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Management of A Growing Skeletal Class II Patient: A Case Report

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Narendra Shriram Sharma

Management of a growing Skeletal Class II Patient:

A Case Report
Narendra Shriram Sharma

ABSTRACT The transverse discrepancy is generally corrected first,

Sagittal and transverse discrepancies often coexist in skeletal establishing a proper base for the sagittal correction to
class II malocclusions. Orthopedic growth modification can work follow.7,8 For example, in a skeletal class II case with a
well in such cases, provided that the remaining pubertal growth narrow maxillary arch and retrusive mandible, maxillary
is adequate and that the clinician can provide timely treatment expansion is performed initially to facilitate functional
to coincide with the peak growth period.
The transverse discrepancy is generally corrected first,
mandibular advancement.7,9 The present article illustrates
establishing a proper base for the sagittal correction to follow. an exception to this rule, in a case where sagittal correction
For example, in a skeletal class II case with a narrow maxillary was undertaken before transverse correction to make optimal
arch and retrusive mandible, maxillary expansion is performed use of the patient’s pubertal growth spurt in first phase
initially to facilitate functional mandibular advancement. The
present article illustrates an exception to this rule, in a case
followed by a second phase of fixed appliance therapy
where sagittal correction was undertaken before transverse during adolescence.
correction to make optimal use of the patient’s pubertal growth
spurt in first phase followed by a second phase of fixed appliance DIAGNOSIS AND ETIOLOGY
therapy during adolescence to achieve optimal results.
A 12-year-old female presented with the chief complaint of
Keywords: Growing skeletal class II, ‘Two phase’ management,
Pubertal growth spurt, Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. protrusive upper front teeth. She exhibited a convex profile,
an acute nasolabial angle, a protrusive upper lip, a trapped
How to cite this article: Sharma NS. Management of a growing
Skeletal Class II Patient: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent
lower lip and a deficient chin (Fig. 1). The incompetent lips,
2013;6(1):48-54. reduced mandibular plane, and excessive incisal exposure
and decreased lower anterior facial height all indicated a
Source of support: Nil
horizontal growth pattern. All permanent teeth were present
Conflict of interest: None
except for the unerupted third molars. The canine and incisor
relationships were class II. The maxillary anterior teeth were
severely proclined, and the overbite was excessive (10 and 5
Whatever, the type of appliance that is used or the kind of mm respectively). Midlines were coincident (Fig. 1).
growth effect that is desired; if growth is to be modified, Cephalometric analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a
the patient has to be growing. Growth modification must division 1 malocclusion on a skeletal class II base, with a
be done before the adolescent growth spurt ends. In theory, horizontal growth pattern and a marked mandibular retrusion
it could be done at any point up to that time. The ideal timing (Table 1). Evaluation of the patient’s cervical radiographs
remains somewhat controversial but the recent research has indicated that she was at the peak of the pubertal growth
clarified the indications for treatment at various ages. spurt, with considerable growth remaining (Fig. 2). In
Unfortunately, although most anterior-posterior and vertical addition to this patient showing positive clinical VTO
jaw discrepancies can be corrected during the primary (Fig. 3).
dentition years, relapse occurs because of continued growth
in the original disproportionate pattern. If children are TREATMENT PLAN
treated very early; they usually need further treatment during Since she was in the pubertal growth spurt, limited treatment
the mixed dentition and again in the early permanent objectives, consisting of improving the skeletal jaw
dentition to maintain the correction. For all practical relationship as much as possible by growth modification
purposes, early orthodontic treatment for skeletal problems and correcting the occlusal discrepancies by dentoalveolar
is mixed dentition treatment; and a second phase of treatment compensation, were considered. The pubertal growth status
during adolescence will be required.1 Sagittal and transverse of a patient is more critical for sagittal correction and
discrepancies often coexist in skeletal class II because the patient was at the peak of pubertal growth, we
malocclusions.2-4 Orthopedic growth modification can work decided to carry out the sagittal and the transverse correction
well in such cases, provided that the remaining pubertal simultaneously with a functional orthopedic approach by
growth is adequate and that the clinician can provide timely adding an expansion screw. A fixed twin block appliance
treatment to coincide with the peak growth period.5,6 was chosen to stimulate the forward mandibular growth.10,11


