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Product Overview DDS-CAD

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Product overview

DDS-CAD: for MEP professionals

Page 2 Why DDS-CAD?

That’s why DDS-CAD!

Quality Process Optimization

Plan, calculate, simulate and document building related Software that integrates seamlessly and optimizes your
mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems at the high- workflow. We assure a smooth implementation without
est quality level. disruptions to your daily processes.

Compatibility Save Time

Secure full compatibility with all popular CAD/BIM appli- Achieve an unprecedented project turn-around speed. In-
cations used by architects, structural engineers and con- telligent and automated features provide more efficiency,
tractors. obtaining results faster.

Independence BIM
Use an independent, stand-alone solution; additional Create intelligent systems within an interactive building
third party CAD programs (such as AutoCAD or Revit) are model, using smart components and objects. Benefit di-
not required. Resulting in no duplicate purchases, training, rectly from extensive experience of DDS as one of the pio-
update and maintenance costs. neers in BIM development.

In Control Intuitive Use

Profit from integrated multi-disciplinary control functions Work with intuitive software, assuring a quick learning
such as collision detection, model validity checks, correct curve and a minimum loss of productivity after implemen-
object connections, etc. tation.

Integrated Calculations
Support Optimize your system designs by making use of integra-
Receive direct product and project support from the soft- ted calculations. The intelligent building model provides
ware developers without any third party intervention. the requirements and the software will assure your de-
signs will perform accordingly.

Detailed Output Minimize Liability

Instantly produce detailed bill of quantities (BOQ) structu-
Enhance the quality of your deliverables by making use of
red on a building, storey or room level. Compile plots with
the integrated expertise on all levels. Avoid planning errors
unlimited number of elevations, cross-sections and part
and minimize your liability risks.

Future Perspective
Certified import and export for exchanging information Partnership
using the ISO certified industry standard format: buil- With the DDS team, you gain a genuine and competent
dingSMART/IFC. Providing you a software tool that is ready partner that directly supports you with your challenges.
for the future.
Preface Page 3

Dear Reader,
You meet one of the most challenging tasks in building but also an indication of how DDS can become a depen-
design: the planning of building services. To do this in dable partner for you as an industry professional.
an economical optimal way, you need to plan plumbing,
heating, ventilation, air conditioning and electrical sys- While reading this brochure you will gain a clear over-
tems within limited time, error free and at a high qua- view and interesting insights. We trust that the many
lity. These requirements make it essential that you have benefits provided by DDS-CAD and the partnership with
access to the most reliable and best tools. DDS will convince you in a long-term cooperation us!

DDS-CAD is one of those tools. Thanks to its extensive Welcome to DDS!

features, multi-disciplinary product concept and abili-
ty to seamlessly collaborate with other market leading
software applications, DDS-CAD is able to support you
at every stage in the design process.

This product and service overview provides you more Bjørn K. Stangeland
detailed information about the core components of Chief Executive Officer DDS AS
DDS-CAD and the technical features that are provided
within each of the separate MEP disciplines.

However, you do not only benefit as a DDS-CAD user

by the functions and diversity of our software solution. Nils Kverneland
Additionally with DDS as a company, you have a direct Managing Director DDS GmbH
connection to the developer of your software. This me-
ans that care and support is available directly within the
DDS team, and each and every employee is there to as-
sist you.

For us it is crucial that you know that in this partnership

you are in good hands. Therefore, we offer in addition to
an unprecedented product, numerous benefits that pro-
mote a fruitful partnership and long-term cooperation.
As a result, you do not only get an overview of DDS-CAD,
Page 4 Consultation and Partnership

More than you expect…

Good software Is the basis, the perfect partnership is our goal

One of our targets as software developer is obvious: We

want to provide an ideal planning tool, with which your
know-how and experience can be transferred perfectly
to the models and designs you create. We are convinced
that you can do this with DDS-CAD.

Furthermore, we see an equally important task of ensu-

ring you enjoy a long-lasting, successful ability to work
with our software and that this is beneficial to you.

For this reason, we consider our task is far from fulfilled

if we have shipped you your DDS-CAD licenses. Instead,
we see this as just one of many steps on the track of
a lasting and important goal, which is our partnership.

With this goal in mind, we gladly

support you with: When working with the software,
ƒƒExtensive pre-sales consultation we offer you:
ƒƒAccurate assessment of your individual needs ƒƒSmooth implementation support
ƒƒOffer suitable and tailored solutions for you (and not ƒƒThorough introduction and training
“off the shelf” software)
ƒƒDirect support during the first steps with DDS-CAD
ƒƒAdapting the software to meet individual require-
ƒƒCompetent support by product experts via telephone,
e-mail or remote admin
ƒƒInclusion of requirements and suggestions for further
development of the software
ƒƒTailored project support on demand
ƒƒAt all times to listen to your concerns

You will see: Understanding the “partnership”, we offer

clearly more than software license sales and use.
Instead, it comes to things like first-class collaboration,
solution development, optimization and successful ad-
vancing processes and much more. Our ambition is to
offer you more than you expect.

