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Millimeter Wave Beamforming For Wireless Backhaul and Access in Small Cell Networks

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10, OCTOBER 2013 4391

Millimeter Wave Beamforming for Wireless

Backhaul and Access in Small Cell Networks
Sooyoung Hur, Student Member, IEEE, Taejoon Kim, Member, IEEE, David J. Love, Senior Member, IEEE,
James V. Krogmeier, Member, IEEE, Timothy A. Thomas, Member, IEEE,
and Amitava Ghosh, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Recently, there has been considerable interest in haul, especially given the self-described “spectrum crunch”
new tiered network cellular architectures, which would likely which cellular operators have recently lamented. Therefore,
use many more cell sites than found today. Two major chal- a scalable solution is to consider backhaul and access using
lenges will be i) providing backhaul to all of these cells and
ii) finding efficient techniques to leverage higher frequency carrier frequencies outside of the traditional wireless bands.
bands for mobile access and backhaul. This paper proposes the Millimeter wave bands, the unlicensed 60 GHz band and
use of outdoor millimeter wave communications for backhaul the lower interference licensed 70 GHz to 80 GHz band,
networking between cells and mobile access within a cell. To are a possible solution to the problem of providing small
overcome the outdoor impairments found in millimeter wave cell backhaul and access in tiered cellular networks. Pico-
propagation, this paper studies beamforming using large arrays.
However, such systems will require narrow beams, increasing cell networks could employ these millimeter wave backhaul
sensitivity to movement caused by pole sway and other envi- networks using a variety of architectures including point-to-
ronmental concerns. To overcome this, we propose an efficient point links or backhaul aggregation using an aggregator at the
beam alignment technique using adaptive subspace sampling macrocell connected to a tree or mesh structured network. The
and hierarchical beam codebooks. A wind sway analysis is advantages of millimeter wave bands include the availability
presented to establish a notion of beam coherence time. This
highlights a previously unexplored tradeoff between array size of many gigahertz of underutilized spectrum [3] and the
and wind-induced movement. Generally, it is not possible to use line-of-sight (LOS) nature of millimeter wave communication
larger arrays without risking a corresponding performance loss which helps to control interference between systems. However,
from wind-induced beam misalignment. The performance of the millimeter wave systems require a large directional gain in
proposed alignment technique is analyzed and compared with order to combat their relatively high path loss compared to
other search and alignment methods. The results show significant
performance improvement with reduced search time. systems with lower frequencies and the additional losses due
to rain and oxygen absorption.
Index Terms—Millimeter wave, array antenna, beam align-
ment, beamforming codebook design, wind-induced vibration. To achieve this large directional gain, either a large physical
aperture or a phased array antenna must be employed. A
I. I NTRODUCTION large physical aperture is not possible due to a very costly
HE exponential growth of demand for mobile multimedia installation and the expected maintenance costs related to
T services has motivated extensive research into improved
spectrum efficiency using techniques that increase geographic
wind loading and other misalignments. Thanks to the small
wavelength of millimeter wave signals, large-sized phased-
spectrum reusability, such as multi-tier cell deployment (e.g., array antennas are able to offer large beamforming gain while
picocell and femtocell networks) [2]. Picocell networks are ex- keeping individual antenna elements small and cheap. They
pected to be typically deployed to support demand from small, also enable adaptive alignment of transmit and receive beams
high throughput areas (e.g., urban centers, office buildings, in order to relax cost requirements (e.g., relative to parabolic
shopping malls, train stations). One of the major impediments antennas) for initial pointing accuracy and maintenance.
to deployment of heterogeneous small cell networks, such as Beamforming techniques at millimeter wave have been
picocell networks, is access to cost effective, reliable, and widely researched in many standards including IEEE
scalable backhaul networks. 802.15.3c (TG3c) [4] for indoor wireless personal area net-
These dense picocell deployments will make expensive works (WPAN), IEEE 802.11ad (TGad) [5] and Wireless
wired backhaul infeasible [3]. It is also unrealistic to use ex- Gigabit Alliance (WiGig) on wireless local area networks
isting cellular spectrum holdings for large-scale in-band back- (WLAN), ECMA-387, and WirelessHD, which is focused
Manuscript received November 6, 2013; revised May 1 and June 4, on uncompressed HDTV streaming. More specifically, beam-
2013. The editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for forming techniques have been proposed for indoor office
publication was Dr. R. Mallik. environments as applied in WPAN for ranges of a few meters
S. Hur, D. J. Love, and J. V. Krogmeier are with the School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (e-mail: [6]. In the WLAN arena, a one-sided beam search using
{shur, djlove, jvk}@ecn.purdue.edu). a beamforming codebook has been employed to establish
T. Kim is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University the initial alignment between large-sized array antennas [7].
of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: taejokim@cityu.edu.hk).
T. A. Thomas and A. Ghosh are with Nokia Siemens Networks, Arlington However, beamforming methods used for indoor scenarios do
Heights, IL 60004 (e-mail: {timothy.thomas, amitava.ghosh}@nsn.com). not easily extend to outdoor scenarios where longer distances,
This work was supported in part by Nokia Siemens Networks. Parts of this outdoor propagation, and other environmental factors such as
paper were presented at the Globecom Workshop, Houston, TX, Dec. 5−9,
2011 [1]. wind and precipitation can cause as much as a 48 dB receive
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2013.090513.120848 SNR degradation [8] and thus require a much larger beam-
0090-6778/13$31.00 ⃝
c 2013 IEEE

forming gain and more subtle beam alignment. In particular,

since picocell units will be mounted to outdoor structures
such as poles, vibration and movement induced by wind flow
and gusts have the potential to cause unacceptable outage
probability if beam alignment is not frequently performed.
In this paper, we address two distinct but related topics.
First, we research the design of millimeter wave wireless
backhaul systems for supporting picocell data traffic. Our
focus is on the urban picocell deployment scenario where Fig. 1. Multi-tiered cell using wireless backhaul.
the wireless backhaul antennas are mounted on poles with
link distances of 50 to 100 meters. We propose a high gain,
but computationally efficient, beam alignment technique that II. S YSTEM OVERVIEW AND M OTIVATION
samples the channel subspace adaptively using subcodebook The growth in demand for mobile broadband necessitates
sets within a constrained time. The proposed adaptive beam technical innovations in wireless network design and spectrum
alignment algorithm utilizes a hierarchical beamforming code- usage. Generally, cellular operators have defined the usable
book set to avoid the costly exhaustive sampling of all pairs of spectrum to be roughly 300 MHz to 3 GHz [12]. Obviously,
transmit and receive beams (which is here referred to as a non- this small swath of spectrum holds good propagation and
adaptive joint alignment). The design of the hierarchical code- implementation characteristics for many radio applications in
book uses a covering distance metric, which is optimized by addition to mobile broadband and it is therefore in high de-
adjusting steering squinting and utilizing efficient subarraying mand worldwide. The apparent key to using spectrum holdings
techniques [9]. The proposed framework adaptively samples as efficiently as possible is to increase frequency reuse across a
subspaces and searches for the beamformer and combiner pair geographic area (i.e., increasing the number of bits per second
that maximizes the receive SNR. It is shown to outperform per Hertz per unit area) [13]. This necessitates the use of
both the non-adaptive joint alignment and the single-sided smaller cells and dramatically increases backhaul complexity.
alignment (e.g., IEEE 802.11ad [5]). Millimeter wave frequencies, roughly defined as bands
between 60 GHz to 100 GHz, hold much potential for use
Second, to motivate the practical deployment of these pico- as wireless backhaul between small cell access points and
cells, we also investigate wind effects on beam misalignment. access within cells. A potential multi-tier cell deployment
Pole sway and movement have long been studied in the with millimeter wave wireless backhaul is shown in Fig. 1.
civil engineering literature [10], [11], but to the best of our In this network, each picocell node combines its backhaul
knowledge there has been no such work in the wireless data with that received from other nodes in the network
communications research area. We show that pole movement before forwarding it to the macrocell aggregation point shown.
analysis can be used to perform backhaul failure analysis Picocell access points are expected to be separated by less
and to determine how often beam alignment must be per- than 100 meters, mitigating the deleterious effects of oxygen
formed. Generally, the larger the array, the more sensitive the absorption and rain attenuation. Coverage within the small
millimeter wave link will be to wind induced misalignment. cells (i.e., user access) could also be provided by millimeter
This documents that there will likely be limitations to the wave, reducing the interference level experienced on the sub-3
achievable beamforming gain that can not be overcome by GHz frequency bands used for mobile broadband.
employing larger antenna arrays. The severe path loss of outdoor millimeter wave systems
The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the is a critical problem, especially when compared with the path
system setup and the problem formulation. In Section III, losses found in other wireless systems using frequencies below
the performance of the proposed beam-alignment system is 3 GHz. In comparison with indoor millimeter wave systems,
analyzed in terms of the beam misalignment probability and outdoor millimeter wave systems use longer links and require
the beam outage probability incorporating the wind-induced a much higher gain. Using a link-budget analysis, we can
vibration, which is based on the established concept of beam calculate the total required link gain for a given link distance
coherence time in outdoor wireless backhaul networks. In as demonstrated in Fig. 2. For example, a 100 m link in
Section IV, a beam alignment technique is proposed that uses the range of the target millimeter wave system requires an
adaptive subspace sampling. The performance of the proposed additional 32 dB or more gain for reliable communications
scheme is evaluated in Section V. The paper is concluded in compared to an indoor millimeter wave system. The details of
Section VI. the link-budget calculation are summarized in Table I.
To overcome these deficiencies in path loss and obtain
Notation: a bold capital letter A denotes a matrix, a bold a large beamforming gain, large array gains are needed.
lowercase letter a denotes a vector, AT denotes the transpose An Mt transmit by Mr receive antenna system could use
of a matrix A, A∗ denotes the conjugate transpose of a matrix antennas numbering in the tens, hundreds, or potentially even
A, ∥A∥F denotes the matrix Frobenious norm, ∥a∥ denotes thousands. These large arrays could provide both backhaul and
the vector 2-norm, and CN (a, A) denotes a complex Gaussian access, and could be mounted on road signs, lampposts, and
random vector with mean a and covariance matrix A. card(A) other traffic control structures in urban deployments. These
∫ ∞A, rank(A) denotes the rank of
denotes the cardinality of set access nodes would be subject to significant environmental
a matrix A, and Γ(z) = 0 tz−1 e−t dt denotes the gamma movement (e.g., wind, moving vehicles, etc.). Furthermore,
function. due to short links and narrow beam widths in millimeter wave,

