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C8 Cussler PDF
lrl 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer e.1/ A DeÍi
Nr:k(cri-ct) (8.r-2)
where N1 is the ffux at the interfaceand c1; and cl are the concentrationsat the interface
and in the bulk solution,respectively.The flux N1 includesboth diffusion and convection: Fig
it is like the total flux nt exceptthat it is locatedat the interface.The concentrationc1; is ma
at the interfacebut in the samefluid as the bulk concentrationc1. It is often in equilibrium
with the concentrationacrossthe interfacein a second,adjacentfluid phase;we will defer is tt
discussionof transportacrossthis interfaceuntil sectiong.5.
The flux equationin Eq.8.1-2 makespracticalsense.It saysthat if the concentration zero. Thus,
differenceis doubled,the flux will double. It also suggeststhat if the areais doubled,the
total amountof masstransferredwill doublebut the flux per areawill not change.In 4.
words, this definition suggestsan easy way of organizing our thinking around a simple
constant,the masstransfercoefîcient ft. k
Unfbrtunately,this simple schemeconcealsa variety of approximationsand ambigui-
ties. Before introducingthesecomplexities,we shall go over someeasyexamples.These This value ii
examplesare important. Study them carefully beforeyou go on to the hardermaterial The time
Example 8.1-l: Humidification Imaginethat wateris evaporatinginto initially dry air in d
theclosedvesselshownschematically in Fig. 8.1-I (a). The vesselis isothermalat 25"C,so
the water'svapor pressureis 23.8 mm Hg. This vesselhas 0.8 liter of water with 150 cm2
of surfacearea in a total volume of 19.2 liters. After 3 minutes, the air is five percent The air is in
saturated. What is the mass transfercoeffìcient? How long will it take to reach ninety
r -
Solution The flux at 3 minutescan be found directly from the valuessiven: We usethì.
( I / air \
\ concentration
/ \ volume
/ I
:4.4.10-E mol/cm2-sec
The concentrationdifferenceis that at the water's surfaceminus that in the bulk solution. It takes trr ::
That at the water'ssurfàceis the valueat saturation;that in bulk at shorttimes is essentially
'ler 8.1 / A Defnition of Mass Transfer Coe.fficients 213
. l t ) | I
r fiàldìf'l
i: rie (c) LiquidDrops (d) A Gas Bubble
, i t) | ? o"o.l
l' I
: : : J ÙC
Fig. 8.1-1.Foureasyexamples.We analyzeeachof the physicalsituationsshownin termsof
masstransfercoefficients.In (a), we assumethatthe air is at constanthumidity,exceptnearthe
IS air-waterinterface.In (b), we assumethat waterflowingthroughthe packedbedis well mixed,
exceptvery closeto the solid spheres.In (c) and (d), we assumethatthe liquid solution,which
i.'Ier is thecontinuousphase,is at constantcomposition, exceptnearthe dropletor bubblesurfaces.
/ :0, c r: 0
Rearrangingthe equationand insertingthe valuesgiven,we find
t:-Lmú- \
kA \ cr (sat)/
1 8 . 4 .1 0 1c m 3
I n l| - 0 . 9 )
( 3 . 4 . l 0 - 2 c m / s e c ). ( 1 5 0c m 2 )
: 8 . 3 . 1 0 3s e c: 2 . 3 h r
Example 8.1-2: Mass transfer in a packed bed Imagine that 0.2 centimeter-diameter This valu
spheresof benzoicacid arepackedinto a bed like that shownschematicallyin Fig. 8.1-1(b). definition
The sphereshave 23 cm2 surfaceper 1 cm3 of bed. Pure water flowing at a superficial A tang
velocity of 5 cm/secinto the bed is sixty-two percentsaturatedwith benzoicacid after it dissolvin
haspassedthrough 100centimetersof bed. What is the masstransfercoefficient? in problen
Solution The answerto this problem dependson the concentrationdifference that it is rh
usedin the definition of the masstransfercoefficient. In every definition, we choosethis so muchl
differenceas the value at the sphere'ssurfaceminus that in the solution. However, we Benzo
can definedifferent masstransfercoefficientsby choosingthe concentrationdifferenceat is relatire
variouspositionsin the bed. For example,we can choosethe concentrationdifferenceat base.b1 L
the bed's entranceand so obtain carbon or
by one m
0.62c1t sat){5 cm/sec)A Third.and
: (ct(sat) intertace
( 2 3. r r / . * . x l o o . , , - ' ) A
where A is the bed's crosssection.Thus intellectu
k:1.3. 103cm/sec can be a..
c h e m i c a.
This definition for the masstransfercoeffìcientis infrequentlyused.
