Slag PDF
Slag PDF
Slag PDF
November 1998
Steelmaking slag includes blast furnace (“BF") iron slag, and basic oxygen furnace
("BOF") and electric arc furnace ("EAF") steel slag types. EAF mills produce steel
generally by remelting scrap steel. Integrated mills, on the other hand, produce steel
principally by combining molten BF iron with scrap steel in the BOF. 2/ In each of these
processes, input materials (iron ore, scrap metal, fluxing agents such as lime, etc.) are
charged to a furnace, refined, and heated beyond their melting points. Two or more
liquids are formed when these materials reach a state of complete fusion. The liquid with
the lowest specific gravity forms a layer on the surface of the melt that is called slag. The
slag is either poured or skimmed off the underlying liquid metal. The liquid metal, iron or
1/ The three risk assessments were performed by ChemRisk (a Service of McLaren/Hart, Inc.) ("ChemRisk").
2/ BF iron is transformed into steel in the basic oxygen furnace or cast into ingot (pigs) and sold. steel, is cast into
various forms (e.g., ingots, slabs. and billets) for sale or further processing.
Producing BF, BOF, and EAF slags is an important step in the iron/steel making
process. During this process, substances that are incompatible with iron and steel are
removed by forming complex metallic and nonmetallic oxides. Chemically, steelmaking
slag is a complex matrix structure consisting primarily of oxides of calcium, iron, silicon,
aluminum, magnesium, and manganese in complexes of calcium silicates,
aluminosilicates and aluminoferite. These compounds are generally similar to those
found in the natural environment. At lower temperature, these individual oxidized
components would not be fusible, but at a typical operating temperature of about 1600°C
in the furnace, these materials are easily fused and captured in the slag. The matrix tightly
binds metals found in steelmaking slag, and these metals are not readily liberated from
the slag particles. Consequently, the metals in slag are not easily leached into the
environment and therefore, are not readily available for uptake by humans, other animals
or plants.
After removal from the furnace, the slag is transported into a cooling pit, either
directly or via pots depending on the distance between the pit and the furnace. The
physical characteristics, density, porosity, and particle size of slag are determined, in part.
by the cooling rate and process. Three types of slag cooling methods are most common:
air-cooled, expanded. and granulated 3/ Cooling also enables the slag to be transported to
the processing area. Between production and sale of the slag to the customer, there often
is a time lag that is necessary to make the slag an effective material for many of its uses.
New slag often is
3/ BF slag may be air-cooled, granulated. or expanded, whereas EAF and BOF slags typically are air-cooled. The U.S.
Geological Survey ("USGS") 1997 Annual Review explained the various cooling processes as follows:
Air-cooled slag is produced by allowing the molten slag to cool slowly in air in an open pit. When the material solidifies
under slow cooling conditions, escaping gases leave. behind a porous, low-density aggregate. When formed under controlled
rapid cooling in air (quenching), the slag tends to be hard and dense, making it especially suitable for use in road base and
similar structural applications. Expanded slag is formed through controlled rapid cooling of molten slag in water or in water
with a combination of steam and compressed air. Steam and other gases enhance the porosity and vesicular nature of the slag,
resulting in a lightweight aggregate suitable for use in concrete. Granulated slag is produced by quenching (rapid cooling) the
molten slag into glass by using high-pressure water jets.
USGS, U.S. Department of Interior ("DOI"), Mineral Industry Surveys: Slag --Iron and Steel. 1997 Annual Review (August
1998) (" USGS Slag Survey").
4/ For example, incomplete hydration of slag used in a construction application, such as asphalt in road building, may
swell as it absorbs water.
dry and contains high levels of free lime that can affect performance. Therefore, slag
typically will be stored and "cured" for about six months to hydrate and allow for
expansion of dicalcium silicate and to reduce the free-lime content to acceptable levels.
The slag then may be crushed, sized, and screened for sale for many different uses, such
as construction aggregate.
Steelmaking slag has been used commercially since at least the mid-19th century. It
is currently used in all industrialized countries, wherever steel is produced. Beginning in
the 20th century, many new uses for steelmaking slag were developed in a variety of
industries. Steel mills and slag processors work closely together to ensure that the
steelmaking slag remains a high quality product for current and future applications.
