Ca No: Cejz/Jslr/ of 2017-2018
Ca No: Cejz/Jslr/ of 2017-2018
Ca No: Cejz/Jslr/ of 2017-2018
Tele Mil: 6024 Headquarters
Tele 0291-2515113 Chief Engineer Jodhpur Zone
ECHS Complex,
Opposite Military Hospital,
Jodhpur 342010
M/S _____________
(TENDER ID 2017_MES_114013_1)
Dear Sir(s)
1. Reference tender documents for the above subject work published on the e-tendering
site under vide this HQ letter No. 800402/22/E8 dated 01 April 2017 & published on 03 Apr
2017, corrigendum No.1 published vide 800402/24/E8 dated 03 April 2017, corrigendum
No.2 published vide 800402/39/E8 dated 26 April 2017, and corrigendum No.3 published
vide 800402/44/E8 dated 02 May 2017and corrigendum No.4 published vide 800402/45/E8
dated 03 May 2017.
2. Carry out the amendments to tender documents as enclosed herewith.
3 The revised BOQ is also uploaded herewith.
4. Please note that Bid submission start date, submission end date and Bid opening date
remains unchanged, therefore, the same are 15 May 2017 at 11.00 AM, 22 May 2017 at
06.00 PM & 23 May 2017 at 10.00 AM respectively.
5. All other details remain unchanged.
Yours faithfully
(B S Chowdhary)
Signature of contractor Dy Dir (Contracts)
For Accepting Officer
Encl: -Amendments and BOQ
11 48 Pt-XIII Delete existing Sch ‘A’ pt XIII Revised Sch ‘A’ pt-XIII
(Arboriculture) bearing page No.s 48 (R) is enclosed herewith.
12 49 Part XIV Item 1 & 2 Delete this schedule in toto & insert blank in lieu.
13 52 Tender page Note Delete in toto & insert as under
No. 6 line 1 to 3 “Water will not be submitted by MES. Refer spl
condition 24 on page122.
14 113 Spl condition 4 (a) For “deemed” Read “ demand “
15 115 Spl condition 11.3 Insert Ser No (d) to (k) as follows after Ser (c)
sub para 2 (d) Solar water heaters
(e) LT panel boards.
(f) Steel windows/vents & pressed steel frames.
(g) Fy made shutters.
(h) App membrane.
(j) Flooring tiles of any type.
(k) LED light fittings any type.
(l) Fly ash bricks.
22 148 PS Clause 6.11(a) For “laminated plywood”
line-5 Read “ Plywood”
23 149 (a) PS Clause 6.17 For “lintel with chajja”
line 3 & 4 Read “ lintel with chajja or lintel over openings”
149 (b) PS Clause 6.17 Insert as follows at end. “The lintels over openings
line 4 and alongwith chajja shall be provided as per TD
drawing irrespective of whatsoever shown in the
drawing of respective buildings.
24 150 to PS Clause 6.21.1 Delete this clause in toto and insert as follows.
152 to 6.21.13. “6.21.1: - PCC block masonry wherever shown on
drawing shall be amended to read as fly ash brick
masonry as specified herein after. The thickness of
wall shall be amended to 230 and 115 in lieu of 200
and 100 respectively as shown in the drawings.
25 152 PS clause 6.21.12 For “SCALFOLDING FOR WALLING “
(d) Heading Read “SCAFOLDING ”
26 153 PS clause 6.22.2 Delete this clause in toto and insert blank in lieu.
27 159 PS clause 11.1 For “Fe 500 D” Read “ Fe- 500D/Fe 550D”
table ser 9 col-2
28 164 (a) PS clause Add to end. All testing charges including cost of steel
11.7.1 first clause transportation charges etc shall be borne by the
line 6 contractor.
164 (b) PS clause Delete note intoto & insert blank in lieu.
11.7.1 Note line 1
to 5
29 167 PS clause 11.18(c) For “Guard bars to steel windows…….. 12 mm
line-1 square.
Read “Guard bars to steel windows shall be 12mm
square guard bars, irrespective of whatsoever shown
on drgs.
30 168 (a) PS clause For “openable” Read “ openable/sliding”
11.25.3 line-1
168 (b) PS clause For “windows”
11.25.1 to 11.25.8 Read “windows & vents
168 (c) PS clause Delete clause in toto and insert as under.