This approach has already convinced more than 13,500

users across Europe (installers, planners, consultants,
education institutions and public authorities) of the
qualities of our products, and of DDS as partner.
Consultation and Partnership Page 5

Identify in advance
the necessary improvements and updates
In line with innovations in the construction industry

To keep our customer satisfaction and the effectiveness

of DDS-CAD as a planning tool at a high level, we take
great care to establish exactly where enhancements are
really necessary. In our opinion, the concerns and requi-
rements of the customer are paramount in an effective
working partnership. As new requirements have come
to light, we have consistently provided our software
with features that make your work easier.

For example: Up to 80% of the total project develop-

ment cost account for changes to the original design.
Moreover, we know that design errors cause significant
extra costs in a project. Consequently, we have develo-
ped DDS-CAD so that design changes are as simple and
error free as possible, which improves project producti-
vity. We also aim to really amaze you with the efficiency
of our software when submitting your project updates
to other design partners, making the process almost ef-
fortless and without any loss of information. Re-entry
of data is one of the most common causes of error, and
DDS-CAD aims to reduce this to a minimum.

It is through listening to our partners, who have been

asking for improved data transfer, that we have imple-
mented the buildingSMART/IFC data exchange format
as a supported standard in the software, and adopted
the “BIM” (Building Information Modeling) concept at
a very early stage. DDS-CAD was the first MEP applica- drafting. With DDS-CAD you develop an intelligent mo-
tion to introduce IFC support as standard, and has been del of the building’s MEP services, and thus the basis of
a market leader in buildingSMART implementation and a complete building simulation.
innovation. What this means in practice is that desig-
ning with DDS-CAD goes far beyond simple 2D CAD Continuous development of DDS-CAD is undertaken to
keep the software up to date with new technologies and
future developments in the industry. For designers in
the construction industry, for example, a challenge
they face is the economical transfer of existing building
plans, only available in paper form, into intelligent di-
gital models. This is particularly important, as planned
renovations to the enormous existing building stock
are now required, or will be in the near future. This re-
presents a huge potential for new business for plan-
ners and designers. For this reason, DDS-CAD is already
equipped with the ability to convert scanned building
plans to intelligent building model files in an efficient
and productive manner. On this basis, building models
developed in DDS-CAD can then be used to plan the re-
novations of existing buildings in an efficient and cost
effective manner.

These examples indicate: We are closely keeping an eye

on the developments affecting the industry, and res-
pond quickly to a foreseeable need. When this finally
occurs, it is already provided by DDS-CAD.
Page 6 Consultation and Partnership

Roll-out without interruptions:

The DDS implementation
Smooth integration into your design processes, ensuring high level of approval

the design. This approach is also used during iterative

updates of the design, with both engineers and drafts-
men involved in the process. In many other offices, the
work is completed, from design to installation docu-
mentation, by a planner.

Both approaches - as well as several other alternati-

ves that are somewhere between the two described
methods – are used in the market with great success.
This means for us that our software must be flexible in
that each of these variants are supported and can be
smoothly integrated into the workflow. We meet this
requirement with DDS-CAD.

Thus, the benefits of the new software for all the par-
ticipating employees are quickly identified, and a high
acceptance of the transition is ensured. The tangible
improvements through DDS-CAD often have positive ef-
fects on motivation and commitment of the user. Wor-
king with DDS-CAD is fun from the beginning! 
In our experience, an average working week of 60 hours
or more is not unusual for planners and designers. The
introduction of software such as DDS-CAD is always
done so in order to simplify planning processes and op-
timize them to exploit new opportunities, ultimately
saving time and therefore reducing costs.

This is how we have designed the software. But that is

not enough, since experience shows that users welcome
and accept new software, if the introduction and imple-
mentation of the software is successful.

In most engineering companies in which DDS-CAD is in-

troduced, the software is replacing an existing planning
program. Our consultants plan such changes carefully,
ensuring there is a direct cost-benefit from the introduc-
tion of DDS-CAD. In our experience, the implementation
of our software in your project work can be done in such
a way that ensures that the projects will not be delayed
in any way or worse still, stopped.

We support our partners step-by-step during the im-

potant integration of DDS-CAD into your existing daily
processes. In this way, the transition from a traditional
drafting software to the DDS-CAD BIM solution happens
quickly, safely and smoothly.

In practice, we frequently take two different approaches.

In many offices, a preliminary outline design is done by
the engineer, which is then created by a CAD operator
before calculations are made. Then the dimensions are
assigned and the necessary calculations are carried out
by the engineer. The results are then incorporated into
CThe DDS Concept Page 7

Ready for the future: The DDS concept

Forward vision and development independence gives us a unique advantage

Only a planning solution, which is focused on future re-

quirements, can give you a competitive advantage and
investment protection as a user.

For that reason the DDS-CAD development team has

had the same target for years - not only to meet the
current needs of users, but also integrate new techno-
logies into the software. In this way, DDS-CAD users at
all times have a software solution available for CAD and
BIM design for buildings from a pioneer and innovation
leader. This ensures that you use a tool, which is always
equal to the demands of practice.

