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Sanitary Drainage Systems Sanitary Drain

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Lecture Notes

Sanitary Drainage systems

Table of Contents

Chapter -1 Sanitary Drainage Fixture Units Page 1-

Chapter -2 Vent system Page 22-
22- 39
Chapter -3 Storm water & drainage systems Page 40-
Chapter -4 Sizing the Underground Sewage Network for Buildings Page 52-
Chapter -5 Septic tank capacity Page 75-
Chapter -6 General example problem Page 88-
Chapter -7 Sanitary Appliances & Arrangements Page 97-
Chapter -8 Applications Page 104
References Page 122
Chap-1 3

Sanitary Drainage Fixture Units

The suggested values of DFU ( table 1 & 2) were designed for
application in conjunction with the probability of simultaneous
use of fixtures so as to establish maximum permissible
drainage loads, in terms of fixture units rather than in
numbers of specific types of fixtures or gallons per minute of
drainage flow, for each of the various parts of sanitary
drainage systems.
In general, the sanitary drainage fixture unit value assigned to
a particular fixture is based on the average volume discharged
and the average rate of discharge for the fixture. This value
is determined from the fixture’s total discharge flow, in
gallons per minute, divided by 7.5, or, in other words, its total
discharge flow in cubic feet per minute.

Table 1 4
Table 1 5

Ref [2]

Table 2

Ref [2]

By Size of trap

Is used for fixture not listed in the previous table. For example
the floor drain with 2” pipe diameter ,the corresponding DFU is 3
Ref [1]

Junction Box System 8

Bidet Bidet

Bath Numbe
Fixtures DFU Diamet
1 Lavatory 1 1.1/2”-
1 Bidet 1 1.1/2”-
1 Floor drain * 3 3”

1 Bathtub 2 1.1/2”-
1 W.C.s (flash 4 4”
Total 8 F.U

Number Fixtures DFU Diameter

1 Lavatory 1 1.1/2”- 2”
1 Bidet 1 1.1/2”- 2”
1 Floor drain * 3 3”
1 Bathtub 2 1.1/2”- 2”
1 W.C.s (flash Tank), 4 4”
Total 8 F.U

* Some references does not include F.D. in the calculation.

A shower head over a bathtub does not increase the F.U.


Numbe Fixtures DFU Diamet

r er
Shower 1 Lavatory 1 1.1/2”-
1 Bidet 1 1.1/2”-
1 Floor drain * 3 3”

2 Bathtub 2*2 1.1/2”-

1 W.C.s (flash 4 4”
Total 10

Number Fixtures FU Diameter

1 Lavatory 1 1.1/2”- 2”

1 Floor 3 3”
drain *

2 Bathtub 2 1.1/2”- 2”

1 W.C.s 4 4”
Clean out System Tank),

Total 7

Drainage Stacks and Branches 12

Based on the computed drainage stack flow capacity for
stacks flowing 7/24 full at terminal velocity,
velocity, the
corresponding number of fixture units may be determined
from design load charts or tables (1,2 &3) so as to establish
the total load which may be placed on a tall drainage stack.
For example, the computed flow capacity for a 4- 4-in (10 cm)
stack flowing at 7/24 full is 143 gpm (9.02 L/s). From design
load charts or tables, it may be found that this rate of flow is
equivalent to 500 fixture units. This is the total load that may
be received from all branches on a 4-4-in (10 cm) tall stack.
However, to avoid excessive interference between flow
entering the stack and that coming down the stack, it is
necessary to limit the amount of flow, which may be, allowed
to enter the stack at each of the branches. Thus, in a building
of just a few stories in height, the amount of flow entering
the stack through a branch may be greater than what would be
permissible in a building of many stories.
Table 3 for sizing 13

drainage stacks
provides different
permissible loading for
stack of more than 3
stories in height.
Included in the table
,the maximum loads
permitted on any
horizontal fixture
branch of a short stack.

