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A Novel Pentagonal-Shaped Monopole Antenna With A CSRR Metamaterial Loaded Defected Ground For UWB Applications

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

139, 175-185, 2024

(Received 3 September 2023, Accepted 30 November 2023, Scheduled 24 December 2023)

A Novel Pentagonal-Shaped Monopole Antenna with a CSRR

Metamaterial Loaded Defected Ground for UWB Applications

Chahrazad Bensid1 , Mohamed Lamine Bouknia1 , Djamel Sayad2 , Issa Elfergani3, 4 ,

Hanane Bendjedi1 , Rami Zegadi1 , Jonathan Rodriguez3, 5 , Atul Varshney6 , and Chemseddine Zebiri1, *
1 Laboratoire d’Electronique de Puissance et Commande Industrielle (LEPCI), Department of Electronics
University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif-1-, Setif 19000, Algeria
2 Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Skikda (LES), Department of Electrical Engineering

University 20 Aout 1955-Skikda, Skikda 21000, Algeria

3 Instituto de Telecomunicações, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
4 Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK
5 Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales, Pontypridd CF37 1DL, UK
6 ECE Department, FET Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be) University, Haridwar 249404, Uttarakhand, India

ABSTRACT: This article presents a novel compact ultra-wideband (UWB) planar monopole antenna printed on an FR4 substrate. The
antenna consists of a pentagonal radiating element and incorporates loading metamaterial complementary split ring resonator (CSRR)
on the ground plane to optimize impedance matching for UWB operation. The overall dimensions of the designed antenna are 17.75 ×
20 mm2 . The proposed compact UWB antenna exhibits an operating bandwidth from 3.01 to 12.41 GHz with a −10 dB return loss and
a fractional bandwidth (FBW) of approximately 123%. Additionally, the proposed antenna exhibits a stable radiation pattern with a
peak gain of 6.3 dB and a peak radiation efficiency of 98.3%. To validate the simulation results, a prototype has been fabricated and
measured, which shows good coherence with the simulation results. In addition, the proposed design is compared with leading antennas
for similar applications to demonstrate the suitability of its concept. Moreover, an equivalent circuit model of the CSRR metamaterial
cell is developed and validated using ADS software.

1. INTRODUCTION of a UWB antenna [7]. Within this framework, numerous ge-

onopole antennas have gained widespread importance ometries have been proposed for UWB applications, such as
M in day-to-day communication applications due to their
small size, low profile, and easy integration into portable de-
circular disks [8–10], elliptical disks [11–15], and ring-shaped
structures [7, 16, 17]. On the other hand, many researchers
vices [1, 2], making them a popular choice for wireless commu- have understood that these shapes alone are not sufficient to
nications. In modern wireless devices like mobile phones and meet UWB requirements, and various techniques have been
laptops, antennas are usually tuned to specific single-frequency harnessed to improve bandwidth. UWB behavior has been
bands of interest. However, with the explosive growth of wire- achieved via a U-shaped slot in the partial ground plane [18],
less communication standards, more antennas need to be inte- parasitic elements [19–21], metamaterials [22–25], defected
grated into devices, increasing complexity; this is where Ultra- ground structures [26–29], and parasitic slots [30–32]. It is true
Wideband (UWB) technology comes into play. that there is freedom in choosing the shape of the radiating patch
Nowadays, the UWB technology is very popular in modern and ground plane structures, but optimizing the overall antenna
wireless communications [1] to meet the requirements of high structure to match the design specifications remains challeng-
data rates in short-distance communications, high bandwidth ing.
and low power consumption, etc. In 2002, the Federal Com- In the light of this debate, much remains to be done in
munication Commission (FCC) licensed the UWB in the 3.1– terms of miniaturizing the design and improving the impedance
10.6 GHz range for commercial applications [3–5]. Since then, bandwidth. Therefore, in this letter, a simple, compact, cost-
it has become extremely popular with researchers. On the other effective UWB printed monopole antenna is presented. The
hand, future advances in wireless communication systems and design and analysis of the antenna are carried out using CST
multifunctional devices require the incorporation of UWB tech- simulator. The simulation is verified by comparing the simu-
nology with a single antenna, one of the main objectives [6]. lated data with the measured data. The antenna design makes
In parallel with progress in wireless communications, the im- use of a pentagonal radiator fed by a microstrip feedline with an
plementation of a wide bandwidth with sufficient radiation ef- L-shaped defected ground plane. In addition, this letter inves-
ficiency and the reduction of antenna size in the lowest opera- tigates a simple method of adding parasitic patch elements and
tional frequency band are the two main objectives in the design loading a complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) metama-
terial in the ground plane. In terms of design structure, this
* Corresponding author: Chemseddine Zebiri (czebiri@univ-setfi.dz). method keeps the profile low. In terms of performance, the