Alternatively.we can chooseas our concentrationdifferencethat at a position e in the
bed and write a massbalanceon a differentialvolume AA,zat this position: Erample
\ \ a t e r .3 ì .
amountof \
: ( -, / -ìminut3
"r,"lr"'fJ;"r, ) \dissolution/ 5
o : A ( c t r n l- r , r o l ) 11a1.;olrt
\ l.- l:,1--l
z:0, ct:0
5 cm/sec
ln(l - 0.62)
(23 cmzlcm3)(100cm)
: 2 . 1 ' 1 0 - 3c m / s e c
8.I / A Definition rf Mass Transfer Coefficients 215
.: ' l C f This value is typical of those found in liquids. This type of mass transfer coefficient
. bt. definition is preferableto that usedfirst, a point exploredfurther in Section8.2.
' :, l l l
A tangentialpoint worth discussingis the specific chemical system of benzoic acid
::': lt dissolvingin water. This systemis academicallyubiquitous,showing up again and again
in problemsof masstransfer.Indeed,if you readthe literature,you can get the impression
:-:ì.'e that it is the only systemwheremasstransferis important,which is not true. Why is it used
:irir so much?
. ,'\e
Benzoic acid is studiedthoroughly for three distinct reasons. First, its concentration
,: .lt is relatively easily measured,for the amount presentcan be determinedby titration with
-:' ;.it base,by UV spectrophotometry of the benzenering, or by radioactivelytaggingeither the
carbon or the hydrogen. Second,the dissolutionof benzoic acid is accuratelydescribed
by one mass transfercoefficient. This is not true of all dissolutions. For example,the
dissolutionof aspirin is essentiallyindependentof eventsin solution (see Section 15.3).
Third, andmostsubtle,benzoicacid is solid,so masstransfertakesplaceacrossa solid-fluid
interface.Suchinterfacesarean exceptionin masstransferproblems;fluid-fluid interfaces
are much more common. However,solid-fluid interfacesare the rule for heattransfer,the
intellectualprecursorof masstransfer.Experimentswith benzoicacid dissolvingin water
can be compareddirectly with heat transferexperiments.Thesethree reasonsmake this
d -
--Vct ANr: A k l c t( s a t )- c r l
where a(: AIV) is the surfaceíìreaof the bromine droplets divided by the volume of
aqueoussolution. If the water initially containsno bromine,
f :0, c r: 0
k o :- ! n ( r _ - 1 )
/ \ c1$at) /
--* I
-t mtn
: 3 . 9 . 1 0 - 3s e c I
216 8 / Fundamentalst{ Mass TransJer 8.2/ OtherD
Example 8.1-4: Mass transfer from an oxygen bubble A bubbleof oxygen originally
0.1 centimeterin diameteris injectedinto excessstirredwater,as shown schematicallyin
Fig. 8. 1-1(d). After 7 minutes,the bubbleis 0.054centimeterin diameter.What is the mass Dispersion
Solution This time. we write a massbalancenot on the surroundinssolutionbut
on the bubbleitself:
d / 4
- l c r - Í r - l . \ - chemical
d r\ ' 3 / reaction
: -4trr2klcr(sat)- 0l H e t e r o _ 9 e n. ,e"
re acti(rn
This equationis tricky; cl refersto the oxygenconcentrationin the bubble,1 mol/22.4liters
at standardconditions.but t 1(sat)rel'ersto the oxygenconcentration al saturationin water.
about1.5 . l0-3 molesoer liter undersimilarconditions.Thus
dr , c1(sat)
dj cl E.:
: -0.034k \\:
This is subiectto the condition i:nnitrtrn.i
'r\- -
' r" n" rt n" i' '-.
cm - 0.034kr
r : 0.0-5
. : . ' . a ._
Insertingthenumericalvaluesgiven,we fìnd . . . - - - .
k: 1 . 6 .l 0 I c m / s e c
Rememberthat this coefficientis definedin termsof the concentrationin the liquid; it would
be numericallydifferent if it were definedin termsof the gas-phaseconcentration.
t:iler 8.2 / Other Defnitions of Mass Transfer Cofficients 211
rJuct Table 8.2- | . Mass transJèrcofficient compared with other raîe coe.lf(ienîs
The Basic
Effect equation Rate Force Coefficient
:h an
. ì n0 f Mass transfer Nr : ftAcr Flux per area Diffèrence of The masstransfèrcoetfi-
- rrllle relative to concentration c i e n tf t ( [ : ] l / r ) i s a
an interface function of flow
Diffusion -ii : DVcr Flux per area Gradientof The diffusion coefficient
relative to concentratlon D (I:lL2 lt) is a
the volume physical property
iaÌ11 average independentof flow
i\ lll velocity
l l . ì ss Dispersion -c'rv't : PY7, Flux per area Gradientof The dispersioncoefficient
relative to time average Lll:lL' /f ) depends
r but the mass concentratron on the flow
Homogeneous rt: Ktcl Rate per Concentration The rate constant
chemical volume rr ([:] 1/r) is
reaction a physical property
independentof flow
H e t e r o g e n e o u sr t : Ktcl Flux per Concentration The rate constant
chemical interfacial rc1(:lL lt) is a surface
: ..i!-rs feaction area property often defined
in terms of a bulk
the flux is expressedin massper areaper time, we will give the concentrationin massper .'t]lOr€ flC;r.
