, I really
enjoyed teaching this unit, and hopefully I will
get to teach one similar again in the future.

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