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The document appears to be a product catalogue for an Italian gelato company that offers a wide range of bases, pastes, toppings and other ingredients for making gelato and frozen desserts.

The company offers milk bases, fruit bases, special bases, pastes for fruit sorbets and gelato, chocolate products, frozen yogurt, toppings, variegati, decorations, and other ingredients.

The company invests a lot of time and effort into carefully selecting the highest quality raw materials from trusted suppliers. They have maintained relationships with suppliers for decades and aim to select the finest types of ingredients like fruit, nuts, and cocoa.


/ product catalogue


Gelato made in Turin 3 VARIEGATI
Variegati of Linea Golosa
Le Creme for gelato
Doppiapanna Olandese SUPER 100 4/5
Doppiapanna Olandese PREMIUM 165
Doppiapanna Olandese MASTER 50
Supplements for Doppiapanna Olandese
Grains for decoration
Fruit for decoration
Doppiabase Frutta SUPER 100
Doppiabase Frutta PREMIUM 200
Extra luxury recipes 27
Doppiabase Frutta MASTER 50
Supplements for Doppiabase Frutta
products for SEMIFREDDO
Doppiabase Cocktail for Happy Hour
Gelatonongelato a pleasure without shivers
8/9 Semifreddo recipes

Base Pinguino for gelato on a stick

Covers for gelato on a stick
Cold cream
Sorbet for granita machine
Soya heart
Natural bases
14/15 Without sin
Without regret


The citrus sets 18/19
Cold process powders
Frozen yogurt and soft ice cream on milk base
Frozen yogurt and soft ice cream on water base


Chocolate Pronti Products
Chocolate Base Ingredients

Gelato a
that is consolidated from generation to generation thanks to the common
culture and constant pursuit of excellence. We invest a lot of time and effort
in selecting the finest raw materials, mixing them with care without losing
the essence, putting ingredients together to enhance their flavours, slow-
ly and progressively to fix in a recipe this delicate new balance. We like to
say, and are proud to do it, that our products are created starting from fruit,
strawberries, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine kernals and cocoa. From all these
ingredients we carefully choose the highest quality and best types. We have
worked in this way for over 70 years maintaining relations with our trusted
suppliers for decades and sharing with them our interest in the quality of
our mutual products. Keeping the old recipes and quality of Italian gelato,
passing on our accumulated “know how” is the promise and agreement we
make with our customers.


Silent and determined, like the city of Turin, Aromitalia and it’s Italian-style
ice cream have for over half a century aroused the interest, respect and es-
teem of ice cream makers worldwide. Aware of the difficulties of an ancient
craft, where the ice cream maker earns success with dedication to the qual-
ity of the ice cream sold, Aromitalia has always sought to produce products
which are delicately balanced between ease of use and scrupulous attention
to the experience of consumption of gelato made in Italy.

Aromitalia over time has continually brought innovative products to the mar-
ket. This has been achieved by laboriously searching for the finest combina-
tions of raw materials and skillfully putting them together following fruitful
collaboration directly with ice cream makers. It is precisely in the foreign
markets, where customers receive less help, that the Aromitalia philosophy
towards the ice cream makers to help them in the culture and business of
Italian ice cream has had clear results.

////////////////////////////////////// AROMITALIA •3
/ product catalogue

The Queen of bases milk since 1976

At the heart of a good gelato there is always an excellent base. The range of
DPO Bases (DoppiaPanna Olandese), after the great success with customers,
has been enhanced with new versions to meet the new requirements of the
gelato makers: traditional bases with 0% trans fats, bases with only dairy in-
gredients, bases with no hydrogenated fats have been joined to a new series
A complete range which goes from Master 50 Bases, where the gelato maker
can express all his professional skills to build and properly balance their basic
mixtures, to the Premium 165 bases to which it is only necessary to add sugar
and whole milk liquid to achieve a perfectly balanced base mix.

SUPPLEMENTS for DoppiaPanna Olandese

To increase fat, with whipping Bearer of fat: a part of this mixture most 25% lactoglobulin proteins of milk, en-
capacity. a part of water have the same chemical riched with carbohydrates to minimise
cod. 1503 packaging/kg 4 x 2 values of an animal cream 35% of fat but the amount of lactose. Gives a full, firm
without whipping effect. structure to the gelato, delaying melting
cod. 2000 packaging/kg 4 x 2 and giving a warmer sensation in the
cod. 5180 packaging/kg 4 x 2


Food supplement made from vegetable 80% milk proteins enriched with carbohy- 50% milk proteins enriched with carbohy-
fiber (inulin). drates to minimise the amount of lactose. drates to minimise the amount of lactose.
cod. 2941 packaging/kg 6 x 1
cod. 9861 packaging/kg 6 x 1 cod. 5181 packaging/kg 6 x 1

sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

DoppiaPanna Olandese SUPER 100

Simple to use, with minimum guaranteed result and easily customized with the addition of cream, sugars, liquid milk and milk powder. Called “Super” for the
highest quality, it has always been the true market reference. Historical and flavored versions also available.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

1048 DPO SUPER 100 c Classic creamy, classic, slightly aromatic hot processing 8x2
0% trans 1094 DPO SUPER 100 f Classic creamy, classic, slightly aromatic cold processing 8x2
1180 DPO SUPER 100 c Classic neutra evolution of Double Cream 1048 but without aromatic notes 8x2
2856 DPO SUPER 100 c Classic SGI neutra aromatically neutral is the evolution of 2375, sgi, for modern balancing 8x2
neutral sgi
2653 DPO SUPER 100 f Classic SGI neutra aromatically neutral is the evolution of 2378, sgi, for modern balancing 8x2
1968 DPO SUPER 100 c Tuttolatte with fats derived from milk ideal for those who want to use vegetable fats 8x2
milk fats
9003 SELEZIONE SPECIALE Latte 7,5% c very rich in milk fats, does not require additional cream, ideal for those who do 8x2
not want to use vegetable fats.

DoppiaPanna Olandese PREMIUM 165

Simple, practical use, rapid, and customizable. Just add liquid whole milk and sugar to give a perfect body and warmer feeling due to the ideal percentage of total
solids in the finished product.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

0% trans 2865 DPO PREMIUM 165 c Golden Plus Trend aromatically neutral ideal for modern balancing with warmer notes on the palate 8x2
2386 DPO PREMIUM 165 c Classic SGI the first 165 sgi in line with the new modern systems of balancing 8x2
neutral sgi 2393 DPO PREMIUM 165 f Classic SGI the first 165 sgi in line with the new modern systems of balancing cold method 8x2
2978 DPO PREMIUM 165 c Crema Plus SGI the first 165 sgi in line with the new modern systems of balancing hot method 8x2
it gives the gelato extra body minimizing the feeling of “cold” on the palate
Milk fats 1977 DPO PREMIUM 165 c Tuttolatte aromatically neutral is the evolution of the 1960s with a higher content of solids 8x2
in gelato for modern balancing

DoppiaPanna Olandese MASTER 50

For Galeto artists, high-quality basics to customize and complete. Called “Master” because specific for experts and professional ice cream makers, who will be given
the full responsibility of the finished product. Historical and flavored versions available on catalog.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

2875 DPO MASTER 50 c SGA neutra technical, without added fat evolution of 5010 only with milk fat 8x2
995 DPO MASTER 50 f SGA neutra base of new formulation without added fat with only milk fat 8x2
neutral 9001 SELEZIONE SPECIALE Latte 3,5% c ideal for those who want to use only cream performing product on whisk machine 8x2
combined well with the traditional method, for gelato at low average cream content
9011 SELEZIONE SPECIALE Panna 3,5% c ideal for those who want to use only cream performing product on whisk machine 8x2
0% trans 2344 DPO MASTER 50 f neutra combined well with the traditional method, for gelato at high average cream content 8x2
aromatically neutral is the evolution of 5068, for modern balancing

////////////////////////////////////// DOPPIAPANNA OLANDESE milk bases gelato •5

/ product catalogue

At the base of the FRUIT

The soul of the true gelato is represented by a full range of bases for sorbet,
derived from the popular DBF SUPER 100 (DoppiaBase Frutta), born in 1979.
In addition to historical formulas there are now available bases with recipes
containing 0% trans fats0% trans fats and no hydrogenated fats. A complete
range that goes from bases Master 50, where the Master ice cream maker
has to express all his professional skill to properly compose his own blend
fruit base, to the bases DBF Premium 200, for which you only need to add
sugar and water and/or fruit to get a sorbet perfectly balanced. Everyone can
find their own space of freedom to customize their Base mixture, which is
essential for a perfect fruit gelato.