this chapterandfor predictionsof thesecoeffìcientsgivenin ChaptersI 3- I 4. Expressingthe ., '* .t: Ured :::
the third form in Table8.2.2, which expressesconcentrationsin mole fractions. In some -r:J::Ìllnini::
casesof gasadsorption,we will find it convenientto respectseventyyearsof tradition and :_ .-3nl l:\.
use kp, with concentrationsexpressedas partial pressures. In the membrane separations - _ . : - . \ . . . _ j
in Chapter 17, we will mention forms like k, but will calry out our discussionin terms of
forms equivalentto k.
The masstransfercoefîcients definedin Table8.2-2 arealso complicatedby the choice
of a concentrationdifference, by the interfacial areafor masstransfer, and by the treatment
of convection.The basic definitionsgiven in Eq. 8.1-2 or Table 8.2-l areambiguous,for
the concentrationdiffèrenceinvolved is incompletelydefined. To explore the ambiguity
more carefully,considerthe packedtower shown schematicallyin Fig. 8.2-1. This tower
is basically a piece of pipe standingon its end and filled with crushedinert material like
broken gìass. Air containingammoniaflows upward through the column. Water trickles
down through the column and absorbsthe ammonia: Ammonia is scrubbedout of the gas
8.2 / Other Definitions of Mass Transfer Cofficients 2t9
The concentrolion
difference of
ommonio here...
...moybe very
ferent thon
lhol here
Fig.8.2-l . Ammonia scrubbing.
In thisexample,ammonia is separated
by washing a gas
mixturewithwater.As explained in thetext,theexample
ambiguitiesin the
definitionof masstransfer
occurbecause theconcentration
difference causingthemasstransfèrchangesandbecause
theinterfacialareabetween gasand
liquidis unknown.
mixture with water. The flux of ammonia into the water is proportionalto the ammonia
concentrationat the air-water interfaceminus the ammoniaconcentrationin the bulk water.
The proportionalityconstantis the masstransfercoefficient.The concentrationdifference
betweeninterfaceand bulk is not constantbut can vary along the height of the column.
Which value of concentrationdifferenceshouldwe use?
In this book, we alwayschooseto use the local concentrationdifferenceat a particular
position in the column. Such a choiceimplies a "local masstransfercoefficient"to distin-
guish it from an "averagemasstransfercoefficient." Use of a local coefficientmeansthat
we often must make a few extra mathematicalcalculations.However.the local coefficient
is more nearly constant,a smooth function of changesin other processvariables. This
definitionwas implicitly usedin Examples8.1-1,8.1-3,and 8.1-4in the previoussection.
It was usedin parallelwith a type of averagecoefficientin Example 8. | -2.
Another potentialsourceof ambiguityin the definitionof the masstransfercoefficientis
the interfacialarea.As an example,we againconsiderthe packedtower in Fig. 8.2-1. The
surfaceareabetweenwater and gasis usually experimentallyunknown,so that the flux per
areais unknown as well. Thus the masstransfercoefficientcannotbe easily found. This
problemis dodgedby lumping the areainto the masstransfercoefficientandexperimentally
determiningthe product of the two. We just measurethe flux per column volume. This
may seemlike cheating,but it works like a charm.
Finally, masstransfercoefficientscan be complicatedby diffusion-inducedconvection
normalto the interface.This complicationdoesnot existin dilute solution,just asit doesnot
exist for the dilute diffusion describedin Chapter2. For concentratedsolutions,theremay
be a larger convectiveflux normal to the interfacethat disruptsthe concentrationprofiles
near the interface. The consequenceof this flux, which is like the concentrateddiffusion
problemsin Section3.3, is that the flux will not double when the concentrationdifference
is doubled. This diffusion-inducedconvectionis responsiblefor the last definitionin Table
8.2-2,where the interfacialvelocity is explicitly included. Fortunately,most solutionsare
dilute,so we can successfully deferdiscussingthis problemuntil Section13.5.
I fìnd thesepoints difficult, hard to understandwithout careful thought. To spur this
thought,try solving the examplesthat follow.