Table 3


Vertical for
Horizontal per
each floor

As a sample example : Calculate the total number of DFU , and

size the horizontal branch connecting the two adjacent
bathrooms , knowing that, The total fixture unit of each
bathroom consists of (water closet, bidet, lavatory and
bathtub or shower) = 8 FU’
Total fixture unit of two adjacent bath rooms connected to
the same horizontal branch pipe is : 8 x 2 = 16 FU’
As can be seen from table (3 ) for any horizontal branches ,
the 3”
3” can handle up to 20DFU but , due to the presence of
the W.C.’
W.C.’s the 4” pipe diameter is selected which can handle
up to 160 DFU.

Table 4 for sizing 16

drainage stacks provides

different permissible
loading for stack of 3
stories or less in height
and for stacks more than
3 stories in height.
Included in the table are
the maximum loads
permitted on any
horizontal fixture branch
of a short stack and at
any 1 story of stack more
than 3 stories in height.
height. Table 4

Ref [2]

Slopes for horizontal drains are shown in (Table 5) ,

Which are applicable for building underground sewers

and drains as well as those running at the level of the ceiling
of basements, service tunnels, etc. Readers
should note that the carrying capacity of horizontal drains is
substantially lower than that for vertical pipes. Diameter of a
vertical stack may have to be increased when it runs
horizontally due to its reduced capacity in that position.

Table 5

For 4” Pipe diameter , having a slope of 1.04% , the Max. DFU is 180 ,
However if the slope is 4.2% , the DFU becomes 250
Connections to Sanitary
Building Drains
Sanitary building drains are designed to flow half full at peak load.
load. To
avoid backup of flow from the building drain into branches, each
branch connection to the building drain should be made to its upperupper half
or its air-
air-space portion. This may be achieved for 90 degrees branch
connections by means of a one-one-sixth bend and a 45 degrees Y branch or
a long-
long-sweep one-
one-quarter bend and a Y branch. The Y- Y-branch fitting
may be rotated so that the branch is at 45 degrees angle above the the
horizontal when the one-
one -sixth bend is to be used and at a vertical angle
when the long-
long-sweep one-
one-quarter bend is to be used. Less invert
elevation is lost with the one-
one-sixth bend and Y combination (see Fig ).

Two pipe system S.S.
Vent pipe Vent pipe

Vent pipe

Figure 4
One pipe system S.S.

(Most popular )

Vent pipe

Ref [2]

Chap-2 22

Vent System


Sanitary drainage system of a building should be provided

with an attendant system of vent piping designed so as to
permit gases and odors in all parts of the drainage piping to
circulate up through the system and escape into the
atmosphere above the building and to permit the admission
and emission of air in all parts of the system so that
siphonage, aspiration, or back-
back-pressure conditions will not
cause an excessive loss of trap seal under
under ordinary
conditions of use. The sizing, arrangement, and installation
of attendant vent piping should be designed so as to limit
air-pressure variations in all fixture drains to a differential
not exceeding 1 in (2.5 cm) of water column above or below
atmospheric pressure.


A vent system is a pipe in a drainage system used :

1. To provide a flow of air to and from a drainage

system so as to ventilate it.
2. To provide a circulation of air within such a
system to eliminate trap siphonage and reduce
back pressure and vacuum surge .
3. To insure the rapid and silent flow of waste
Table 5 is used in sizing vents in
accordance with drainage
capacity loads.
loads. Permissible
lengths of vents are less than
those computed by formulas (in
which additional allowance need
to be made for the equivalent
length of pipe fittings) that the
stated length may be applied
directly as permissible developed
length of pipe . This table is
applied for vent stacks and
branch vent sizing.

Developed length of pipe =

straight length of pipe + equivalent
length of fittings


Ref [1]

Ref [1]


Ref [1]



Traps. A fixture trap, illustrated in

Fig. , is a U-
U-shaped section of pipe
of the necessary depth to retain
sufficient liquid required by code. All
fixtures and equipment directly
connected to the sanitary drainage
system are required to have traps.
All traps must be vented in an
approved manner, except for specific
conditions waived by local code
requirements or authorities.
Ref [3]

Ref [3]


Ref [3]

Ref [2]


Ref [2]

Ref [2]


Ref [2]

Ref [1]

Chap-3 40

Storm water drainage system

Rain Water pipes

Roof drainage systems

A roof drainage system is composed of storm-

storm-water collection devices
located in the roof and piping , connected to the collection devices,
which transforms the runoff out of the building to the ground. Spacing
and location of the roof drains are dependent on a number of locallocal
conditions and building characteristics. Consideration should be given
to such criteria as the local climatic conditions, type of roof, slope of
roof, location of pipe chases, and available ceiling space to install

It has been found that a storm producing a rainfall intensity


of 75 mm/hr may occur for 5 minutes once in 4 years, Can

cause a serious damage .The
.The rate of run-
run-from roof +balconies
A × P× R
is calculated as follows:
3600 × 1000
[ m 3 / s]

Where Q = The rate of run- run-off from roof and balconies.