11.25.7 “Irrespective of whatsoever shown on drawing the
aluminium grill type A shall be provided to all windows
and vents.
168 (d) PS clause Add PS clause 11.25.9 as follows :-
11.25.8 11.25.9 Irrespective of whatsoever shown in drgs,
hydraulic door closures shall be provided to all leafs
of aluminum doors of suitable capacity to match with
weight of leaf.
31 169 12.2.1 line-1 For “ Water proofing treatment to buildings listed at
serial item No 2 of Sch ‘A’ part-I”
Read “ Irrespective of whatsoever shown in sch of
finishes, water proofing treatment to buildings listed at
serial Item No. 17,18,19,20 & 30 (garages) of sch
Ä”part-I ”
32 173 PS clause 13.4 ( c) For “ 400 x 400 x 6-7 mm thick”
line-2 & 3 Read “ “600 x 600 x 8-9 mm thick for all rooms except
toilets/bath which shall be of size 300 x 300 x 6-7 mm
33 175 (a) PS clause Delete this clause in toto & insert blank.
175 (b) PS clause 13.9 For “ 50mm PCC 1:2:4”
(b) line-1 Read “ “80mm PCC 1:2:4”
34 179 PS clause 18.8 For “details shown on drawings”
line-1 Read “details shown on drg No CEJZ/TD/34 1/2 &
35 180 (a) PS clause 18.9 Delete existing clause in toto & insert as under :-
(a) to (e) Cup board shall be provided as per drg No
CEJZ/TD/86 1/1 of width as shown in Arch plan with
following changes :-
(a) Shelves in shutters shall be of 18-20 mm thick
polished Kotastone embedded in wall. In lieu of
pressed steel shelving shown in drg.
180 (b) PS clause 18.11 For “ Dia of pipe if not indicated on drawing”.
(a) line 3 Read “Irrespective of whatsoever indicated in drg.
180 (c) PS clause 18.11 For “ Size & location of RWP”
(a) line 2 Read “ Location of RWP”
36 198 PS clause 31 Insert PS clause 32 as follows after PS clause 31 :-
32. The drg No wherever appearing in tender
documents, but not listed in list of drgs shall also form
part of tender documents.
37 198 Applicable to all Insert clause 33 after clause 32 on page
items of LED light 33.: -(i) The LED lights shall have guarantee as
fittings. covered by the manufacturer from date of completion
of contract. A register shall be made and kept on
record indicating the defect liability period of various
LED light fittings provided under subject work duly
signed by the contractor. Any defect noticed during
this period shall have to be rectified/parts replaced
(ii) LED light manufacturer lab shall be accredited to
(B S Chowdhary)
Signature of contractor Dy Dir (Contracts)
For Accepting Officer
Refer Note 13 on page No 17 for column 3, 7 and 8
S Description of item of works Rate per Unit No Amount (Rs)
/No (Rs) of
1 2 4 requ
5 6
5 Construction of block of JCOs MESS & CLUB FOR 11 JCOs & 3800000.00 1 3800000.00
SINGLE LIVING ACCN FOR 03 JCOs including compound wall EACH
___M height as per TD drg No ________ & wicket gate, BLOCK
scooter shed. Open to sky & Ramp complete all as specified
and shown on drawings.
6 Construction of block of SERVENT QUARTERS FOR 1230000.00 1 1230000.00
OFFICERS MESS & SINGLE OFFR (Block of 06) complete all EACH
as specified and shown on drawings BLOCK
1 Surface dressing n.exc 15 cm deep and getting out in any type 8.95 28533 255370.35
of soils complete all as specified & directed. SQM
“Note for item No1:- This item shall be operated only for area
other than covered for bldg. under lumpsum and area of
excavation measured for external services.
2 excavation over area n.exc 1.5 m deep and getting out in any 135.00 8365 1129275.00
type of soils complete all as specified & directed. CUM
3 Rough excavation n.exc 1.5 m deep and getting out in soft / 230.30 4100 944230.00
disintigrated rock complete all as specified & directed. CUM
4 Excavating in post holes (or similar holes) each n exc 0.5 96.20 705 67821.00
cu. m, getting out, returning, filling in and ramming earth EACH
or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in layers not
exceeding 25 cm in any type of soil complete all as specified &
5 Excavation in trenches, n.exc 1.5 m wide and n.exc 1.5 m in 158.85 2472 392677.20
depth for foundation and getting out in any type of soil CUM
complete all as specified and directed.
