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International Journal of Advance Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE)


Analysis of Notch in Microstrip Antenna

T. Venkateswara Rao, 2A. Sudhakar, 3K. Padma Raju
Sir C. R. Reddy College of Engineering, Eluru, India
RVR & JC College of Engineering and Technology, Guntur, India
JNTUK, Kakinada, AP, India.

Abstract : To enhance the performance, various methods features of wide bandwidth, simple structure,
have been applied to design the antenna. Still the scope omnidirectional radiation pattern, and ease of
remains unchanged in antenna research. Antenna has a construction several wideband configurations, such as
prime role in wireless communication. In recent years, circular, square, elliptical, pentagonal, and hexagonal
researchers have focused on improvement of the UWB
have been proposed for UWB applications [5]–[7]. To
antennas. UWB has attractive merits compact size, low
cost, resistant to severe multipath and jamming, ease of obtain various applications, the notches may be
fabrication, and good omnidirectional radiation introduced in the microstrip antenna. It will serve for
characteristics. However, the use of the 5.15 to 5.825 GHz different frequency bands.
frequency band has been limited by IEEE 802.11a for
wireless local area network (WLAN) systems. To avoid the
The paper is organized with five sections. Section I
interference between the UWB and WLAN systems, a introduced the work where as section-II briefly describes
band-notch filter in UWB systems is necessary. However, regarding the microstrip antenna. Section-III explains
the use of a filter will increase the complexity of the UWB the effect of notch theoretically and section-IV describes
system. Therefore, a UWB antenna having frequency its simulation and results. Finally, section-V concludes
band-notch characteristic can be an alternative choice to the work.
overcome this problem. The effect of notch in the
microstrip antenna has been analyzed in this work. The II. MICROSTRIP ANTENNA
results have been shown for both without notch and with
notches. One of the most exciting developments in antenna is the
advent of Microstrip antenna. It is the most popular and
I. INTRODUCTION adaptable. This is because of all the features including
ease of fabrication, good radiation control, and low cost
Wireless communication systems are becoming popular
of production. It is constructed from dielectric substrate
Day-by-day. The technologies for wireless
and patch, metal and that a portion of the metallization
communication still need to be improved further to
layer is responsible for radiation. Microstrip antenna
satisfy the higher resolution and data rate requirements.
was conceived in the 1950s, and then extensive
That is why ultra wideband (UWB) communication
investigations of the patch antennas followed in the
systems covering from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz released by
1970s and resulted in many useful design
the FCC in 2002 is currently under development [1].
configurations. Through decades of research, it was
The ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has given rise to
identified that the performance and operation of a
much interest in designing wideband antennas.
microstrip antenna are driven mainly by the geometry of
Wideband antennas have found widespread application
the printed patch and the material characteristics of the
in wireless communication industry due to their
substrate onto which the antenna is printed. It is one of
attractive features like easy fabrication, low cost,
the important elements in modern wireless
linearly and circularly polarized radiation
communication systems and hence its design
characteristics. Due to these attractive features wideband
optimization are an important aspect of improving the
antennas are used in many wireless applications such as
overall performance of the system have been extensively
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM and GPRS. Low profile
used in many applications due to their low profile, ease
multiband antennas with sufficient bandwidth coverage
of manufacture, and the possibility of integration with
fine radiation characteristics fulfill the need of present
other circuits.
wireless devices [2].
In case of microstrip design, the upper conducting layer
For many years, various antennas for wideband
or “patch” is the source of radiation where
operation have been studied for communications and
electromagnetic energy fringes off the edges of the patch
radar systems [3], [4]. In UWB communication systems,
and into the substrate. The lower conducting layer acts
one of the important issues is to design of a compact
as a perfectly reflecting ground plane, bouncing energy
antenna while providing wideband characteristic over
back through the substrate and into free space.
the whole operating band. Due to their appealing
Physically, the patch is a thin conductor that is an
ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-5 Issue-1, 2016
International Journal of Advance Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE)

