Performance Magazine Issue 16 Compressed
Performance Magazine Issue 16 Compressed
Performance Magazine Issue 16 Compressed
Performance Management
Redefining and reshaping
organizational behaviours
49 66 63
Issue 16 Content.
KPIs 66
Alina Miertoiu
Kayla Matthews
Nora Mork
Stuart Hearn
Mostafa Sayyadi
Holly Shaw
Josh Carlyle
Danish Wadhwa
Adrian Ciocoi
Peter Davidson RE AD MORE
Bogdan Mihut
Head of Graphic Design
Welcome to Our
Monthly Magazine
Andrei Costea
Head of Publishing & Media,
scorecards and dashboards. Participants will acquire a sound framework to measure KPIs, starting from the
v 2.0 2015 moment they are selected, until results are collected in performance reports.
This three-day course trains participants in how to set and work with OKRs and offers them the opportunity to
get certified on the ability to deploy and use OKRs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s standards, developed
through extensive research and practical knowledge in the field of Performance Management and Objective
E: office@skills.ac06| W:
From the KPI Institute
What makes this especially noteworthy is the fact Normally, the ISM number is somewhat stable
that China is the second economy in the world, when compared to its Chinese counterparts,
and even more important, it is heavily tied with however because of the current situation, it hit a
the American economy. Such a downturn in their continuous 3-month low last August.
manufacturing sector is bound to affect the US’s
already ailing manufacturing industry. With US manufacturing output slowly declining,
there are two factors that may yet improve the
China already suffered from a cyclical slowdown, situation. The first one is that China announced
year by year, however the recent escalating trade it will restart purchasing American agricultural
war only made matters worse. items, while Trump delayed his next round of
tariffs. The second factor are next year’s American
As Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon elections. While this may not seem like much,
Macroeconomics noted, “the US manufacturing is there are several swing states that rely heavily on
in recession and there aren’t any signs of recovery manufacturing.
any time soon, with the ongoing trade war.”
With politicians trying to eek out advantages at all
The conflict has escalated to the point where the points, working with industry representatives to
ISM manufacturing survey is being dragged down find a solution for the current situation might just
mainly because of it. The Institute of Supply Man- yield good results not only for their personal gain,
agement collects data that it compiles into num- but for everyone in the US and China.
GameStop looking to
stop the bleeding
Last year, the vid- since prices were very close
eo game indus- in value to those featured in a
try’s sales peaked GS shop.
at $40 billion dol-
lars. However, the With downloads quickly be-
largest physical video game coming the preferred way of
retailer – GameStop, faced procuring video games, the
a monumental stock price situation looked quite dire
crash, from $16, to $4. The for GameStop. Fortunately
reason? Electronic stores cap- for them, as a final measure
turing an increasing part of to stem the bleeding, they
the consumer market share appointed a new CFO and With that said, it will
for that industry. Stores such CEO, whose combined attrib- be interesting to fol-
as Steam, Epic Games, the utes were to simply save the low GS in their jour-
PlayStation Network, or Xbox company from its would-be ney, as they strive to
Live all started to take away downfall. maintain relevancy
large portions of GameStop’s in a more and more
customers, mostly due to two George Sherman, the newly digitized world, in
factors – convenience and in- appointed CEO, teamed up which almost every
significant price differential. with his CFO partner, James product can be ac-
Bell, and began working on a quire at the click of a
The first and most important clear-cut, 3-point plan to redi- button.
one, convenience, simply rect the organization towards
meant that people found it a sustainable & competitive
way more accessible to pur- future. This plan revolved
chase a video game online, around the following ideas:
rather than go all the way to
a physical store. The second 1. Cut down the num
factor, referring to price, sim- ber of stores.
ply meant that you no longer 2. Lowering the cost
experienced a significant op- of nonproduc-
portunity cost if you decided tion expenses.
to buy your games online, 3.Reducing the price
tag of video games.
TuSimple – Moving
Merchandise in Style
Since Elon Musk’s Diego, operating self-driving
Tesla, the concept trucks out of Tucson, Arizona.
of driverless vehi- Now, their trucks are not fully
cles has really start- autonomous just yet, featuring
ed taking flight, as a back-up driver, as well as an
more and more people have engineer on board, just in case.
1. become aware of the many However, it is the first and only
advantages they bring. If we company capable of provid-
were to name some, the two ing depot-to-depot self-driving
that spring to mind first and transportation.
foremost are improved safety
and efficiency. Started back in 2015, with oper-
ations in China and the USA, it
First off, safety is nominated raised around $55 million dollars
because the combination of in 2017, with plans to fund two
tech & software can often- full truck fleets in both countries.
times be better at gauging One year later, it began tests on
poor situations and condi- public roads, starting off with a
tions than humans. Second- 120-mile stretch between Tucson
ly, efficiency here means and Phoenix, Arizona, and anoth-
eco-friendliness, as well as er one in Shanghai. Nowadays, it
fuel consumption. Whether has over 50 trucks and deals with
we’re looking at the future over 18 contracted customers,
in terms of autonomous tax- one of which is none other than
is or trucks, a large portion UPS.
of a vehicle’s carbon imprint
is laid upon starting and rev- What’s interesting about their
ving the engine. Those same relationship with UPS is the fact
actions also use a significant that for the most part of 2019,
amount of fuel, therefore hav- TuSimple had been shipping
ing the option to streamline their merchandise between Tuc-
these actions leads us to bet- son and Phoenix, without any-
ter results in the mid to long one taking note.
The Consumer Technology Association opment, 54% data analytics, 52% engineering and
(CTA) released a study, Future of Work, 48% noted AI/ML were the main skills that pro-
in which they weighed in the opinions spective employees would have to showcase, in
and information of over 250 tech indus- order to be granted a spot in their company. Other
try leaders within the US, on the future abilities of importance were those related to cloud
of human resources. computing, computer networking and cyber se-
Now, HR has always been a big point of debate
and contention within the business industry, as In addition to this, employers want their future
numerous companies have achieved great perfor- members of staff to also be acquainted with con-
mance in this regard, by employing wildly differ- cepts from the soft skills pool, especially those
ent strategies or focusing on fundamentally differ- pertaining to emotional intelligence. If in the past,
ent skills. knowing how to deal with a non-work related issue
was mostly a given, for better or for worse, today’s
While the study does mostly center around those generation of workers finds this to be a much
skills and developments – what leaders think will more active and engaging task.
be needed in the future, there are some interest-
ing non-skills tidbits in it nonetheless. With the global population increasing over the
years, it is only logical that the number of arche-
Among the first aspects tackled were technical types encountered at work would also increase,
abilities, namely what should new hires posess in resulting in a regular day at work meaning way
terms of know-how. 63% replied software devel- more than it used to.
Day II
Course Stories:
a TKI & ECADEMY JNS Smartnet Limited
Partnership in Dhaka, Bangladesh
The dissemination of best practices in the field of Performance Measure-
ment and Management continue with a new successful edition of our re-
nowned course – The Certified KPI Professional in another promising mar-
ket of the Asia-Pacific Region.
The KPI Institute, in partnership with ECADEMY, hosted the C-KPI course in
Bangladesh’s business centre and capital, Dhaka, between the 1st – 3rd Au-
gust, 2019.We’d like to congratulate all of the participants for their drive and
involvement, as well as for their energy during the course and we hope that
in future we can see you at our next course and write even more amazing
Regarding the course itself, the Certified KPI Professional – C-KPI for short,
brought a comprehensive new world of insights into how businesses can
and should strive for a continuous optimization of their performance oper-
ation and performance management processes.
During the 3-day learning experience, top ranking executives of several or-
ganizations from the Telecommunication, Textile and Furniture industries,
had the opportunity of being guided by one of our foremost consultants,
Andrea Minelli.
