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Cryogenic Freezing Technology: Yogesh Kumar, Soumitra Tiwari and Yashwant Kumar

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Kumar et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6458 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018)
Short Communication

Cryogenic Freezing Technology

Yogesh Kumar1*, Soumitra Tiwari2 and Yashwant Kumar2
Lecturer, Department of Food Processing &Technology, Bilaspur University, C.G., India
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Processing &Technology, Bilaspur University, C.G., India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: pintuyogesh321@gmail.com
Received: 18.03.2018 | Revised: 23.04.2018 | Accepted: 27.04.2018

We are living in 21 centuries and this time is totally based upon technology. In food processing
sector many technology are used for many purpose. Cryogenic freezing technology is come and
change the preservation process by which any living cells, tissues and food products are
protected from spoilage or de cay by preserved them at very low temperature. In this technology
all type of moisture are removed from the food product and make solid. When liquid N2 or Co2
(Cryogenic liquid) comes into contact with product it convert the phase from liquid to vapor with
the help of Heat transfer. Boiling point of liquid nitrogen of -196 degree c. liquid nitrogen is
converting from liquid to vapor at that low temp.

Key word: Cryogenic freezing, Liquid nitrogen, Liquid carbon dioxide, Heat transfer, Low

INTRODUCTION According to NIST (National Institute of

Cryogenic technologies give low temperature Standard and Technology, US)1. Cryogenic is
application in food sectors. Cryogenic the science that address the production and
technologies are generally used for food effects of very low temperature. The word
processing and food preservation many originates from the Greek words “Kryos”
industry are use cryogenic technology in this meaning “Frost” and “Genic” meaning “to
time for batter food quality and good products. produce” under the user definition it could be
Cryogenic may be defined as the branch of used to include all temperature below the
physics and engineering which deals with the freezing paint or water (oC).
production of freezing “cold” and the study of
material at such low temperatures.

Cite this article: Kumar, Y., Tiwari, S. and Kumar, Y., Cryogenic Freezing Technology, Int. J. Pure App.
Biosci. 6(2): 1343-1346 (2018). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6458

Copyright © March-April, 2018; IJPAB 1343

Kumar et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Some thermo physical prosperity of liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide are given in below table –
Table – some thermo physical prosperity of liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide [3]
Property LN2 LCO2
Density 808 464
Boiling point -196 -78.5
Thermal conductivity 0.14 0.19
Specific heat of liquid .05 2.26
Latent heat of evaporation 199 352

According to Balasubramanian et al.5, reported freezes the products.) Cryogenic freezers, on

that Cryogenics has numerous applications in the other hand are direct cooling systems.
space science, electronics, automobiles, the Where cold liquidized food grade gases are
manufacturing industry, sports and musical directly sprayed onto the product. These gases
instruments, biological science and agriculture, are liquid nitrogen and liquid Co2 or solid Co2
etc. Cryogenic freezing finds pivotal mechanical or blast freezer work with a
application in food, that is, spices and controlled temperature range between - 35 to -
condiments. 40 degrees cryogenic freezers can reach
According to Kadam6, The process significantly lower temperature. With liquid
results in production of fine particles with a nitrogen you can work in range of -60 to -120
high level of quality. In addition, process degrees and with liquid Co2in ranges of -40 to
volumes increase significantly. During the -60 degrees. The significantly lower
grinding process heat sensitive materials are temperatures lead to higher freezing speed and
cooled with cryogenic gases inorder to protect much smaller ice crystals within the frozen
them from increase in temperature resulting product. The smaller ice crystals result in a
from the heat generated by the process. This better product quality compared to common
means that it is impossible for the powdered mechanical or blast freezers.
material to melt or become sticky. Cryogenics is the cooling of materials
According to Tridib Kumar Goswami7 to extremely low temperature using highly
studied that processing or preservation condensed gases. Cryogenics in volves
techniques to enhance the storage life. refrigeration at temp below 120K (-153oc).
Cryogenics is a branch of engineering wherein Cryogenic temperatures are generally achieved
production of cryogen and the maintenance of through a refrigeration cycle2.
low temperature technologies are studied. its Type of Cryogenics freezer:-
also used for batter transportation for material. A. Cabinet freezer
Studied that one of the main limitations B. Tunnel freezer
of the conventional grinding process is the C. Spraying freezer
thermal damage. One of the feasible methods D. Immersion Freezer
to control the thermal damages is to perform A. Cabinet freezer -
grinding or comminution under controlled  Frozen capacity - 500kg/h
temperature conditions. Hence, it is especially  Lowest Temp. - 150oc
important to perform the grinding at reduced  Maximum cooling rate - > 20oc/min
temperatures8. B. Tunnel Freezer –
Cryogenic freezing is an upcoming food  Frozen capacity - 300kg/h
processing technology that is ganing  Lowest Temp. - 100oc
popularity because of the lower setup casts and  Maximum cooling rate - > 20oc/min
improved food quality when comped to C. Spraying - Liquid N or Co2 sprayed on the
mechanical freezing. Cryogenic food freezing food product.
differs widely from mechanical ammonia of D. Immersion- Food Product is immersion
freon freezing systems. Mechanical freezers the bath container.
also known as blast freezers are indirect Immersion cryogenic freezing use tunnel
cooling. Where a refrigerant cools down the through which passes a constant-speed
air surrounding the products (Which then horizontal conveyor belt. Which is based on
Copyright © March-April, 2018; IJPAB 1344
Kumar et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
pulley. The unpackaged food product is exposing the product. The food product is
placed on the horizontal belt and freezing freeze with the help of liquid N and CO2.
is achieved by immersion cryogenic liquid There are convert the face with the help of
refrigerant to dip on the product or by heat transfer.

Fig. 1: Simple illustration of a typical immersion freezer

Fig. 2: Simple illustration of a typical immersion freezer

Application of these cryogens freezing in  Biological laboratory: - Quick freeze the

different aspects of food processing and samples.
preservation opens a new era of refrigeration.  Grinding Technology for Spices
Like every operation has some advantage and Processing
disadvantage, cryogenic freezing application Advantage –
also has no exceptions. 1. Low Investment cost
Application- 2. Very low dehydration
Our liquid nitrogen freezers have been widely
used in quick freezing of:-
1. In tunnel freezer use belts. There are uses
 Food Packaging in industry
bearing for move the product due to cold
 Seafood and meat: - Fish, Shrimp,
environment. it are subject to significant
Lobster, Squid, Sea Cucumber,
especially those high valued sea
2. High Consumption of N and Co2
food, Beef, Chicken, Pork, Mutton etc.
3. Floors are damage from leaking
 Fruits and vegetable: - Durian,
strawberry, Dragon Fruit, Broccoli,
Beans etc. 4. Long Contractual period.
 Fast food: - Hamburger, cake, Shrimp
rings, Squid, Rings etc.
Copyright © March-April, 2018; IJPAB 1345
Kumar et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
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Copyright © March-April, 2018; IJPAB 1346

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