appreciable fraction of a wavelength in extent. The patch In recent years, microstrip antennas have been one of the
which has resonant behavior is responsible to achieve most innovative topics in antenna theory and design.
adequate bandwidth. Conventional patch designs yield The basic idea of microstrip antenna came from utilizing
few percent band widths. In most practical applications, printed circuit technology not only for the circuit
patch antenna is rectangular or circular in shape; component and transmission lines, but also for the
however, in general, any geometry is possible. radiating elements of an electronic system. They are
Microstrip antenna should be designed so that its used in a wide range of modern microwave applications
maximum wave pattern is normal to the patch. This is because of their simplicity and compatibility with the
accomplished by proper choice of mode of excitation printed - circuit technology. A microstrip antenna, in its
beneath the patch. With the widely and rapidly simplest form, consists of a rectangular shape (or other
development of modern wireless communication shapes such as circular, triangular, etc.) on top of a
systems, multiband and wideband antennas are in high substrate backed by a ground plane [9]. Microstrip
demand. Antennas need to have multiband wideband antennas have a great demand for commercial
characteristics in order to be flexible enough to cover applications such as mobile and satellite
multiple communication frequency bands.Microstrip communications. But the disadvantage is that microstrip
Patch Antennas are capable of producing multi antennas suffer from low bandwidth. Research has been
resonances, adaptable for a wide range of wireless. done over the years to develop bandwidth enhancement
Generally, radiating patch is normally made of techniques. These techniques include use of substrates
conducting material such as copper or gold and can take with more thickness and less dielectric constant [10],
any possible shape. Figure1 depicts the microstrip patch and stacked patches [11]. By using stacked patches,
antenna with dimensional specifications .Parameter „L‟, bandwidth can be increased, but this would add
is the length of the patch in the antenna which is the complexity in fabrication. A simple method to achieve
non-radiating edge .Parameters „W‟ and „t‟ are the width bandwidth enhancement in a microstrip antenna is
of the substrate below the patch and the thickness of the embedding a slot in the patch in which the radiating
patch. The dielectric medium and the dielectric constant patch includes a pair of step-slots [12]. It results the
„єr‟, determines the coupling of signal. Microstrip Patch notice at specific frequency.
Antennas can also have shapes like square, rectangular,
circular, triangular, elliptical and fractal designs one of III. MICROSTRIP ANTENNA WITH
these structures is shown in Fig.1. NOTCH
The basic component of a factors constant, replicas of
transmission line in communication system is an antenna
[13], ground plane are placed, as stacking makes the
overall particularly patch antennas have rapidly design
bulkier, difficult to produce and alignment in
multiacclaimed a lot of interest due to their layers is
another major issue encountered in case of applicability
in satellite, missile and mobile stacking so varying
ground plane seems to be a better communication
systems [14]. As mobile devices have option. very
Figure1. Microstrip Patch Antenna inadequate room for antenna installation, therefore it is
desired to integrate most of the wireless Antenna Design
To reduce the size of MPA, substrate with higher and Structure. The basic circuits are analyzed as follows
dielectric constants are used which are less efficient and [15].
result in narrow bandwidth. A thick dielectric substrate
with low dielectric constant provides larger bandwidth, Analysis of Rectangular Patch Antenna A simple
better radiation and greater efficiency. But such rectangular microstrip patch antenna can be considered
configuration leads to a larger antenna size. Hence a as a parallel combination of resistance, inductance and
trade-off must be realized between the antenna capacitance as shown in Fig.2.
performance and antenna dimensions.[8]
A microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch
on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground
plane on the other side as shown in Figure 1. The patch
is generally made of conducting material such as copper
or gold and can take any possible shape. The radiating
patch and the feed lines are usually photoetched on the
dielectric substrate. Arrays of antennas can be
photoetched on the substrate, along with their feeding
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of the rectangular patch

ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-5 Issue-1, 2016
International Journal of Advance Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE)