A = effective area m2.
P = impermeability factor which is 0.9 (concrete)
For asphalt in good order is (0.875).
R = Rainfall intensity mm/hr, ( 75-
75-100 mm/h )
For example:
Calculate the flow rate from a concrete roof having an
effective area of 50 m when the rainfall intensity is 75

50 × 0.9 × 75
Q= = 0.001 [ m 3 / s ] that is 1 liter / sec .
3600 × 1000
Roof Drainage Design Procedure
The following procedure should be used in designing a roof drainage
(1) Lay out the position of the roof drains, deck drains and rainwater
leaders. Consideration should be given to placing an overflow drain
adjacent to each roof drain.
(2) Determine the tributary area to each roof drain, deck drain, scupper,
gutter, or rainwater leader. The tributary area is the surface area of roof
that drains towards a specific drain. This tributary area should include
the effects of runoff from adjacent walls which drain onto the walls,
walls, fig
(R-1) indicates the wall area that should be added to roof area to
determine the total tributary area for each drain.
(3) Determine the routing and slope of the storm-
storm-water conductors. First,
determine the points from which, and to which, the conductors must must be
installed. Then determine the space available for installing the storm-
water conductors. Finally, the routing and slope of the storm-


Fig (R-

Ref [2]
(4) Determine the rainfall rate to be used in sizing of the roof drainage

system. The rainfall rate (also known as the rainfall intensity) is a term
that relates the quantity of rainfall to a unit of time. Such rainfall
rainfall rates
are usually expressed in inches per hour or centimeters per hour.
(5) Determine the flow rate (volume per unit time) of equipment such as
pumps, ejectors, air-
air-conditioning equipment, and similar equipment
which discharge into the roof drainage piping. Then convert these these flow
rates into equivalent roof area. Flow rate is a term expressing a volume
of water over a period of time such as cubic feet per second (cubic
meters per hour), and gallons per minute (liters per second). The The
following equations determine the roof area which will produce runoff runoff at
a flow rate equal to the flow rate of the equipment:
Equivalent roof area = 96/R * flow rate of the equipment
equipment ft²
Equivalent roof area = 359/R * flow rate of the equipment
equipment m²
where R is the rainfall rate used in the design of the roof drainage
system in inches per hour (centimeters per hour). The flow rate of the
equipment is expressed in gallons per minute (liters per second).


(6) Calculate the total roof area drained by each segment of the roof
drainage system. This calculation should include all roof areas
calculated in step (2) and the equivalent roof area calculated in
in step (5).
Express the total area in square feet (square meters).
(7) Determine the size of the roof drains and storm-
storm-water conductors or
the gutters and rainwater leaders. Sizes can be determined using table 1
through table 2. These tables list the maximum roof
area in square feet (square meters) which can be handled by
storm-water drainage piping of different sizes and slopes
for various rainfall rates.
An example of Roof rain water distribution is shown in figure
Area supplied by a drain pipe =
= (Area of the balcony) +(area of the adjacent wall)
+ Part of the roof area.

Size of drain pipe or leader (inch)

2 3 4 5 6

Rain fall rate Maximum tributary area (ft²

(ft² )

1 2,880 8,800 18,400 34,600 54,000

2 1,440 4,400 9,200 17,300 27,000

3 960 2,930 6,130 11,530 17,995

(4) 720 2,200 4,600 8,650 13,500

5 575 1,760 3,680 6,920 10,800

6 480 1,470 3,070 5,765 9000

Table (R-1), is used to size, roof drains, vertical

rainwater leaders or storm water conductors.