Management of a growing Skeletal Class II Patient: A Case Report

Fig. 1: Pretreatment extraoral and intraoral photographs

Table 1: Pretreat cephalometric analysis

Mean Pretreatment
Maxilla to cranium
SNA angle 82 ± 2° 78°
N perp. Pt. A (mm) 0 ± 2 mm –5 mm
Eff. max length 90 mm
Mandible to cranium
SNB angle 80 ± 2° 72°
N perp. – Pog (mm) 0 mm –12 mm
Eff. mand. length (mm) 105 mm
N Pog – FH angle 87.8° 82 mm
Maxilla to mandible (skeletal)
ANB angle 2 ± 2° 6°
Wits (mm) 0 mm 4 mm
Vertical relationship
Y-axis angle 53-66° 55°
Facial axis angle 87.8° 82°
FMA angle 25° 18°
GoGn – SN 32° 22°
Occlusal to SN angle 9.3° 10°
UFH/LFH 72 mm/48 mm
Maxillary dental
UI to NA (angle) 22° 35°
UI to NA (mm) 4 mm 8 mm
UI to Pt. a vertical (mm) 2.7 mm 10 mm
UI to SN (angle) 102 ± 2° 114°
Fig. 2: Pretreatment cephalogram and OPG

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, January-April 2013;6(1):48-54 49

Narendra Shriram Sharma

(2) establish positive overjet and overbite, (3) establish

class I molar and canine relationships; (4) eliminate the
maxillary and mandibular arch length discrepancies and (5)
follow-up the remaining growth to assess the need for further
treatment. These changes were expected to greatly improve
her facial profile and ensure the long-term stability of the
treatment results.

Treatment began with a bite for the twin block appliance
with a 7 mm sagittal advancement and a 5 mm vertical
opening in the premolar region (Fig. 4). The twin block
appliance was fabricated with a maxillary expander placed
Fig. 3: A positive VTO on the maxillary arch. The patient was instructed to wear
the appliance full-time except during meals and contact
This was to be followed by fixed-appliance therapy for sports. After 6 months of wear, the pterygoid response was
simultaneous intrusion and retraction of the anterior teeth achieved and trimming was started.
and finishing and detailing of the occlusion. The specific After 11 months of good compliance, the patient showed
treatment objectives were to (1) correct the skeletal AP a class I molar relationship with no dual bite and a
discrepancies with improvement of the soft-tissue profile, considerably improved facial profile. After removal of the

Fig. 4: Twin block appliance in place


Management of a growing Skeletal Class II Patient: A Case Report

appliance, we noted a class I molar relationship, an overjet The fixed appliances were debonded for a total treatment
of 2 mm, and increases of 2 and 1.5 mm in the maxillary time of 14 months (Fig. 6). The total treatment time was
intercanine and intermolar widths respectively. The approximately 25 months. The retainers were the
increased arch width in the canine regions had removed the thermoplastic type and used full-time, except during meals
occlusal interferences and settled the canines into a class I and brushing, for the first 12 months. After this period, the
relationship with adequate buccal clearance. She practiced retainers were switched to nocturnal use only for another
upper-lip exercises and an active anterior lip seal throughout 12 months.
the orthopedic treatment period.
MBT-prescription 0.018" brackets were then bonded. TREATMENT RESULTS
For the first 7 months of fixed-appliance therapy, we used All treatment objectives were achieved. The anterior lip trap
a removable transpalatal arch to maintain the vertical was corrected, and satisfactory dental alignment, normal
anchorage and sagittal expansion at the maxillary first overjet and overbite, and ideal class I molar and canine
molars, as well as 4.5 oz class II elastics to retain the sagittal relationships on both sides were established. The overall
correction. A utility arch was placed to intrude and retract facial balance was greatly improved. The post-treatment
the maxillary anterior teeth, closing the spaces. A Marcotte extraoral photographs showed a relaxed lip closure and an
3-piece intrusion arch was placed to intrude and retract the esthetically pleasing smile with a favorable smile arc. The
mandibular anterior teeth, closing the spaces (Fig. 5). After patient was satisfied with her teeth and profile.
10 months of fixed appliance treatment, the patient was In the panoramic radiograph (Fig. 7), root parallelism
highly satisfied with the treatment results. was good, and no apical resorption was observed. The

