(Asce) 1052-3928 (2004) 130 3 PDF
(Asce) 1052-3928 (2004) 130 3 PDF
(Asce) 1052-3928 (2004) 130 3 PDF
Abstract: Resources are the cornerstone of all construction performance. An important measure of those resources is their productivity,
which can be affected by many factors. Where productivity is reduced due to circumstances beyond the contractor’s control, a claim for
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loss of productivity often results. Although similar to other types of claims, loss of productivity claims pose unique challenges for the
contractor who asserts them and the owner who defends against them. This paper discusses construction productivity, especially labor
productivity, including its measurement, the methodologies for asserting and defending against loss of productivity claims, and recent
judicial decisions addressing these claims.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1052-3928共2004兲130:3共226兲
CE Database subject headings: Claims; Construction costs; Productivity; Contractors; Construction industry.
Productivity is commonly defined as the quantity of work pro- Many estimating methods recognize that construction labor pro-
duced or work output 共e.g., lineal feet of pipe兲 per unit of input or ductivity is influenced by project characteristics, such as the
effort 共e.g., dollars or man-hours兲. Productivity measurement is project’s size, its complexity, the schedule, the extent of revamp
typically expressed as a ratio or factor, as a percentage, or as a or retrofit, the construction contract, the availability of labor, the
production rate. Some productivity measurement schemes use location, and competing projects. Many of these characteristics
‘‘efficiency,’’ which is the ratio of the effective or useful output to are evident at the time of bidding and are reflected in project
the total input in a project. Other measurement schemes may use estimates and contractor bids. Consequently, accuracy at time of
a ‘‘production rate,’’ such as the amount of work that may be bidding and the use of current data are essential. These character-
accomplished in a given amount of time 共e.g., 200 cu yd of con- istics can change during performance however, such as where the
crete placed per day兲. owner adds, deletes, or accelerates work.
A loss of productivity claim, also known as a loss of efficiency
claim or an inefficiency claim, arises when productivity is im-
pacted by events for which the contractor is not responsible and is
Site Conditions
entitled to additional compensation. Loss productivity claims are Site conditions can also influence labor productivity. These influ-
one of many types of claims asserted on construction projects.1 ences include access to the site, its distance from the labor pool
Contractors assert claims for loss of productivity when the antici- 共usually a major town or city兲, other work in congested areas
pated means, methods, techniques, scheduling, or work sequence 共also known as density兲, crowding of labor or stacking of trades,
are altered by events or circumstances outside the contractor’s work among hazardous materials or processes 共which may neces-
control, and the contractor is entitled to relief for the loss. sitate work interruptions or the use of appropriate protective
clothing兲, use of site work permits 共to safely perform ‘‘hot work’’
Influences of Construction Labor Productivity or work in a confined space兲, the strictness of the owner’s site
safety requirements, and other safety/legal restrictions. Some of
One of the challenges of assessing productivity for estimating or these influences are fixed and known at the onset of the construc-
claim analysis is to identify which of the myriad of factors that tion contract, but others may arise during the course of the work.
influence project performance actually caused the variance in
construction productivity. These factors can include project char-
acteristics, site conditions, project execution, weather effects, su- Project Execution
pervision effects, management of time, local labor market condi- Project execution by the performing parties may also influence
tions, and availability of tools and construction equipment. labor productivity. Typical of such influences are the amount and
timing of project changes, the quality of materials delivered, the
Senior Principal, PMA Consultants LLC, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. quality of engineering deliverables 共perhaps related to errors and
Partner, Construction Law Group, Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP, omissions in contract documents兲, the timing and availability of
Atlanta, GA 30303. engineering deliverables, timing and availability of materials, re-
Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2004. Separate discussions view time for requests for information 共RFI兲, review time for
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
approval of shop drawings or samples, failure to coordinate trade
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- contractors/subcontractors, and failure to control vendors and
sible publication on June 20, 2003; approved on February 24, 2004. This vendor deliverables such as shop drawings and fabricated materi-
paper is part of the Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Edu- als.
cation and Practice, Vol. 130, No. 3, July 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 1052- On most projects, the owner has the authority to accept or
3928/2004/3-226 –236/$18.00. reject changes and the responsibility to control changes; but, that
ally allocated.
Construction Equipment and Tools
Tools and construction equipment may affect labor productivity.