Ref [2]


Rainfall rate (in/hr)

2 3 (4 ) 5 6
Pipe sizing Maximum tributary area (ft² )

3 1,644 1,096 822 657 548

4 3,760 2,506 1,880 1,504 1,256
5 6,680 4,453 3,340 2,675 2,227
6 10,700 7,133 5,350 4,280 3,566
8 23,000 15,330 11,500 9,200 7,600
10 41,400 27,600 20,700 16,580 13,800

12 66,600 44,400 33,300 26,650 22,200

15 109,000 72,800 59,500 47,600 39,650

Table (R-2),is used to size conductors or

rain water leader installed at a slope 1/8
in/ft (1cm/m)
Roof Rain water Drain

Figure ( R-

Example : “Sizing Rain water pipe” 50

Suppose we decide to size the rain water pipe ( shown in figure

R-3) for a 5 floors building having the following data :
1- One pipe is used to collect the rain water from two
adjacent balconies and part of the roof . This part of roof
has a 65 m2 area ( refer to figure R-
2- The balcony area is 10 m2 each.
3- The adjacent balcony wall area is 15 m2 each ( refer figure
Area supplied by the drain pipe =
= (Area of the balcony) +(area of the adjacent wall) + Part of the roof area
[(15x 2)/ 2 x 5) +65 = 195 m2 , that is (2166.6 ft2)
= [(2 x 10) x 5] + [(15x
From Table (R-(R-2) a D= 4 in at 4 in/ hr Rain water intensity can handle flow from
2500 ft2 are . The 4 inch pipe is selected for this example.

Roof Drain



Figure ( R-

Chap-4 52

Sizing the Underground

Sewage Network for Buildings

Type of underground
Drainage For

Separated Sewer Combined

& rain water Sewer + Rain water
system Fig( U-
Fig (U-

Drainage below ground connection

U-1) Separate System of drainage

Fig ( U-

Ref [3]

U-2) Combined Rain + Sewer drain

Fig ( U-
Ref [3]

Connections of the rain water Drain

In the case of combined system

( Sewer +Rain water),
water), rainwater
must be connected to the foul
water drain through a back inlet Fig. (U-
gully, to prevent the smell
as shown in Fig. (U-
(U-3). In the case
of separate system
( Rain water only),
only), it is not
necessary to provide a trap before
the rainwater pipe .It is connected
to the surface water drain, and
therefore a rainwater shoe, as
shown in Fig. (U-
(U-4), may be used.
Fig. (U-
Garage Drainage 57
The public Health Act 1936
section 34 defines certain
prohibited discharges into drains
or sewers as
1. anything that may injure a drain
or sewer or interfere with the free
flow or treatment and disposal
2. hot liquids with a temperature
exceeding 43.3 C,
3. petroleum spirit and calcium
This means that the floor washings
of large garages, petrol stations
and indeed small garages should be
Garage Gully trap
provided with some means of Fig ( U-
intercepting petrol before it
enters the drain or sewer. For the
floor washings of a small garage, it
is sufficient to provide a garage
gully as shown in Fig. (U-
(U-5). Ref [3]

Grease Traps (Fig,U-

(Fig,U-6) 58

Special gullies for the collection of

grease are not required for houses,
but for canteen kitchens where the
waste water from the sinks and
dishwashers contains a considerable
amount of grease they are essential.
When grease is hot or contained in
hot water, it is in the form of an
emulsion, and if it is allowed to flow
into the drain it will cool and adhere
to the sides of the pipes. The
principle of operation of the grease
trap is that of cooling down the
grease in a large volume of water,
which will generally be cool,
so that the grease is solidified and
floats on the surface. At periodic Grease Traps
intervals, the tray is lifted out of the Fig ( U-
trap, which at the same time
collects the grease. Ref [3]
Flow under gravity conditions ( Manning Formula ) 59

Manning , after carrying out a series of experiments ,

deduced the following equation which is the most commonly
used for open channel flow and for water, sewer flows
freely in pipes and conduits when both ends are open to
atmospheric pressure .