Course Journal
Day I
Day II
Are you constantly worried about employee a crucial factor in employee engagement as a
engagement? Well, you’re not the only one, as whole. To truly understand the term, let’s break it
increasing employee engagement in the work- down into two parts.
place can indeed be a tricky task to pull off.
At first, we have Engagement, which is the ability
As an employer, it is necessary for you to find to be present, focused and energized and more
ways to improve employee engagement in the interestingly, fills the employee with great joy
entire workplace. The importance of employee and determination. Afterwards, we have Purpose,
engagement cannot be overstated and hence- which drives the foundation of engagement, pro-
forth, it has been proven crucial for reducing staff viding people with goals and aspirations.
turnover, improving productivity & efficiency,
and retaining customers at a higher rate to make
marginal profits.
Don’t focus on working hours Seek out internal feedback Don’t disregard self-evaluations
When you have remote employ- When evaluating the perfor- Despite self-evaluations often
ees working for you, it is impor- mance of remote employees, getting a bad rap, especially as
tant to shift your focus from internal feedback can prove to far as remote workers are con-
hours worked to the number of be exceedingly useful. If you have cerned, self-assessments can
tasks completed and their qual- a number of remote employees, play an important role in measur-
ity. it is vital to remember that they ing overall performance. Accord-
form part of a team that includes ing to an article in the Harvard
While there are remote work- their remote colleagues as well Business Review, employees can
ers who do, in fact, keep office as the management team. fall in one of two traps as far as
hours, freelancers, in particular, self-evaluation is concerned.
often have a very erratic work One way to successfully imple-
schedule. Although a number ment an internal feedback They either become over-confi-
of Key Performance Indicators procedure is through a series of dent, which leads to an overes-
(KPIs) can be used, it may be surveys that deal with not only timation of their competence,
easier (and more helpful) to use fellow remote employees and or they make a Fundamental
cloud-based methods, such as team leaders, but managers as Attribution Error, which involves
online time cards to gauge these well. attributing their successes purely
metrics. to wisdom and talent.
Apart from providing construc-
Ideally, a company should have tive feedback on how employees In order to combat this, self-
more than one remote employee are communicating with each evaluation should be viewed
working on a series of similar other and how they view their alongside an internal peer report
tasks in order to determine a leaders, a well-constructed sur- and the personal opinion of the
work standard and measure per- vey can also highlight how each manager. As a singular assess-
formance accordingly. employee feels about their own ment method, self-evaluations
talents, as well as pinpoint areas rarely succeed, but when viewed
Even freelancers such as blog- that may require further training. as part of a bigger picture, they
gers and virtual assistants, who can be very valuable.
may be juggling family responsi- Be careful when analyzing in-
bilities with their work, can keep ternal feedback, as you need to
track of their own performance ensure that non-work-related
in order to continuously improve grievances do not affect the ob-
their productivity. jectivity of the feedback.
Trust is everything
When you leave your corporate position and decide 2. The Market
to start a consulting career, there’s quite a few things
you should know. When you’re on your own starting As per an entrepreneur at Research Papers UK and
a consulting business, these are the 10 most impor- Last Minute Writing, Dan Putman:
tant things to know to make sure you can have a suc-
cessful and sustainable business. “When you have to price a consulting project, you
need to know that the market is what sets the price.
1. Price When you want to price your project, think about
what it’s going for in the market and what they
You should price your project based on the value would be willing to pay; it’s as simple as that.”
to the client, and not to the hours worked on it. The
project actually has nothing to do with how long you 3. Statement of Work
spend doing the work.
When it’s time to price your project, you need to be
For example, if you have a conversation for ten min- very clear about the deliverables. This is listed in a
utes with a senior partner at a farm, you’re paying statement of work. The deadlines for your deliver-
not for ten minutes of time, but for all their years of ables need to be clear, as well as the client’s response
knowledge and experience, as well as their contacts time.
and resources. Determine how valuable your work is That way, if a client is slow to respond and you are
to the client and come up with an appropriate price past your deadline, you will not be held responsible.
for that. All of this must be included in the statement of work,
in the section for roles and responsibilities.
If you need to travel for your con- You should never negotiate your Once you’re familiar with gen-
sulting, clients will try to impose fee with a client yourself, under eral consultation, you’ll want to
their travel policies, but you can- any circumstances. You must hire develop certain skills that few
not sustain this long term. You someone to negotiate your deals others have so you can stand out.
need to develop your own per- for you so that you can remain Consider which fields you’re in-
sonal travel protocols. separate from those details. terested in and focus your efforts
on that industry and networking.
Tell your clients what they are, You don’t want to muddy your
whether it’s that you only fly dur- relationship with your client with
ing the day time, or you only take these negotiations and this way
nonstop flights, or you only fly on you can remain apart.
an aisle seat, or in business class.
7. Hire an Admin
Do not let your clients dictate
and book your travel, unless it Even though a lot of technology
meets your protocol. Add some can do many administrative tasks
reimbursable expenses to your for you, you need to have an ad-
fees for travel expenses – no mat- min take your calls, schedule ap-
ter the amount, it will make you pointments, and who can write
responsible for your own travel. your correspondence and state-
ments of work. This will maximize
5. Never Turn Down a Project your time for what matters most.
This is due to the fact that in large corporations, there are many de-
partments and small teams which respond to a team leader, and one
can supervise and encourage team members in cooperating with
each other and cultivate relationships.
Developing employees
When looking at leadership from a new perspective, performance as an outcome of various factors such
an executive should understand its transformational as leadership, interactions and communications, for-
value and place more emphasis on applying what mal policies and rules, as well as a climate inspiring
works best for them in their current work environ- innovation and creativity within organizations.
With this in mind, executives are encouraged to
One tool for executives to use, when looking to improve the overall bottom line and increase total or-
lessen the gaps between success and possible fail- ganizational performance. For instance, every execu-
ure, is transformational leadership, allowing them to tive is held to the grindstone of maximizing financial
become a social architect. and non-financial measures – their careers are tied to
company performance measures.
Executives can contribute to organizational perfor-
mance through developing relationships with sub- However, the focus on financial performance alone
ordinates that link a follower’s individual interests to is insufficient, as firms need to also consider a range
the organization’s collective interests. Transforma- of other factors such as non-economic performance
tional leadership focuses on developing relationships that is also reflective of their big picture perfor-
that create valuable resources for companies. mance.
Moreover, transformational leaders increase organi- As executives attempt to manage people more and
zational performance, by reducing the times a com- more in-depth, they find that intellectual capital rep-
pany will falter. Many executives see organizational resents the forefront of success.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a function used to per- This brings us to the use of a worldwide renown tool,
form enterprise analysis, design reviews & recommen- the Balanced Scorecard, which is widely employed in
dations and monitor its successful implementation defining business strategies across 4 critical aspects:
through the use of a holistic approach that aligns with Financial, Customer, People, Processes.
the business strategy. Using the same concept for EA not only enables lead-
ers and Top Management to see how EA contributes
Enterprise architecture applies architecture prin- to meeting business objectives, but also helps the EA
ciples and practices to guide organizations through team to align their work with the corporate strategy.
the business, information, process, and technology
changes necessary to execute their strategies. • At the strategic level, EA can provide guidance
on IT planning, investment priorities and resource uti-
While many leaders realize the importance of EA, lization.
their focus prominently is on the internal activities of
the EA program, rather than measuring how the EA • At the tactical level, EA is expected to enable
program contributes to the organization achieving businesses to mitigate development risks through
targeted business outcomes and financial objectives. guidance and the use of standards, best practices,
benchmarking etc.
