Cryogenic Freezing Technology: Yogesh Kumar, Soumitra Tiwari and Yashwant Kumar
Cryogenic Freezing Technology: Yogesh Kumar, Soumitra Tiwari and Yashwant Kumar
Cryogenic Freezing Technology: Yogesh Kumar, Soumitra Tiwari and Yashwant Kumar
Kumar et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1343-1346 (2018)
Short Communication
We are living in 21 centuries and this time is totally based upon technology. In food processing
sector many technology are used for many purpose. Cryogenic freezing technology is come and
change the preservation process by which any living cells, tissues and food products are
protected from spoilage or de cay by preserved them at very low temperature. In this technology
all type of moisture are removed from the food product and make solid. When liquid N2 or Co2
(Cryogenic liquid) comes into contact with product it convert the phase from liquid to vapor with
the help of Heat transfer. Boiling point of liquid nitrogen of -196 degree c. liquid nitrogen is
converting from liquid to vapor at that low temp.
Key word: Cryogenic freezing, Liquid nitrogen, Liquid carbon dioxide, Heat transfer, Low
Cite this article: Kumar, Y., Tiwari, S. and Kumar, Y., Cryogenic Freezing Technology, Int. J. Pure App.
Biosci. 6(2): 1343-1346 (2018). doi: