Fiori Security Guide
Fiori Security Guide
Fiori Security Guide
This document has been generated from the SAP Help Portal and is an incomplete version of the official SAP product
documentation. The information included in custom documentation may not re ect the arrangement of topics in the SAP Help
Portal, and may be missing important aspects and/or correlations to other topics. For this reason, it is not for productive use.… 1/11
Target Audience
Technical consultants
System administrators
Additional Information
You can nd information about security aspects for SAP Fiori-relevant ABAP Platform components on SAP Help Portal at ABAP
For the ABAP Platform Security Guide, underABAP Platform, and then, Securing the ABAP Platform ABAP Platform
Security Guide Security Guides for ABAP Platform Functional Units Security Guides for the Application
Server Security Guides for AS ABAP Application Server ABAP Security Guide .
For security information for SAP Web Dispatcher, under Application Server ABAP - Infrastructure Components of
Application Server ABAP SAP Web Dispatcher Administration of the SAP Web Dispatcher Security Information for
SAP Web Dispatcher
For security information for SAP NetWeaver user interface services, under ABAP Platform, and then, UI Technologies SAP
NetWeaver User Interface Services Security Information
For security information for SAP Fiori launchpad, underABAP Platform, and then, UI Technologies SAP Fiori
Launchpad Security Aspects
Related Information
Technical System Landscape
Network and Communication Security
User Authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO)
Mobile Application Security
Virus Scanning (Optional)
Clickjacking Framing Protection
The following topic show system landscapes for SAP Fiori apps: Setup of SAP Fiori System Landscape
For information about different deployment options for your SAP Fiori system landscape, see SAP Fiori Deployment Options.
For information about what you need to consider before installing the components for the SAP Fiori landscape, see Pre-Installation
Connecting SAP Gateway to Back-End System (Trusted RFC) All app types
Con guring Communication Channel between Clients and SAP Web Dispatcher All app types
De ning Routing Rules for SAP Web Dispatcher and ABAP Front End Object pages, SAP Fiori search
De ning Routing Rules for SAP Web Dispatcher and ABAP Back End Object pages, SAP Fiori search
Con guring Trust Between SAP Web Dispatcher and ABAP Servers If you use X.509 client certi cates for
authentication at the ABAP servers,
con gure a trust relationship between SAP
Web Dispatcher and the ICM of the ABAP
Use… 3/11
Initial Authentication
When a user launches an SAP Fiori app, the launch request is sent from the client to the ABAP front-end server by the SAP Fiori
launchpad. During launch, the ABAP front-end server authenticates the user by using one of the supported authentication and
single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms. We recommend setting up SSO, thereby enabling users to start SAP Fiori apps using their
single, existing credentials. As a fallback option, initial authentication can be based on the users' passwords on the ABAP front-
end server. SAP provides a dedicated logon handler for form-based logon. After initial authentication on the ABAP front-end
server, a security session is established between the client and the ABAP front-end server.… 4/11
For search in the SAP Fiori launchpad, apps also send InA search requests from the client to the ABAP back-end server. These
requests can be authenticated with Kerberos/SPNego, X.509 certi cates, or logon tickets. You can con gure the ABAP front-end
server to issue logon tickets after initial authentication, or you can use your existing portal to do so.
For more information about the following supported authentication and single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms, see:
SAML 2.0
Logon Tickets
If you access SAP Fiori apps from within your corporate network, you can enable Kerberos/SPNego authentication for the ABAP
front-end server.
If you already have a Kerberos/SPNego infrastructure in place, for example, if you use Microsoft Active Directory, this
authentication is especially recommended.
It simpli es the logon process by reusing credentials that have already been provided, for example, during logon to the
Microsoft Windows workstation. A separate logon to the ABAP front-end server is not required.
It is also supported for logon to the SAP GUI. Using Kerberos for both SAP GUI and HTTP access simpli es the single sign-
on setup within your system landscape.
During logon, Kerberos/SPNego authentication requires access to an issuing system (for example, Microsoft Active Directory).
As this system is typically located within the corporate network, Kerberos/SPNego cannot be used for most internet-facing
deployment scenarios. To enable single sign-on with Kerberos/SPNego authentication from outside your corporate network, you
might have to set up a VPN connection.
Kerberos/SPNego is available with the SAP Single Sign-On product, which also provides additional authentication mechanisms,
such as X.509 certi cates or an SAML Identity Provider.