Link budget analysis

40 TX 1 1 RX
60GHz f1 z1∗
Additional required link gain (dB)
36 80GHz

32 s
H(t) r
30 n2
Mt Mr

24 f Mt zM r
nM r
Beamforming Beamforming
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 selection feedback selection
Link distance, D (m)
Fig. 2. Link budget analysis for the required gain versus link distance. Fig. 3. Block diagram showing the beamforming and combining system
used on a single link in the backhaul network.
S YSTEM LINK - BUDGET θ r , and at (θ t ) similarly defined.a The receive array manifold
AR is defined by the array geometry and the set of possible
Transmit Power, Pt 15 dBm
Noise figure 6 dB angle of arrival vectors (e.g., sector width). The transmit array
Thermal noise -174 dBm/Hz
Bandwidth, B 2 GHz manifold AT is similarly defined. For simplicity in notation,
Required SNR (QPSK with FEC) 5 dB
Pathloss model, P L(D) 32.5+20 log10 (fc )+10·a· log10 (D/1000)+Ai ·D/1000 dB the subscripts for transmit and receive are removed in our
Pathloss exponent, a 2.2 for LOS path [14]
Additional Pathloss (O2 and rainfall), Ai 20∼36 dB/km [15] general description of the array manifold. If the array is an
M element uniform linear array (ULA) with element spacing
small changes to the propagation geometry could result in d, the array manifold with possible angle of arrivals in T is
pointing errors large enough to affect link performance. given by
We focus on analog transmit beamforming and receive { [ ]T }
d d
combining for the system shown in Fig. 3. Analog beam- A = a : a = 1 ej2πλ sin(θ) · · ·ej2π(M−1)λ sin(θ) for θ ∈ T . (3)
forming using digitally controlled phase shifters is essential
in millimeter wave systems to minimize the power con- where d is the antenna element spacing and λ is the wave-
sumption and complexity of the large number of RF chains length. For a two-dimensional ULA with M 2 elements all
in the array. In fact, duplex analog beamforming can be spaced on a grid with separation d, the array manifold with
implemented with only a single analog-to-digital converter possible angle of arrival vectors in T = T1 × T2 is given by
(ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The transmit { [[ d d
data is multiplied by a transmit beamforming unit norm vector A = a : a = 1 ej2πλ sin(θ) · · · ej2π(M−1)λ sin(θ)
f = [f1 f2 · · · fMt ]T ∈ CMt with fi denoting the complex [ ]]T }
d d
weight on transmit antenna i. At the receiver, the received ⊗ 1e j2πλ sin(ϕ)
···e j2π(M−1)λ sin(ϕ)
for (θ, ϕ) ∈ T . (4)
signals on all antennas are combined with a receive combining
unit norm vector z = [z1 z2 · · · zMr ]T ∈ CMr . The combiner The employment of digitally controlled analog beamform-
output at discrete channel use t given a transmit beamformer ing and combining causes a variety of practical limitations that
f and receive combiner z is we mathematically model [19], [20]. An analog beamforming
( −1 ) pattern is generated by a digitally-controlled RF phase-shifter
√ ∗ T∑
r[t] = P z Hτ s [t − τ ] f + n[t] (1) with q bits per element, meaning that each antenna’s phase
τ =0 takes one value φm among a size 2q set of quantized phases
given by
where s[t] is the transmitted symbol with E|s[t]|2 ≤ 1, Hτ ∈ { ( ) ( ) ( q )}
1 2 2 −1
CMr ×Mt is the τ th multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) φm ∈ 0, 2π , 2π , · · · , 2π .
2q 2q 2q
channel matrix among T multipaths, n[t] ∼ CN (0, 1) , and
P represents the transmit power. Therefore, the beamforming vector in our analog RF beam-
The coherence bandwidth of a millimeter wave system can forming system in (2) is defined with the quantized phases
be very large (e.g., on the order of 100 MHz [16]), particularly φm and written as
in the most common line-of-sight setting. For this reason, we 1 [ ]T
make the assumption that H1 ≈ HT −1 ≈ 0. This means that f=√ 1 ejφ1 ejφ2 · · · ejφM −1 . (5)

r[t] = P z∗ Hf s [t] + n[t] (2) Then FT denotes the set of all beamforming vectors f where
each element phase is quantized to q bits as described above
using H in place of H0 and neglecting the path delay. In
and in (5). Similarly, the elements of the combiner vectors
a line-of-sight deployment, the channel H in (2) can be
z are phase quantized and the set of possible combiners is
modeled using array manifold concepts. In this scenario,
denoted ZR .
H = βar (θ r )a∗t (θ t ) with β ∈ C representing the normalized
channel gain, ar (θ r ) representing the vector in the receiver’s a Note that we follow the angle of departure and the angle of arrival
array manifold corresponding to the angle of arrival vector definitions in [17], [18] which gives a conjugate transpose.