1. Capability development
2. Operational performance The BSC links Business Enablers to Results. People and Internal
3. Project performance Process are the Enablers, which lead to Financial and Customer
4. Financial performance Results
Aligning EA activities to
corporate objectives en-
ables Leaders to visualize
the value brought by EA.
BSC facilities can feel the
same effect with 4 compo-
nents under the direct in-
fluence of EA, as a contrib-
utor to the corporate BSC
From a corporate perspective, EA Balance Scorecard- understanding that business leaders don’t care about
Enablers would build in-house capabilities, improving what the EA is doing at an operational level. Instead,
operational performance and adding value to proj- they want to understand and, more importantly, mea-
ects, which would ultimately result in financial perfor- sure how the EA program helps enable the organiza-
mance. tion’s future-state business capabilities, which in turn
contribute to its financial performance.
While EA is a critically positive function, because it
has several benefits like improved business agility, Business leaders are the least interested to know how
reduced business & IT risks, cost optimization, tech- many architect reviews are performed or which tech-
nology-based innovation, it indirectly complicates nology is used; they are simply keen to find out how
your business objectives, which poses a challenge for EA helps enable their business, to achieve its future
many CIOs and CTO looking to establish the clear link state in the most cost-effective and efficient way, with
between EA and business objectives. sustainable growth, while building in-house capabili-
ties. The EA – BSC alignment offers such details to
This limitation must be recognized and addressed by business leaders.
As the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) frame- OKRs have been practiced since the ’70s on pa-
work becomes increasingly well-known for per and later in spreadsheets, but capturing the
companies that want to better execute their true essence of the method manually, which is as
strategies, but still benefit from the flexibility and wide as an ocean, was nearly impossible.
innovation of their capabilities, its complexity in- While spreadsheets are good in organizing goals
creases as well due to the particularities of each and starting the journey towards OKRs, as teams
organization’s environment. and organizations mature and cooperation
becomes key for success, goals become more
The added complexity is made especially appar- interrelated.
ent by one of the main features of OKRs – trans-
parency. Increased transparency boosts strategic Understanding the link between objectives and
alignment by creating a seamless workflow that key results, both bottom-up and cross-functional,
builds a culture of peer and cross-functional is mandatory in order to ensure alignment dur-
support, inspiration, which in the end results in ing the OKRs setting stage and to ensure higher
success across the entire organization. objectives are achieved during the review stage.
It helps organizations align, by
providing easy access to any-
one’s OKRs and a high degree
of visual interconnectivity be-
tween teams or departments.
Enables easy and speedy
results tracking, as well as
linking OKRs with initia-
tives through a seamless
integration with other
software or apps used by
the organization.
Assists managers with reviewing
their employees’ progress in a timely
Supports regular OKRs review, by keeping
employees actively engaged.
Supports regular OKRs review, by keeping employ-
ees actively engaged.
One of the software providers who prides them- Offering a highly customizable solution, which
selves on owning a comprehensive and efficient integrates seamlessly with all other main plat-
solution for world-wide organizations is our forms that organizations use, our partner Profit
partner, Profit, headquartered in California, USA. seeks to provide easy access to OKRs progress
Their solution offers an innovative user experi- monitoring and to increase employee engage-
ence and enhanced connectivity, in order to ment with the OKRs process.
help organizations in their endeavour of imple-
menting the OKR methodology with ease.
Have a look at your indicators that you’re currently It represents how innovative the company is. But
using – for targets-setting and measurement. Are how do you really measure it: by percentage of ideas
you measuring the right thing? Are you measuring implemented from all those suggested? If so, are
something meaningful for your organization? you collecting all the suggestions andenvironment
feedback from
your employees, clients or other stakeholders? Or do
When measuring performance, it is absolutely neces- you measure it through the percentage of finances
sary to understand what each indicator means, why saved with innovations? Or by the number of ideas
it is important and how does its measurement im- put forward by individuals to the team leader?
pact the decisions and actions in your company.
Before answering any of the above, first of all, why do
”Measuring performance should not be about wast- you want to measure innovation? Does innovation
ed time, but about time invested in better decision- bring an added value to your company or is it a busi-
making and direction-setting.” – Aurel Brudan, CEO ness trend? Do other similar companies in your field
of The KPI Institute of activity measure innovation? If so, why and how do
they do this?
The organization needs to share a single, sharply fo-
cused, easily imaginable vision of the result it wants Before measuring any indicator, ask yourself:
to create, otherwise any effort to assess it will waste
time. •why is it important to measure it?
If in your past experience with measuring perfor- •how will assessing this indicator help your
mance, you had a report full of many indicators organization?
graphed in their entire splendor, but virtually none
of them useful in the decision-making process, then •what concrete actions will you take, after
reconsider what you are measuring. measuring this indicator, according to
its level?
Let’s take an example of an indicator that you may
see some companies use: In conclusion, remember to answer these questions,
every time you find yourself before the monthly
Innovation level within the organization – at first report, contemplating whether it is the best use of
look, it seems understandable. your time to go through the pages, to check if there
is anything useful in there for you
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measurements enterprises use to determine how they’re doing
with meeting their goals. High-level KPIs relate to the overall performance of the business, while low-
level ones typically evaluate the processes of respective departments.
Regardless of your company’s history and its aims for this year and the foreseeable future, there are
some essential supply chain KPIs to track. Here are six of them.
1. Customer Order Cycle Time more useful if your company has sume normal operations after
guarantees that center on filling an event such as a hurricane or
One of a company’s primary customer orders within a speci- flood. Once you know how fast
goals is to decrease the amount fied timeframe. the business demonstrates resil-
of time that passes between iency, look deeper to see how the
when a customer places a pur- 2. Disruption Impact respective disasters affect the
chase order and the company company in more generalized
fulfills that request. A supply Natural disasters such as hurri- ways. Keep in mind that the dis-
chain business often uses the canes can significantly interfere ruption impact varies depending
customer order cycle time met- with supply chain workflows. on the ramifications of the event
ric to gauge its success with this Scientists warn that as climate experienced.
aim. change worsens, the severity of
storms’ impacts will likely go up. You may also want to break
You can calculate this supply When supply chain businesses down the disruption impact KPI
chain KPI by subtracting the are in disaster-prone areas, they into two components — time-to-
order delivery date from the day know the best mindset to have recover (TTR) and time-to-survive
the customer created the pur- regarding preparedness is “not if, (TTS). The first one deals with
chase order. but when.” So, one of the newer measuring how long the recov-
KPIs often cited for supply chain ery process takes after a disrup-
Alternatively, check the customer performance is disruption im- tion happens. TTS evaluates how
order cycle time by subtracting pact. long a company can stay sustain-
the requested order delivery date able and keep meeting demands
from the purchase order creation It allows you to assess how following an interruption.
date. The second option may be quickly your company can re-
3. Conversion Rate 4. Inventory Days of Supply during certain times of the year,
it could be useful to look at past
It’s also essential to engage in Supply chain professionals know data. You’ll want to see how in-
lead tracking at your supply there is a fine line between hav- ventory needs went up or down
chain business. Keeping tabs on ing too much inventory on hand based on things like weather pat-
the number of leads you have and not enough to meet custom- terns or regions of the country.
and how they behave as your ers’ needs. The inventory days Then, take that information into
relationship changes should help of supply metric measures how account while making forecasts
your enterprise avoid becoming long it would take your company this year.
stagnant. It’s excellent if your to run out of supplies if replen-
company has enough satisfied ishment didn’t happen. Figuring
customers in its pipeline now out this metric requires knowing
where it seems like lead acquisi- how much inventory you have on
tion can take a back seat. How- hand, plus the average amount
ever, that almost certainly won’t used in a day.
be the case forever.