BF slag production ranges from about 220 to 370 kilograms per metric ton of pig
iron produced; although lower grade ores may yield much higher slag fractions. Based on
1997 production data, about 13 million tons of BF slag was produced in the United
States. Marketable BOF/EAF slag is about 10 to I5 percent by weight of steel output.5/
U.S. steel (BOF/EAF) slag production in 1997 amounted to about 17 million tons.6/ In
1997, iron and steel slag consumption totaled approximately 21.4 million tons valued at
about $147 million. Of this total, BF slag accounted for approximately 65 percent of the
tonnage and was worth about $118 million. Steel slags accounted for the remainder. 7/
The physical shape of slag particles is crucial to its value as a product. Slag
particles tend to be cubical with vesicular surfaces that allow the slag particles to
interlock. Accordingly, steelmaking slag is much more stable in formation than other
5/ A portion of the steel slag that is generated is entrained steel that generally is recovered and
returned to the furnace.
6/ See USGS Slag Survey at 1-2.
7/ USGS, DOI, Mineral Commodity Summaries: Iron and Steel Slag (Jan. 1998). Note that slag
production and availability is not a good indicator of consumption trends due to the time lag
necessary for curing. See USGS Slag Survey at 1.
Surfacing of stabilized shoulders, banks and other select material Bank stabilization (erosion control
aggregate) Gabions and riprap
Agricultural uses, such as soil remineralization and conditioning, pH supplement/liming agent. fertilizer
Controlled. granular fills, such as those for unpaved parking and storage areas. pipe and tank backfill. been
construction. and other industrial and construction activity At steel mills as construction aggregate or a
fluxing agent
Landscape aggregate
Trench aggregate/drain fields
Roofing granules .
Bulk filler (e.g., paints, plastics, adhesives)
such as limestone, sand, and gravel products, competes with slag for use as a construction
aggregate. Because slag is a renewable mineral resource, its use reduces the consumption
of natural resources by the construction industry. Examples of construction applications
of slag in the United States include: aggregate in asphaltic concrete; fill; unconfined
bases; shoulder stabilization; berm construction; railroad sub- base; base for walkways;
and rock wool insulation.
Slag also is used for agricultural purposes in the United States; principally as a pH
supplement/liming agent, soil conditioner, fertilizer, and remineralization agent. Table 1
provides a complete list of the major uses of steelmaking slag.
The many valuable uses detailed above make clear that steelmaking slag offers
significant benefits in terms of performance and the conservation of environmental
resources. As a superior alternative to natural aggregate in many of its uses, steelmaking
slag should be considered for more widespread use in construction, industrial,
agricultural, and residential applications. To address potential questions regarding the
safety of current and future uses of steelmaking slag, the Steel Slag Coalition initiated a
comprehensive study that culminated in the development of risk assessments for EAF,
BOF, and BF slag types. The study utilized worst-case exposure assumptions in the risk
calculations and several possible exposure scenarios to ensure the general applicability of
the risk assessment conclusions. The reports demonstrate conclusively that the use of
steelmaking slag poses no meaningful threat to human health or the environment.
The following discussion describes the risk assessment scope and process, and
summarizes the conclusions reached in the report. A thorough presentation and peer
review of the risk assessments is expected to be published in the scientific literature
during 1999 through a series of three articles developed by ChemRisk, the consultant
retained by the SSC to develop the reports.
uses of steelmaking slag, most conditions likely will be pH neutral (e.g., normal
environmental conditions).
Based upon the results of these tests, an initial screening process was conducted to
identify those constituents that should be included in the risk assessment. This process
was conducted pursuant to established EPA procedures and information in the scientific
literature. Metals were screened from consideration in the risk assessment if they were (1)
present in only very few samples (low detection frequency) 8/ (2) considered essential for
normal human growth and metabolism and, therefore, of extremely low potential toxicity
; or (3) below naturally occurring background soil levels.10/ Finally, the concentration of
those metals in slag present at levels greater than background were compared against
various state, regional EPA, and federal EPA health-based screening criteria for both
residential (including farmers) and non-residential (i. e,. industrial, construction,
commercial) scenarios.11/ If a metal exceeded at least one of these agency criteria, it was
retained for analysis in the risk assessment.