Furthermore, millimeter wave communication using analog Using this function, the hard alignment algorithm returns
beamforming and combining suffers from a subspace sampling 2
limitation. The receiver cannot directly observe H, rather (zopt , fopt ) = (zℓopt , fℓopt ) with ℓopt = argmax |e
y [ℓ]| .

it observes a noisy version of z∗ Hf . This can be a major (8)
limitation during channel estimation and beam alignment. In The selection of z and f using the small number of observed
conventional MIMO beamforming systems [21], the beam- training packets can be broken into two related sub-problems:
forming codeword is selected as a function of the estimated Beam Alignment Problem: This defines the problem of
channel to maximize some measure of system performance. selecting the subspace pair (z, f ) with z ∈ Z and f ∈ F to
Here, however, it is not practically possible to estimate all maximize |z∗ Hf | using only the observations y[1], . . . , y[L].
elements of the channel matrix H. Without the full CSI of
the MIMO channel and the direct estimation of the channel Subspace Sampling Problem: This defines the problem of
matrix, the problem is converted to a general problem of sub- selecting the subspace pair (z[ℓ], f [ℓ]) with z[ℓ] ∈ ZR and
space sampling for beam alignment. The transmitter and the f [ℓ] ∈ FT for each time ℓ. This sampling can be done either
receiver must collaborate to determine the best beamformer- without adaptation (i.e., (z[ℓ], f [ℓ]) is chosen independently of
combiner pair during beam-alignment by observing subspace y[1], . . . , y[ℓ − 1]) or adaptively (i.e., (z[ℓ], f [ℓ]) is chosen as
samples. a function of y[1], . . . , y[ℓ − 1]).
Note that not all beamformers in FT may be allowable
during data transmission due to regulatory constraints on III. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS OF THE B EAM A LIGNMENT
the bands employed (e.g., transmit beam width constraints C RITERION
during transmission). For this reason, we will introduce two In this section, we characterize the performance of the
other sets F ⊆ FT and Z ⊆ ZR for the sets of possible beam alignment in terms of the pairwise error probability.
beamformers and combiners, respectively, allowed during the Furthermore, we model the wind-induced vibration for a small
data transmission. The distinction is that the larger sets FT and cell mounted on a lamppost, and the effect of the vibration on
ZR can be used during beam alignment (which takes only a the beam alignment performance is measured in terms of the
fraction of the total operational time). beam outage probability and the beam coherence time.
In order to maximize both achievable rate and reliability, A. Performance Analysis of Beam Alignment
vectors z and f must be chosen to maximize the beamforming
gain |z∗ Hf | . Unfortunately, the transmitter and receiver can
2 Due to the size of the arrays involved and properties of
only perform subspace sampling by sending a training packet millimeter wave propagation (as discussed in Section II),
transmitted and received on a beamformer-combiner direction. the rank of H will be highly constrained. Specifically, most
After combining (or correlating) the ℓ-th training packet using environments will have the property that min(M r ,Mt )
≈ 0.
the subspace pair (z[ℓ], f [ℓ]), we model the receiver as having In the majority of the cases considered for line-of-sight
access to backhaul, it is likely that an accurate model for the channel
√ uses rank(H) = 1 [22], especially for the scenario when all
y[ℓ] = ρz∗ [ℓ]Hf [ℓ] + v[ℓ] (6)
antennas are single-polarized. For this reason, we assume H
where ρ is termed as the training signal-to-noise ratio and as rank one throughout our analysis.[ Furthermore,
] we model
v[ℓ] ∼ CN (0, 1). (Note that in (6) the SNR term ρ may not H as being constrained so that E ∥H∥2F = Mr Mt , meaning
be the same as P in (2). This is because ρ models the averaged that path loss is lumped into the signal transmit power or noise
SNR after the training sequence is match filtered.) power term. We assume that the beam alignment is sufficiently
Just as channel estimation must be done reliably using dense that we can assume
limited time and power resources in lower frequency MIMO H = hg∗ (9)
systems, beam alignment must maximize the beamforming
gain using a small number of samples at a possibly low with β = 1 in channel model H for simplicity.
With these assumptions, each y[ℓ] corresponds to a noisy
training SNR ρ. We denote the total number of samples
observation taken using a subspace pair (z[ℓ], f [ℓ]). For con-
as L and assume that L = O(Mr + Mt ). This means
venience, we will assume that z[ℓ] ∈ Z and f [ℓ] ∈ F for all
that L ≪ Mr Mt , making each sample valuable to system
ℓ = 1, . . . , L. The optimal pair of sounding vectors is denoted
performance. This sampling could be done using feedback in
by ℓ̂opt and is defined as
frequency division duplexing (FDD) systems or using the link
ℓ̂opt = argmax |z∗ [ℓ]hg∗ f [ℓ]| .
reciprocity available in time division duplexing (TDD) systems 1≤ℓ≤L
with minor modifications.
Most indoor millimeter wave alignment schemes and radar This represents the pair of vectors that would be chosen if
based alignment schemes rely on a low complexity approach noiseless sounding was performed. We assume a uniform
to selecting the beams that we refer to as hard beam alignment. prior distribution on the optimal sounding vectors (i.e., ℓ̂opt is
In this technique, the selected beam pair (z, f ) is limited to uniformly distributed in {1, . . . , L} ). Given this, we can now
beam pairs that have been sounded during the sampling phase. evaluate the probability of beam misalignment. The probability
To enforce the constraint that z ∈ Z and f ∈ F , we of beam misalignment is expressed as
disregard samples y[ℓ] when z[ℓ] ∈ / Z or f [ℓ] ∈
/ F. This can  
∑L ∪L { [ ] }
1 2
be succinctly written by introducing Prob y ℓ̂opt < |y [ℓopt ]| .(10)
Pmis =
{ L
y[ℓ], if z[ℓ] ∈ Z and f [ℓ] ∈ F, ℓ̂opt =1 ℓopt ̸=ℓ̂opt
ye[ℓ] = (7)
0, otherwise. We can bound Pmis by


( [ ] 2 [ ] 2 )
Pmis ≥ max Prob y ℓ̂opt − y ℓopt ̸= ℓ̂opt < 0 , (11)

Beam misalignment probability

L ℓopt ̸=ℓ̂opt
( [ ] 2 )
1 ∑ ∑
L L 10
Pmis ≤ Prob y ℓ̂opt −|y [ℓopt ]| < 0 . (12)
ℓ̂opt =1 ℓopt ̸=ℓ̂opt
P in (10)

The above makes clear that studying the beam misalignment Upper bound of Pmis in (12)
Upper bound of Pmis using asymptotic expression (18)
rate is equivalent to characterizing the pair-wise beam mis-
Upper bound of P using asymptotic expression (20)
alignment probability ] the bounds coincide as ρ increases.
as −2

−5 0 5 10 15 20
Notice that y ℓ̂opt and y [ℓopt ] are complex Gaussian SNR (dB)
distributed with Fig. 4. Comparison beam misalignment probabilities for M = 32 with
[ [ ]] √ [ ] [ ] card(F) = card(Z) = 64.
E y ℓ̂opt = ρz∗ ℓ̂opt hg∗ f ℓ̂opt , √ (√ )
√ U,V →∞ U +V
E [y [ℓopt ]] = ρz∗ [ℓopt ] hg∗ f [ℓopt ] , P (U, V ) = erfc U −V (18)
[ [ ]] 8V
and Var y ℓ̂opt = Var [y [ℓopt ]] = 1. A general expression with erfc(x) denoting the complementary error function.b
for the probability that the difference of the two magnitudes Notice that U and V in (17) always satisfy U ≥ V . Keeping
of complex Gaussian random variables is negative can be the exponential dependency,√(18) can be simplified to
found in [23] (see Appendix B in [23]). Denoting γℓ̂opt , U,V →∞ U + V −(U −V )
[ ] [ ] P (U, V ) = e (19)

