The 21-Day Money Mastery Miracle Plan: State Your Desired Result
The 21-Day Money Mastery Miracle Plan: State Your Desired Result
The 21-Day Money Mastery Miracle Plan: State Your Desired Result
Spend some of that time imagining an extremely wealthy person. Imagine everything
you can about their lifestyle. Take note of any negative thoughts and emotions that
come up.
Then make a new list of the positive thoughts you’re going to replace them with.
Negative thought: Money is evil.
Positive thought: Money is neither good nor bad. So I choose to be a good rich person
who uses money to do good things.
I reject the lie that ________(insert negative statement about money) and I choose to
believe that ________(insert positive statement about money).
I reject the lie that money is evil and I choose instead to believe that money is neither
good nor bad. So I choose to be a good rich person who uses money to do good things.
Finally, write down a list of the things you do that bring you the most money.
Focus on doing at least one of those things every day for 21 days.
The 21-Day Money
Mastery Miracle Plan
State your desired result.
New Statement:
I reject the lie that (insert negative statement about money) _______________________
________________ and I choose to believe that (insert positive statement about money)
Money Making Activities
What activities do you participate in that are always money-making?