doi:10.2528/PIERC23090302 175 Published by THE ELECTROMAGNETIC ACADEMY

Bensid et al.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 1. Geometry of the proposed UWB antenna, (a): top layout and (b): bottom layout.

TABLE 1. Optimized implantable antenna parameters.

Parameter w l wf lf1 lf2 wp lp D

Dimension (mm) 17.75 20 1.5 6.9 6.41 10 2 5.76
Parameter wg1 l1 x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2
Dimension (mm) 12.25 15.5 4.5 3.5 2 0.25 5.5 4.5

FIGURE 2. Step-by-step design process of the proposed antenna.

antenna’s bandwidth is significantly improved, and both effi- 2.2. Design Procedures of the Proposed UWB Antenna
ciency and gain are increased.
In this section, we present a comprehensive description of the
step-by-step implementation of the proposed UWB antenna.
2. ANTENNA DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION We start by providing a detailed account of the construction
process, outlining the required materials and components. Sub-
2.1. Detailed Dimensions sequently, we delve into the operating procedures, offering an
The proposed antenna (Figure 1) is a microstrip patch antenna in-depth explanation of how the antenna functions and interacts
printed on an FR-4 substrate with a thickness of h = 1.6 mm, a within its environment.
relative dielectric permittivity of εr = 4.3, and a loss tangent of The proposed antenna has been evaluated in terms of reflec-
0.0025. To achieve optimal impedance matching, a microstrip tion coefficient, gain, and efficiency with different scenarios
feed line is used to excite the antenna. The pentagonal patch (Figure 2).
antenna has dimensions of 17.75 × 20 mm2 . Simulation studies of the proposed antenna are carried out
The designed antenna is simulated using Computer Simula- using CST, and the results are discussed in the following sec-
tion Technology (CST) microwave studio and was tuned to res- tions. The simulated results are presented in Figure 3, which
onate from 3.01 GHz to 12.41 GHz to meet the defined require- shows the various response parameters for different scenarios.
ments. The different geometrical parameters of this antenna are Table 2 summarizes the performance characteristics of the an-
shown in Figure 1, and all the parameters used to design this an- tenna scenarios obtained in Figure 3. Initially, a monopole an-
tenna are listed in Table 1. tenna is proposed with a circular patch and a modified L-shaped

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 139, 175-185, 2024

(a) (b)


FIGURE 3. Results of the different design stages (a) S11 , (b) Gain and (c) Efficiency.