220 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer t ) / Other
Example 8.2-1: The mass transfer coefficient in a blood oxygenator Blood oxygena- correspon
tors areusedto replacethe humanlungs during open-heartsurgery.To improveoxygenator
design,you arestudyingmasstransferof oxygeninto waterin onespecificblood oxygenator.
From publishedcorrelationsof masstransfercoefficients,you expectthat the masstransfer
coefficientbasedon the oxygenconcentrationdifferencein the water is 3.3 ' 10-3 centime-
ters per second. You want to use this coefficientin an equationgiven by the oxygenator
wherep0, is the actualoxygenpartialpressurein the gas,and pfi. is the hypotheticaloxygen For the gas
partial pressure(the "oxygen tension") that would be in equilibrium with water under the
experimentalconditions. The manufacturerexpressedboth pressuresin millimeters of k
02. You also know the Henry's law constantof oxygen in water at your experimental
( o no.\ By compa
LUì - L^Ur -
in theliquidwater,p is theliquid'sdensity,andM is its
wherec is thetotalconcentration
averagemolecularweight.Because thesolutionis dilute, Note that r
R'e u ar
1 g/cmr I atm I
t0' : | po' expenme
4A. 104atn760.rn Hcl
Combiningwith theearlierdefinition,we see
* here .\'
. c m I 1 . 6 7 l. 0 - e m o l l,
Nr : 3.3 l0-'- |
sec L .-: o,'nHg )(n0.,
- no,) s
12 mol -
: 5.5'10 \Pot, Poz)
cm2 secmm Hg
i :-iì,ttOf. ,, úr,,
t : - ^ ,
l:,rll \lèf p
: : l.ltof
/ 1 8l b / m o l\ / t . I 8 l b - m o lN H r \ l t / 3 0 . 5c m \ l t / _ l h r \
: t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1t t _
: 2 . 9 . 1 0 - 3c m r s e c
'\\ gen
Forthe gasphase,we seefrom Table8.2-2thatthe coefficienthasthe unitsof kr. Thus
: rrr-the
: .ii:\ Of
k: RTkp
_ t /_l . l3tl 4
-a_ r| m_ -lf tt r_\ /[ l2. 0998l b" - K
m )o l \ / 3 0 . 5 c m \ / hr \
\ lb-mol-K/\hr-ft'-atm/\ ft /\3.600sec/
: 3.6 cm/sec
k: tfDlrt
U t. its
Note that this coefficientis initially infinite.
We want to correlateour resultsnot in terms of this local value but in terms of a total
experimentaltime /e. This implies an averagecoefficient.[. definedby
Nt : [at'
.. ! ^ t -N1,tr
' [,"" ' fi" JD/n nrlat : 2 V
N l' : DltrtoLct
.[,1," rs
* : zvTl"n
::n Slèr which is twice the value of k evaluatedat /e. Note that "local" refershere to a particular
.-ntol time ratherthan a particularposition.
222 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer 8.3/ Correi
Showhowklu*isrelatedtothelocalcoefficientftusedintheearlierproblem. 8.
bed,we showed
Soluiion By integratinga massbalanceon a differentiallengthof
in Example8.1-2thatfor a bed of lengthL, In
cientsand h
cr(out) a method ftr
:1_ n-(kaluo)L
cr (sat) convenlen
Reananging,we fìnd Experimen
c 1 ( s a t -) r , ( o 9 _ o_(ka lu\r do not uant
, (t"t) - 0 This avoida
Taking the logarithm of both sidesand rearranging' coefficient
, I (r(sat)-0 \
\ c1
( s a t ) - c 1( o u t ) / 8'-
: -:.ì Of ano
. : - : : l\ f C f
ftros: ft
Table 8.3-1. Significanr:eof r:ommondimensionLess Some i
The accur
Group' Physicalmeaning Used in elTors are
KI masstransfèrvelocity &Iì) SOft tr
Sherwoodnumber - Usual dependentvariable
D diffusion velocity physicalp
k masstransfèrvelocity forced con
Stantonnumber ^ Occasional dependentvariable I fbr gase
t)u flow velocity
be reliable
diffusivity of momentum
Schmidtnumbe. I Correlationsofgas or liquid data plants.the
D diffusivity of mass
c h e c k so n
a diffusivity of energy
Lewis number Simultaneousheat and masstransfer Manr r
D diffusivity of mass involvea S
diffusivity of momentum
Prandtl number. I Heat transfer;includedhere for i n t e r e s tT. l
a diffusivity of energy compìeteness The \ arial
luo inertial forces diffèrenrpi
Reynoldsnumber - -;-- ^ or Forcedconvection
v vlscouslorces Frrre\anlp
flow velocity r . p u m p e J:
"momentum velocity" : h r o u g hr i ,
l r t r t h e r, .
buoyancy forces
rr'1#1t Free convection - , : L l r e \J - : :
: intem".
uol flow velocity :,:lutinl.