If the right tools and equipment are not available, productivity is
Weather conditions frequently have an overriding impact on labor likely to suffer. The contractor is normally responsible for the
productivity. Some projects have limited performance windows availability and management of tools and equipment.
because of the severity of seasonal weather 共such as work on the
Alaska North Slope兲. Typical weather-related productivity influ-
ences include extreme heat, extreme cold, inclement weather Productivity Measurement and Performance
共rain, wind, snow, ice兲, and availability of weather protection. Evaluation „Productivity Trend Analysis…
Depending on the contract terms and the circumstances, unusual
weather may be a force majeure that justifies an increase to the Construction labor productivity is a key indicator of overall
contract time but rarely an increase in the contract price. A typical project performance. Best project control practice is to collect and
exception is where owner changes or performance failures push analyze productivity data continuously during the course of the
work into periods of more hostile weather or extreme conditions, project. These same data can later be used to assert or refute
and efficiency suffers as a result. contentions about the amount and causes of loss of productivity.
for all accounts in the control account. The earned value analysis yields a similar calibration curve profile.
system must be flexible and accurate to allow for the dynamic Once developed, the calibration curve can be used to compare
effects of rework and changes, which increases the base amount planned versus actual cumulative productivity performance. Cali-
of work to be performed. If it fails to reflect actual required work, bration curves can provide early warning of problems, even be-
the analysis will be flawed. The earned value analysis can be set fore the work gets to the production subphase. Calibration curves
up in a series of spreadsheets or in a database, depending on the provide a mechanism to forecast productivity trends and can be
volume of data. used to quantify the monetary extent of loss of efficiency/
As part of the earned value analysis, the performance evaluator productivity. An example of a calibration curve is presented in
establishes ‘‘rules of credit,’’ which are used to establish partial Fig. 1, which tracks cumulative productivity using a work hours
credit for individual work steps within an account. Rules of credit per percent complete statistic. In this example, the budget for the
specify the individual steps 共such as erect steel, bolt-up, plumb- work is 114,000 work hours; thus the budget line is set at 1,140
ing, and torque bolts for installation of bolted steel structures兲 as work hours per percent complete, as this is the budget divided by
well as the partial credit to earn 共such as 50% to erect steel, 25% 100% complete. Expected cumulative productivity is shown by
to bolt-up, 15% to plumb, and 10% to torque兲. The sum of rules the calibration curve, which shows how the cumulative perfor-
of credit for a control account equals 100%. Rules of credit are mance would differ during the execution of the work. By defini-
usually determined through analysis of the historical level of ef- tion, the calibration curve should equal the budget level at 100%
fort to complete an account. If done properly, rules of credit avoid complete. The trend of actual cumulative productivity perfor-
over-reporting or under-reporting of progress. mance is calculated as actual work hours divided by physical
Once work starts on a project, the performance evaluator col- progress percent complete, under the presumption that the
lects and reports actual quantity and work-hour information. progress measurement system is based on actual quantities of
Quantity reporting provides periodic reporting of actual quantities work performed.
installed for a control account. Examples of quantities to report Although these measurement and evaluation tools are by no
include volume 共cubic yards or cubic meters兲 of concrete placed, means exhaustive, they demonstrate the availability of methods
length 共or weight兲 of piping installed, weight 共tons兲 of steel for tracking productivity. These are important when attempting to
erected, length of cable pulled, etc. Actual work-hour reporting recover loss of productivity costs or defend against claims for
provides actual work hours expended by each control account. To these costs.
accurately assess productivity performance, the reporting of
earned value data and actual quantities and work hours should be
through the same date. Legal Trends in Recovery of Lost Productivity
Finally, the performance evaluator compares actual progress Claims
共from the earned value analysis兲 and productivity to the control The major challenge when presenting a lost productivity claim is
budget. This includes a comparison of the quantity installation to prove the cause and the cost of the lost productivity so that the
rates and work hour consumption rates. The evaluation is per- proper party bears responsibility. Because poor productivity can
formed by control accounts 共such as formwork, reinforcing-steel result from multiple events and project participants, isolating the
placement, concrete placement, structural-steel installation, large- productivity lost due to each event can be difficult if not impos-
bore piping, small-bore piping, masonry, mechanical rough-in, sible.