6 Excavation in trenches, n.exc 1.5 m wide and n.exc 1.5 m in 462.70 2124 982774.80
depth for foundation and getting out in soft / disintigrated CUM
rock complete all as specified and directed.
8 Excavation in trenches, n.exc 1.5 m wide and exc 1.5 m but 520.30 16 8324.80
n.exc 3 m in depth for foundation and getting out in soft / CUM
disintigrated rock complete all as specified and directed.
9 Returning, filling in including spreading, leveling, watering and 41.70 886 36946.20
well ramming in layers n. exc 25 cm thick in soil complete all CUM
as specified and directed.
10 Returning, filling in including spreading, leveling, watering and 55.60 639 35528.40
well ramming in layers n. exc 25 cm thick in rock complete all CUM
as specified and directed.
12 Removing excavated material (Soil) to a distance exc 250 m 149.40 13573 2027806.20
but n.exc 500 m and depositing where directed at a level n.exc CUM
1.5m above the starting point complete all as specified and
13 Removing excavated material (rock) to a distance exc 250 m 200.60 2365 474419.00
but n.exc 500 m and depositing where directed at a level n.exc CUM
1.5m above the starting point complete all as specified and
1 S&F mild steel tubes, medium grade (ISI Marked), galvanised with all
fitting (ISI Marked) and concealed or fixed complete to wall, ceiling or
laid in floors complete all as specified & directed of following sizes :-
5 S & F angle stop valves, cast copper alloy (ISI Marked) chromium 169.00 192 32448.00
plated, screwed down, high pressure with crutch handle screwed both EACH
ends for iron pipe or unions 15mm bore complete all as specified &
6 S&F 125mm chromium plated shower roses with or without swivel 234.40 32 7500.80
joints, any size, including fixing to steel pipe or unions complete all as EACH
specified & directed.
1 2 4 5 6
1 Rolling and consolidating to required gradient and camber of 8.00 2311.50 18492.00
formation surface (cutting or filling) of roads with 8 to 12 tonne X SQM
power roller including filling in depressions which occur during
rolling complete all as specified & directed.
2 M & L for 200 mm thick (spread thickness ) soiling (or sub base) 1675.70 1957.50 3280182.75
with crushed or broken flint or quartize stone of grading 2 (63 to X SQM
90mm size), interstices filled, surface formed and rolled and
consolidated to required gradient and camber with 8 to 12 ton power
roller complete all as specified & directed.
Note for item No. 2: - The soling shall not be laid wherever soft rock
has met with in the excavation for the roads.
3 M&L for 150mm thick (compacted thickness) water bound 1519.00 1957.50 2973442.50
macadam in two layers each of 75mm thick (each layer to be rolled X SQM
and consolidated separately) with coarse aggregate flint or quartize
stone of grading 2 (63mm to 40mm), hollows made up to form true
surface, spread, surface binding with and including screening and
moorum, watered, consolidated and rolled with 8 to 12 tonne power
roller to gradient and camber required complete all as specified and
as directed.
4 M&L for preparing un-surfaced WBM surfaces by brushing with wire 2900.10 1957.50 5676945.75
brushes for removing caked mud etc, sweeping with brooms and X SQM
finally fanning the cleaned surfaces with gunny bags to remove all
loose dirt etc and applying evenly a tack coat of VG-10 grade
paving bitumen @ 10 Kg per 10 Sqm and and applying bituminous
premixed semi dense asphalitic concrete 40 mm consolidated
thickness with 5.5% binder content of grade VG-40 by weight of
total mix rolled and compacted with 8 to 12 tonne power roller to
required camber and gradient to achieve a uniform smooth surface
complete all as specified and as directed.
5 M&L for Stone kerb of roughly squared flint or quartize stones of 173.60 8800 1527680.00
size15cm x 30cm, all surfaces hammer dressed so that the RM
maximum depression from a straight edge held against the dressed
surface shall not exceed 20mm jointed in cement mortar 1:6 and
struck flush complete all as specified and directed
6 M&L for cement concrete (1:3:6) type C-2 using 40mm graded 2579.00 8.30 21405.70
stone aggregate as in foundations of wall / bed concrete for hume CUM
pipe complete all as specified and directed.