SUPPLEMENTS for DoppiaBase Frutta

Mixture of sugars suitable to Mixture of sugars including dextrose Substitute of dextrose which has the same Cold emulsifier in paste made from
increase the solids in ice cream suitable for giving the ice cream a antifreeze power but double the sweet- mono and diglycerides, helps poor
without altering sweetness and creamier finish. ness. It has similar characteristics to those texture of fruit sorbets.
antifreeze power. cod. 184 packaging/kg 4 x 2 of invert sugar. cod. 736 packaging/kg 1 x 5
cod. 5080 packaging/kg 4 x 4 cod. 5092 packaging/kg 1 x 10

sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

DoppiaBase Frutta SUPER 100

Simple, super durable, easily customizable by adding water and fruit, various sugars and paste or alternatively water, various sugars and paste. Called “Super” for
its very high structural quality, always recognized as the reference of quality in the market. Historical and flavoured versions also available.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

803 DBF SUPER 100 c/f Classic historical product, soft and velvety, contains milk derivatives 8x2
neutral 0% trans
2397 DBF SUPER 100 c/f SGI Tuttovegetale good flavor release, perfect for a creamy ice cream, ideal 8x2
for those who are intolerant to dairy products

DoppiaBase Frutta PREMIUM 200

Simple, super durable, easily customized by the addition of water and fruit, sucrose and paste or only of water, sucrose and paste. This new assay allows to obtain
in the finished sorbet optimum quantity of solids. Historical and flavoured versions also available.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

neutral sgi 2390 DBF PREMIUM 200 c/f SGI Tuttovegetale simple use without milk with the addition of sucrose, water, fruit and/ 8x2
or flavoring pastry

DoppiaBase Frutta MASTER 50

For true artists of gelato, these high quality bases are customizable. Called “Master because they have been developed for specific experts and professionals who
are entrusted with the responsibility of the finished product. Historical and flavoured versions also available.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

2373 DBF MASTER 50 c/f technical, without added fats nor milk products 8x2
neutral 9021 SELEZIONE SPECIALE Frutta 3,5 c no added fat to an easily spreadable sorbet without milk 8x2
products for those who are intolerant to milk and dairy products
sgi 2376 DBF MASTER 50 c/f Classic Tuttovegetale no dairy and no hydrogenated fats ideal for those who are intolerant to milk and 8x2
dairy products

FULL bases Water and Fruit

Premeasured. Maximum simplicity and easy to use. Contains all sugars yet is still customizable. Just add water and/or fruit. Historical and flavoured versions

hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

sgi 2665 FRUITMIX SGI with fructose sgi, no sucrose, without milk nor animal derivatives, suitable for vegan 8x2
diets and gelato with high fruit content
sga 2459 BASE FRUTTA SENZA PECCATO Kampai SGA neutra without added fat nor sugar, with reduced-calorie 8x2
0% trans 1146 BASE FRUTTA SENZA RIMORSO Kampai neutra for low-glycemic gelato 8x2

////////////////////////////////////// DOPPIABASE FRUTTA bases for FRUIT gelato •7

/ product catalogue

The time of HAPPY HOUR

Where the protagonist is the new DoppiaBase Cocktail. At last the answer in
gelato shop at the source of the Italian wine tradition, a solution that gives
free rein to the creativity of master gelato makers in making sorbets using
the most diverse wines and liquors. The innovative composition of Doppia-
Base Cocktail allows, in fact, to give gelato a very good texture, stability and
durability in the diplay cabinet despite the presence of alcohol and sugars.
Moreover, the absence of dairy products in the sorbet enhances the taste of
the wine or alcoholic beverage used and is suitable for adults who are lactose

Simple, super durable and can be easily customized by adding your favorite wine or liquor. The recipe used should be appropriate to the type of wine or liquor used.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

neutral vegetable 1016 DOPPIA BASE COCKTAIL f Excellent stability of the finshed sorbet without using added fat or dairy 8 x 2

sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

GelatoNonGelato is the answer for all gelato lovers who do not want to miss the pleasure of this product even in the coldest periods of the year. Compact as the
traditional gelato, much more pleasant to the palate because it transmits a thermal sensation of only 7 degrees Celsius instead of 14 degrees below zero typical of
the traditional gelato. Enjoy all the pleasure of a cone without the cold of the traditional gelato!

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

neutral vegetable 3020 GELATONONGELATO Very warm on the palate, creamy, with mountain effect 16 x 1

A delicate balance between an incredible creaminess and an enviable compactness. Pinguino-Full base is the ideal mixture for gelato on a stick creamy and
extremely compact by the most creative forms, that can be covered with covers and grains. For that creaminess of fresh gelato on a stick, just add milk and paste.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

neutral vegetable 1149 BASE FULL FOR ICE CREAM ON STICK Creamy, resistant and tolerant needs refrigerator 16 x 0.85


| cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

6029 STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR COVER new formula with natural colourant for a perfect gelato on a stick 2 x 3.5
6031 LEMON TASTE COVER new formula with natural colourant for a perfect gelato on a stick 2 x 3.5
6030 PISTACHIO TASTE COVER new formula with natural colourant for a perfect gelato on a stick 2 x 3.5
6032 WHITE COVER new formula with natural colourant for a perfect gelato on a stick 2 x 5.5
6033 STRACCIATELLA COVER new formula with natural colourant for a perfect gelato on a stick 2 x 5.5

////////////////////////////////////// SPECIAL BASE •9

/ product catalogue


Flavoring pastes milk based are a collection of creamy tastes preserved in traditional recipes and expertly enriched with new flavors. Traditional flavors with the
rich and unique taste.

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

1233 A. STRACCIATELLA EXTRA CREAM 30g the intense flavor of cooked milk ideal for flavoring the base mix for made the stracciatella 6x1
907 AMARETTO taste 0 50g bitter notes of almond recommended mixed with an alcoholic sorbet 2 x 3,5
336 SALTY PEANUT 70 - 80g creamy toasted peanut with the slightlysalty taste typical of this fruit 2 x 3,5
795C BIG BALL 50g sweet pink chewing gum 2 x 3,5
2801 COOKIE 0 50g delicate paste with the typical taste of egg biscuits, does not need correction 2 x 3,5
2258 COOKIE “Traditional” 50g delicate paste with the typical taste of egg biscuits 2 x 3,5
1449 BON BON R.. 0 80g typical taste of the famous chocolate praline, wafer and hazelnut 2 x 3,5
1019 COFFEE 0 30g to be enriched with extra dark chocolate chips 2 x 3,5
1748 ESPRESSO 0 65g strong arabica coffee with aromatic notes 2 x 3,5
300 CARAMEL 35g intense taste of caramelized sugar 2 x 3,5
388 CASSATA 100g gelato that reproduces the famous Sicilian dessert with many candies fruits pieces 2 x 3,5
1631C CATALANA 50g Spanish cream with burnt sugar crust 2 x 3,5
3022 CHANTILLY 75g the taste of chantilly cream in 1500 called “snow of milk” 2 x 3,5
535 BLUE SKY 50g blue color gelato 2 x 3,5
1145 WHITE CHOCOLATE 0 80g fine white chocolate with a sweet and mellow taste 2 x 3,5
2059 FINE CHOCOLATE 0 140g suggest in bowl combined with cherries whole fruit cod.5011 2 x 3,5
327 MALESIA COCONUT 0 50g traditional coconut with the aromatic note of fresh coconut meat 2 x 3,5
2890 CIOCCOVETTO 0 80g pasta with a delicate vanilla taste of white chocolate 2 x 3,5
912 EGG CREAM 60g classic with the slightly notes citrusy 2x3
2052 EGG CREAM taste 50g the classic gelato witrh the most marked notes of egg 2 x 3,5
2989C CREME ROYALE NEW 65g by the evolution of light alcoholic notes of typical English dessert “Trifle” 2 x 3,5
1020 CROCCANTINO 80g with captivating aroma of crunchy toasted hazelnuts and caramelized sugar 2 x 3,5
2844 FRESH MILK 0 80g argentine pastry made of cooked milk and sugar 2 x 3,5
1079 WHOLE DAIRY MILK ICE CREAM taste 35g with the delicate taste of cream with intense notes of milk 2 x 3,5
9451 WHOLE DAIRY MILK ICE CREAM taste SPECIAL SELECTION 55g with the delicate taste of cream with intense notes of milk 2x3

908 GIANDUJA 0 95g enrich with a sprinkling of chopped hazelnuts cod. 5106 2 x 3,5
2 x 3,5

906 GIANDUIA AMARA 0 95g gianduja less sweet and with more strong notes of cocoa
2377 GIANDUIA PIEMONTE “Traditional” 110g gianduja with marked notes of cocoa and hazelnut with no added sugar 2 x 3,5
2057 GIANDUIOSO 0 80g pasta with the soft notes of gianduja for a very delicate flavor 2 x 3,5
2874 GIANDUIOTTO “Classic” 0 95g the real taste of the famous Turin chocolate made with cocoa and hazelnuts 2 x 3,5