mechanical finishes, electrical rough-in, and electrical finishes, If United States laws govern the construction project, then
etc.兲. Commonly, this evaluation is performed weekly for most project participants will benefit from an ever-deepening body of
construction projects. The performance evaluation should look at law on proving and pricing lost productivity claims. If the project
incremental as well as cumulative trends to provide ‘‘early warn- is outside the United States, then the contractor and owner must
ing’’ of inadequate performance, especially when data are com- typically rely more on contract documents and industry practices,
pared to calibration curves. because few other countries have such an established body of law
on this issue. In many civil law, code-based countries, the parties
Calibration Curves must rely on broad, overriding legal principles that allocate the
risk of damages if one party is in substantial breach of its con-
To complement the measurement of productivity, an expected tractual obligations. These legal principles can frequently be
construction labor productivity ‘‘calibration curve’’ is developed vague. Often, however, methods used for pricing and proving lost
from historical performance of similar work. The development of productivity claims under U.S. law are accepted in the interna-
a calibration curve is a statistical exercise and requires enough tional community as persuasive authority.
actual work hours and progress data from several projects to Recently, U.S. courts, and especially federal boards of contract
make the analysis robust. A calibration curve based on project appeals, have given guidance into the proof required to recover
data from 10 similar projects is likely to provide more predictive construction inefficiency costs.4 This is important for those that
find themselves arguing their inefficiency claims before these Lost Productivity Recovery
boards, as well as those who are prosecuting, defending against,
and negotiating these claims on construction projects domesti- If productivity drops, the contractor is faced with two basic ques-
cally and abroad. tions. First, what is the cost of the drop in productivity? Second,
Although productivity is often an item identified with the gen- what or who is responsible for which portion of the additional
eral contractor, with the growing use of Engineer, Procure, and costs? These questions are not always easily answered. Tracking
Construct 共EPC兲 and Engineer and Construct 共EC兲 contracts, tra- costs for productivity can be difficult; linking the added costs of
ditional design and engineering firms must likewise understand lost productivity with specific events poses even greater chal-
and be able to address productivity of in-house engineering and lenges. Despite this, contractors and project owners must respond
field activities. For example, on an EPC industrial process project, to these questions so that lost productivity costs can be borne by
lost productivity in construction activities may result from the responsible party.
changes in the basic design that occurred late in the project. In
such cases, the EPC contractor must meet the same standard that Judicial Decisions on Lost Productivity Claims in the
applies to a general contractor, by showing that the design docu- United States
ments changed, which in turn impacted the cost of the work. In
addition, the EPC contractor will need to show that the change As one board of contract appeals put it, inefficiency costs are
was beyond the minimum performance or design criteria con- typically increased labor costs that ‘‘stem from the disruption to
tained in the bid documents consequently impacting its area of labor productivity resulting from a change in working conditions.
responsibility and its cost of performance. This extra step may Productivity is inversely proportional to the man-hours necessary
require significant additional documentation and analysis. Many to produce a given unit of product... if productivity declines the
design/engineering-oriented firms are not, historically, set up to number of man-hours of labor to produce a given task will in-
track labor and equipment costs in construction because this is crease.’’ 6
often not within their traditional areas of work. The failure to When the contractor is contractually responsible for the dis-
adequately track labor, material, and equipment costs on large ruption, it must bear the resulting losses. But, when the owner
EPC projects can have devastating financial consequences for the causes a disruption, the contractor is not automatically entitled to
EPC contractor. Consequently, engineering and design firms in- additional compensation. To recover additional compensation for
volved in these types of projects must be prepared to address lost project inefficiencies, the contractor must prove 共1兲 liability, i.e.,
productivity, especially if they are the lead member of the con- the owner was contractually responsible for the impact; 共2兲 cau-
tractor team. Likewise, traditional construction firms must be pre- sation, i.e., the impact caused the labor overruns; and 共3兲 resultant
pared to track additional engineering time and procurement costs. cost increase, i.e., the impact actually caused a compensable loss.