8/ The following metals were screened out due to low detection frequency for the three slag types:
(I) EAF -- thallium; (2) BOF -- beryllium; and (3) BF -- antimony, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,
mercury, silver and thallium.
9/ Iron, magnesium, calcium, carbon, sulfur, silicon, and phosphorous were screened out on this
10/ The following metals were determined to be present at less than or equal to naturally occurring
background levels in soil: (I) EAF -- aluminum, arsenic, barium. beryllium, cobalt. lead and mercury;
(2) BOF -- aluminum, barium. cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc; and (3) BF -- aluminum,
arsenic, barium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, tin. vanadium and zinc. Background soil levels were taken
from Dragun, J. and Chiasson, A., Elements in North American Soils (Hazardous Materials Control
Resources Institutes, 1991).
11/ The following state and EP A screening criteria were used: California, Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, EP A Region III Risk-Based Concentrations
("RBCs"), EP A Region IX Preliminary Remediation Goals ("PRGs"), and EP A Soil Screening Levels
("SSLs"). Because South Carolina uses Region III screening criteria, this state's requirements inherently
are addressed. New York utilizes background levels for screening metals in soil based on the state's
position that the potential for metals to leach from soil and impact groundwater must be assessed on a
site-specific basis. Hence, in New York, any level in excess of background requires a site-specific health
risk assessment or remedial action. As the risk assessments include a slag-specific groundwater analysis,
New York guidance inherently is addressed.
In addition, the results of the TCLP and ASTM leaching tests were used to
determine if any metals in slag potentially would affect groundwater and surface water
bodies. These test results were compared to the appropriate TCLP/drinking water quality
standards and EPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria.
The initial screening process allowed the risk assessment to focus on a limited set
of slag constituents, or "chemicals of interest." In general, the levels of metals in
steelmaking slag were lower than expected, and, similarly, leachability was found to be
very low. Table 2 presents the slag constituents that were identified through this
screening process for further evaluation in the risk assessments. The constituents are
grouped according to the relevant screening criteria.
assessment had three basic phases: (1) dose-response assessment; (2) exposure
assessment; and (3) risk characterization. The first phase, dose-response assessment,
presented the relevant toxicity values used for determining the dose of a substance (here,
the chemicals of interest ("COIs"» that would result in potentially adverse health effects.
The latest EPA-verified toxicity values were used for assessing potential noncarcinogenic
and carcinogenic impacts of relevant COls. The utilized values included reference doses
("RfDs"), reference concentrations ("RfCs"); cancer slope factors ("SFs"); and cancer
unit risk values ("URs").13/
Dose is based on the quantity of a COI that may enter the body through all
potential routes of exposure (i.e., oral (ingestion), dermal (contact), and inhalation).
Accordingly, the second phase in this risk assessment, exposure-assessment, quantified
exposures to COIs from the various uses of steelmaking slag. Highly conservative and
health-protective exposure assumptions were used to ensure broad applicability of the
risk assessments. Both Reasonable Maximum Exposure ("RME”) and Most Likely
Exposure ("MLE") levels14/ were determined using standard EPA default exposure
assumptions, information provided in the peer-reviewed literature, and slag-specific data.
Analyzed exposure parameters included: soil/slag ingestion rate, exposure
frequency/duration, oral bioavailability, body weight, averaging time, skin surface area
and slag-to-skin adherence factor, dermal absorption factor, dermal bioaccessibility,
inhalation rate, particulate emission factor, and particle size.15/
The many uses of steelmaking slag were grouped into nine generic Application
Scenarios based on similarity of exposure conditions. Exposures were quantified for
potentially exposed populations under each Application Scenario. Construction workers
potentially are exposed to slag from a variety of applications, such as the use of slag for
12/ The metals addressed for potential ecological impacts, aluminum and barium, were screened for inclusion in the risk
assessment on the basis of ASTM water leach test results.
13/ Toxicity values were obtained from EP A's Integrated Risk Information System ("IRIS") and, if unavailable in IRIS,
from EPA's Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables ("HEAST").