To respond quickly to new technologies and changing

demands, DDS-CAD has from the beginning been con-
ceived as a standalone solution. In this way, it has its
own powerful 3D CAD core and does not rely on a third-
party CAD engine as a base application. This saves costs
and update overheads - with full power and flexibility. A
fully integrated DXF/DWG interface provides effortless
read/write access to these important traditional docu-
ment formats.

An intelligent and independent DDS-CAD core is equip-

ped with numerous features that are, in principle, availa-
ble in all the programs. So whether you are an electrical
engineer on a electrical module, or use it as a mecha- Despite its high performance, DDS-CAD requires only
nical designer with modules for plumbing, heating, minimal demands on your hardware resources. With a
air conditioning and ventilation: the discipline specific standard modern Windows based computer system,
features and functions of your software are based on a and a decent graphics card, you are ideally equipped for
comprehensive foundation, which alone already offers DDS-CAD.
numerous benefits. In this DDS-CAD core functionality,
genuine value is added.

Your benefit
Use of modern and flexible design software from
only one company, no extra costs or double update
overhead, simple processing of existing plans
and information through appropriate interfaces
(DWG/DXF, PDF and IFC). Additional expensive
hardware investments are not required to use
Page 8 The DDS Concept

The building model concept

“Building Information Modeling” (BIM)
The world is three dimensional. We think in three di- allows the designer to work all the time with a realistic
mensions. We are developing three-dimensional buil- data model of the building, including all the available
dings. Therefore there is no reason why you should re- background information. This forms the perfect basis
strict yourself to planning construction projects in two for all further design stages to virtual simulation of the
dimensions. A two dimensional drawing is a poor re- building.
presentation of a 3D object and thus cannot effectively With this approach, there are numerous additional faci-
reflect reality. Consequently, DDS-CAD has been develo- lities for improving the quality of your proposed design
ping as up to date planning software, not based on pri- - searching for possible conflicts between ventilation
mitive line drawings, but on a full three-dimensional 1:1 ducts, cable trays, and pipe routes, is an example. Nu-
scale building model. merous calculation functions, fascinating visualization
options and comprehensive scheduling are other fea-
Both the systems to be planned, as well as the facility tures that are made possible with the 3D model.
elements of the building, are fully three-dimensional,
which allows comprehensive analysis of the project. In cases where such tests, calculations, BOQ reports, 3D
All relevant data (such as room sizes, wall thicknesses, visualization and more detailed planning are not neces-
the details of the room elements such as windows and sary, DDS-CAD can of course also be used for the pro-
doors, etc…) is recorded in a “virtual room book”, and is duction of traditional 2D drawings and documentation.
subsequently utilized for different purposes; for examp-
le room and load calculations, BOQ creation, visualizati-
on of the building, etc… Similarly, the installed compo-
nents (such as wash basins, radiators, air ducts, cable
trays, or heat pumps) are modeled in 3D along with Your benefit
their technical characteristics (radiator performance Realistic planning on a consistent basis; reduction
data, ventilation duct sizing criteria for dampers and of errors and many potential uses of the collected
terminals) are integrated into the planning model. Even data for calculations, visualization, documentati-
technical documents such as assembly instructions, on and full building simulation.
maintenance information and repair instructions can
be provided and linked directly to the components. This
CThe DDS Concept Page 9

The intelligent buildingSMART data exchange

format IFC
When setting up the collaboration between specia- In the same manner, it is possible during the operatio-
lizedengineers, architects and contractors, the smooth, nal stage of a building, to efficiently cross-reference this
efficient exchange of design data plays a crucial role; design data, with appropriate software, when planning
particularly in planning based on a 3D building model. upgrades and renovations. Duplication of information,
Once recorded or entered, to save time and avoid entry which introduces the risk of errors and misinterpretati-
errors, design data should never be re-entered by mem- on of design intent, is therefore avoided.
bers of the team. This is only guaranteed if the building
information model retains its intelligent component As a buildingSMART-IFC 2x3 certified software product,
data during data exchange between the design team. DDS-CAD offers design professionals unprecedented
quality of data exchange.
With DDS-CAD, you have a tool with which data can be
exchanged in the intelligent buildingSMART-IFC data

exchange format. As a consequence, you will be able to
import building models directly from buildingSMART
certified architectural applications such as ArchiCAD,
Allplan, Vectorworks Bentley, or Revit. Once imported,
you can reference a precise, rich building model, as
the basis for design and calculation of the mechanical,
electrical and plumbing systems. When completed, the
transfer of the design back to the architectural software, Your benefit
or to communicate to other certified programs, is as ef- Significant time savings and high level of data ex-
fortless as the initial import. These complimentary soft- change security with project partners – helps ma-
ware solutions can then gain instant access to all of your nage future risks.
detailed design data such as heating loads, U-values, air
exchange rates, cable ratings and design specification.
A mouse click is enough to get the desired information;
for example, to identify the desired sewer or ventilation
flow rate.
Page 10 The DDS Concept