7 M&L for 450 mm dia RCC Hume pipe with collar, class NP-3, laid & 1405.20 36 50587.20
jointed in CM (1:1) complete all as specified and directed. RM
8 M&L for PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 using 20mm graded aggregate 3656.70 0.35 1279.85
copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, water throughs and like CUM
including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and
throating including necessary form work complete all as specified
and directed.
9 M&L for preparation of newly plastered/unplastered surfaces of wall 11.10 7 77.70
/ concrete & applying three coats of white wash complete all as SQM
specified and directed.
10 M&L for cement concrete (1:4:8) type D-2 using 40mm graded 2303.30 23 52975.90
stone aggregate as in foundation complete all as specified and CUM
11 M&L for squared rubble stone walling Jodhpur type, brought upto 1711.70 155 265313.50
courses, well bonded, bedded and solidly hearted, built in CM (1:4) CUM
complete all as specified and directed.
12 Extra over to stone walling for hammer dressing to face stones and 79.30 7.00 555.10
dressing of the face beds & joints as specified for squared rubble SQM
wallingbrought upto courses, Jodhpur type, with maximum
depression of face from straight edge held against the dressed
surface n.exc. 20mm complete all as specified and as directed.
13 M&L for keyed pointing in CM (1:3) over squared rubble stone 472.80 0.70 330.96
walling Jodhpur type, brought upto courses complete all as X SQM
specified and directed.
14 M&L for 150mm thick approved quarried flint or quartzite stone 139.80 9060 1266588.00
using laid dry, in pavings, face hammer dressed, sides fitted fairly, SQM
hollows wedged with stone chips and interstices filled with approved
earth complete all as specified and directed
15 M&L for hard core of broken stones or boulders of gauze n. exc. 895.10 678 606877.80
63mm deposited, spread and levelled in layers n. exc. 15cm thick, CUM
watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified
and directed
16 M&L for 75mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D-2 using 40 mm graded 176.40 100 17640.00
stone aggregate in sub base to path complete all as specified and SQM
as directed.
17 M&L for 150mm thick PCC (1:4:8) type D-2 using 40 mm graded 337.50 790 266625.00
stone aggregate in sub base to path complete all as specified and SQM
as directed.
18 M&L for 100mm thick PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 using 40 mm graded 256.90 2750 706475.00
stone aggregate in sub base to path complete all as specified and SQM
as directed.
19 M&L for 100mm thick PCC (1:2:4) type B-2 using 40 mm graded 305.80 890 272162.00
stone aggregate in path, surfaces finished even & fair without using SQM
extra cement complete all as specified and as directed.
20 M&L for finishing surface of concrete roads, pavements by 44.70 364 16270.80
brooming complete all as specified and as directed. X SQM
24 M & L for forming construction joint 30mm deep x 10mm wide filled 238.20 60 14292.00
with sealing compound Grade 'A' complete all as specified and X RM
25 M & L for forming 12mm thick expansion joints filled with pre-formed 663.70 18.56 12318.27
bituminous filler and top 30mm primed and sealed with sealing X RM
compound, Grade ‘A’ for concrete slab 100mm thick complete all
as specified and directed.
26 M & L for forming Contraction (Dummy) joints 65mm deep x 10mm 474.30 46.07 21851.00
wide, filled with sealing compound complete all as specified and X RM
Total amount C/O to summary of Schedule `A` Part V 2789671.87
1 M&L for PCC (1:4:8) type D-2 using 40 mm graded crushed stone 2303.30 106 244149.80
aggregate in foundation, filling and mass concrete complete all as CUM
specified and directed.
2 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 using 40 mm graded crushed stone 2790.20 190 530138.00
aggregate in foundation, filling and mass concrete complete all as CUM
specified and directed.
3 M&L, Pre-cast cement concrete block masonry with solid block of 3150.80 302 951541.60
PCC (1:4:8) type D-5 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate), CUM
exceeding 10 cm in width and set in CM (1:6) complete all as
specified and directed.
4 Form work to side & soffits of beam and similar work, fair finished 255.90 197 50412.30
surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. SQM
5 M & L for RCC M-25 (Design Mix) using 20 mm graded crushed 4004.10 12 48049.20
stone aggregate as in beam and the like complete all as specified CUM
and directed.