Once you divide those two
Using a lead-tracking tool such results, you’ll have your answer.
as a customer relationship man- However, getting a handle on
agement (CRM) interface can this KPI is not as straightforward
also offer numerous business ad- as it may seem at first. That’s
vantages. It allows you to analyze because various things can make
the effectiveness of your com- the demand for items in your
pany’s marketing strategies and inventory go up, resulting in
determine how well those efforts depleting the stock faster than
align with your business goals. anticipated. It’s best to keep your
Additionally, a CRM tool can inventory days of supply metric
bring more organization to your as low as possible so you don’t
enterprise by making it easier to risk having unnecessary supplies.
identify sales cycles and where
your leads exist within them. Reducing your days of supply
metric may require working with
You should strongly consider your suppliers and determining
conversion rate as an essential how those parties could take
supply chain KPI to track in 2019 care of your orders faster. Also,
and beyond. Start calculating it keep track of internal company
by dividing the number of con- operations that tell you how fast
versions by the number of clicks. your supply chain business can
By using that formula, you can tackle orders once you receive
determine which marketing the necessary components.
materials — whether e-books, in-
fographics, white papers or other Manage your customers’ expec-
collaterals — cause the most con- tations to ensure their waiting
versions. time calculates the capabilities
of your supplier, plus the length
Your organization’s needs help of time needed to go through in-
define what constitutes a conver- house processes before shipping
sion. In some cases, it might be an item. Forecasting and data
a form submission, but in others, analysis software could both help
it occurs when a person orders a you improve this KPI, especially
product. for seasonal items.
6. On-Time Delivery
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measure- customer created the purchase order.
ments enterprises use to determine how they’re Alternatively, check the customer order cycle time
doing with meeting their goals. High-level KPIs by subtracting the requested order delivery date
relate to the overall performance of the business, from the purchase order creation date. The second
while low-level ones typically evaluate the process- option may be more useful if your company has
es of respective departments. guarantees that center on filling customer orders
Regardless of your company’s history and its aims within a specified timeframe.
for this year and the foreseeable future, there are
some essential supply chain KPIs to track. Here are 2. Disruption Impact
six of them.
Natural disasters such as hurricanes can signifi-
1. Customer Order Cycle Time cantly interfere with supply chain workflows. Scien-
tists warn that as climate change worsens, the
One of a company’s primary goals is to decrease severity of storms’ impacts will likely go up. When
the amount of time that passes between when a supply chain businesses are in disaster-prone
customer places a purchase order and the com- areas, they know the best mindset to have regard-
pany fulfills that request. A supply chain business ing preparedness is “not if, but when.” So, one of
often uses the customer order cycle time metric to the newer KPIs often cited for supply chain perfor-
gauge its success with this aim. mance is disruption impact.
You can calculate this supply chain KPI by sub-
tracting the order delivery date from the day the
It allows you to assess how quickly your company can resume normal
operations after an event such as a hurricane or flood. Once you know
how fast the business demonstrates resiliency, look deeper to see
how the respective disasters affect the company in more generalized
ways. Keep in mind that the disruption impact varies depending on
the ramifications of the event experienced.
You may also want to break down the disruption impact KPI into two
components — time-to-recover (TTR) and time-to-survive (TTS). The
first one deals with measuring how long the recovery process takes
after a disruption happens. TTS evaluates how long a company can
stay sustainable and keep meeting demands following an interrup-
3. Conversion Rate
It’s also essential to engage in lead tracking at your supply chain busi-
ness. Keeping tabs on the number of leads you have and how they
behave as your relationship changes should help your enterprise avoid
becoming stagnant. It’s excellent if your company has enough satis-
fied customers in its pipeline now where it seems like lead acquisition
can take a back seat. However, that almost certainly won’t be the case
6. On-Time Delivery
The world is in a constant state of flux as technol- ics will likely be out of business by 2021.
ogy evolves, customs change and priorities shift. Companies that are looking to survive past the
These fundamental truths affect business as well, turn of the decade should acquaint themselves
and professionals have to be willing to adapt if with the analytics software and tools that simplify
they’re going to ensure their company’s survival in decision-making, solve problems and find new op-
the coming decade. portunities.
Of course, it isn’t always easy to prepare. As a Many organizations have already recognized the
business owner plans ahead, they’re not always power in analytics, coming up with innovative new
sure what to expect from tomorrow’s consumer ways to reap the benefits. What’s more, they’re
landscape. We’re here to help with that, looking at founding or acquiring data analysis companies to
seven trends that are likely to affect every business help others while raking in the profits themselves.
between 2019 and 2020.
2. Funding Will Come From Alternative Sources
1. Analytics Software Will See Even Greater Adop-
tion In the past, an entrepreneur couldn’t start a busi-
ness without full investment or a loan from a bank.
Business owners can’t afford to operate on intu- Things have only become more difficult, and those
ition alone. Luckily enough, there’s a wealth of hoping to start a small company of their own face
consumer data that can help uncover trends and lenders who hesitate to give them the money they
insights to make a struggling company more suc- need. In fact, banks reject 80% of small business
cessful. More than that, Forbes suggests that busi- loans, as of 2017.
ness owners who aren’t investing heavily in analyt-
Sites like Kabbage further prove that the future of funding will be non-
traditional. The automated lending platform can provide prospective
business with a loan based on their business’s earning potential, aside
from a credit score. This degree of freedom and choice could mean a
greater number of small businesses are going to open in the years to
come. Companies that want to expand or diversify can do so as well,
thanks to new funding avenues.
For one thing, AI goes hand in hand with the rise of analytics. This
technology will be vital in sifting through such a massive amount of
data. AIs can do so quickly and efficiently, and they’re far less expen-
sive than a bona fide data analyst. Of course, the latter group won’t
be out of work. They’ll just review the findings that an artificial intel-
ligence provides.
To that end, customers want to clients have sought out smart de-
be able to interact with brands vices that heat and cool without
through their favorite channels affecting the environment.
of communication. For instance,
some consumers don’t want to Much of a company’s green ef-
have to pick up the phone and forts will come from its adoption
call to find out what they want to of advanced technology, as we’ve
know. already mentioned. AI-led analy-
sis can help hone and stream-
Some of them may want to text line processes, thus saving time,
or Tweet, and brands should of- energy and resources.
fer these options. Chatbots — a
form of AI — can help with this 6. Subscription Services Will
as well. They serve as a type of Survive and Thrive
digital representative that can
field basic questions and provide The rising popularity of subscrip-
relevant information without tion services has left some execu-
making a customer wait. tives baffled. How many consum-
ers need a monthly delivery of
5. Green Technologies Will Still dog toys, stationery or beauty
Be Prevalent products? Despite the confusing
nature of this particular trend,
Consumers are becoming more consumers have kept subscrip-
and more scrutinizing about the tion services alive and thriving.
companies they do business The industry continues to grow
with. As such, they don’t want by 1% each month, according to
to buy from or support an entity Forbes.
that’s shown it doesn’t care for
the earth, supports a cause with With that in mind, business own-
which they disagree and so on. ers should analyze their offer-
In fact, such trends have already ings to see if they have anything
manifested in the workplace. that might delight subscription-
Millennials don’t want to work seekers. Putting together that
for companies without a strong type of offering would likely
mission or service to the greater prove a boon to overall sales as
good. well. Subscription holders tend to
make more purchases on a given
With this in mind, expect busi- website than those who have yet
nesses to take up a greater num- to sign up for the service.
ber of green initiatives in 2019,
2020 and beyond. One major
trend, for instance, will be the
adoption of renewable energy
sources. Technology will make
production more efficient, thus
preserving resources. Consumers
will also demand products that
create less waste. Even industries
such as HVAC will change, as
7. 5G Data Networks Will Reign Supreme izing their internet experience. They’ll head online
for more resources, so business owners should
The smartphone is already king, but 2019 and 2020 adjust accordingly to these trends.