• 10
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

913C GRAND ORANGE 50g the taste of the famous fantastic orange liqueur 2 x 3,5
2352 GRANDE GATSBY 0 125g extra dark chocolate cream with hazelnut 2 x 3,5
785 LICORICE 60g a very loved taste and countless combinations 2 x 3,5
1024 MALAGA 65g marsala wine and a lot of Andalusian raisins for a taste of the past 2 x 3,5
9431 MALAGA SPECIAL SELECTION 140g the top with the Marsala wine and rich in the best Andalusian raisins 2x3
909 ALMOND EXTRA 70 - 80g product with sweet peeled almonds, lightly toasted and sugar 2 x 3,5
2256 ROASTED ALMOND Roasted almond NEW 0 80g for a sweet and fragrant gelato with authentic flavor of toasted almonds 2 x 3,5
1027 ALMOND FILIPPO CEA NEW 70 - 80g almond Apulian cultivars Filippo Cea ideal in pastry too 2 x 3,5
711 ALMOND MARZAPANE NEW 0 80g gelato by delicate notes of almond and marzipan milk 2 x 3,5
1409 MANTECADO NEW 50g vanilla cream with citrus and spicy notes of cinnamon 2 x 3,5
1025 MARRON GLACÉ 50g tasty candied chestnuts are the basis of this taste 2 x 3,5
237 WHITE MINT 50g suggest it in a refreshing cup combined with the orange sanguinella cod. 2316 2 x 3,5
150 GREEN MINT 50g garnish with white chocolate chips 2 x 3,5
1827 MERINGA 50g delicate taste of meringue 2 x 3,5

5064 HAZELNUT CLASSIC RECIPE 80 - 100g by notes of toasted hazelnuts and a light brown color 2x5
50645 HAZELNUT Kg 12,5 80 - 100g in barrel of 12,5Kg 1 x 12,5
1013 HAZELNUT “INTENSA” NEW 80 - 100g intense nutty taste with clear aromatic notes of roasting and the light color 2x5
19655 HAZELNUT DEL GELATIERE Kg 12,5 80 - 100g in barrel of 12,5Kg 1 x 12,5
5061 HAZELNUT PIEMONTE IGP 80 - 100g with IGP hazelnuts from Piemonte a specialty sweet flavor with light brown 2x5

50615 HAZELNUT PIEMONTE IGP Kg 12,5 80 - 100g in barrel of 12,5Kg 1 x 12,5
2901 HAZELNUT PIEMONTE IGP “More toasted” 80 - 90g with IGP hazelnuts from Piemonte more toasted than hazelnut cod. 5061 2x5
2823 HAZELNUT SABAUDA 60 - 70g intense and aromatic taste and color caused by the same roasting hazelnut 2x5
28235 HAZELNUT SABAUDA Kg 12,5 60 - 70g in barrel of 12,5Kg 1 x 12,5
9301 GRAN HAZELNUT SPECIAL SELECTION 70 - 100g with IGP hazelnuts from Piemonte with a delicate taste and light color slightly flavored 2x5
2969 HAZELNUT CREME NEW 90g same yield to pure hazelnut paste 100% but cheaper 2x5
1769 HAZELNUT “SOAVE” 80 - 100g hazelnut also 100% Italian slightly toasted and light in color 2x5

////////////////////////////////////// The FLAVOURING PASTE for MILK base • 11

/ product catalogue


Flavoring pastes milk based are a collection of creamy tastes preserved in traditional recipes and expertly enriched with new flavors. Traditional flavors from the
rich and unique flavor.

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

927 WALNUT 0 80g with the traditional walnut taste 2 x 3,5

9306 WALNUT SPECIAL SELECTION 0 60g with walnut pieces 2x3
210 PANETTONE 0 50g the paste with the most typical taste of Italian Christmas cakes 2 x 3,5
318 PANNA COTTA 50g the famous dessert of Italian tradition now become ice cream 2 x 3,5

2440 PISTACHIO DIAMANTE 100g pure pistachio paste with toasted pistachio notes, intense green color 2 x 3,5
2548 PISTACHIO PLATINO NEW 100g mixture of the finest and selected varieties of Italian and foreign pistachios, pure 100% 2 x 3,5

680 PISTACHIO PLATINO CN NEW 100g pistachio platinum with natural color 2 x 3,5
789 PESTO OF PISTACHIO NEW 100g mixture of the best qualities of Mediterranean pistachio ground as a true pesto 2 x 3,5
9331 GRAN PISTACCHIO SPECIAL SELECTION 110g 100% pistachios with notes of toasted green pistachio with salty notes 2x3
1197/5 PISTACHIO NATURA “Traditional” 0 75g paste of pure green brown color pistachio lightly toasted and salted 2 x 3,5
720 FLOWER OF PISTACHIOS 95g flavored almond pistachio with bright green color and chopped pistachios 2 x 3,5

761C ROSE 0 50g with notes of Bulgarian rose 2 x 3,5

2863 SALTED CARAMEL 35g the meeting between the sweetness of caramel combined with a salty note 2 x 3,5
341 SORRISO 0 60 - 70g the famous chocolate and hazelnuts to decorate with whole hazelnuts IGP from Piemonte cod.9875 2 x 3,5
2985 SPECULOOS 0 65g the paste with the taste of the famous spiced Belgian biscuit Speculoos 2 x 3,5
220 TRUFFLE 0 95g this taste made of dark chocolate is inspired by the famous desserts 2 x 3,5
238 TIRAMISÚ 80g a sure protagonist of your shop window by mild alcoholic notes, of egg and coffee 2 x 3,5
2158 TIRAMISÚ 0 65g the version of the famous tiramisù Aromitalia 2 x 3,5
2458 TIRAMISÚ without alcohol 0 65g the version of the famous tiramisù Aromitalia without alcohol 2 x 3,5
2261C TIRAMISÚ Gold 0 50g paste with notes of the delicate egg and mascarpone cream typical of the dessert 2 x 3,5
2984 TOFFEE 0 65g with the characteristic toffe taste 2 x 3,5
5913 TORRONCINO 0 35 - 40g with crunchy torrone grain 2 x 3,5
2100 TORRONE Big grain 0 140g with torrone grain better than that of torroncino 2 x 3,5
2975 APPLE CAKE 50g the taste of the classic American apple pie 2 x 3,5

• 12
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

440 VANICREM BOURBON 35g with cream taste with delicate notes of vanilla berries, and light yellow colour 2 x 3,5
401 VANILLA BOURBON 35g with the taste of the best vanilla berries and the light yellow colour 2 x 3,5

1085C YELLOW VANILLA 35g withstrong taste of vanilla with strong citrus notes typical of the “Italian vanilla” 2 x 3,5
1745 VANILLA 3D 25g classic taste of the best vanilla with distinct egg notes of light yellow colour 2 x 3,5
2104 ANCIENT VANILLA 50g the “Italian vanilla” for excellence with light yellow colour and the citrus notes 2 x 3,5
9401 VANILLA WITH POINTS SPECIAL SELECTION 40g vanilla with points of citrus notes 2x3
1776 FRENCH VANILLA WITH SEEDS 50g delicate flavor with berry notes and whitish 2 x 3,5

261C VIOLET 35g the delicate wild violet fits perfectly with licorice cod.785 2 x 3,5
930 ZABAGLIONE 80g the taste of the classic egg cream and wine 2 x 3,5
1889 ZABAGLIONE Piemonte 100g the ancient recipe of zabaglione with more intense notes of Marsala wine 2 x 3,5
931C TRIFLE 35g the famous pudding of Pan di Spagna, liquor and custard 2 x 3,5

////////////////////////////////////// The FLAVOURING PASTE for MILK base • 13

/ product catalogue

• 14
////////////////////////////////////// Paste set the GOLOSA LINE • 15
/ product catalogue

Flavoring pastes set with variegato Linea Golosa

The gelato of the Golosa line do not imitate the taste but recreate it in the sensory way with a lot of details. Enjoy the crispness of the wafers, the delicacy of the peach, the harmony
of the almond, the freshness of grated coconut, all expertly matched in our sets to give you the ‘real taste experience of the dessert that inspired them.