The versatile
floor plan and building coverage
To create your building plans in DDS-CAD you rarely 2D floor plan files to a 3D building model. Automated,
need to create them from scratch. This is only necessary intelligent room detection, means you will develop
if there are no plans for the object you are processing rooms with windows, doors and room description labels
- either in data or in paper form. When you are entrus- quickly and easily. The computed information is used by
ted with the planning of a renovation or building mo- DDS-CAD for the creation of a building model. Using this
dification, you will often only have access to drawings method, you can develop the basis for professional plan-
in paper form rather than digital plans. In order to uti- ning in 3D in a very short time.
lize these paper documents for computerized planning,
DDS-CAD offers the possibility to process even scanned However, if you have access to a virtual building model
paper drawings, in TIFF, JPG and many other formats. from an IFC certified software these alternative me-
These scanned plans can be easily referenced and a thods are not necessary. With the IFC model, you already
three-dimensional building model of the project can be have an ideal basis for your design to progress without
efficiently developed using them as a basis. delay. Floors, ceilings, walls, rooms are recognized by the
software, as are features such as recesses, windows and
In DDS-CAD, you can always use the imported 2D plans doors, floor areas and volumes. Almost immediately you
as a basis for quick and easy 2D MEP planning. can start your design and run calculations in DDS-CAD.

Even without a 3D building model, it is possible to deve-

lop a 3D MEP design, as this does not depend on having
a building model. This allows you access to the advan- Your benefit
ced calculation and documentation functions such as
Improved efficiency and higher margins, by redu-
network sizing and BOM. To make full use of the buil-
cing the time spent creating the basis for design;
ding related functions, you can extend this 2D represen-
effective planning in 2D drawings or IFC based
tation with a few clicks to create a realistic 3D building
projects; leverage legacy paper documents to de-
velop models.
If even paper plans are not available, you can still effor-
tlessly and quickly create a 2D plan or 3D model, based
on survey data, using DDS-CAD.

With DWG based floor plans you can easily convert the
CThe DDS Concept Page 11

Intelligence of components
and integrated object recognition
All of the components used by DDS-CAD carry additional intelligent component data is required. For this to be
information. For example, a radiator is not just the line, carried out easily and quickly, the software is equipped
text and hatch elements necessary for the representa- with a smart object mapping function. With this func-
tion of the symbol, but also physical dimensions, heat tion, DDS-CAD is able to detect these objects and repla-
output, and connection ports at the selected configura- ce them with native components complete with their
tion. In a DDS-CAD model there are also available all the technical data and associated intelligence.
other components of stored data intelligent planning
elements. From the walls (including the wall elements)
to Windows (thermal transmittance value) to switches,
cables, ducts and other components, your building mo-
del holds the necessary information to make valid cal-
culations and plans. In addition, comprehensive product
Your benefit
databases based on generic and parametric objects are Time-saving import and processing of supplied
integrated in DDS-CAD. In practice, the situation may plans via object mapping, access to intelligent
show that with DWG/DXF plans, the appropriate ob- component data, and access to extensive product
jects are available. To be able to fully utilize the abilities databases.
of DDS-CAD, a supplement in the form of corresponding

Your built-in safety net: DDS-CAD as a

validation and documentation tool
DDS-CAD was developed as a tool to help designers and
planners to carry out their tasks accurately and diligent- Your benefit
ly. This is especially true when validating and checking
Additional security, simplification of process to
the design: Are there any collisions detected between
achieve product quality, minimize your risks and
pipes, ducts, and other elements? Are all the com-
ponents included and connected? Are the mounting
heights correctly selected? DDS-CAD will answer these
and other questions, including multidisciplinary collisi-
on checks, thanks to its built-in control functions. If any
errors have been detected, DDS-CAD will automatically
guide you to the corresponding point (storey, room, and
component) in the project.

Using DDS-CAD is like having an additional, highly pro-

ficient Quality Assurance inspector on the team, which
makes it easier to achieve top quality results in your de-
signs and documentation.

When the design is complete, your customer would nor-

mally expect comprehensive documentation to be pro-
vided. Also for your own peace of mind, evidence of
the quality and accuracy of your work is crucial. A design
implemented in DDS-CAD, ensures that you can provide
your customers detailed, comprehensive evidence in eit-
her digital or paper form.
Page 12 The DDS Concept

Consistency and
the multi-disciplinary concept
During the course of a project, the design engineer must fore equally comprehensive, consistent and reliable in
fulfill numerous tasks. Initially, the architect’s models all areas of building services: mechanical, electrical and
or drawings must be included and a concept design has plumbing engineering.
to be developed. Corrections and refinements are then
made, and revised plans drawn up, presented to clients,
and ultimately the project is documented. Finally, the
BOQ is collated, which will form the basis for procure- Your benefit
ment. Plan the entire project with a single tool for all dis-
ciplines; reduced software training needed; save
With DDS-CAD you need just one tool for all these tasks. time and eff ort by automatically creating parts
Thanks to the continuity of the software you will be sup- lists and complete project documentation.
ported from initial planning, to the delivery of a com-
plete bill of materials to your cost estimating software.
With the product databases built-in to DDS-CAD, you
can benefit from being able to include full text descrip-
tions of the materials in the BOQ at the press of a but-

Naturally, the software also lets you pass complete

project documentation to your client. This means you
can enhance the value to your service, by providing fu-
ture users of the building all the data they will need to
transfer into specialist facility management software,
something that traditionally has been a significant ad-
ditional cost for the end user.