z ℓ̂opt hg∗ f ℓ̂opt and γℓopt , |z∗ [ℓopt ] hg∗ f [ℓopt ]| and 8V
where in (19) we use the fact that erfc (x) ≈ e−x as x tends
incorporating [23] yields the pair-wise beam misalignment
probability infinity.
( [ ] 2 ) (√ )
√ The asymptotic expression in (19) readily allows us to
y ℓ̂opt −|y [ℓopt ]| < 0 = Q1 ργℓopt , ργℓ̂opt
obtain the expression for the pair-wise beam misalignment
( ( ))
( ) rate ( [ )
−1 ρ γℓ2 +γ 2 ] 2
− 21 I0 ργℓopt γℓ̂opt e 2 opt ℓ̂opt
(13) 2
Prob y ℓ̂opt − |y [ℓopt ]| < 0
where In (x) represents the modified Bessel function of the v
u( )2
first kind, ∫ 2π u ( )2
ρ,γℓ̂ ,γℓopt →∞ u γℓopt + γℓ̂opt
In (x) =
e±jnθ ex cos(θ) dθ,
= t −ρ γ −γ
e 2 ℓ̂opt ℓopt . (20)
2π 0 8(γℓopt γℓ̂opt)
and Q1 (a, b) denotes the Marcum Q function, Notice that since γℓ̂opt > γℓopt , the beam alignment ensures a
∫ ∞
pairwise exponential decay of the beam misalignment rate as
xe−(x +a )/2 I0 (ax) dx.
2 2
Q1 (a, b) = ρ, γℓ̂opt , and γℓopt increase.
We validate the analysis presented in this section in Fig. 4.
The expression in (13) could be approximated by a closed-
The system is assumed to have M = 32 transmit and receive
form expression using the results in [24], i.e.,
( [ ] 2 ) ( ρ )
antennas at each side. A size 64 beamforming and combining
codebook is used for the numerical simulation. The channel
Prob y ℓ̂opt −|y [ℓopt ]|2 < 0 ≈ exp − γℓ2opt ×
2 vector h and g are modeled as arising from a ULA in (3). To
[ ]
Γ(k+l) k1−2l ρl γℓ2lopt ( ρ 2 ) ρl γℓ̂2lopt demonstrate the accuracy of the bounds and the asymptotic
Γ l+1, γℓ̂opt − ρ 2 , (14) expressions derived, the plots of beam misalignment using (18)
Γ2 (l+1)Γ(k−l+1)2l 2 2
l=0 2l+1 e ℓ̂opt and (20) are compared with the plots of beam misalignment
where Γ(x, y) denotes the upper incomplete gamma function, in (10) and upper bound in (12). As seen from the figure,
∫ ∞ the pair-wise misalignment probability in (12) coincides with
Γ(a, x) = e−t ta−1 dt. (15) Pmis in (10) as SNR increases. Furthermore, it is clear that
Γ(a) x
the asymptotic expression in (18) indeed tightly models (12).
Directly analyzing the expression in (14) does not provide Notice that we also plot (20) to demonstrate that (20) closely
much intuition. For this reason, we incorporate a tractable models the slope behavior of the beam misalignment rates in
expression of (13) by introducing the notation [25] (10) and (12).
(√ √ ) 1
P (U, V ) = Q1 U − W , U + W − e−U I0 (V ) (16)
2 B. Wind Induced Impairments in Beam Alignment
where we have
( ) ( ) In practical scenarios, small cells deployed in urban outdoor
U = 12 ρ γℓ̂2opt+γℓ2opt , V = ργℓ̂opt γℓopt, W = 21 ρ γℓ̂2opt−γℓ2opt . (17) environments are regularly affected by wind. In millimeter
As U, V tend to infinity while keeping U ≥ V , P (U, V ) in b The
complementary error function is defined as erfc(x) =
(16) converges to [25] √2
π x e−k dk.

• Link distance D = 50 m.
• Mean wind speed u = 13 m/s.
• Air density ρa = 1.22 kg/m3 .
• Coefficient of drag CD = 0.5.
• Pole response parameters fn = 1 Hz, ζ = 0.002 [11],
mass of the pole and antenna
mounting is considered to m = 5 kg, and effective area
D Ae = 0.09 m2 .
θL The maximum deflection angle θL,max is defined as a small
fraction of the beam width θBW given by
θL,max = αθBW (24)
where α is the fraction ratio calculated for a certain beamform-
ing gain loss. For a uniform linear array with half-wavelength
spacing θBW = 2 sin−1 (0.891/M ) in [9]. For a 3 dB loss in
two-sided ULA beamforming gain, α = 0.3578 is obtained
from the relationship between the beamforming pattern and
Wind the beam width θBW using standard array parameter values.
wind response trajectory
In Fig. 6(a), the beam outage probability in (22) for various
d array sizes is plotted as a function of the mean wind speed u.
Fig. 5. Example pole movement showing beam deflection due to wind. For example, an M = 32 system in strong wind turbulence
with u = 20 m/s is in outage approximately 25 percent
of the time. Note that a large-sized array is much more
wave beamforming systems, the wind-induced movement is
sensitive to beam deflection due to wind. This means that the
on the order of hundreds of wavelengths and they use a very
achievable beamforming gain could be limited no matter the
narrow beam pattern. We consider the practical impairments
array size because of this wind-induced beam misalignment.
of a lamppost deployment scenario by modeling the wind-
To overcome this misalignment, beam realignment will have
induced vibration and incorporating the wind-sway analysis
to be done frequently. Similarly, the coherence time is given in
methodology from the civil engineering literature into our
Fig. 6(b). We are interested in the order of the beam coherence
beamforming system and system design. The details are sum-
time. Notice that the expected beam coherence time of the
marized in Appendix A.
Following the development of the wind-sway model in M = 64 system with u = 20 m/s is on the order of 100s of
Appendix A, a trajectory for the motion of the top of the milliseconds. From this modeling, a system that needs to track
antenna mounting pole can be computed. Assuming that the the beam would require an alignment search time somewhat
wind turbulence components are independent for the poles at smaller than the order of milliseconds to avoid beam outage.
the two ends of the link we may generate trajectories and Many practical settings must deal with moving vehicles on
misalignments as illustrated in Fig. 5. If ∆Ld (t) and ∆Lc (t) streets and Doppler frequency shifts caused by scatters, and
denote the relative displacements of the pole-tops at the two the systems found in these settings require more frequent
ends of the link and assuming a link distance of D and alignment to satisfy a smaller beam coherence time.
the worst case scenario where the mean wind direction is IV. S UBSPACE S AMPLING FOR B EAM A LIGNMENT
perpendicular to the beam direction then the sway angle is Though the actual beam selection algorithms in Section II
given by are important, they are limited to the observed data. For this
( ) reason, it is critical that the sampled subspaces are chosen
−1 ∆Ld (t)
θL (t) = tan . (21) judiciously. We overview both non-adaptive and adaptive
D + ∆Lc (t)
subspace sampling.
Power fluctuation due to ∆Lc (t) variation is negligible due
to the large link distance D so the outage probability depends A. Non-Adaptive Subspace Sampling
only on the beam angular deflection. Define beam outage as The most time intensive, but most obvious, method of
the event where the beam deflection angle θL (t) is larger than sampling is to simply sound the channel with all possible pairs
some maximum allowable deflection angle θL,max . Then the of beamforming and combining vectors. In this method, the
beam outage probability is given by total sounding time required is L = card(Z)card(F).
If we form an Mr × card(Z) matrix Zall using all vectors
Pout = P rob{|θL (t)| > θL,max |}. (22) in Z and an Mt × card(F) matrix Fall using all vectors in
If Tout is a random variable representing the time to first F. We can collect all of our samples and write the sampled
outage, i.e., signal using y = [y[1] · · · y[L]] and v = [v[1] · · · v[L]] as
Tout = inf{T : |θL (t)| ≤ θL,max for 0 ≤ t < T and √
y = ρvec (Z∗all HFall ) + v (25)
|θL (T )| > θL,max } where vec stacks the columns of the matrix into a column
then the coherence time is defined to be Tc = E[Tout ]. vector. The received vector can then be easily used for
Numerical results were obtained for the following parame- alignment. The selected beam pair then corresponds to the
ters: index that achieves the sup norm ∥y∥∞ .

Wind−induced beam outage

M = 32 TX f1 f2 ... fL K fopt,LK f2LK +1 ... f3LK fopt,L
M = 64 ...
M = 96 RX zopt,0 zLK +1 ... z2LK zopt,2LK zopt,L
M = 128 LK
0.8 sampled
Beam−outage probability, Pout

signal y[1] y[2]

... y[LK ] ... ... y[L]

Fig. 7. Flowchart of ping-pong adaptive sampling.


and the receiver to probe the channel’s subspace structure
0.3 with assistance from the transmitter during the last half of
each round. Note that the initial receive beam zopt,0 at the
first stage of the ping-pong sampling can be defined as any
initial beam. The details of the ping-ping sampling strategy are
5 10 15 20 25 30 shown in Fig. 7. Each bin represents the transmit and receive
Mean wind speed, u (m/s)
beams respectively used for channel sounding. The transmit
beamformer f [ℓ] and receiver combiner z[ℓ] pair is selected
and the output sample y[ℓ] is observed. After each LK ping-
Coherence time (period without beam−outage)
M = 32
pong sampling, fopt,ℓ or zopt,ℓ (ℓ = LK , 2LK , · · · , 2KLK )
1 M = 64
M = 96
are estimated, then the final pair of beam fopt,L and zopt,L is
M = 128
estimated using the L observations.
Beam coherence time (sec)