Péclet number Correlations of gas or liquid data
I diffusion velocity The i ::
reactionvelocity involvingreactions
Correlations -..
(seeChapters15-16) .. -. :::;:.
diffusion velocity
^ rc12
o r ( T h i e l em o d u l u s ) ' -
I - . . .
'r - I :,
Note: u The symbolsand their dimensionsare as fbllows:
D diffusioncoefficient(L2lt)
g a c c e l e r a t i odnu et o g r a v i t y( L / r r )
k masstransfercoefficient(l, /r)
/ characteristiclength (L)
u" fluid velociry (Llt)
o thermaldiffusivity (L2ll)
r first-orderreactionrateconstant(t r)
u kinematicviscosity(L2/r)
Ap/p fractionaldensitychange
the same way, a Sherwood number of 2 means different things for a membrane and for a
dissoh'ing sphere. This flexibility is central to the correlations that follow.
l a E
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228 8 / Fundamenîalsof Mass Transfer E.-ì/ Cttrr,
Example 8.3-1: Dissolution rate of a spinning disc A soÌid disc of benzoic acid
2.5 centimetersin diameter is spinning at 20 rpm and 25'C. How fast will it dissolve
in a largevolume of water? How fast will it dissolvein a largevolume of air? The diffusion
coefficientsare 1.00. l0-s cm2/secin waterand 0.233cm2Tsecin air. The solubilityof
benzoicacid in wateris 0.003g/cmr: its equilibriumvaporpressureis 0.30 mm Hg.
Solution Before startingthis problem, try to guessthe answer. Will the mass
transferbe higher in water or in air?
In eachcase,the dissolutionrate is
Nr : ftcr(sat)
ttutl 2 r U rl I
k:0.62D1-l f- ì
\r,,/ \D/
: 0 . 6 2 ( 1 . 0 0 .l 0 5 c m 2 7 s e c ,
( 10'01.tr'/r* r) t12
0. 0 1cm2 lsec
( , .00I 0 *
' l
a l
sec) " '
- - '
: 0.90.l0-3 cm/sec
N 1 : ( 0 . 9 0 . l 0 I c m l s e c ) ( 0 . 0 0g3/ c m 3 )
:0.62(0.233cm2lsec) (1
20160)(2r /sec
0.l-5.t"? sec
r) (
0.l 5 cm2/sec
0 2;-)-);"1/*. ) " '
: 0 . 1 1c m / s e c
8.3 / Correlations of Mass Transfer Coffit:ients
' - : 3 Ì ] tt s A l m o s lp u r e
. . r ' J a sa oir
l:: rO€f-
- i-fluid
: ..ìtliìlly
. .. .rp the
A i r & w o t e r-
s o l u b l ev o p o r
r' ll ldòù
mmHs ( Imot
N 1 : ( 0 . 4 7 c m l s e fc()o ' : \ \ (213\ /122s\l
L\760mmHe/ \22.4.t}t.r,/ \2e8l \ not)]
: 0 . 9 . l 0 - ó g / c ms2e c
g:[ndluucfl, _frdlu0ci
] : + a : * t d L z k l c t ( s a t )_ c 1 l
in which d is the column diameter,/ is the film thickness,u is the flow, and
c1 is the vapor
concentrationin the water. This balanceleadsto
, 1. . .
0 : - / r 0 " , ' - . 1k l c r ( s a -Ur . , l
230 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer \.-t/ C,,rr.