You can use this consistency of approach of DDS-CAD

not only for a single discipline, but also it is possible in
a multi-disciplinary planning environment. It is there-

The calculation functions - integrated control

Much of your work as an MEP engineer is to execute
calculations. The results represent the basis for your de- Your benefit
sign layout decisions. To help you work effectively in this
regard, DDS-CAD has numerous calculation functions, Optimized use of engineering resources; swift exe-
which are relevant for the respective disciplines. The cal- cution of your projects.
culation results are integrated in the project to ensure
that the relevant drawings, diagrams, lists and reports
are automatically updated. You can always access the
latest design revisions.

The principal MEP calculation functions for mechanical,

electrical and plumbing engineering are included in the
respective program modules. In addition, interfacing
possibilities for energy simulation and additional ana-
lyses are available.
CThe DDS Concept Page 13

The visualization possibilities

In project meetings, discussions with design partners,
reports for your clients, marketing, and other situations,
it is essential for MEP engineers to present their work
Your benefit
professionally, in an easy to understand manner. For Winning expertise through optimal presentation
this purpose, the excellent visualization capabilities of options.
DDS-CAD allow you to present your designs with clarity,
and demonstrate your appreciation of a modern way of

In addition to the usual 2D floor plans you have for your

various visualization purposes different 3D display types
available. Whether as a simple 3D wire frame model, or
as a colored 3D model or with semi-transparent walls, or
as an overall view of the building, or as a section of the
building model, or as a pure view of the planned buil-
ding with no other building elements such as walls or
floors - you will find the best style for your presentation.
Lighting designs can be simulated perfectly to present
a photorealistic image of the entire building, including
the furnishings. In addition to static images, it is possi-
ble to use the advanced rendering options including the
creation of an animated film, allowing the “virtual ca-
mera” to be positioned at required positions of your pro-
ject. A “flight” is possible through a building such as the
animated all-round view of the project. The depiction of
the sun cast shadows and shading for the planning of
solar energy systems can be represented in this way.
Page 14 The DDS Concept

Integrated planning efficiency -

The user friendly application concept
Software is only effective when it is easy to use, intui- The software has been developed with usability in mind.
tive, and saves you time. You should be able to concen- However, when you have any detailed usage questions,
trate on your primary tasks as an engineer. To guaran- the comprehensive help system provides answers very
tee this, DDS has been equipped with a comprehensive quickly, offering step by step tutorials on completing
CAD functionality that has been rigorously designed to common tasks. Also the user manual will be of great
be user-friendly. Despite the complex tasks carried out help for you in particular during the first steps with
with the software, it remains simple to learn and easy to DDS-CAD. In order to offer you further assistance, we
use. The user interface, the explorer, the multi-window have explanatory videos available for you to view or
viewports, and the smart and simple menu control en- download, in the support section of our website. As a
sure that your designs can be handled safely, logically customer with software maintenance, you will also of
and efficiently. You use an elegant, dynamic menu struc- course be able to call or e-mail our product and support
ture, and possess the ability to edit the project in paral- people.
lel on different model views; the planning in DDS-CAD is
efficient and comfortable from the start.

The efficient, discipline based concept of DDS-CAD leads Your benefit

to minimal effort, and promotes time-saving project de- Get started quickly; easy to learn and use; thereby
velopment. This is reflected in many thoughtful details gaining time and increasing efficiency in the de-
you will discover in the software. sign process.

This ease of use and time saving concept is reflected in

the integrated copy functions. For example, it is possib-
le to copy and paste an entire room’s MEP installation
including pipe work and all terminals and outlets, from
room to room, including all the information, component
data and connection intelligence. For hotels and hospi-
tals, this feature is ideal.

Also, the multi-edit process provides efficiency gains

during project planning, as any number of identical
components, or components of the same group type
can be edited, updated and processed simultaneously.
These and other similar features and simplified editing
facilities (for example of dimensions or location), ensure
that you can develop your projects faster with DDS-CAD,
while maintaining the highest levels of quality.
CThe DDS Concept Page 15

Network compatible
Collaborative multi-user approach
While the electrical engineers are working to optimize
the electrical design, their mechanical colleagues are si-
multaneously planning the ventilation system. They are
all working on separate computers linked via a network,
developing a single, common project file.

This scenario is a daily reality in many planning offices

which use the network version of DDS-CAD. The mul-
tuser capability of the software allows simultaneous
processing of different areas within the same project
by DDS-CAD-equipped workstations on the network. In
this way, accurate, fast and secure execution of the pro-
ject planning is assured.

Your benefit
Optimized use of engineering resources; swift
execution of your projects.

Tailored solutions based on your

requirements – Modular design concept
When you want to expand your MEP planning scope,
additional modules and add-ons are also available. As
an example, an extension to help develop escape and
rescue plans is available, as well as fully fledged energy
analysis add-ons and many other specialist additional
modules. You can customize and expand your DDS-CAD
installation as far as you want, to match the changing
requirements of your business.