Con guration… 5/11
For more information about the con guration that is required for Kerberos/SPNego, see the Secure Login for SAP Single Sign-On
Implementation Guide on SAP Help Portal at .
It does not require an issuing system during logon, which means that it works well in internet-facing scenarios.
It is also supported for logon to the SAP GUI. Using X.509 certi cates for both SAP GUI and HTTP access simpli es the
Single Sign-On setup within your system landscape.
X.509 certi cates must be distributed to the workstations and devices that are used to access SAP Fiori apps. For mobile devices,
this distribution can be performed centrally by a mobile device management software, for example SAP Afaria.
As X.509 certi cates remain valid for a relatively long time, we recommend that you minimize the security risk by
implementing a method to revoke the certi cates, for example if a mobile device is lost.
Con guration
For information about the con guration that is required for X.509 certi cates, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform under
Securing the ABAP Platform Security Concepts and Tools User Authentication and Single Sign-On Integration in Single Sign-
On (SSO) Environments Single Sign-On for Web-Based Access Using X.509 Client Certi cates Using X.509 Client
Certi cates on the AS ABAP Con guring the AS ABAP to Use X.509 Client Certi cates .
SAML 2.0
If you have implemented the security assertion markup language (SAML) version 2.0 for single sign-on (SSO) within your
organization, you can con gure the ABAP front-end server for use with SAML 2.0.
It includes extensive federation capabilities, which means that it works well in scenarios with federated user domains,
where trust con guration can be complicated.
It includes extensive user mapping capabilities that enable you to map SAP users based on identity attributes, such as the
SAP user name attribute or a user's e-mail address. This means that SAML 2.0 works well for scenarios with multiple user
During logon, SAML 2.0 authentication requires access to an issuing system (Identity Provider). To enable single sign-on with
SAML 2.0 in internet-facing deployment scenarios that leverage its federation capabilities, you must ensure that the SAML Identity
Provider is securely accessible from outside your corporate network.
In the SAP Fiori system landscape, SAML 2.0 is supported only for communication with the ABAP front-end server.… 6/11
Con guration
For information about the con guration that is required for using SAML 2.0, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform under Securing
the ABAP Platform Security Concepts and Tools User Authentication and Single Sign-On Integration in Single Sign-On (SSO)
Environments Single Sign-On for Web-Based Access Using SAML 2.0 Con guring AS ABAP as a Service Provider .
Logon Tickets
For logon tickets, you must con gure the ABAP front-end server to issue logon tickets. Alternatively, you can use an existing
system, such as a portal, in your landscape that already issues logon tickets.
In addition to the front-end server con guration, you must con gure the required back-end systems (ABAP or SAP HANA) to
accept logon tickets. You must also ensure that users in the ABAP system have the same user names as the database users in SAP
HANA; user mapping is not supported.
As logon tickets are transferred as browser cookies, you can only use this authentication mechanism if all systems in your system
landscape are located within the same DNS domain.
The new standardized authentication methods Kerberos/SPNego, X.509 certi cates, and SAML 2.0 provide additional security
and exibility features compared to proprietary logon tickets. For example, you can de ne user mappings and shorten token
validity periods or session lifetimes on the server. Therefore, we recommend using Kerberos/SPNego, X.509 certi cates, or
SAML 2.0 where technically possible.
You can perform setup tasks for SAP Fiori by using task lists that SAP delivers. A task list groups con guration tasks logically
and guides you through the necessary tasks.
For an overview of all task lists and tasks for SAP Fiori, see Con guration Using Task Lists.
You can use the following task list to perform this step:
Con guration
For information about the con guration that is required for using logon tickets, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform under
Securing the ABAP Platform Security Concepts and Tools User Authentication and Single Sign-On Integration in Single Sign-
On (SSO) Environments Single Sign-On for Web-Based Access Using Logon Tickets Using Logon Tickets with AS
ABAP Con guring AS ABAP to Accept Logon Tickets .… 7/11
You access SAP Fiori apps from the Internet, and you do not have a SAML 2.0
PKI in place already.
You access SAP Fiori apps from the Internet, and you have a PKI and X.509
client certi cate management solution in place.
You access SAP Fiori apps from within your corporate network, and Kerberos/SPNEGO
you have a Kerberos/SPNego infrastructure with Microsoft Active
Directory in place already.
