Poverty in Pakistan
Poverty in Pakistan
Poverty in Pakistan
The magnitude and extent of poverty in any country depends upon two factors, the average
level of national income, and degree of inequality in its distribution. Here income means the
minimum income required to purchase those items that society considers essential to maintain
reasonable living, the minimum level required to avoid inhumane living conditions. It is normally
presumed that lower the average income or more the unequal distribution of the wealth the
greater the incidence of poverty. Pakistan is the classical testing ground to measure the
phenomenon where the level of national per capita income is low, exists grave level of
inequality in economic means of living, rapidly increasing population with minimal level of
technical and professional education, economy with high rate of inflation and unemployment,
these all ultimately give birth to poverty.
Pakistan is one of the developing countries facing the extreme level of poverty having more than
one third of its populace living below the poverty line. In Pakistan, for instance, the persons who
earn income which cannot meet the daily intake of about 2350 calories per person are
considered to fall below the poverty line. In Pakistan, lack of access to credit, training in income-
generating activities, basic social services and infrastructure are critical factors behind the
persistence of substantial poverty, especially in under-served rural and urban areas. UNDP in its
Human Development Report -2008 places Pakistan at 136th position 13 among 177 developing
countries of the world. The country hosts more than 2.4 million Afghan refugees. Various forms
of poverty prevail in Pakistan and more than 73 percent of the population lives on less than
US$2 per day. Pakistan, when measured on income poverty, it ranked below than all Central
Asian States and even South Asian states less Napal and Bangladesh. 14 Pakistan government
spent over 1 trillion Rupees (about $16.7 billion) on poverty alleviation programs during the past
four years, cutting poverty from 35 percent in 2000-01 to 24 percent in 2006. 15 Already meager
level of socio-economic development in Pakistan is further squeezed in manifolds in rural areas
as compare to major urban areas. Poverty line has once again remerged to above 37% of
Pakistan’s over 16.7 billion people with the start of 2009.
Causes of Poverty
Poverty in Pakistan, in my opinion, is too constant and too complex, and cannot be restricted to few
factors shown in diagram below. There are many interrelated factors that contribute to poverty in
developing nation like Pakistan. Poor governance is the key underlying cause of poverty in Pakistan. The
most commonly enumerated causes in this regard include overpopulation, high living cost, rising
unemployment, inadequate education, environment degradation, unequal distribution of resources
especially agricultural land etc. However, economic vulnerability is a key factor that leads to social
powerlessness, lack of adequate health care political disenfranchisement, everyday harassment and ill-
functioning and distortionary institutions. Eeconomic and social factors such as the slowdown in GDP
growth in the last decade, and the persistence of a regressive social structure, stemming from the highly
unequal distribution of land, have also contributed manifolds to the increase in poverty. 16 However,
issues of good governance17 and degeneration of socio-economic institutions are the foremost reasons.
General factors considered to be the cause of poverty are:
Trade Deficit Dilemma & Melting down of Economy: Economic factors have also
contributed in making life difficult for all sections of society except the very rich. Decline in the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate is the immediate cause of the increase in poverty.
Lack of Education & Rampant Illiteracy: The country’s education indicators portray a
dismal picture when compared with other countries at the similar level of GDP per capita. More
specifically, the public expenditure on education as percent of GNP have been around 2% in Pakistan
compared to other (low income) countries of the region. Since, foundation of any development in socio-
economic sector is corollary to the level of education / skills of its human capital therefore, general
perception that one of the main causes of the poverty in Pakistan is pitiable state of education across
the country. More than half of the population can not read and write and substantial number of people
do not have any concept about the modern earning techniques.
Landlessness in Rural area: Being from an agricultural country, most of the people of
Pakistan have farming as their primary source of living. This source is shrinking with the division of lands
amongst the family members and depriving honorable way of living to the families- once well of. Only
37% of rural households own land and around 35 million people in rural areas are poor- representing
about 80% of Pakistan’s poor. Hence, rural poverty is found to be strongly correlated with lack of asset in
rural areas.
Corruption & Corrupt Practices: Corruption is one of the most dangerous factor that
eroded Pakistan’s economic and governance system since its inception. The corruption and corrupt
practices are not restricted to public servant only rather, social dishonesty and irresponsible behavior of
people as well.
Miscellaneous Causes
Declining Foreign Investment: Owing to number of factors Pakistan has not been able to
attract needed level of FDI despite its pro liberalization and investor friendly policies.
Rising Trend in Inflation: Inflation in prices of every item of goods and service in Pakistan
has been sky rocketing for the last few years but the current year is setting new records
in this regard.
Population Growth: Due to rapidly increasing population the problem of food shortage in most
developing countries are compounded by inadequate provision of basic services such as
health and sanitation facilities, shelter and safe drinking water, also lack of education and
increasing unemployment. Owing to shrinking developmental funds visa vise population
growth. Resultantly the phenomenon gives further rise to the poverty line upward.