Several excellent publications address legal principles con-
cerning lost productivity; therefore, a comprehensive discussion Although state and federal courts have addressed construction
here is unnecessary.5 Instead, this section focuses on recent productivity claims, the most recent and detailed judicial com-
United States court and board decisions addressing lost produc- mentaries on this subject have come from the various federal
tivity claims, with the goal of identifying the best means for con- boards of contract appeals. Board decisions are not binding on
tractors to identify, track, price, and recover costs for lost produc- state and federal courts, or even other boards, but they give some
tivity. insight into judicial trends, and state and federal courts will often
attributable to the owner’s actions. Additionally, the contractor prove causation, and they were based more on subjective conclu-
must recognize that most owners regard lost productivity as ‘‘soft sions than ‘‘hard, objective’’ evidence. In rejecting the contrac-
costs,’’ lacking the same persuasiveness as direct cost. To over- tor’s claim in Centex Bateson, the Board held that the contractor
come this perception, documentation demonstrating the cost is failed to show that the totality of changes and other events for
often required. which the government was responsible actually caused the disrup-
As noted, lost productivity costs are not limited to labor inef-
tion in labor productivity.
ficiencies. It can also result from equipment inefficiencies and
One of the problems with the contractor’s case was that it
even material inefficiencies, although the latter is uncommon.
rested primarily on the testimony of one witness, whose opinion
Consequently, where the contractor demonstrates that its use of
was based on ‘‘subjective recollections, calculated to justify a
equipment was impacted by owner-caused disruptions, the con-
result that was apparently presumed’’ and on limited record docu-
tractor may be able to recover the resulting inefficiency costs.9
ments prepared for the appeal. The board found that this was not
Recovery for equipment inefficiency is subject to the same stan-
dards of proof as recovery for labor inefficiency. enough to carry the contractor’s burden of proof. Instead, the
contractor should have maintained and based its claim on ‘‘con-
temporaneous, detailed, objective logs and other records relating
Lost Productivity Entitlement to the performance of the contract and impact of the events on
labor productivity.’’ 12 Because the contractor failed to present
Proving causation has been a prevailing theme in board decisions this type of evidence showing the causal link between the impact
over the past 2 years. Recently, the Veterans Administration events and the lost productivity, the board denied the claim. Al-
Board gave detailed opinions on the subject with respect to lost
though proving an inefficiency claim based on cumulative impact
productivity arising from the cumulative impact of multiple
may be more difficult than proving inefficiencies from other,
changes.10 Cumulative impact is the unforeseeable disruption of
more discrete conditions, the board’s decision in Centex Bateson
productivity resulting from the overall 共or ‘‘synergistic’’兲 effect of
is instructive for those making inefficiency claims because it de-
groups of change orders. Local 共or direct impact兲 on the other
lineates the proof standards to which the contractor may be
hand refers to the direct impact that changed work has on the
unchanged work going on around it.
In 2000, the Veterans Administration Board again provided a
In Centex Bateson, the board addressed the cumulative impact
detailed analysis for evaluating inefficiency claims in Clark Con-
of approximately 1,500 events, including change orders and RFIs,
taking place during the course of a hospital construction project. struction Group, Inc.14 There, the general contractor sponsored a
The contractor requested an equitable adjustment for direct labor claim on behalf of its mechanical subcontractor for lost produc-
costs, impact on changed work, impact on unchanged work, im- tivity on a large, multiyear hospital project. The subcontractor
pact to stopped work and then restarted, and home office impact contended that three circumstances, for which the Government
arising from the change order work and RFIs. was responsible, affected its labor productivity. First, the subcon-
The board rejected most of the claims once it held that most of tractor contended that it was forced to change its work sequence
the costs associated with these categories were subject to an ac- due to a government order that stopped part of work on the
cord and satisfaction 共i.e., settlement兲 because the contractor project, which in turn resulted in less productive labor and caused
signed modifications for the work that gave rise to those costs. the subcontractor additional expenditures in preparing coordina-
The board then turned its attention to the inefficiency claims that tion drawings. Second, the subcontractor claimed that the site was
survived. excessively wet both inside and outside the building due to two
The board recognized that, when proving cumulative impact, reasons: the stop work order, which stopped underground water
the contractor is subject to the ‘‘fundamental triad of proof’’ nec- pumping; and an improper proprietary roof specification that the
essary to recover lost productivity costs: liability; causation; and general contractor had a difficult time meeting. Finally, the sub-
resultant injury. The board found that the contractor satisfied the contractor claimed that the government continuously failed to re-
first element because it showed that the government was liable for spond timely to RFIs, which in turn impacted efforts to complete
the multiple changes. To satisfy the second element, a contractor coordination drawings and mechanical installation work.