V =
Calculations :
1.486 23 12
R . S (U .S units )

Q = A× × R2 / 3 × S 1/ 2
Q= flow rate ft3/sec.
A = Wetted area ft2, (half pipe cross sectional area)
N= roughness of surface from table( ).
R = Hydraulics radius (Area/wetted perimeter).
S= Slope 0.5 -1 % from Chezy formula

The determination of the hydraulics radius R for flow not running60full

was explained before (chap-
(chap-10 Dr. Hammoud lecture notes).
In an open channel , the slope S can be determined as follows :
Since the flow velocity is the same and the depth pressure does not
change , the general energy equation becomes :

+ + Z1 − hL = 2 + 2 + Z 2 Z1 − Z 2 = hL
P1 V12 P V2
γ 2. g γ 2. g
We can express this equation on a unit of length basis by dividing
dividing both
sides by the length of the channel under consideration . Change in
elevation divided by change in distance yields the slope :

S = ( Z1 − Z2 ) / L = ( hL / L ) ( ft / ft ) or dimensionless

From the above formula , it is clear that the flow down is caused
caused by
the difference in potential energy or gravity . On the other hand
hand the
variable n known as Manning s , is a measure of the roughness of the
channel . Table (U-
(U-1) lists the values of n for some of the more common
materials .

The following procedure should be used in designing a the

underground sewer pipe system:
(1) Lay out should be drawn
(2) The total DFU connected to the sewer pipe should be
(3) From load tables convert the DFU to gpm or L/s,
(4) Select the value “n
“n” based on the pipe material.
(5) Select a value of “S”
“S” , recommended underground slope
S=0.5 -1 % .
(6) Use Manning formula to determine the pipe diameter.

Note :

PVC pipe is used where n = 0.01 , flow Running half full &
recommended slope is 1% .


Values of Manning’s n

Table (U-
Example 63

Water at the rate of 0.1 m3 /s flows through a 1 m pipe diameter vitrified

sewer when the sewer pipe is half-
half- full . Find the slope of the water , if
Manning’s n is 0.013 .

Solution :
Given discharge ,
Q = 0.1 m3 /s
Diameter of pipe D = 1 m
Area of flow , A = ( 3.14/8) (0.5)2 =0.2777 m2

Wet Perimeter P = 3.14× D/2 = 3.14/2= 1.57m

RH = = = = 0. 25 m
A 0. 393 D
Hydraulic radius
P 1. 57 4
Manning s constant n = 0.013

Q= A.R 3 . S 2 = (0.25) 3 . S 2 = 0.1

Find the slope S: 1 2 1 0.2777 2 1

S.I. unit
n 0.013
S = ( 0.1 / 8.477 ) = 1 /7186



Usually constructed of
brickwork, precast concrete or
plastic. Shallow manholes,
which sometimes called
inspection chamber built in 113
mm of brickwork, providing that
they are not in a road or
waterlogged ground.
Fig. (U-
(U-7) shows a detail of brick
manhole whereas Fig. (U-
shows A detail of a precast
concrete manhole.

Fig. (U-
(U-7) Ref [3]


Fig. (U-

Dimensions of Brick Manholes

Cover sizes for depths up to 2.7 m are 600 mm. x 600

mm, and for depths up to 3.3 m are
900 mm x 600 mm. For depths above 3.3 man access
shaft may be constructed above the main chamber.

Precast Concrete

Sitting of Access Points

The Building Regulations 1992 require access

to drains at the following points:
1. at a bend or change of direction;
2. at a junction, unless each run can be
cleared from an access point.
3. On or near the head of each drain run;
4. on long runs;
5. at a change of pipe size.
Figs (U-
(U-9), and (U-
(U-11) show the positions of access points.
The distances marked “A” depend on the type of access,
see Table R-


Fig ( U-

Ref [3]

Fig ( U-

Figure (R ) Junctions between drains and sewers. Note: 1,2,3 and 4 are alternative
positions of the inspection chambers.


