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5G Wireless


5G: 5th generation wireless technology
Incredible transmission speed(> 1gbps)
Around 2020, the 5G mobile networks are expected to be
5G is still in the planning stages, companies and industry
groups are working together to figure out exactly what it will
be. But they all agree on one matter: As the number of mobile
users and their demand for data rises, 5G must handle far
more traffic at much higher speeds than the base stations that
make up todays cellular networks.
5g mobile wireless technologies should, therefore, tailor their
infrastructure and services to cope with such huge number of
Target performance
Data rate:
1. 10gbps(peak)
2. 1gbps (cell edge)
Spectral efficiency: 10bps/hz
Connection density: 10^6 devices/square km
Mobility and latency:
1. 300-500km/hr
2. 5ms(end to end)
3. 1ms(over the air)
Comparison of 1G to 5G
Comparison of LTE and 5G
5G Vision
Massive Connectivity and the IoT: the massive traffic growth
expected from machine-type communication as a result of billions of
connected devices will cause the network to become congested.
So, a several orders of magnitude increase in network connectivity and
capacity is required, which can be met with network densification,
dense small cell deployment and M-MIMO.
Everything on cloud : Moving data access to the cloud will also play
a significant part in 5G, so that the network can be accessed from
anywhere. Network function virtualization (NFV) can make functions
with hardware compatibility issues run on cloud computing
infrastructure. Thus, there will be a higher reuse of network
infrastructure than in the current network.
Immersive experiences : high speed internet , telepresence ,gigabit
data rate low latency , Spectral Efficiency Improvement etc
Primary technologies and approaches

Full duplex communication

Dense Small cell deployment
Millimeter-wave frequency band
Massive MIMO and beam forming.
Full duplex communication
It potentially increases physical layer capacity by a factor
of two, improves latency of feedback mechanisms,
provides security in physical layer etc

While receiving a designated packet, a node can

transmit another packet in the opposite direction by
making use of FD capability. This not only doubles the
throughput, but also enables other nodes to better detect
active nodes in their neighborhood in a timely manner.

On the other hand, when the node has no packet to

send, it can transmit some feedback message so that any
hidden node can detect the activity in its vicinity and
realize that the channel is in use. As a result the system
throughput can be dramatically increased in Carrier
Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) systems.
Millimeter-wave frequency band
Majority of communication systems are operating in the microwave band
(MW) below 3 GHz. This makes the MW band too scarce.5G can
address such bandwidth scarcity. When higher network capacity
and connectivity are required, additional spectrum is also required.
Moreover, mobile networks have improved quality of service (QoS) by
utilizing additional spectrum (higher frequencies and wider bandwidth).
Therefore, 5G will likely also utilize higher spectrum, such as by using
the millimeter-wave band due to its substantial available bandwidth.
Additional spectrum for 5G networks is vital to satisfy 5G demands
5G systems are expected to use millimeter- wave bands from 2090
1.Full duplex : the received signal at the wireless device is corrupted by
direct interference from transmitted signal at the same node. As such, self-
interference power is much higher than the received signal. Thus, the key
challenge in realizing a full duplex system is how to suppress self-
interference, especially before the low noise amplifier (LNA). Various RF,
analog, and digital self-interference cancellation techniques have been
proposed that can provide up to 120 dB self-interference cancellation,
enabling full duplex communications over femto-cell and Wi-Fi devices.
2. Small cell : To minimize the handoff rate in future 5G heterogenous
networks, control/user plane splitting can be used. Basically, C/U plane
splitting enables mobile terminals to receive system information, issue
access requests to a base station, and get assigned radio resources for high
rate data transmission at a different base station. In heterogeneous
networks, a possible approach is to have the macro base station provide the
signaling service for the whole area in a licensed, low-frequency band (< 3
GHz), while the millimeter-wave small cells specialize in data resources for
high-rate transmission with a light control overhead and appropriate air
interface. This would further reduce control signaling due to high handovers
between small cells and macrocells,or among smallcell
3. Millimeter-wave frequency band:
High path loss compared to MW bands below 3 GHz is one primary
challenge in a millimeter-wave band 5G system. path loss is given by
LFS = 32.4 + 20 log10f + 20 log10R (dB),
f is the carrier frequency in GHz, and R is the distance between the
transmitter and receiver in meters. shrinking the cell coverage area will
further reduce path loss by reducing the required signal path.
A second challenge is signal attenuation at high frequency bands.
Millimeter-wave energy is absorbed by oxygen and water vapor. The oxygen
molecule absorbs electromagnetic energy at around 60 GHz; therefore, the
free-licensed band from 5764 GHz
A third challenge is that millimeter-wave signals penetrate solid materials
with very high losses buildings. High levels of attenuation could limit the use
of millimeter-wave communication from outdoor cells to only outdoor
Massive MIMO and beamforming
One challenge with M-MIMO is pilot contamination from nearby cells as
the number of antennas increases. Researchers must optimize
pilot orthogonality without consuming network resources.

Second, due to the massive number of antennas used, accurate channel

estimation is a challenging issue even with TDD due to huge costs and
complexity. A more sophisticated algorithm is necessary to enable
accurate channel estimation in FDD and to reduce signaling overhead.

Finally, the physical size of M-MIMO is a point of concern because it

requires a very large-scale architecture and larger-sized towers will
create extra technical challenges. This problem can be solved by pairing
M-MIMO with the millimeter-wave Band. A realistic array size will
become possible that facilitates M-MIMO installation.
Current Development to 5G
current mobile phones operate in frequencies between 0.8 to 2.5 GHz,
they are capable of download speeds of only 230 Mbps.

Fujitsu has developed a millimeter-wave prototype receiver small

enough to be incorporated into a mobile Phone which has achieved 20-
Gbps download speed

IEEE has developed the IEEE 802.11ad standard, which operates at 60

GHz and supports a speed of 7 Gbps within a short distance

Samsung has announced that it has achieved 7.5 Gbps, the fastest ever
5G data transmission rate in a stationary environment and has achieved
a stable connection at 1.2 Gbps in a mobile environment from a vehicle at
a speed of 100 km/h at 28 GHz

Nokia has used the 73-GHz carrier with 2-GHz bandwidth

to achieve a speed of 10 Gbps with latency around 1 ms

I have provided an overview of several emerging

technologies for 5G cellular wireless networks. Some of
the open research problems have been outlined,
including those related to testing and measurement of
5G systems.
Future 5G cellular wireless networks will definitely be a
combination of different enabling technologies.
However, the biggest challenge will be to integrate all of
the enabling technologies and make them all work

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