Your benefit
No need to pay for unnecessary functions; add
Unlike most alternative applications, DDS-CAD is not
new, cost effective functionality as required; add
a one-size-fits-all solution. We recognize that each
the tools you need, to the software you already
company sets its own priorities, and consequently has
use, rather than having to implement, maintain
its own very individual requirements. Why pay for so-
and train on a new platform.
mething you are never going to use? That is why our
software is modular, and each module can be deployed
individually, or in combination with others. In this way,
it is possible for you to purchase only the functionality
that you actually need. Also, should your requirements
change in the future, you can simply add functionality
without penalty – fair and reasonable terms.
Page 16 DDS-CAD Functions: Building

Key functions of the core module “Building”

Stand alone, intelligent CAD/BIM core

ƒƒImport and export of DWG, DXF and PDF files ƒƒExtensive model based editing and copy functions
ƒƒDWG and DXF editor with intelligent object recog- ƒƒPrint and plot manager with variable scaling
ƒƒStructured BOQs by building, storey, room and zo-
ƒƒBIM Enhancer features for automatic creation of a nes
building model based on DWG/DXF files
ƒƒUnlimited number of elevations, cross-sections and
ƒƒMulti-disciplinary data exchange via IFC part models
ƒƒIntelligent symbol and component selection with ƒƒComprehensive help and supporting functions
preview dialogs
ƒƒMulti-screen capabilities
ƒƒCross-discipline project management
ƒƒIntelligent storey logic ensuring correct connections
ƒƒNetwork and multi-user project processing of components at storey transitions

Intelligent building model

ƒƒExtensive selection of intelligent and parametric ƒƒIntegrated calculation functions: the building mo-
components del forms the basis for discipline specific calculati-
ƒƒInsertion of automatic suspended ceilings, intelli-
gent sky lights, dormers and PV modules ƒƒSecond level space boundary support for more pre-
cise simulation and analyses
ƒƒAutomatic volume and area calculations on a buil-
ding, storey and room level ƒƒFreely definable wall layering for automatic U-value
ƒƒMerge building storeys and disciplines for presen-
tation, coordination and BOQs

Room information

ƒƒConfigurable and automatic room text

ƒƒVirtual room book and list
ƒƒIntelligent and flexible builders work and wall ope-
ƒƒAutomatic and dynamic building dimensioning
DDS-CAD Functions: Building Page 17

Coordination, documentation and presentation

ƒƒNumerous control functions such as collision detec- Intuitive model navigation with orbit, walk and fly
tion, model validity checks, correct object connec- mode options
tions, etc.
Unlimited number of elevations, cross-sections and
ƒƒNext to collision detection also real time multidisci- part models
plinary collision prevention
Comprehensive reporting and output options
ƒƒAutomatic and cross-disciplines layer management
Integrated BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) support
ƒƒExcellent visualization and presentation options
through advanced rendering

Available add-on modules

ƒƒEscape and rescue plans

ƒƒAdvanced rendering
ƒƒPV planning
Page 18 DDS-CAD Functions: Plumbing & Heating

Main functions “Plumbing”

Discipline specific design functions

ƒƒPipe system design for sanitary, heating, cooling, ƒƒFreely definable and automatic fall for sewer sys-
sprinkler, gas, etc. tems
ƒƒWide range of system components such as valves, ƒƒAssignment of pipe insulation in 2D and 3D
pumps, sensors, etc.
ƒƒInstallation drawings, string and system schematics
ƒƒAutomatic planning of parallel pipes
ƒƒAutomatic manifold construction
ƒƒIntelligent wizard for connecting objects to pipe
systems ƒƒAutomatic zone design for underfloor heating

ƒƒIntegrated component data ƒƒHeat pump system design (centralized and decen-

Discipline specific calculation and control functions

ƒƒU-value and heat load calculation according to EN ƒƒDifferentiated loop system calculation for drinking
12831 water systems
ƒƒIntelligent and automatic radiator calculation and ƒƒConsideration of temperature drop in hot water
placement and circulation pipes
ƒƒUnderfloor heating calculation according to EN ƒƒSewer calculation and dimensioning according to
1264 including adjustable volume flow EN 12056
ƒƒHeating system calculation and automatic dimensi- ƒƒLoad objects for easy simulation of existing pipe-
oning, also according to Tichelmann networks in a system calculation
ƒƒPressure loss calculation with hydraulic valve ad-
justment and valve settings
ƒƒDrinking water system calculation including circu-
lation pipes
DDS-CAD Functions: Air Conditioning & Ventilation Page 19

Main functions “Mechanical”

Discipline specific design functions

ƒƒDuct system design for supply air, extract air, etc. Intelligent wizard for connecting components and
air terminals to duct systems
ƒƒVariety of duct types (circular, oval, rectangular and
also in combination) ƒƒComprehensive range of available system compo-
nents and objects
ƒƒDesign of flexible ducts
ƒƒLine and system schematics with symbols according
ƒƒPlan complex systems with a mixture of t-parts, col- to EN12792
lars and saddle pieces
ƒƒFor large industrial as well as controlled residential
ƒƒParametric symbols with automatic alignment and ventilation systems
mounting height