ground plane as shown in Figure 2 (Ant 1). The model in this significant change is observed in the antenna operating band,
scenario operates in the 3.45–11.48 GHz band. To improve the which meets the UWB band requirements by covering the en-
bandwidth of this antenna, we change the shape of the radiating tire ultra-wideband frequency from 3.01 to 12.41 GHz and im-
element into a pentagonal shape as shown in Figure 2 (Ant 2), proving both gain and efficiency.
which enhances the antenna bandwidth to cover the band from Figure 4 depicts the simulated radiation pattern of the step-
3.4 to 12.1 GHz. However, it does not cover the lower UWB by-step implementation of the proposed UWB antenna. The
frequencies as indicated by the FCC. No significant changes in results indicate that the antenna offers stable radiation patterns
gain and efficiency performance compared to the first scenario in the covered frequency band.
are observed. On the other hand, a thorough investigation of Figure 5 compares the axial ratio of the antenna at differ-
the influence of the parasitic element and CSRR metamaterial ent design stages. The circular and pentagonal patch structures
on the antenna’s performance is conducted in scenarios 3 and (Ant 1 and Ant 2) exhibit linear polarization characteristics.
4, respectively. The introduction of the parasitic element increases the antenna
The introduction of the parasitic element improves the band- current path, resulting in a circular polarization characteristic.
width characteristics (Ant 3). The operating band has been ex- The axial ratio is reduced to 3 dB at 8 GHz. Therefore, the cir-
tended from 3.28 to 11.25 GHz, yet still fails to meet the FCC cular polarization characteristics are achieved by introducing
requirements. By loading the CSRR metamaterial (Ant 4) on the parasitic element.
the ground plane, a significant increase in the operating band In order to characterize the effect of the CSRR metamaterial
is observed with a decrease in gain and efficiency. The pro- structure, the proposed CSRR unit cell CST simulation setup
posed antenna is a combination of scenarios 2, 3, and 4. A is shown in Figure 6(a). The unit cell is placed between two

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Bensid et al.

TABLE 2. Performance comparison of UWB antenna.

Design Band (GHz) Bandwidth (%) Gain range (dB) Efficiency (%) Axial ratio (dB)
Ant 1 3.45–11.48 107% 0.63–5.65 94% 12–28
Ant 2 3.4–12.1 112% 0.5–5.4 95.6% 11.7–23
Ant 3 3.28–11.25 109% 0.84–5.2 94.8% 2.7–32.6
Ant 4 3.15–12.4 117% 1.1–5.52 92.7% 8.4–34
Ant 5 3.01–12.41 123% 2–6.3 98.3% 2.9–35

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIGURE 4. Radiation pattern of the different design steps (a), (b) 3.55 GHz, (c), (d) 7.75 GHz and (e), (f) 10.6 GHz.

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 139, 175-185, 2024

FIGURE 5. Axial ratio of the different design steps.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 6. CSRR unit cell characteristics. (a) Simulation setup. (b) S-parameters. (c) Permittivity. (d) Permeability.

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Bensid et al.

FIGURE 7. Equivalent circuit model of CSRR unit cell.

FIGURE 8. ADS and CST simulated Z parameters.