will see its popularity spike. That’s because con-
sumers will have far more access to 5G data net- Adapt and Improve
works. Apps and websites will load more quickly No one can know exactly what’s ahead, but these
and efficiently, making a company’s presence in trends have started to show themselves already.
the digital sector even more crucial. 5G will also al- They’re likely going to make an even greater im-
low smart technology to find a place in even more pact in the years to come.
non-smartphone products, ranging from cars to
manufacturing processes. As such, business owners should take note and
plan accordingly to accommodate the future of
To prepare for this inevitability, companies should technology, business and consumer behavior. Plan-
ready themselves for even quicker and more reli- ning now will all but ensure your success now and
able Wi-Fi services. This technology is separate in the next decade.
from 5G, of course, but it opens up the same op-
portunities. Consumers will be able to log on and
download faster than ever before, thus revolution-
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DyStar - Global Reporting Initiative - Sustainability Reporting Standards - Climate Change - KPI Dashboard -
Best Practices - SDG Index - Leadership - Stakeholder Engagement
According to the same report published by the Sus- DyStar Group, “a leading dyestuff & chemical manu-
tainable Investments Institute, the main reasons be- facturer and solution provider that provides custom-
hind such important developments in the field of ers across the globe with a broad portfolio of colo-
sustainability reporting are the more widespread use rants, specialty chemicals, and services”, is one of the
of the Internet, increased awareness of and debate companies that applies the GRI standards in their
around climate change and “dwindling public trust 2018-2019 sustainability report. While abiding by all
in institutions”. GRI requirements, the report is a good example on
how to present relevant information in a concise and
While it is the decision of every company to choose clear manner. Here are some of the strong suits of
the preferred outline and content of their sustainabil- DyStar’s Sustainability Report for 2018-2019:
If the reader wants to learn more specifically about criteria, because it presents all GRI dimensions, the
how DyStar adopted the GRI standards, they can indicators and descriptions for each dimension, and
use the GRI Content Index as a navigation tool that most importantly the page numbers under which
makes information traceable and increases transpar- one can find the information related to each specific
ency. This approach is especially useful when com- indicator. By using a table to present the data, it is
paring different sustainability reports based on GRI easily searchable and relevant information can be ex-
tracted from the report without any difficulties.
It has been proven that information retention can DyStar reviewed how their sustainability activities
be improved by using visual means instead of sim- contribute to the achievement of the United Na-
ply describing or listing relevant information. While tions’ Sustainable Development Goals. The struc-
it is not overdone, there is a visual representation ture of this part of the report is very similar to their
of the most important sustainability KPIs measured GRI Content index, as follows:
by the organization, as follows:
Leadership close-up
The KPI Institute has worked extensively in helping Utilities professionals from around
the world to measure and improve their performance. This expertise is comprised in all
the Utilities related resources gathered in an exhaustive performance lab.
Through our researchers expertize and flexibility we can provide all our customers with:
In a world where information travels with the speed of light, we acknowledge the
importance of taking the time to understand specificity and to create personalized
from the KPI Institute
During the 10 years she has spent thus far into the
financial & business management fields, her fo-
cused intent on maximizing knowledge bestowed
upon her several moments of particularly high im-
portance, such as when the Unicredit Consumer
Financing Magazine featured her as the consul-
tant with the biggest financial value in a credit sold
in 2010.
Performance Management – early beginnings can became the main off-site liaison for lead on-site
projects that involved the design, development and
Her first dip into the sea that is Performance Man- implementation of performance management sys-
agement began as a researcher for The KPI Institute, tems & solutions, like the Balanced Scorecard (BSC).
where she worked on several projects right from the
get-go: Besides that, due to her expertise, she became one
of the main individuals within the company provid-
•Maintaining and updating smartkpis. ing secondary research expertise for a consistent, the world’s largest database portfolio of assignments conducted by The KPI In-
of documented KPIs stitute, which were either self-owned or contracted.
•Coordinating and releasing the Top
25 KPI Reports – 2016 and 2018 editions Furthermore, her knowledge allowed her to aid the
•Coordinating and releasing the Perfor company in the design of both standard and cus-
mance Management in 2014: ASEAN Special tomized performance management tools, whilst
Edition report providing full support for an entire network of on-site
TKI consultants and assisting with the successful de-
Additionally, Ms. Presecan became an active mem- livery of performance management architectures for
ber of the editorial team, where her profound knowl- companies activating in a wide range of industries,
edge of the field enabled her to provide highly in- such as public governance, IT, telecommunications,
sightful information for numerous publications, such healthcare and finance.
as The KPI Dictionaries Series, the State of Employee
Performance Management Report series, the GCC It was only natural that with such outstanding mas-
Hospitals Performance Reports, the State of Perfor- tery over the field, she’d develop into a fully-formed
mance Improvement and Key Performance Indica- practitioner in her own right, moving on to becom-
tor Practice Report, as well as the PERFORMANCE ing the lead auditor delegated by the Global Per-
Magazine series. formance Audit Unit, the audit division of The KPI
Institute, which assesses, validates and offers best
After several years, having mastered the core re- practice recommendations for business strategies
search activities within TKI, she moved on to becom- and performance management.
ing a consultant. In this newfound role, Ms. Prese-
Performance Management – als – they wanted more. Thirdly – arguably one of PM’s
a sea of knowledge in a cup of most important functions, it
practice Luckily for them, Performance provides you with an opportunity
Management, whilst a vast field to reshape organizational behav-
At its inception, Performance of expertise, is also quite beginner iours as defined by the sum of
Management represented a revo- friendly, in that it has a low barrier elements that proactively con-
lutionary way of viewing business of knowledge entry and a high tribute to how employees act and
management – an approach that skill ceiling. What this entails is perform in the overall organiza-
continuously evolved and shifted, that anyone can get into PM and tional environment. This capacity
along with the organization that those that are especially adept allows performance manage-
made use of it, turning economic at picking up information can ment to have a significant impact
paradigms on their heads. become exceptional practitioners, over organizational design, HR
which is exactly what Ms. Prese- management, leadership capa-
“Similar to a car engine, perfor- can loves about her work. bilities and internal motivational
mance management is what structures.
drives organizational decision- Performance Management is
making, steering the organization synonymous with a language
in the desired direction.” that I can easily understand and
can also be easily understood by
Whilst PM has mostly remained women and men entrepreneurs
the same for the past almost 30 that want their businesses to hold
years, as it did back when Norton out and succeed. Performance
& Kaplan first theorized its basic management is, as I view it, the
concepts, its status as a practice razzmatazz of microeconomics
and discipline have yet to fully nowadays.”
mature. For all intents and pur-
poses, PM feels very much in its Precisely this aspect was what
infancy still, lacking the theoreti- sold our Head of Research on Per-
cal rigor needed to bring unifor- formance Management – the fact
mity to practice. that it is a clarity-centered system
that ensures transition towards
This is one of the reasons why superior organizational manage-
to this day, there is a shocking ment, from a plethora of perspec-
amount of confusion regarding tives.
the differentiation of organiza-
tional PM and individual PM – two Firstly, it clearly defines an organi-
elements that share the same zation’s identity, by guaranteeing
field, but are otherwise quite dif- that work will be done and that
ferent in concept and application. resources will be allocated to-
wards those elements that mat-
That being said, PM’s novelty is ter the most.
precisely its biggest selling point
for most businesses. When com- Secondly, PM allows you to quick-
panies saw the sensational suc- ly make use of your newfound
cess of companies such as GM, identity to pinpoint the current
Adobe, Google and so on, they state of your processes, enabling
began going past merely con- the company to implement proj-
ducting yearly employee apprais ects that actively support growth.
