The Impact of Higher Order Sectorisation On The Performance of Millimetre Wave 5G Network
The Impact of Higher Order Sectorisation On The Performance of Millimetre Wave 5G Network
The Impact of Higher Order Sectorisation On The Performance of Millimetre Wave 5G Network
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Abstract— The fifth Generation (5G) mobile network will multi services, built on a system that support multitude of
provide services with extreme data rate and latency demands applications and provide high speed access to massive
compared to current cellular network, and provide massive number of subscribers [3], [4].
capacity and connectivity to multitude of devices with
diverse requirements and applications. Therefore, it is
important to utilise all network resources to provide the 5G High order horizontal sectorisation in low carrier
vision. In this paper, performance evaluations and impact of frequency has been studied previously in [5] and [6] for
higher order horizontal sectorisation on next generation 5G old mobile generation as a way to increase frequency
mobile access is presented. The study has been focused on reuse and improve network capacity. In addition, vertical
busy urban areas in high carrier frequency. Millimetre wave sectorisation (see fig.1) has its benefits in maximizing
band has precious wide unexploited bandwidth that can be network capacity [7] and provide better coverage solution
harnessed for mobile communication. The results for these for high rise buildings [8].
scenarios show that higher-order horizontal sectorisation in
millimetre wave based smallcell deployment can significantly
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents
increase the network capacity to meet the future
requirement of 5G network, and provide high data rate and work motivation and challenges. Section III introduces
connectivity to huge number of devices. Moreover, our network model including directional antenna and
beamforming can highly increase the data rate by efficiently millimetre wave band. Section IV explains simulation
increase signal power and suppress interference from parameter, network elements, and results. And the impact
unwanted directions. of beamforming has been discussed in section V. Finally,
conclusions are drawn in Section VI.
Index Terms —5G network, millimetre wave, network
densification, higher order sectorisation, beamforming.
A. Motivation
Wireless broadband traffic growth has introduced Due to the adoption of highly directional antennas at
major impact on future mobile network architectures, and millimetre wave bands, higher order sectorisation (HOS)
hence, it requires more demands. These demands include: will be a promising solution to increase network resources
(i) High traffic volume (massive capacity): increases on and system coverage at these bands. Higher order
the order of several magnitudes. The future requirement is sectorisation will ensure enough resources to cope with
a 1000x increase in data traffic for 2020 and beyond. (ii) the massive increase in mobile data traffic and to provide
Increased indoor and smallcells/hotspot traffic: will be the a network with massive capacity and connectivity.
majority of mobile traffic volume. Today, about 70
percent of mobile traffic happens indoors; in the future,
B. Challenges
indoor data traffic as well as hotspot area may exceed this
figure. (iii) Higher number of connected devices (massive
The adoption of millimetre wave band as a potential
connectivity): will be created from huge connected spectrum for 5G will require radical change to the network
subscribers and from machine-to-machine (M2M) architecture due to the very different propagation condition
applications, as all devices that benefit from internet and hardware constraint. Furthermore, the huge traffic
traffic need to become connected. (iv) Energy expected to be generated due to the higher sectorised base-
consumption: 5G need to be a green network to reduce station operating in millimetre wave band should be
carbon footprint [1], [2]. backhauled to the core network. The current wired and
wireless traditional backhaul links are not a viable solution
Mobile communication has transformed from only voice due to their limited capacity and design requirements.
service into a complex inter-connected environment with
The data throughput of a user in a cellular network is
Average Data Throughput per user (Gbps)
upper-bounded by Shannon channel capacity theorem 7
Tx Antenna height 8m
Rx antenna height 1.5 m
No. of Rx 600 randomly distributed
Area of steady (300x300)m2 20
Noise Figure 8 dB
Noise Density -174 dBm/Hz 16
Rx Thermal noise -74 dBm
Sectorisation 3 to 10 12
Scheduler Proportional Fair 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
80 0.50
Interference ratio
20 0.10
0 0.00
3 sectors 4 sectors 6 sectors 8 sectors 10 sectors
Horizental Sectorisation Order
Therefore, an eight order sectorisation is favourable TABLE II. LOS AND OVERALL COVERAGE PROBABILITY IN DIFFERENT
choice to maintain coverage probability while increasing
the data speed in certain geographical area. If, for specific
Sectorisation LOS Coverage Coverage
case, a more data rate is required in a hot spot due to their Order Probability (%) Probability (%)
extreme demands, a vertical sectorisation is recommended 51.00 55.67
3 sectors
which will boost the 8 sector site data speed, through 4 sectors 63.50 64.17
orthogonal polarized antennas that provide orthogonal 6 sectors 67.33 67.33
beams to user (horizontal polarization (HP) and vertical 8 sectors 75.67 92.83
polarization VP)), so that the same system bandwidth is 10 sectors 75.17 78.17
utilised for both sectors as shown in Fig.1 b, and defined
in equation (2). Here, the resources are doubled in the signal reception. As the steering angle (from the
polarized beams: boresight) increase, the losses will increase. In three
sectored site, the steering should cover at least 120º
BT = Binn (HP) = Bout (VP) (2) (±60º), however, with eight sectored site, steering
where BT is the total bandwidth and Binn(HP) , Bout(VP) are requirements will decrease to only 45º, which will
the bandwidths of inner and outer vertical sectors, improve beamsteering efficiency as shown in fig.7.
The improvement comes in term of total interference, as
Increasing the probability of having LOS exist is highly UE’s now can reject unwanted interference by steering
recommended in millimetre wave communications; high their own patterns to the parent station. Rx Beamforming
order sectorisation has increased the coverage probability has improved received signal strength by steering its main
with LOS transmission. In table II, the LOS coverage lobe toward the direction of transmission.
probabilities as well as the overall coverage probability
for different site topologies are shown. TxBF has higher gain than RxBF due to the higher
number of antennas that can be equipped in the base
It’s worth mentioning here, that new site (smallcell) station. TxBF can simultaneously assign beams to user
deployment to improve LOS coverage outperform and improve cell-edge users due to high path gain and low
sectorisation results as the operator has full control on site interference. As shown in fig.8, TxBF outperform RxBF,
which can accommodate higher pathloss and atmospheric
location, planning and optimization to provide the best
attenuation, and improve SINR to fulfil quality of
experience (QoE) provision in next generation 5G
Therefore, dense deployment of smallcells in millimetre
wave band is a key enabler for 5G massive connectivity to
provide access channel to a massive number of machines
and devices to enable the internet-of-Things (IoT).
However, the resulted interference should be managed
with interference cancellation techniques, here, we will
introduce beamforming as a way to supress unwanted
signal, as clarified in the next section.
Beamforming (BF) is the concentration of power in Fig.7, Sectorisation order effect on beamforming, left-side is 3 sectors
certain direction, which will increase wanted signal power and right-side is 8 sectors solution
and suppress other signals (interference) efficiently.
Beamforming in millimetre wave is key enabling Beamfoming vs. Received power
0.6 1.2
technologies of next generation 5G system, as they can No BF
significantly improve signal strength, which can lead to 0.5 Rx BF 1
higher cell throughput and better cell edge performance 0.4 CDF No BF 0.8
compared to 4G network. CDF Rx BF
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