waveguide ports located along the negative and positive z-axis. 12 GHz, respectively. The S21 shows a peak of −11.4 dB at
In analyzing the features of the proposed metamaterial struc- 8.07 GHz. The effective permittivity and permeability of the
ture for incorporation in the antenna design, the reflection (S11 ) CSRR metamaterial structure are illustrated in Figure 6(c) and
and transmission (S21 ) coefficients are extracted to compute the (d), where a negative permeability is achieved in 2–4.3 GHz and
effective permittivity (εr ) and permeability (µr ), expressed as 7.8–8.12 GHz frequency bands. In addition, the permittivity is
follows [33]. positive over the frequency band. The CSRR cell consists of a
slot, a rectangular patch, and a PI-shaped resonator. The equiv-
v1 = s21 + s11 (1)
alent circuit model of the proposed CSRR metamaterial cell is
v2 = s21 − s11 (2) shown in Figure 7. Combinations of resistors, inductors, and
2 1 − v1 capacitors in series and parallel circuits are used to model the
Effective Permittivity, εr = (3) CSRR cell based on the transmission line and resonator mod-
jk0 d 1 + v1
els, where the line and resonator are represented by the series
2 1 − v2 and parallel RLC circuits, respectively [34–36]. The T-shaped
Effective Permeability, µr = (4)
jk0 d 1 + v2 equivalent electrical circuit of the proposed CSRR cell is repre-
sented by three resonator circuits and a microstrip transmission
where k0 = ωc = 2πf c and d is the slab thickness.
line with a resonator as a coupling part. The slot, rectangular
The metamaterial’s electromagnetic characteristics can be patch, and PI-shaped resonator behave like three RLC paral-
described by the coefficients of the S parameters (S11 and lel circuits defined by resistance (R1, R2, and R3), inductance
S21 ). Figure 6(b) shows the result of the reflectance resonance (L1, L2, and L3), and capacitance (C1, C2, and C3). The cou-
(S11 ) of the dual-band C-SRR at 4.8 and 11.35 GHz (ampli- pling part is modelled by R0, L0, C0 series circuit and R1p,
tude of −26 dB and −16 dB, respectively) and the transmit- L1p, C1p parallel circuit representing the transmission line and
tance (S21 ) at 7.29 GHz (amplitude of −41 dB). The effective rectangular patch in direct contact with the two ports. The RLC
permittivity and permeability of the integrated C-SRR meta- (R0, L0, C0) series and (R1p, L1p, C1p) parallel circuits are the
material structure are illustrated in Figures 6(c) and (d), where microstrip line and the rectangular-shaped resonator, respec-
negative permittivity is achieved in two frequency ranges. The tively. To verify the accuracy of the proposed electrical equiv-
first is roughly between 2 and 4.4 GHz, while the second is be- alent circuit model, its impedance matrix elements, extracted
tween 5.1 and 7.42 GHz. In addition, negative permeability is using ADS software, are compared to the CST simulations. As
achieved between 7.5 and 13 GHz. It can be seen that dual-band illustrated in Figure 8, the real and imaginary parts of both Z11
C-SRR behaves as negative permittivity (ENG) at 4.8 GHz and and Z12 parameters exhibit remarkable agreement, confirming
negative permeability (MNG) at 11.35 GHz. the validity of the proposed circuit.
The equivalent circuit model of the designed CRSS meta-
material cell is shown in Figure 7. In the circuit model, the
combination of inductors and capacitors is both in series and in
parallel. To support the proposed concept and the simulation results, a
The metamaterial cell of Figure 6(a) can be electromagnet- prototype antenna is fabricated and measured.
ically described through the S parameters (Figure 6(b)). The Figure 9 shows photographs of the fabricated UWB-CSRR-
CSRR’s S11 parameter results show three peaks of −15, −28 loaded defected ground pentagonal-shaped monopole antenna
and −27 dB observed at resonance frequencies around 4, 8, and based on the above-mentioned parameters. The return loss,

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 139, 175-185, 2024

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9. Fabricated prototype of the proposed UWB antenna (a) top (b) bottom view.

TABLE 3. Performance comparison of the proposed antenna.

Overall Freq. Impedance Peak Gain

Ref Year Efficiency (%)
size (mm) (GHz) bandwidth % (dB)
[6] 2019 30 × 25 × 0.8 3.1–11.5 114 5.25 NR
[10] 2021 38 × 48 × 1.6 2.33–14.3 143 8.4 NR
[12] 2020 25 × 25 × 1.45 3.1–16.243 136 4.56 NR
[20] 2022 24 × 28 2.9–11.75 120 5.7 92.3
[26] 2020 25 × 26 × 1.6 3.10–10.9 114 3.8 NR
[27] 2019 17 × 22 × 1.588 2.9–11.4 118 >2 88.5
[28] 2022 30 × 17.59 × 1.6 2.66–10.80 119 3.38 99.96
[7] 2023 15 × 20 × 1.6 3.1–18.1 141.51 5.4 90
[31] 2023 24 × 28 × 1.6 3.42–11.79 110 4.08 NR
[33] 2023 30 × 35 × 1.6 3.5–10.4 99.28 NR NR
Proposed antenna 17.75 × 120 × 11.6 3.01–12.41 123 6.3 98.3

FIGURE 10. Radiation pattern measurement setup inside an anechoic chamber.

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(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 11. Current distributions at (a) 3.1 GHz, (b) 7.75 GHz and (c) 10.6 GHz.