must demonstrate that the ‘‘government exceeded the permissible Citing Centex, the board applied the fundamental ‘‘triad’’ of
limits of its discretion under the changes clause and ordered proof, liability, causation, and resulting injury, to determine each
changes that materially alter the nature of the bargain agreed aspect of the subcontractor’s claim. The board first noted that the
upon.’’ 11 In other words, the government must direct changes that testimony of the subcontractor’s project managers and experts
damaged the nature of the project as foreseen by the parties. The was ‘‘forthright.’’ Nonetheless, it stated that to prove a labor in-
board noted that the contractor could not recover for the cumula- efficiency claim the claimant must present contemporaneous
tive impact of changes by merely showing the existence of project records demonstrating the impact and its effect on the
numerous changes, whether or not the number of changes was claimant’s work.15 The board found that the subcontractor met
The board found this to be an acceptable application of the mea- ate productivity losses and may even be appropriate in presenting
sured mile. a lost productivity claim in other forums, such as arbitration. An
Both Clarke Concrete and Lamb demonstrate the continuing example of the use of the calibration curve is found in Fig. 2. In
desire of the boards to utilize methods such as the measured mile this example, the budget for the work was established at 114,000
when actual cost data for lost productivity is not available. The work hours. Due to a low estimate and impacts to the work,
question that arises, however, is whether the labor hours ex- 132,320 actual work hours were needed to perform the work. The
pended must be measured against outputs of work performed calibration curve was used to establish the work-hour overrun due
共e.g., linear feet or linear meters of pipe installed, pours of con- to problems with the estimate, loss of productivity during the
crete, etc.兲 or whether the output could also be based on revenues impact, and loss of productivity after the impact.
earned during particular periods. For example, rather than com- To determine the effect of a low estimate, a calibration curve
paring pipe installed during an unimpacted period against pipe for a budget of 115,000 work hours was projected from the actual
installed during an impacted period, can an equally valid result be cumulative productivity experienced prior to the impact 共i.e., at
obtained by comparing revenue earned by the mechanical work- 48% complete兲. This curve represents that at 48% complete the
ers during an unimpacted period against revenue earned during an actual productivity was trending toward an overrun of 1,000 work
impacted period? This may be a potential method for establishing hours from the original budget. In this example, the main reason
lost productivity costs when other more conventional data 共i.e., for the work-hour increase was an optimistic estimate.
workhours and quantities兲 are not available. To determine the loss of productivity during the impact that
Use of the measured mile, especially when using a ‘‘would/ occurred in the period of 48% complete to 80% complete, a cali-
should have cost’’ analysis will generally require expert testi- bration curve for a budget of 126,000 work hours was projected at
mony. The boards are also consistently finding that the expert the end of the impact period 共i.e., at 80% complete兲. This calibra-
testimony must be supported by project documentation, which the tion curve provides an explanation that 11,000 work hours were
expert has personally reviewed and evaluated and then applied to lost due to lower than expected productivity during the impact
his or her opinion, accordingly. Where the expert has failed to period. This amount is calculated as the difference between the
fully analyze the relevant documentation or interview critical wit- corrected budget 共115,000 work hours兲 and the calibration curve
nesses, the expert’s opinion is questioned and may even be ex- level at the end of the impact period 共126,000 work hours兲.
cluded. Moreover, although an expert’s adjustment to actual pro- Fig. 2 also shows another 6,320 work hours that were lost due
ductivity rates may sometimes be appropriate, the boards will to lower than expected productivity after the impact. This amount
carefully scrutinize these after-the-fact adjustments, especially is calculated as the difference from the final work hours 共132,320兲
when they result in a larger recovery to the contractor. and the calibration curve level at the end of the impact period
In preparing a measured mile analysis, the claims analyst may 共126,000 work hours兲. In this hypothetical example, this addi-
attempt to use a calibration curve concept to demonstrate depar- tional loss of productivity could be attributed to out-of-sequence
ture from the normal performance. Although not used by U.S. working after the impact. This methodology is very sensitive to
courts or boards, calibration curves can be a useful tool to evalu- the calibration curve that is used and should only be used when
costs. The studies include those done by the Mechanical Contrac- determining the efficiency loss was to use productivity factors
tors Association of America, the National Electrical Contractors from the Mechanical Contractor’s Association manual. The case,
Association, the Construction Industry Institute, and other profes- however, presented a unique twist, because rather than adopt the
sional groups.35 contractor’s MCAA analysis, the board significantly reduced the
In addition to endorsing the measured mile method, the Gen- efficiency loss factors applied by the contractor’s expert and se-
eral Services Board in Clarke Concrete Contractors, Inc. also lected its own factors to fit its evaluation of the facts.39
allowed for the use of industry guidelines in calculating lost pro- Interestingly, in Fire Security Systems, the government also
ductivity costs with some downward adjustment.36 In Clarke argued that because the contractor expended less labor hours than
Concrete, one of the contractor’s subcontractors based its claim it estimated in its bid, it failed to prove its work was impacted.
on the labor productivity rates established by the Mechanical The board disagreed.