Note :- Formwork and reinforcement work shall be measured
and paid separately under respective items of this schedule.
6 M&L for mild steel TMT bars 6 to 8mm dia Grade 500D in 49.10 348 17086.80
reinforcement cut to length bent to shape required including KG
cranking , bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends
and binding with and including MS wire (annealed) not less than
0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and
7 M&L for mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia & over Grade 500D in 48.60 513 24931.80
reinforcement cut to length bent to shape required including KG
cranking , bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends
and binding with and including MS wire (annealed) not less than
0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and
8 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded aggregate 4144.40 7 29010.80
copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, water throughs and CUM
like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles
and throating including necessary form work complete all as
specified and directed.
9 M&L for PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 using 20mm graded aggregate 3656.70 4 14626.80
copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, water throughs and CUM
like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles
and throating including necessary form work complete all as
specified and directed.
10 M&L for precast cement concrete(1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5mm 462.40 221 102190.40
graded stone aggregate as in louvres and jallies, 50mm thick SQM
(measured solid), including all mouldings & set in CM (1:4)
complete all as specified and directed.
11 M&L for 10mm thick rendering in CM (1:6) on fair faces of 77.30 970 74981.00
brick/concrete surfaces, finished even and smooth without using SQM
extra cement complete all as specified.
12 M&L for 15mm thick rendering in CM (1:6) on fair faces of 97.70 323 31557.10
brick/concrete surfaces, finished even and smooth without using SQM
extra cement complete all as specified.
13 M&L for 10mm thick rendering in CM (1:3) on fair faces of 103.10 53 5464.30
brick/concrete surfaces, finished even and smooth without using SQM
extra cement complete all as specified.
14 Extra over rendering or plastering for work in isolated widths or in 17.20 1057 18180.40
widths not forming part of general plastering such as in bands, RM
sunk panels, cornices, skirtings, drip moulds and similar work n
exc 15 cm in width or girth; including cutting to edges, all mitres
and stopped ends, etc. complete all as specified & directed.
15 M&L preparation of new plastered surface of wall and applying two 35.60 1946 69277.60
coat of cement base paint over a coat white wash complete all as SQM
specifed & directed.
16 S&F Mild steel work conforming to Fe 290 (Gde E- 165) in fencing 70.30 21490 1510747.00
posts, fillets for securing chain link fencing etc. including all KG
necessary drilling, bolting or riveting, etc and similar work
complete all as specified & directed.
17 Supply only chain link mild steel galvanised fencing of any size & 67.00 5405 362135.00
type ISI marked complete all as specified & directed. KG
18 Fixing only chain link fencing including line wires, any mesh , size 4.20 3780 15876.00
and type to any type of standards, rails, straining bolts etc SQM
including provision of binding wire complete all as specified &
19 S&F galvanised 2 strand, steel barbed wire 2.24mm dia barbed 810.00 90.00 72900.00
with 2mm dia barbs at 75mm spacings and straining and fixing to 100 RM
any type of standard rails straining bolts, including, securing or
tying at crossings with and provision of galvanised mild steel wire,
staples or steel pins etc (each line wire to be measured) complete
all as specified & directed.
Total amount of Schedule ‘A’ Part- VIII C/O to Summary Rs 2277935.60
Refer Note 13 on page No 17 for column 3, 7 and 8
1 2 4 5 6
20 Supply only mild steel round bars conforming to Fe 290 (Gde E- 40.50 3332 134937.90
165) 10mm dia as line rows for securing chain link fencing KG
complete all as specified & directed.( Three line bars to be
Note : Cost of cutting to length, bent to shape required &
binding with MS wire is included in the above rate.
21 S&F mild steel screw bolts (machine made ) with hexagonal or 79.00 915 72285.00
square heads at one end and screwed the other, or screwed both KG
ends, each screwed end to be fitted with washers and one
hexagonal or square nut,exc 10cm and n exc 15cm long &
diameter of neck 11 to 15 mm complete all as specified &
22 M & L for preparing new steel surfaces of any description 58.20 511 29740.20
exceeding 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of SQM
synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete
all as specified & directed.
23 M & L for preparing new wood and wood based materials or steel 9.10 138 1255.80
surfaces of any description & girth and treated with tar or coal tar SQM
complete all as specified & directed.
