in a Day
Overview and Prerequisites
Getting Started
April 2020
Project App In a Day Overview and Prerequisites
Project for the web: Project for the web is Microsoft's most recent offering for
cloud-based work and project management. Project for the web provides simple,
powerful work management capabilities and can be used by project managers and
team members, to plan and manage your work. You will learn how to navigate and
work within the standard offering.
Common Data Service (CDS): Makes it easier to bring your data together and
quickly create powerful apps using a compliant and scalable data service and app
platform that’s integrated into Power Apps. You will learn how to extend and create
new entities within CDS.
Power BI: A collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together
to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and
interactive insights. You will learn how to edit an existing Power BI template for your
customizations and embed a report in your model driven app.
Make sure to follow the prerequisite steps listed in this document before
starting the class. Please reach out to your PAID hosting partner if you have any
issues performing the steps. Allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the
setup of your environment.
Introduces you to Project for the web. You will learn how to:
Introduces you to extending the standard Model-driven Power App for Project. You will
learn how to:
• Have an overview of the standard entities and relationships of Project for the web
• Create a business process flow to guide users through a project lifecycle stage gate
approval process
Introduces you to custom entities in CDS and you will create a program entity with a
relationship to the standard project entity. You will learn how to:
• Rollup data (budgets) from projects to program level using roll-up fields
Introduces you to Power BI visual and interactive reporting and how to embed a report into
your model-driven Power App. You will learn to:
• Connect the Project for the web Power BI template to your Common Data Service
• Embed your Power BI report directly in the standard Project Model-driven app
Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop (any version, but preferably the latest) will need to be installed for the last
hands-on lab of the class. Power BI Desktop can be downloaded for free. If you do not have
Power BI Desktop installed, please follow the steps to download and install from
Note: The class is geared towards Windows clients, so if you have a Mac, please use a
Windows solution, such as Parallels, etc.
Microsoft Teams
For the class meetings we are utilizing meetings using Microsoft Teams. Optionally, you
download the full Microsoft Teams client at . You
can also join the meeting using your web browser if you prefer. Either way, you don’t need
any credentials to join the meeting.
doesn’t log you into an Office 365 environment that your company might be using. To use
InPrivate browsing, see the following steps for each supported browser.
The steps below will simply refer to this as an ‘InPrivate browser window’.
Fill out the form with your company information, validate all information is correct,
and click Next.
Copy the username and type the password into Notepad and save to a known
storage location. Keep the admin credentials available for the subsequent steps
and later when your class begins.
b. Enter a phone number to text or call for a second factor authentication. After
verification, click Next.
c. Copy and paste the Sign-in page URL to your Notepad file and validate the user
ID is in correct format. Click Start Setup when you have all your credentials
2. Continue setup:
a. You will NOT need Project Pro for Office 365 for this class, so simply click Next
to this screen.
b. Add at least one user by adding the user Megan Bowen with a username of
MBowen. This user is shown in the lab instructions, so it is important to use this
c. Click the Print tab and then copy the Temporary password shown and paste
into your saved credentials file in Notepad. Click Next to proceed.
d. Rate your experience if you’d like and then click the Go to the Admin center
b. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, expand Billing and then click on Purchase
c. Search for Power Apps and the from the results, under Business apps, click
Power Apps per user plan.
f. Validate the order was successful and you obtained an order receipt. Click the
Continue button.
b. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, expand Billing and then click on Purchase
c. Search for “Power BI” (with the quotes) and choose Power BI Pro (you might
need to click the right arrow button to see it).
f. Validate the order was successful and you obtained an order receipt. Click the
Continue button.
d. Assign licenses to your admin and demo users. Type in admin and it will resolve
to your name, and type in Megan to find the Megan Bowen account.
6. Initialize the creation of CDS and Project for the web: Open your browser and use
an InPrivate browser window (or use the same session you were logged into the Admin
portal with). Type in and login with the admin
credentials provided when you created your demo tenant.
a. Click the ‘X’ to close the ‘Welcome to Project Home’ dialog box and then click
the “New blank project” button to create a Common Data Service (CDS)
database and add Project for the web to your default environment.
Note: It takes a few minutes before the license is activated. The page will refresh
when completed and you will see a new Untitled project. The creation takes up to
10 minutes.
1. Open your web browser in an InPrivate browser window and then open the Power
Apps maker portal by typing in
2. In the Power Apps maker portal, select Apps from the selection pane on the left.
3. You will see a screen listing all apps installed on the newly created environment. You
should see two apps: Project and Resource Scheduling. These apps get provisioned
when you initialize your first project. If you have both, you are good to go.
4. Next, go to Data in the selection pane on the left and click on Entities.
5. Select Managed entities from the drop down in the top right corner.
6. Use the search function to search for project and confirm that you have entities
where the names start with msdyn_. This means that your installation of Power Apps
and Project is successful, and you are ready for the Project App In a Day class. If not,
please ask your instructor to help you finish the installation.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is
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The names of manufacturers, products, or URLs are provided for informational purposes only
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