The notch is loaded along one side of the rectangular surface current paths so as to produce multi resonant
patch; this causes an additional series capacitance and modes. The two slots are kept at a distance of 2 mm
inductance as shown in Fig.3. from the vertical and horizontal edges of the radiating
However, major disadvantage of patch antenna is
narrow bandwidth. There are many methods to
overcome this problem such as increasing the height of
the substrate, and introducing parasitic elements or
modifying the shape of the patch. In this paper E-shaped
micro strip patch antenna is designed and analyzed. If
two parallel slots are incorporated into the patch, the
bandwidth increases . A wide band E-shaped antenna
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of notch loaded patch antenna with U-shape slot in its feed is designed to cover 1GHz-
12GHz range of frequencies. A broad band radiation
For Ultra Wideband (UWB) applications, a suitable pattern is achieved. There are different types of slot
UWB antenna is required to provide satisfactory loaded antennas such as U-slot, V-slot, E-shape and H-
performance over the whole FCC defined frequency shape. In this paper U-slot is inserted in E-shaped
band from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz [16], including return antenna‟s feed to achieve wide bandwidth. The
loss less than 10 dB or VSWR below 2. WiMAX (3.3 – parameters are analyzed by changing the position,
3.7 GHz) and WLAN (5.15 – 5.825 GHz ) band-notched length, width of the slot .
function is necessary for a good candidate UWB antenna
to prevent interference between the existing operating Often microstrip antennas are referred to as patch
bands applied to UWB radio systems [17].Many UWB antennas. The radiating elements and the feed lines are
antennas with band-notched function has been reported habitually photo etched on the dielectric substrate. The
in recent years, which mainly use partial ground plane radiating patch may be square, rectangular, thin strip,
and a slot or parasitic elements [18-25]. (a) WiMAX circular, elliptical, triangular or constituting any other
(3.5GHz) (b) WLAN (5.2GHz) (c) Bluetooth (2.45GHz) configuration. Square, rectangular, thin strip and circular
(d) 10GHz. microstrip patch configurations are the most common
because of their ease of analysis, fabrication, and their
IV. SIMULATION RESULT attractive radiation characteristics, especially the low
cross-polarization radiation. There are many
configurations that can be used to feed microstrip
antennas. It was observed that with a decrease in notch
An RMP antenna with a notch designs for bandwidth width, the resonant frequency shifts away from 10 GHz
enhancement of the antenna. For designing of this RMP notch width is decreased from W/10 to W/40.
antenna transmission line model is used. An inset fed
microstrip rectangular patch antenna is designed to
match the patch with 50Ω microstrip transmission line.
The designed microstrip patch antenna structure is
shown in Fig.4 The substrate used is FR-4 epoxy having
dielectric constant = 4.4 and height h=1.58mm. The
operating frequency is 2.4GHz. The inset depth and gap
width are varied to get the desired results. The width and
length of the notch are 14mm and 2mm. effect of the
notch on physical parameters of an RMP antenna.

Fig. 5. E-shaped antenna without U-slot

When the height of the slit is properly chosen, wideband
characteristic can be achieved. The height of the feed
gap between the main patch and the ground is also an
important parameter to control the impedance
We adopt the design strategy of keeping the return loss
minimum at the resonant frequencies as close as
Fig.4. A RMP Antenna with a Notch possible and striving to achieve -10dB return loss over
In Fig.5 two vertical slots are placed on the patch having the impedance bandwidth. Our design procedure is
the length Ls and width Ws for providing different based on the existing literature and analysis of the notch
ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-5 Issue-1, 2016
International Journal of Advance Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE)

width discussed earlier and the goal of this procedure is

to provide a good result. In practice, the dielectric
constants of the material are not free variables, since
discrete values depend on the dielectric material used.

Fig.9 Variation of return loss with frequency for

Fig.6. S (Return Loss) Parameter plot of RMP antenna
different notch length and width.
A novel UWB microstrip-fed monopole antenna with
bandnotch characteristic has been designed. A narrow
slit is used to improve the VSWR performance of the
antenna. Band-notch characteristic is achieved by
inserting a modified inverted U-slot. The notch
frequency can be controlled by changing the length of
the U-slot. The proposed antenna has the frequency band
of 3 GHz to over 11 GHz for VSWR less than 2.0.
In this design, it is suitable for UWB applications from
3.1 to 10.6 GHz while support Bluetooth frequency
(2.45GHz) and provides a two frequency notch at
WiMAX (3.5GHz) and WLAN (5.2)GHz in order to
prevent interference with other UWB applications. The
Fig.7. Far Field Polar Plot of Gain of RMP Antenna antenna is simple, low cost and compact in size. The
Results shown from Fig.6 through Fig.9 for return loss measured results indicate that the modified antenna
and fulfield radiation pattern. For different notches the provides a near omnidirectional radiation pattern over
antenna has been designed, analyzed and produced the the operating frequency band and a high VSWR and low
following results. gain at the notch frequencies
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ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-5 Issue-1, 2016

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