A TCP Fairness Control Method For Two-Host Concurrent Communications in Elastic WLAN System Using Raspberry Pi Access-Point
A TCP Fairness Control Method For Two-Host Concurrent Communications in Elastic WLAN System Using Raspberry Pi Access-Point
A TCP Fairness Control Method For Two-Host Concurrent Communications in Elastic WLAN System Using Raspberry Pi Access-Point
Abstract—The IEEE802.11 wireless local-area network (WLAN) However, our preliminary experiments using the elastic
has been extensively deployed as inexpensive and flexible WLAN system testbed revealed that the TCP throughput is
Internet access services. We have studied the elastic WLAN not fair among the two hosts communicating with the same
system that dynamically optimizes the network configuration AP when they are located at difference distances from the
depending on traffic demands. Our testbed experiments using AP and are concurrently communicating. This unfairness can
Raspberry Pi revealed that concurrent TCP communications of be caused by both differences in the modulation and coding
multiple hosts with a single AP cause the unfairness in scheme (MCS) and the TCP window size among them. As a
throughput performances. In this paper, we propose the TCP result, the packet transmission interval for the faster host
fairness control method for two-host concurrent
further becomes shorter and that for the slower host turns
communications. The delay is introduced in the AP at the
packet transmissions to the faster host, to increase
into longer.
transmission opportunities with the slower host. The delay is In this paper, we propose the TCP fairness control
initially estimated by the received signal strength (RSS) from method for two-host concurrent communications in the
each host, and then, is dynamically optimized using the PI elastic WLAN system using Raspberry Pi AP. The delay is
controller. For evaluations, we implement the proposal in the introduced in the AP at the packet transmissions to the faster
elastic WLAN system testbed, and conduct extensive host using Linux commands, in order to increase the
experiments, where the TCP throughput fairness is achieved. transmission opportunities with the slower host. Then, it is
expected that the faster host will reduce the throughput,
Keywords wireless local-area network; raspberry Pi; TCP while the slower host increases it. This delay is initially
throughput fairness; delay; PI controller; testbed calculate by the received signal strength (RSS) from each
host, and then, is dynamically optimized to achieve the better
I. INTRODUCTION fairness using PI controller [10].
For evaluations, we implement the proposal in the testbed,
Nowadays, the IEEE802.11 wireless local-area network and verify the effectiveness through extensive experiments in
(WLAN) has been widely deployed around the world due to outdoor and indoor network fields, where the TCP
several advantages of simple installations, flexible coverages, throughput fairness is achieved.
and low costs [1]. WLAN facilitates the wireless access to The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
the Internet, providing users with a convenient and viable presents the TCP fairness control method. Section III
alternative to the wired Ethernet LAN connectivity. As a evaluates the proposal through testbed experiments. Section
result, WLAN has become the most common access way to IV presents the dynamic delay optimization using the PI
the Internet in governments, companies, and schools. controller. Finally, Section V concludes this paper with
For the 802.11n WLAN, we have studied the elastic future works.
WLAN system [2] that dynamically optimizes the network
configuration depending on traffic demands, to reduce II. PROPOSAL OF TCP FAIRNESS CONTROL METHOD
energy consumptions while enhancing performances. Also,
In this section, we propose the TCP fairness control
we have implemented the elastic WLAN system testbed
method and its implementation on Raspberry Pi AP.
using Raspberry Pi for the access-point (AP) [3].
In WLAN, the fairness of the throughput performance A. Idea
among hosts is important for service providers to ensure fair Our testbed experiments revealed that concurrent TCP
services among the users [4]. That is, fairness issues in communications of two hosts with a single AP cause
WLAN have been studied extensively [5]-[9]. Since the unfairness in throughput performances, because the packet
majority of network applications use TCP, the TCP fairness transmission intervals become much different among them.
appears to be extremely critical in WLAN. Figure 1(a) illustrates the unfairness of the packet
transmitting intervals between the near and far hosts, which
TABLE I. DEVICES AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS 2) Throughput Results: Figures 3 and 4 show throughput
software AP
results for the two hosts without and with the proposal
model Raspberry Pi 3
respectively. They confirm that our proposal greatly
CPU Broadcom BCM2837 @1.2Ghz
improves the fairness. Figure 5 compares the total
memory 1GB LPDDR2 900MHz
throughput for each host location between them.
NIC chipset Broadcom BCM43438 Unfortunately, by the proposal, the total throughput
OS Raspbian diminished by 10% to 31% at each location.
software hostapd
server and hosts
model Toshiba Dynabook R731/B
CPU Intel Core i5-2520M @2.5Ghz
memory 4GB DDR3 1333MHz
OS Linux Ubuntu 14
software Iperf 2.0.5
In this section, we present the dynamic delay
optimization in the TCP fairness control method.
A. Delay Optimization by PI Controller
The initial delay D(0) is dynamically optimized by
applying the PI controller [13] to make the measured fairness
index be equal to the given target fairness index:
Figure 7. Indoor field.
B. Testbed Implementation
The implementation of the dynamic delay optimization is
discussed. First, to assign the initial delay for the packet
transmission to the fast host at the AP, the following
procedure is implemented on the server:
Figure 8. Throughput result without proposal in indoor field. 1) Collect the MAC and IP addresses of the associated
2) Request the AP to collect RSS from each host with
1sec interval for 30sec and to send them to the server.
3) Calculate the average of the received RSS.
4) Calculate the initial delay D(0) from the average RSS
by Eq. (1).
5) Set D(0) as the delay to the fast host at the AP.
Figure 9. Throughput result with proposal in indoor field. Then, to dynamically optimize the delay, the following
procedure is implemented on the server, where it is repeated
at every 20sec:
1) Measure the throughput of each host for 20sec using
2) Calculate F(n) by Eq. (2).
3) Update D(n) by Eq. (4).
4) Set D(n) as the delay to the fast host at the AP.
Figure 10. Total throughput result in indoor field.
C. Result
3) Fairness Index Results: Figure 11 illustrates the
fairness index result. Without the proposal, the fairness index
turns out smaller than 1, including 0.6. However, with the
proposal, it will grow into 1 nearly. The effectiveness of our
proposal is confirmed in the indoor field.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT https://iperf.fr/.
This work is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI [12] Software Verzeichnis development, Homedale WLAN Monitor,
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