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

337 ARACHIDE SALATA SET (336, 2915) 70 - 80g roasted unsalted peanuts taste with crunchy grain of sweet and salty peanut 3,5 + 2 x 1
2662 BACIO DI DAMA SET (2599, 2657) 0 95g (+ 160g) from tradition Piemont pastry the taste that reproduces the famous shortcrust biscuit 3,5 + 5,5
1890 BISCUIT SET (1891, 1892) 0 80g (+ 80g) pasta with variegato biscuit taste with white chocolate and biscuit grain 2 x 3,5
1655 BON BON AL COCCO SET (1654, 1656) 0 110g (+ 100g) typical taste of the famous white chocolate, almonds and coconut praline 2 x 3,5
1448 BON BON R.. (1449, 1446) 0 80g (+ 80g) guaranteed success with the taste of the famous chocolate praline wafer and hazelnut 2 x 3,5
1641 BOUNTHY SET (1643, 1642) 0 80g (+ 80g) pasta with the taste of variegato rapè coconut with crunchy hazelnut chocolate and cookies 2 x 3,5
3093 BROWNIE (3088, 3090) NEW 0 125 + 100g pasta with a typical chocolate taste enriched ehit a soft sauce full of real brownie 3,5 + 3
2431 CHEESE CAKE SET (2429, 2430) 0 50g (+ 50g) pasta with the taste of mascarpone a white biscuit grain variegato 2 x 3,5
2889 CIOCCOVETTO SET (2890, 2891) 0 80g (+ 80g) white chocolate with a chocolate milk variegato that recreates the famous little egg 2 x 3,5
2156 COFFEE BREAK SET (2135, 1883) 110g (+ 100g) variegato at bitter chocolate with sugar grain on espresso gelato 2 x 3,5
2658 CREMA WHISKY SET (2314, 2550) 65g (+ 50g) the famous Irish cream liqueur with strong notes of whiskey 2 x 3,5
2910C CREME BRULÉ SET (2911, 2912) 40g (+ 65g) the taste of the French “burnt cream” with delicious caramelized sugar 3,5 + 5,5
1663C CREME CARAMEL ORO SET (1636C, 1102) 0 50g (+ 50g) a fantastic flavor that faithfully recreates the creme caramel dessert 2 x 3,5
3105 CREME de la CREME (3106, 3107) NEW 0 65 + 100g the new mix between a chocolate sauce and a meringue grain 3,5 + 5,5
2991C CREME ROYALE SET (2989C, 2990) 0 65g (+ 100g) the taste of the typical dessert “trifle” with alcoholic notes with cicoccolato sauce 3,5 x 5,5
3098 DIGESTIVE NOIR E ORANGE (3095, 3096) NEW 0 65 + 100g the set combines the notes of the biscuit enriched with citrus with a chocolate sauce 3,5 + 5,5
2349C DOLCE DI LATTE SET (2938c, 2320c) 40g (+ 40g) Argentine dessert made of milk and sugar cooked now is an gelato taste 2 x 3,5
590 GIVE ME FIVE SET (2890, 1232) 0 80g (+ 100g) white chocolate with variegation soft chocolate five puffed cereals 3,5 + 2 x 2,5
2340 GRAN TORRONE (nougat) SET (2326, 2329) 0 65g (+ 100g) the best school Torroneria Cremonese a rich taste of torrone grain 2 x 3,5
2351 GRANDE GATSBY SET (2352, 2374) 0 125g (+ 125g) dark chocolate with hazelnuts variegato with pieces of biscuit with chocolate gluten free 2 x 3,5
2396 JAMAICA SET (2394, 2395) 0 80g (+ 80g) rum and chocolate a pairing of a sure success 2 x 3,5
3032 + BUONO BIANCO SET (3029, 3030) 0 80g (+ 125g) a delicate cremino paste with hazelnut notes and crispy wafer 3,5 + 5,5
2916 + BUONO SET (2917, 2918) 0 80g (+ 125g) gelato with heart of hazelnut variegated with milk chocolate and layers of wafer 3,5 + 5,5
2364 LEMON PIE SET torta al limone (2362, 2363, 2365) 0 100g (+ 100g) a fresh milk gelato and lemon variegato with lemon cream and pieces of shortcrust pastry 2 x 3,25 + 2 x 3,5
2786 MALAGA SUPERIORE SET (1547, 2131) 100g (+ 100g) marsala cream with a variegation of Andalusian raisins flavoured with rum 2 x 3,5
1826 MERINGA SET (1827, 1828) 50g (+ 80g) the meringue with many drops of Italian meringue 3 x 3,5
2659 MOKACCINO SET (2598, 2601, 2655) 0 50g (+ 50g + 50g) coffee gelato with double variegato: bitter cocoa and milk froth 3 x 3,5
1035 NOCCIOLÍ SET (2057, 1036) NEW 0 80g (+ 125g) nocciolini Chivasso (meringues) enrich an gelato with chocolate and hazelnuts 3,5 + 2 x 3

• 16
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

Linea Golosa

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

2914 ORONERO SET (2913, 2868) 0 50g (+ 80g) vanilla gelato variegato with milk, biscuit and chocolate grain 3,5 + 5,5
2996C PANETTONE SET (210, 2995C) 0 50g (+ 80g) gelato with the taste of the most traditional Italian Christmas cakes with a lot of raisins 3,5 + 5,5
328 PANNA COTTA SET (318, 1102) 60g (+ 60g) the famous dessert of Piemonte with cream and caramelized sugar comes alive in this gelato 2 x 3,5
2123C PESCA GOLOSA SET (2124C, 2125) 0 70g (+ 80g) typical recipe from Piemonte, peach gelato with chocolate and amaretti variegato 2 x 3,5
2064 PROFITTEROLES SET (2057, 2065) 0 80g (+ 80g) mini profiteroles enrich the variegato of this set that reproduce the famous dessert 2 x 3,5
2800 SCOTTISH COOKIES SET (2801, 2259) 0 50g (+ 80g) the inimitable biscuit variegato with biscuits and dark chocolate grain 3,5 + 5,5
3101 SNACK IT (3102, 3103) NEW 0 95 + 100g from the delicious combination of the sweet notes of the mou and those of the chocolate comes “snack it” 2 x 3,5
2987 SPECULOOS SET (2985, 2986) 0 65g (+ 100g) gelato of traditional cinnamon Belgian biscuits, with a lot grain 3,5 + 5,5
2597 SPRITZ SET (2580, 2654) 0 see recipe the famous cocktail now become gelato, for an drink outside the scheme 6 x 1,05 + 3,5
2508 TOFFEE & SPECULOOS SET (2984, 2986) 0 65g (+ 100g) traditional Belgian biscuit combined with a delicious toffee paste 3,5 + 5,5
2994 TORTA DI MELE SET (2975, 2993) 0 50g (+ 80g) gelato that proposes the classic American Pie rich of shortcrust pastry and apple cubes 3,5 + 5,5
2260C TIRAMISÚ ORO SET (2261C, 2262C) 50g (+ 60g) for all the greedy people there is a unsurpassed tiramisu with coffee 3,5 + 4
2895 TRES LECHES SET (2896, 2920) 0 see recipe south American recipe with the rich taste of milk and cream to match the variegated cod.2897 2+5
2602 ZABAGLIONE PIEMONTE SET (1889, 1903) 100g (+ 115g) egg and Marsala wine gelato with biscuit and pieces of merignue 2 x 3,5

////////////////////////////////////// Paste set the GOLOSA LINE • 17

/ product catalogue


Flavoring pastes for fruit bases preserve and enhance the fragrance and freshness of the fruit with which they are made. All the natural taste of fruit.

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

918C APRICOT 80g with first choice ripe apricots 2 x 3,5

306C BLACK CHERRY 80g with first choice ripe black cherry 2 x 3,5
920AC PINEAPPLE 80g the essence of the famous fruit 2 x 3,5
1859C WATERMELON 80g one of the coolest summer tastes 2 x 3,5
1023C ORGANGE 50g add meringue cod. 2383 and chocolate chips 2 x 3,5
737AC BANANA 80g new even more good recipe, with fresh bananas 2 x 3,5
919C CHERRY 80g with first choice cherries 2 x 3,5
371 COCONUT 35g with full-bodied notes of coconut pulp 2 x 3,5

923AC STRAWBERRY SORBET 80g with intense flavor of very ripe strawberries and vivid pink 2 x 3,5

2839AC STRAWBERRY MILK 80g intense flavor of strawberries with light bitter notes typical of the fruit, with vivid pink as color 2 x 3,5
1081AC STRAWBERRY 80g intense flavor of ripe strawberries and vivid pink in color 2 x 3,5
2867C STRAWBERRY FOR SORBET TOP 80g with delicate notes of strawberry and with the pale pink color 2 x 3,5
2894C WILD STRAWBERRY 80g intense flavor of sweet and fragrant wild strawberry 2 x 3,5