The following table provides an overview of the qualities of the different SSO methods:
Client Requirements Browser or SAP Fiori Browser or SAP Fiori Browser with SPNego Browser or SAP Fiori
Client Client* with client support or SAP Fiori Client with Cookie
certi cate Client (Intranet or VPN enabled
Infrastructure SAML IdP CA + client certi cate MS Active Directory Ticket issuer (Portal or
Requirements management solution ABAP system)
Proof of ownership private key, symetric key, private key (domain) password --
To set up single sign-on for a system landscape with an SAP HANA database, proceed as follows:
Con gure a trusted RFC connection between the ABAP front-end server and the ABAP back-end server.
For search in the SAP Fiori launchpad, con gure authentication in the back-end server, which processes the search
requests. These requests can be authenticated with Kerberos/SPNego, X.509 certi cates, or logon tickets. You can
con gure the ABAP front-end server to issue logon tickets after initial authentication, or you can use your existing
portal to do so.
Next Steps… 8/11
You can perform setup tasks for SAP Fiori by using task lists that SAP delivers. A task list groups con guration tasks logically
and guides you through the necessary tasks.
For an overview of all task lists and tasks for SAP Fiori, see Con guration Using Task Lists.
More Information
For more information about speci c SSO mechanisms for authentication, see SSO Mechanisms for SAP Fiori Apps.
For more information about how to set up a trusted RFC, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform under Securing the ABAP
Platform ABAP Platform Security Guide Security Guides for Connectivity and Interoperability Technologies RFC/ICF
Security Guide RFC Scenarios .
For more information about con guring SAP Fiori search, see Setup of SAP Fiori Search.
SAP Fiori Client is designed around Apache Cordova architecture, where device APIs and custom functionality are added through
Cordova plug-ins.
The CLI packager for SAP Fiori is a Node.js application delivered with the SAP Mobile Platform Hybrid SDK. The packager uses the
SAP Mobile Secure cloud build service API to drive a Cordova-style build. The apps can be distributed to mobile devices and users
through SAP Mobile Secure and SAP Mobile Place.
For more information, see under Mobilizing SAP Fiori Packaging
SAP Fiori Apps .… 9/11
For information on how to integrate SAP Mobile Platform into your on-premise SAP Fiori landscape, see
SAP Cloud Platform, Mobile Service for App and Device Management
SAP mobile service for app and device management is an integrated, cloud-based enterprise mobility management portfolio. It
comprises a comprehensive mobile device management (MDM) solution and a customizable enterprise app store (SAP Mobile
Place). Users on both MDM-managed and unmanaged devices can discover and download relevant apps and set up related
services such as network access, e-mail, identity, and more. For more information, see the administration guide at under
Administration SAP Cloud Platform mobile service for app and device management Administration Guide .
SAP Afaria is a mobile device management (MDM) system that allows you to secure and manage your organization’s mobile
devices, mobile applications, and data. You can remotely connect to enrolled mobile devices to con gure the device and install
required applications. Afaria is part of the Mobile Secure suite of products from SAP. For more information, see the Afaria product
documentation on SAP Help Portal at
Uploaded documents are displayed in SAP Fiori apps without further security-related checks. If a document contains malicious
content, unintended actions could be triggered at the front end during download or display, which might lead to cross-site
scripting vulnerabilities. Various SAP Fiori apps offer the possibility to upload or display documents. If you use one of these apps,
you have to install an appropriate virus scanner and de ne sufficiently restrictive scan pro les to prevent upload of malicious
The documents are checked with a scan pro le before being stored in the Knowledge Provider (KPro). The following scan pro les
are available for the SAP Fiori apps offering the possibility to upload or display documents:
More Information
For more information about the con guration, see SAP Help Portal at under Application Help SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-
Oriented View Security System Security Virus Scan Interface .
You can nd additional information in the SAP Notes 786179 and 1494278 .… 10/11
Clickjacking or UI redressing attacks trick the users into triggering actions within an application by hijacking mouse clicks. The
users think they are clicking on the underlying element in the presented context, but are actually clicking on an action chosen by
the attacker. To protect against this type of attack, SAP provides a whitelist-based framework for SAP NetWeaver technologies.
For more information about the clickjacking protection framework in SAPUI5, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform under UI
Technologies SAPUI5: UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Developing Apps Securing Apps Browser Security .
For more information about clickjacking framing protection in the SAP Fiori launchpad, see SAP Help Portal at ABAP Platform
under UI Technologies SAP Fiori Launchpad Security Aspects Clickjacking Framing Protection .… 11/11