z:0, cl:0
Insertingthe numericalvaluesgiven,
_ _ t/ _ l| 2l un \f l - /
l _
c, \.l2
t l
\1.90DlL \ .,(sat)/l
/ 0 . 0 1 c- = m')'2' .( 3
^c"mr /"s' e
, _c )- .\ '
: I'"'"'
. I l t n t l_ 0 . t ) 1 2
\ t . o o rl . 8 l o - 5 c m 2 l s e /c "
: 4 . 8c m
V --; : rd'k[c1 (sat)- c1]
cr :0 when / :0
, V / r ' 1 ( s a t ) \
A : - l n l - l
ndtt -
\ c ' 1 ( s a t ) r ' 1/
If rl e assume that stomach flow is essentially forced convection, we find, from Table 8.3-3,
- : 2 + 0 . 6 {/ d- ul \ t " r lr -. ,ì ' , ,
D \ u / \ D /
!,,itts.fer 8.3 / Correlations of Mass Transfer Cofficients
Nt : kct
::ie flOW where cl is the bulk concentration.If we can calculatek, then we can estimate
N1, the
-:. ,1large desiredquantity.we seefrom Tàble 8.3-2 that for a suspensionof liquid drops,
-:r' in the
ft: 0.13 (i)"' p-t/1v-s/t2 D213
: 5 . 7 . l 0 3 c m / s e c: 2I cmlhr
The flux is
Nt : (21 cmlhr)c1
8.4.1 Aeration
- dc,
0 : -ùE r k u l c l( s a t )- r ' 1| (8.4-l)
u'herezzis the total bubbleareaper column volume. This equation,a closeparallel to the
nlanyrîassbalancesin Section8.1, is subiectto the initial condition
: :0, c r: 0 (8.4-2)
u / c1(sat)
t.., _ -ln{ (8.4-3)
. : \\ cr (sat)- cr (z)
1,.;rt.sle 8.4 / DimensionalAnalysis: The route to Correlations 233
, :l\ Can
: ..Ar Of
:.' rn&ble
: J r't.|U
.l iìlled
r:iad via
. .\ Jnt to Fig. 8.4-I . An experimentalapparatusfor the studyof aeration.Oxygenbubblesfrom the
:-.,d. At spargerat the bottom of the tower partially dissolvein the aqueoussolution. The concentration
.: ' .et Of in this solutionis measured with electrodes thatarespecificfor dissolvedoxygen.The
concentrationsfound in this way tlle interpretedin terrnsofmass transfercoefîcients;this
.:3n they
interpretation assumes thatthe solutionis well mixed,exceptvery nearthe bubblewalls.
::r 3lforts
'.',.'...È Ideally, we would like to measure ft and a independently, separating the effects of mass
1':' .tà89S
-r rrlved.
transfer and geometry. This would be difficult here, so we report only the product ftd.
Our experimental results now consist of the following:
:':ì .ÈflOUS
/s4 : [constant)uqpfl Ut 4t re (8.4-5)
-. .,ndfor
where both the constantin the squarebracketsand the exponentsare dimensionless.Now
\\ l rvant the dimensionsor units on the left-handside of this equationmust equalthe dimensionsor
, \ : p l a nt o units on the right-handside. We cannothavecentimetersper secondon the left-handside
- , : . 1 t i o inn
equaÌto gramson the right. Becauseka has dimensionsof the reciprocalof time (1 lt), u
: . r'loctty has dimensionsof length/ttme(L lt), p has dimensionsof massper lengthcubed (M I Lr,
: .:ì.' depth and so forth, we fìnd
- :hebed.
1 /L\" /M\fl
(;i (z.j ( # ) ' ( L t ò ( L t ' (8.4-6)
. . F r o ma
The only way this equationcanbe dimensionallyconsistentis if the exponenton time on the
left-handsideofthe equationequalsthe sumofthe exponentson time on the right-handside:
-l:-d-y (8.4-1)
.- :l to the
Similar equationshold for the mass:
0:f_ty (8.4-8)
r 8.;1-2)
andfor thelength:
0:a-3fl*y*6*e (8.4-e)
s.-r-3) Equations
8.4-1to 8.4-9givethreeequations
for thefiveunknownexponents.
l-'i+ 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer 8.1 / Dittttr
We can solve these equationsin terms of the two key exponentsand thus simplify
Eq. 8.4-5. We choosethe two key exponentsarbitrarily. For example,if we choosethe
exponenton the viscosity y andthat on column height e , we obtain
a : l - y (8.4-
F:-y ( 8 . 4 -ll)
A - _ " , -e-1 (8.4-13)
/ kad\
l;/ : [constant]
(+)'(;)' (8.4-15)
. - 1 l-0 )
. l-l l)
r J,l?l
r +-13)
. _ l _l 5 ) Fig. 8.4-2. Mass transf'erin an artificial kidney. Arterial blood flows through a dialysis tube that
is immersed in saline. Toxins in the blood diffuse acrossthe tube wall and into the saline. If the
' : ' - - l h se e s sallne is well stirred and if the tube wall is thin, then the rate of toxin removal dependson the
concentration gradient in the blood. Experiments'in this situation are easily correlated using
::'tlf€ Of
d i m e n s i o n aul n a l y s i s .
: ot our the rate is to make the membraneas thin as possible.Although too thin a membranewould
--r.r and
rupture,existing membranesare alreadyso thin that the membranethicknesshas only a
:i.ulting minor effect. The resultis that the concentrationdifferenceacrossthe membraneis not the
:-. afvone largestpart of the overall concentrationdifference,againas shownin Fig. 8.4-2.