Generating value & clarity for employees have over the company’s end results and how these
correlate to expectations.
Aside from helping companies build a cohesive iden-
tity, Ms. Presecan mentions that another achieve- Moreover, with a system of this nature, one’s employ-
ment of Performance Management is the overall im- ees get to be active participants within open perfor-
proved process of communication between different mance discussions, thus generating a better under-
organizational functions. standing over what is being measured and why. This
also allows them to get better insight into manageri-
Today’s companies start small, but success rewards al tidbits, enabling the possibility of improved career
them with increased wealth, whether in financial prospects, as they get accustomed to the system’s
form or human resources. This leads to a growing structure.
layer of organizational complexity, with several levels.
PM attempts to bring clarity over every individual’s With all that said though, clarity and value won’t do
role as a part of the whole, providing them with an much good if organizations don’t accept the fact
avenue to more effectively contribute to the organi- that people are unique and they must be approach
zational strategy. differently based on their inherent distinctiveness.
Talent goes to waste if it is squandered, suppressed,
“By setting clear roles and responsibilities for all em- mismanaged or not provided with the correct envi-
ployees, communicating performance results more ronment in which it can grow.
often, encouraging individual initiatives and putting
mechanisms in place that ensure effective informa- Even more challenging is the fact that talent can still
tion sharing, organizations that benefit from Per- go to waste in the right environment, as a result of
formance Management put into practice ensure a people defaulting on it because there is a lack of ap-
transparent and accountable working environment, propriate reward for their efforts.
characterized by trust and loyalty.”
“It is my opinion that talent management is the hard-
These last two mentions, of trust and loyalty, are par- est thing there is and that poor communication &
amount for the maturation of the system, because feedback are the main reasons for underperforming
the only way PM can thrive is when one gets the teams. I have come to the conclusion that there is
employees’ buy-in. However, how does one do that? a lot of attachment in any professional relationship,
Two words – explaining benefits, or in more words, and harnessing that attachment is in itself a leader-
clearing up what’s in it for the employee. ship skill.”
In layman’s terms, employees offer their labour in ex- From a people perspective, managing employees in
change for remuneration. In similar fashion, employ- what is essentially an Individual Performance Man-
ees offer their buy-in willingly when they understand agement system format (IPM) means creating a
what such a management system bestows upon healthy environment, based on principles of mutual
them. respect & understanding for different values and phi-
Performance Management entitles them to receive
periodic feedback, based on their performance and From a more technical one, a successful organiza-
predefined conditions, which shirks any of the old tion must see that individual objectives and KPIs are
issues relating to criticism on personal grounds. aligned to the departmental ones and that employ-
Through PM, employees gain much more clar- ees are adequately rewarded, based on their contri-
ity around the impact that their individual activities bution levels to the organization’s achievements.
Arriving at the end of our interview, Ms. Presecan “As long as you manage your time effectively during
notes that one of the newest trending topics nowa- work, it will never interfere with your personal life. In
days, personal performance - whilst an interesting the same manner, if you manage your time effective-
and tentatively positive addition to family perfor- ly in your personal life, you will always be prepared
mance, has to be handled with great care, lest we for successfully handling a busy day at work.”
wish to end up in the negatives.
She does state that ultimately, the choice of allocat-
Measuring and managing our performance in the ing time & resources is ours and no guide or hand-
private sphere, in an objective fashion, can improve book can ever override what we have set out to do.
our health or enable us to acquire new skills, how- Nonetheless, we should always come to terms with
ever we have to be realistic when looking to setting our abilities and boundaries. We can look to push to
personal targets. On more than one occasion, un- the limits, but if we practice that for too long, it might
avoidable outside factors become deciding variables spill over into negative consequences.
for our personal performance. If we push ourselves
too much just to overcome them, we might end up On the one hand, it’s always a welcomed sight to see
feeling disappointment, dismay, discontent or even someone that is so driven, they are looking to learn
depression instead of accomplishment or happiness. new things every day, in every moment. Such indi-
viduals push and develop the world further.
Ms. Presecan mentions that for her, 10,000 steps a
day has been the main performance target outside On the other, it is equally welcomed to notice some-
work, which is a reasonable enough approach to her one who has accepted who they are and what they
personal performance overall. Anything else related can do at a certain point in time, understanding
to performance in her personal life is casual and far when to take things at a slower pace.
from over-demanding.
“Listen to your inner compass when it tells you to
This brings us to the last point we talked about - bal- take it easy, share the load, take some extra time
ance, which our Head of Research considers a crucial off, spend some time with yourself and decide
aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. whether you want to go on or just pause.”
Our partners have the unique advantage of selling and delivering the world’s most
comprehensive training on KPIs selection, documentation and reporting, a result of our
research in performance management system implementation.
Partnering with the leader. Proven global leader in performance management and KPIs training.
Collaborate for success. Management tools, technical guidance, and go-to-market resources to help you
become a performance management expert and drive business success.
Develop unrivalled expertise. The KPI Institute insight plus Membership online sales and our consultant resource
centers provide partners with the same tools and reference materials that our employees use in the field.
from the KPI Institute
Nutrition - Brigham Young University - Boosting Professional Performance - Diet - Vitamins - EFAs -
Antioxidants - Healthy Habits
According to research conducted by scientists at concerns that can have a direct impact on perfor-
Brigham Young University in Utah, business pro- mance. Apart from being left lethargic, irritable or
fessionals who followed unhealthy diets were 66% depressed to the extent that even performing the
more likely than healthy eaters to experience a dip most mundane of tasks seem impossible, an un-
in productivity. When considering the benefits of healthy diet can also cause hypertension, diabetes
optimal nutrition, most people tend to think of and obesity. These conditions can all result in a loss
long-term advantages, such as boosting longevity of productivity and increased absenteeism.
and avoiding common diseases.
A healthy, nutrient-dense diet can boost your phys-
What you eat, however, can also have a huge, al- ical and mental well-being tremendously, which
most immediate effect on your productivity in the in turn, will ensure that your performance remains
workplace. This makes it imperative to not only pay impeccable. By indulging in nutritious foods, you
closer attention to what you eat, but also to under- will be able to ward off illnesses and boost your
stand to what extent your food intake can influ- mood, which will result in increased productivity.
ence your professional performance.
B vitamins are vital for brain health
Not all foods were created equal
In order for the brain to use the glucose supplied
At present, as much as 60% of the typical Ameri- by the carbohydrates, the body requires suffi-
can diet consists of processed foods such as crisps, cient amounts of Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid.
pies, cakes and pastries that are hardly conducive A deficiency in B group vitamins can, in fact, lead
to optimal performance at work. to increased occupational stress, according to the
Following a diet that revolves around these nu- National Institutes of Health.
trient-deficient foods can lead to a host of health
In order to avoid such a deficiency, food such as Omega-3 fats, which occur in oily fish such as
cheese, eggs, lean red meat, legumes and nuts, trout, salmon and mackerel as Eicosapentaenoic
fish, and dark leafy greens should be consumed acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are
regularly. One of the easiest ways to incorporate among the most effectual EFAs. Other worthy
leafy greens and other important nutrients into sources include flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, soya
your diet is to start your day with a smoothie that, beans, and grass-fed red meat.
apart from boosting your brainpower, can facilitate
weight loss as well. Establish healthy habits
Boost your brain with EFAs Although there is more than one way to boost your
productivity, following a healthy diet is one of the
If you want to perform to the best of your ability most effective. Not only will you enjoy improved
in your career, you need to ensure that your brain performance when indulging in nutrient-dense
(and body) is fueled by the right nutrients. Essen- foods, but you will also see your overall health and
tial Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential for brain health, well-being improve exponentially.
but because they can’t be produced by the body,
they have to be obtained from food sources.
from the KPI Institute
To indicate how
efficient the insurer
is solzving claims, a
determinant of cus-
tomer satisfaction.