Adaptive Subspace Sampling using Hierarchical Subcode-

In millimeter wave systems, the potentially large number of
antennas and substantial beamforming gain requirement will
necessitate the codebook sizes of Z and F to be very large.
−1 For example, if M = 100, which is not unreasonable, and a
simple codebook is constructed by fixing the phase on one
antenna and phase shifting every other antenna by one of four
unique phases (q = 2), the codebook F might be of size 499 ≈

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
4.0173 · 1059 . Therefore, it would be completely impractical
Mean wind speed, u (m/s) to search over all possible beamformer and combiner pairs.
To alleviate these concerns, we consider an adaptive subspace
sounding method. For the sake of simplicity, the sounding
Fig. 6. (a) Beam outage probability. (b) Beamforming coherence time on method will be described for the transmit-side beamformer
wind speed. using F, but all of the described techniques equally apply to
the receive-side combiner.
Assume the K-round ping-pong sounding approach dis-
B. Adaptive Sampling cussed above. We assume that F is designed to uniformly
Most practical scenarios allow the transmitter ac- cover (or quantize) the array manifold denoted by A. We con-
cess to some information (e.g., through feedback) about struct a series of increasing resolution codebooks F1 , F2 , . . . ,
y[1], . . . ,y[ℓ−1] prior to sending training packet ℓ. This can and FK satisfying N1 = card(F1 ) < N2 = card(F2 ) <
allow adaptive sampling and the potential to dramatically in- · · · < NK = card(FK ) with FK = F and Fk ⊂ FT for
crease beamforming gain by overcoming noise during training. all k. The codebook sizes can be flexibly defined with the
only requirement being that Nk ≤ (LK )k for k = 1, . . . , K.
Ping-Pong Adaptive Sampling Generally, the first round subcodebook F1 is designed with
Consider y[ℓ] in (6). Clearly if f [ℓ] is close in subspace N1 = LK , and the last round subcodebook FK is designed
distance to the dominant right singular vector of H, we can with NK ≥ 2M.c
obtain a high SNR estimate of the left singular vector of H. The task then is to create subcodebooks of FT to quantize
Similarly, if z[ℓ] is close in subspace distance to the dominant A. We can do this by minimizing the covering distance of the
left singular vector of H, we can obtain a high SNR estimate code over the space A. The covering distance is given by
of the right singular vector of H.
These observations motivate ping-pong sampling. Let fopt,ℓ √
( ) e
and zopt,ℓ denote the estimated beam directions (using some δ Fe = 1− (26)
beam alignment algorithm) using samples y[1], . . . , y[ℓ]. In M
K-round ping-pong sampling with LK = 2K assumed
to be a positive integer, f [ℓ] = fopt,2LK ⌈ℓ/2LK ⌉−LK when e is the minimum absolute squared inner product
where χ(F)
(ℓ − 1) mod 2LK ≥ LK and z[ℓ] = zopt,2LK ⌊ℓ/2LK ⌋ when
(ℓ − 1) mod 2LK < LK . The basic idea is to allow the c The codebook size in millimeter wave beamforming with a large-sized
transmitter to probe the channel’s subspace structure with array is generally more than twice as large as the number of antennas in
assistance from the receiver for the first half of each round order to keep gain fluctuation within 1dB [26].

subcodebooks for F are required as described in (28). Each

LK subcodebook provides increased beamforming gain and im-
proved subspace sampling. The size and design of the sub-
|F1 | = N1 codebook will influence the beamforming gain. For con-
LK venience, we restrict the discussion to a one-dimensional
ULA. However, these techniques are obviously more generally
|F2 | = N2 extendable to a two-dimensional ULA using the Kronecker
LK product in (4).
First note that the covering distance inner product can be
|FK | = NK bounded.
Lemma 4.1: The covering distance inner product of the
subcodebook Fk = {f1 , . . . , fNk } for an M antenna one-
Fig. 8. Hierarchical structure of subcodebooks Fk and expansions between dimensional ULA is bounded by
subcodebooks. ( )
χ (Fk ) ≤ min ,M (30)
of the subcodebook beams and the array manifold defined by ∫π
( ) where µ(P) = −π 1(ψ ∈ P)dψ with 1(·) denoting the
χ Fe = min max |f ∗ a|2 . (27) indicator function, P = {ψ : ψ = 2π λd sin(θ), θ ∈ T }, and
a∈A f ∈F
T is the set of possible angles of departure of the ULA.
Equation (27) tells us the smallest beamforming gain factor
Proof: For the ULA, the beam pattern specifies the inner-
possible given the codebook Fe and perfect selection. We
product with vectors on the array manifold.
∑ The beam pattern
therefore pick each codebook Fk , k = 1, . . . , K−1, according M −1 2
to ( ) for a vector f is given by Gf (ψ) = m=0 fm ejmψ . By
Fk = argmin δ Fe . (28) Parseval’s theorem, 2π1
G (ψ)dψ = ∥f ∥2 .
e e −π f
F⊆F T :card(F )=Nk Because the area under the beam pattern is bounded, we
can use a sectored approach to understand the covering
Choosing the codebook in this way can be done offline. Each distance. Let the sector region ϑi define the set of array
subcodebook will thus maximize the minimum beamforming manifold vectors “closest” to fi . Mathematically, this means
gain possible, and the details of the subcodebook design are ϑi = {ψ ∈ P : |a∗ (ψ)fi | > |a∗ (ψ)fj | for i ̸= j} . Clearly,
discussed shortly. the area under the sector of angles ϑi is bounded by the entire
Given the subcodebooks, we must now determine how to ∫
beam pattern area, which is written as ϑi |fi∗ a(ψ)|2 dψ ≤
traverse the subcodebooks. After reception of round k, the ∫π ∗
|f a(ψ)|2 dψ = 2π. Using this, the bounded beam gain
optimal beam fopt,[k] in Fk is chosen according to the beam −π i

on ith sector is given by
alignment algorithms using multiples of LK observations. The ∗
|f ∗ a(ψ)|2 dψ
ϑi i
optimal beamformer and combiner at round k are denoted min |fi a(ψ)| ≤
ψ∈ϑi µ(ϑi )
by fopt,[k] = fopt,(2(k−1)+1)LK and zopt,[k] = zopt,2(k−1)LK , 2π
respectively. To utilize the hierarchical structure between the ≤
µ(ϑi )
subcodebooks, the LK beams in Fk+1 closest to fopt,[k] ,
denoted by F(k+1)|fopt,[k] are sounded for round k + 1. This where µ(ϑi ) is the length of angle interval i. The absolute
means inner product term χ(Fk ) is written by the bounded area,
2 which is given by

F(k+1)|fopt,[k] = argmax min fopt,[k] fi .
min |fi∗ a(ψ)|
{fi1 ,.,fiL }⊆Fk+1 :i1 <···<iLK i∈{i1 ,.,iLK} χ (Fk = {f1 , · · · , fNk }) = max
i∈{1,...,NK } ψ∈ϑi

This method of sounding has a graphically appealing inter- ≤ max
pretation when Fk consists of vectors formed by uniformly µ(ϑi )
i∈{1,...,NK }

quantizing the possible angles of departure. The next level 2π

= . (31)
sounded beams in F(k+1)|fopt,[k] are uniformly spanned within mini∈{1,...,NK } µ(ϑi )
the sector covered by the optimal beamformer at the previous
The expression in (31) is minimized when µ(ϑi ), i =
level, fopt,[k] . Fig. 8 demonstrates the structure and relationship
1, . . . , NK is equally divided as µ(P)
Nk . Thus, χ(Fk ) is bounded
between the subcodebooks. Each subcodebook consists of Nk
using the covering distance for the case of equally sized sector
codewords, and the LK expansion from the selected optimal
regions. Additionally, the beamforming gain is bounded by
codeword in every level is shown. In the same manner, the
|fi∗ a(ψ)|2 ≤ M(. Therefore, ) the metric χ(F) in (31) satisfies
optimal combiner at round k, zopt,[k] , is selected by sounding
through the subcodebooks of combiners Z1 , Z2 , · · · , ZK . χ (Fk ) ≤ min 2πN µ(P)
, M .
After adaptive K-round ping-pong sampling and sounding
through traversing the beamformer and combiner of sub- The upper bound in (30) corresponds to beamform-
codebooks in (29), the best beam pair fopt,L ∈ FK and ing vectors with beam patterns that do not overlap.
zopt,L ∈ ZK is obtained. Though beam patterns of this form are usually unrealizable,
F1 , F2 , · · · , F(K−1) will each be designed in an attempt to
Subcodebook Design have collective beam patterns approximating those shown
For efficient adaptive alignment and sampling, optimized in Fig. 9 assuming T defines a sector of angle directions.