Ref [1]
Chap-5 75

Septic Tank

The Septic tank capacity is calculated as follows: 76

The type of building & the number of persons is first

calculated and then multiply by the average waste-
waste-water( table
S-1& S-
S-2) per person a day . {Rain
{Rain water is not included}
For example :
Suppose we decide to determine the septic tank capacity for a
luxury home having 10 persons . From table (S-(S-1) the daily
waste water per person is between 75-75-150 gpm /person/day .
If we select 110 gpm as an average value Then the daily waste
water flow is: 110 gpm x 10= 1100 gpm /day . The volume of the
septic tank should be sized for at least 10-
10-15 days (if no city
sewer net work is available ) & for 2 days [if a city sewer net
work is available + pump (electricity cut -off)].
The vent pipe size for the septic tank is shown in table (S-
Practically for ordinary buildings a value of 200L-
L/Person/day is satisfactory.




1/3 L 2/3 L


Length and structure of a septic tank

Ref [1]
S-5 81
Septic Tank Capacity

Ref [1]



Ref [1]

Water -Drainage Pumping (Fig.)

Wherever possible, drains should be laid so

that the liquid flows by gravity to the
sewer, or other point of disposal. In some
cases, however, the water pipe or point of
disposal is above the drain, and pumping is
therefore required. For the pumping of
surface water, a pumping installation as
shown in Fig. ( S-
S-7) may be used.
For larger installations, two pumps should
be installed, so that one of the pumps may
be used for Stand –by purposes.
This type of installation is used for
basements and boiler rooms to
deal with seepage of water, floor washing
or the draining down of the boilers and Fig. ( S-
heating pipe work,

Ref [3]
Sump pumps (For waste water 85


The sewer pipes are located below the

city network; in this case, a
submersible pump will be used where
the motor and the pump section are
submersed in the liquid. Usually, two
parallel sump pumps accompanied with
automatic switches are used.
Figure (S-
(S-8) shows the operation
principle of the pumps set .When the
liquid reaches a certain level, pump (No
1) will start first, next to the second
level, pump (No 2) starts according to
the position of the level switches. For
further safety, the system is
accompanied with an alarm signal. Fig. ( S-


Fig. ( S-
Example: 87

Estimate the sump pump power required to evacuate a tank of

10 m3 in 30 minutes to the city network pipe. The height is 8
m and the total effective length L = 20 m. the material is

Assuming an overall pump efficiency η =52%

smooth pipe type L. Take the unit head loss for 6 ft/100ft.

10 m3 /30 min.= 333 L/min= 88 gpm
Select the pipe size that can transfer 88 gpm at the
recommended pressure drop. From the pipe flow chart of
smooth pipe, the diameter is about 2.5”
2.5” and corresponding
flow velocity is about 6.2 ft/s.
From the general energy equation we get:
hL = h1x L = (6/100) x20 = 1.2 m

hA = 8 + 1.2 ≅ 9.2 m
hA = Z1 – Z2 + hL

Pout = γ x QV x hA = 9.2 x 9.81x

9.81x 0.00555 = 0.5 Kw ≅ 0.68 hp
0.68/η = 0.68/0.52 = 1.3 hp.
Pelec = 0.68/η

Chap-6 88

General Example

Example 3. Determine the diameter of the main waste and soil

stack for a five-storey Motel, having 6 W.C.s (flash valve),
8 bathtub, 3 urinals –wall lip and 2 Lavatories (1.1/2”)on each
floor connected to one single S.S. riser.
From Table 1 ,2 & 3

6 W.c.s, × 6 = 36 DFU , 8 Bathtub × 3 = 24 DFU

Each floor

3 urinals × 4= 12 DFU , 2 Lav × 2 = 4 DFU

Total = 76 DFU in each floor .

From table (4) horizontal fixture branch for the 76 DFU ,the
4” is selected because it can handle up to 160 DFU. The same
table shows that the vertical S.S diameter can be 4” since it
can handle up to 90DFU per floor which is sufficient for the
76 DFU that connected in at each T-Y connection.