1135AC MIXED BERRIES 80g with berries, it’s the best mixed in cup with an alcoholic sorbet 2 x 3,5
712AC KIWI 80g the sweet kiwi with light bitter notes, first choice of kiwi 2 x 3,5
1674 RASPBERRY 40g with selected wild raspberries and intense red color, delicious 2 x 3,5
1770 LEMON 40 40g with natural essential oils of Sicilian lemons without acid part 2 x 3,5
1771 ACID BASE LEMON 40 40g acid part to associate with lemon paste cod.1770 2 x 3,5
700 MANGO 80g full-bodied and sweet aromatic note typical of ripe mango alphonso of forst choice 2 x 3,5
701AC MARACUJA 80g with fragrant aromatic notes of tropical fruit 2 x 3,5
2725 MENTA MARRAKECH 50g aromatic taste typical of the Moroccan drink, tasty and refreshing 2 x 3,5
830AC GREEN APPLE 80g fresh and naturally bitter with ripe green apples of first choice 2 x 3,5
376AC MELON 80g velvety and creamy with a sweet and delicate flavor of Cantalupa’s melon 2 x 3,5
925AC BLUEBERRY 80g full of blueberries in pieces 2 x 3,5
926AC BLACKBERRY 80g intense flavor and firm, gently sour like ripe blackberries 2 x 3,5
6057 MULBERRY 80g with purple ecolour this taste embodies the sweetness of freshly picked blackberries 2 x 3,5
1236AC PAWPAW 80g with the delicate taste of the tropical papaya 2 x 3,5
928AC PEACH 80g with ripe first choice peaches 2 x 3,5
2127C TROPICAL 80g tropical mix made with bananas and mango pulp 2 x 3,5

• 18
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

Theacid-based sets with flavoring paste to fully create the flavor of freshly picked citrus. The proper balance between the components allows to achieve gelato with
a rich taste and harmoniously acid, full-bodied and creamy.

| cod. | product g x kgmix | description | packaging/kg

2300C ORANGE SET (2301c, 2302) 40g + 40g paste + acid base to the typical taste of the non-bloody oranges 2 x 3,5
2316 ORANGE SANGUINELLA SET (2317, 2318) 40g + 40g paste + acid base with the strong taste of Sicilian bloody oranges 2 x 3,5
1772 LEMON SET 40 (1770, 1771) 40g + 40g paste + acid base with the taste of the finest Mediterranean lemons 2 x 3,5
2906C LEMON TAHITI SET (2908c, 2909) 40g + 40g paste + acid base with the light green color and fresh and natural aroma of Tahitivlemon (files) 2 x 3,5
1095C MANDARINE ORANGE SET (1097C, 1096) 40g + 40g paste + acid base with sweet tangerine taste 2 x 3,5
478C GRAPEFRUIT SET (479C, 480) 40g + 40g paste +acid base with typical bitter flavor notes of grapefruit 2 x 3,5

////////////////////////////////////// The FLAVOURING PASTE for FRUIT base • 19

/ product catalogue

The powder products, soft yogurt and creamy texture, classic taste and hotter on the palate, or colder and the notes distinctly slightly sour.

| taste hot cold | fat | cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

1105 YOGUMIX 40 (Powder products) fresh yogurt the perfect match with fruit 4x2
aromatic zero 2980 YOGUMIX “Greco” 40 (Powder products) Typical greek yogurt with a creamy and full-bodied texture 4x2
2968 QUARKMIX 40 40 g powder supplement with powder dehydrated cheese 4x2
with the slightly sour taste


The powder products for soft machine, soft yogurt and with creamy texture, classic taste and hotter on the palate, or colder and with notes distinctly sour. Just add
4 liters of milk to the pre-dosed envelope and you’ll get about 8.5 liters of soft gelato.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

3008 YOGU SOFT 250 w.m. 1000g + 4l of milk frozen warm and creamy yogurt 12 x 1
3001 SOFT CHOCOLATE 250 w.m. 1000g + 4l of milk creamy and aromatic chocolate with an intense color and full flavor 12 x 1,1
3002 STRAWBERRY SOFT 250 w.m. 1000g + 4l of milk sweet and creamy strawberry with intense flavor 12 x 1
3007 VANILLA WHITE SOFT w.m. 1000g + 4l of milk soft aroma of vanilla gelato with a white color 12 x 1
2904 NEUTRAL BASE “VERO GELATO” for SOFT 820g + 3l milk + paste base for soft gelato typical consistency of the gelato is to be flavored 12 x 820


The powder products for soft machine, soft yogurt and with creamy texture, classic taste and hotter on the palate, or colder and with notes distinctly sour. Just add
4 liters of milk to the pre-dosed envelope and you’ll get about 8.5 liters of soft gelato.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

2899 YOGUNATURA (FROZEN YOGURT) 1650g + 4l of water the typical frozen yogurt for soft machines, fresh on the palate and with acid notes 8 x 1,65
3018 YOGU SOFT 250 w.w. 1700g + 4l of water frozen warm and creamy yogurt 8 x 1,7
3011 SOFT CHOCOLATE 450w.m. 1800g + 4l of water creamy and aromatic chocolate with an intense color and full flavor 8 x 1,8
3012 STRAWBERRY SOFT 425 w.m. 1700g + 4l of water sweet and creamy strawberry with intense flavor 8 x 1,7
3017 VANILLA BIANCA SOFT 425 w.w. 1700g + 4l of water soft aroma of vanilla gelato with a white color 8 x 1,7

• 20
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

SAUCES for dessert

Tastes for your creativity. A complete range which goes from classic flavors to the most refined recipes. A collection of tastes and colors to enrich art and imagina-
tion your gelato.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

248 BLACK CHERRY choice new richer recipe 6x1

188 COFFEE choice new richer recipe 6x1
180 CARAMEL choice new richer recipe 6x1
185 CHOCOLATE choice new richer recipe 6x1
205 STRAWBERRY choice new recipe with 30% of strawberries 6x1
1980 MIXED BERRIES choice new recipe with 30% of berries 6x1
250 GIANDUIELLA choice new richer recipe 6x1
2447 GINGER choice new richer recipe 6x1
878 KIWI choice new recipe with 15% kiwi 6x1
192 RASPBERRY choice new richer recipe 6x1
269 MANGO choice new recipe with 22% of mango 6x1
2448 MARACUJA choice new recipe with 23% of maracuja 6x1
689 BLUEBERRY choice new recipe with 25% of blueberries 6x1
179 HAZELNUT choice new richer recipe 6x1
266 HAZELNUT AND COCOA choice new richer recipe 6 x 950g
2449 BAKED PEARS choice new recipe with 16% of baked pears 6x1
291 TIRAMISÚ choice new richer recipe 6x1
217 VANILLA choice new richer recipe 6x1
710 ZABAGLIONE choice new richer recipe 6x1

////////////////////////////////////// FROZEN YOGURT and SAUCE dessert • 21

/ product catalogue

Products full of taste, to which must be added the only milk or water for rapid production of gelato. The Pronti are available both for conventional machines to
make Italian gelato, and soft machines. Easy to use, easy to use for a guaranteed success, now with new formulation that gives the gelato a better texture and
better taste.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

2219 PRONTI with ACE taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water orange, carrot and lemon taste, with no added sugar 12 x 1,25
419 PRONTI with PINEAPPLE taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water pleasant and digestive like a ripe pineapple 12 x 1,25
2220 PRONTI with WATERMELON taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water a fantastic sorbet with a delicate taste of the most popular summer fruit 12 x 1,25
2225 PRONTI with BANANA taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water the ripe banana taste 12 x 1,25
2481 PRONTI with COFEE taste sgi 1250g + 2,3 l of water quality coffee gelato, quick to prepare and without hydrogenated fats 12 x 1,25
2877 PRONTI with CINNAMON taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water gelato with the sweet and delicate notes of one of the most renowned and beloved spice 12 x 1,25
2879 PRONTI with COCONUT taste sgi 1400g + 2,5 l of water intense notes of coconut meat 12 x 1,4
2268 PRONTI COFFE CREAM sgi 1000g + 2 l of milk the coffee cream with an intense arabica coffee taste 12 x 1
2222 PRONTI with STRAWBERRY taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water a classic and fresh taste of sweet ripe strawberries 12 x 1,25
2223 PRONTI with BERRIES taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water a mix of delicate red fruits for a scented cream with a delicate flavor 12 x 1,25
1992 PRONTI with LIMONCELLO taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water with the typical Sorrento lemons taste 12 x 1,25
1993 PRONTI with SICILY LEMON taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water Sicilian lemons with intense flavor, very good end meal digestif 12 x 1,25
1951 PRONTI with TANGERINE taste sgi NEW 1250g + 2,5 l of water fresh tangerine sorbet, intense and refreshing 12 x 1,25
1991 PRONTI with GREEN APPLE taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water a famous end meal in the world of restaurant 12 x 1,25
2221 PRONTI with MELON taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water fresh and delicate flavor of ripe melons 12 x 1,25
1994 PRONTI with PINK GRAPEFRUIT taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water with the pink colour and a full, sweet taste 12 x 1,25
2884 PRONTI with TROPICAL taste sgi 1250g + 2,5 l of water a successful mix of the best tropical fruits 12 x 1,25
2445 PRONTI YOGURT (+ water) sgi 1700g + 2,6 l of water delicate and creamy yogurt ideal mixed with fresh fruit 12 x 1,7
2226 PRONTI YOGURT (+ milk) sgi 1250g + 2,8 l of milk delicate and creamy yogurt ideal mixed with fresh fruit 12 x 1,25