Beam Pattern (M=32)

Quantized sectors 15
Superposition beam
Component subbeam 1

Antenna Power Gain (dB)

1 2
··· i ··· Nk Component subbeam 2
Component subbeam 3
ψLB ψU B
A 5 Component subbeam 4

ψ1 ψ2 ψi ψN k 0
Sector directions
Fig. 9. Sectorized array manifold for subcodebook design at stage k. −5

Therefore, beamforming vector i in subcodebook Fk will have −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80
a beam direction corresponding to Angle(degree)
( ) (a)
ψi = ψLB + ψU B2Nk
+ i(ψU BN−ψ
LB )
, i = 0, 1,., NK−1. (32)

Beam Patterns 337° 0 dB 22.5°

Physically, this corresponds to an( angle-of-arrival (or depar- −2.5 dB
−1 ψi 315° −5 dB 45°
ture) θi calculated as θi = sin 2πd/λ . −7.5 dB
After dividing sectors in A, a beam “flattened” to have 293°
−10 dB
−12.5 dB
an omni-directional pattern within each sector is desired. −15 dB

Flattened omni-directional beams can be generated using 270°

−17.5 dB
−20 dB 90°
techniques such as the subarray method in [27], which also
employs beam-spoiling techniques similar to [20], [28]. This
247° 112°
technique divides the M element array into Msub subarrays
each of size M/Msub . The subbeams are each defocused with 225° 135°
a small offset angle, then they are summed for broadening.
202° 158°
For a one-dimensional ULA, the broadened beamformer fbr 180°

is given by [ ]T
fbr = fcomp,1 T
fcomp,2 · · · fcomp,(M/M
sub ) (33)
Fig. 10. (a) A flattened beam is designed using subarraying and beam
spoiling. The blue flattened beam is the superposition of four subarray
where fbr ∈ CM ×1 and fcomp,j ∈ CMsub ×1 is a subarray for component beams. (b) Example of subcodebook Fk with Nk = 16 and
a component subbeam. The component subbeams are each q = 5 bits in array size Mt = 32. Normalized beam patterns are plotted in
pointed in slightly different directions to broaden the beam polar coordinates.
before application of a defocusing angle θsp . Note that the
broadened beamformer fbr is a unit norm vector and each
Rician channel with K-factor K , the ratio of the energy in the
element is controlled by analog RF beamforming in (5). Each
LOS path to the sum of the energy in other non-LOS paths.
broadened beam constructs subcodebook, fbr ∈ Fk .
For our simulations, the K-factor K is set to 13.2 dB from the
An example beam pattern for a single sector assuming M =
channel observation in [29].
32 elements is shown in Fig. 10(a). The array is grouped into
eight subarrays (i.e., Msub = 8) and four component subbeams
fcomp,j using a 5 bit quantized phase-shifter for each element. A. Performance Comparison
Then, the superposition of component subbeams is defocused Let the average beamforming gain be defined as the SNR
and pointed in a beam direction θi = 15◦ . gain for a system employing beamformer fopt and combiner
With this approach, we optimize χ(Fk ) over Msub and θsp [
to design subcodebook Fk in (28). An example subcodebook
zopt as 2 ]
GBF = E z∗opt Hfopt .
for the Mt = 32 case with Nk = 16 is shown in Fig. 10(b).
The array manifold A is uniformly quantized to Nk = 16 The performance of a non-adaptive joint alignment, a single-
directions, and the subarray parameters are optimized to sided alignment, and the proposed adaptive sampling align-
∗ ∗
Msub = 2 and θsp = 1.72◦ . ment were simulated for various settings. The non-adaptive
joint alignment sounds all possible pairs of beamformers
V. S IMULATIONS AND D ISCUSSIONS and combiners in (25) using
√ codebooks with sizes given by
We compare the performance of various beamforming card(F) = card(Z) ≈ L. Then, the optimal beamformer
methods using Monte Carlo simulations. To evaluate the fopt and combiner zopt are chosen according to (8) and
performance the spatial channel, including angular spread and observations in (25). The single-sided alignment samples the
multipath, is modeled using a street geometry as described subspace by searching for fopt given a fixed combiner and
in [8]. We consider three multipath components including a then searching for zopt for a fixed beamformer. The sampling
line-of-sight (LOS) path and the first order non-line-of-sight requires codebooks of sizes card(F) = card(Z) = L/2. After
reflection from each side of the street. The delays and the sampling with codebooks, the optimal beamformer fopt and
angular spread of the reflected paths are calculated using the the optimal zopt are also selected. This alignment approach is
distance differences and ray-tracing of the geometry model. currently used in IEEE 802.11ad [5]. We adjust the codebook
For the performance comparison, we assumed there was no and subcodebook sizes used in the adaptive sampling such
wind misalignment (i.e., u = 0). The channel is modeled as a that the total search time L is the same for all the schemes.





Beamforming Gain, G


Beamforming gain, G

18 20


12 16
Non−Adaptive Sampling & Joint Search
10 Non−Adaptive Sampling & Single−Sided Search (STD IEEE802.11ad)
8 Adaptive Sampling & Ping−pong Search (Proposed Algorithm)
24 36 48 64 96 144 240 432 1000
L (time index)
Non−adaptive sampling & joint search
Non−adaptive sampling & single−sided search
Proposed adaptive sampling & ping−pong search
Fig. 12. Comparison of beamforming gain versus beam search time L for
−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5
SNR (dB)
M = 32 array, SNR = 5 dB.

