(Individual Report)
Submitted by:
Bianca G. Abarca
Submitted to:
Irish Camille Punsalang RN
April 2020
I. Overview/Definition
Meningitis is inflammation of the thin tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal
cord, called the meninges. There are several types of meningitis. The most common is
viral meningitis. You get it when a virus enters the body through the nose or mouth and
travels to the brain. Bacterial meningitis is rare, but can be deadly. It usually starts with
bacteria that cause a cold-like infection. It can cause stroke, hearing loss, and brain
Neck stiffness
confusion, irritability, delirium, and coma. Patients with viral meningitis may have a
Signs in newborns
High fever
Constant crying
Inactivity or sluggishness
Poor feeding
III. Etiology
Viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis, followed by bacterial
infections and, rarely, fungal infections. Because bacterial infections can be life-
Bacterial meningitis
Bacteria that enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and spinal cord cause
acute bacterial meningitis. But it can also occur when bacteria directly invade the
meninges. This may be caused by an ear or sinus infection, a skull fracture, or, rarely,
Viral meningitis
Viral meningitis is usually mild and often clears on its own. Most cases in the
United States are caused by a group of viruses known as enteroviruses, which are most
common in late summer and early fall. Viruses such as herpes simplex virus, HIV,
mumps, West Nile virus and others also can cause viral meningitis.
Chronic meningitis
invade the membranes and fluid surrounding your brain cause chronic meningitis.
Chronic meningitis develops over two weeks or more. The signs and symptoms of
chronic meningitis — headaches, fever, vomiting and mental cloudiness — are similar to
Fungal meningitis
mimic acute bacterial meningitis. Fungal meningitis isn't contagious from person to
person. Cryptococcal meningitis is a common fungal form of the disease that affects
people with immune deficiencies, such as AIDS. It's life-threatening if not treated with an
antifungal medication.
Meningitis can also result from noninfectious causes, such as chemical reactions,
drug allergies, some types of cancer and inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis.
on military bases, and children in boarding schools and child care facilities are at
spread by the respiratory route, and spreads quickly through large groups.
Pregnancy. Pregnancy increases the risk of listeriosis — an infection caused by
listeria bacteria, which may also cause meningitis. Listeriosis increases the risk of
immunosuppressant drugs and other factors that affect your immune system also
make you more susceptible to meningitis. Having your spleen removed also
increases your risk, and anyone without a spleen should get vaccinated to minimize
that risk.
V. Complications
Bacterial meningitis needs immediate treatment with antibiotics. Your doctor might give you
a general, or broad-spectrum, antibiotic even before they’ve found the exact bacteria that
caused your illness and then change to a drug that targets the specific bacteria they find. You
VI. Diagnostic
The diagnostic tests in patients with clinical findings of meningitis are as follows:
CT scan. A screening computed tomography (CT) scan of the head may be
when LP is delayed until head imaging can rule out the risk of brain
Predisposing Factors: Direct/indirect contact with Factors:
- Age an infected person - Environment
- Poor Hygiene
- Malnutrition
Acquire Infectious Agents
like parasite, virus,
bacteria, and fungus.
- Fever
Through infecting - Irritability
- Poor
Skin, nasopharynx,
respiratory tract,
gastrointestinal tract, or
genitourinary tract.
VIII. Prevention
Common bacteria or viruses that can cause meningitis can spread through
Teach children to wash their hands often, especially before eating and after using
the toilet, spending time in a crowded public place or petting animals. Show them
Practice good hygiene. Don't share drinks, foods, straws, eating utensils, lip
balms or toothbrushes with anyone else. Teach children and teens to avoid sharing
regularly, and eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole
Cover your mouth. When you need to cough or sneeze, be sure to cover your
cooking meat, including hot dogs and deli meat, to 165 F (74 C). Avoid cheeses
made from unpasteurized milk. Choose cheeses that are clearly labeled as being
Some forms of bacterial meningitis are preventable with the following vaccinations:
IX. Treatment
The treatment depends on the type of meningitis you or your child has.
Bacterial meningitis
antibiotics and sometimes corticosteroids. This helps to ensure recovery and reduce the
The antibiotic or combination of antibiotics depends on the type of bacteria causing the
infection. Your doctor may recommend a broad-spectrum antibiotic until he or she can
Your doctor may drain any infected sinuses or mastoids — the bones behind the outer ear
Viral meningitis
Antibiotics can't cure viral meningitis, and most cases improve on their own in
Bed rest
Plenty of fluids
Over-the-counter pain medications to help reduce fever and relieve body aches
Your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids to reduce swelling in the brain, and an
If the cause of your meningitis is unclear, your doctor may start antiviral and
X. Nursing Management
Nursing Assessment
Pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas values. These values are used to
Nursing Interventions
Reduce high fever to decrease load on heart and brain from oxygen demands.
consciousness (LOC).
Monitor daily body weight; serum electrolytes; and urine volume, specific
and pneumonia.
Inform family about patient’s condition and permit family to see patient at
appropriate intervals.