The rate of toxin removalnow dependsonly on what happensin the blood. We want to
correlateour measurements of toxin removalas a function of blood flow. tube size.and so
:ìiO! OUf
forth. To do this, we find the flux for eachcase:
T h i sc a n amounttransferred
flux N1 - (8.4-
.-:,1\tfUe (area)(time)
'*: night
By definition,
:ì.llex. Nt:k(ct-cn)
: :egoing - ^L I (8.4-17)
Becausewe know N1 and c1,we carìfind the masstransfercoefficientft.
As befbre, we recognizethat the masstransfercoefficientof a particulartoxin varies
with the system'sproperties:
k : k ( u ,p , I , r D
, ,d) (8.4-18)
-:i of the where u, p, and p are the velocity, density,and viscosity of the blood, D is the diffusion
:. There, coeffìcientof the toxin in blood. and d is the diameterof the tube. We assumethat this
- Toxins
relationhasthe form
.r This
-. :riìnsfer ft - [constant)u"pfruv PdO' (8.4-l9)
wherethe constantis dimensionless.The dimensionsor units on the left-handside of this
: . nllxlng
' .L\mall equationmust equal the dimensionsor units on the right-handside; so
, '.J have
" -:rrsing (+)'"
i,'(i)"(#)'(X)' (8.4-20)
236 8 / Fundamentalsof Mass Transfer 8.5 / Mass T
This equationwill be dimensionallyconsistentonly if the exponenton the length on the The reasc
left-handside ofthe equationequalsthe sum ofthe exponentson the right-handside: beginning.in
(R 4-) l\
the densitr 1
Similar equationsmust hold for mass:
0 :f*y (8.4-22)
which is the
and fbr time: haveno rea:
and make int
-l : _o _ y - 3 ( 9 ,L _ ) \ \ sharpens.
kd /,1u\r'l
- : l c o n s t a n t-l \l -Dl / (8.4-31)
t h a ti s . t h a t a : ( l - ó ) : l 1 3 . H o w e v e ri,f w e t h e n m e a s u r e d fats a f u n c t i o n o ft h e t u b e
d i a m e t e r d . w e w o u l d f i n d i t p r o p o r t i o n adl t- ot / 3 , n o t d - 2 / 3a s s u g g e s t e d b y E q . 8 . 41-.3
Afier a good start,our dimensionalanalysisis failing.
;t1.\re 8.5 / Mass Transfer AcrossIntetfaces 231
ìn the The reasonfbr this failure is that we did not chooseall the relevantvariablesat the very
beginning,in Eq. 8.4-l8. We shouldhaveincludedthetubelengthL; we couldhaveomitted
the density p and viscosity tr. Had we done so, we would haveobtained:
kd ( r12u\ttl
Iconstant] (8.,1-32
D \DLl
' l
\ J -
which is the result quoted in Table 8.3-3. However,from dimensionalanalysisalone,w'e
have no reasonto be critical of our original result in Eq. 8.4-30. We can only be critical
and make improvementsas our experimentalexperiencegrows and as our physicalinsight
' _r-t3) sharpens.
(o)Heot tronsfer
( b ) B r o m i n ee x t r o c t i o n
t---l _ f---r
Benzene .l- aon"
lEquol - , I
7777-2 V7-7V
lEquot// ) woter----+ lDitute)
|,/,/,/) /,/ ,/)
lnllioI Finol
(c) Bromine voporizotion
['';]-^' F-.;-l
Wú Finol
Fig. 8.5-1.Driving fbrcesacrossinterfaces.In heattransfer,îhe amountofheat transfèrred c h a ng r '
dependson the temperature differencebetweenthe two l'iquids,as shownin (a). In mass coetl.:
transfèr,the amountof solutethatditfusesdependson the solute's"solubility"or, moreexactly, îe\t.
on its chemicalpotential.Two casesareshown.In (b), brominediffusesfrom waterinto
benzenebecause it is muchmoresolublein benzene;in (c), bromineevaporates until its :he lett is bein-l
chemicalpotentialsin the solutionsareequal.This behaviorcompìicates analysisof mass
transtèr. .\-. :
.,.here,('-.ì: rhe
concentration that would be in benzene that was in equilibrium with the actual concentration : : r - b u l kp r e \ \ u
in water. Svmbolicallv. .reflur acro..
