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Department of Education: Daily Lesson Log For Week 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Ibaan
Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas

School Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial National High Grade Level 11

Teacher Jenny Rose B. Pasia Learning Area Tourism Promotion
GRADE 11 Teaching Dates and Time Week 9 (July 31 – August 4, 2017) Quarter First

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding concepts and theories in sourcing and providing destination information and advice.
B. Performance
The learner independently sources and provides destination information and advice
C. Learning Learners will be able to: Learners will be able to: Learners will be able to: Learners will be able to:
Competencies / 1. Identify information on the 1. Identify the 1. Identify and obtain 1. Use informal and
Objectives different tourism which can components of a information on the formal research to
meet customer needs tourism industry different tourism update knowledge of
(TLE_HETP912DI-IIa-c-3) 2. Discuss the relationship products available destination and
2. Perform the categorization of between tourism and which can meet general products
tourism hospitality industries customer needs (TLE_HETP912DI-IId-f-4)
3. Value the importance of 3. Identify the different (TLE_HETP912DI-IIa-c-3) 2. Discuss some
knowing the category of types of tourism 2. Record and store effective tools that
tourism 4. Classify the types of information for future can be used in
tourism based on use in accordance promoting tourism
purpose and activities with enterprise products and services
Identify information on systems

Daily Lesson Log for Week 9 Page 1

the different tourism
which can meet
customer needs

II. CONTENT Concepts of Travel and Tourism Long Test Tourism Products and Services Tourism Promotion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Material

3. Textbook Pages Tourism Promotion Services – Maricel Tourism Promotion Services – Tourism Promotion Services – Tourism Promotion Services –
Badilla Maricel Badilla Maricel Badilla Maricel Badilla
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource

B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Priming (Opening Prayer, Checking of Priming (Opening Prayer, Priming (Opening Prayer, Checking Priming (Opening Prayer,
previous lesson Attendance) (5 minutes) Checking of Attendance) (5 of Attendance) (5 minutes) Checking of Attendance) (5
or presenting minutes) minutes)
the new lesson Ask the students about their own
Review the previous topic by asking idea of what is product? Services? Discussion of assignment
various questions

B. Establishing a

Daily Lesson Log for Week 9 Page 2

purpose for the The teacher will give various situations Game: “Picture ko, Say Mo” Group Activity: each group will
lesson (Activity where they will analyse and show the different way on how
1) differentiate the situation they can promote one product

A. Presenting
nces of the new
(Activity 2)
B. Discussing new 1. What have you notice about the 1. What can you say about 1. By the presentation of
concepts and situations? the picture? each group, how can you
practicing new 2. How did tourist did tourism 2. Where did you commonly define promotion?
skills #1 categorized? see those picture? 2. Why is it important to
(Activity 3) 3. How can you explain 3. How those picture relate have tools in promoting
excursionist? in tourism services tourism products?

C. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
(Activity 4)

D. Developing Discussing Tourism Products and Discussing Tourism by

Mastery Video Presentation: tourism category Services through powerpoint demonstrating the effective tools
presentation that can be used
E. Finding Practical
Applications of Group presentation. Ask the students to Illustrate the difference consumer Practical Activity ( Promoting
Concepts and show the different category of tourism product from a tourism product tourism product)
Skills in Daily

F. Making Travel - travel comprises all Product – is anything that Promotion – has been defined
generalizations journey from one place to another can be offered to a market as the coordination of all seller
and Tourism – temporary short – term for attention, acquisition, initiated efforts to set up

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abstractions movement of people to destinations use or consumption that channels.
about the outside the places. might satisfy a want or
 Advertisng – is defined
lesson Tourism could be Categorized as: need.
as any paid form of non-
 Domestic tourism Characteristics of Tourism
personal communication
 International tourism Products
about an organization,
 Inbound  Intangible
product, service, or idea
 Outbound  Inseparable
by an identified sponsor
 Interstate  Variable
 Direct marketing – an
 Intrastate  Perishable
interactive system of
Components of the Tourism
marketing that uses one
or more advertising
 Destination attraction
media to affect a
 Destination facilities
measurable response.
 Accessibility  Digital marketing-
 Images marketing that employ a
 Price combination of all the
Product Types aforementioned tools
 Core product using the online platform
 Facilitating product  Sales promotion – is a
 Supporting product direct inducement that
 Augmented product offers an extra value. It
involves a variety of
techniques that serve to
accelerate purchase of
products or services
G. Evaluating Identify whether the product 1. What is promotion?
Learning mentioned is core, facilitating, 2. What are the popular
Give 5 importance of knowing the supporting, or augmented strategies used to
category of tourism 1. Hotel Bed promote tourism
2. In flight meal products and services?
3. Mini bar inside the hotel 3. What are the advantages
4. Check-in/check out and disadvantages of
5. Business Center using these promotional

Daily Lesson Log for Week 9 Page 4

H. Additional Prepared for a long quiz An all – inclusive 4 days/ 5 nights
activities for El Nido, Palawan Package is to be
Surf the internet and find the
application or prepared for a client. What are
remediation the different products and cheapest round trip ticket from
Manila to Los Angeles and back
services to be included in the
costing to manila. You can use any of the
following: social media, travel
websites, company websites.
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the

B. No. of learners
who require
activities for

C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners
who continue to

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E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these

F. Which
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Approved by:

___________________________________ _________________________________
Jenny Rose B. Pasia Nenita A. Adame Ed. D
Teacher Principal III

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