Fig. 11. Comparison of beamforming gain versus SNR for M = 32 array, sounding and sampling K = 3 is performed with LK = 6
L = 48. and LK = 8, respectively. For L greater than 96 as shown in
Fig. 12, subcodebooks with levels K = 4 or greater are used
for adaptive sampling and sounding with the proper LK . The
For both the non-adaptive joint search and single-sided transmitter and receiver both use ULAs of size M = 32, and
search, the transmit and receive array weight codebooks are the SNR is fixed at 5 dB. Note that the beamforming gain
constructed by quantizing the sets of departure and arrival reaches its bound GBF,max = 10 log10 (Mt Mr ) as L grows
angles. Both the transmit and receive arrays are assumed to be large. When the search time L grows large, the subcodebook
ULAs. For example, this means the codebook for the transmit size of the last level, NK (with NK ≤ (LK )K ), is much bigger
beamformer has an ith beamformer given by than the array size M , and the beamforming gain is bounded
1 [ ]T
fi = √ 1 e−j2π(d/λ) sin(θi ) · · · e−j(Mt −1)2π(d/λ) sin(θi ) by the full CSI beamforming gain. To compare performance,
Mt consider a target beamforming gain of 26 dB. To achieve this
where θi ∈ T is the ith angle in a uniformly quantized gain, the adaptive alignment algorithm only requires L ≈ 25.
set in[ (32). The coverage for the sector is specified with In contrast, single-sided alignment requires L ≈ 47, and non-
] adaptive joint alignment requires L ≈ 585. The adaptive sam-
T = − π2 , π2 for a half-wavelength spaced ULA. Both the
beamformer and combiner are implemented on each element pling and alignment method using the hierarchy relationship
using 5 bit phase quantization. in (29) efficiently estimates the optimal beamformer-combiner
In the first simulation, with results shown in Fig. 11, the pairs. The proposed adaptive sampling and beam alignment
beamforming gain performance of the alignment methods is scheme also allows the alignment to be accomplished with a
shown versus SNR for a fixed value L = 48. The transmitter smaller search time L than the alignment method used in IEEE
and receiver both use a ULA of size M = 32. For our 802.11ad [5]. This advantage of the proposed technique is even
proposed algorithm, we design the subcodebooks using ping- more significant for larger arrays, which are simultaneously
pong sounding with K = 3 and with LK = 8. The three more susceptible to wind sway and require a larger codebook
subcodebooks have sizes, N1 = 8, N2 = 32, and N3 = 64. size with L ≪ Mr Mt .
The non-adaptive sampling codebook has seven vectors, and The size of the array also plays a major role in beamforming
the single-sided sampling codebook is of size 24. At high gain. Fig. 13 demonstrates the beamforming gain as a function
SNR, the proposed adaptive alignment method has around a of the transmit and receiver array size M. In this plot, the
4 dB gain improvement over single-sided alignment and more SNR is 5 dB, and L varies with the array size according to
than a 13 dB gain over the non-adaptive joint alignment. From L = M . The subcodebooks for M are designed with K = 3,
this result, the operating SNR is set to 5 dB for all other except the small array sizes M = 16 and M = 24 with
simulations. K = 2. The aligned beamforming gain is compared with
In order to investigate the effect of the size of subspace the theoretical array gain, which is 10 log10 (Mt Mr ) at perfect
samples, Fig. 12 compares the beamforming gain versus the alignment. From the simulation results it can be seen that there
search time L. Also, the codebook and subcodebook sizes are is a consistent performance gap between the adaptive align-
a function of the search time L. Non-adaptive joint sampling ment and the single-sided alignment. The adaptive alignment
and non-adaptive
√ single-sided sampling choose the codebook scheme outperforms the non-adaptive joint alignment for all
sizes as L and L/2, respectively. In adaptive sampling, the array sizes. In Fig. 2, a target beamforming gain is roughly
number of sounding vectors at each level in the hierarchy calculated as 29 dB at 100 m distance. Utilizing the adaptive
is set as a function of L due to the relationship between L alignment, the system with M = 32 is able to achieve the
L same beamforming gain as a much larger array system with
and LK with K, i.e., LK = 2K . For example, two-level
codebooks (i.e., K = 2) with LK = 6 are used for the M ≈ 70 using the single-sided alignment.
small search time L = 24 because L is not large enough to Fig. 14 compares the beamforming gain versus the average
sound in multiple levels. In L = 36 and L = 48, three-level wind speed with different array sizes. The beamforming gain

Wind sway effects on beamforming performance

40 40
M = 16
M = 24
M = 36
M = 48
M = 96

Average beamforming gain, E[G ] (dB)



Beamforming Gain, G





15 Non−adaptive sampling & joint search
Non−adaptive sampling & single−sided search
Proposed adaptive sampling & ping−pong search
Maximum beamforming gain 15
10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
mean wind speed, v (m/s)
Array Size, M

Fig. 13. Comparison of beamforming gain versus array size M = Mt = Mr Fig. 14. Average beamforming gain with wind sway effect.
for L = M , SNR = 5 dB.

the relation between wind velocity, drag, and pole response.

GBF is averaged over different wind-environment realizations. In general, the wind velocity is a time-varying, vector-valued
The SNR is also set 5 dB, and L varies with the array size spatial random field u(x, y, z, t) where x and y represent the
according to L = M . The figure demonstrates that increasing surface dimension variables and z represents height above the
the array size in only one dimension (e.g., in a uniform linear surface. Let u represent the mean wind vector as averaged
array) comes with a possibly severe penalty from wind sway. over a suitable time window. Though u is a function of the
In the case of M = 96, the performance degradation due to spatial variables we assume: 1) it is approximately constant
the wind sway misalignment is up to 10 dB at 40 m/s wind over small variations in the surface variables x and y (since
speed. we consider only one short link whose distance is on the order
of 100 m, 2) that the height variable z is fixed and equal to 10
VI. C ONCLUSIONS m (a reasonable choice for the height of a pole to which the
In this paper, we studied the use of millimeter wave wireless millimeter wave antenna array is mounted), and 3) that the z
communication for both backhaul and access in small cell component of u is equal to zero. Then following the common
networks. The longer communication link distances, combined practice [10], [11], [30] we suppress the spatial variables to
with the severe path loss at millimeter wave frequencies, make simplify notation and write the wind velocity as
aligning the transmit and receive beams a challenging and
important problem. We addressed the problem of subspace u(t) = u + dud (t) + cuc (t)
sampling, which provides the observation data needed for
the beam alignment algorithms. Subspace sampling can be where d is a unit vector in the direction of the mean wind
done in a non-adaptive or adaptive manner. Adaptive sampling and c is a unit vector orthogonal to the direction of the
techniques can leverage previous received data to substan- mean wind. The time-varying components ud (t) and uc (t)
tially improve system performance. Simulations compared represent turbulence in the along-wind and across-wind di-
our various proposed beam alignment and subspace sampling rections, respectively. It is also assumed that there is no
algorithms. Because outdoor picocell access points will most turbulence component in the z direction, which is a reasonable
likely be mounted to poles, we also discussed the problem assumption near the surface (z = 10 m). Furthermore, the
of pole sway due to wind and the tradeoff of the array top of the pole to which the antenna array is mounted is
size and achievable receive SNR. We modeled wind-induced approximately constrained to move only in the (x, y) plane.
impairments in the millimeter wave beamforming system and The turbulence components ud (t) and uc (t) are modeled as
evaluated their effect on the beamforming gain. zero-mean, wide-sense stationary, uncorrelated random pro-
This paper documented the tradeoff between array size and
wind-induced movement. More work is needed in this area.
When the required number of transmit and receive antenna Wind Turbulence ud (t) Aero Admittance Fd (t) Mechanical
elements is large, it appears to be insufficient to employ w1 (t) Spectrum Filter Ha,d Transfer Function Ld (t)
(along-wind) (along-wind ) Hm (f ) along-wind
large uniform linear arrays. A more resilient architecture is wind velocity wind load
pole response

to use a two-dimensional uniform linear array, which limits Wind Turbulence uc (t) Aero Admittance Fc (t)
w2 (t) Spectrum Filter Ha,c
the effect of beam misalignment by spacing the array over (across-wind) (across-wind) Mechanical
two dimensions. Transfer Function Lc (t)
Hm (f ) across-wind
Vortex Shedding pole response
w3 (t) Spectrum Filter
Fvs (t)
The wind vibration modeling in this section follows the Fig. 15. Block diagram representation of transfer function mapping wind
approach in [10], [11], [30] as illustrated in Fig. 15 showing velocity to pole response.