Contractors Association 共MCAA兲. 关The government’s argument兴 ignores the possibility that
The MCAA manual lists several types of impacts that may Appellant may have overestimated the amount of pipe and
occur on a project and for each impact assigns a percentage that sprinkler installation effort needed and/or that it worked in
represents loss of labor productivity factors for minor, average, an efficient manner. In either case, a contractor in a fixed-
and severe impact events. In Clark Concrete, based on the MCAA price contract is entitled to any labor cost savings that it
manual, the subcontractor’s president concluded that his company may experience, just as it is out of luck if it underestimates
sustained a 60% loss of productivity in its work. The impacts the amount of effort involved in the contract work.40
considered included stacking of trades 共20% loss兲, concurrent op- Certainly, the use of industry guidelines to prove lost produc-
erations 共15% loss兲, dilution of supervision 共5% loss兲, site access tivity has certain inherent problems, primarily with respect to its
共5% loss兲, out-of-sequence work 共10% loss兲, and competition for subjectivity, and often, the difficulty in validating the criteria used
labor 共not in the MCAA manual but recognized by the board as an in the guidelines, but, it also has positive applications. For ex-
impact, 5% loss兲. The subcontractor then multiplied the lost pro- ample, it can be very useful in evaluating lost productivity that is
ductivity percentage 共i.e., 60%兲 by the work hours it estimated to the result of multiple impacts by enabling the expert to isolate
perform the work at issue in order to determine the additional certain impact events and assign a particular value to that event.
work hours spent due to the impact events. This figure was in turn Although the boards’ growing acceptance of industry studies and
multiplied by the blended hourly rate that the subcontractor paid guidelines to prove inefficiency claims is encouraging to contrac-
its workers to perform the impacted work in order to reach the tors, contractors should nonetheless be cautious in relying on
lost productivity costs incurred by the subcontractor. The board these factors exclusively. It is always beneficial to check the re-
accepted this approach but reduced the subcontractor’s claim sults from an industry guideline analysis against other methods
based on its finding that some of the additional lost productivity for calculating lost productivity, even if the other method is a
costs were a result of contractor delays rather than agency disrup- modified total-cost approach. This check will help assure that the
tions. use of the guidelines does not produce a result that is inconsistent
In Hensel Phelps Const. Co. v GSBCA, the board again al- with the losses that the contractor actually incurred, an inconsis-
lowed the contractor to use MCAA factors to calculate its lost tency that is likely to be raised by the owner’s auditors.
productivity.37 There, the contractor’s expert used six of the
MCAA factors. The expert then determined the total number of
potentially impacted, budgeted work hours for the various parts of Conclusion
the project and distributed them over discrete time periods iden-
tified by the expert. The six inefficiency factors were then applied What does the foregoing mean for the contractor facing loss of
to budgeted work hours as appropriate. The board approved this productivity on the project? It should be clear that most owners,
method and granted a substantial portion of the contractor’s boards, and courts will hold the contractor to the ‘‘triad of proof’’
claim. 共to wit, liability, causation, and resulting injury兲, whether or not
It is noteworthy that in Hensel Phelps the board allowed the they call it by that name. Proving the first element, liability, is
expert to use the MCAA factors only after specifically finding that typically the easiest step in prosecuting a loss of productivity
the expert had performed a thorough evaluation of project claim. Proving liability for loss of productivity should be no more
records, performed extensive interviews of project personnel, and or less difficult than proving liability for any other type of con-
prepared detailed schedules and manpower curves based on the struction claim. Likewise, proving the third element, a resulting
available data.38 Again, this emphasizes the need for the contrac- injury, is not usually the high hurdle. Rather, the key challenge is
tor to maintain reliable and sufficient project documents and data proving the second element, causation. This is especially true
demonstrating the cause and effect relationship between the im- where multiple impacting events occur at the same time. More-
pact event and the lost productivity as well as an exhaustive over, recent cases suggest that oral testimony from project per-
evaluation of the records by the testifying expert. sonnel and hired experts will no longer be sufficiently persuasive