Fig. 5: Preadjusted appliance in place

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, January-April 2013;6(1):48-54 51

Narendra Shriram Sharma

Fig. 6: After debonding, preadjusted appliance

Fig. 7: Post-treatment cephalogram and OPG

mandibular third molars were well-developed and movement of the chin, resulting in a harmonious basal
positioned. The cephalometric analysis (Table 2) indicated relationship (Fig. 8). Other factors contributing to the correction
that the AP relationship of the basal bone was improved. included sagittal and vertical maintenance of the maxillary
Superimposition of the cephalometric tracings revealed molars, intrusion and retraction of the maxillary anterior
a restriction in maxillary growth and considerable forward teeth and counterclockwise rotation of the occlusal plane.


Management of a growing Skeletal Class II Patient: A Case Report

Table 2: Post-treatment cephalometric analysis

Mean Post-treatment
Maxilla to cranium
SNA angle 82 ± 2° 78°
N perp. Pt. A (mm) 0 ± 2 mm –5 mm
Eff. max length 90 mm
Mandible to cranium
SNB angle 80 ± 2° 75°
N perp. – Pog (mm) 0 mm –7 mm
Eff. mand. length (mm) 1105 mm
Maxilla to mandible (skeletal)
ANB angle 2 ± 2° 3°
Wits (mm) 0 mm 0 mm
Vertical relationship
Y-axis angle 53-66° 60°
Facial axis angle 87.8° 87°
FMA angle 25° 21°
GoGn – SN 32° 26°
Occlusal to SN angle 9.3° 10.5°
UFH/LFH 73 mm/52 mm
Maxillary dental
UI to NA (angle) 22° 22°
UI to NA (mm) 4 mm 5 mm
UI to Pt. a vertical (mm) 2.7 mm 5.5 mm
UI to SN (angle) 102 ± 2° 103°

Class II malocclusions might have any number of
combinations of skeletal and dental components. So,
identifying and understanding the etiology and expression
of a class II malocclusion and forming the correct differential
diagnosis are essential for its correction, whether it is
orthodontic, orthopedic, surgical or a combination of these
modalities. From an etiologic perspective, few
malocclusions have one specific cause; more often, they
are the result of a combination of many factors in the inherent
predetermined growth potential of each patient. Thus, for
any malocclusion, especially a skeletal malocclusion,
multiple-factor treatment is superior to that of a single factor.
Previous studies regarding morphologic characteristics of
skeletal class II malocclusion present various and
contradicting opinions. But it is generally believed that a
skeletal class II malocclusion is often caused by some
combination of mandibular deficiency and maxillary excess.
The success of combination therapy (distal jet and Jasper
jumpers) in class II malocclusion suggests that the problem
is not concentrated in a single jaw (maxilla or mandible),
so a bimaxillary treatment design might achieve a better
result. Here, we treated a developing skeletal class II patient
with combination therapy using a twin block and SWA.
In this patient, the satisfactory occlusal and esthetic
results were due to significant dentoalveolar compensation Fig. 8: Superimposition of maxilla and mandible

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, January-April 2013;6(1):48-54 53

Narendra Shriram Sharma

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