Nr : Klcr(in benzene)- Hc(inwater)] (8.5-2)
where rY is a partition coefficient,the ratio at equilibrium of the concentrationin benzene
r. .r r- rr r. -! t( hr r: r I i . , -
to that in water. Note that this doespredict a zero flux at equilibrium. "gu.r
-::J r and r
A better understandingof this phenomenonmay come from the third case,shown in
\\'e norr nee_
Fig. 8.5-1(c)' Here, bromine is vaporizedfrom water into air. Initially, the bromine's
. : . r l n t o . ta j l . . .
concentrationin water is higher than that in air; afterward, it is lower. Of course,this
reversalof the concentrationin the liquid might be expressedin molesper liter and that in |11. - )
Fig. 8.5-2. Mass transfer across a gas-liquid interface. In this example, a solute vapor is
diffusing from the gas on the left into the liquid on the right. Because the solute concentration
changesboth in the gas and in the liquid, the solute's flux must depend on a mass transfer
- -.'J coefficient in each phase. These coefficients are combined into an overall flux equation in the
'r 3\ilctly,
the left is being transferredinto the liquid on the right. The flux in the gas is
Nt:kp(prc-pn) (8.5-3)
whereftr, is the gas-phasemasstransfercoefficient(typically in mol/cmr-sec-atm),p1e is
the bulkpressure,and p11is the interfacialpressure.Becausethe interfacialregion is thin,
- r llratlOn
the flux acrossit will be in steadystate,and the flux in the gaswill equalthat in the liquid.
Nr :Kz(r:ì-cro) (8.s-8)
Kr: (8.5-e)
l lkt -l I lkpH
. Dtrr
' H (8.5-
Pî : Hcut ( 8 . sl -3 )
K2 is an "overall gas-sidemasstransfercoefficient,"and pi is the hypotheticalgas-phase
concentrationthat would be in equilibrium with the bulk liquid.
We now turn to a varietyof examplesillustratingmasstransferacrossan interface.These
exampleshavethe annoyingcharacteristicthat they are initially diffìcult to do, but they are
trivial after you understandthem. Rememberthat most of the difficulty comesfrom that
a n c i e nbt u t c o m m o nc u r s e :u n i t c o n v e r s i o n .
Example 8.5-1: Oxygen mass transfer Estimatethe overall liquid-side mass transfer
coeffìcientat 25'C for oxygen from water into air. In this estimate,assumethat each
individual masstransfercoefficientis
k :
0 . 0 1c m
T h i s r e l a t i o ni s j u s t i f i e di n S e c t i o n1 3 . 1 .
Solution For oxygenin air, the diffusion coefficientis 0.23 cm2lsec;for oxygen
in water.the diffusioncoefficientis 2.1 . l0-5 cm2/sec.The Henry'slaw constantin this
caseis 4.,1. 101atmospheres.We needonly calculateft1-and k, andplug thesevaluesinto
T,,irts.fe 8.5 / Mass TransferAcross Interfaces 241
Finding kn and H is harderbecauseof unit conversions.From Eq. 8.5-3 and Table 8.2-2
k6 D6
K p :
RT ( 0 . 0 1c m ) ( R Z )
s . 5 1- 2 ) / H'\ 4 . 4 ' l O aa t m
H : | - I - -, :J.9. l0' atm-cm'/g-mol
\, / lg-mol/l8cmr
Insertingtheseresultsinto Eq. 8.-5-9,we find
s . - 5l -3 ) I
K "r - _
,:. These t l
.: theyare tl lol.rn/*. e|1
: r-rìlnthat
: 2 . 1 . 1 0 - 3c m / s e c
N r : k ( c r o- c r , ) : k ' ( c ' r ,- c 1 o )
+' lz0
3 . 0 . 1 0 - 1c m / s e c 2 . 4 . 1 0 - 3c m / s e c
: 1 . 3 .1 0 ' c m / s e c
Example 8.5-3: Overall mass transfer coefficients in a packed tower are studying
gas absorptioninto water at 2.2 atmospheres total pressure in a packed tower contain-
ing Berl saddles. From earlier experiments with ammonia and methane, we believe that
for both gasesthe mass transfercoefficient times the packing area per tower volume is
l8 lb-mol/hr-ft3for the gas side and 530 lb-molftrr-ftr for the liquid side. The values for
thesetwo gasesmay be simiìar becausemethane,and ammonia have similar molecular
weights. However,their Henry's law constantsaredifferent: 9.6 atmospheres for ammonia
and 41,000atmospheres fbr methane.What is the overall gas-side mass transfer coefficient
for eachgas?
Solution This is essentiallya problem in unit conversion. Although you can
extractthe appropriateequationsfrom the text, I alwaysfeel more confidentif I repeatparts
of the derivation.
The quantity we seek,the overall gas-sidetransfercoefficientK., is definedby
N 1 a: K , . rtu1 1 0- r ' i )
: k r a ( . y r o- y r , )
: k,a(xti - r'n)
- pJ t, - Hxti
8.6 / Conclusirns 243
K,.a - l6 1b-mol/hr-ft3
--]_ 1 41.000 atntl2.2 atm
Kr" l8 1b-mol/hr-ft' 530Ib-molftr-ft3
8.6 Conclusions