Discipline specific calculation and control functions

ƒƒAutomatic duct system dimensioning and pressure Hydraulic balancing by valves, dampers and ad jus-
loss calculation table air terminals
ƒƒSound level calculation Possibility to set air flow limitations per duct seg-
ment (also for specifying and locking dimensions)
ƒƒAir flow requirement calculation on a building,
storey and room level ƒƒAutomatic warning when exceeding maximum vo-
lume flow of air terminals
ƒƒDesign airflow calculation wizard (number of per-
sons, hygienic air exchange rate, etc.) Intelligent and storey logic control functions
ƒƒIntegrated height control and cross-discipline colli-
sion detection
Page 20 DDS-CAD Functions: Electrical Installations

Main functions “Electrical”

Discipline specific design functions

ƒƒLow voltage, PA, aerial, security, movement and pre- ƒƒLightning protection and grounding design, founda-
sence detector system, lighting design, etc. tion earthing and potential equalization
ƒƒEIB/KNX, telephone, video and fire alarm, nurse call
and intercom systems

Cable support systems

ƒƒCable trays, ladders, ducts, floor trunking and con- ƒƒIntelligent cable trunking function with cable route
duits optimization
ƒƒComplete cable, wire and trunk management

Integrated discipline specific know-how

ƒƒIntegrated light calculation (also bi-directional in- ƒƒShort circuit and overload calculation according to
terface to Relux and DIALux) IEC 60364
ƒƒIntelligent circuit selection and component sizing ƒƒBi-directional interface to ETS 5.0 for KNX program-
ƒƒAutomatic cable calculation and control (e.g. for
data cables) ƒƒSimulation of detection areas of motion en pre-
sence detectors
ƒƒControl function for non-connected objects
ƒƒAutomatic verification of open cable ends
ƒƒCross-discipline collision detection
ƒƒComprehensive range of available objects
ƒƒVolt drop calculation with automatic determination
of worst cable segment
DDS-CAD Functions: Automation Page 21

Main functions “Distributor documentation”

Discipline specific design functions

ƒƒDrawing, sheet, revision and circuit lists ƒƒKNX layouts, circuit diagrams and line schematics
ƒƒBlock diagrams and test reports ƒƒPLC card overview
ƒƒAutomatic single and multi line schematics ƒƒNetwork and data documentation
ƒƒCable connection and terminal diagrams

Distribution board

ƒƒIntegrated calculation of space units for distributi- Punch patterns and mimic diagrams
on boards
ƒƒAutomatic generation of all views (side, interior,
door and 3D view)

Integrated discipline specific know-how

ƒƒAutomatic prevention of duplicate contact, compo- Phase calculation with consideration of the diversi-
nents and terminals ty factors in the complete network
ƒƒAutomatic numbering of components and termi- Automatic control function for under sizing of
nals components and cable
ƒƒSummation of all operating currents of the outgo-
ing terminal to the main power supply
Page 22 PV system design with DDS-CAD

Main functions PV planning

Discipline specific design functions

ƒƒFlexible planning of roof, façade and ground moun- ƒƒAssembly and installation plans (including moun-
ted PV systems ting systems)
ƒƒSimulation and visualization of a sun study ƒƒAutomatic calculation of PV modules on (roof) sur-
ƒƒPhotorealistic presentation with sun animation and
video ƒƒOutput of documentation in DWG, DXF and PDF
ƒƒAutomatic and flexible system schematics ƒƒPrint and plot manager with variable scaling

Polysun Inside functions

ƒƒYield calculation with dynamic simulation; taking ƒƒAutomatic inverter assignment for PV module fields
into account module warming and reactive power
ƒƒAutomatic display of simulation results
ƒƒIntegrated database with global weather data
ƒƒConsideration of self consumption based on nor-
ƒƒUpdate of the sun‘s position every 4 minutes malized profiles
ƒƒConsideration of horizon shading
ƒƒExtensive and up-to-date manufacturer specific
product database for PV modules and inverters

The modules for mechanical, electrical and plumbing can be combined with the PV planning and calculation func-
DDS-CAD Interfaces Page 23

Compatible and versatile with interfaces

Some of the most important interfaces of DDS-CAD:

Open BIM and IFC

With DDS-CAD you use a certified Open BIM design soft-
ware without compromises. This means that the Open
BIM workflow is fully supported by DDS-CAD..

Intelligent space information can be exported from
DDS-CAD in the gbXML format. This information can be
imported into advanced building simulation tools for
heating, cooling and energy performance.

ETS and Elvis (KNX)

The link to the intelligent building: make use of the bi-
directional interface ETS 5.0 to exchange information
from and to DDS-CAD projects. Furthermore, the DDS-
CAD model can directly be used to create visualization
in Elvis.

DIALux and Relux

DDS-CAD provides an integrated light calculation accor-
ding to the efficiency method. However, for more advan-
ced calculations you can export your lighting design to
DIALux and Relux for further processing and instantly
import the data back into the DDS-CAD model.