The final phase of this risk assessment, risk characterization, presented a review of
the exposure data and comparison to relevant toxicity levels to determine the risks
associated \1o'ith exposures to steelmaking slag. Noncarcinogenic health risks were
characterized by comparing the estimated doses to maximum "acceptable" doses. Such
risks typically are characterized using the hazard quotient ("HQ") approach determining
the ratio of the estimated average daily dose for a specific metal to the maximum
acceptable "safe" dose for that metal (i.e.. EPA's RfD). HQs less than one indicate that
the dose is below the level typically associated with a toxic effect and would be expected
to present no significant risk to human health.
The hazard index ("HI") approach was used to assess the noncarcinogenic health
risks associated with potential exposure to more than one metal in slag, and to account for
the potential additivity of effects from metals that impact similar biological endpoints.
The effects of all slag metals ("HQs") were assumed to be additive for purposes of the
risk assessment. HIs less than one indicate that exposure levels are acceptable. Two types
14/ EP A considers the RME as the highest exposure that is reasonably expected to occur at impacted sites, and is
determined using upper bound estimates for key exposure parameters. For example, the 95111 percentile estimates of
exposure parameters and the 95111 percentile upper confidence limit ("UCL ") of the arithmetic mean concentration for
metals in environmental media were used to quantify dose. The MLE is used to represent the median or average exposure in a
given population.
15/ Slag-specific data were collected with respect to oral bioavailability and particle size. The bioaccessibilty study
determined the fraction of metals in slag solubilized in biological fluids and available for absorption. The fraction of slag
particulates less than five micrometers in diameter was quantified to assess the inhalation dose based on the percentage of
slag that is respirable. EPA has determined that this size fraction is the most appropriate dose measure to use when applying
the inhalation RfD for manganese, the only COI relevant to assessing potential health effects related to the inhalation of slag
during certain construction activities.
of HIs were calculated: (1) a metal-specific HI that calculates risk from a particular metal
across all exposure pathways within each Application Scenario; and (2) a total HI that
presents the cumulative risk for all cars across all exposure pathways for each scenario.
The metal-specific HIs identify the relative contribution of each COI and exposure
pathway to the potential health risks for a particular scenario. The total HI represents the
highest potential risk associated with each exposure scenario.
The initial risk characterization, following EPA guidelines, was based on point
estimate calculations. This approach creates extremely conservative results by
compounding many single value, upper-bound parameters. For example, the RME
derived under the point estimate approach repeatedly uses upper-bound, or 95th percentile
values, for exposure parameters and site media, concentrations. This ultimately leads to
unrealistic and overly conservative estimates of health risk given that it is highly unlikely
that the worst case for all conditions would occur at the same time. EPA therefore
advocates the use of Monte Carlo analysis, if necessary, to address the significant
overestimates of risk that result from the point estimate approach.
Monte Carlo analyses were performed to refine the dose and hazard quotient
calculations related to inhalation exposures to manganese in the EAF and BOF reports,
and oral (incidental ingestion) exposures to beryllium in the BF report. Monte Carlo
analysis is a mathematical method that involves the calculation and use of a range of
exposure parameter values, rather than a single value (a point estimate), to more
accurately characterize the uncertainty and variability associated with specific exposure
For this risk assessment to be broadly applicable, highly conservative exposure
parameter values were assumed in both the Monte Carlo and point estimate analyses. For
example, it was assumed that individuals were exposed to the 95th percentile UCL or
maximum soil concentration for the entire duration of exposure, in most cases, 25 to 30
years. Thus, as noted above, while the risk assessments are not site-specific per se, the
worst-case exposure scenarios evaluated in the reports renders them generically
C. Results
The results of the three risk assessments demonstrate that BF, BOF, and EAF slags
are safe for use in a broad variety of applications and pose no significant risks to human
health or the environment. The key findings of the risk assessments are summarized
Neither the federal government nor any states currently regulate steelmaking slag
as a hazardous waste. At the federal level, slag that is processed and sold is not regulated
as a solid or hazardous waste by EPA.