cesses with power spectral densities given by [11] The various component forces then drive a mechanical
[ ]5/3 model for the antenna-mounting pole. We assume that the
500u2∗ 1 along wind and across wind forces are independent and that
Sud (f ) = ,
πu 1 + 500f /2πu there is no coupling between pole dynamics in the two
[ ]5/3 directions. The pole is modeled as a simple spring-mass-
75u2∗ 1
Suc (f ) = damper system [11] characterized by a damping coefficient
2πu 1 + 95f /2πu
and a natural frequency, ζ and fn in Hz, respectively. The
where f is frequency in Hz, u = ∥u∥, and u∗ = mechanical transfer function is given by
u/2.5 ln (10/z0 ) is the shear velocity at height z = 10 m, ob-
tained from the terrain roughness length parameter z0 , which Hm (f ) = ( )1/2
has been characterized in [31]. For an urban scenario z0 = 2 4mπ 2 fn2 [1 − (f /fn )2 ] + 4ζ 2 (f /fn )2
m. In Fig. 15 the turbulence components are modeled as the
outputs of wind spectrum filters when driven by independent, where m is the mass of the light and pico-cell antenna on the
white Gaussian processes. top of the pole. Pole responses in the along-wind and across-
The wind exerts force on the antenna mounting pole via two wind directions are computed as the outputs of mechanical
mechanisms. The first, and most important, is through drag in transfer function systems when driven by wind force random
response to the mean wind speed and the two orthogonally processes as illustrated in Fig. 15. Finally, the simulation is
directed wind speed turbulence components. This effect is computed in the spectral domain from the pole-displacement
modeled in Fig. 15 using the two aero-admittance functions power spectral densities (e.g., SLd (f ) = |Hm (t)|2 SFd (f ),
Ha,d and Ha,c . Although the mean wind term u exerts a SLc (f ) = |Hm (t)|2 SFc (f )), using the spectral representation
significant drag force we can and do ignore it because of our method and the inverse FFT as in [34]. The simulation can
assumption that the poles on either end of a short link are represent a pole-response bandwidth up to 10 Hz.
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[13] X. Wu, B. Murherjee, and D. Ghosal, “Hierarchical architectures in the
where S is the Strouhal number, a constant dependent on the third-generation cellular network,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 11,
shape of the body, and dp is the diameter of the pole. For no. 3, pp. 62–71, June 2004.
a pole of circular cross-section [32] suggests S = 0.2. The [14] L. Correia, J. Reis, and P. Frances, “Analysis of the average power to
distance decay rate at the 60 GHz band,” in Proc. 1997 IEEE VTC –
power spectral density of the across-wind force due to vortex- Fall, pp. 994–998.
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2 1.125 1 − f /fvs
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[16] E. Ben-Dor, T. Rappaport, Y. Qiao, and S. J. Lauffenburger, “Millimeter-
πf fvs 0.18
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[17] H. Xu, V. Kukshya, and T. S. Rappaport, “Spatial and temporal char-
[11]. The vortex shedding frequency is calculated as fvs = 12 acteristics of 60-GHz indoor channels,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.,
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[18] D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. David J. Love (S’98 - M’05 - SM’09) received
Cambridge University Press, 2005. the B.S. (with highest honors), M.S.E., and Ph.D.
[19] Y. Yu, P. G. Baltus, A. H. van Roermund, Y. Yu, P. G. Baltus, and degrees in electrical engineering from the Univer-
A. H. M. Roermund, Integrated 60 GHz RF Beamforming in CMOS. sity of Texas at Austin in 2000, 2002, and 2004,
Springer, 2011. respectively. During the summers of 2000 and 2002,
[20] R. Mailloux, Phased Array Antenna Handbook. Artech House, 2005. he was with Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX. Since
[21] D. Love, R. J. Heath, and T. Strohmer, “Grassmannian beamforming August 2004, he has been with the School of Elec-
for multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems,” IEEE Trans. Inf. trical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University,
Theory, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2735–2747, 2003. West Lafayette, IN, where he is now a Professor and
[22] H. Zhang and U. Madhow, “Statistical modeling of fading and diversity recognized as a University Faculty Scholar. He has
for outdoor 60 GHz channels,” in Proc. 2010 ACM Int. Workshop served as an Associate Editor for both the IEEE
[23] J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th ed. McGraw Hill, 2000. S IGNAL P ROCESSING, and he has also served as a guest editor for special
[24] P. Sofotasios and S. Freear, “Novel expressions for the Marcum and one issues of the IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICATIONS
dimensional Q-functions,” 2010. and the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. His
[25] R. Pawula, “Relations between the Rice Ie-function and the Marcum research interests are in the design and analysis of communication systems
Q-function with applications to error rate calculations,” Electron. Lett., and MIMO array processing.
vol. 31, no. 24, pp. 2078–2080, 1995. Dr. Love has been inducted into Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. Along with
[26] J. Wang, Z. Lan, C.-S. Sum, C.-W. Pyo, J. Gao, T. Baykas, A. Rahman, co-authors, he was awarded the 2009 IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR
R. Funada, F. Kojima, I. Lakkis, H. Harada, and S. Kato, “Beamforming T ECHNOLOGY Jack Neubauer Memorial Award for the best systems paper
codebook design and performance evaluation for 60GHz wideband published in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY in
WPANs,” in 2009 IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. – Fall. that year. He was the recipient of the Fall 2010 Purdue HKN Outstanding
[27] R. Mailloux, “Subarray technology for large scanning arrays,” in 2007 Teacher Award and was an invited participant to the 2011 NAE Frontiers of
European Conf. Antennas Propagation. Engineering Education Symposium. In 2003, Dr. Love was awarded the IEEE
[28] R. Kinsey, “Phased array beam spoiling technique,” in Proc. 1997 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Daniel Noble Fellowship.
Antennas Propagation Society Intl. Symp.
[29] Z. Muhi-Eldeen, L. Ivrissimtzis, and M. Al-Nuaimi, “Modelling and
measurements of millimetre wavelength propagation in urban environ- James V. Krogmeier (M’89) received the B.S.E.E.
ments,” IET Microwaves, Antennas Propag., vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 1300– degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in
1309, 2010. 1981 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni-
[30] A. Davenport, “The application of statistical concepts to the wind versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1983 and
loading of structures.” ICE Proc., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 449–472, Jan. 1990, respectively. He is currently a Professor with
1961. the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
[31] J. Wieringa, “Roughness-dependent geographical interpolation of sur- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. His research
face wind speed averages,” Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society, interests include the application of signal processing
vol. 112, no. 473, pp. 867–889, 1986. in wireless communications, adaptive filtering, chan-
[32] L. Yam, T. Leung, D. Li, and K. Xu, “Use of ambient response mea- nel equalization, synchronization, and intelligent
surements to determine dynamic characteristics of slender structures,” transportation systems. Dr. Krogmeier has served on
Eng. Structures, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 145–150, 1997. a number of IEEE technical program committees and as an Associate Editor
[33] L. Caracoglia and N. Jones, “Numerical and experimental study of for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS and the
vibration mitigation for highway light poles,” Eng. Structures, vol. 29, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NTELLIGENT T RANSPORTATION S YSTEMS.
no. 5, pp. 821–831, 2007.
[34] M. Shinozuka and G. Deodatis, “Simulation of stochastic processes by
spectral representation,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 44, p. 191,
Timothy A. Thomas (S’95 - M’98) received the
B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni-
Sooyoung Hur (S’05) received the B.S degree from versity of Illinois in 1989, the M.S. degree in electri-
Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, in 2005, and M.S. cal engineering from the University of Michigan in
degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Science 1990, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea in 2007, from Purdue University in 1997.
both in electrical engineering. He received a Ph.D. From 1991 to 1993 he was a member of technical
in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue staff at Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) in
University, West Lafayette, IN in 2013. His current Red Bank, New Jersey and from 1997 to 2011 he
research interests are millimeter-wave communica- was with Motorola in Schaumburg, Illinois working
tion, OFDM, MIMO, and signal processing for on wireless research. Since 2011 he has been with
wireless communications including software-defined Nokia Siemens Networks in the Research group within Technology and
radio implementations. Innovation. His research interests are in physical layer communications and
in particular channel measurements, cellular and mmWave communications,
and adaptive antenna algorithms for mobile broadband communications.
Taejoon Kim (S’08 M’11) received the B.S. de-
gree (with highest honors) from Sogang University,
Korea and M.S. degree from the Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), both Amitabha (Amitava) Ghosh (M’86 - SM’13)
in electrical engineering in 2002 and 2004, respec- joined Motorola in 1990 after receiving his
tively. From 2004 to 2006, he was with Electronics Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from South-
and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), ern Methodist University, Dallas. Since join-
Korea. In 2007, he joined Purdue University, West ing Motorola he worked on multiple wire-
Lafayette, Indiana and earned Ph.D. degree in Elec- less technologies starting from IS-95, cdma-2000,
trical and Computer Engineering in 2011. From 1xEV-DV/1XTREME, 1xEV-DO, UMTS, HSPA,
August 2011 to September 2012, he was with the 802.16e/WiMAX/802.16m, Enhanced EDGE and
Nokia Research Center (NRC), Berkeley, California as a Senior Researcher. 3GPP LTE. Dr. Ghosh has 55 issued patents and
Before joining City University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in numerous external and internal technical papers.
March 2013, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Communication Theory Currently, he is Head, North America Radio Systems
group at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. He was awarded the Korean government within the Technology and Innovation office of Nokia Siemens Networks. He
(MOCIE) scholarship for studying abroad in 2007 and was the recipient of is currently working on 3GPP LTE-Advanced and 5G systems. His research
the Best Paper Award in IEEE PIMRC 2012. His research interests are in the interests are in the area of digital communications, signal processing and
design and analysis of communication systems, adaptive signal processing, wireless communications. He is a senior member of IEEE and co-author of
and MIMO wireless systems. the book titled Essentials of LTE and LTE-A.

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