Number Fixtures DFU Total Diamet
8 Bathtub 3 24 2”

3 urinals – 4 12 2.1/2”
wall lip
2 Lavatory 2 4 1.1/2”

6 W.C.s 6 36 4”
76 DFU Per floor

=76x 5= 380 DFU

The Total for five floors =76x

Horizontal Vertical for

per floor each floor At Basement floor

Table 4

W.c.s, × 6 = 180 DFU , 40 Bathtub × 3 = 120 DFU

The total DFU for the whole Motel is 380 DFU: 92

15 urinals × 4= 60 DFU , 10 sinks × 2 = 20 DFU

30 W.c.s,

The Total for five floors = 380 DFU

According to table (4) the horizontal branch connection at ¼
in 1 inch ft ( basement connection at high level) should be 5”
.Since the 4” branch pipe can only handle 216 @ ¼ in per 1 ft
whereas our requirement is 380 DFU @ ¼ in per 1 ft slope.
slope. The
5” branch pipe can handle 480 DFU @ ¼ in per ft which is
As a Summary:
The horizontal branch in each floor is 4 inch
The vertical riser for the whole Motel pipe is 4 inch.
The horizontal connection at the ground floor or basement is
5 inch.
Size the vent pipe 93

From table(5) four values of

DFU is available for the 4”
4” S.S
that is, 43, 140, 320 & 540
DFU . Our values is 380 which
is between 320 & 540 DFU
The higher value is selected
(540 DFU ).
The pipe diameter of the vent
pipe handling 540 DFU at a 50-
150 ft effective height is
between 2.1/2”
2.1/2” & 3”
3”. The
higher value is selected (3inch)

Refer to the following

schematic drawing
Table 5


For 4” S.S.
pipe the max.
FU 2"
is V.pipe
76 DFU each floor
5 x76 =380 DFU less than 500 D
Vertical 4" S.S. is enough
3" V.S.

4" SS.

Total @ 1 story or 1 branch interval

For 4" pipe ( maximum) 90 DFU

2" V.pipe

4" SS.
Any Horizontal short fixture branch
For 4" pipe ( maximum) 160 DFU

5" SS.

Building drain or sewer connection pipe

For 5" pipe ( maximum) 480 DFU @1/4 in per ft
Now it is required to size the underground pipe diameter,
S=1% ,flow half full, L= 100 m .

As mentioned previously the total DFU = 380

,the corresponding flow rate is 105 gpm =
6.63 L/s (from load table for flash tank) =
0.01 m3/s . The value of n =0.01

Q= A. R 3 . S 2 = 0.01
1 2 1

n × Q 0.01 × 0.01
A ×R 3 = = = 0.001

S 1/ 2 (0.01) 0.5

D= 0.15 m (6”) → This is the minimum

diameter for the out flow of the building.

Chap-7 97

Sanitary Appliances &


Types of Sanitary
Appliance WC

Two-trap Siphonic WC

Single Siphonic WC (most Ref [3]



Ref [3]



Ref [3]
There is a large variety of bath shapes

Kitchen sink 102

There is a large variety of kitchen shapes Ref [3]

Kitchen sink 103

Ref [3]

Chap-8 104

Fixture Connection
Pipe sizing
From Reference [4]




Ref [4]


Ref [4]


Ref [4]


Ref [4]




H.W. 120

n 875



338 500 338


Draw & size the drain pipes

The location of the Sewer Stack are shown

1. Find the internal diameters of the soil stack for
Example 1.
an eight-
eight-storey office, having five WC.s,
WC.s, and five basins on
each floor, assuming public use of fittings.

Example 2 Find the internal diameter (If the soil and waste
stack for a four storey office having four W.c.s,
W.c.s, and four
basins on each floor, assuming public use of fittings.

3. Find the internal diameters of the Rain water
Example 3.
riser pipe serving eight-
eight-balconies 10 m2 each .

4. Find the septic tank capacity for Motel serving

Example 4.
100 persons ( no sewer net work). Size the pump , and the
corresponding vent pipe. Knowing that the septic tank must
be recovered weekly.

Project. The drawing entitled “taher”

Project. taher” consist of 7 floors
building . It required to:
1) Draw & size sewerage layout for each bathroom include the
location and the size of the vent pipe.
2) Draw & size the drainage riser .
3) Draw & size the rain water pipes
4) Draw and size the underground septic tank

1- Mechanical & electrical equipment for buildings –by
Stein/Reynolds, Ninth edition ,John Wiley, 2000.
2-Practical Plumbing Engineering , Cyril
3- Building Services & equipment , F. Hall, Third
edition, 1994.
4- Upland engineering , Mechanical consulting office,
Dr. Ali hammoud.

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