Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual: Exhibit 3-12. Fixed-Route Service Frequency LOS
Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual: Exhibit 3-12. Fixed-Route Service Frequency LOS
Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual: Exhibit 3-12. Fixed-Route Service Frequency LOS
TCRP report 100, the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, gives
comprehensive definitions of capacity and quality of service for transit and specific
methods to evaluate them. It deals with bus, rail ferry and transit stop and terminal
capacity. Level of service id defined on scale of A-F similar for highways as given
below 1 :
The first chapter of the manual gives and overview and is included on the
following pages
Source: Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 2nd ed., Transportation Research
Board, Washington, DC, 2003, pp. 3-30 – 3-34.