24 M&L Steel gate 8.00 metre wide and 2 m high near column sides 95260.00 4 381040.00
in double leaf including pillars in RCC M-25 design mix using 20 EACH
mm graded stone aggregate, excavation and earth work in soft / JOB
disintregated rock, form work, reinforcement steel, painting to
steel surfaces with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat
of red oxide primer complete all as specifed, shown on Drg No
CEBZ/TD/104/2011 Sht 1/3 to 3/3 & directed.
25 M&L Steel gate 5.50 metre wide and 2 m high near column side in 60750.00 4 243000.00
double leaf including pillars in RCC M-25 design mix using 20 mm EACH
graded stone aggregate, excavation and earth work any in soft / JOB
disintregated rock, form work, reinforcement steel, painting to
steel surfaces with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat
of red oxide primer complete all as specifed, shown on Drg No
CEBZ/TD/104/2011 Sht 1/3 to 3/3 & directed.
26 S & F PVC (SWR) Pipes single socketed in any length fixed to 232.20 50 11610.00
walls as in weep holes of 110 mm bore all as specified and RM
Total amount of Schedule ‘A’ Part- VIII C/O to Summary Rs 873868.90
1 2 4 5 6
3 S&F drop out fuse unit, explusion type for out door air break gang 1009.00 6 6054.00
oprated switch suitable for current carrying capcity upto 100 EACH
Amps, single pole mounted on and including insulators and
jumpers for 11 KV working pressure fixed to and including MS
channel with nuts, bolts and washer etc. synthetic bounded fuse
tube with line cap complete all as specified & directed.
4 Supply, install, testing and commissioning lightening arrestor, out 4613.00 1 4613.00
door, explusion type line discharge class-2 nominal discharge SET OF
current 65 KA suitable for 11 KV including all clamps, nuts and THREE
bolts, washers and connection complete all as specified &
5 Supply & fix cable joining kit for 11 KV( earthed) grade cable for 11154.00 4 44616.00
outdoor termination heat shrink type joint complete with jointing EACH
material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured
aluminium conductur cable of size 95 sqmm complete all as
specified & directed.
6 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 11 KV( earthed) grade 917.00 410 375970
cable, XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanised steel RM
strip or wire, armoured electric power cable (heavy duty) with
stranded aluminium conductor of size 3 core 95 sqmm laid in
trenches or passing through pipe/ducts including cable route
indicator complete all as specified & directed.
9 M&L for sand cushioning to under ground cable using tibba sand 678.20 486 329605.20
and gently punning to cushioning to cable complete all as CUM
specified and directed.
11 M & L for plain cement concrete (1:3:6) type C-1 using 20 mm 3421.00 12.00 41052.00
graded stone aggregate for coping / encasing around of pole CUM
including necessary form work finished even and smooth without
using extra cement all as specified and directed.
13 Supplying, install and erect in true vertical position steel tubular 11352.40 4 45409.60
swaged welded pole, 11 meter long, conforming to IS-2713 part- EACH
II, type 410 SP-55, complete with cast iron/MS base plate 6mm
thick and of size 300x300mm, finial taper, pole cap, bolts, nuts,
washers & screws etc., pole made out of ERW M.S. tubing
including of holes of reqd Nos and size for fixing of cross arms,
painting with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of
aluminium paint for exposed surfaces and two coats of black
bituminous paint for portion embedded in concrete, painting three
signal red colour bends at lower portion of exposed pole starting
from plinth block , each band of 300mm height at 300mm
spacing, painting pole No the black paint by stenciled
letters/figures of 8cm height complete all as specified and
14 Supply & fix insulator, disc type, porcelain, vitreous, white, brown 552.00 6 3312.00
or green 145 mm high and 255 mm dia ball and socket type, EACH
single disc assembly for tension with tension clamp for conductor
working pressure 11000 Volts grade complete all as specified
and directed.
15 Supply & fix insulator, pin type, porcelain, vitreous, white, brown 190.00 4 760.00
or green 150 mm high and 150 mm dia including one galvanised EACH
mild steel spindle, two galvanised washers and one galvanised
iron nuts for conductor working pressure 11000 Volts grade
complete all as specified and directed.