• 22
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

Products full of taste, to which must be added the only milk or water for rapid production of gelato. For better solubilization of the powder preparation it’s recom-
mended the use of boiling hot water.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

2677 CHOCOLATE PRONTI BLACK EDITION sgi w.w. 1700g + 2,5 l of water the top, with the intensive extra dark chocolate flavor 17% 12 x 1,7
2227 CHOCOLATE PRONTI BITTER sgi w.m. 1400g + 2,8 l of milk bitter chocolate with no hydrogenated fats 12 x 1,4
2458 COCOA PRONTI WITHOUT SIN KAMPAI w.w. 1100g + 2 l of water 0% fat, 0% of sugars. For those who love their body 12 x 1,1
2417 COCOA PRONTI WITHOUT REGRET SIN KAMPAI 1500g + 3 l of milk low glycemic index consumable by people with diabetes 6 x 1,5
497 SABAUDO CHOCOLATE PRONTI with chopped GHANA sgi 1800g + 2,5 l of water dark chocolate with aromatic crispy chopped Ghana Cocoa 8 x 1,8
2231 DARK CHOCOLATE PRONTI SGI NEW 1200 g + 2,4 l of milk dark chocolate, made in the best tradition in Turin if, without added flavors 12 x 1,2
+ 0,4 kg of cream
2882 READY MILK CHOCOLATE SGI NEW PASTE 1250 g + 2,8 l of hot milk typical milk chocolate with well-defined aromatic notes of cocoa 6 x 1,25
201 READY WHITE CHOCOLATE SGI NEW PASTE 1200 g + 2,7 l of hot milk white chocolate with vanilla notes 6 x 1,2
+100 g of water
6701 BASE FOR CHOCOLATE MAGNIFICO GIOARI NEW 1,05 kg base + 750 g neutral base for chocolate sorbet (vegan, lactose intolerant and palm free) 12 x 1,05
+ 2,5 Kg hot water
6702 MAGNIFICO MADAGASCAR GIOARI NEW 750 g + 1,05 kg (6701) + 2,5 Kg ready to use for sorbet with dark chocolate Madagascar 71% 6 x 0,75
hot water
6703 MAGNIFICO ECUADOR GIOARI NEW 750 g + 1,05 kg (6701) + 2,5 Kg ready to use for sorbet with dark chocolate Ecuador 74% 6 x 0,75
hot water
6704 MAGNIFICO VENEZUELA GIOARI NEW 750 g + 1,05 kg (6701) + 2,5 Kg ready to use for sorbet with dark chocolate Venezuela 71% 6 x 0,75
hot water

COCOA based ingredients

drops Pure Dutch Cocoa: very aromatic With special flavor and intense.
Pure chocolate with 60% cocoa: is used to and cheap. With 20% of cocoa. cod. 1420 packaging/kg 1 x 10
Blend of the finest quality cocoa and ar-
replace 50% of the cocoa of the gelato mak- cod. 4005 packaging/kg 6 x 2
omatic, with full-bodied taste and very
er to eliminate the feeling of grittiness in the CACAO CORTES
dark colour on the finished gelato. With
chocolate gelato. Central America 22-24% cocoa mix powder.
22 -24% of cocoa butter.
cod. 4003 packaging/kg 1 x 10 cod. 1029 packaging/kg 4 x 2,5
cod. 4001 packaging/kg 4 x 2.5

////////////////////////////////////// Pre-dosed taste “PRONTI” • 23

/ product catalogue

Our variegati are not limited to the simple imitation of the taste but recreate the same sweet multi-sensory experience (pasty/crispy, hot/cold, bitter/sweet, etc...).

| cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

1011c CHERRY variegato S full of delicious cherries in pieces 2 x 3,5

1986c MEGAMARENA variegato S rich in whole Italian cherries 2 x 3,5
1102 CARAMEL variegato S with the typical taste of caramelized sugar 2 x 3,5
9941 CARAMEL variegato SPECIAL SELECTION S top of the range with strong notes of caramelized sugar 6x1
1258 CASSIS variegato S with black current and intense colour 2 x 3,5
2126 CIOCCOARANCIOTTO variegato M dark chocolate with citrus notes 2 x 3,5
2321 CIOCCOWAFER variegato (NUT ROCK) S chocolate sauce with crumbled wafer 2 x 3,5
2777 WHITE FIG variegato S white figs in pieces of amber color and a consistency of a rich jam 2 x 3,5
1664c STRAWBERRY variegato S with first choice strawberries in pieces 2 x 3,5
1131c BERRIES variegato S with first choice berries 2 x 3,5
2119 GALATELLA variegato S with marked white chocolate flavor 2 x 3,5
1829 GIANDUIELLA variegato S with the typical taste of the spreadable famous cream 1 x 13
2743 GOLOSO variegato S with the typical taste of the famous spreadable cream, very creamy 2 x 3,5
1987 IPERGIANDUIELLA variegato S with the strong taste of cocoa and hazelnuts 1 x 10
1041c RASPBERRY variegato S with first choice wild raspberry 2 x 3,5
2767c TAHITI LEMON variegato S the taste of lime (lemon Tahiti) green and with candied lemon peel 2 x 3,5
9956 MALAGA variegato SPECIAL SELECTION S very rich in Andalusian raisins flavored with rum variegato 12 x 0,4
2652C MARACUJA variegato NEW S pulp of maracuja with seeds variegato 2 x 3,5
2832 FRESH MINT variegato S variegato with colour and taste of mint to use as it is or added 2 x 3,5
2831 HAZELNUT PREMIUM variegato with chopped hazelnut S with hazelnuts selected and rich in aromatic chopped hazelnuts 2 x 3,5
1036 NOCCIOLÍ variegato SPECIAL SELECTION S with small hazelnut meringues immersed in a gianduja sauce 2 x 5,5
1790c PESCA ARANCIA variegato S fresh and delicious combination of peaches and ripe oranges 2 x 3,5
2739 PISTACCHIO variegato with grain S greedy pistachio sauce 2 x 3,5
2299 MILK RICE variegato S white chocolate sauce with puffed rice 2 x 4,2
6028 STRACCIATELLA variegato M traditional cover with cocoa 2 x 3,5
1988 SUPERSTRACCIATELLA variegato M traditional cover with cocoa enriched with pure chocolate 2 x 3,5
2966 TOFFEE variegato S toffee taste, the classic mou perfect accompaniment to the Salty Peanut Set 2 x 3,5
2967 TROZITOS variegato S sweet chocolate, with rich wafers 2 x 3,5
2037 KELLOGG’S FROSTIES variegato S the variegato with the famous corn flakes glazed with sugar 2 x 3,5
2063 KELLOGG’S EXTRA variegato S the variegato with the famous crispy oat cereal 2 x 3,5

• 24
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans | S spreadable | M mixable


All variegati successful Aromitalia products, keep unchanged in the gelato crispness and fragrance of the inclusions. Free your imagination and variegate your
gelato with authentic goodness.

| cod. | product | description | packaging/kg

1446 BON BON R.. variegato M the typical taste of chocolate, hazelnut and wafers praline 2 x 3,5
3090 BROWNIE variegato NEW S irresistible chocolate sauce rich in soft, real brownie cubes 2x3
1883 COFFEE BREAK variegato M chocolate cover with crispy sugar grains 2 x 3,5
2992 CUSTARD variegato S custard ripple with a delicate meringue crunch 2x3
2990 CREME ROYALE variegato S chocolate and crunchy meringue variegato 2 x 5,5
3107 CREME de la CREME variegato NEW S tasty chocolate sauce enriched with a grainy meringue 2 x 5,5
2320c DULCE DE LECHE variegato S the famous Argentinian cooked cream 2 x 3,5
3096 DIGESTIVE NOIR E ORANGE variegato NEW S a soft dark chocolate sauce with many pieces of real digestive 2 x 5,5
246 SHORTCRUST PASTRY variegato S chopped shortcrust pastry in white cream 2 x 3,5
1656 GIOTTO variegato S white chocolate and coconut milk cover with chopped biscuits and hazelnuts 2 x 3,5
1232 GIVE ME FIVE variegato S soft chocolate ripple with 5 puffed cereals (rice, wheat, buckwheat, barley, spelt) 2 x 2,5
2329 GRAN TORRONE variegato S with real chopped torrone 2 x 3,5
2374 GRANDE GASBY variegato S chocolate with pieces of cocoa biscuit gluten free 2 x 3,5
2918 + BUONO variegato S milk chocolate with flaky puffs of wafers 2 x 5,5
3030 + BUONO BIANCO variegato NEW S hazelnut cremino rich of crisp wafer 2 x 5,5
1828 MERINGA variegato M sauce of white chocolate taste with chopped meringue and biscuits 2 x 3,5
1036 NOCCIOLÍ variegato NEW S with small hazelnut meringues dipped in a gianduja sauce 2x3
2868 ORONERO variegato S extra black chocolate with chopped original cookie 2 x 5,5
2995C PANETTONE variegato S candied fruit and soft raisins variegato 2 x 5,5
2065 PROFITTEROLES rvariegato S with marzipan cream puffs 2 x 3,5
2259 SCOTTISH COOKIES variegato S dark chocolate ripple with pieces of shortcrust pastry without gluten 2 x 5,5
3103 SNACK IT variegato NEW S soft caramel cremino variegation enriched with crunchy waffles 2 x 3,5
2986 SPECULOOS variegato S famous biscuit speculaas chopped as variegato 2 x 5,5
2262c TIRAMISÚ variegato (concentrate without pieces) S sauce to the typical taste as coffee wet and cocoa of the dessert 2x4
2365 LEMON PIE variegato S a soft white chocolate ripple with with egg biscuit 2 x 3,5
2993 APPLE PIE variegato S the delicate apple cubes variegato 2 x 5,5
2897 TRES LECHES variegato S cooked cream milk and sugar with pieces of sponge cake variegato 2 x 3,5