Cost estimating
DDS-CAD provides a variety of export formats to com-
mon cost estimating software applications. You can ex-
change the BOQ from a DDS-CAD project in a predefi-
ned standard format so that it can be imported instantly
in your cost estimating software.
Page 24 Consultation and Partnership

Your personal support team:

DDS-CAD customer service
With practical customer support your planning problems will be reduced

A major reason for the success of DDS-CAD is undoub-

tedly in the quality of technical customer support; our
Online remote support
support team enjoys an excellent reputation amongst
In addition to telephone and Skype support, if necessa-
our users. In order to maintain these high standards, we
ry, we can also use the proven capabilities of our online
will continue to provide top quality customer support
remote support. Using remote support our team has
via our skilled team of professional engineers, techni-
direct access to your PC and can explain to you the op-
cans and product specialists.
timal solution for your application within your specific
project environment.

Telephone / Skype support

As trained and proven professionals our support team is
Continuous development
always able to understand your problems. The combina-
Naturally, our support team is always open to your re-
tion of technical know-how and in-depth knowledge of
quests and suggestions regarding the software. Const-
the software makes them ideal contacts for your ques-
ructive criticism and suggestions from our users allow
tions, should you have any. Of course, support is also
us to optimize the development of DDS-CAD. This me-
available via e-mail.
ans we are permanently developing the product at the
highest possible level, from which you benefit as a user
of our software solution.
Project support
Our support team will find a solution to your challenges
and can also provide - for special tasks – individual pro-
ject support to assist you in managing your design pro-
cess using DDS-CAD.
Consultation and Partnership Page 25

Your assurance:
DDS-CAD software maintenance
The DDS-CAD maintenance package enables you to keep up to date

You know how quickly software improves and new tech-

nologies are developed. With a software maintenance
agreement for your DDS-CAD installation, you will be
able to keep your software up to date at all times, so you
can be confident that it will remain a powerful and ad-
vanced planning solution, updated to the latest specif-
cation and standards.

Software maintenance customers exclusively enjoy nu-

merous benefits unavailable to other users.

Regular software updates

You will automatically receive any further development
of DDS-CAD, supplied and delivered free of charge.
Discount on upgrades and add-ons
Regular documentation updates When acquiring additional functionality for your DDS-
CAD license (upgrades) or in the purchase of additional
If there are any changes or additions to the manuals and modules or other applications (for example, escape and
documentation, you always get the latest version. rescue plans), you will receive special discounts.

Access to “Hotfixes” Maintenance of databases

Minor revisions or program expansions in DDS-CAD, our DDS-CAD contains numerous files that are important
so-called “hotfixes”, are available online. Via an Internet for your design results, such as report templates, parts
connection, the DDS-CAD software detects when a hot- lists, etc. These also include generic and parametric ob-
fix is available for download. Then with a few clicks, you jects, technical symbols, service catalogs, product speci-
can update your system. fic data and much more. As a customer with a support
& maintenance contract you automatically receive the
current databases with each update.

Customer support
You receive quick, competent support by our highly ex-
perienced professionals; by phone, Skype, e-mail or re-
mote support.

Discount on training
Software maintenance customers receive training at a
special discounted price.
Page 26 DDS-CAD Academy

DDS-CAD Academy
You probably know from experience: even the best tools
can lead to mediocre results, if the person who uses it,
cannot utilize it in the best possible way.

Through proper training you will get the assurance that

you are using your tools professionally and efficient,
resulting in higher productivity and cost savings. The
different training options offered by the DDS-CAD Aca-
demy are managed by professionals who all have expe-
rience in their field of work. This will guarantee you a
fast, secure and above all, practical introduction.

The following training options are available:

Introduction training
Update seminars
ƒƒFor new users who wish to familiarize themselves
with the basics of DDS-CAD ƒƒFor users who want to familiarize themselves with
ƒƒTraining duration: 1 - 2 days the features of a new DDS-CAD version

ƒƒOnly available at our training centers ƒƒTraining duration: 1 day

ƒƒGroup training (group size as of three people) ƒƒOnly at our training centers or online

ƒƒExchange experience with other companies and ƒƒIn the form of a seminar (group size from three people
users or interactive webinar
ƒƒExchange experience with other companies and users

Individual training
Online training
ƒƒFor users who wish to personalize their training pro-
gram ƒƒFor intermediate DDS-CAD users who want to ad-
vance their knowledge directly from their workplace.
ƒƒFor employees of a single company Also available for DDS-CAD users that are located in
remote areas, or countries in which no local training
ƒƒSpecifically tailored to the needs of the participants
facilities are available
with adapted program and duration
ƒƒIndividual training that is conducted over the internet
ƒƒIf the participants are new users of DDS-CAD, the ob-
jectives and content can be aligned to an introduction ƒƒPossibility of multiple people from the same company
training to attend the training session
ƒƒAvailable at our training centers or on-site ƒƒSpecifically tailored to meet the needs of the partici-
ƒƒTraining duration: maximum 2 to 4 hours per day, to-
tal number of days depend on training content
ƒƒNo travel cost and expenses

Data Design System GmbH

Euclideslaan 261G
3584 BV Utrecht
The Netherlands

T +31 30 341 00 70
E info@dds-cad.com
W www.dds-cad.com

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