16 Supply, stringing, streaching & binding with insulator, aluminium 19168.00 0.12 2300.16
conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) on pole, stringing properly on QUINTEL
insulators and binding with aluminium binding wire, jumpers etc
complete for any size ( Mink, Dog, Ferret, Weasel, Squirel of
conductor) complete all as specified and directed.
Note: - Measurement & payment shall be made by measuring horizontal distance between centre of
two adjacent pole by adding 3% extra for sag, joints and jumper etc.
17 Supply fabricate, fixing anti climbing device spike type of MS 6398.00 0.20 1279.60
bars ( round square or flat ) including nuts, bolts, washers, and QUINTEL
welding in two halves made to shape to suit the cross section of
the poles including painting with two coats of aluminium paint
over a coat of red oxide primer.
18 M&L for danger notice plate of 1.6 mm thick mild steel sheet , 108.00 6 648.00
vitreous enamelled white, with letters, figures and conventional EACH
skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed with M S clamps,
bolts and nuts of approved size 25x 20 mm for HT 33/11 KV
complete all as specified & directed.
Total amount of Schedule ‘A’ Part-X carried over to Summary Rs 53709.36
Refer Note 13 on page No 16 for column 3, 7 and 8
1 2 4 5 6
19 Supply & fixing cross arms, bracing, supports clamps including D 8584.00 3.50 30044.00
clamps, eye hook and back plate etc fabricated from structural QUINTEL
steel section including nuts , bolts, washers, welding (cold and
hot ) drilling holes for bolts, bend to any shape or size as
indicated and directed, inclusive of one primer coat and two coats
of aluminium paint after preparation of surfaces complete all as
specified and directed.
20 Supply Install and commission of automatic power factor 122619.00 1 122619.00
improving capacitor bank of capacity 60 KVAR in six steps EACH
(20+20+10+1x10 KVAR Bank) with MPP type power capacitor
and thyristorised zero crossing real time cycle to cycle power
factor correction system with microprocessor based detection and
display of selectable /programmable electrical parameters like
voltage, input current, capacitive current at KVA demand,KW
power factor etc, ultrafast response for switching ON/OFF of
capacitor 40-60 milliseconds,necessary control card to control
firing of thyristors, APFC Relay to measure,monitor and display
various parameters, LED indication for number of capacitor bank
steps switched ON, power factor lag/lead should be available.The
system should have following protectors (a) Over load (b)
Under voltage (c) Voltage imbalance (d) Over temperature. It
should have the provision the system automatically OFF after
conditions are restored, should be suitable for 440V AC, 50 HZ,
out door use with incoming MCCB of suitable range and
asthetically designed 16 SWG CRCA sheet cabinet Out door type
, powder coated complete with forced cross flow cooling system
complete all as specified and directed.
NOTE:- Rate also includes making PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 using
40mm grade stone aggregate block of suitable size as directed &
0.6 Mtr above ground level and grouting etc. Nothing extra shall
be admissible.
Total Amount of Schedule 'A' Part-X carried over to BOQ= Rs. 4335235.16
1 2 4 5 6
1 S&F mild steel work conforming to Fe-290 (Gde E- 165) as in 54.50 5318 289831.00
framing for tree guards complete all as specified and directed. KG
2 M&L 4mm dia galvanized steel wire 225x100 mm mesh made up 170.50 610 104005.00
into mattresses or cages, lapped fixed and laid in position as in tree Sqm
guard all as specified and directed.
3 M & L for preparing new steel surfaces of any description 58.20 718 41787.60
exceeding 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic SQM
enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as
specified & directed.
4 M & L for preparing new steel surfaces of any description not 62.20 10 622.00
exceeding 10 cm width or girth when unconnected with other X RM
painting or when painted in a different tint and applying two coats
of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete
all as specified & directed.
5 M & L for preparing new steel surfaces of any description not 30.40 6 182.40
exceeding 10 cm width or girth and treated with two coat of X RM
bituminous complete all as specified & directed.
6 S & F rotational moulded synthetic (HDPE) water storage tank 8454.30 6 50725.80
2000 litre capacity ISI marked double layered, cylindrical vertical EACH
with closed top hoisted and fixed in position all as specified in SSR
Part-I complete all as specified and directed.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: (i) The items under this schedule will be refered under item No. 15.00 to 106 of BOQ.