Steelmaking slag is addressed more directly under the regulatory systems of key
slag producing states. RCRi\ provides individual states with broad discretionary authority
to fashion regulatory programs governing non-hazardous "solid wastes" pursuant to
relatively general federal guidance. Consequently, such state programs differ widely in
terms of both the scope of regulated materials and substantive requirements. Generally,
steelmaking slag either is specifically exempted from the state definition of "solid waste"
or labeled as a "coproduct" that is not a waste. Some of the more prominent state
regulations that affect steelmaking slag are highlighted below.
A. Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania system is notably complex and has been discussed as a potential
national model. Under Pennsylvania's residual waste management regulations,
steelmaking slag producers and processors have secured determinations from the state
Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP")17/ that their slag is a "coproduct" --
16/ The definition of "solid waste" is set forth in 40 C.F .R. § 261.2. BF and BOF slags are excluded
specifically from the federal definition of "hazardous waste" under the Bevell Amendment. See 40 C.F
.R. § 261.4(b )(7). EAF slag also does not exhibit any of the characteristics of a hazardous waste, as the
risk assessments discussed above demonstrate. See 40 C.F .R. § 261.3(a). The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court
of Appeals, in Owen Electric Steel Co. of South Carolina v. Browner, 37 F .3d 146 (1994), found that
slag processing areas may be considered solid waste management units under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRi\ "). The court's ruling does not affect slag that is processed and
rather than a "byproduct" or "waste" subject to regulation -- when used in place of natural
aggregate in certain applications. A "coproduct" is defined as a:
material generated by a manufacturing or production process, or an expended
material, of a physical character and chemical composition that is consistently
equivalent to the physical character and chemical composition of an intentionally
manufactured product or produced raw material, if the use of the material
presents no greater threat of harm to human health and the environment than
the use of the product or raw material.
25 Pa. Code § 287.1 (I997).18/ The "coproduct" definition also specifies that the term only
applies if the material is "transferred in good faith as a commodity in trade" or "to be
used by the manufacturer or producer of the material" in lieu "of an intentionally
manufactured product or produced raw material, without processing that would not be
required of the product or raw material, and the material is actually used on a regular
basis." 25 Pa. Code §§ 287.1 (1997).
18/ Pennsylvania defines "product" as a "commodity that is the sole or primary intended result of a manufacturing or
production process." 25 Pa. Code § 287.1.
19/ The existing language of the proposed amendments could make the coproduct showing
stricter by requiring that a coproduct not contain levels of hazardous constituents in excess of natural aggregate (or another
product/material) that slag is intended to replace. However, the preamble to the proposed amendments states that the addition
of new section 287.8 ("Coproduct Determinations") is intended to clarify existing DEP procedure. In addition, slag
processors in
( continued...)
B. Michigan
Michigan law provides a simple exclusion for "slag" from its definition of solid
waste. The statute provides that the definition of solid waste does not include "slag or
slag products directed to a slag processor or to a reuser of slag or slag products." Mich.
Compo Laws § 324.11506( I )(f). "Slag" is defined as "the nonmetallic product resulting
from melting or smelting operations for iron or steel." Id. § 324.11505(8). Under this
system, slag may be used in a variety of applications -- industrial, construction,
residential, or agricultural -- without the need to navigate or comply with extensive
administrative requirements or regulations.
C. Ohio
The State of Ohio also broadly excludes "slag and other substances that are not harmful
or ,. inimical to public health" from the definition of solid waste. Ohio Admin. Code §
3745-27-01(40).20/ Ohio EPA also has established an "interim policy" that encourages the
use of steel/blast furnace slag in asphalt and concrete. See Division of Surface Water,
Ohio EPA, Interim Final Policy DSW 0400.027, Use of Blast Furnace and Steel Slag
(June 1, 1995).21/ The policy also notes that blast furnace slag generally does not present
environmental problems when used as a construction
19/ (...continued)
Pennsylvania have commented that, for existing slag coproduct demonstrations, they already have demonstrated that slag
presents no greater threat of harm than natural aggregate.
Also, proposed section 287.9 would grant DEP the authority to make industry-wide coproduct determinations for
classes of material, if certain criteria are met. Steelmaking slag would be a candidate for such an industry-wide determination
given the large number of existing specific coproduct determinations for steelmaking slag.