# Insurance claim processing time is measured by Different types of insurances may also require differ-
the avervzage time required to process a claim. The ent approaches. Travel insurances, for example, are
process implies all necessary steps from the ini- easier to claim as they have more generic conditions
tiation of the insurance claim to making decisions and well-defined criteria for reimbursement. Health
based on the data collected. Insurance claim pro- insurances, however, may possess more specific
cessing times reflect on multiple aspects of perfor- terms and conditions, therefore more expertise and
mance. time may be needed during their processing.
On the one hand, they can indicate the level of In order to reduce insurance claim processing times,
company efficiency: how efficient the insurer is in there are several steps that may be applied, such as:
solving claims. On the other hand, insurance claim
processing times reflect on customer satisfaction. •Digitized claim processing to save on time
In this respect, time as a determinant, suggests a and costs;
negative correlation between processing time and •Lean and Six Sigma implementation pro
customer satisfaction. grams;
•Outsourced claim processing to a third-par
As such, insurance companies are recommended to ty to increase efficiency.
make claim processing highly efficient. This is also
due to the fact that the task is laborious, time con- Completed insurance claim databases can provide
suming and bureaucratic. insight into the claim processing times. Integrated
technological solutions can aid on the spot data
gathering during claim processing.
To indicate the
speed of calculat-
ing underwriting
requests and decid-
ing whether the
company will take
on the risk or not.
This can influence
customer satisfac-
The # Insurance underwriting time is the time it Several recommendations on improving this KPI are
takes an insurance application to undergo the ba-
to d o
as follows:
sic underwriting processes of information collection
and risk assessment, before all available options for •Increasing data-driven information to re
coverage are presented to the client. The insurance duce manual processing;
underwriting time is an important measure of the in- •Improving internal communications to ac
surance application process. celerate underwriting decisions;
•Eliminating time-consuming procedures for
By measuring it on a regular basis, it may serve as an applicants who qualify;
indicator of process speed. The speed of the process, •Establishing structured system to cater im
defined as the time it takes an insurance request to mediate resolutions for clients.
be approved or not by the insurance provider, can
ultimately impact customer satisfaction. The insur- By measuring this KPI over time, acceleration or de-
ance underwriting time usually varies based on sev- celeration in the underwriting process can be ob-
eral factors, such as internal procedures, workload served. Improving processes and new innovations
and company standards. can increase the speed.
Moreover, the data collection process for this indica- One of the first steps in calculating this KPI is to de-
tor is also important. Accurate data capture and re- cide what types of insurance (life, health, home etc.)
sults over time can have a significant impact on the and which groups of underwriters (by age, by loca-
insurance underwriting process. An accurate record tion, etc.) should be aggregated and averaged. Also,
of insurance underwriting times can help insurance the indicator can be measured for one agent or for a
providers identify potential gaps in customer rela- group of agents within the company.
tionships and process efficiencies.
Measures the
percentage of
insurance policies
renewed, from the
insurance policies
To assess customer
satisfaction, as cus-
tomers will renew a
policy when satis-
fied with it.
In the insurance industry, the policy renewal rate is newal rate, will then depend on the number of dor-
often interpreted as a measure of customer satis- mant customers in the insurance company.
faction. It is believed that customers are more likely Nevertheless, recommendations on increasing poli-
to renew their policies when they are satisfied with cy renewal rates include the following:
them. Therefore, managers are recommended to
gain insight into the policy renewal pattern for indi- •Establishing a single global process to man
vidual clients. Such data can have multiple uses. age renewal opportunities;
•Investing in data-driven risk assessment sys
Firstly, it can identify which policies sell out more tems to increase efficiency;
than others. Secondly, it can help managers make •Building a complaints and feedback depart
valuable decisions, not only when it comes to policy ment for dissatisfied customers.
renewals, but also when closing on new customer
policies. Least but not last, it can level out costs, as Measuring this indicator will not just give managers
frequent policy renewals indicate loyal customers, an idea of which policy sells more, but it will also help
which are more reliable than newly acquired ones. them make changes in updating old and current
One of the downsides in monitoring this indicator is
that it does not provide any differentiation between Maintaining a high level of policy renewal is impor-
obsolete customers and dormant customers. Dor- tant for keeping costs down, as existing customers
mant customers, who will eventually renew their pol- are commonly less expensive to operate with than
icy, may distort the estimation. The level of impact new customers.
this deviation will have on the results for % Policy re-
To assess customer
satisfaction, as cus-
tomers will renew a
policy when satis-
fied with it.
Theoretical suppositions in behavioral research sug- # Conflicts arising during the project include the fol-
gest that when working together with others, one lowing:
does so unselfishly to achieve a common objective.
Nevertheless, project managers are frequently faced •Actively encouraging employee relation
with conflicts that arise amongst project team mem- ships by planning social events or communi
bers. cation sessions;
•Working towards motivating project team
Different backgrounds, conflicting orientations, per- members to be tolerant and patient;
ceptions, personalities or even simple miscommu- •Involving sponsors or communication ex
nication could cause significant delays in project perts if needed;
execution or even inhibit it from succeeding. It is •Assigning clear responsibilities so as to
therefore important for project managers to factor in avoid confusion and role conflict;
some conflict resolution strategies before embark- •Giving fair recognition and rewards for proj
ing on in the process of project development and ect teams and their individual members.
Conflicts between project team members are hard to
One of the most important steps in managing such accurately track and record because of the random
situations is to identify the source of the conflict. This manner in which they appear. It does not indicate
can refer to resourcing issues, technical and design the outcomes of the conflicts and their influence to
disagreements, or general personality clashes and project success.
Targets can vary according to the nature of the proj-
Nurturing interpersonal skills to cope with such is- ect and number of people involved. Conflicts be-
sues also comes in handy, as most employees will tween project team members are expected to arise
rely on the manager to resolve conflicts within a par- more extensively in newly formed project teams,
ticular project that they may not be able to tackle in- where members didn’t previously work with each
dividually. other during other projects. This KPI should be mea-
Several other recommendations to minimize sured along with the rate at which conflicts were re-
A good estimation of costs in professional services collection and rigorous reporting tools, is but one
is very important, especially when dealing with proj- more step towards the better administration of bud-
ects bid at a fixed price, when no augmentations can gets for projects on the roll.
be done to the invoices sent to the customers.
Several other recommendations to reduce the %
With many industries, project management espe- Project budget overruns rate include the following:
cially, budget is one of the pivotal tools to succeed.
Aside from its close ties with the financial perfor- •A chart of accounts to make informed finan
mance of the organization, in terms of project man- cial decisions regarding project budget;
agement, % Project budget overruns rate is an im- •Regular budget reports to track progress
portant measure of cost control and cost analysis. and avoid overrun;
Although it may seem more important to keep track •Budget approval policies to have a check
on budget overruns for large projects, cost control and balance system;
on small projects is just as valuable. For both large •Baselines for both maximum and minimum
projects and small projects, realistic cost estimation expenses that need to be met;
is key. •Regular meetings to discuss budget targets
for projects in the pipeline.
Cost estimation generally includes forecasting on
spending amounts with supplies, man-hours, num- Concerning target-setting, too much or too little
ber of employees, meetings with clients and any oth- difference in the actual estimated costs can have a
er costs that may come as unforeseen throughout negative impact on project success. Even with an
project execution. With project management, esti- actual cost that is much lower than estimated, the
mation rarely meets execution in terms of spending. company may still be unsatisfied because resources
However, keeping close track of progress for projects could have been planned better.
in the pipeline can considerably reduce variance in
terms of project overrun. Making use of solid data
To track the operational
discipline in coordinat-
ing and executing a
project according to the
planned schedule.