////////////////////////////////////// The VARIEGATO • 25

/ product catalogue


| cod. | product at your choice | description | packaging/kg
2379 Chopped AMARETTO chopped selected amaretti 6x1
2382 Chopped CHOCOLATE COOKIES gluten free chopped chocolate biscuits for gluten free decoration 6x1
2383 Chopped MERINGUE chopped italian meringue 4x1
5106 Chopped HAZELNUT chopped selected hazelnut for decoration 6x1
9875 Whole HAZELNUT SPECIAL VERSION whole toasted igp hazelnut from Piemonte 6x1

| cod. | product at your choice | description | packaging/kg
5011 BLACK CHERRY whole fruit Spanish cherries with cherry liquid 2x5

Skinny Milk in Powder 1% mg can Substitute skinny milk in powder 1% mg Substitute of the whole milk powder 26% Mixture 50% of special sugars and egg
be used as supplement to low-fat can be used as supplement of the low-fat of of fat: the fat component is plant type yolk: pasteurized product, can be used in
solids of milk or as an ingredient to solids of milk. It can not be used as an in- and not animal. Advanteges: cheaper, all circumstances even when cold, no fur-
rebuild the 100% liquid milk. gredient to reconstitute at the 100% the neutral, more shelf-life. ther pasteurization.
cod. 5105 packaging/kg 15 x 1 liquid milk. Advantages: low cost. cod. 739 packaging/kg 8 x 2 cod. 5118 packaging/kg 6 x 1.25
cod. 738 packaging/kg 8 x 2


Preservative solution for maintain- Liqueur based on coffee and sugar to wet Ancient Tuscan ideal liquor for the prepa-
ing the fresh fruit into pieces. ideal for dunking biscuits for tiramisu. ration of high-pastry desserts including
cod. 2888 packaging/kg 6 x 1 cod. 4070 packaging/kg 2 x 3 the famous trifle.
cod. 4073 packaging/kg 2 x 3

• 26
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

These creams are suitable for use at gelato shops and for preparing confectionery specialties. Perfect for creating layered chocolate creams, they can be poured as
is directly in the batch freezer or used as garnishing. In confectionery, they are ideal for creating semi-frozen desserts, pralines and fillings.


The original, irresistible cream with an The range of Giandujella Extra and Galatella A pure white chocolate cream, with a deli-
intense flavour of delicate hazelnuts and Extra CREAMS is now enriched with a new cate flavour, perfect for gelato shops and
cocoa. product: the Extra Bitter Cream, with an irreplaceable for garnishing semi-frozen
cod. 2793 packaging/kg 2 x 4 intense dark chocolate flavour, to be used desserts and pralines, poured as it is on the
as it is in the tub or for garnishing gelato or bottom of the cone or directly in the tub.
desserts. cod. 2886 packaging/kg 2 x 4
cod. 2965 packaging/kg 2 x 4


In a pan well cooled depositing a layer ripple gelato, bring it down, then pour a layer of about 400 g (large pan ⩌) or 300 g (small pan ⩐) of creme and bring it
down again. Continue this operation for all the layers in order to obtain a “cremino” gelato type.

- cod. 909 + cod. 2739
- cod. 2965 + cod. 2886

80% Crema Extra Bitter cod. 2965 + 20% Crema Galatella Extra cod. 2886

Extra Almond gelato cod. 909 + ⩐ 300 / ⩌ 450 g variegato Pistachio cod. 2793

veiling of variegato Pistachio cod. 2793 + pistachio powder

80% Crema Extra Bitter cod. 2965 + 20% Crema Galatella Extra cod. 2886

Extra Almond gelato cod. 909 + ⩐ 300 / ⩌ 450 g variegato Pistachio cod. 2793

- cod. 2396 - cod. 2395
- cod. 2965 - cod. 2886

80% Crema Extra Bitter cod. 2965 + 20% Crema Galatella Extra cod. 2886*

Jamaica Set cod. 2396 (gelato + ⩐ 300 / ⩌ 450 g of gelato variegato

veiling of Jamaica variegato cod. 2395

80% Crema Extra Bitter cod. 2965 + 20% Crema Galatella Extra cod. 2886

Jamaica Set cod. 2396 (gelato + ⩐ 300 / ⩌ 450 g of gelato variegato

*Sprinkle with cocoa powder

////////////////////////////////////// Products for DECORATION, the “ESSENTIAL” and CREMES • 27

/ product catalogue


Transform flavoring pastes in fantastic frozen desserts with the ingredients for dessert Aromitalia.

| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

9804 MERINGA ITALIANA PRONTI SPECIAL SELECTION 300g + 150g of water product in powder form for preparation of the famous Italian meringue 6 x 1,5
1214 SOFFICE IN PASTA PRONTI 300g + 1 l creme paste product for the preparation of neutral taste semifreddo 2x4
2864 SOFFICE DRY PRONTI 200g + 1 l creme powder product for the preparation of neutral taste semifreddo 4x2
7080 CUSTARD PRONTI 300g + 1 l whole milk powder product for the preparation of custard with lemon note 6 x 1,5
639 CHARLOTTE BASE PRONTI NEW 200g + 300g milk + 1 l cream powder product for the fast preparation of Charlotte, Parfait and Bavaresi 4 x 2
7170 CREME FOR STUFFING PRONTI NEW 300g + 1 l milk powder product to produce cold cream suitable for fillings and stuffing 6 x 1,75

| cod. | product choice | description | packaging/kg

1617 STRAWBERRY GELOGLASS transparent glaze of red strawberry ideal for flat surfaces such as little mousse glasses and tarts 2 x 3,5
1609 LEMON GELOGLASS transparent glaze of yellow lemon ideal for flat surfaces such as little mousse glasses and tarts 2 x 3,5
1612 NEUTRAL GEOGLASS transparent neutral glaze ideal for flat surfaces such as little mousse glasses and tarts 2 x 3,5
1614 TRASPARENT GLAZE neutral transparent glaze maintains transparency and lucidity at negative temperatures, ideal for frosting 2 x 3,5
surfaces mirror and spherical surfaces.
1613 CHOCOLATE GLAZE chocolate glaze keeps the color intact without opacification with opaque effect and lucidity at negative 2 x 3,5
temperature, ideal for frosting flat or spherical surfaces, guarantees an always clean cut
4010 ROYAL BITTER NEW chocolate mousse ideal for frosting cakes (sacher type) and covers 2x4

• 28
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans


Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1000 g fresh cream 35% m.g. • 340 g whole liquid milk • 300 g Italian Merignue 9804 • 1200 g semifreddo base
• 200 g Soft Dry Preparation cod. 2864 • 100 g Custard cod. 7080 • 150 g Water • 160 g Greedy Peach Paste cod. 2124
Mehod: Mehod: Mehod: • 440 g Custard
weigh and mix all the ingredients in the blend with immersion blender for 2-3 min- mix the product with cold water and mount • 200 g cubes peaches in syrup
planetary, break down for 2 minutes, and utes. in a perfectly clean planetary and defatted Mehod:
finally assembled in planetary at medi- at full speed for 10 minutes. Mix the custard with Greedy Peach Paste
um speed. cod. 2124, subsequently incorporate the
semifreddo base with a soft palette.

WHIPPING THE DESSERT (for a cake of ∅ 18 cm)

Method: using a ring for semifreddo with a diameter of 18 cm at the bottom to have a base of
sponge cake with chocolate, then create a layer of caramelized peaches in syrup and finish the
cake with the peach bavarese rippled using the Amaretto cod. 2125.
Finally add the surface a layer of cream Gianduiosa Extra cod. 2793. Garnish with flamed me-
ringue, fan of peaches and nest in chocolate wires.


Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1000 g fresh cream 35% m.g. • 340 g whole liquid milk
• 200 g Soft Dry Preparation cod. 2864 • 100 g Custard cod. 7080
blend with immersion blender for 2-3 minutes.
weigh and mix all the ingredients in the
planetary, break down for 4 - 5 minutes,
and finally assembled in planetary at
medium speed.

WHIPPING THE DESSERT (for 15 glasses of 100g)

Method: cut the strawberries into thin slices and place them in crown on the bottom of the glass.
In the central part, after depositing the strawberry charlotte with sac a poche, rippling with
Strawberry ripple cod. 1664C. Frosting on the surface with Strawberry Geloglass cod. 1617 and
decorate with fresh strawberries cut into pink and wires of myelin.

////////////////////////////////////// SEMIFREDDI e ingredients for PASTRY-MAKING • 29

/ product catalogue

Ingredients for preparing delicious granita, delicate cold creams and sorbets
for granita machine. Fast, easy to use and successful. Newly formulated.

| cod. | product | dosage | packaging/kg

1043 ACE (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95

1071 BLACK CHERRY (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1026 WATERMELON (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1021 ORANGE (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1038 COFFEE (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
GRANIMIX 1037 STRAWBERRY (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
Fresh and refreshing granita friend of a hot 1009 KOLA (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
summer in convenient jars to be mixed with 1022 LEMON (syrup taste) 600g + 4 l of water 6 x 0,6
water and then pour into the granita machine. 1044 LOCORICE (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1040 GREEN APPLE (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1042 MELON (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1039 MINT (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95
1028 PEACH (syrup taste) 950g + 4 l of water 4 x 0,95

| cod. | product | dosage | packaging/kg

2423 COFFEE 1000g + 3 l of milk 8x1

2641 COFEE PREMIUM SGI 900g + 1 l of milk + 1 l of cream + 8 coffee cup 8 x 0,9
2425 CHOCOLATE 1300g + 3 l of milk 8 x 1,3
COLD CREAM 2640 ESPRESSINO PREMIUM SGI 750g + 2,5 l of milk 8 x 0,75
Delicate cold cream, fleshy and soft in premeas-
ured envelope, must be added whole milk or 2424 WHITE ESPRESSINO 1000g + 2,5 l of milk 8x1
water and then pour into the granita machine. 2426 YOGURT 1000g + 3 l of milk 8x1
2637 YOGURT PREMIUM SGI 800g + 3 l of milk 8 x 0,8
2638 LEMON SORBET PREMIUM SGI 1000g + 3 l of water 8x1
2639 SWEET LOCIRICE SORBET NEW 1000g + 3 l of water or 3 l of water + 1 l of milk 8x1
2830 SOFT YOGURT NEW 850g + 2 l of milk 12 x 0,85

| cod. | product | dosage | packaging/kg

2432 PLEASING LEMON NEW 1100g + 3 l of water 8 x 1,1

SORBETS 2433 GREEN APPLE 1100g + 3 l of water 8 x 1,1
Creamy and full-bodied all seasons sorbets for
granita machine in premeasured envelope to be 2435 MELON 1100g + 3 l of water 8 x 1,1
mixed with water and then pour into the gra- 2436 PINK GRAPEFRUIT 1100g + 3 l of water 8 x 1,1
nita machine. 2437 TROPICAL 1100g + 3 l of water 8 x 1,1

• 30
sga without fat | sgi without hydrogenated fats | gluten free | product suitable for vegans

KAMPAI line healthy by nature

A full range of ice cream ingredients that meet the demands of those consumers particularly attentive to health aspects
and calorie content. Do not give up ice cream, but choose carefully, suited to your body. Healthy products on principle.

Sucrose-free, without any dairy product, with fructose. Suitable for people intolerant to dairy products.
| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

2405 COCOA SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with cocoa taste 12 x 1,5
2406 CAPPUCCINO SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with coffee taste 12 x 1,5
2407 COCONUT SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with coconut taste 12 x 1,5
2408 YOGURT SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with creamy yogurt taste 12 x 1,5
2409 TROPICAL SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with tropical fruit taste 12 x 1,5
2410 VANILLA SOY 1500g + 3 l of water without milk products with intense vanilla taste 12 x 1,5
2742 NEUTRAL SOY 1500g + 3 l of water neutral base without dairy products 12 x 1,5

lactose content of less than 0.1 g per 100g
| cod. hot cold | product | description | packaging/kg
1848 BASE ALL NATURAL C for MILK all-natural fibers that compose it help to release better taste of the finished gelato 8x2
1523 BASE DELATTOSATA for MILK SGI Premeasured base for milk gelato without lactose, to produce with the addition of hot water 12 x 1,6
1527 VEGAN BASE F Premeasured base for milk gelato without lactose, to produce with the adding hot water 12 x 1,4
9022 BASE ALL NATURAL C/F for FRUIT base for preparing fruit ice creams, without emulsifier and fat, with fibers 8x2
0% fat, 0% of sugars. For those who love their body.
| dosage
| cod. | product | description | packaging/kg
2461 YOGURT 1100g + 3 l of skimmed milk creamy yogurt and sugar with the correct acid content 12 x 1,1
2462 VANILLA 1100g + 2 l of milk delicate flavor of vanilla Bourbon without fat and sugar 12 x 1,1
2459 NEUTRAL FRUIT BASE without sin 1100g + 1,55 l of water + 1,3 of fruit neutral 0% fat fruit 0% sugar gelato with fresh fruit 12 x 1,1
2648 NEUTRAL MILK BASE without sin 1100g + 2 l of water neutral Milk base fat 0% 0% sugar 12 x 1,1
Ingredients to make ice cream with low glycemic index perfectly consumable by diabetic people.
| cod. | product | dosage | description | packaging/kg

2443 VANILLA N b.i.g. (Low glycemic index) SGI 1300g + 3 l of milk vanilla with low glycemic index sugar 6 x 1,3
2420 STRAWBERRY N b.i.g. (Low glycemic index) SGI 980g + 800g fruit + 2 l of water fragola with low glycemic index sugar 6 x 0,98
2421 LEMON b.i.g. (Low glycemic index) SGI 980g + 800g fruit + 2 l of water lemon with low glycemic index sugar 6 x 0,98
2419 MILK BASE b.i.g. (Low glycemic index) SGI 1005g + 3 l of milk milk base low glycemic index sugar 12 x 1,05
1146 FRUIT BASE b.i.g. (Low glycemic index) SGI 980g + 800g fruit + 2 l of water fruit base low glycemic index sugar 6 x 0,98

////////////////////////////////////// Wellness “KAMPAI line Healthy for Nature” and “GRANBAR” line for granita machine • 31
/ product catalogue

G.E.I. S.p.A. NECTAR Kft NATUROMA GIDA San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Strada Cebrosa 23/25 Str. Károly Király út 145 Degirmenköy Fevzipasa Mah. Hakimbey
10036 Settimo Torinese (TO) ITALY 2040 Budaörs UNGHERIA Sokak No 6/b Kinikli Mevkii, Silivri
ph. +39 011 8182301 tel./fax +36 23 430002 Tr 34586 Istambul TURCHIA
fax +39 011 887865 ungheria@aromitalia.com tel./fax +90 212 7353771
customercare@aromitalia.com turchia@aromitalia.com

HELIT S.A. Natural.it Sp.z.o.o. Sodaleh & Helados s.a.

Mitre 5186 Ul. Wroclawska 8 Antonio Basantes 0 el 137 y Antonio Flor
1650 San Martin Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 26-600 RADOM POLONIA Quito ECUADOR
ph.+54 11 47527939 tel. +48 48 3602793 tel. +593 2 2483334
fax +54 11 47544717 polonia@aromitalia.com ecuador@aromitalia.com

Aromitalia do Brasil LTDA Aromitalia China

Av. Santos Dumont 4805 269 Andelusi Manor Gaobeidian Road 181
Zona Industrial Norte 89219-730 Joinville/SC BRASIL Chaoyang District Beijing 100023 CHINA
ph. +55 47 31452656 tel. +86 01058707881
fax +55 47 34737359 china@aromitalia.com

Natural.it Messico S.A. de C.V.

Bd. Aeropuerto Miguel Aleman 154
local 10 - Z.Ind. Lerma 52000 MEXICO
ph.+52 728 2840037
fax +52 728 2840039

Aromitalia Usa
4257 Domino Avenue Building 2
North Charleston SC 29405 USA
tel. +1 843 5661330

Aromitalia Iberica S.A.

Carrer Duran i Reynals 22
Sant Quirze del Valles 08192 SPAIN
ph.+34 93 7120826
fax +34 93 7120746

Helit Italian Flavour S.r.L.

Sos Dod de Centura 13
Chiajna, Judet. Ilfov, Bucarest ROMANIA
ph. +40 02 13120180

• 32

• 33
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