FIGURE 12. Simulated and measured S11 of the proposed antenna. FIGURE 13. Simulated and measured gain and efficiency.

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 14. Simulated and measured radiation patterns at (a) 3.1 GHz, (b) 7.75 GHz and (c) 10.6 GHz.

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 139, 175-185, 2024

FIGURE 15. Simulated group delay of the proposed antenna.

gain, efficiency, and radiation pattern of the proposed antenna tions on the other hand. However, this mismatch is bound and
are then measured. lies within admissible margins.
To conduct the S-parameters measurements, the design pro- Figure 13 shows the gain and efficiency of the proposed
totype is connected to the performance network analyzer PNA- UWB antenna. The measured gain varies between 2 and 6.3 dBi
X Vector Network Analyzer in a free space environment. Each in the operating frequency band and tends to increase with fre-
antenna is connected to the PNA port by a low loss 50 Ω feed ca- quency. The efficiency fluctuates between 80% and 98% in the
ble. Figure 10 shows the radiation pattern measurements setup operating band, and good agreement is achieved with measure-
inside an anechoic chamber. A horn antenna is used as a trans- ments.
mitter and the design under test as a receiver. Both antennas are The radiation pattern of the proposed UWB antenna is shown
connected to the VNA, which provides the necessary power to in Figure 14. In the E-plane, the antenna exhibits a dipole-like
the horn and collects the measured data from the AUT. bidirectional radiation pattern at 3.1 GHz, while slightly right-
To better understand the radiating behavior of the proposed and left-handed bidirectional radiation patterns are observed at
antenna, Figure 11 demonstrates the surface current distribu- 7.75 GHz and 10.6 GHz, respectively. On the other hand, the
tions describing the radiation mechanism at different operating antenna exhibits an almost omnidirectional radiation pattern in
frequencies. The first observation that we extrapolate from the the major H-plane at resonant frequencies 3.1 GHz, 7.75 GHz,
picture is the spread of the current density on the edges of the and 10.6 GHz. In general, there is a strong agreement between
structure for all frequencies, and it is not located in the cen- simulated and measured results for different frequencies. The
ter of the pentagonal patch, which enhances the radiation pro- group delay of the UWB antenna is set up by positioning two
cess. Figure 11(a) shows a maximum current density around UWB antennas almost 6 times the wavelength of the lowest
the upper part, between the parasitic element and the CSRR, operating frequency (60 cm) from each other in the face-to-face
which results in the generation of the lower resonance fre- orientation [37]. Figure 15 indicates that the variation in the
quency (3.1 GHz). The current is distributed across the feed line group delay time is minimal and less than 0.8 ns. Therefore, this
and the pentagonal radiator lower side (Figure 11(b)) and all its antenna has the ability to send and receive short pulse signals
sides and the feed (Figure 11(c)), which causes the generation without distortion [37, 38].
of higher resonances at 7.75 GHz and 10.6 GHz, respectively. Table 3 summarizes the performances of the proposed UWB
antenna compared with related recently published works. The
proposed UWB antenna surpasses all related works in terms
3.1. Experimental Validation
of compact size, wide bandwidth, comparable peak gain, effi-
The simulated and measured S11 parameters of the proposed ciency, and low configuration complexity.
antenna are shown and compared in Figure 12. In general, good
agreement is observed, and both simulated and measured re-
sults satisfy the bandwidth requirements. However, some mis-
match between simulations and experiments is observed within This article presents a new compact monopole antenna for
the 3.5–5 GHz and 8 GHz frequency bands which corresponds UWB applications. The proposed antenna consists of a pen-
to the regions of the CSRR’s metamaterial frequency response tagonal radiator with a parasitic patch element and an L-shaped
(activity) as supported by Figure 6. This may be attributed to CSRR-loaded defected ground plane. The design exhibits an
experimental inaccuracies on one hand and simulation assump- impedance bandwidth of 123% (3.01–12.41 GHz). A proto-

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