20/ Ohio's definition of "solid waste" also is notable in its emphasis on "unwanted residual solid or semisolid material as
results from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and community operations . . .." Id. (emphasis added). Given the many
current and potential uses of slag described in the risk assessments (see below), steelmaking slag clearly is not an "unwanted"
material. In fact, it has substantial economic value and is a valuable product.
21/ While the interim policy expired on May 31, 1996 according to its original terms, in practice Ohio EP A has stated
that the policy still is in effect. Ohio EP A currently is attempting to incorporate the policy into its solid waste rules.
material, but should meet certain analytical requirements if used in aquatic environments
with poor drainage. Ohio EPA also requires that the processing, stockpiling, and storage
of steel/blast furnace slag meet applicable environmental regulations pertaining to dust
control and storm water runoff.
D. Indiana
Steelmaking slag arguably22/ is subject to the solid waste land disposal regulations
in the Indiana Administrative Code, specifically as a solid waste resulting from iron and
steel manufacturing or foundries under the definition of "industrial process waste." 329
Ind. Admin. Code. 10-2-95(5). However, the use of steelmaking slag is exempted from
these regulations if the use is "legitimate." See 329 Ind. Admin. Code. 10-3-1(13).
Specified legitimate uses include "use as a base for road building." Id. Other uses of
steelmaking slag, including for land reclamation. may be approved upon a determination
that such uses do not pose a threat to public health or the environment. Id. 10-3-1(15).
E. Illinois
Similar to Indiana's regulatory system, the State of Illinois exempts certain uses of
steelmaking slag from its requirements for steel industry wastes. See 35 Ill. Admin. Code
§ 817.10 I. The regulations do "not apply to the not otherwise prohibited use of iron and
steelmaking slags, including the use as a base for road building. . . [or] to the use or reuse
of iron and steelmaking slags . . . as ingredients in an industrial process to make a
product." Id § § 817.10 I (c) and (f). The sizing, shaping, and, sorting of slag by slag
processors should be considered such an "industrial process" to make a product -- namely
steelmaking slag as a replacement for natural aggregate in various construction,
industrial, residential, or agricultural applications. For land reclamation purposes,
22/ Because steelmaking slag, in fact. is a useful product of the steelmaking process, it should I
not be considered a waste. Therefore, steelmaking slag should not be covered by the Indiana or other
state solid waste regulations.
steelmaking slag only may be used upon a demonstration that such use will not cause an
exceedence of applicable groundwater standards. Id § 817.10 I (e). Uses of steelmaking
slag not exempt under the above provisions must meet the maximum allowable leaching
concentrations ("MALCs"), based on federal National Primary/Secondary Drinking
Water Standards, specified in section 817.106 for beneficially usable wastes. See id §
817.201. If these standards are met, the steelmaking slag then only may be used as a
substitute for commercially available materials. /d § 817.202(a).
Steelmaking slag -- specifically slag generated from EAFs. BOFs, and BFs during
the iron/steel making process -- has many important and environmentally safe uses. In
many applications, due to its unique physical structure, slag outperforms the natural
aggregate for which it is used as a replacement. Hence, not only does slag offer a superior
material for many construction, industrial, agricultural, and residential applications, but
the use of slag promotes the conservation of natural resources. As a result, the market for
slag has remained strong and, as further applications are promoted, is expected to grow.
The existence of this market and the broad variety of potential uses offered by
steelmaking slag demonstrate that it is clearly a safe, useful and valuable product and not
a "solid waste."
State and federal regulatory systems should recognize the value of steelmaking
slag as a product and remove unnecessary and burdensome administrative requirements
that may constrain its marketability. Many state regulatory systems, including those of
Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Indiana. Michigan, and Ohio -- states that account for over 50
percent of the steel produced in the United States and that have substantial experience in
the production and use of slag -- already have made substantial movement in this
direction and appear to recognize the value of steelmaking slag as a product. The three
risk assessments described in this document provide ample evidence of the insignificant
risk posed by steelmaking slag to human health and the environment, and support further
easing of state and federal regulatory requirements. In sum, steelmaking slag is an