Measures the variance
in terms of schedule,
highlighting the per-
centage of work that is
yet to be completed as
per project schedule.
Project managers would argue that an effective proj- limited to the following:
ect management is one that adheres to and fulfills
its pre-determined goals. It is therefore common for •Employing rigorous risk management to re
managers to strive to keep the project in line with the duce variance levels;
schedule planned, which means minimum % Project •Training the team to track and measure
schedule variance, in order to reach its goals. Such project progress regularly;
goals include meeting project milestones, controlling •Defining project goals and communicating
project cost and scope, efficient team performance, as them to everyone in the team;
well as high quality project outputs. •Preparing second and third risk mitigation
There are several ways to minimize % Schedule vari-
ance within a project. Arguably, the most important This indicator can be measured at the end of the proj-
step is to define the objectives and set the deliverables ect, but also during project execution for tracking the
of the project during the initiation stage of the project. status of different project stages.
Managers are expected to set realistic expectations for
the team, as well as set accurate estimation deadlines A high schedule variance in positive numbers could in-
for the project. dicate that the project management underestimated
the amount of time needed to complete the project
In addition, it is also essential for project managers to or that the budget and workforce were insufficient. It
regularly communicate with the project team regard- could also mean that the project management or the
ing their progress. Such activity is expected in order workforce suffered setbacks, foreseen or otherwise,
to identify and minimize variance early during process which may or may not have been avoided.
Several other recommendations include but are not
Measures the total
quantity of fresh
water withdrawal
for industrial use
and sanitation by a
company from dif-
ferent sources, such
as water authori-
ties, lakes, rivers and
Measures the ratio of the to-
tal power generated (MWh)
to the operating capacity
over a designated period of
Many companies disclose load factors for their ma- age capacity for a given amount of supply. Hence
jor plants. When comparing load factors over time, the related costs with electricity generation and dis-
it is important to remember that large quarter-on- tribution.
quarter seasonal changes are likely to occur, which
can lead to more significant year-on-year changes. Some recommendations on optimizing the # Power
plant load factor thus include the following:
In the utilities industry, a # Power plant load factor
that maximizes output while reducing the average • Complying with industry standards
$ Cost per unit of MWh is preferred. In practice, the and technical procedures aimed at improving the
KPI can be influenced by functions of demand and utilization capacity of the power plant;
production. • Applying for grants to be invested in
R&D and modernization plans for the plants, hence
The # Power plant load factor is a measure of vari- supporting the optimization of their maintenance
ability in electrical consumption, and it is frequently costs;
used together with the # Availability factor, # Capac-
ity factor and # Utilization factor to provide an exten- • Assessing the level of the # Power
sive overview on performance. plant load factor in the power utility sector, to deter-
mine strategies that reduce the impact of different
A low # Power plant load factor may reflect on signif- variables (e.g. pipeline transmission costs, energy
icant variances in electricity demand, while a plant consumption costs) on the # Power plant load factor.
operating at its desirable full capacity will most likely A higher level of this KPI usually means higher out-
exhibit a high # Power plant load factor. put and a lower cost per unit. It shows that an elec-
Considered a valuable tool for generating cost esti- tricity generator can sell more electricity at a higher
mates, the # Power plant load factor can be driven spark spread.
by technical efficiencies of the plant in terms of us-
To monitor the volume of waste-
water collected and treated by
the plant or facility.
The production of waste from human and industrial as to indicate the actual level of wastewater directed
activities is unavoidable, and part of this waste fre- towards wastewater facilities for treatment.
quently ends up as wastewater.
Generally, # WCT can be used to measure wastewa-
Wastewater must be treated before it can be safely ter flow in open channels such as flumes and closed
returned to the environment. The specific process pipes. # WCT provides general indication of the ef-
used for treatment can vary by the source and vol- forts directed towards conserving and using water
ume that needs to be treated. Also, the process can more efficiently, as a provision for the possible im-
range from relatively simple to high levels of com- pacts of climate change.
Some recommended actions on dealing with waste-
Common sources of wastewater include: domestic water so as to prevent negative environmental im-
facilities, industrial utilities, infiltration from ground- pact include the following:
water pipes and storm water. However, the amount
of # Wastewater collected and treated (# WCT) is •Initiating an audit of wastewater
influenced by several factors such as climate, socio- pumps and motors to identify the most and
economic factors, community sizes, household tech- least efficient equipment;
nologies and culture, for instance. •Converting water distribution channels such
as tree watering tankers to use reclaimed
Water consumption directly influences # WCT and water, where feasible;
varies for different geographical areas. Wastewater •Adopting water conservation measures to
accounts for 50% to 100% of the water demand. # monitor compliance levels with international
WCT can be measured on the spot or on a continu- regulations on environmental issues;
ous basis and this can be done by using various tech- •Developing an educational community pro
niques such as the flow sensor, the transmitter or the gram that engages residents and organiza
flow recorder. These water flow measurement devic- tions in efficiently utilizing water sources.
es can collect relevant and accurate information so
from the KPI Institute
1.Sales Management Success: area of your business. Covering 6.Supplier Performance Man-
Optimizing Performance to such topics as hiring, orientation, agement A Complete Guide -
Build a Powerful Sales Team mentoring, performance, and so 2020 Edition
By Warren Kurzrock much more, the author has given By Gerardus Blokdyk
us a much-needed reference that
Drawing on the author’s experi- you will turn to again and again. Defining, designing, creating,
ence as the CEO of Porter Henry and implementing a process to
& Co. (the oldest sales-force train- 4.Improving Human Perfor- solve a challenge or meet an ob-
ing company in the world), War- mance in Dynamic Tasks: Ap- jective is the most valuable role...
ren Kurzrock details the 8 most plications in Management and In EVERY group, company, orga-
critical abilities and strategies Industry nization and department. Un-
in the sales manager’s job. The By Hassan Qudrat-Ullah less you are talking a one-time,
Porter Henry process has proven single-use project, there should
to routinely help teams and indi- This book is about improving be a process. Featuring 2213
viduals multiply their bottom-line human decision making and new and updated case-based
results. performance in complex, dy- questions, organized into seven
namic tasks. Decision making in core areas of process design,
2.How to Take Action for Suc- dynamic tasks can be improved this Self-Assessment will help
cessful Performance Manage- through training with system you identify what process areas,
ment: A Pragmatic Constructiv- dynamics–based interactive in which Supplier Performance
ist Approach learning environments (ILE’s) that Management improvements can
By Falconer Mitchell, Hanne Nør- include systematic debriefing. be made.
reklit Some key features of the book
include its didactic approach,
This text uses the philosophy numerous tables, figures, and
of pragmatic constructivism to the multidimensional evaluative
show how managerial beliefs model.
that underlie action can be made
explicit and so facilitate their 5.Change-Friendly Leadership:
assessment and improvement. How to Transform Good Inten-
This involves recognizing and tions into Great Performance
integrating the four dimensions By Rodger Dean Duncan
(facts, possibilities, values, and
communication) that represent Change by announcement,
how managers relate to the real- change by slogan, and certainly
ity in which they operate. change by executive decrees
are doomed to failure. Effective
3.The Golden Rules of Human change requires genuinely en-
Resource Management: What gaging the brains of the people
every manager ought to know expected to embrace and even
By Ali Asadi champion the new state of af-
fairs. In the change approach
Written by an acknowledged ex- prescribed here, the friendly fac-
pert in all areas of business man- tor is not just a play on words; it
agement, The Golden Rules of is the very foundation for effec-
Human Resource Management is tively engaging people’s heads,
a well-organized guide to under- hearts, and hopes.
standing this vitally important
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